The Jewish war on European Diet

Why haven't you taken the meat pill yet Holla Forums?

As we all know, the Jews are pushing for this one world government order, with a slave race caste at the bottom. And so of course we already know that race mixing is an effort to create this caste of dumb media consuming idiots, but there is also this push in diet which i will explain.

Veganism is being pushed because the human brain thrives on meat and animal products, in fact the official conclusion these days is that our consumption of animal products and cooking food made us human.
And when you look at what happened in Europe, specifically with us Europeans, is that we were forced to consume lots of meat during the harsh winters to survive, which our brain took advantage of to grow extremely fast in a short time.

It was only until the agrarian revolution that our brain stopped growing, and in the Paleo world they are very much anti carb anti wheat, believing that it is an overall net negative to the body, making people fat and puffy and bad for the brain.

Black people do not like to eat steak or meat rare, they like it overdone, this is evidence of their evolutionary past that they were not big meat eaters, linking meat eating to intelligence.
The Japanese remain small because they only eat fish, ask any redpilled dietician and they will tell you in order to get big you have to eat animal products, in the body building world its all about eating cottage cheese and sardines and steak and chicken, why do you think Europeans are so big compared to the other races? They were selectively forced to consume these products which was an immense success for their physiology, and you can too.

So the globalists are pushing for Veganism, and purposely driving up the price of valuable steak and meat so that it will push the masses to Veganism so that their brains will become malnourished, not only this but they tout low fat options in dairy so that your brain is even more deficient in what it needs
This is all so that they will have a mass of people with a deficient brain which overtime will thanks to evolutionary principles shrink because it lost that source of nutrients that made it big in the first place.
Veganism will be touted as the moral choice in Lucifers Rainbow world of universal morality, you will be a bad person harming the planet who needs to evolve and stop his backwards thinking. The truth is that humans are omnivores, despite what some vegan proponents would have you believe.Its time to eat that soy and insects goy!

So how do you avoid this train? Well start eating RAW meat, but isn't that going to harm me user? Raw steak is safe to eat, and most raw fish is safe to eat too, i really recommend eating it raw because you need those bloody nutrients as gross as it sounds. Drink lots of milk, blue cheese, eggs, greens. Soon your brain will grow and you will have lots of more capacity to think logically. If anybody has anything to contribute of course post below, and here are some of my sources.

Thankyou for reading.

Other urls found in this thread: extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Fuehrer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat eating is wrong. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also.&source=gbs_book_other_versions

The Fuhrer was a vegan you fucking retard alt-right

Adolf Hitler was a Pescetarian because he understood the value animal products had on the human brain, he was just unwilling to eat some of them because he felt bad.

Hitler was a vegetarian, because he had bowl problems and he reacted badly to fat and grease.


Xenoestrogens are the primary problem. They have been made unavoidable for the American consumer. They're being used deliberately to emasculate & pacify. This generation of nu-males are the result of decades of xenoestrogens.

Good thread, OP. I've noticed the price of meat going WAY up in my area of burgerland. Unsettling.
I also like making my steaks brown on all 4 sides and raw as fvck on the inside. I now don't like them any other way. So good. Also, raw egg on rice with a little soy sauce and rooster sauce. POWER FOOD. I swear that shit helps me in the gym, too.

Your statement is entirely false except for the fact that he is deceased. Go back to wherever you came from, swim in your salt, and wait for the day of the rope like a good little faggot.

wild meat like deer and duck are amazing. good source of vitamins and minerals especially iron

[citation needed]

Video was broken apparently.

What diet is natural for their race?

Ive got lots of allergies and crohns so my diet is limited

My diet is pretty low in fruit and veggies. I usually hotpocket it at work and have low appetite in general (because of gut inflammation). I had a toothache for all of last week from too much soda and I cut back and my insides actually feel pretty good now that I capped at 2-3 cans a day.

I usually have a few eggs and toast for breakfast and try to cook a real meal once or twice a week. I dont trust fish, usually its ground beef or pork or chicken breasts.

Its hard to portion it correctly because I dont feel like eating a lot and jt feels wasteful to buy a large portion at a lower price that i know i wont use up

Oh and cheese. Love that shit esp goat cheese

no, silly, it's not your birthday!

(remember to eat organic grass-fed, otherwise you're eating GMO soy and hormones)

The African Heritage Diet is a way of eating based on the healthy traditional diets of people with African roots. Whether you want to follow the culinary traditions of the American South, the Caribbean, South America or Africa, you can use the African Heritage Diet Pyramid as a guide to enjoy the foods and dishes that make this way of eating so very healthy and delicious.

The African Heritage Diet, as shown on the African Heritage Diet Pyramid, is based on whole, fresh plant foods like colorful fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens; tubers like yams and sweet potatoes; beans of all kinds; nuts and peanuts; rice, flatbreads and other grain foods, especially whole grains; healthy oils; homemade sauces and marinades of herbs and spices; fish, eggs, poultry and yogurt; and ==minimal consumption of meats and sweets.== Whether we look to Virginia or Jamaica, Nigeria or Brazil, we find this overall healthy eating pattern shared by all of their culinary histories, with distinct foods featured by each region. It is this “big picture” framework of the African Heritage Diet Pyramid that all people can use to claim their best health.

minimal consumption of meats and sweets.

Something happen in the last couple of days to spook the meat industry? What's with the all the vegan themed threads?

v-vegetarian here

Am I safe?

Some of the healthiest diets in the world

Why arent you eating like an african err i mean Vegan goy?

explain yourself

Is it a high meat diet speicifically, or just a high protein diet? What about red vs nonred meats?

I was born into a vegetarian family and have tried meats at several points in my life. chicken is disgusting and chewy; the only one I have ever liked is ham.

i am fully European, and i had many diet related health issues when i ate a lot of animal products (always organic, grassfed,..)

i experimented on many diets until mid-2014 when i tried veganism, my health and relationship with food has been generally on the up and up everyday since. ALL of my issues have been resolved. (chronic acid reflux, super fucked appetite, an assortment of digestive problems….)

now i look good, i work out hard, about to finish college, and love what i eat.

are you telling me that this is all a jewish trick and my health is going to rapidly decline? ok when?

You dumb fucks, Hitler was a vegetarian because he had IBS and couldn't eat meat without suffering horrific bowl movements. Despite this, he still ate liver dumplings, because he wasn't about to give up his favorite food.

Simply not liking the taste of meat, or being physically unable to eat it, is fair.

Its not about the protein amount, its about how much blood it has in it, how much fat it has in it, is it an organ because organs have high amounts of nutrients in them, calf and cow livers contain some of the highest amount of bioavailable nutrients for man to be able to digest, while taking a simple vitamin pill alot of that pill just passes through your system.

Useful: raw steak, raw salmon, game meat, whale meat, Organic Milk, Organic Eggs, Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds, Blue cheese, cheese
Useless: Chicken, lean meats, low fat options.

Chicken breast is more useful for bodybuilding, same with lean meats.

Well, that's awful good news, since I eat tons of meat. Red meat is the best, except for various forms of wild game of course.

I always prepare my steaks rare, but the thought of eating the whole thing raw has entered my mind on numerous occasions. Is raw actually a viable and safe way to eat steak?

[common sense needed]


There is no perfect diet, Veganism is more healthy but you are starving your brain, it is like bodybuilding, if you were to exercise your muscles but not give it protein it would not grow, similarily with your brain, you could exercise your brain and give it proper nutrients and then you could have an even more powerful brain, but because you are a vegan it will simply stay at its current capacity.

You have to break the conditioning. Meat is absolutely delicious, but if you've never eaten it in your life it may feel/taste weird and you'll have trouble digesting it. Start with adding ham to your diet, then work your way up. Try salami, beef jerkey, sausages, at home and any meat dish at restaurants (since they're generally tasty and well-prepared). When you feel comfortable, go to a steakhouse; start with medium-well and go gradually rarer.

I should add that giving time your brain will actually shrink, it is a common observation that Vegans instinctually eat alot of fruit and sugary products, because sugar gives the brain a big boost in power for a time being, but it is nothing like animal products and bloody meat.

I'm more curious what and if I am missing out on and if there are any suitable replacements than the morality of it. Don't want to limit myself and all.

I think you have this backwards. Our ancestors evolved into a meat-intensive diet, rather than the other way around. Whatever you eat today, you're still descended from those ancient hunters and have genes appropriate to that world. If you're blonde, you are also probably descended from early high-latitude farmers who lacked a lot of the meat products that were abundant in Southern Europe during the late Neolithic.

