What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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If you take Alexander solzhenitsyn seriously,you're the problem with society.
Is this quote true? If so, why the fuck do people tell me this guy is a good writer?
This would be bad writing for Holla Forums
that's the most stupid shit ever. If they murdered 66 million you could see it in demographic data. But the population grew during the USSR period.
Why don't you show an argument?
Same reply as the previous one.
> replies
You all should be ashamed of yourselves
Copy-pasta from notes, fuck this guy tbh:
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
On mobile btw, I made a graph with the actual numbers, if someone could post it. Anyone with a minute knowledge of reality can tell this guy is full of shit.
You're not debunking him.
Seems pretty debunked to me.
That's a fallacy.
Go on about nazi sympathizing is justified.
Total deaths: 1,053,829
Max. Population: ~2.5 million
Source: American historical review of yh
Typo, on mobile. Data is from the archives, which this guy himself said would support his estimates. When the archives actually opened, the world seemed to drop the topic altogether, or at least interest in the actual numbers
Dude, dude.
What if jews
what if jews really are the problem
Just sayin, *pls don't ban me
Some jews are a problem
Not the most authoritative source, but just look for the table midway through the page, or search "American Historical Review"
It was 1945. This bit is important because the war was still going on, and he was serving, and his squad was scheduled to be sent into combat soon. That's when he becomes active politically in way that does not get him executed, but puts him under arrest.
Do the math, user. The guy sits on his ass for years, but gets arrested only when it's time to fight.
Also, it was white-collar "labour camp". I.e. intellectual labour.
Bullshit. Also, not a traitor. Anti-Soviet propaganda is different.
Is this bait?
Except before that Khrushchev gets kicked out, as well as all his cronies. This includes Lysenko as well as Solzhenitsyn. The editors finally start demanding from honoured author to prove his wild tales. Freedom of speech is impeded!
What is worse - threats to call Khrushchev don't work anymore. Totalitarian hell, I say.
This is when Solzhenitsyn decides that USSR is Empire of Evil, moves to the West and becomes famous there for demanding to nuke the shit out of Soviets. After all, they refused to print his books.
Well, yeah.
There weren't any. He wanted to desert, but didn't want to get shot for desertion.
its not even about trusting census it would be a thing easily proven if it really happaned. You can't make over half of the population disappear like it was nothing in such a short spam of time
Oh look
It's another random-quote-from-an-idiot-making-unsubstantiated claims thread.
On your denial of his Nazi sympathies:
He blamed the death and destruction experienced by the people of the USSR on Stalin, not the Nazis who invaded the country.
Not to mention that after Franco died, during an interview on television he openly defended Spanish fascism, stating "Those who seek rapid democratic reform, do they realize what will happen tomorrow or the day after? In Spain there may be democracy tomorrow, but after tomorrow will it be able to avoid falling from democracy into totalitarianism?"
If not an outright supporter of the Nazis, he definitely was a defender of fascism.
Also Stalin's "socialist heritage" is not bait, his plans to transition to a products-exchange economy were completely scrapped by Khrushchev.
Btw here's that graph I was talking about.
forgot to turn off flag
We have record of 800,000 executions so that leaves for about 200,000 Gulag deaths is what you're saying?
Isn't something like a third of leftypol Jewish?
You can never really expect Jews to be critical of their fellow Jews or Judaism in general tbh
I personally have never heard of this number, mind sharing a source? I honestly couldn't tell you if my death count includes executions or not, I'd have to check the primary documents again.
It's not nearly as much as people make it out to be.
It appears that those executions should be added to the total death toll I made. It doesn't look like they are included, along with the "1,548,366" detained during the Great Purge according to your data for some reason…
I'm going to go out on a limb and suppose that the deaths mentioned in the American Historical Review do not include executions. If we add my figure for total deaths due to illness/misc and yours for total executions, we're left with a figure of 1,853,284 for total deaths overall. Does this sound accurate? I'm considering making an addition to my graph to include these executions if this is the case.
I'm actually kinda surprised that the total would be under 2 million over that 19 year time span.
Well, Stalin did kill a lot of people.
I don't know I'm not a historian. It's nowhere near 20 million though.
What did he mean by that?
Separated at birth?
Don't look like each other at all.
Whatever you say, m8