thehill. com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/310122-kanye-west-spotted-entering-trump-tower
In related news, ((( spells Trump Tower as "Rump Tower." Pic related. They've since changed it.
thehill. com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/310122-kanye-west-spotted-entering-trump-tower
In related news, ((( spells Trump Tower as "Rump Tower." Pic related. They've since changed it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kanye is secretary or state?!
Secretary of niggers
Kanye has gone rogue. Hard to say what his endgame is at this point, but I'm sure it will be entertaining.
Trump is going to have Kanye West play a part in his inuaguration and in exposing Pizzagate to the sub-100 IQ masses early next year.
This is why the establishment and leftist media is going absolutely batshit insane right now. They know they're running out of time and there's no where to run to on this planet where they won't be hunted down. Not even Israel will be a safe haven.
Rothschild's house of cards is coming down and it's going to be biblical.
All I know is that Scott Adams claims that Kanye is a master persuader and future presidential candidate like Trump. Which I never believed - but given that kanye is somehow rich and famous despite having absolutely no talent or charisma, he might be on to something.
Maybe Trump's now playing 256d chess against himself, and is helping Kanye prep for his 2024 Democrat presidential run in which he'll gut the Democrat party the same way Trump did to the Republicans.
oh my fucking god lefties are losing their shit over this. looks like Trump is getting the nigger vote in 4 years.
Not bad
i want to see this happen just for the leftist reaction
He's fairly competent at making jungle beats, but I don't think Kanye could ever get a presidential campaign off the ground.
for all you know the mental hospital got bribed by trump to let him go
Trump and Kayne got out the elevator together just now, this is fucking surreal
that would make sense, it's shit but the amount of salt would make it worth it.
He will be the victim of black on black crime and Trump will be held responsible.
The big question is if he'll lip-sync, like Beyonce did.
also, don't you forget
would the MSM ever report on that under any circumstances than being forced to do so?
Secretary of the Posterior
Checked. Well done ET. Have some Skittles.
"We've been friends for a long time"
They both look like they just discussed pizzagate for the past hour.
Did he? I thought he just called out the facebook and the MSM before he got put in the bad goy locker.
Weird meeting though. Don't want Trump cozying up to niggers.
Where he say this? Just a tweet or on his blog? Interested in what Dilbert has to say.
do you have a stream or a video?
no he did a rant at his concert. talk about how people were out to kill him and that he supported trump. I think he ended the show after 15 30 minutes.
If I was Kayne I'd want whomever pulled that shit punished and Trump is who I'd go too to make it happen. I hope that's why he's there.
That would be amazing.
don't know how to rip from twatter
that nigger has no idea how much he's about to get jewed by the left
i want to see him tear into the media now like trump's pitbull tbh, keks will be had
So they put Kanye in a psyche ward for supporting Donald. They think they break Kanye's fragile mind, he gets out "treated" then he goes right to trump tower.
has Kanye ever commented on BLM?
I only know the Bush thing.
kanye will be the new king nig-nog?
You know this is burning up shitLIBS all over.
Many keks
Use the mobile version of the site. and then just right click > save video as. Works on facebook too. Go to the individual post, switch the url to the m. mobile site and you can just directly download the video from there.
Also, remember that Trump entire public life in the 80's was being on the scene with big time musicians, actors, and politicians.
He was the power businessman.
This is pretty normal for him.
trump said on cspan's twitter video that he and kanye have been friends for a long time
now im not so sure if the rest of the MSM won't report on it
I will be 9000% smug well into 2017. Thank you Kek for this wonderful ride.
Finds out powerful men are raping, torturing and eating children just down the street from his future residence.
Smile and Optimism: gone.
thanks for the pro-tip
The ride is only beginning…
He's mentioned his Kanye-is-a-secret-genius theory offhand a few times. The most detailed one is here:
He observed in a recent one after Kanye's hospitalization that many of the points he's made about Trump also apply to Kanye, like the seemingly empty rants that are actually loaded with persuasion, and his ability to command attention by doing something stupid and/or controversial.
Quit sucking off this degenerate nigger.
Anyone mining twitter salt?
Degenerate no doubt.
But he can be a useful pawn to discredit and discount BLM.
Scott Adams is fucking moron though.
The ride is just beginning.
Well, technically, from that position she's in, Obama's behind her.
Always two there are, no more, no less
Also, checked.
Other possibility.
Trump is going to be employing living memes now. I can't wait for Sam Hyde to replace Mattis.
I larfed, but then I thought about it. Secretary of Black Affairs might actually not be the worst idea. If some pseudo-ghetto thug with a fat-ass ex raising their kid by herself would probably resonate with the black voters, and they might calm the fuck down if they think they've got an actual voice (not saying they don't, but perception counts for a lot with them). They might turn on their (((masters))).
If dubs, heads will roll.
This just gave me an interesting thought: what if Trump's presidency is also a business powerplay? What better way to remove competition than to be the most powerful man in the world, so to speak?
I can't find haulers to load it and move it fast enough.
Screens, man, screens.
The goal of his run (besides winning) was to elevate his family to the political class.
Top kek, did you really go to the trouble of making a board just to give a salty reply?
'(((they))) say you can rap about anything except for Jesus'
'Yall throwing contracts at me
Yall know that niggas cant read'
(Trying not to sound rude)
Could this also have been a sub-goal perhaps? Like, I have a main goal, but also a bunch underneathe that are like "wouldn't it be cool if could also do these things"?
That's a secret on par with the location of Jimmy Hoffa's body.
scott adams is a moron. his master of persuasion shit involved him writing blogposts about the logical take aways from certain topics. And even then he was wrong a lot of time and simply backtracked "i meant to be wrong its part of persuasion".
Kanye does seem to have a specific talent at getting morons to like him, but thats not necessarily difficult, rare, or desirable. Fuck thats how obama got elected.
Holy fuck go back to wherever you came from you massive fucking faggot.
No, you're thinking like a commie from Holla Forums where everything that isn't explicitly communist has to be framed as evil corporate fascism.
That's not the case here.
Trump is going to be dead in 15 years likely. Old age. He already has it all business-wise.
He wants a future for his children and grandchildren and their descendants. And that means defeating the kikes at their own game and putting an end to Jewish globalism once and for all.
isn't what?
haha, you're thinking so small. So, so small.
a commie from Holla Forums
Kanye is woke as fuck.
I wasn't implying that he wasn't. I was just being subtle.
every year after this will continue to be proclaimed "the best year of our lives"
We're all niggers now.
Trump wants his name enshrined as American "nobility" but he's always been conflicted about his own "outsider" status.
He is keenly aware he is not a Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush, etc. and it's colored both his personality and convictions. I don't think he WANTS to belong to that class, the class that moves effortlessly between politics and business.
Trump despises politicians.
Trump despises political dynasties.
Trump seems proud of being "low nobility" of NYC elevated to such a high status.
I think he wants equal standing for his family name but not to become part of the problematic machine that's irked him throughout his life. I think Trump wants to build a mold, create a brand for the Trump dynasty name as outsiders, rogues, rebels, and champions of the working class as opposed to his dynasty's direct interests.
As to power plays, he's already made them.
He's not even POTUS and he's already tearing things down while building them back up. That's not something someone looking to establish a traditional political dynasty does.
As to the meeting with Kanye, there was a somber but friendly tone. I don't THINK it's necessarily Pizza Gate but I think the general jist is something close. Kanye likely knows quite a bit about Hollywood, connections to Democrats, and the kind of pressure his agent/handlers have put on him to support Democrats like Clinton. Bet your ass he was pressured to be one among a parade of celebrities appearing and performing for Clinton.
Though likely not Pizza-Gate, West has probably been tapped to be the whistle-blower for just how corrupt, out-of-touch, and politically controlled the entertainment industry is. He's going to expose a lot of things, though nothing as damning as pederasty. He's going to do it in a way normies can't ignore and that will generate a lot of traction, especially among black Americans. Kanye will be the megaphone to hopefully break off black Americans from the Democrats and wake up the public at large to just how controlled entertainment really is.
If Kanye's next moves, in conjunction with Trump and a media that can't help but pay attention, convince even 25% of black voters to abandon the Democratic plantation… that's YUGE.
If Kanye's next moves can expose even a handful of powerful agents and entertainment execs as partisan hacks; awesome. If he can expose the celebrity endorsement of Leftists and their causes as a carefully controlled effort to influence normies… amazing!
Did you even watch it?
Stop glorying rap niggers you fucking idiot.
Kanye is smarter than you.
Recognizing a tool isn't glorification.
This is a gift from kek. It causes dissonance for Liberals because they can't imagine a black not eating the party line AND it allows us to mobilize nogs for our own purposes.
I sincerely doubt that.
Well it proves he does have a head on him. Because he may have just set fire to hollywood.
He's very good at operating the akai mpc-2000. That's about it.
Oh, absolutely, everything Scott says should be taken with a grain of salt - it's interesting that his own perception of the world and what "normal" people think is incredibly skewed because he lives in California. He still thinks the word "racist" has any kind of weight, for instance.
He's wrong a lot, but he was still correct more often than most people observing the election. And his insights are interesting, though of course they should be questioned and debated rather than taken as gospel truth.
I would be okay with this.
This. Kanye is either the ace for pizzagate, or a trap.
Only fate can guide what happens here. Knowing the psychiatric meltdown - I doubt he's for the MSM.
What's the bet old alt rock bands start coming out of the woodwork.. if they're not compromised.
I don't think Chris Cornell is, he literally wrote a song called "black hole sun" :^)
Not when it mattered. His final analysis was completely incorrect. He was right when it was easy to be right and when he had to actually project a future he always failed. He was just mildly amusing.
Actually commies are starting to see degeneracy as a negative thing. We're rubbing off on them.
Which is funny, I'm beginning to question the "natural selection" of memes as a theory..
I don't even listen to nig-speak music, but Kanye isn't just another hoodrat tool for the kikes. As far as rappers go, he's one of the smartest. That's not saying much, but don't just write him off because he made his money selling circuses to the plebs. I don't know that he's a genius, but he's no idiot.
This would coincide with Bannon's stated strategy of getting a white majority and then gaining 30-40% of minority voters in order to permanently cripple the Democrats strategy for at least 50 years.
Personally, I think a russian mafia heist really is occurring right now. And involves Clinton. Probably why the CIA is paranoid and can't say what they really know.
Derp. Of course user!
Because if the whole country is stimulated, he benefits from it.
That's why he's president. The conflict of interest is imaginary.
This thread changed my life.
I like niggers now.
It might not last much longer if we don't work though.
My degree is in shambles, but I should know enough to start my venture.