Remember also that hunting and eating meat are not the end-all, be-all of human intelligence. Pygmies and Bushmen hunt because their lives depend on it, and they're dumb as chimps. What seems to have crafted our ancestors' brains is the switch from purely hunting-gathering, which is where some elements of our species stagnated 70,000 years ago, to farming, which requires long-term planning and attention to details, as well as a degree of sociability (for defense, irrigation, trade, etc.).

The harsh and difficult-to-control environments in Europe also did their part. The natural environment was an enemy every winter, demanding some foresight and ability to cohabit in large numbers. The political and social climates, meanwhile, saw many of our rapists hung by the neck next to our murderers and cutpurses, culling the herd of its more antisocial members. Add to that the Black Death, and assorted other plagues, which shaved off our weaker and less hygienic population and disproportionately killed the poor, feckless, and stupid.

What emerged was a culture that valued beauty and intelligence, where great artists and scientists found a welcome home and a man like Mozart got all the pussy he could handle. Those smart, civilized, healthy, talented genes then reached out and subdued a savage world. Many of those savage tribes ate just as much meat as we did (though none so much as the Neanderthals, who may have had a 90-percent-meat diet), but they hadn't been through the other filters, so they weren't any smarter or more civilized than the hunter-gatherers from the Toba Period.

In conclusion, the Jews are our misfortune.

Appearantly, women actually find men who eat meat more attractive than vegetarian men, and this includes women who are vegetarians themselves.

And absolutely nobody is surprised by this.

I just did a quick search and Doctor Kang is explaining why the white man's diet is bad for niggers.

Cooking meat is what allows your digestive system to extract more nutrients, you idiot. Cooking your meat to well done ruins them too, but keeping it rare is the sweet spot.

identifying faggots: yup (you)'re a faggot

Exactly correct. Heating meat before it reaches your mouth begins the digestive process outside of your body, using energy from wood (or whatever) rather than your own to break down tough structures and weaken stringy connective tissue. Mechanical digestion begins with cutting it up and chewing it, but the chemical digestion of meat has to wait until it reaches the stomach.

Starches and carbs start breaking down in your mouth. Chewing does its part, but your saliva has an enzyme – salivary amylase – that catalyzes the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugars you can use. Amylase does nothing to protein, so meat isn't affected. Also, amylase only does its thing in alkaline environments, which is why your mouth has a different pH level than your stomach.

Once the bolus of food drops into your stomach, the pH changes and becomes very acidic. This isn't really to "dissolve" food, as much as it is to allow another enzyme – pepsin – to go to work on proteins. This is a relatively quick and easy step, so it only happens once. That's why these gastric-bypass fatsos are so stupid – they're bypassing the bit that digests the most nutritious part of your diet, virtually ensuring you live on a diet of carbs.

After the stomach, yellow bile pours out of the gallbladder to coat the food mass and make it alkaline again. Now it gets a dose of pancreatic amylase, which is the exact same protein from your mouth, except this is secreted by your pancreas, and the starches get a second pass.

The now-liquefied nutrients pass to the small intestine, where the good bits are extracted through a permeable membrane and into the bloodstream. This oxygen-poor/nutrient-rich blood flows through the hepatic portal vein to the liver, where a bunch of chemical tricks get played on it to finish the job of absorption. Waste material passes to the large intestine, where most of the water is recovered and intestinal flora do their work, and then you give birth to the baby nigger.

It's a regular miracle. And now that you have an overview of the process, I hope none of you anons will fall for any high-colonic or other New Agey horseshit. Just eat fucking food and exercise. You'll be fine.

Like I fucking care about dietary choices of Hitler.

but eating vegan makes me able to astral project

You mean you get hallucinations by starvation

Watermelon and Bananas.

trying to space-launch yourself via fart rocketology is not astral projection

Aren't watermelons relatively "new" to the black diet? I remember reading they were a symbol of black independence around the 1960's or so, because they were able to grow them in their exclusively black communities and be self sufficient.

Not sure where the fried chicken stereotype came from, though.



Yeah, that doesn't seem like propaganda at all. Enjoy the meat, you fucking retard.

Have you cucks found a vegan who isn't completely fucked in the head yet?

Hahahaha, did you actually read the article you linked?

The European Diet?
What is that, cum and national socialism?

If you don't eat meat daily, you're unnatutal as homosexuals

It's an unironic shill thread. They aren't expecting you to read past the headline. The link is only there to give a whiff of legitimacy.

No, burning fresh arab children from air strikes.

Dubs confirm. It's sad how many people on Holla Forums probably fall for this shit.

Eh.. there's only 28 unique posters in the thread and just a few of them have made most of the posts. They are just talking with themselves.



Get a slowcooker and buy beef bones and scrap meat. Put them in the pot, cover with water and spices and cook on low for 14 hours. Best broth and meat ever, tender as fuck.
Partially correct. Uncle Adolf was an ovo-lacto vegetarian he ate eggs and drank milk. Vegans are one part eating disorder to one part cult.

Small addition here, without our ancestors learning how to cook meat this would have been a lot harder. The invention of meat cooking (e.g. roasting it on the bonfire) has deemed it less demanding for the jaws and teeth to chew it, which in turn allowed for an increase in brain size (about 20%) as the size of the former decreased.

Sufficient fat is most important, many vegetarian diets try to minimize it.

dumb vegetarians

Cut back to once a week you shiteating (literally) retard. Soda is shitty for you and the rest needs some work as well.

lol die

This was an improvement over my previous lifestyle.
Don't be an ass



Wha…what? That's actually disgusting. Soda is liquid shit, you should be cutting it out of your diet completely or at least cutting it down to only once in awhile. Whenever you would drink soda, drink water instead. As someone who used to drink ~a can per day I can tell you that at first it won't taste like anything, but if you stick with it for a week or so you'll get used to it.

Drinking 3 sodas a day is an improvement? What the hell kind of human livestock were you before the "improvement"? If you are browsing Holla Forums you should really have the brains enough to at least cut the carbonated jew out of your regular diet.

Civilization is built on starch, meat and diary is for nomadic/semi-nomadic barbarians.

I don't know how people can even drink 1 a day.

I probably have a soda every 2-3 weeks, I drink water, tea and a beer or 2 every cupple of weeks


I haven't had soda in 10 years. Feeling better than ever.
Mind you, I also combine this with eating well, working hard and liftan.

The Mediterranean diet reigns supreme.

That's impressive.

My soda buys are always impulsive ones. I can go a few mouths or a few weeks without bothering, but every now and then in my local store I end up impulsively getting one out the cooler.

I can put text with a name to. "Fuck bitches, get money."- Adolf Hitler


It's the same psychological impulse that makes hungry people buy more food at the stores than they usually would. Aside from the stuff he needs, a hungry man would also grab some junk food, a sausage or whatever.
The trick here is to always stay hydrated. Carry around a bottle of water/juice and sip from it from time to time. You'll start ignoring the coolers very fast.
Also, I am a Yuropoor, so sodas are way too sweet for my taste anyway.

There's more estrogen in meat and dairy. More importantly, it's the animal hormone type of estrogen.

Animal hormones don't work on humans.

He also got many medical issues. Surely he was under a lot of stress, never the less. Much to do with his stomach if I remember right?

The nice man he couldn't hurt an animal you know

you need your meat and fisk!

Grey squirrels are total cunts, though.

I'm going to make my self a big steak now when you speak about it actuall

red meat is part important for men

Meat-eaters are unable to get past their ego and man the fuck up and stop eating dead sentient beings. I hate the fact that people associate veganism/vegetarianism with leftists. Hitler was the first statesman that created laws for animal rights and was an ethical vegetarian and he would probably have made laws that prohibited meat-eating and animal torture. Because you plebs can't listen to logical imperatives we need to impose order with Fascism. Subhumans eat meat. The Overman cares about the environment and the well-being of all animals.

You would never survive in nature by your self, veganism a cityboy delusion

How can it be sentient if it's dead?

What kind of hypercuck would give up meat? That sweet diet of chocolate and plants must be keeping you real healthy

I eat like 1.5-3 lbs of meat a day.

No he wasn't. He was put on a vegetarian diet by his doctor in his last uear of life, and not coincidentally that's when he started going nuts.

Just like the Jew, it is YOU who are the problem.

It is thanks to hunters and meat-eaters that we have complex and intelligent creatures to begin with. Hunters exist to keep in check what would otherwise be endless fucking to the point of literal degeneracy. Reality is such that without hunters there is only stagnation and death. As such, your cuck dream of a world without aggression or power is simply meant to obfuscate your true desire for a world so at peace that your miniscule amount of power finally becomes relevant. Like every other kind of commie, your end goal is to tear down all other forms of power so that yours may stand a chance. Fuck you.

