
Why are BDSers such moral fanatics, Holla Forums?

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bds will defend this:

muh oppressed people are always right you racist white cis brocialist

I want to know how BDS is going to bankrupt Israel when investment in Israeli startups is at an all-time high coupled with record new immigration (mostly from the United States and other western countries).

EU boycotting any business from the settlements does affect their economy, but that's irrelevant,

The number of settlements won't stop growing because the people who make those settlements are following their ideology, they don't care about economic incentives, just religious fantasies.

There's also the fact that living in the settlements is dirt cheap compared to the cities. A friend of mine lived in Jerusalem for three years and she said it's virtually impossible given the expenses (she lives in Brooklyn now and says she and her husband pay a fraction of what they used to back in the Holy City).

I'm impartial to BDS, but I've read reports that a lot of business that are indirectly targeted by the boycott employ Palestinians, so them losing business will just lead to the Palestinians losing jobs and them getting more marginalized. I think that happened at Sodastream.

Israel very much knows that it will only win through very long attrition. The region around it is in chaos. Even Egypt and Turkey are making overtures.

Why do you support the apartheid state of Israel?

I don't.

I don't see Israel going anywhere TBH. I see them pulling out of some parts of the West Bank but other than that it's very obvious they're going to give the UN the finger and just annex the settlements.

Two big problems for the Palestinians are 1. lack of stable leadership and 2. lack of a Soviet Union or counter-imperialist block to support them over Israel. Yeah, Iran may stage rallies where the Israeli flag is burned but what have the ayatollahs really done for the Palestinians economically or politically?

Just an Ashkenazi Jewish husband and wife making hummus in their kitchen. I don't see what the big deal is. Next thing you'll tell me it's colonial for white people to eat Chinese food.

That's only because Israel has fucked with their leadership for decades. Hamas used to be Israeli funded in order to destabilize Fatah. The beautify of BDS is it will make it harder for Israel to keep doing this.

no one does and Palestinians have the right for self determination but Hamas is also a reactionary organization not better than the Israeli state

Plus BDS is a lifestylist politics strategy that thinks that consumption can have an impact in social change


Hamas already has a lot of popular support in Gaza. Fatah is heavily corrupt even though Abu Mazen is also fairly popular with the Palestinians.

BDS isn't going to reconcile the competing factions. It's already proving to be a failure when it comes to hurting the Israeli economy. Yes, tourism in Israel is down BUT investment in Israeli startups is flourishing.

Islamist parties are ALWAYS reactionary. Always. The Palestinians have an absolute right to defend themselves and resist occupation but whether or not they can win is another story.

nice liberal spook, if someone doesn't believe in your fairy land fantasy that all oppressed people are pure and good inside they are racists?

Saying that some refugees raped women is a fact and we should act on it, and it's a fact that most muslims don't respect woman.It's a fact that people in the middle east have different values from ours. Cuck comments like those are the reason why the fascists get votes from the working class.

It's also like saying "every Zionist must have been a good guy because Jews faced so much antisemitism decades ago."

Oh hell, how do we know Muslim fundies aren't accelerating islamophobia in Europe and the US for the very sake of drawing more Muslims into their death cult orgs? There's a very good reason why ISIS attacks France despite the fact that the US and Saudi Arabia have dropped far more bombs on Syria.

yea, they do it for media attention, recruiting purposes and to escalate the clash of civilizations fantasy.

Although i think that bomb dropping is necessary to aid the Kurdish and Assad forces in fighting ISIS.

Don't forget about Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and Turkey Kurdish region which is in a state of civil war.



If the FN wins in France, you can bet the number of angry Muslim youth running off to join ISIS will skyrocket.

Arafat and the PLO sold out decades ago

PFLP is a member of the PLO

Why endorse the PLO as a whole then?


that's literally

A lot of Palestinians were pissed when SodaStream left the West Bank. Not to mention BDS is primarily being pushed by the Palestinian elites who have little in common with the rest of the Palestinian population.

Because liberals are wieners.

I would take MEMRI with a grain of salt, though, because it's been proven that their data is almost entirely cherry picked from the worst examples they can find but presented as typical, even from nations where softer sentiments are mainstream.

BDS is also pushed by Palestinians in the diaspora who don't have to deal with the direct effects of losing potential work opportunities. Palestinians in Palestine have a very nuanced view of the movement overall since they realize it means they'll have to deal with whatever negative effects it has.

Boycotting settlement products because you hate Zionism is literally the white liberal equivalent to smashing the windows of small businesses because you hate capitalism.

Who let the zizek hate squad in?
Read zizek.

Not much, mainly due to the fact that Hamas supports the FSA.

Most of what he wrote on the refugee crisis is racist nonsense

But racism isn't nonsense.

you literally can't back that claim up. BDS has substantial support from the Palestinian population.

by what standard