The days of scummie yuppies can only be crushed by valiant entrepreneurs.
Why do these stupid niggers always have an "entourage"?
Kanye is an IDEAL PR person for basketball americans.
Trump was looking for one with Sleepy negro but this one is more in tune with the average pavement ape.
Wait and see approach.
If he flexes muscle he could change the mindset of black people.
Imagine - no more gangsters, they begin to start legitimate businesses.
One can dream.
this kills the leftist
Called it
Bush is an oil tycoon.
He probably didn't care about black people tbh.
Explain that statement or you're a shill pushing the "It's the Russians!!1!" meme
Hmmm… I think we're in for a treat and the media doesn't know what's coming.
One of Trump's greatest abilities is his ability to persuade gigantic audiences. If he's reaching out to a figure like Kanye, I think there might be something cooking in that regard. Remember, we have to find some solution to the (((media))), and if Kanye is involved, I think whatever Trump has planned will change the world completely by the time he's out of office.
Remember when we thought that people were largely rational and facts mattered before this election? And then Trump changed how we thought about humans and the world forever?
Can you imagine a world where rallies + livestreams of rallies + social media posts replace TV and fake news as the official information channels?
Also, he might be defusing the possibility of Kanye2020 for the democrats, which is more likely than it sounds. I'm serious. Again, as Trump showed us, the skills needed to BECOME president and the skills needed to BE president are completely different, and the system we have is moronic because it allows someone who is totally unqualified to become president. Yes, Kanye is a dumb nigger as far as we can see. But that wouldn't stop it from happening.
If you think this isn't news and just say >>>/tmz/, you might be right. The jews I know are saying it's just another distraction, and the media talking about it can't figure it's anything but a distraction either. But I think that these two men meeting might be one of the most important things that changes the future we are headed towards in a big way. This could be the day the jewish media died, and didn't know it.
I also like the idea of a secretary of nigger affairs someone posted, but remember Kanye ain't got time for that shit.
holy shit enough with dildo-bert already
praise kek
Giuliani mate. The guy cracked down on only one mafia in NY and opened the door to the Russians.
I suspect Putin really is tied, that's why they clamped down on Russian Holla Forums users that might discover this.
This really is a global war against corruption. It's over all borders.
Though this is only based on my "spidey senses" which are often right
No. Are you fucking retarded?
Also Russians did not help Trump other than russian Holla Forumssters. Clinton is either connected to the mafia - or more likely an adversary to the mafia.
They knew about CF remember :^)
Good discussion, well deserved dubs
After they expose pizzagate they can move on to pic related
People still joke about this.
But I see this as a sad need for human society. I think only african americans could improve africa.
trip-heil'd muh nigga
it is strange how many of these "educated" folk who want to tell us how to live managed to get through college without taking freshman english. maybe they just dont teach about writing to persuade or ethos, pathos, and logos in 101/102 anymore…
anything niggers dont understand is racist after all
Greater detail, please.
Let me try to get this straight, because you're skipping a lot of steps here and I'm not familiar with this particular view of things, haven't seen it on Holla Forums before.
We know Putin is friendly with some elements when useful, not so friendly with other elements. Overall, Putin is unfriendly with the Russian Mafia, or was early on because they opposed him and represented a powerbase he didn't control
Really, you need to lay this out if you're going to post like that. It's irresponsible to leave fragments of thought rather than a complete and more spelled-out narrative, especially when posting about something relatively esoteric and relatively unknown to the Holla Forums audience. Hell, I haven't seen much written on this idea much of anywhere so get typing.
Explain your shit
You just got persuaded kiddo.
BLM BTFO this is how trump will end the nigger riots
It's more of a hypothetical scenario at this stage.
But the uranium deals with CF and Russia seemed odd. Why would they reveal the foundation after they used it? It's because they never revealed it, but still were trapped and had to attack Clinton in the media. The fact they used the foundation and knew it broke US law suggests they too wanted the deal kept secret. But at the same time they still wanted to remove clinton which suggests a competitive motive.
Given the CFs connections, I have no doubt the russian government is part of a similar syndicate.
The kicker:
Ever wondered why the commies disintegrated in the 80s/90s? How would an organisation get the power to overthrow such a government? Who would want to overthrow a totalitarian government to install more ability to uphold a criminal syndicate?
The mafia would be the only candidate to fulfil those shoes. And they also gave the current russian government it's power.
It's a theory in brainstorm stages.
If Trump himself has mafia connections then the CIA needs to go postal NOW.
neocuckolds aren't taking this very well.
nice digits
This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard
Isn't the Russian Mafia pretty much all Jews anyway?
Russian mafia is jewish.
from kikepedia
Only the movie star pic is unrelated
Yes. They're the underjews who are generally despised by their more genteel diaspora brethren. The implication that somehow the CIA are the good goys at this point is laughable
Do you not know how fucking cancerous the CIA is? How new are you?
The "mafia" which at this point might as well not really exist anymore would probably be a massive upgrade over the shit we've been dealing with for decades.
Ever wondered where the US jewish mafia went after the 50's?
It became a GLOBAL mafia. It took control of the russian mafia in order to overthrow the commies, it also took out the italian mafia.
I don't think we need that, but its funny that we still actually have a Bureau of Indian Affairs. I find it odd that leftists don't bitch and moan more about this, that we have a government body specifically dealing with injuns. They mostly just hand out land for casinos and shit though. However, one local tribe near me, despite being one of the first to contact Europeans still has to fight the feds for recognition. Also, they still get their meetinghalls shut down by local towns. All this just made me realize that the feds really do only care for minorities for political purposes. Since you can't really use the disappearing first nations anymore, who gives a fuck about them. Leftist politicians are phonies.
the press got btfo there, with both Trump and West ignoring or being evasive about their questions. Also that press woman's grating voice is unbearable. Kanye seemed really pissed off.
He probably didn't care about anyone outside his rich circle
set up a series of tubes
To the mafia?
Very cancerous. That's why Trump and Clinton are very quiet on their opinions on the CIA. To hide their intentions.
Clickbait conspiracy theories are go for launch:
Would you rather the jewish mafia run your country or the religious jews?
I'd prefer the latter.
We could deal with the religious jews later.
Alternatively, purge both at the same time through people power. I'm tired of this bullshit tbh.
I think you're right in that this is probably bigger for reasons that we can't even really see right now.
You really must be new. The CIA is an anti-American rouge agency and should be dismantled.
"We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - CIA Director William Casey
Lurk moar please.
because they're KANGZ
I disagree. They seem to be the hardest to infiltrate and have eyed off subversion since day one as intended.
Why do you think Holla Forums gets so many technical posters? We're essentially their fall-back if their own organisation is compromised. That sounds stupid but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Being a jew is a cultural, ethnic, or religious identity depending on what is most advantageous for the actor at the time. I care not if they're practicing. Honestly, I don't care that they're jews in any normal definition of the identity. I care for anti-american intent.
You can't disagree with this. It is provable beyond any reasonable standard of doubt. It is basically a premise. Lurk more for even half a day and this information will be presented to you in spades
also that director was part of the Knights of Malta.
Trump already said he will be removing people from the CIA and putting in his own people. kikes are fucking finished.
He was Christian, a lot of the people inside are strangely largely Christian too.
Doesn't that seem strange? How it's demonised by the media?
Funny that. :^)
No that just means they got an open door.
I think Trump really was a plant to subvert the CIA the whole time.
We're about ten thousand times better than the CIA, mostly because we have 10k x less homosexuals.
They are far more technically adapted.
If they fear subversion, they need to knock on our doors soon.
Otherwise, I'm wrong.
Today, we're either niggers or jews.
Forgive me, Kek. For I have sinned.
If Trump talks Kayne West in to runing in 2020 even if it's a total failure it will D&C the Democratic base. With out the blacks the dems can't win anything.
I'm losing patience with you. The Knights of Malta is Masonic == Luciferian. If anything the FBI is demonized by the media.
Those two symbols may highlight two competing syndicates, or entwined syndicates.
Furthermore, Clinton's syndicate has an upside down illuminati symbol.
The christian theory explains all of that.
Having anything to do with a nigger rapper is a net negative for Trump.
I know he's not a white nationalist…
…but he should be.
trying so hard to increase the noise in this thread. you must be really scared.
Both are demonised. Both have had subversion attempts.
Don't you get it? We have enemies controlling our governments in all nations around the world.
Time to kick ass Holla Forums. I think I might start talking to comrades even though they are stupid commies.
Argue, don't just post reply and a mudsling.
thats pretty cool
Nonsense, they have nothing to do with make-up.
Now, if you had said rogue agency, I would have agreed.
I don't know who they really work for, but I know it ain't us.
We already understood this, newfag-kun.
I disagree. They seem to hate every other institution in power in the US right now. And for good reason. This subversion is at levels unprecedented.
Bush ran CIA, killed JFK, created the Clintons, etc. Do you still not know who they work for?
I wanted to believe you were sincere but you are either -1 st. dev intelligence or sowing discord, your theory makes 0 sense, is dreadfully low info, and you need to stop
I seriously wonder if they're legit threatening his life.
Maybe he's at a place where he feels he can only trust Trump.
More mudslinging.
Ok, why would the Russian government be disconnected from the Russian mafia?
Why would they use the CF while throwing Clinton under the bus?
Why would the CIA still affirm it's position on Russia when it should be against Clinton's subversion?
Because it's trying to lie so much that you don't know what it is doing. The reason why is because it tries to sucker all institutions into trusting it.
It is what I consider - the all seeing eye.
Trump seemed to be showing a lot of concern when he said that.
Is it me or he's a few skulls, purity seals and a hat away from looking like a commissar?
He always seems to be showing a lot of things user. That's how he works.
kanye west has an organisation DONDA
it tutors youths on creative arts
this place is in chiraq
Weakness does not necessarily make you humble, just weak.
Infirmity does not make the things you do any better.
Poverty does not make you wise.
You do not ask for power to "gain the praise of men," you ask for power to stop evil men.
Receiving nothing to enjoy life with only means you have nothing to enjoy.
Receiving nothing you ask for does not make you blessed, just weak, infirm, impoverished, powerless, and without joy.
You'll get nowhere thinking this way, user.
But is he wrong though? Kikes love using deflection since they dragged the world into the first world war by killing some pole under under the banner of Germany, I believe. Either way, kikes love using misdirection to keep them out of the limelight. Don't go chasing spooks now. :^)
So Dilbert-guy have succeeded to make himself a meme here so you persuaded shitposters spam for him. Sad.
That's not how chaos works bitch
Kanye is based and redpilled.
