I've really come to enjoy these. I guess people aren't familiar enough with his show to realize how badly they're about to get savaged.
Carlson Tucks another leftist in
Other urls found in this thread:
You can tell he knows about us in some form too, probably was called a cuck on Twitter, but he sounds like a total loon when he says it on TV.
Sage for double post
See that's the thing though, he's not savaging somebody like a Hannity. He lets them talk and asks questions and just gives them enough rope to hang themselves.
i keep hearing these marxists talk about the constitution now acting like theyre on the right side. when we used to talk about the constitution all they said was "old useless piece of paper written by fucking white males"
Man. It's becoming okay to be white and unashamed again. Feels good.
He sounds so fucking retarded.
Kek. Idiot is just giving people a reason for white's to go 14/88.
The only thing they care about is feeling 'right', not being correct.
He picks the dumbest people he can find, I enjoyed it at first but it's like watching someone shoot squirrels or something.
Tucker was #1 US debate captain in High School. He is a nice man until pol figures out a way to think that hes a jew
Beta males.
That's the best part you fucking moron. It's a god damn marxist professor with tenure he just made a complete fucking idiot out of. The academia cabal is getting fucked proper on tel avision.
I think my standards are higher than yours.
Jesus Christ, did his balls finally drop? He's getting more savage with each interview.
that's because there's no smart leftists
Laura Southern, Gavin Mcinnes and yes even Milo are very good critical thinkers that support many of the same values of this board. You faggots will find some reason to think that there attempting to co-opt your playpen. You will otherwise call them a shill or believe that they are working some kind of jewish agent gab.ai putting triple parenthesis behind there name, writing off perfectly legitimate pendents because you let your autism get the better of you.
Tucker is no doubt next on the list
I don't get what you're implying. If I don't have low standards that makes me pretentious?
good point
shut up, faggot, no one cares
Not Milo though
or Gavin
prolly not Laura either tbh
I don't care if you don't care faggot.
plebbit detected. You need to go back
It's a fun meme but Judaism does not automatically equal a Soros funded agent
And it's the most effective way to debate these retards. You can't use any sort of logic or reason, and they shout over you with limp-wristed insults, so the "debate" is lost before it starts. Your goal should be to make everyone listening see what a retard you're dealing with, by just making them explain their own rhetoric. they can't
nah fuck these guys
go back to your Gilda Mars roleplay thread
wtf are you talking about
By the end of 2017 pol will be against Tucker after he does something that vaguely compliments something it hates
That doesn't have anything to do with this thread though.
Sick burn.
Your precious waifu has been CURRIED mate, prob blacked too.
All the eclebs you listed are bluepilled opportunists, just trying to further their careers.
On this note,
Protip: Jews are 2% of the US population, but when you break it down, 25-33% of globalist circles. (Congress, think-tanks, corporate boards, council on foreign relations, ect.)
That means that while jews are obviously a huge part of globalist circles, 1. Those circles are majority gentile, meaning 2. Jews aren't the whole problem, but are rather a "biomarker" which indicates the cancer of globalism when they are present in unnatural concentrations.
Tucker is a wholesome goy with a white wife and family and doesn't mention sucking black cock all day long, even if he doesn't go full 14/88(no one expects this) the odds of us hating him like those other examples are really low
oh I'm sorry, we should kiss his ass instead, right?
don't tell me that
Sorry to tell you m8, but it's truth
Why do people hate Gavin Mcginnes? Everything I've seen him in was about as redpilled as you can be on Fox News
You seem to misunderstand, faggots will nitpick some stupid autistic shit and hate him forever over it.
Ex: Molyneux
knock your soothsaying shit off faggot, no one hates Tucker
Where did you find the 2017 Holla Forums schedule
I'm saying tell the person I'm responding to, not me.
yeah fuck critical thinking, molyneux is a bit of a feminist tbqh
massive fucking degenerate race mixing faggot who frequently invites shrill white nationalist women on only so he can embarrass them
Nobody's perfect, man.