It's because you're subhuman and have bad genes.

No, it is not in any way more healthy.

breafast:eggs and buttered coffee
lunch:chicken, rice and veg
din:kefir, steak, sweet potato, veg
i feel awesome now


What's even the point of eating meat if you don't buy quality? Meat is not moral if it's the low-grade meat of an animal that had no life. Meat is meant to pass on all of its vitamins and minerals, all of the good stuff that the animal in question spent its life eating and building up. Eating meat is about creating life, not destroying it.

If you don't drink milk, or even worse cannot drink milk, then you aren't white. Period.

Is raw actually a viable and safe way to eat steak?
Try it either blue or Black and blue. Most commercial meat I wouldn't take the risk of eating raw, mostly because huge grocers don't always have the best storage methods. If you know your butcher though you can always ask him if he has some cuts ready to be made into a tartar.

Best solution there is to hunt. People shouldn't be allowed to eat meat anyway if they aren't willing to kill the animal themselves.

I fucking love Holla Forums

No he wasn't you colossal faggot, he just ate a lot of veggies but he also ate meat

not an argument. ofc I would eat meat if my life depended on it but that's just a hypothetical.

you retard go read a book about Evolutionary Stable Strategy. 1) Hunters hunt for fun nowadays not for food 2) they dont keep the population at check. The population of chickens/calves/pork is abnormally high exactly duh to the fact that people consume them and that there is demand for them. We force breed them for our culinary preferances. They wouldn't breed non-stop and fill the planet. holy shit your mentaly retarded. Fascists, ascetics in various religions and conservatives have been ethical vegetarians/vegans for millenia you fucktard.
I'm irl in a natsoc group in my country so yeah I'm not the commie/shill you would like to think I am.
muh taste buds, muh hedonism. thats all you have. You heretics need to man up and become real idealists and fascists not some carcass eating barbarian subhumans.

You're very upset.

Yes, hunters are essential to any balanced system, including that of human beings themselves. You, a little pigeon, might fear hunters but sadly without them you would be lost.

I'd like to see you become a "real idealist and fascist" without protein.

Raw fish which is high in omega 3, the main reason they have a high average IQ as a nation.

are you seriously saying you can't get protein with out devouring a corpse?

Literally the emotional reasoning of a woman

And all of them have been faggots. What does that tell you?

And there is nothing ethical about veganism. The two are mutually exclusive. Veganism is extremely degenerate.

All right, let me change the statement.

I'd like to see you become a "real idealist and fascist" without animal-derived protein.

Enjoy becoming weak and your lack of B and D-vitamins. Unless of course you want to shell out a ton of shekels every week to make sure your faggot diet manages to be balanced with all amino acids, vitamin and minerals. makes a good point too.

The irony goes deeper than that. National socialism would never be able to exist in the first place without meat-eaters! Again that user's dark nature is revealed: living off the hard work of other men's sacrifices while criticizing their methods.

supporting jewish owned factory farms is degenerate.


I'm sorry to inform you but the meat you eat comes from industrialized intensive animal farming and not from hunters going out with rifles to find food.

I'm sorry to inform you but the meat you eat comes from industrialized intensive animal farming and not from hunters going out with rifles to find food.

I don't. I buy all my meat from a local farm or hunt it.

I buy quality meat specifically for the reasons laid out in this post

Your reasoning is so weak we're just making fun of you m8

your body doesnt care if you get protein from meat or from plants. whats your argument? oh wait you don't have one.

stop posting


crazy how op actually has it ass-backwards

Just try being vegan properly for 5 days and watch you'll never go back. stop believing blood gives you superpowers you fucking plebs


Except it does. Your body needs both animal-derived proteins and plant-derived ones. Deprive itself of either and you have a deficiency. Besides, both meat and fish contain much-needed microelements that cannot be properly balanced by taking supplements.
Humans evolved as omnivores. There is a reason why we have incisors, canines and molars, and that reason is called not being a pampered, preachy urban faggot like you.

I respect people that try to at least eat meat that was ethically killed but I guess if people don't have the willpower to takle the logically next step to become vegetarian we'll have to enforce it when natsocs get in power. And I firmly beleive that forced vegetarianism should be a core implimentation when we get in power. Most don't think that because they are too attached to muh taste buds. "its too hard man" plebs…

Do you not realize everyone here can tell you're fourteen years old by your writing style alone? Every one of your posts stands out like a sore thumb. You've failed the most basic Holla Forums test. Get out.

Pick only one. Agriculture has been the biggest ecological disaster in the history of the earth. All real environmentalists support hunting and opposed agriculture, retard.


I'm pretty sure soy and hemp both have a complete amino acid profile and a combination of pea and brown rice should get you there as well.

Get you to where? A b-cup?

Are you retarded?

Has nothing to do with taste you woman. Meat-based diet is simply the ideal human diet. This is a fact, and no amount of vegan propaganda changes that fact.

Eating substandard nutrition (vegan) is the definition of immoral.

Eat some meat and you'll drop the tits, don't worry.

Veganniggers will hang next to the kikes who promote it and faggots. I wouldn't hate vegan so much if they learned to shut the fuck up and stop making their diet a social movement, just like faggots do. Human have been omnivorous for thousands of years, pussyfying aryans through meatless diets will never fucking happen, people will turn to cannibalism before it does.

Yeah, I'll just eat game meat and avoid developing gynecomastia instead of becoming a soy eating low test faggot.

My sides.

You're the fag that thinks hemp and peas are 'protein sources.'


But.. they are.

Guess what, sandniggers and kikes use the internet too. You should call your ISP and get rid of it too.

WTF I hate oxygen now.

Who makes the call that an image board with ~3,000 active users daily is a good target for the meat industry to send paid shills to? Is it a Republican party thing? Like, there are industry donors to the Republican party and they want to try shore up support and product loyalty in what they believe is a radical and dedicated part of the base?

spiritual people in general always have avoided eating meat. Maybe these guys are debauched materialists who need another few thousands reincarnation cycles.

If anything, agriculture should be banned in the fourth Reich. Then anyone that doesn't eat meat will simply die from malnutrition.

Like meat needs to be shilled, faggot.

Continue implying that we're not shilled by a bunch of hippies promoting an emasculating diet. Also you just proved to be retarded, probably thanks to your diet, by thinking that the number on the front page represents individual users.

One would assume so, but here we are. It's really ramped up in the last couple of days, too. Something's up.

Buying frozen pieces of formerly caged mammals at walmart is literally the manliest thing you could do in 2016 america, RAWR.

Let's say the number is 100,000. Is that worth anyone's time in an industry the size of the meat and dairy business?

They day they learn how to build toilets and actually build them is the day I might listen to anything poos have to say about anything.

Go back to cuckchan. Every thread about food ends up in veganiggers getting assblasted. Be glad you're not the actual vegan shill that gets banned once in a while for posting cuckporn.

No, they don't. Some nigger shows up and spams "meat cuck" and they devolve into exactly what this thread is.

I eat everything I kill.

A hunter who doesn't, isn't a hunter, he's a sportsman, and that's just degenerate.

I do it for free and because I fucking love cooking. No industry has to pay me to defend meat's value in a balanced diet. Not my fault the average burger eats so much meat they get cancer from it and I certainly won't defend a bland lifestyle that removes any joy in eating and cooking.

This is false and brahmins do not avoid meat. Only some do, and these ones are typically degenerated types who have polluted their bloodlines with shitskins.

Veganism comes from debauched materialist ethics, dummy. Namely hedonistic utilitarianism. Real spiritual people can only see things universally and from a cosmic perspective, under which there is no way that veganism is necessary or good.

What do you your loves and interests have to do with anyone else's?
Why would it need to be defended or attacked? Why is joy in cooking and eating deemed to be universally desired and narrowly defined to fit your parameters? You're having a nonsensical argument largely with yourself.

A hunter who doesn't eat what he kills is just a wasteful sack of shit. There are few better tasting foods as properly prepared game meat that you hunted yourself.

Why are you desperately trying to shill your diet then, even threatening to force it on everyone if you ever have the power to? Isn't it the same bullshit non-argument you do because of your feels about those "poor animals"? Then, why are you so defensive and think meat eaters are paid shills by the meat industry? You must be either a woman, a jew or an effiminate faggot to have such cognitive dissonance.

I'm not.
Source? Provide linked post and post ID [you do realize we have those here, right?]
That certainly isn't my motivation.
I don't think meat eaters are paid shills. I think this particular thread and several threads we've had in the last few days to be the work industry advertisers.
Try harder to fit in.

Salty because you missed the first post? Go away, schlomo.