He's as insightful as Patrice Oneal. He needs protection from Donald because he's been speaking up and has become a target. There were some high level signals that basically said "he's under my protection so don't fucking try it."
If they don't, Trump is compromised.
Dilbert guy is CY's Milhouse. Think about it.
I am not mudslinging. But you are throwing shit at the wall and trying to see what sticks with other anons. Knights of Malta is demonstrably Luciferian/Masonic, not Christian. Intel agencies (in modern age, the CIA) have committed some of the worst acts against American interests for the last 100 years. Spanish War = USS Maine, WW1 = Lusitania, WW2 = Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor, Vietnam = Gulf of Tonkin. Further, the Saddam/Desert Storm double cross, Bin Laden vis a vis 9/11, etc. etc. The list goes on and on. Saying that you are below st. dev. intelligence is very charitable given what we know about the intelligence community and the deep state and the views your are pushing. Honestly, are you unintelligent, deluded, or paid? I have presented you with simple evidence and you have not changed your beliefs, and are using sophistry to discredit anyone who comes against you. What are you so afraid of?
You mean the management calls the shots and culls any bad goyim that might be an issue? Holy shit, you are dense. Fuck alphabet agencies for a sec, do you know how employment works?
check'd & heil'd
To quote from a poster on a much better board:
>I think in America you're liberal if you want Negroes to gangbang your daughter, and you're conservative if you want one Negro to marry her and start behaving himself
Sage this bullshit
Not him, but consider the following;
Knowing all of this; I say we destroy all the jews, trade with the Russian (but never trust them) and purge the CIA.
You're an imbecile if you really trust Trump, Clinton, Russia, the Feds, anyone in a position of authority right now.
I want all the jews and blacks eradicated from the face of the earth do tot hen being an existential threat to my people.
Hi brit/pol/!
Alphabet agencies still require checks. While some employees lie through their teeth to get their positions, most are legitimate.
Why do you think they post here?
Now who's talking out of their ass.
I always wondered if they send their best, or if this is a punish post.
I think they send their best.
Brit/pol/ is unironically less queer than this faggot board, eat shit coonfy
You are, because they need lower end employees to handle small matters.
The lower enders destroyed the Bolshevik corruption of the soviet union remember.
That prayer is like asking a hobo how to strike it rich. In short, absolutely useless but an element of subversion to the uninducted (in logical and critical thinking) individual.
Those trips are criminally underappreciated.
2016 just keeps getting weirder and weirder
More like what could Trump actually do? These men are more powerful and more well connected than him and don't leave themselves open to prosecution or capture.
And reported.
What is that!?!?!
Porn for ants!?!?!
Reminder that the Confederacy was started by jews.
how old are you?
Fuck off with your obsessive compulsive alphabet damage-control… and of all agencies you're sucking the dick of the one that's most corrupt. Seriously, fuck off and stop shitting up this thread.
No wonder the Confederates lost.
Holy shit.
You fought with us,Brit.
You where the thread they couldn't sink.
Would you abandon us now?
After all the wars we fought together?
Is it just because you don't want to gas the jews?
Please don't go Brit/pol/-kun.
Congratulations, you've exposed yourself. I never said I trusted anyone. Equating a Trump presidency as a trading sideways event as trust or blind faith shows how arrogant (((you))) have become. You will get the rope.
While they were pulling the strings on the north. Kikes will always play both sides.
They were infiltrated some time ago. It's like a microcosm of Britain herself.
Yes Trump equals Clinton equals Russia equals all Fed agencies. They are literally all the same exact thing! goy
and I agree with the above guys. The hypothesis holds little water, is unsupported by anything more than the poster's "spidey sense", and is incoherent as hell. It's not just disconnected or tenuous, it's incoherent. The meat and potatoes of a conspiracy are that it's coherent- there are tangible threads and leaps of logic that CAN be made to connect these things.
The Russian Mafia Hypothesis is just garbage.
Not sure if trolling, poor use of irony, or bad shill.
Trump hasn't done anything, even insofar as appointments go, to indicate he's not what was advertised- an advocate for peace, American non-interventionism, safer borders, etc.
Remember, he's Donald Trump. He likes to delegate but he doesn't tolerate rogue actors in positions of power. He has very specific ideas of what he wants done, he trusts his subordinates to handle that within the bounds of his wishes. If they don't, they're fired.
Just look at the autistic level of detail control he keeps over interior in his buildings, services at his hotels, minor touches at his golf courses and clubs, etc.
He trusts his architects to design the buildings to his liking, he trusts his contractors to fulfill their roles as well. He has no problem firing or punishing those who don't comply with his grander vision. It's proven effective and he's done well enough so far in his transition.
and i think you're a cuck faggot for thinking about niggers fucking white women
The south and all of Alaska as well as most sane people are autistic
i hate niggers too but i'm an adult who understands how the game is played. you're just a little edgelord on an imageboard who never leaves the damn house.
I seriously doubt it would tear them from their jewish masters, but, ironically, this would be the "olive branch" :^^^^^) to the cuckservatives of this election.
I don't imagine it would be anything but a great troll, and the only way we could work this in our favor would appointing a secretary for every ethnicity. A move like that could be a huge benefit, as it would be a pseudo-segregationary move and give each ethnicity grounds for governing their own affairs with the President as the final voice on matters concerning each ethnicity
until they decide they want to secede and we break into the ethno nations we were always supposed to be
Pretty sure the only thing he is an actual genius at is squandering his money.
Didn't he almost go broke not to long ago, when he went begging to Zuckerberg for money?
Pretty sure he went begging for money because no one wanted to fund his new business. It wasn't a measure of being broke, rather than business continuity.
Also, didn't the feds already warn his ass from stepping out of line in Paris?
Woops, meant to say the alphabets, not just the feds.
So what he's still just a fucking nigger
Dubs don't lie. Feels have always been stronger than reals, and will continue to be stronger forever.
This will generate infinite amounts of salt
How long until they start calling him an uncle tom?
Get fucked, cuck. No niggers belong in America. All blacks must be exterminated.
I think we have several kids of Anons here.
1. Anons who can see the value of a cultural impacting Basketball American working for us, getting our message out. It discredits the left and sews dysentery in the ranks.
2. Anons who want to kill all darkies and thinking dealing with any black is a crime.
3. Shills.
Obviously we don't live in a perfect world and there are lots of steps to be taken.
He really is on Holla Forums, isn't he?
Name names live on air
I for one would thank his noble sacrifice :^)
All I'm doing is retorting. What is so bad about that?
Seriously, it's like you want people to stop posting :^)
No D&C here schlomo
does this count?
Beautiful I would love to see this.
Wow. Apparently questioning things is a ropeable offence.
You will get the rope for having a tiny penis.
They are not the same thing, but they all do have a conflict of interest with the common folk.
I think of that song every time I see an image of the Black Sun. Is he really one of us?
That's more or less the only three types of anons here on Holla Forums in general. Though I tend to see that the first batch of anons tend to be murrican and nuEU anons. The second batch tend to be classic brit/pol/ May kek grant them peace in the afterlife. The third batch is just business as usual.
I guess this is the first step where they believe all niggers hate trump and he forces kayne to do shit he doesnt want to do. Maybe it will be uncle tom next week.
No. He's a stupid exploitable fool. It just makes me question the symbol more.
If Britpol is so hardcore… why is their country a few steps from shira law?
To keep other niggers away from them. Imagine all the random niggers begging for money he'd have to constantly shake off if he went out without bodyguards.
Kanye did mention pizzagate somewhere before.
nothing wrong with it at all. you're teaching newfags how to identify d&c tactics. all of your best efforts only make Holla Forums stronger.
so obvious.
That actually makes sense, I keep forgetting about niggers with their "giving back to the community" shit.
There's actually a fourth: those that are newfags and legitimately don't understand the first two groups (or the third for that matter).
Because Merkel is a crazy bitch who cucked the entire EU. Blaming brit/pol/ for EU's problems is like blaming us burgers for kike manipulation when the damn foundation was seated long before the most of us were born.
You haven't said anything related to the subject. Filtered.
Either you are an idiot for ever thinking of that, or you got persuaded hard by the dilbert merchant into thinking that you ever believed that.
The 4th are jesters and fools.
Or trolls.
I'm pretty sure it was just Scott himself posting.
Why is this nigger important again? Because you think he can subvert chimps because muh celebrity status?
Fuck you, wrong.
If you are looking for that, there is Killer Mike and El-Producto. Extremely well known and actually their music is good, unlike the garbage "yo boy Jeezy" calls music.
How did he manage to do this though?
He was literally getting tortured into submission back into the zog machine just days ago
Now he has made his great escape. It would be cool as fuck for Trump TV to make a biopic on this next year, to see how it played out.
So you're basically a hipster for nigger music?
No thanks.
Do you have the full story on that? I know he was checked into a mental hospital after he said he would've voted for Trump if he did vote.
lefties were calling for him to run in 2020. No-one has even heard of those other gorillas you mentioned.
My first reaction to your post was incredulity. I doubted that could be an option. I now no longer doubt it. We need to push for this hard.
They both look crazy uneasy.
Actually, I think whites make better rap than niggers.
I don't give a fuck about rap, but this stuff smokes. Not about bitches, money, etc.
Wax (Half-cuban) and MC Slug (Half-white) are the only good rappers.
"Killer Mike" endorsed Sanders, I remember that. I also remember most normal white people being turned off by that, because any nigger that calls themselves "Killer" is not somebody you want to be around. I'm positive the endorsement had a net-negative effect on Sandberg's camapaign.
Holy shit, fuck off back to Reddit, you nigger-loving retard.
Niggers are shit because they are an inferior race, you stupid cunt
Yes, and I'm dreaming for niggers to be permanently exterminated - as you should be too, Redditor.
I think that's a very nice poem
fuck off back to your basement edgelord
As a burger, I am trying my best not to shitpost with impunity. No one can really choose where they are born and raised but on the other hand:
>Being in the EU in the first place
That level of autism isn't much, are you sure you know where you are?
Yes they are an inferior race. But so are pooloos, and pooloos don't run around shooting people and acting retarded, at least not to the degree of niggers. If pooloos can be civilized, so can niggers
Checked. You are probably right. I have to say that Killer Mike is beast though. Smart as fuck, basically your new Tupac. Together with Jamie, they're savage.
Reported for obvious shill.
And let's not forge the internal culling each race will go through to fix this mess. It will be a cozy and smug feeling seeing all the leftist cucks get slaughtered, executed, deported, or a mix of the three!
There's your first mistake mate. If there is one and only one thing niggers are right about, it's that they are special.