Gavin's done some good stuff over the years, but his politics are as drunken and all over the map as a joke about alcoholic Scots. Sometimes he's a complete fag, sometimes he rides the rightward edge of the overton window. Definitely not someone to outright support.
I haven't seen hate for Molyneux
You're the one who posted it tho
I'm implying to don't want to see leftist marxist scumbags mercilessly beaten. Chlorine for the fucking genepool is not a pretty smell, but it's a cleansing one.
What? God damned hired foreign guns, stay off our board!
Embed related.
Meh, maybe Holla Forums got over it while I was on twitter.
fucking savage
Why haven't the mods banned you yet?
you do kek's work user
I'm a truther not a nigger
you'll learn one day user
Disappointing, though tbf that chick was cancerous.
Bro, they're liberals. These aren't the "dumbest," these are the above-average. You're complaining about someone shooting squirrels instead of bear or deer hunting, when the entire forest is infested with squirrels and there exists MAYBE on or two bears somewhere out there.
All Tucker Carlson is doing on FOX is putting the children to bed while the senior anchors keep propagating (((neo-conservative))) talking points and propagating bullshit to normies to defend the heavy hitters.
This is Mickey Mouse bullshit FOX is selling to Holla Forumslacks, similar to what they did with Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano back during the Paul years.
Aside from Tuck the rest is bullshit.
Go big or go home faggot, tucker is picking small-fry to make him look better. I'm just not impressed.
I beg to differ on that.
lel I'd still go for the bears, it's called challenging yourself.
Hell is forever!
nice logic you got there
Sieg hiel, Praise Kek!
Well do you have anything to back up that claim?
It's more of an opinion than a claim. You think liberals are above-average? Really?
Oh yeah, you're completely right, the average liberal is much smarter than that math professor.
Liberals are tards. Forgive Tuck for not hunting the unicorns each and every time on his show.
I'm saying the exact same thing as you minus the sarcasm and the sucking of tucker's dick.
You're butt hurt that the average lefty who has gotten away with so much bullshit over the past 5 years is being exposed and shut down on television for a national audience of millions. You don't like the bad PR for your side that's obvious.
If Kek is the one true God, then why am I the one who got dubs?
I think we know where your loyalties lie.
The buttplug one is good too
Notice how you're saying average, which is my whole fucking point. Tucker should be going for the big ones, not small fry who spout whatever they're told anyway.
Forever. Hell is forever!
No, and you're retarded for not understanding what my colleague was saying, and pedantic for engaging in this argument regardless
Last week he had on the kike editor of the Washington Post, senior reporter for Vox, that Texas faithless elector jew and the Dem congressman Adam Schiff. Who is the intellectual liberal monolith that he should be going after? Some of those are big names to the libshits.
you don't ask for dubs, you are given dubs
it is Kek's wisdom and whim alone that deigns who obtains repeating digits. just keep your shrines and engage in conversations, letting Kek work through you, and dubs will be yours in time.
i have seen evidence of gavin doing some horrendously gay shit, what the fuck is wrong with him? he can't seem to maintain a mentally consistent worldview, either. His opinions seem to spiral madly out of control all over the place, I think he may legit be some insane fag.
The only pedantry is coming from you bud.
why did he do this? what was he trying to achieve?
Well you're obviously not above average because you've only repeated the same post (((15))) times so far, stupid.
I wouldn't have had to if you weren't so goddamn retarded in the first place.
He does this shit for publicity. The guy on the right in the asshole picture is Cappercab who Mcinnes invited so he could cook up a shouting match because watching some fat ginger and a faggot swear at each other is real funny apparently. Also I think he did the buttplug thing so he could "dance like Hillary Clinton" or whatever.
Because you have no argument other than repeating the same thing like a parrot? Because you're trying to slide the thread with the power of your ass hurt?
he might have an opioid addiction
You sound kinda angry.
Most normie conservatives who watch Fox have no idea how bad the average leftist is these days. Tucker is doing God's work here exposing the worst of the rot.
epic simply epic
gavin being a drug addict is definitely a possibility I could easily believe.