LOL, what a faggot you are. Typical liberal arguments, meat is for real men, if you want to be a female, eat estrogen in pills not soy, that would be faster.

The election is over. If you feel more comfortable with the level of discourse found at GLP and Breitbart, I'd suggest you head on back.

is that also why he put severe restrictions on hunting, supposedly planned to ban slaughterhouses, and enacted many other animal welfare laws?

plenty of people care. hitler was a great man. people going
seem to think they're more badass than hitler.

protip: they're not.

Under 25 BMI fag here.

I do agree there is a war on the European diet. But it goes beyond meat vs no meat: the war is over the growth hormones used in our food, the trace chemicals that are in our drinking water, and pushing sugary content on younger people.

If you notice when Europeans eat traditional European food, they tend to stay slim, when Northern Asians eat traditional food they tend to stay slim, even Africans tend to stay slim when they eat traditional African food.

But the second you start feeding any population processed foods they start getting fat, slow witted, and are unable to sustain physical activity. What's insidious is that many fat Americans are actually eating normal portions of food, it's just that the food itself is garbage that's poisoning them. The slimmest I've ever been was living two years in France where I ate anything I wanted and never gained a pound. In America I am measuring out exact portions otherwise I start to lose definition.

Now I've heard from my french friends that they are seeing a lot more men with guts. Not surprisingly there has been a huge push for (((supermarkets))) and Kebab quality garbage in their diets. The Parisian shops that were selling healthy sandwiches for 7 euros are being undercut by Kebabs that charge 4 euros for greasy meat of unknown origin. And just like the cucked FDA, the Europeans do nothing about the poisoning of their food supply.

The Lightning and The Sun (1958) by Savitri Devi, taken from the Journals of Joseph Goebbels. extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Fuehrer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat eating is wrong. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also.&source=gbs_book_other_versions


You can't seriously disregard all that BGH and fucking antibiotics in factory farmed garbage people buy at the supermarkets these days.

Which is why I buy all of my meat, greens, veggies and fruit from the Amish.

Disgusting barbarian. I really can't add anything else to this.

Most meat nowadays are stuffed with disgusting hormones because of the demands for mass production and in some cases you are better off eating stuff like pinto beans.

Can we please get veganism classed as a mental illness already?

Eat cock, i'll have my steaks cooked.

Well, not everybody can be perfect.

No, because that classification prescribes treatment rather than liquidation.

i didn't need these feels

I certainly believe that westerners (especially in America) consume too much meat. It went from being a special treat to something we get every meal. Stuff like Burger King and McDonald's has to go. And ranching is very bad for the environment. But meat also has protein and other shit we need so we can't give it up.

In all seriousness, are there any dietitions on here that would know of some unbias studies? Despite the fact that this is a shitty thread; diet is a very important part of self improvement. It's not a bad thing to weigh the pros and cons of eating meat.

What happened to the anti-bulldog threads

What happened to the anti-bulldog threads

What happened to the anti-bulldog threads

What happened to the anti-bulldog threads

No meat is not necessary. Red meat is a carcinogen when consumed in high amounts. Meat is also extremely high in cholesterol.

Meat of all kinds due to oils and fatty acids are also extremely acidic. This so eating a shit ton of meat and cheese will make your body acidic.

You really want about 70% vegetable 30% meat diet.

Vegetables are "high energy"(fuck new age shit but thats literally the best way i could describe it in regards to their high vibratory rate" Note there is a correspondence in vegetation and the colors of fruits and vegetables. This corresponds with the band of light on the electromagnetic spectrum and the energy that is absorbed by said vegetation.

just eat a good balance of fruit, veggies, and meat. you'll feel more energized and your brain will work better.

and microwaves are for jews, microwaves kill your food

You want your diet all the meat you can afford an the rest should be bought from the change in your pocket.

Meat-cucks at it again.
Animal products are mostly detrimental to your health. Humans did not evolve to eat animal products, as advocates of the paleo diet would have you believe, if that was in fact the case than why is the consumption of animal products always linked to heart disease, and why are populations that consume little to no animal products virtually free of heart disease and many other diseases associated with such a diet?

You can feed a carnivore endless amounts of meat and it will never develop heart disease. Do that with a human and you will quickly come to the conclusion that humans are very susceptible to it.

Humans that consumed meat in Paleolithic times usually only lived to their mid twenties anyway, thus they didn't have time to develop heart disease, but they still had enough time to reproduce. That explains a lot.

Even Inuits develop instances of heart disease at or above the rate of other demographics.
In contrast, the longest living populations eat almost exclusively plant foods. Just look at Japan, Korea, India, ect.


Animals with sharp teeth are supposed to eat meat. Ones with blunt teeth are supposed to eat vegetables. Plus meat just gets stuck in your liver, but you probably love that fags.



Humans are made to be omnivorous, you leaf eating ruminant. Learn physiology too, meat doesn't "get stuck in your liver".

Humans are omnivorous.
We're not rigged for a singular food source like other animals.

We'll eat pretty much anything you put in front of us.
Which makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint as compared to other animals we're massively energy intensive to keep alive.

So a varied diet works best for us but now we're more developed in terms of civilisation we can be more careful with our food sources.
Just because something reduces one issue doesn't mean it doesn't cause others.

Also the vegan diet is not sustainable in most environments. Requiring specialty crops that aren't available outside of particular climates or regions. Or ones that are absurdly resource intensive to grow.
So right from the get go we're faced with serious issues from going vegan. Suffice to say it would cause an ecological disaster.

That guy in the red has bug eyes, wtf.

Next try, "plants tho" Seriously, we need to argue points that haven't already been destroyed by vegans.

You do realise most apes and monkeys will eat meat when its available?


Animals will eat anything when it's available, including shit. What's your point?

Because they'll eat it despite other food sources being available.

Face it nigga. We're omnivores.

What is a carnivore digestive system

Is it here where the vegan cucks congregate in my Holla Forums?

I have some gore for you bitches.

Learn how to be a fucking ubermensch, you stupid faggots. Honor thy meat, and you shall receive thy testosterone.

In a hystorical setting you can survive only eating meat once every few days. To survive on plants alone you would have to supplement




I know, right?

It's almost like (((someone))) keeps meddling with things you think are pleasurable. You know, like fucking with a foreskin or feeling the rush of the first chew of a grilled, hot piece of meat.

wew lad

Meat is so fucking good it blends with nearly everything. You can eat meat with french fries outside of fast food joints and it might be healthier for you than this vegan crap (((they))) keep pushing.

I said the lifestyle was bland, you fucking mongoloid. I guess your meat lacking diet makes you unable to properly read sentences and instead you have to put words in others' mouths. No amount of plugging your ears and yelling is gonna change the fact that a well balanced diet includes meat. Unless of course you want to believe the delusional rhetoric of UN kikes which would rather have us eat bugs and soy for protein and lose all joy of eating.


I'm starting to suspect they are the same kikes who try to say that alcohol is not part of European culture. They either unknowingly or on purpose try to preach a puritan-style of living where you hate your life, just like the Jew tried to impose on people of European descent ever since they took positions of power in England.

This type of thread is always 4kikes tier catalog filler, or distraction.

Eat as much or as little meat as you want, damn…

It's your choice and even saying that isn't some profound libertardian thought. It's food, nobody can deny that, you do not have to eat it, or you can eat the fuck out of it, or you can eat it with a moral code (I must hunt it myself).

It's a clear division point for exploitation but frankly lame. Don't we have more important things to talk about?


It's IMO a bit of both. Miserable people who want to push (((their))) awful decisions on to you, and since (((they))) control a lot of powerful companies in the western world, their voice is amplified, while those who have a slightest amount of reasoning and say "Hey, maybe eating meat isn't so bad as long as you don't eat so much of it every day!" are silenced.

No. The vegan myth needs to be completely obliterated. Its one of the sources of problems in our youth, absorbing this kind of behaviour on the pretense of helping poor animals. Never underestimate the lust for virtue-signalling. Only by calling people on their bullshit those who regret their decisions by becoming underweight depressive unhealthy vegans will not need to convert.

We can even use this to our advantage. This is a slice of pork. Meme "Eat pork this christmas" and trigger the fucking mudslimes while hitting the fucking vegans at the same time.

I've noticed that the more it's going, the less the idea of self moderation in anything is seen as something possible in the minds of the shabbo's goyim appointed by kikes. It's like everything was based on the model of Jewish "everything in excess" as being the norm and what to achieve. When I was a kid balance in everything was promoted, now it's prevalent black (ban) or white (overindulge) thinking all over the place. People without impulse control should be cast aside of society for being a liability.