We seriously COULD meme Blaxit if we had one or two prominent rappers on our side.
I scoffed, but fuck me, kang nigga fucking named the jews.
Must suck having the intelligence of a common nigger.
Must suck not being able to read or comprehend simple languages.
Only whites can improve Africa because only whites built everything that is there now. Sending niggers home is only temporary while we restore our homelands. When African Reconquista happens (the real kind, not the kind I mentioned before), the resources of the continent will be laid bare to us, and not an inch of land will ever be removed from white hands again.
Not understanding solutions in degrees and the proper moment for action. Do you prematurely ejaculate in all aspects of your life?
100% certain you are either illiterate or just didn’t read the post.
Can you blame Him?
Everyone knows they had Kanye in for "correction" (torture) as soon as He Stood By Trump.
Trump Knows The Poor Bastard is in danger and has probably already set up people to protect Him.
Keep on listening to the lugenpresse and assume blacks are above you.
Meme it real
If you have no idea that the word special has been used since middle medieval to describe retarded or requiring special needs, you need to go back to school.
Didn't they restrain this guy & ship him to some psych ward "to recover" when he got too redpilled? I wouldn't trust him not to be an MK Ultra subject. Who knows what the kikes had done to his mind during that time.
You can't even read into two sentences and all you can do is greentext and throw stale meme imagery around? And you think you can call me mad?
this. Trump probably just got a massive redpill on kike psychiatry.
how has no man checked these dubs? shameful
So instead of backing up your argument as to why the lugenpresse is right and blacks are "special" you resort to insults when someone simply mentioned that even the normalfags are not falling for the stale meme of that blacks are superior in any way. So go ahead and tell me more about how i'm wrong and the lugenpresse is actually honest about the status of the average nigger.
You need to really reread my sentence. The words "special" has been used to described retarded before any of us are born. So what the fuck are you even on about?
Media reported that he went "crazy" and was checked into a (((mental institution)))
All it takes to categorise somebody as "crazy" these days is for them to go against the grain, support Trump, and Tell People The Truth that the media has been lying to them it seems.
Thank fuck he reached out to the God Emperor for help.
Are we living in the non canon timeline?
Trump knows quite a few rappers, in the 90s he was the white guy they emulated, there are probably a hundred rap songs of some nigger claiming he wants to be like Trump.
Shit many have met the guy and liked him, Kanye met Trump for the first I believe in early 2000s I think right before Graduation Album.
Pooloos aren't civilized. Their antecedent race was, but they have degenerated.
I assumed you were talking about "special" in the sense of social status. The only way anyone would believe that garbage is if they only cited (((racial studies))) while ignoring reality. Oh well, I made myself look like an ass on an anonymous image board. I'll go kill myself now.
All you did really is cement the burger not mastering English stereotype. No harm done you transsexual.
Sorry, but we don't like putting the letter u in everything. :^)
I can see it happening. A long with Kanye being used to comment and drop redpills on the media in ways Trump could not. At first I thought Trump was merely gathering all the memes (Sam Hyde meeting when?) but who knows how deep Kanye and Trump will go with this.
I do think a lot of people will frame this as Kanye and Trump teaming up to fight the illuminati which will sit well with the negroes who dislike that stuff (remember how hard they reacted to spirit cooking). Trump has affirmed even more of the black vote.
I would be okay with this to be quite honest, family.
Can you imagine how much salt would come of this if it occurred?
Trump looks and acts like a fuckin beast no matter who hes around. I love their embrace at the end.
As far how the two look, Kanye was just held against his will for almost a month. I am sure there was a lot of emotion on Kanye's side and knowing his personality I have no doubt Kanye wants vengeance towards the people who did this to him. I bet he will be used to try and help ease tensions BLM is causing.
Knights of Malta are at war with the Templar Luciferian Knights. After the disbanding of the Templars, The Pope gave the gold of the Templars to the Malta and the Hospitalier Knights
They have Knights of Malta degrees but they are mocking the real KoM
From the Masons in there own words from their highest degree here:
The Kennedy's arent souch a political dynasty as a victim of memehood. Really think about it. Two assassination s, one 'accident', and a worthless drunk. Thats not a dynasty, thats an epic tragedy.
At least he did a fly-over of New Orleans. Obama, the black president, didn't even do that. When Louisiana flooded he just played golf.
Nate Silver was 100% last election. How'd he do this time?
By the time Gorbachec had begun loosening restrictions, the Mafiya had already taken the place of the free market. Brezhnev didnt care and let the rot grow.
The Russian Mafiya is the only group that prospered.
Michael Jackson named the jew as well, it didn't end up so well for him.
No doubt he changed all his predictions the day of the election and got it 100%. He's a genius goy!
Nate Ash going to war with HuffPo was a highlight of the late election season.
It's Catholic you dumb faggot.
This shit just get's more and more bizarre.
Were in a shitty fan fic timeline
it's "politically incorrect"
supporting trump is politically incorrect
return to your safe space where nobody lies things you don't like
A lotta concern for a President-Elect!
That was fucking odd lads. There was nothing awkward about that, Trump shaking entourage blacks hand, fucking what is going on.
There was so much emotion there I don't even know where to begin. Something happened. Neither will talk about it. I am sure we will see the results soon.
They seemed very determined, how I would imagine people would look after talking about satanic pedo rings and how to deal with them.
I like how everything is going here.
Coming off the elevator isn't really a grand enough entrance. Coming down stairs, now that's an entrance. He needs to do some remodeling.
Reminder he's friend with Stacy Dash who was in one of his early videos, and is the sister of Dame Dash another Trump supporter and founder of Roc-A-Fella
He definitely needs the protection now. Like MJ they will try to turn everything on him and try to destroy him. They tried it to Donald. It didn't work out so well.
this is the best timeline no doubt
Makes me think it's about Pizzagate. Trump seems very worried/protective about Kanye.
It begins
Wtf is going on? Is something about to go down?
And it didn't even had to be one of us to start that fire.
it's me too.
multicultural issues. That can be and mean so much.
Is it just me, or does the way the Don tells Kanye goodbye sound protective?
Something happened to Kanye. Somehow he got away, and now Trump now knows what happened. +1 to
Well, that ties that dangling thread up. As usual, President Madman outfoxes us all.
Are we living in an anime yet? It feels like it.
2017 will be even crazier. They are going to roll out Blue Beam.
Holy fucking shit.
Kanye confirms 8 years of Trump.
This is what needs to be done.
Definitely talking about some crazy conspiracy shit.
well that wasn't what I meant to post
Did you encode that with a potato?
>less than 4MB
Ah, that explains it. :^)
I just selected the wrong webm, leave me alone
Consider yourself bullied kiddo.
So we can have another king nigger. One that is retarded pretty much.
Been attempting to post for 15 minutes straight, gave up and just screenshot my post.
yfw Kanye West becomes the voice of the natsoc revolution
This timeline makes no sense, I'm not even worried about it anymore.
Good analysis.
IMKamphy is handing out bans for any little thing to clear out regular users. He wants only Holla Forums kids
Quality post
CY+1 is weird… next year is going to be insane. the left will go full retard harder than ever once Trump is in office. the media will get moar and moar radical in their satire and the Right will enjoy a time of dominace in the house and senate allowing hopefully some new Right-wing blood into the system
meant to attach to the earlier post.
IMKamphy is handing out bans for any little thing to clear out regular users. He wants only Holla Forums kids
Friendly reminder that codemonkey is a faggot from Holla Forums
I've had this problem too. What the hell is the problem with this site? I'll type a nice long response, try to post it, nothing. Delete it, write something else, it posts fine. Copy-paste my original text, try again, it doesn't work. Screenshot it and it works. What in the fuck?
Good analysis too.
Moonman and Yeezy duo when?
Do you think Kanye wanted to see just how far DJT is going to go against the establishment, which would also include his handlers? It's clear that Kanye was institutionalized against his will after his (((personal trainer))) called 911 when Kanye was acting strange. There's quite funny about the amount of emergency personnel that responded to his mansion and how he went straight to the loony bin as if that was a previously agreed upon course of action should Kanye starts going off script.
Season 2 of that show is so fucking good.
There's a few that understand the Jewish control. Micheal Jackson. Patrice Oneal. David Chapelle. Kat Williams.
The pattern looks like: celebrity figures out how hollywood works, says something a little too true in public, is forced into rehab, is maligned by the press as being crazy and the last step is they wind up dead.
The events surrounding Kanye recently are pretty fucking crazy and he's already named the Jew. I'm inclined to believe this is all because he just really, really, really doesn't give a fuck and he started popping off about Jews.
Also Chapelle and Gibson both went off the reservation and immediately got /fit/ . I think that's something that happens after you realize how bad (((people))) want to hurt you.
Maybe, just maybe, he bans you for off topic D+C spamming?
Kanye got 302'd. Psychiatrists and connected psychologists can throw anyone they want into the hospital for 72 hours at will.
No thanks.
Kanye is worth a lot of money to some (((people))). To them, he is an investment. You don't 302 somebody's multi-million dollar investment unless they let you. Unless they tell you to. People like Kanye are protected from that kind of shit, it only happens if their handlers are okay with it.
Kanye got jewed by his jew owners, and he likely knows it.
O-Oy vey ignore this goyim! Mr. West needs to be (((hospitalized))) again!
the big worry is he's in the red for tens of millions, same reason MJ was killed (and Whitney Houston), there's more money in you being dead at a certain point for musicians
What? I havent made a single post about migrating, just reminding people that codemonkey is a faggot. Its good to know who is a faggot and who isnt >>>Holla Forums1142007
Best part of video is Ivanka's ass
5150 in California
Kanye confirmed for being bullied by the Jew
Yeah this is the guy that called the cops on him.
forward. com/articles/174793/harley-pasternak-jewish-fitness-trainer-to-the-sta/
He never mentioned Jews. He sees them as honkies
Reminder that the EU outright promised the sky to, lied and intimidated every country possible in order to force them into the EU.
No… He bans for anything because he's a kike like you
Mark my words, and mark them well. Kojima is involved.
His SNL skit on election night wasn't completely pozzed, which is saying a lot for SNL. Probably hates the kikes in secret.
I don't even know what's going on anymore. What universe are we in?
what did he mean by this?
Well whatever they call it, same principle. Kanye is worth too much money for some random doctor to fuck with like that.
Potentially true. His personal finances aren't really important in that consideration though, Kanye could be broke as shit while the record company still makes lots of money from him.
Can he own a gun after being 302'd? If not, that may be a strategy to put him away. I think Trump pulled his ass out of the fire. It looks to me like (((they))) had the board set up to shut him down.