>>>Holla Forums
He picks whatever leftist agrees to come on his show. Of course they're going to be retarded.
Exactly, he picks them, and knows that they aren't going to put up a challenge. It's like the Daily Show without the selective editing.
So you acknowledge that these pieces are directed towards people with a mediocre intelligence?
Damn that got savage towards the end. Carlson is the shit.
This board has gone to absolute shit.
I love the look he gives them, like they're the dumbest human beings he's ever laid eyes on.
Unfortunately, the idiots will just start refusing to go on his show.
You still haven't explained who would be a better challenge, you ass blasted shill who has no argument.
I think he takes Adderall and occasionally does coke and pot, plus he's got a mean Maker's Mark habit.
He's never going to find a leftist who can put up a fight. Their arguments crumble when you scrutinize them with basic logic. You're acting like he's skipping over leftists capable of making a good argument. But those don't exist.
wat? Nigger you are dumb.
Wow. He needs the rope.
These aren't random idiots picked up off the street. These are people generally being held up as paragons of virtue by much of the media. They're all actually relatively big deals, which is why it's so entertaining seeing them get taken down by Tucker Calrson who does nothing except let them speak and ask them basic common sense questions.
These are all supposedly smart people being brought on that are supposed to know what they're talking about and it's only after a few questions are asked that they then come across as drooling morons. They're all likely taken off guard because they're used to being able to essentially act like concern trolls and have sympathetic interviewers interpreting them in the best light possible.
Like when Carlson had that one politician on who wanted to blame Russia for the hacks, that guy had been involved in one interview after another where everyone of course acted like Russia must have done the hacks and that this politician had the right idea to condemn Russia for it. Yet Carlson simply asking him point blank to say that Russia hacked Podesta's emails was enough to utterly destroy the cuck's argument since he had never come up with a response for it, he had only ever been able to come up with this argument that boiled down to concern trolling.
Carlson is doing fantastic in these interviews because he is not working with the assumption that these are honest or intelligent individuals. Basically acting a bit like if one of us got into an argument with one of these people.
Then why the fuck haven't I heard of them before? What about Clinton, Trump, Assad, Putin, Soros, Podesta, Assange, Snowden (I'd like to see that), the alleged leaders of BLM, twitter CEO, amazon CEO, Sam fucking Hyde, Don Lemon I kid, Michael Brown's mom, Ford CEO, Monsanto CEO, Marilyn Manson, Megyn 'period blood' Kelly, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, the Hardball faggot, Stephen Hawking, Stephen King, Dave Chappelle, Tim Heidecker, or even Charlie Sheen?
Because you don't keep up with what's trending in the news?
What has happened in the news that could make him want to come on?
What has happened in the news that could make him want to come on?
They have their own shows they espouse their views on. Do you honestly think they need to be appearing on TV more to espouse their views?
You seem upset that he's not just bringing on random celebrities, when what he's doing is bringing on people that are big in the news at the moment for some current story making the rounds. Like why the fuck would he bring on Michael Brown's mom? What has happened in the past couple days that could make anyone want to hear more about her or what would be learned from speaking to her about something happening in the past couple days?
yeah because you're here. leave faggot.
This was a satisfying one. God damn hippie burn out psuedo intellectual fucker. Destroyed.
fake news?
You have zero sense of humor.
That's irrelevant to the point I was making. He supports BLM and Trump deemed him a traitor. That would be an interesting debate, not this shit.
Isn't that what these fucks are doing, who Tucker is interviewing? Do you think before you respond?
Politicians are not mere celebrities, I was partially joking about anyone who wasn't CEOs/politicians. You're one to talk about being upset.
No one cares, retard. Leave the thread already.
You're the retarded one if you can't tell the difference between someone like George Soros and Charlie Sheen.
In the buttplug one he was trying to be funny by saying he would be able to dance better than Hillary did in a video, when he sticks a buttplug up his ass. This is his "wacky punk rocker" side coming out. It's a sort of mid life crisis and a side effect of his continued alcoholism and drug use.