So I don't know whether you are just countering a thread, or made this thread itself specifically to be countered, but NO.


In the last couple months I became allergic to a lot of fruits, vegitables, and nuts. They make my throat swell and itch, as well as make my (also newly bad) asthma get pretty bad.
So I've gone paleo over the last couple days (no grains, Milk, Legumes). I'm hoping that helps the allergies, as well as my brain fog/anxiety issues.

Any other people here have any advise?

I was born into a conservative vegetarian household and went vegan later due to some joint pain issues that were resolved with the change. The few times I tried meat, some was okay and some was gross. It never became something I felt a craving for though, so I never made it a part of my daily diet.

One thing I did notice though is that when someone I like who eats meat becomes aroused they smell like a rotting carcass. It's a complete turn off. Does anyone else have this experience? Even the other way around. Do vegans or vegetarians smell bad to those who regularly eat meat?

Beer made from hops is 50x more estrogenic than soy. MUH BEER CULTURE!

I have to become vegan again. I did it for 4 years but went back to vegetarian to cut costs and have more things to eat.

tbh need a qt gf who knows how to cook

it's all about that liver

The day I actually give a shit what someone else chooses to eat is the day I will an hero on youtube.

I feel for ya. The vegan diet gets to be very expensive. Especially if you are eating healthy vegan and not just avoiding animal products.

poor jew, he will never taste oh so tender veal braised in cream, or thick porkchop cooked greek style

Yes. Vegans usually smell like mold and they all have severe halitosis. Something very strange about that diet. They don't seem to be aware of it themselves and most people are too polite to say anything.

Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. I always thought my breath smelled bad and this actually gives me a long desired answer to that. Brushing helps but it doesn't totally overcome the smell. Usually I can't smell it myself but enough life experience has hinted at it.

Jewish Sam Harris on Jew Rogaines podcast talking about how tired and weak he feels on a vegan diet.

Jews infiltrate then destroy noble Aryan movements.

Hitler helps me every day.

No, I'm just pulling your leg you retard. Vegans doesn't smell anything by their diet alone, unless they are integrated in the rest of leftist hippie culture and doesn't wash or have dreads or something. Which I admit is common among them.

Just like your bullshit about meat eaters smelling like rotting carcasses is crap. If you really experience that it's all in your mind, through vegan cultish indoctrination.

Stop fucking signalling and tell me what to eat.

The only way this could be possible is if they were eating vegan junk food. Everyone knows paleofags smell terrible. Especially ketogenic fags who have death breath from ketosis.

Replace the Soda with Juice. Every few days add a little more water to your regular juice until your more water than juice.

Moron spotted.

And here's the strong man world record holder for the log lift responding to Joe Rogan's claim that vegans are weak. Yes, he's vegan.

Watch out, you're gonna get banned for all this truth telling.

Wanna know how I can tell that you don't know a thing about nutrition?

Dubs of truth

I mean everybodys already shown how necessary meat was to human evolution, id rather not doom my descendants.

Lots of people smell different based on their diet. Asians who eat their native foods smell different than Westerners. And I won't try to defend hippies. They smell rank.

Sources. Give real legitimate studies that weren't funded by the meat and dairy industry.

The problem is also the demonization of fat. Fat, especially saturated fat is good for you and for your brain. The problem is sugar (all carbs become sugar, and even protein will turn to sugar if you eat large amounts.) The ideal diet, especially for whites is very high fat and very low carb, with only modest amounts of protein. Personally. I only consume about 20g of carbs a day, usually entirely from leafy greens, about 50g or protein. The rest of my calories come from fat, mostly butter and cream, but also from coconut and olive oil. My cholesterol has never been better, and my triglycerides are practically non existent. Fat is your friend, sugar is the enemy.


Understand this isn't herbavore vs. carnivore, but herbavore vs omnivore. I fucking love vegetables, but I also love meat. We already agree with your pic partially. For instance federally regulated pasteurized and homogenized milk is basically just white fatty water. All of the good stuff is destroyed in the process of making it "safe." We agree that not all meat is created equally, and there are bad hormone-ridden choices.

Not eating meat and fat as if it's "the correct diet" is wrong and gay.

Do you know what the problem could be for someone who eats healthy vegan but has always struggled with bad breath? I'm looking for a solution to this. I don't eat any vegan junk food. Perhaps it could be unrelated to diet. Not sure.

For beef. I believe most of the bacteria is on the surface. However, for meats such as chicken and pork, the bacteria is throughout.

Do you brush your tongue when you brush your teeth?

Daily reminder: If you're a vegan and you're not supplementing with creatine, your diet is actually impairing your brain function.
>Creatine supplementation is in widespread use to enhance sports-fitness performance, and has been trialled successfully in the treatment of neurological, neuromuscular and atherosclerotic disease. Creatine plays a pivotal role in brain energy homeostasis, being a temporal and spatial buffer for cytosolic and mitochondrial pools of the cellular energy currency, adenosine triphosphate and its regulator, adenosine diphosphate. In this work, we tested the hypothesis that oral creatine supplementation (5 g d(-1) for six weeks) would enhance intelligence test scores and working memory performance in 45 young adult, vegetarian subjects in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. Creatine supplementation had a significant positive effect (p < 0.0001) on both working memory (backward digit span) and intelligence (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices), both tasks that require speed of processing. These findings underline a dynamic and significant role of brain energy capacity in influencing brain performance.



If that's true, then why does 99% of vegan men come off as effeminate limp-wristed faggots? Yeah, I'm sure you got some pin up of some obscure vegan bodybuilder or something, but that's not the standard. Everyone knows some vegans and everyone knows how they are scrawny and feminine. So why is that, if they have more testosterone?

If its not tooth cavity its your digestive system or liver being overworked. Try eating less and only clean foods/whole foods.

Read about basic health/diet books on ayurveda.

It's because most vegans are libtards that want to virtue signal without any real knowledge of how to implement a vegan diet. They eat vegan junk food or don't know how to make a real meal. People who know what they are doing don't end up that way.

All the limp wristed vegan faggots I've encountered only do it as a trend. Theyre the first to go back to eating meat. The ones that stick to it do it for a higher ethical reason and it shows theyre aryan af.

k, give us a pic of your gains then. Doesn't need to be identifiable, just your timestamped biceps or something.

Good question, especially since saturated fat is needed to produce test. I'm betting its because they compared these vegans to people that were eating a truly abhorrent 'standard American diet.' Comparing guys that eat salads with guys that eat chicken covered in white flour, fried in peanut oil, and washed down with half a gallon of coke? Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they had slightly higher test. Veganism is far from optimal, but it is a step up from the utter garbage most Americans eat.

Because those people are nothing more than virtue signalers who probably eat cheese and will quit calling themselves vegans eventually.

You do realize that the vegetarianism and degenerate "nothing matters, strawberry fields forever" reincarnation schpiel of Aryan india was cultism for the shitskin caste so they would be easy to control?

t. awakened my kundalini many years ago.

Best shape I have been in was when I was in live and had a clear, soon to be realized goal. Now I fell back into porn addiction and dont have motivation to do hard training. Havent eaten meat in 8 years. was vegan for half of those years.

Its like poetry.

Youre a lying faggot. Hindu's always worshipped cows. The dark skinned modern degenerates eat meat and dont live according to Vedic knowledge.

whether you're a vegan or vegetarian doesn't matter, dietary creatine is only found in meat. If you're not supplementing creatine, your brain function will be measurably impaired.

Would if I could but chicks don't need biceps.

I'm from a bluezone so I'm basing my statements on what I've seen in my fellow bluezones. We eat a vegan diet and don't grow weak unless we stray from our diet or aren't physically active. The few exceptions come from unfortunate genetic diseases.

Also its said that the age of Kali (ignorence) began 5000 years ago with cow slaughter. You kundalini fags are all snake oil salesmen.

It's 100% true. My kundalini even manifested from the crown chakra. And I am not against vegetarianism, which is a valid alternative for some very specific and temporary spiritual purposes. I am speaking out against veganism, which is a degenerate and destructive cult without any merit whatsoever. In no vedic text will you find any mention of veganism, because leftist hippies hadn't invented it yet.

Many things are "said." You are in spiritual darkness, user.

Industrialized meat has shit can that be harmful that's why we cook it.

If you were to be innawoods and kill the animal yourself make sure the animal doesn't look sketchy and then you can eat it raw.

Rig Veda:

“One who partakes of human flesh, the flesh of a horse or of another animal, and deprives others of milk by slaughtering cows, O King, if such a fiend does not desist by other means, then you should not hesitate to cut off his head.”

