National Action banned. NA disbanding

As of 13/12/2016 National Action ceased to exist as an organisation. This name is not a hill that any of us are willing to die on, there is so much more that all of us can give, and it is our duty as individuals to continue fighting for the National Socialist idea.

Many media outlets have already suggested that the ban will be ineffective - 'they will just change their name' they say, which has worked well enough for the Muslims. However the greatest strength that was expressed in the spirit of National Action was it's imperceptibility. Soon there will be much gloating, our response is a smirk, you would think that by now they would learn to stop underestimating us.

This struggle was always about much more than some 'brand', we are in a the great coming time, a time of great unity and coming-togetherness, and in order to build there had to be destruction, it was inevitable. This opportunity we have been given will be used to its fullest, no attempt will be made to 'circumvent' the law - it is time for bigger and better things.

What an incredible year this was, how much we changed - and this to end it. To be hated by a society that is so utterly sick is now our proudest badge of honour.

It is our intention where possible to offer a legal challenge to this outrageous decision. The clumsy ban on National Action was entirely unjust. Every point of [this profane document]( is a deliberate distortion and malicious lie unworthy of lowest gutter press. In particular are the items relating to so called 'advocacy of violence and terrorism', these are crimes in the United Kingdom, yet in three years not a single individual has been charged with a crime relating to our political activism, let alone a terrorism related offence. All points would crumble under the most cursory Judicial review - we deny every single one of them.

Unlike most right wing organisations we shunned the use of violence, and took a hard stance on sedition - repeated statements on the website and the exceptional conduct of the group attest to that. This deccision will be debated in the week but so far nobody has had the courage to critisice or challenge the final death knell of free speech in this country. Not a single 'so-called' free speech or civil liberties organisation ever approached us. National Action was the front line, the canary in the coal mine - all of you are next, and you will get no pity from us.
National Socialism will survive everything, we know oppression, we were formed in oppression - in a system where the right wing is subject to violence by the state and it's leftist agents, only we could flourish. With the strength of belief we took the blows and adapted until we produced a corps of what are arguably the most dedicated political activists in Britain. The helotic masses are cowards until they are big enough in number and led by the brave few - such is the history of every revolution.

To our loyal friends, and admirers at home and overseas, who have given us so much love and support you have our deepest gratitude and respect. If you are in the US please back up and repost our videos, images, and articles so people will know what it is we built.

National Action is Dead, Long Live National Socialism!

yfw Actional Nation rises to take their place

Just change your name faggot.

So why does britpol hate them again?

nvm they're fucking jew loving faggots anyways so who cares

They're called National Socialists now?

I like you autistic faggots

So what connection was there between the tavistock retard that murdered the sacrificial goat and this group? Because that was the justification made in the press.

Vid related.

Very odd, that link goes to nothing and the national action website is down. The BBC is reporting that NA is banned, which again is weird since NA hasn't been affiliated with any wrong doing.

So let me get this straight

Meanwhile they also say

Honestly are these guys the fucking KKK of the UK? An "intelligence" controlled opposition group thats basically made up of 99% federal agents who end up accidentally busting each other, but make sure that before then they do everything they can do discredit and destroy the chance of any right wing group from existing or drawing in support.

Its all I can think after reading the OP. FFS they basically said other right wing groups are violent, and that the path forward is being cucks that take the jewdicial beatings laying down and give up without a fight while whimpering "we'll fight this! we'll get you next time!"

Someone asked why britpol hates them.. if THIS is what they are, its pretty easy to see why they wouldnt take kindly to them. They're, at best, controlled opposition. And at worst the dumbest and worst kind of moronic cucks there are, who make all of us look bad by any even fringe association that can possibly be made by the left.

NA has always received the losing end of the deal only to come out on top. What parliament doesn't know is that all that NA is is a list of anonymous contact info and an idea. So I for one don't really think these guys are going anywhere. Its a shame though because I was still hoping they'd release the White Jihad video.

This. I like this. This makes me feel righteous. Plus the fact that many lefties I know are depressed angry people. Pol and its views got me out of the darkness, despite the fact that I'm pretty much joining societal pariahs. So be it. What's right is right.

b-but National Action are a state run h-honey pot, right guise….g-guise….

National Reaction would be a good replacement.

please go back to reddit

Lol at the person talking "This year we achieved everything we set out to do" So they actually set out to be labelled terrorists did they? Has anyone got the minute from their last annual conference?

They may well have been, they probably deemed that the honey put was full enough. Now all the people involved (all 12 of them) are marked men.