The second he was arguing(fake argument) with CopperCab. CopperCab is the "gingers have souls" 2010 meme who recently decided to pretend to become a tranny for attention. Gavin started screaming at him over something which devolved into coppercab spitting and slapping his belly. Not to be outdone, Gavin exposes his anus while screaming.
Shut up, retard.
I'm glad he stopped wearing those bow ties they just made me ignore everything he said and hate him.
Didn't he ask for examples of fake news and media lies?
did any of you an0ns send him anything?
The interview on Joe Rogan was the most revealing, and I can't abide him since, when he says something vaguely funny I just remember him recounting with great mirth; how his erect penis went inside another mans condom when they were screwing a girl at the same time.
Then after that I remember how he said candidly that he likes doing a woman from behind because you often get a whiff of the excrement trapped in her anus as you spread her cheeks. It excites him.
So I think he's a filthy degenerate in the actual true sense of the word, no different to a pervert with leftist views.
He appears to be amused by vulgarity the most, it must be in his DNA.
are you retarded
Let me enlighten you O' newest of faggots.
>on WTF eva ur faggot ass chooses chan
There. It's an remarkably simple rule. Also please don't feed the Trolls.
I concur.
What the fuck? What kind of disgusting pig is he fucking?
I wouldn't hate to see some more clips of his show where he rocks commies.
https:// twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/807416164058091521
Hey, user., let's use this thread to get some of the latest fake news. →
Can't Cuck the Tuck is pretty good. Same guy makes You Can't Jolt the Coult.
Reminder that Tucker harps on about ebil nazis just like filterman, kikebart, and "conservative" cucks. It is fun to watch him smash leftists, but modern conservatism let these commies drown our country's values and install themselves into it's institutions. That is the entire point of the cuck memes existence.
Thanks, bruh. Nice numbers btw.
How many times are people going to misquote this shit? He said illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico. Also, why does the anchor not correct him on this?
That would be taking the anti-white too seriously.
Now I can say that I've done some.
What's this libshit professor's name? Macoolah? sounds Jewish as fuck if you ask me.
1. Don't moralize us.
2. Learn board culture.
3. Use appropriate memes
4. Make it less over the top.
1. Yes.
2. No.
If Tucker was on the other side, we'd hate the fuck out of him. I can't believe anyone still goes on his show to debate him, because it's more rigged than a Vegas roulette wheel. They never have a chance, and he always manages to quickly ass-blast them before cutting the mic.
It's obvious from the first two minutes that this "professor" is a smug academic moron. It's funny to watch them fall apart when outside of their liberal hugbox campuses.
Good job faggots
Is that math teacher jewish or something?
Jewish hivemind is a misunderstanding.
There is no "mother brain" controlling all Jews, just a bunch of Jews jewing which looks rather similar.
t. Jew
It's amazing to watch leftists contradict themselves, claim that they never said something they just said, and act like they are victorious when clearly being stumped, all in the same conversation.
That is a bleached asshole. I know faggot detected and all but he actually paid someone to bleach his asshole and why would someone do that unless they expected someone to see it?
Buddy, you know leftists don't debate ideas. And a big shot lefty wouldn't become such a big shot without realizing this. How many bigshot leftists are known as intelligent debaters compared to the ones who have "conversations" at, say, a TedX or some similar shit. Don't you think a bigshit lefty would duck an invitation to appear on "that news channel". They are still butt sore over GW Bush.
I thought that "How to be a mack" author nigger he had on a few weeks ago was a big shot is his circle. He got roasty toastied.
Tuck posting is best posting.
I must be missing something. what does one thing have to do with the other?
They are a plague in some areas.
Fox was up GW's butt in his day like CN&N is up Obambo's butt. Not ok either way, but lefties and consistency don't mix.
I didn't watch many of his clips, but the one I watched had a retard who was the head of a sizable University.
It's 100% okay to take down those squirrels of yours when they hold significant power and influence.
Looks like your reason for posting is driven by emotion rather than anything else.
Holy shit, kill yourself.
Is 299e59 legit autistic?