> Kanye is worth too much money to the jews for some random doctor to fuck with like that.
Should have been more clear.
Kanye is a big time weeaboo that spouts off autistically about anime every chance he gets so that's not surprising.
He was creating context, Jack.
How is Kojima related to this?
Wew, the memes are out of control.
I don't know, but I believe it.
Got to be honest anons. I feel pity for this nigger. It looks like they've done a number on the poor cunt. What a legend the God Emperor is. This poor jigaboo just got out of the loony bin and was probably feeling pretty sorry for himself, when he got invited for a sit-down with the President Elect. I'm almost in tears anons. That's our future President. What a fucking guy!
1/ voters
2/ citizens
3/ chimpout prone chimps
4/ gibmedats suckers
5/ huge ability to paralize shit by their pure inertia if they want to shit things up
for all those reasons, trump needs as much nigger support as he can get: he needs niggerdom to understand he's on their side, as in he will make their lives better than any other president could
get a clue nigger
it's not "cozying up"
it's "i'm the best deal you'll ever get, what do you have to lose, follow me or keep dying"
You'd need to be a hack to write this kind of script.
He's still using shit like "Illuminati." and refused (((money))) He's basically purple-pilled and they see that as a threat. They tried to unperson him. It was months of the media saying he was crazy, but everything he has said seemed cogent to me. I've seen no evidence of Chappelle being not of sound mind to justify (((the narrative.)))
No prayer in hell.
I wouldn't hold the "illuminati" talk against him. If I were in his position and were trying to speak publicly about the jews, I'd probably code it like that too.
Here, let me fix that.
Kojima is a well known ruseman and troll. MGS fanboys always get worked up whenever he posts anything on Twitter, and he takes advantage of it.
This, basically
The important thing is that he's changed his plans from 2020 to 2024. That means he will not oppose Trump, which means the next election(>implying) will be boring, which means we will win.
Either he fears Trump and thinks he would lose, or he respects Trump and doesn't want to cross him, or he's planning on running as a Republican or whatever the right-wing party calls itself after 8 years of Trump…
I think we need to talk.
If you're part of what I think you are, and what this comment shows that you are, you already know pretty much everything about me.
The salt in the comments is rather hilarious though.
I would not be surprised if Kojima gets drawn into all of this somehow. Kojima is a big time westaboo, loves movies, and like a lot of Japs probably likes Trump since he is similar to some of his characters. It's only a matter of time. The salt such a connection would yield will make the Quiet stuff look like a table packet of salt.
Oh buddy, you are in for the ride of your motherfucking life when this all comes to the surface.
Love that he's got Kim walking around with a slave collar on
What a guy
Liberals are getting salty as fuck that Kanye's overshadowing the "muh Aleppo" shoafest, so it's already a win in my book.
wew wew wew takes every little opportunity to take a jab or perceived jab at Trump. You know how Trump always has this style where he'll say something good about something, something a little bad (but true) then finish off with something good? Like at the Army/Navy game?
It's a very typical kind of statement by Trump, he does it that way all the time, and everybody knows about the general quality of armed forces football. (because they get to act as a filter and choose what you get to see, that's their primary role) chooses only to run the portion about "I don’t know if it’s necessarily the best football", maybe up to the spirit part, I don't remember.
This will go on for Trumps entire term because he always peppers his comments in a similar way, and every time the newsmedia will act like somebody mentioned is supposed to be butthurt about the comment, when they don't actually care at all.
topkek He's got a way higher "fuck it" level then me. I wouldn't have worn a dress but I sure would have taken the jew money if they were throwing it at me for another season. Not as hard core as MJ though. You can't compete
with calling Tommy Matola satan and writing shit like this
I noticed he put it off. It's a good get for Trump. It has the subtext of "dear black people, Trump is ok. Signed, A Rapper." It probably means a lot.
This election cycle has so incredibly desensitized me to their fake narratives that i honestly barely even noticed all the obvious bullshit about Aleppo. All i know is based Assad won, kikes lost.
How soon before captured "rebels" are revealed as CIA? That shit will be hilarious and maybe why the CIA is making so much noise now.
I remember a video where US special forces or some shit were getting kicked out of Syrian villages by the rebels the US armed. I'll try find it.
Alright boys, get ready for Get Analysis courtesy pic related.
ID: 8a70e1
Now for sweeping statements which were near gets
this would have been a legendary get.
More abstract get analysis:
An interesting pattern of digits.
Also an interesting pattern of digits.
And lastly:
Nothing that I see here as far as digits but damn would this be a wild time.
Heartless niga
That's why they've been running with the "Fake News" narrative so hard. It was never about Trump, Trump was just a cover story for preemptively discrediting the ISIS/CIA story as Russian propaganda.
got it
no, look up CIA and The Finders and you'll get the big picture
Please tell more.
I think the ceasefire in Aleppo last week to """evacuate civilians""" was more of a US asset exchange with Russia than it was for the depraved bakery owning citizens of the hovel of Aleppo. Furthermore, I would say that everyone below an mid-upper level of command for ISIS is not aware of US, Israeli and Saudi involvement in their operations and instead really think they are an organic terrorist group headed by some Mossad operative LARPing Osama Bin Laden's script.
Not surprising. What was originally a push to control all news (Hillary talked about targeting these sites before the election) is now an extensive damage control operation.
Together, they are the most powerful Voltron.
These are not quotes, this is directed at the thread in general. Any of you seeing this, please take a look. I solemnly swear to Kek that I'm not LARPing, shilling, or a faggot.
This phrase is a dogwhistle for the literal diamond dogs
As far as I know they aren't exactly a military mercenary organization, they're something deeper. They're involved with a broad group of people, worldwide, including many artists, to cause what has been termed "mass sublation". I have related proofs, including extensive chat logs with a person claiming to have been a game designer who stumbled into an ARG that lead to him being "poached" by them, and they're currently holding him captive. I do not have a smoking gun, but I'd never seen a single hint that this was real aside from my conversations with him. As far as I am concerned, this dogwhistle is the smoke - just not directly and undeniably tied to the gun. ID 8a79e1 vanished as soon as I called him out with these posts:
The takeaway from this is that a collection of powerful individuals and globally known artists, filmmakers, and game designers are preparing for a massive display of artistic power designed to subvert what they believe to be corrupt institutions, such as most world governments. There is, as best as I can tell, neither a way to stop this nor a reason to. I am completely in support of what I believe their agenda to be, and am posting this to create context. The hints are all there already, they're just waiting for there to be sufficient context for someone to mentally cope with the burden of tying them all together to assess the meaning of the work as a whole. The picture is not literal. Nobody could have prevented this, but it's about to happen. It's essentially a memetic hazard designed to restart society.
To get a look at the mindset of a doggie who's lurking here, please look at all posts by ID 8a79e1.
This post highlights the juicy bits. Look at the mindset though - redpilled and arrogant.
Are you kidding me? It's an MGS2 ref, silly. Still, the mass sublation stuff sounds interesting. The only reference I can find is a paper on how the Chinese manage their media percepts.
Fancy seeing you here the second I posted that. I am serious about getting into contact. I've been talking to your Jack extensively for a while.
Senpai you are being silly. But so you are putting for that someone is trying to "solve" hegelian dialectics?
You guys have been very cruel to him, but we've been talking about it and he did sign that contract and agree to go to China so I guess the ends justify the memes.
I'm alleging that there is a massive conspiracy based on the use of Hegelian dialectics to reshape the global consciousness in a positive way. It's a great conspiracy. I've been hoping that it's true for a while. Your shill tactics (MGS2 ref, silly) and the strawman (suggesting that I said that someone is trying to solve hegelian dialectics when I simply alluded to their use) are only convincing me further.
Holla Forums is dead, you are the cancer that killed it
I better get to get laid once its all said and done
After everything I've done to help I demand it
I honestly wish I knew what you were talking about because it is a hell of a lot more interesting in the shit I am actually involved in, which consists of me sitting in front of a computer and moping. >
Well that's the meaning of the word sublation, right? I just removed "mass" from the google search and that was the first thing to come up. Being moderately educated, it seemed like a pretty easy "scheme" that artists might try.
How would they transmit the data, though?
Did you read the thread you autistic nigger?
Kojima was urging us to use our memetic powers to influence world politics
Did you? Its just the same fucking post that has already been made multiple times in this thread. They are trying to imply anyone here went "muh based nigger" but noone did. You should know better than to reply to that
If you want to know what I'm talking about, we need to get in touch through some form of browser-based encrypted messaging system like ChatCrypt. I'll open a room, and we'll have to figure out who's who.
This is one of the hints. There are fucking thousands.
you mean posts by people who aren't faggots from reddit? I guess everyone who disagrees with you is a shill, right?
Did you read the thread?
But Kojima didn't write MGR, that was Hideki Kamiya
The data is hidden in the artwork which has been produced. According to the "Jack" I've been in contact with, there are a broad spectrum of references and connections to this spanning songs produced by major musicians, movies, tv shows, and videogames. Once the curtain begins to lift, and people begin making the connections, they'll discover that the truth has been in front of them the entire time, and has been literally espoused in media such as this:
It'll play out exactly like the scene in the Johnny Hitler episode of Season 2 Danger 5. Jackson is forced to write a words all over a blackboard as a punishment by a highschool principal, so he covers the blackboard in images. The principal asks if he's finished his punishment in a later scene. Dialogue paraphrased.
Based Fucking Year.
Better and better. Also, Kojima didn't literally do all of this. He puppetmastered it.
For the record, motherfuckers, attempting to delete the google drive folder I have all of my chatlogs saved in is futile. They're on an external HD in my safe, and if you run up you will most definitively get dun up.
Pls don't EMP my house
This is the most autistic form of LARPing I've ever seen, please fuck off, and then get some help user
Autism is kind of a false positive as far as the appliation of occam's razor goes. I can't deny your dubs, but I'm not autistic and I'm not larping.
Nah I'm good. I have to report to the Anguis later tonight.
What we know
If kanye had hard evidence of the spirit cooking pedo activities Trump could cut him a deal or have kanye take the stand in court. Most likely cutting kanye into business deals a few years after the trial to make him a king of africa, and security from people Trump trusts for now.
Why? Did he finally manage to get his head off of his ass?
This Year just won't stop, Will It? Next Year being the Fire Dick Should be even Crazier
user you're either a really naive LARPer or a really bad shill, you're telling me Kojima is wrapped up in some international fucking conspiracy? Whats next, your gunna tell me that him getting fired from Konami was really just an attempt to silence him by TPTB?
I wouldn't rule it out, but there's no brakes on his train.