Rig-veda (10.87.16)

How come all you kundalini faggots are liars and snake oil salesmen? Every single one. "muh crown chakra awakened my kundalini bro it must be tru"

Youre the type of limp wristed faggot who adopts veganism as a trend only to go full anti vegan when you fail because youre so fucking weak.

Further reading that destroys your false argument

Bacteria forms on the outside, there are a few ways around that, and people eat steak tartare.

But, bleu is better, searing causes the Maillard reaction which is yummy.

You are not only spiritually void, but borderline retarded.

Confirmed for not having opened his energetic paths and knowing nothing of the esoteric workings of the religious system he purports to be some sort of expert of. You're the snake oil salesman here.

What? I eat meat like the brahmins of old. I'm no vegancuck. I switch it up to veganism when I do intense meditations after fasts, then I go back to eating meat like the Aryan patriarchs of old.

Switch it up to vegetarianism of course. Veganism is degenerate.


You should meditate upon your root chakra, bro. Enlightenment might come to you some day.

Actually it's carbohydrates that fuel our minds.

You talk more stupid shit after that so am not even going to bother.

My mind is blown. This is exactly the type of Jew that Hitler describes in Mein Kampf.

are you ready for your future incarnation meatcuck?

The thing is that even the rig vedas aren't true.

I haven't mentioned them as any sort of authority, you did. I just showed how retarded you are when your own cult doctrine says depriving people of milk is a capital offense, and you take it as a point for your leftist cult who deprives people of milk.

The reality is that there is a tiny core of true spiritual practice in indian Aryan religion, carried on by the high caste yogis. Everything else is just cultist claptrap for the lower castes.

Reincarnation isn't real. It's a way to make people accept being slaves. You have one life, and you better make the best of it like your Aryan forefathers who conquered the world.

Youre such a dirty faggot. You throw out new age hippy fag arguments to sound superior yet you go against the Vedas and claim that you're right about eating meat and they must be made up by hippies.

I just cant. You're the exact limp wristed faggot who takes yoga classes and failed at vegetarianism but uses the excuse "muh kundalini" as why youre justified.

Post a picture of yourself. I bet you look sub human.

Savitri Devi tended to make shit up to support her Hindoostan bullshit.

Die you fucking fiend.

Yes I go against the vedas, they are bullshit. Sorry that your religion is a lie meant to keep low castes in check. You'll get over it some day.

Yeah, me being lightyears ahead of you in spiritual development is a justification for calling out your cultist bullshit.

Post a picture of yourself. If youre so enlightened and ahead of me you must look like a God.

Spirituality isn't found in scriptures my young friend. It's found in nature, experience, and yes… meditation which you seem to frown so upon. You should try it. It might help your anger issues and sort things out with your confusion about the natural order.

of course you don't believe in reincarnation, you don't want to account for your karma you incur by eating meat.


You wont because youre a fucking sperg with autism that thinks he's right about everything.

Did you know karma is a choice? It is. Meditate upon that fact and you might break some of the bonds that bind you so thoroughly to this material world.

I'm not right about everything by a long shot. I can admit I am wrong about many things. That veganism is a degenerate and spiritually void cult is not one of them.

I do meditate. I do observe nature. Disgarding scriptures is truly sub human though. You really think you possess all knowledge and wisdom and our forefathers were wrong.

I knew a guy like you and he has autism. You could never convince him of anything he would just leave if you opposed his way.

confirmed Jew. This board is crawling with JIDF.

Sounds a bit like you, doesn't it?

Do people on here see a plant based diet and a vegan diet as the same thing?

From my understanding it sounds like eating a vegan diet implies an ideology, whereas a plant based diet is merely a diet.

This is basically the crux of it. Vegetarianism is a diet, veganism is a cult.

So I see that the thread is a little bit different from the OP post now but I still wanted to drop this picture off, it's a very good (to me) summary of what a good diet might look like. I've looked into this stuff for a long time and the person who made this picture pretty much gets it right except for one crucial fact -> dairy should be held in higher importance. Still a good picture though.

Not at all. If you had any evidence whatsoever to back up your argument apart from "muh kundalini told me so" I would adopt any truth you presented.

But you havent. Not only no evidence for yoru claims "vedas are wrong, brahmins of old ate meat, karma is a choice, incarnation is a lie" etc but you wont even post a picture of yourself to show us what truth you have manifested in yourself.

The truth is youre ashamed of yourself because what youre doing isnt working. You just come online to tell people theyre al wrong and youre the enlightened one.

Just show yourself if youre so enlightened. Surely you have nothing to hide, O great one?

A healthy diet is primarily vegetables and other forage, with a side of meat, and a hint of fruit. Like our ancestors ate, and so we evolved to eat. Processed foods are fucked. Bread is fucked, though this can be somewhat minimalized with sourdough bread which used to be the normal bread, like what the Romans marched on. Dairy is fucked. And modern meat production methods where animals are pumped full of nasty shit and raised in abhorrent conditions leads to equally unhealthy meat.

You shouldn't eat any meat you didn't kill yourself.

Of course not. I am presenting you my truth. That it angers you is not my responsibility.

You have your own truth, now prove it? Prove the vedas are true. See how ridiculous the notion is? This is why I am able to say you are spiritually stunted. I am here answering you with my truths without any anger or malice. You lash out like a hurt child.

Why do you become angry because I believe the things I do and state them as facts? It's because you're not certain in your truth while I am certain in mine. That doesn't mean I'm right in what I'm saying, but it means I'm right about you.

The best thing about having a gf would be her cooking. The ultimate gf would be dressed as a french maid and cook only the best healthy meals, keep the house clean and be agreeable and tranquil to be around.

Ah, I should have said vegetarian or plant based instead of vegan in my earlier posts then. Lesson learned.


Only animals that are useful are referenced here

Don't eat cows because dairy is more valuable than their meat

Maybe they were all eating lamb + chicken meat

Definitely is a goal to strive for

that's a dude

How would you keep her virtuous?
The main problem I have is women act more animal now, there don't want to settle because they believe options, {Education, Work, PopThePill} instead of actually settling and raising children.

Dairy is a big problem being illegal if its raw (unpasterized). I bet the Jews are behind this. And grains too have been fucked by jewish Monsanto. Now wheat makes you inflammed because they fucking altered it genetically to fatten up Africans.

Theyre destroying all the pure foods, even fruit these days its unedible. We must into permaculture magical fruit farm with dairy cows.

no its a russian girl

You can still find very high quality dairy , i agree about wheat and fruit though, very sad.

For high quality dairy look for goat/sheep dairy. It is a different type of casein that is easier to digest and is actually the type that we evolved on. Modern cows make a type of casein that is new to us and causes some issues.

Try to find dairy with the least ingredients possible - raw isn't needed for health, you can get fermented stuff and it will be good to. Look for aged cheeses, kefirs, yogurts, etc.

I get lots of my calories from dairy daily.

Everything is poisoned nowadays. It really sucks…

Biggest problem with dairy, IMO, is that there is a shitload of estrogen in cow milk, and since they produce more when they're pregnant modern cows are injected with shitloads of estrogens which gets into the milk. Almost any modern dairy product is full of feminizing hormones that no human, female and especially male, should consume.

Milk is for babies.

Well you'd have to cut them off from television and thier phone even toxic friends and family which wouldnt be hard if you literally swept her off her feet and took her away to be yours completely.

Down a winding pathway in a garden old, tripped a beauteous maiden, but her heart was cold.

Came a prince to woo her, SAID he loved her true; maiden said he didn’t, so he ceased to woo.

Came a perfumed noble — dropping on one knee; SAID his love was deeper, than the deepest sea. But the winsome maiden, said his love was dead, and the perfumed noble, accepted what she said.

Came a dashing Stranger, took her off by force: said he’d MAKE her love him, and she did — of course.

That's a nice and true poem.

Raw meat is safe if eaten very fresh. Preferably you killed the game yourself so you can check it for disease or parasites. Old meat, like you buy in grocery stores , should definitely not be eaten raw because bad shit has had plenty of time to colonize it.

That poem certainly caters to a woman's fantasy, but I don't know if it would work out so well in real life. Quite beautiful though.

Have you tried it?

are we being raided?

That's true but most of the hormones are kept in the whey when cheese is made.

Making cheese from milk separates the curd (white part) from the whey (yellowish liquid). Cheese is free from the issues of hormones that you pointed out (which are true). Cheese is fine.

As far as milk goes, the healthier you are, the easier it will be to handle. Though I would probably rank it as one of the hardest foods to digest period.

Fermenting the milk into kefir or yogurt also helps with this issue. You can skip the milk but don't skip the dairy, your ancestors would be upset.