Maybe they can redo the acronym for "National Action" into something like "Nactional Ation" and just reuse the same insignia. That way they won't have to redo their website or buy new matching sweatshirts.

Or if that doesn't work they could just dust off the old Hakenkreuz armbands and call themselves National Socialists. This isn't Germany so I think that's legal.

Actually yes, assuming their youtube is still up. They're all recorded and freely available.

Nadional Agdion?

Meanwhile, this is given police protection if they decide to march down the street threatening to behead people.

Learn from the commies and INFILTRATE

Why would the government run a honey pot that shunned violence? The whole point of honey pots is to entrap people into committing crimes.

Hurting someone's feelings on Twitter is a crime in the UK. They don't need to advocate violence.

Next step might be happening now though, some sort of "radicalization."

Checked, yeah. This is important to remember whether you think NA is a honeypot or not.


Remaining anonymous while also making your presence known should be the name of the game.

>and anonymously deluge your area in NS memes so that the idea will worm its way into peoples minds, provoke conversation both for and against which in turn will lead to more people looking into it and waking up

How is that even legal?

They're brown is why it's legal. If you're brown in the UK you can get away with anything. See Rotherham.

Pick one

All of that will of course be banned along with it. They will need to detach from all iconography of national action.

If they're genuine, they'll disband and re-found themselves under the name 'Racial Initiative'

Not sure how harsh the laws in the UK are but I would guess it would be illegal for the NA boys to form or affiliate in a political context under another name.

too many people thinking they can beat the jews at their own game. dont let them define the rules, make them fight on our terms.

Just some good ol' boys,may Kek praise them.

Why must I pick one?

They've had wrong thoughts.

yes goy the government would never shut down its own controlled psyop, would they goy.
i want newfags to leave.

That's what you get for being a dafty. Use this opportunity to get involved in localism now, lad.

So have other groups, its odd to pick them out after nothing has happened, screams of controlled opposition.

Well, just wait and see how they start their hunt on wrong opinions everywhere. The law to ban all antisemitism is a good start, the next one is tackling the sites spreading fake news. Good bye Holla Forumsacks, you were the next "controlled opposition".


No no, they should call it National Actional, or Nation Action, or National Action Actional Nation, or Actual Nations Being Nationally Active.


national action did nothing wrong

anal reaction, the thread


They are too damned peaceful and will never do anything.

/britcuckolds/ are civic "nationalists", the type of goyim who are fine with having "Anglo-Indian" wives, also Holla Forums hates Ironmarch for no reason besides not siding with the "saviour of the h'white race" Putin,

No, they actually wouldn't. The whole purpose of a controlled organization is to bait people into conspiracy to commit crimes. Shutting it down would then defeat the entire purpose.

Do we? I'll admit I haven't actually looked into them but from the bits I've heard of their guys on podcasts and such they sound like some good guys.

I use to assume that all boards if given enough time would move to the right but I've seen more redpilling posts on Holla Forums than /Brit/. It's extremely blackpilling.

Pretty sure they have formatting autism at reedit as well.

I barely see people mention Ironmarch here the first place.


No one hates anyone. All division is external. We are only here for the truth, whatever it is.

If it is true, we act on it. If it is false we discard it.

TRS hates them, it's pretty convenient that they mention Ironmarch in every second post when they try to shill their potcast here.

I don't hate NA.

In fact I want every last non English over here executed, the traitors hung for treason.

I want my white England back. To reclaim our lost cities. To avenge the countless victims raped by shitskins.

Don't fall for the civic cuck meme, ethnic nationalist all the way. Foreigners out.

I really just don't get TRS, a long time ago I thought they did when they were calling out cuckservatives and had their "no enemies to the right" thing but for some fucking reason they decided to push left on the alt-lite/alt-right divide. The point of the non-extremists is to stand united with and cover for the extremists, not signal against them together with lefties. (just to make it more confusing they then decided to reverse course once again for about a week when Spencer did his "hail victory" wtf are they doing)
Ramzpaul and localman are irrelevant cucks and certainly not the way forward.


Iron March are like us but it's a namefag forum so it's a little off the rails. The whole "bog" meme is from IronMarch so I'm eternally grateful to them for that because it never fails to make me laugh. They're also like us with the whole "Hitler was great but didn't go far enough" ideology as well, it just seems a little more comical and 2007-aesthetic there because of the forum.

They're good guys though, way better than Brit/pol/ and TRS by leaps and bounds.

is there any other national socialist movements you can join in the UK, was thinking about joining NA.

Phased out after being exposed as state.
The ring-leaders will re-emerge under a new name and the gullible and disillusioned will flock to them again.