Still going to this shit website
Name a non shit alternative.
Anything other than Holla Forumscirclejerk 2.0
You're free to leave any time
fuck off, this site's throbbing circlejerk ego shit needs to stop
I mean specifically name one.
Why does it need to stop?
Feel free to leave the Internet Hate Machine 2.0 behind anytime, faggot.
you seem to forget user that most people on any anonymous image boards like to say the edgyist shit usually to get attention, or to cause a stir among land whales, and since stormfaggotry is the main topic on the agenda of the media and normie SJWs thanks to recent political events and the emergence of people unironically worshipping a poorly drawn meme, 12 year olds on this website and other similar websites would naturally start talking about gassing the kikes for said attention. this is how it has always been since the start of chans and this is probably how its always gonna be, their is no recruiting operation going on here.
Who? Are these threads being made by some notorious autist or something?
Show some class user. This shit is almost as as poorly written as OP's spam.
hou abot you mak me anone
Is Holla Forums getting raided really fucking ineptly or is it just one guy with to much time on his hands? I honestly can't tell.
You're never getting those 10 dollars back.
It's not TS, he just mopes about Holla Forums reminding people how ebin his prank was, as well as monitoring /cow/ daily.
This is the work of Goons trying to infest this place like they did on half/co/.
Just sage, report and shitpost with anime or insults towards SU, MLP and StarVs.
Show me a better place
I'm thinking the spam is actually a distraction from the ones trying to drip in with actual discussion. There's a lot of people on here lately who type like underageB& and talk sort of like the sleeper SJWs did on half/co/.
The sleeper SJWs were Goons.
Shitpost and report. If the mods don't do anything to curb this (there's only 2 of them and they're slow as shit to check things) then pack up elsewhere.
Well, since the thread is here, might as well use it.
Who is best Robin and why is it Tim Drake?
Mostly one guy, like always
Goon refers tp counterintelligence/subversion shit right?
Man I wish I had my old hard drive. I'd usually dump something shitty like Eminem meets Punisher in threads like this.
Worse opinion than OP, tbh.
The only real question is:
Which is better, blue chest, blue extending over the shoulders, blue over-shoulder and down the arm, or blue and gold?
Red suit fags need not apply. Spyrafags need definitely not apply, but was worth it for this page alone.