There are so many vegans now user. It's one of the most heavily shilled things with the youth these days.

Milk is for babies.

Nope. Just giving a perspective from the other side. I could be wrong though. There are probably some women who'd like that.

The ancient greeks considered the drinking of milk to be an act of barbarism.
But they ate tons of cheese.

Ancient roman soldiers survived on bread + cheese + onions

Dairy is about as prevalent in our ancestors diet as bread. Which is to say, hardly at all and only in recent history. The past few thousand years out of the previous millions. Fermenting it does help but there's only so much it can do. Men who eat lots of cheese have lower sperm counts, for example.

Cheese is better than milk but it's still fucked. Milk is for infants to help them develop. Grown men have no business consuming it in any form. Ancient armies relied on things like bread and cheese because they were abundant and calorically dense, not because they were especially healthy. Onions are good shit though.


Test post… its not letting me post

fuck, its not letting me post my reply to the guy above, lemme try again

Kek wills it.

Arthur Schopenhauer was a vegetarian, you colon cancer having faggot.

Need to see that study. I want to know what kind of ((cheese)) they put those men on and what their diets looked like. Any jewed food would probably be bad for you in some way, that doesn't mean the food is inherently bad. I could feed you factory farmed red meat and find that it is inflammatory to you, that wouldn't mean that red meat is bad for you.

and caucasians adapted to it - evolution
Cheese is a great food, you have probably read too many paleo blogs
But I have been playing this game for far too long and I know it is impossible to get people to change their views on diet

Eating animals doesn't mean you hate them or want them to suffer unnecessarily. If anything, a death by human hands is one of the most humane deaths an animal can experience. Alternatives being dying of starvation or disease , having your throat torn our by wolves x or eaten alive by a bear. In comparison, dying quickly by a skilled human hunter is merciful.


Dietary evolution takes more than a few thousand years. Caucasians may be better adapted to dairy foods than other races, but that doesn't mean it's better for us than the diet we spent millions of years prior adapting to. As for the study, I don't have it on hand but I'm sure if you searched "sperm counts cheese study" you'd find it pretty quickly.

I agree strongly on your point about red meat vs factory farmed meat though. Vegans love to point to those to indicate the superiority of their diet, but in reality the only thing those studies show is how profoundly unhealthy modern meat production methods are.

You are a deranged piece of shit


not an argument

Why would you asume that this is how the animals we eat are killed unless you're a fucking kike?

Yeah, vegans don't understand subtleties, everything to them is black and white, so they wouldn't get that red meat can be either good or bad depending on the quality of it.

Which leads me to my next point…
This one?

What a shit study. They made the people fill out a fucking question sheet on what their diet was in the past year and based their results on that.
And you want to know the result of the study?
that low fat milk improved sperm counts in men and that full fat cheese decreased it

I wonder (((((((((((((who)))))))))))))) payed for those results. Complete fabrication. Bullshit results, bullshit study.

chinks and semites aren't human so that guy is 100% right

No, it isn't an argument, but it is a fact.

Careful of meat quality user, large-scale farming is corrupt. Buy meat from farmer markets when you can. Sprouts is a hippy store, but a good place to buy meat. Avoid meat treated with growth hormones and antibiotics

Not above such a thing but like with everything else, timing would have to perfect. Not to mention the hope that her programming would break before the Relationship police came down hard.

I have thought about taking a her out to forest as if a regular excursion and just throwing away the keys, phones and everything else.

She would only then be able to survive by my survival skills alone, real power in the relationship then. But such a thing would also have to be worth it for me too.

Because the cows being killed by spics and hicks are treated so much better.

It's wrong to disregard the comfort of a living thing. It's not wrong to eat meat. If you're worried about mass farming, there are other avenues.

Raw is only okay if it meets the following criteria:
No hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, etc. The reason why the lean meat meme took off is because it's unsafe to eat large portions of fat and marble from non-organic meat sources unless you want mantits, nitrates to melt your brain, and tolerance to antibiotics.
That meat was alive not too long ago. It can and will go bad quickly but that's why you wanted it raw.
You can already buy meat from farmers privately but they have to be inspected regularly. It's the same idea behind raw milk sales. Raw Milk is barely legal in the US where the process to get approval is rigorous.

Tangentially related, pasteurization is glorified boiled milk. The whole idea behind it is like with most liquids. If you boil it, it should kill most contaminants. But if you use the chemists name and make it sound fancy, goyim will think it's the greatest health invention since ever and you can use that a precedent for other bullshit safety things. So for milk which is chemically a colloidal form of butter, boiling it means killing most of its nutrients. Since organic milk is naturally in saturated fats which is essential to testosterone production and other health benefits, restricting goyim's access to good milk has done a great deal.

You might notice I was referring to hunters, not factory farmers. Or is that too much to process for your vegan addled mind?

You would never eat your dog because he is a tool for your survival, a hog is a beast to be hunted.

I love my dogs because they may wake me if my place is about to be attacked, what would a pig do?

Many species find mutual benefit in helping one another but it is only for that reason.

The low fat milk improved sperm counts over their already degenerate diets because most of the estrogens in cow milk are contained in the fat.

90% of Hunters are limp-dicked pussies who got bullied growing up.

Says the cityboy who would starve without a grocery store.

The study literally asked these people "what did you eat in the past year"
There were no changes made to their diets
The conclusion was that those who drank skim milk had better sperm quality than those who ate cheese

But maybe like this user said

it has something to do with the non-organic fat sources being bad for you

Either way the study is complete garbage

explain cats then faggot or anyt other useless pet like fish or birds etc.

Makes sense you'd post a picture of a hipster faggot, his wife's son and the man they paid for them to kill the deer so they can take an Instagram photo with it along with your cucky ass comment.

Maybe so, but it's decidedly true that most of the estrogens in cow milk are found in the fat, which gets processed into cheese. Cheese is healthier than milk just like sourdough bread is healthier than the sugarbread most folks eat today, but it still ain't good for ya.

I have a yard cat, you aren't supposed to be friendly to a cat, it's just supposed to stay around and gets the vermin you don't want to deal with.

I've never looked into hunting birds or spotters but you probably have seen them in action.

Fish, you eat fish just like with hogs, what are you stupid keeping a fish in a bowl on your desk for 5 years feeding and cleaning it all that time for nothing, do you really have all that time to waste?

Well you can pry my grassfed full fat fermented cheese out of my cold dead hands, i'll never give it up

Since starting to eat it I grew taller, got broader shoulders, bigger jaw, deeper voice
I understand your concerns because I had them before but I know that I have found something good due to the results it has given me. I've also done tons of research into ancient cultures and into the hard science at the cellular, organ, and organism level that show that dairy is great for people that evolved to handle it.

But you have to find the good stuff. When I used to just eat random garbage that you could find at the grocery store i would get pimples, foggy brain, low energy, etc. I used to drink tons of milk and at that time I had slight mantits too, shit was embarrassing. But now I am built very lean and athletic.

But you have to do whatever gives you a clear mind and tons of physical energy. Those are the most important things. We can figure out the details once the food supply is unjewed

Do you know how much dairy the ancient diet consisted of? It can get pretty cold in the winter in the Northern regions.

The problem is actually as simple as the solution. Milk but especially butter, ideally organic, are some of the easiest and most versatile forms of saturated fats. If you want to minimize estrogen exposure then you should not only avoid inorganic dairy but dairy altogether. However, your next field of challenge is to seek non-dairy saturated fats. Also saying, "most of the estrogens in cow milk are found in the fat," is borderline misinformation because it also implies that fats bear responsibility for carrying estrogens.

This article was a good source on that topic. It's not so much the fats that are the issue but the source of the food. Likewise pregnant cows, especially ones on hormones to simulate the effects of pregnancy so they put out more milk put out even more estrogen. Hence, buy organic.
>The distribution of estrogens especially 17β-oestradiol in fat or non-fat parts of milk still is controversial, as Abeyawardene and co-workers reported that 52% of 17β-oestradiol content in milk is distributed in fat phase, in contrast Lopez and his team demonstrated that there is no difference in 17β-oestradiol concentrations between milk samples which processed as composite whole milk or composite defatted milk (91, 92).