Maybe at one point he was, but he's been a commie ever since he formed Audioslave (probably the influence of RATM members).
By which I mean there is no legal method by which what he's doing can be stopped. Life is an anime.
Sorry, I missed this reference because I don't actually watch anime but I do know biology. For the audience, this was a reference to this:
I just got the Ouroboros reference.
Now I know exactly who you are and why you are messing with me. I miss you guys.
Ouroboros is fake. We're talking about P E N D U L U M.
This is the basis of the 'Jar-Jar is the sith-lord' plot that Lucas was going to use in the prequels, only it was originally based on Snoop Dogg.
One day, Lucas was at a party where Snoop was and Snoop was doing all his shiznit, bizzet bullshit and later when they were alone, Snoop starting talking normal and was actually intelligent. It freaked the fuck out of George.
Kanye is probably similar.
No you don't. I'm a renegade.
Eh, that was just kojimbo wanting to make movies and the CEOs of konami getting heat from the yakuza because konami was just going to be a money laundering front but this faggot had to go and make video games.
But I have enough honor not to maintain your false pretenses.
Please stop, this is just embarassing, Kojima is not some god that Holla Forums makes him out to be, he was a glorified ideas man that went full George Lucas when he got too much creative control. Either come out and out right say your stupid theory about Kojima being an international spy soldier or fuck off back to SA
I've never even played MGS, idiot. Why are you referencing SA?
I wish I had pretenses. I'm just a drunk mage.
Okay Konami calm down.
It was just Bants. It's what average joe's do to pass the Time.
Also, I don't have a theory about Kojima being an international spy soldier. The extent of my theories about Kojima have already been laid out in this thread.
And I'm a terrifyingly sober one with no formal training.
Mind is willing, soul remains? I've been having some nightmares lately.
Trump Tower is so cool.
It's like the Batcave or something.
Kojima redpilled the fuck out of his team and now they make shit like this. Kojimbo our bro.
Limp Bizkit confirmed for new 1488 theme song.
ISBN: 4862643965? Hot or cold?
Who are you referring to?
lurk more
Really cold. Look into Umberto Eco.
Thanks. Have this:
Kanye has been wololo'd to our side. Its why he had his "mental breakdown". Kek has granted us a very powerful weapon.
This is reminding me of a tour I served in Uqbar.
Did you read the Prague Cemetary? The Protocols are produced by Jewish psychosis.
I worked with a guy from there when I was staying in Eumeswil.
Are you familiar with the politics of experience?
I kinda undersold my involvement with Uqbar. I basically ran the place for a while. I struck an enormous amount of oil, and started a conspiracy that resulted in the airforces of my enemies bombing eachother's oil supplies, leaving me the #1 source of oil in the world. It was dank af, and I would do things like crash the market on a whim or to avoid paying international terrifs (a fucked up thing) in order to give oil to allied countries for free.
The year ends with a fire monkey.
At least this time the nigger was actually born in America.
Almost certainly true.
R. D. Laing, the Politics of Experience. It shows a remarkably lucid worldview.
I love this song but the lyrics are so disgusting.
It's funny how easy picking you guys out gets once you know what to look for.
as best as I can tell:
Ignore the schizo, he's just LARPing. This is the same guy who was claiming to be part of the "great game" in the Russia thread.
ignore him. he broke his brain trying to pierce the veil.
ok what the fuck
can you link to the thread so that I may assess the crazy for myself?
He's not crazy, he's just having a good time. We all need to do the LARPwalkabout every so often.
Yeah that was actually pretty spooky.
I've figured it out. I've figured out Kanye's 2024 campaign slogan:
Make America Groid Again
Nah, I just didn't read or look at the pic. I just saw Chappelle and Gibson and wondered who Gibson was.
I am now trying to figure out if Trump planned this or if Kanye and Trump planned this or what. Also, laughing at Perry heading the agency he wanted to put down. Trump should get Paul for the Fed for maximum butthurt.
Do I have even a small sliver of your collective attention?
What is Uqbar?
We are
(dubs of truth)
I dont know what to make of this shit anymore… though I do know I'm about to get completely shit on for what I'm about to post
I'm conflicted these days on what to think about Trump. Some of his picks have been iffy, people we obviously do not want holding any power, but hes building bridges between different groups that seemingly shouldnt get along. Meanwhile hes having full blown satanic cult niggers who very obviously sold their souls to get where they are, show up to meet him, and despite being hard leftists like Kanye, they end up speaking highly of Trump afterwards. I mean these are full blown hands-up-the-ass muppets for hollyjew we're talking about here, and they HATE Trump, but now their muppets are all coming to play for him? What the hell man?
Either the man is touched by God and is undoing all the wrong our enemies have done over the years… or… maybe hes the one a certain very old religious book warns about, one who looks like a miracle worker in the modern day, who beats impossible odds, who simply speaks with his previous enemies and they cry out their support for him, who deceives the masses and have them worshiping him… I swear if the man faces a real assassination attempt and gets hit and survives it, I'm going in the woods and building a fort and hiding
But heres the real kicker, what alternative do we even have anymore, what options DID we even have? On one side we're faced by the crazed SJW and marxist hordes hell bent on the destruction of our race, our nation, and of each of us as individuals, they would cry tears of joy to specifically see all of us here tortured and flayed alive. They're puppets of a very old, very vicious enemy, that wants nothing more than to subjugate the world under their collective rule from a specific oven-ready nation. And their armies do their biding gleefully. We COULD NOT suffer them to advance any further by getting killary in office, it would have meant our assured destruction.
On another side we have the masses of Islam, a religion straight from the bowels of hell, thats brainwashed nearly 1/3rd of the planet (a funny number that pops up a lot in that old book), and would also see our nations and race destroyed, our heads on pikes, and our women gang raped into oblivion. We could not suffer THEM to make any headway either, which would be assured under killary.
And on the final side, we have Trump, and if he turned out to be something just as dark in a biblical scale as the other two enemies we face… how are we not fucked no matter what we did, or what we do going forward?
But maybe thats the whole thing. Maybe we werent meant to have a choice in all of this, we were meant to be left with no options. I mean, if I were some demonic love child thats what I would spend centuries setting into motion, a time to rise to power when all other roads lead to destruction and even those who dont worship me, at least view me as better than the alternatives.
Am I alone in thinking about this lately? I'm not saying any of this is other than the mad ravings of a sleep deprived man. I'm not saying Trump is some ancient evil incarnate. And I'm certainly not saying I'd have had this election go the other way. I just… dont know what I think anymore. Were we all duped? Was it all a game we were stuck playing that we had no actual winning moves? Are all these strange should-be-enemies coming out to back Trump some kind of sign?.. I just dont know anymore
And now, the piling on of hate can begin, bring it on guys, I've earned it.
This song is for you.
mfw a thread about Kanye turns into a "Based Kojima" conspiracy thread, the times we live in! :')
(shit-tier meme i made)
Just a game I used to play.
More info? Seems interesting.
Don't worry guys Trump is literally still Hitler!
MJ was white when he died.
Go read a book, pleb.
Look up Jorges Luis Borges.
is this chain something we should pay attention to?
Refer to:
These two answers constitute, as far as I am aware, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Why do they both look so disturbed/worried?
Everybody should be paying attention to it.
I'm just the domino that was accidentally knocked over. I have no idea how many dominoes I'm adjacent to, or where they stop.
Also, ANGRY ABOUT ELVES.mp4 reads like a veiled threat. If it is, I'll 1v1 you in a non-lethal manner in any sport we can mutually agree upon. I suggest Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube.
Trump has very few celebrity supporters, and even fewer publicly support him. (((Hollywood))) wants Kanye dead for going against the narrative and showing people that they still have freedom of choice. Trump wants Kanye to stay alive so he has a celebrity supporter, and Kanye doesn't want to (((commit suicide))) or have a (((heart attack))).
They both realize we are on the verge of a civil war, should our enemies decide they want to flip the table.
To use the dwarf metaphor presented up thread
we dug too deep.
A bleached nigger is still a nigger.
Does whatever was metaphorically found have the potential to destroy diamonds?
That first picture seems photoshopped
Has anyone noticed how weird the tone of this thread has become? It doesn't read like 8/pol/ at all.
I'll be honest, I was only slightly unsettled and then I began listening to the song and now I'm
I blame you
Yeah, fuck off, Redditor
I don't give a fuck about civilising shitskins, you stupid Redditnigger. All non-whites should be eradicated.
nvm everything seems normal
I mean, guilty as charged. But there's no real discussion of the claims I made, and most interestingly not a single request of the alleged proofs.
Good. Now we can upload our implant tech into you. Look up the phrases "Karellen" "Zohar" and "Wave Existence" in order.
nah, it's real and from NSDAP olympics.
Hang yourself, kike.
True, but he also promoted cuckoldry by cucking ancient egyptian Eddie Murphy in one of his music videos, so he lost the protection of the egyptian pantheon as a result, leading to his eventual demise. Also he was sympathetic to Islam.
It is. That's why the jews are trying to steal its thunder by casting a shadow over the whole thing with their own bastardization that they can then parade around as the "actual", "modern" version. And they would have gotten away with it too, had it not for Trump pulling the rug from their feet.
What a shitty thread indeed.
Why is Kanye the only one not smiling?
IDK man, I always have a huge smile on my face immediately after being let out of a mental institution and presumably prodded at and treated like an animal during my stay.
Because after his latest outburst and seeming intention to betray his former handlers, he's gonna have to start WE WUZZing about being alive.
This is the kind of mindset that makes me admire Trump. He has no authority but himself, and he urges to follow that example. You're not quitting, you're firing your boss. You aren't running away, you are banishing the bad boss from your life. You are letting him go. You are in control, you're the big guy who's making decisions at all points of your life.
He's the only person at real risk. We should give Mr. West some credit for his courage.
This chart is by based Pastor Anderson, and goes with his Revelation series.
Here's my theory:
The kings represent global empires. The undisputed hegemons of the time period they ruled.
The 5 fallen Kings/Kingdoms:
One is:
Other not yet come:
Who is the "American King"? Some might say Washington or Lincoln, but I think Trump will outshine all his predecessors. Trump will be the modern day Nebuchadnezzar. (The Head of Gold in the statue in Daniel is said to represent Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom).
The beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven:
Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism in order to marry her husband.
He will not regard the God of his fathers, which means his paternal line goes back to Abraham.
He'll also be a MGTOW
try looking up "Zersetzung-Apophenia-Coleridge"
daily reminder that Micheal Jackson was framed for child molestation for naming the jew and later killed for it
S. T. or a different one?
I was just about to say that. A philosophy of defeat if I ever saw one.
