Transgenderism: Total War


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RIP Holla Forums

You faggots can't even embed a video. Haven't seen a decent OP in days.

I'm rusty

come on op, don't you know that threads like these get over six gorillion posts on
>>>Holla Forums ??

but I dont want to go there. I only post here i dont know if they'll like me

You are fucking pathetic. Go back to /reddit/.

BBC needs to shut down and I hear more and more people calling for this here in bongland, maybe soon if they trip up massively in the near future


I only come to half and Holla Forums for Holla Forums


8 chan moves too slow


kys tbh

MFW my favorite podcast has a "transgender" woman now. "'"She""" even has a fucking beard

I used to fucking lobe time commanders. Fucking BBC.

shitlord imblying women can't have beards and benis


Just as bad as posting a fucking unbroken link, retard.

Total war wish to be the COD of strategy games, its sad how pleb tier everything involved with franchise is.

Hi Reddit.

itt faggots who don't think you should read all boards + reddit + voat

Welcome, CTR

Even people who do it for laughs make more passable trannies than that dude. Are we sure he isn't taking the piss?

lol wow sage

It's always funny when the propaganda fires back on the kikes.

I don't like you, if that helps.


I'm very disappointed.

electrolysis is fucking expensive


Not really, during happenings 8/pol/ moves way too fast

Nu total war is fucking shit, thankfully divide et impera 1.2 is releasing soon and will salvage the shitpile that was Rome 2


can you all go back to cuckchan please?

I fondly remember watching programs with him on the History and Military channel when I was young.
This is a strange development



same. Back when those channels were non kiked (relatively).

r8 my oc lads


Kill yourself until your dead you /wsg/ reject

Jap Pedophilia is gross

Take your ADHD riddle retard brain back to 4cuck faggot

i'd rather just see a screencap of the link than see a reactionimage.jpg


>>>Holla Forums
… and now Holla Forums.
All trap enabling boards. Looks like Dickie Spencer and Fagopolis have done a number on the subversives.

How is this thread "trap enabling"

We are shitting on trannies, the tranny is also a Jew so go figure.

Good, that means our time is coming.

Like those "female" athletes that totally creamed the real females in the Olympics.


No surprise. They want to brainwash and sexual abuse teens. Kill them all.

I just want the past back

This is so dumb Rome 2 is such a terrible game to even simulate a battle, they might as well use Medieval or Rome 1.

Holla Forums and their #NotYourShield
They could have been so much more, if they only accepted White Nationalism as only pure political route, /a/ too.

What is a good game to simulate battle if rome 1 / 2 are shit, please enlighten me. Cuck