The challenge doesn't end there however. /fit/ men become high in testosterone not because they eat well but because they work out. The ones that don't mind the varying amounts of estrogens in dairy products like whole milk for their protein shakes or butter for fatty substances would deem it negligible. Personally I'm more wary of plant-based saturated fat sources because some of them, which many do contain high amounts of phyto-estrogens, have a nasty habit of interfering with your gut flora and causing your intestines to produce estrogen. It sounds freaky, and it happens more often than you think.

bookzz .org/s/?q=The+Lightning+and+the+Sun

Well done or gtfo. Humans have been cooking for over 10,000 years, only niggers eat meat raw.

shit tier. there are no health benefits to be had from eating meat, eggs, and dairy, that you can't also get from other, healthier food.

and there's nothing wrong with grains. in fact, whole grains are very healthy, reducing risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes. beans also reduce the risk of cancer. the american institute for cancer research recommends eating whole grains and legumes with every meal. probably good advice if you insist on eating any of those carcinogenic animal products.

and there's nothing wrong with sugar either.


In any event, non-cucked men eat exclusively from the 5 major food groups;
Fat, Sugar, Salt, Alcohol & Cholesterol.

i can give you guy citations for all that stuff if you want it.

That article is wrong and very amusing but for the wrong reasons. Also I've never seen Disconnect rank up 817 content requests in the entire time I've used it. By the time you get to the part where it says,
You soon realize that it encapsulates the author's snark. Even if the writer wrote that as a joke, they're ascribing the veil that's been lifted off of the true role of fats and how they play in the body hypocritically like they were accusing the new movement. Later the author tries to walk that back. Also the author has a bizarre habit of using buzzwords that must be related to their injokes. I'm sensing a hint of mental illness as well.

The article's own theory is inherently flawed as well.
This is where it falls apart and since it's the thesis anyone can stop reading there. but I'll continue reading past this post for my own amusement:

This is inherently wrong for the sole fact that carbohydrate sources trigger the body's insulin response.
If the body constantly needs to produce insulin in high amounts, its own organs which especially includes the brain ceases to be sensitive to insulin. For people with insulin resistance, the first thing that's called for is to lower their carbohydrate intake which always means in addition to that sugar sources. Carbohydrates that can't be burnt off became body fat with no exception.

Top fucking lel the next part of this writer's thesis is based on jew science. Should I even go on?

You're probably one of the vegan poster spammers, right? This joke was only funny on Holla Forums tbh.

research juice fasting, your internals aren't clear of mucus and waste

Meat comes in pills now? Neat!

holy fuck this thread was started by a retarded 4th grader

of course everyone replies to it with zero critcism


what a bunch of rambling nonsense. you don't understand insulin resistance, and you can't just deny the results of this study because it goes against your theory.

not an argument. others have done similar experiments, with the same results.

This. If there's a meat shortage, eat vegans.

Never listen to this literal retards. I know the original poster isn't trying to get into shape, but as someone who struggles with weight problems making the transition to a healthier diet should feel like a journey and adventure, thus feeling good, versus feeling like a chore.

Always, always, ALWAYS ease your way into a healthier diet and lifestyle, or you will backslide. Of course the ease and length of the transition depends on your individual willpower. As a porky mcfatfuck, I obviously have low willpower on food, so I take it slow and don't cut all sugary shit out of my diet.

I like topics like these, because they reveal how far some of those who lurk here are from ascending to victory. Those unwilling to take their place in dominating the natural world will forever fail to dominate the human world. They are those who will wait for a savior in utter futility and bathe in impotent rage when the world schemes against them, and if the world was given to them to reign over, they would reject their seat of authority. They have become the prey of the human world and the rest are their predators.

I just wanted to mention a small thing of potential interest to some of you: pork frequently carries toxoplasma gondii, but many animal staples of modern Western diets, such as beef and chicken, either never carry it or it is absurdly rare. Mice and cats also carry it, but it is unusual to eat those. Bats carry rabies, and armadillos carry leprosy. But none of these are normal to eat, so it would seem there is no point in warning people. My point is though I think it is perhaps wise to limit the scope of the animals you eat simply to avoid disease. Why do you think Ebola killed so many in Africa? They were eating bushmeat which involved things like bats and monkeys (apes?) and stuff most of us would call roadkill. I'm not sure about all the things they ate, but some of their foods were reservoir species for ebola. I theorize that pork is the main supply of toxoplasma gondii in the human population, not cat owners. (Sexual transmission between humans may also have a role.) Cats have a very limited window of opportunity to transmit if you own one as a pet. Perhaps pork should be listed in the same category as other disgusting things people normally wouldn't eat. I realize Jews practice this, but we can't stop breathing air just because Jews breathe it.

I've tried telling Holla Forums about this before, but some of you objected saying merely cooking is enough. Cooking might be enough for you as an individual, but before you become so sure of yourself, at what temperature/time does toxoplasma gondii die 100%? I don't know either. You should be aware that toxoplasma has a large prevalence in the human population even though I'm sure few people are eating raw pork these days. You can never guarantee uniform cooking standards through an entire society, so even with great awareness somebody will eat undercooked ham from some random restaurant eventually. Also, you may never know if your sexual partner is infected. The prevalence of this parasite is not just an individual problem and the only correct perspective is to also view it as a social problem. My conclusion is that cooking is not enough for society to be free of it. Eradication of toxoplasma gondii will only happen when society rejects it either through law or cultural movement.

tl;dr but checked

If anyone don't want to eat then get the chicken eggs to eat instead.

Maybe you shouldn't be giving advice on losing weight until you've actually lost the weight and kept it off for at least 6 months.


looks like imma gonna have to drop some redpills then





Please don't post Dr. Gregors cherrypicking quack site.

wow, great "redpills". who needs actual research when you've got image macros full of broscience and platitudes?



Did you try not fucking sandniggers?


This. I've never seen an actual non-hippy vegan in my whole life.

I think that's a red one.

Do NOT eat raw fish. I am someone who has ate it in Japan and ended up infested with WORMS throughout every organ in my body. From brain, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, head to feet. DO NOT EAT RAW FISH YOU FAGGOTS. Was in bed for YEARS in agony and no doctor had a clue to help. Having studied these things you should cook other meats too as there are many different types of worms you can get from different meats.

Kek raped you for eating his kin


This. Have fun getting sick from poorly cooked food.

Beef is 5 times more expensive now than it was in 2000. The european union is imposing even more regulations on farmers under the pretext of battling non-existant, made-up and largely irrelevant diseases like BSE, Bird flu, swine fever, etc. I don't even know what Beef tastes like anymore.

What a pansy.

Mince it, Eat it.

Just like you just did?

What is this supposed to mean?

It's important to understand when you actually have a moral obligation and when you don't. If we lived in a fair and just place, I'd never advocate what I'm about to say, but we don't. When you live in a system that deprives you of basic, clean necessities of life and puts hurdles against acquiring it yourself, then stealing is not wrong. If you are a hard working person and still can't afford clean meat, which is a situation many find themselves in these days, then poach or steal it. No just person and no god will hold it against you.

I just had to post to let you know that the texture and toughness of different meats are wildly different, and just like vegetables they undergo changes throughout cooking. And MOST people are terrible cooks.

Don't judge any food by just one preparation, slow-cooked dark meat chicken is one of the tenderist and juiciest things you can eat and it costs very little.

From some another poor sap who can't afford a steak? Or some farmer who is hundreds of thousands in debt? Kill yourself.

Yes, your egalitarian communist philosophies is just garbage to me. The average Holla Forumsacks life and health is worth 50 normalfags to me. Everything isn't equal in this universe, that's how nature is. When we have a good society of equals with fairness, then moral law applies, before that everyone who plays ball is a sap, and I'll steal the beef from under your commie hooknose and not think twice about it.


Keto is just a politically correct version of paleo with any trace of race and history removed.
Paleo is the official diet of Holla Forums

Except niggers always order steak well done. Always. Well done is dried out and stupid.

Walmart has shit security and it's cameras have blindspots. Second the real trick is to be an autist and blank bored expression and to steal in a manner that doesn't change your appearance in anyway by having a front hole in a backpack to slide items into. Only conceal in an empty aisle and do it rapidly and gracefully.

This is one of the many reasons niggers think white people are descended from wolves.
It's true, google white people are wolves
Holy shit.

We Wuz Wolvs

Jewish food is terrible.

Was about to post this.

What's even funnier is the fact that they think this is somehow insulting, but honestly, I think most people I know would be honored to be related to wolves, myself included.

White folks fucking love wolves, yo.


Gas Yourself KIKE

Which is why omnivores like humans have both you retard.


The finns don't. Their word for wolf is something along the line of "useless thing", as in, they call wolves "useless things".

But, you did say "white", so yeah.

When your mom won't let you go on the computer until you eat your broccoli.


Well I mean white people essentially evolved along side wolves into dogs, white people and wolves/dogs are natural allies in the wilds. We feed them, they help us hunt in return.

Its ashame really, I really wish this happened with bears instead. Granted you CAN domesticate bears, but they are still unpredictable.

Back to Holla Forums with you faggot