He seems like an alright guy.
The book of Daniel describes the political situation of its time. It is not forward looking prophecy.
Mr. T himself.
Yikes Kikes.
I'm gonna go do some dusting. I'll be around though.
Also this cuck seems like his conditioning is finally breaking
Holla Forums has a funny tendency to latch onto anyone who even faintly agrees with our views, regardless of their past deeds or misdeeds.
Kanye, for example, started the whole fracas with Bush about not caring about black people back when he was president.
I don't care too much about that, though - if he's really changed, I applaud him.
Boehner's conditioning broke ages ago, why do you think he resigned?
Yeah, but he was still a cuck. Still is. I'm wondering if he's now going to go full Holla Forums
He's new to the redpill. It took me quite a while to smile again after I took it.
That's what he said.
so what you're saying is that WH40k is real?
Thats not a half bad theory, I mean, I've heard the idea of the fallen "kings" being kingdoms/nations/states before, with a different list of course with the british empire being the one before the USA, which would be the sixth (the "one that is") and somehow a new global empire could come out of it, the seventh, which would only last a short while before collapsing which could give a sort of "rebirth" to one of the previous nations as the world leader.
It could also be that the EU was the seventh, the US lost a lot of power and authority to the EU in subtle ways, including but not limited to their currency being worth more than ours. But it only lasted a short time and is now collapsing, and just as its dying what happens but the US sees a leader come to power that is very much about rebuilding our fallen nation as a world power above others, with allies we basically never thought we'd have (again), like Russia.
This would benefit nicely from a "You Are Here" arrow.
But the bit about Trumps grandkid doesnt actually fit. He "is" and "is of the seven" parts fit, but what about the "that was?" His grandfather may have been, but he himself never "was" in theory. Most interpretations of this think the one that is the last and "was of the seven" needs to be literally one of the previous ones come back from what would be considered "death," so for example a collapsed or powerless, or weakened, nation
As for the last bit, it also fits well with the last greentext, if again we dont put people but nations as the kings. "neither shall he (the man of perdition - ie: the eighth nation that is a reborn nation) regard the God of his fathers, etc." Well, look at the US as it stands now, its a godless nation that rejects the god of its creators (the founders), rejects women (how much faggotry goes on, though "reject women" implies reject sexuality or sexual desire and I'm not sure thats a big thing yet, rejects any god (well thats self evident), for he shall magnify himself above all, and lets face it the US right now is full of self righteous arrogant egocentric leftists that think they are the literal center of the universe in their own deluded ways
Least ways I think we're getting close to the end these days
Crazy thought that I'm going to catch hell for, I'm sure;
What if Trump is the antichrist, and we're all being deceived? I've always assumed it was Soros, but…
No, you're just regurgitating Scott Adams' bs. A vote for Trump wasn't an irrational vote. Trump is the president because he won the vote of those who believed he would be the defender of the country, on the border/immigration front, on the economic front/globalism/jobs, etc. Something Clinton couldn't be. But something Trump could be. If he delivers then I expect him to win more than 70% of the white vote next time.
if it does we better prepare for demon siege.
Give me a tl;dr
the fact that there's an uncertainty here and this is a tor post has me wondering if you were supposed to post that.
I don't accept Anderson's authority,
Wow, the world's laziest D+C.
Well, the famine and death of one quarter's gonna happen, with the african population bubble as it is.
This was literally what I posted first, just more.. drawn out here , mostly to try to avoid getting instantly destroyed by other anons
Which is what I was getting at, the whole making should-be massive enemies into friends with just one meeting, professing their love for him, beating impossible odds to work miracles with the election… all modern day takes on old world understanding/writing
Plus it would be a prime time for it. What other choice did we have but him? Killary and ww3? The shekel grubbers Stein and Sanders that would have us all standing in bread lines? We're surrounded by enemies, the sjws, jews, muslims, niggers, marxists… with only one option to strike back.. gift wrapped and handed to us on a silver platter. There was no other choice to be had.
Its all a crazy what-if scenario though. Masterfully constructed if true, we either gave up and let our enemies destroy us, or we pray and take the one hope left to us. Like I said though, if Trump survives an assassination attempt, I'm moving inna woods immediately.
Not an argument.
It actually is.
The song, user. Did you listen to it?
and checkedmate
Yeah he did, he started ranting at one of his shows and one of the things he said is that he supported Trump.
Trump at rally: You're going to like Kanye
Trump confirms a position for Kanye!
Yeah I also considered the British Empire. The only thing is they weren't the only imperial power in the world at the time. Spain and Portugal for example were competing.
And don't get tripped up on the "that was" part.
The part that says
Just refers to the fact that the beast will receive a deadly wound to the head, and his wound will be healed causing all the nations to wonder after him. That means he'll be resurrected from the dead after being assassinated and everyone will believe he's some kind of god:
And yeah I'm not deadset on the Ivanka's son thing, but I'm watching out for it. If he ever is made head of the new global government- the Eighth Kingdom- then we are gonna see some serious stuff.
I put forth a proposition. That is an argument, by definition. Regurgitating Molyneux's bit, however, is not one.
My guess would be, if any of its true, we'd be at the start. Not quite on the timeline yet, but getting close. Obviously none of the second half has happened, so we're before that. And sure, theres lots of wars around the world, but the "world" isnt at war, which means we're before that point as obviously the next two would be mass starvation and famine and we havent hit those yet either.
I would guess that, again lets just in theory say Trump or the USA were about to become the anti-christ or beast or w/e, either a man or a nation, the first step is to to go forth and conquer which will lead to a mass world war, probably involving nukes, OR it could mean conquer economically in a passive way, but dealing with muslims could cause them to go nuts in every nation they're in which COULD lead to mass chaos, terrorist bombings, and essentially the "world at war" with islam. Which could easily cause the 3rd/4th seals, lots of starvation as the west couldnt feed that shithole africa anymore, and death as a result of war and fallout would be assured as well.
Either way, I'd say we're not yet on the map
No shit. muh dick
This song…! It was made for you!
I feel like we're rapidly approaching mass starvation. If not in the next few years, in the next few decades.
Not if these guys have a say in the matter.
Not yet, headphone batteries died, they're charging and I dont have speakers for my PC so my wireless headset is all I have and they're picky and bitch if I try to turn them off before they're fully charged
This is true, I only considered the british because they were the world reserve currency holders before we were, which effectively made them more powerful. Its also possible "european empire" could be a concept as well, while they fought each other, Europe DID basically conquer the world if taken all together.
But yeah the was, is, is not, shall be, is the cookie monster parts always trip me up, I know its meant to talk about the apparent dead coming back and people being amazed and so forth… but then again, in this day and age how many would just flat freak the fuck out if an actual person did that? Bible knowledge is pretty common, and a person flat out getting shot in the head and reviving on their own would set off all kinds of alarm bells. It would have to be wwaaayyy more subtle but equally profound. Which is again why I think it could be speaking of the US as a world power. We went from a world power, to dying effectively with the whole world mocking/laughing, if we came back and suddenly the other nations are all sucking our dicks in awe at our new greatness? … would seem to fit
Don't worry too much about the apocalypse. There's a strong chance that the mark of the beast is literally fear.
Give a starving african some rice, and he'll just pump out five more kids that then starve. Adding more food just inflates the bubble.
We really need a more accurate word to describe it.
eschatological terror?
That's the most accurate description of it i've read yet.
It's not that unusual for nigger rappers to meet the President. Eazy E met with George H W Bush, back before the JDL had him pozzed and killed for refusing their blackmail scam (I'm not kidding, look it up).
Pulled it up on my phone.. didnt even think about that until just now
Thats kind of… a dark song in this context. I think I get what you're aiming at here.
Tom Waits taught me that the hole in my heart was made for me.
If he decides to run in the Democratic Party in 2024 then he doesn't know the future situation and doesn't want to be seen smiling with the enemy. Or he's just tired after getting out from the mental hospital.
wait, fuck. German has us covered. Zersetzung is really, really close.
"The German word Zersetzung is harsh, and has no direct English equivalent." She described, "Zersetzung, as a concept, involves the annihilation of the inner-self."
Decline, undermining, subversion, corrosion, decay.
Have you read this? I've tried to share it here twice already but the posts don't work. Fingers crossed, third time's the charm.
Shumer is one of the Waco pricks
since german can do compound strings easily, whatever "fear of" is can be spliced on for the perfect definition.
Yeah I'd guess you don't believe the bible either.
I think Steven Anderson's the real deal. I think bottom line he just doesn't want people going to Hell. (vid related) It doesn't look like he cares about fame or money.
And he's the first Christian I've ever seen explain the bible coherently. After I saw him rippin on Jews I went to his youtube page, and his default video explaining salvation got me saved and made me a Christian. Pretty cool how shitposting led to eternal life.
^ was meant to be quoting you. You have to have at least a little bit of curiosity as to how I managed to both bring up the subject and come up with the definition.
Good to know.
How is the weather in Tel Aviv?
underrated post tbh
I had this happen once. I just copied the text, reloaded the page and tried again and it worked. Dunno if you guys have tried that yet
Not particularly.
I have nothing against christians.
I have something against the ones that try to shill Holla Forums 24 fucking 7.
This has been happening to me off and on lately. It usually involves longer posts, but not character limit posts. I usually just end up breaking the post down into 2-3 segments
what are your thoughts on the zersetzung definition?
get over yourself nigger
"Christians" on Holla Forums range from Deus Vult catholics, to Russian Orthodox, to Pastor Anderson baptists. It's no different than the varying flavors of Evolva and Paganism. Memeing your own ideology when it's on topic isn't "shilling." You just don't like it because you disagree and think you're special.
Fuck off Steve.
for the record all I did was claim that Kojima was involved and look at this clusterfuck.
shills take note.
It seems a bit more nuanced than eschatological terror.
May I ask what's up with the on-and-off saging?
apophenia is good for seeing the unseen. but you need stronger reality checking than most people so you don't beautiful mind yourself into a straightjacket.
What meds are you supposed to be on, user?
You can't control the moshpit of anonymous conversation, and you're a cunt for trying.
Fuck off Steve.
Once again, MGR was not made by Kojima or his team, he just provided the money and okay'd the canon of it all
Armstrong was just a megalomaniac anyways. There wasn't anything redpilled about him, just full on anarkiddie "there should be no power not derived from personal strength".
Oh fuck, was he a Stirnerite? Whatever you can physically control is your property?
The fact that you guys still think I'm the game dev is fascinating. You should really have a better idea of what he's up to online.
I'm also not a deliberately induced split personality or dissociation of his, since that is within the realm of possibility.