From the lads at "High Energy".
This guy has classic cases of Autism. Look at how he talks, and his spaztic eye movements.
Eh… Do you mean the man who built the successful online news website, the Daily Caller? Mr Tucker Carlson?
Kikenose ever time.
funny how you lump together the three that are always sucking each other off.
Laura and Milo are super jew victims which is why they are always putting themselves in harms way to get attention then whore it out for shekels. You obviously weren't here back before Milo used our knowledge to get "famous".
He trolled the boards on half-tran promoting his gayness hoping he would get attacked and write a story about it. Instead the autist Holla Forumsirgins spurged out with "notice me senpai" shit and he realized the SJWs were a better target to make himself a victim.
He lurked and posted on Holla Forums there and next here after the first migration learning the language and culture. Next he used that to become the "enlightened" smoker of nigger cock he is today. Laura is much the same using the language, but denying our power. She too is a coal burner.
Gaven is just a beta e-celeb who dances whichever way the wind blows him (or whichever way Milo blows him).
Tucker is his own man and actually knows how to debate and win. i doubt he really cares about fame.
Gavin is a zionist neo cuck
What kind of a stupid question is this? Oh no! Whites shouldn't have any power! And whites are inferior to other races! Or whites are equal to all other races? Is that the argument they want to take in 2017?
Can anyone point to a single fucking successful multiethnic/multicultural democracy?
Walls are racist.
Trump builds walls.
Trump is racist.
That will be $6,000. Thank you.
noone would wake up watching this
every liberal shuts down the instant the tucker guy disagrees with the buzzwords
They''ll wake up to that fact. Once you stop giving a shit about their crying wolf, all bet's are off.
You Can't Cuck The TUCK! vol. 7
That's what's wonderful about this. Tucker didn't transform into some terrific orator when he got this new gig. He just learned to keep quiet long enough to allow his loopy guests to out just how insane they are themselves. Tucker exposing these people to the broader public is doing god's work.
He also learned how to point out the anti-whites' sanctimonious fervour.
Mate, he interviews liberal/leftist professors, politicians, journalists, movement leaders etc. all people in higher positions, so you calling them the dumbest people he can find should explain a damn lot about them in general shouldn't it?
Though i can imagine not all of them are low IQ dumb, they certainly are useful idiots who never had do step out of their safe bubbles. They all go 404 or repeat themselves like videogame NPCs because they never met with people who disagreed with them, they don't know how to form actual conversations, refuting central points of an argument, they don't really think about it, because all their life they have parroted premade arguments with other parrots daily, everyone agreeing with each other.
Every rare time someone else says something that isn't based on what is engraved into their brain, they don't think about the argument itself, they simply think "that's wrong, you're wrong" like a blockade, they don't even think about what you said, they just know you're wrong and want you to realize you're wrong, and after repeating themselves 5 times they get angry and call you dumb for not agreeing with them and being dumb. They universally think they are highly intelligent and have ultimate wisdom, like light versions of fedora faggots.
In other words, they have hollowed-out souls from talking too much. Good theory, makes sense.
we beg to differ faggot
this guy is wonderful to watch
People are complaining in this thread like it isn't amazing to see even the lowest of lefties humiliated and trolled. You have to grind them down in stages starting on the most coarse before turning them into a fine particulate dust.
i love how he always has this bewildered expression on his face when the other person is rambling on about something retarded.
love his videos he and saun hanity are the only good thing on fox
although i bet if asked about Israel hes probably a good goy
I think he is alright. Dont much care for his "proud boy" politics but his podcast is fun and worth the listen imo.
That's his "The stupidity coming out of your mouth just hit me between the eyes like an sledge hammer, and you've rendered me momentarily insensate, you moron" look.
Mods anchoring this while letting legitimate shill slide threads stay up is fucking pathetic.
There's literally nothing wrong in enjoying the mature aroma of female poo. I own several cans of the good stuff, it makes a better shitposter.
I'm glad he reads into the implicit though, right wingers have handicapped themselves by training not to ever read between the lines.