I'm wondering if this isn't a bot itself.
No that was already completed.
Alternate Reality Game, like LARPing but more serious
I've done a bunch of genetics work personally, but I don't have access to my source code so I can't say for sure.
Why dont you just take it for what it is and believe in the almighty Kek. Im actually happy now that fina-fucking-ly the good guys won and you make up all this d&c bullshit.
I dont believe trump is Hitler's 2nd coming but he is helping our cause. Most of it and that is why we should support him. Jesus, the man is thinking about banning porn and you think he's the anti christ? If there ever was an anti christ, it was either hillary or her gang literally worshipping satan.
Just to put this in perspective, don't forget Obama called Kanye a jackass on national TV. West is probably loving getting some measure of revenge
Yeah, this thread is definitely being targetedly shitposted in. If not by a goon or bot, by somebody.
Because when is anything ever that easy? Mind you, kek is a god of CHAOS, so lets say kek is real, and our memes praised him and he forced his will and ours to manifest, what do you think CHAOS actually entails? To me, I dont think of it as something that would give a crap about stability of a nation or its quintessential rebirth.. not unless the end result would be chaos in some manner.
Now maybe you can see he/we threw the left into chaos, and thats what his nature got out of it. But with the election over that chaos will ultimately die down, its human nature, you cant stay at "maximum over rage" like the left was at during the election all the time. People burn out, they settle down. And more to the point, what if Trump DOES make America great again? Then the left will eventually have to concede that he did good as president and there wont be this perpetual angst and shit flinging going on, especially if he does good things immediately that people can feel.
Also on the porn thing, I mean, again, if I were a dark god that wanted people to think I was good, I'd play at and even go forward with things that support the idea of moral ideals like banning porn. The goal IS obedience and blind faith after all.
Anyway, the only reason I even brought this up here is because itll be lost in the heap in a day or two at most anyway. So no leftist freakos are gonna get their hands on it and think "OMG TRUMPS BASE IS TURNING ON HIM AND THINKS HES THE ANTICHRIST!" Because its all just theory and ideas anyway, I didnt say I BELIEVE any of it, no more than I believe in kek for that matter.
I still don't think I'm shitposting and nobody's actually discussed it with me.
Dave Chappelle always skimmers and stutters through his political views, but you can tell from his expressions that never actually says what he actually wants to say and remains eternally "neutral". He always pussies out and falls back to his racebaiting faggotry, he knows his audience are all whinny niggers and must circlejerk the victim complex to keep up his gig.
what game? I don't see mention of a game anywhere in that comment chain. Did you just go non-linear?
what did he mean by this?
this goy gets it
If you've made 25 times more posts than the average ID has in a thread then you're obviously fucking shitposting. That your posts are stream-of-consciousness bullshit should be clue enough.
You're welcome.
Seeing all this talk of a Antichrist compels me to show you this kikebook post from a spic
Personally I think people are making too big a deal out of this election, I didn't expect people to make it BIBLICAL though. Or at least not so many.
debatable, but not a debate worth having
claims bullshit without addressing the argument. not an argument. I'll stop posting for a while anyways. Tell jack to check his phone.
To be fair a decent amount of us think the election was puppeted by an ancient egyptian frog god
The Negroid in Pic 1 is Jessie Owens isn't it
Only the retards. People who have been here longer than the election know that kek is just a meme.
It has to be leather
It's cool as fuck having a golden presidental palace.
topkek. Nobody is going to talk about how fucking crazy and surreal it is that Kanye made his hair look like Trump?
Besides jews I'm quite sure they talked about high level trolling. They probably had a fucking powerpoint: "1. Jews 2. Trolling. "
Apparently in Canada they tend to do that, its hilarious to think of it but they act like niggers there.
lmao didnt even fucking notice
Race mixing faggot preacher who is pure beta male. Fuck you
That's true of humanity in general. But give the man credit. He speaks out to power without fear. The George Bush thing was clearly an emotional lapse, he obviously has many demons and is trying his best to find the proper path. Hope he succeeds.
i see he even factored in the inevitable effect of pervasive hard drug addiction on the facial structure and expression
Didn't Leonardo DiCaprio do a movie about the CIA? J.Edgar.. And then he went and met up with Trump.. Hmmm.
After 8 years of Trump, we're going to be tired of winning anyways.
I haven't seen this meme in a while. r u an oldfag?
Not even close to half as old as Wilford Brimley.
god this fucking tone it's like everyone's a 25-35 IT professional
Fuck off you kike shill
Fucking checked, holy shit
I'm pretty sure it is. Funny thing is he had nothing but nice things to say about Hitler.
look at the shitstorm that developed out of that. make your own conclusions.
Cuckstian mindset
Look on Uncle Hotep's Twitter. It's been happening for a while
Notice how Kanye didn't say a word to the press? With all the shit they throw at him, he's got just as much reason to starve them out as Don has. Right now, they have never wanted so badly to print what he's saying, and he gives them NOTHING. I love it.
Dude is a big ass weeb indeed. Good taste in videogames and anime. I'm not complaining that he met up with the God Emperor.
How did it come to this again? Just look at this fucking image. How did we meme this hard?
Yeah, nice touch, it's an improvement over his incessant yapping
He is a hollywood pawn who has no taste in music, clothes or women, much less the finer things of life of which he knows nothing, since he is a nigger.
yfw Trump had the meeting to explain to Kanye how he was going to make Anime real. Using Tesla's dimensional portal technology.
Do you understand what you just said
because it's fucking hilarious
Cancer aside, I think this sums it up nicely.
I think that there is no long-term future for blacks and whites to cooperate. In the end, all we can hope for is that the two peacefully seperate and go their own way, instead of a race war.
We definitely memed this one
don't ever use that word again
Bullying = blackmail, threats, coercion, and other such
supporting teachers = supporting redpilling (and also actually supporting teachers)
modernizing curriculums = taking jewish/marxist propaganda out of schools, and much more
violence in Chicago = violence in Chicago
wait what
God damnit, this nigger praising thread is attracting niggers to this board. Please fuck off sub species.
i know where scott lives
I played through it in high school, while on lsd. I was so tripped out, when the corrupt ai told me to turn off the game, I did. was a fucking mind fuck.
ego death?
gas lighting.
Life comes at ya fast.
John Paul II was "The One", faggot.
*eyes suspiciously*
I'm a believer. Godspeed, user. The flow is with you.
They've got no idea what to make of this, the reporters couldn't figure out what to ask.
the manshake of destiny
Kojima has nothing at all to do with Metal Gear Rising which is probably why it's the best Metal Gear game in the franchise.
okay, satan.
>invalidating the work of based plat. nips
also Kojima is a fucking sperg who can't write for shit, that's why MGS went to shit with snake eater's "whacky nippon bond film" shit, he adopted western cucked conventions and his games reflect it.
At least he kind of repented with 4 because you dismantle globalism and learn that BB and Zero were basically megakikes.
get the fuck out of here.
Maybe not but metal gear is still his, and lest we forget fucking George Sears AKA Solidus, who literally just wanted to make america great again And also killed raiden's parents for some reason but who cares
we really missed hell by a spider's thread lads
Doesn't Kayne have a twatter account?
Shouldn't we be bombarding him with all the good stuff about how (((they))) are hurting blacks?
A Tomokazu Fukushima Character :^)
Guys, we're in the time of Revelaitons, deal w/ it.
You're an idiot.
Most Mafias are small-fries. When they become so successful as to legalize their activities is when they become a serious danger. And at this point they are no longer referred to as a Mafia, but a legal entity. Clinton Foundation
Kojima and his production company were responsible for the plot. They outsourced the development to Platinum which is staffed by fans of Kojima. Much of the game comes from a scrapped game Kojima wanted to do personally.
In any case, beyond funposting and hoping Kojima does get roped into Trump's plans, I don't see what the big deal is.
Isn't the Yakuza semi-red-pilled ultra-nationalists?
ps widespread use of zersetzung has been practiced since the time of the cold war. it was begun under the guise of a necessary evil for the sake of national security
Sound familiar?
These fucking cards, man. These things are real and in use. If you know any Russians who were alive in the 70s/80s and not total slavaboos, they'd probably confirm for ya that the KGB used to use these "plausible deniability weapons" pretty openly, and in vicious, cruel ways.
We use them in america to engineer stuff like school shootings and other false flags, in combination with good ol' pharmaceuticals. After all, most of us simply assume most of our worldviews and beliefs, we don't verify them, nor do we take any real precautions to ensure the quality of our products, our leaders, our representatives, etc, there are no watchdogs looking out for our wellbeing, simply because the world is run by parasitic sociopaths who wield narcissism, arrogance, and materialism as an exegesis to their religion, and a weapon, as they build systems in which success is bought by blind luck, or unrepentant greed.
Like a fucking boss.
If there is one thing blacks have the spooks for, it's illuminati shit.
I actually think Kanye is a black version of what Trump is. An outsider who has always disdained the system he never quite fit into.
Who knows, maybe he will actually try to run in 2024 and prepare for that by blowing up the pizza/general degeneracy in Hollywood and get the black community back on track in the process.
He'd literally become a god amongst them if he did that.
Nah, the original concept for MGR was a game about raidens transformation into cyborg-ninja set between MGS2 and MGS4 in FOX engine. Was supposed to be a gore-fest with emphasis on "cutting puzzles" to beat bosses. Sounded fucking tight.
KojiPro was a subsidiary of Konami and wasn't all acting within Hideo's orders, just look at KojiPoz:LA and how disrespectfully Peeler treated MGSV's metagame.
Fukushima wrote the majority of MGS stories up until 3 with the guidance of Kojima
>okay: adds a bunch of prophetic shit
vs. what happened with MGS3 where Kojima did most of the writing
You're massively wrong about what Kojima himself contributed to MGS. Forget you're on a website full of total fucking nerds or what?
I have to respect a nigga that literally doesn't give a fuck.
To name the jew in pedowood is fucking suicidal. What he did at his concert was like if Trump had name dropped Soros and the Rothschilds all at once while announcing his nomination.
Kanye is effectively a high-IQ nigger who mastered nigger-technology such as the roland TR-808 at a young age and made loads of money off it then blew said money on stupid shit trying to sell $1000 trackzoots.
He won't be president but will do a good job redpilling the niggers on the jewish psychiatric mind control grid if they didn't full on MKULTRA him.
I think they did mindfuck him since he apparently spoke with trump about "multiculti" issues and the drugs that kike-psychiatry rolls our are literal bluepills that undo whatever dissident thoughts one may have.
Yes a self replicating idea that lives in peoples minds is perfectly harmless..