How fucking butthurt are SJWs over this?
Have they just never heard the word 'no' before?
Will they attempt something DRASTIC as Trump's confirmation looms closer?
How fucking butthurt are SJWs over this?
Have they just never heard the word 'no' before?
Will they attempt something DRASTIC as Trump's confirmation looms closer?
They're just gonna keep losing their minds, especially when they realize their temper tantrums aren't actually affecting political change because the ones who think the same as them get purged January 20th.
I am more interested on what makes all of you come here right now, what are you trying to sliding?
So is this just you shilling your yt channel?
Your voice sounds homosexual, OP. You wanna practice speaking from your chest like a man.
Kek confirms it, OP is a faggot shilling his youtube channel.
The MSM knows that they're fucked when Trump gets in, especially after he held a meeting with MSM execs and ripped them apart for being dishonest. Explains their whole "fake news" narrative targeting outlets that suggest Russia didn't actually rig the election as well as outlets that suggets Hillary may have committed a crime in her lifetime. Now SJWs will buy into the cold war propaganda even after saying the election couldn't possibly be rigged by the DNC. Will they attempt anything more drastic? Probably depends how well their "fake news" and "russian hackers" scapegoats are received.
I fucking hope so, the only thing we are missing to have these libshit retards removed from the political spectrum forever is one good ol' riot with their political face plastered all over it
The inauguration is going to absolutely destroy them. The election wasn't actually that damaging to the leftist psyche because they could tell themselves "he hasn't been inaugurated yet! something could still stop him!"
After the 19th, their denial will be shattered and they'll be forced to confront the reality that Trump is indeed POTUS. That's when the salt will truly begin.
that guy should be beat to death for being such a faggot
These are beautiful times to be living in.
Man, I'm going to wind up with high blood pressure from all this salt consumption.
Here's what you need to understand about the Lefty mind.
They want to win "the big one". They want that grand stage victory, that symbolic victory. They're fine with losing those thousands of daily little issues, where the random black gets pulled over for driving double the limit while drunk, or the nobody illegal alien gets thrown back over the border. But they want to win the big one, the big OJ cases, the one where everyone is watching. This is because they don't actually give a shit about any of these issues; they just want to sit in Starbucks with their lattes and peer down their noses at normal people, basking in the symbolism of "their side winning" one case out of ten thousand.
Then Trayvon Martin happened. They tried so fucking desperately to win that one. That was the big one, everyone was watching, and losing was not an option. They needed that big symbolic victory, they CRAVED it, and they went out of their way to push a false and biased narrative to get their way. "White latino", never fucking forget.
But they lost.
They didn't just lose, they got bitchsmacked the fuck down. The courts ruled, obviously, that you have the right to defend yourself when someone is trying to kill you.
The Lefties lost their fucking minds. They've been throwing a tantrum ever since. Every case that has come up since, they've tried to turn into that next big symbolic victory to finally get "their win" back. As a result, they've been backing dumber and dumber picks. Michael Brown the robber who tried to shoot a cop with his own gun. Freddie Gray the multiple drug offender who ran from the cops the moment he saw them. Eric Garner the illegal cigarettes dealer who refused to cooperate and made threats at multiple police officers. Sandra Bland the woman who turned a simple traffic stop into an uncooperative shouting match and then killed herself because black lives matter. The Lefties backed all these people and got bitchsmacked down each time, because it turns out that all these people were dumb fucks who caused their own deaths by refusing to follow the lawful directions of law enforcement.
They've been throwing a tantrum ever since, and now, the election was the next "big one" to finally get "their win". They didn't give a fuck who was running or what the platforms were. They saw a woman running and they craved desperately for her to get that feminist win. Hillary could have run on a campaign of "I will personally slit the throat of everyone who votes for me", and they still would have done it, because this was "the big one" to win.
They lost.
They will continue to lose their fucking minds with escalating intensity until they finally win "the big one", the big OJ case, the one where everyone is watching and they get to be holier than thou again. But now that the rest of the world has finally had enough of their shit, it's likely that they won't win that big one for many years to come. Expect a lot of suicides in their camp to round out 2017, because they just can't take losing the big one.
Yea I wonder the same thing, how is it that these retards even have the idea that there are other people out there who want to hear their retarded opinions.
What kind of combination of social/cultural variables enabled them to be so arrogant and so unnerving in their desire to constantly scream into all the channels?
We mock them, we shame them, we insult them, we provide evidence. They get defeated time and time again, and yet they rise up from their horrific history, and they somehow, somewhere find somekind of social value, from god knows where, that allows them to speak their voices again.
Are we not bullying them enough? I want the liberals to shut the fuck up again like in the good old days.
There must be somekind of trigger to mentally handicap them again, to make them feel unwanted, depressed and filled with shame for their behavior.
Criminally underrated post in a criminally overrated thread.
It's really transitioning from shock to comedy to horror at this point.
Soros is like a villain in a child's cartoon with a new evil ploy every week when the previous one fails. I forsee this continuing ad nauseum throughout Trump's presidency. I don't even know if removing Soros would stop anything since he's just the commissioner for the Jew Elite League.
Only thing…
I wake up every day in shock that they are losing.
I thought it was over anons.
I almost gave in to despair.
Praise Trump.
Praise kek.
I thought I considered myself atheist or agnostic but I think this election rekindled my belief in a God. I thought for sure the crooked evil bitch would win, when all conservative cucks like Bush Romney and Schwartzenegger were shilling for her, when all normalfag media and idiots surrounding me were laughing off all the damning emails, leaks and O'keefe videos like "So what? He grabbed her by the pussy! HAHA DRUMPF xD" But against all odds, Trump won. There must be something out there that represents fortune, truth and goodness, I don't know if it's God or kek or just simply happy coincidence but whatever it is, I'll praise it.
Yes. To put it simply, the left is desperate. However, their desperation can be used to our advantage. They're going to be searching for allies right now as fast as they can, which means they are more willing to accept people into their ranks without much vetting. At moments like these, we need to start infiltrating their ranks and start to cause internal strife among them. AntiFa is a great example of an organization that we can easily infiltrate and destroy from the inside. If we coordinate well, they will be scattered within two years. Without organizations to direct them about what to do, they will be useless.
Begin infiltrating the radical leftist power structure. We're going to use Jewish tactics against them to destroy these people in their time of desperation.
They have already lost and have collectively decided to cut their noses off to spite their faces instead of compromise. They are unwilling to attempt understand their opposition offering instead only furious anger, hatred and hostility.
This strengthens the resolve of the opposition and scares away neutral onlookers who otherwise might be recruited. Such behavior is illogical, baffling at times but you have to remember that their entire ideology has been specifically crafted as a weapon, they are infected with an ideological virus was designed to destroy not only those that hold it but ensures they stop at nothing to destroy others of their own kind.
The architects of this intellectual dishonesty are smart but they failed to factor in the raw power of tribalism (which is incredibly ironic). The best tactic to deal with progressive foot soldiers who are in a manic state after such losses is to massage their sense of defeat, help them through the grief process and thusly neutralizing them.
Pick one
People say the USA won the cold war, but they did not. USSR did, and it shows. God bless Trump, that man is your one and only chance to salvage your long sinking ship.
Its not sjw's this is the establishment doing all of this shit and failing miserably. They may try something drastic but every new plan they come up wiht is more flawed than the one before it so I am willing to bet a whole fucking lot of shekels that we are in for a real treat in the near future
pick both
HOW? HOW is this likely? Did someone go door to door offering democrats rubles to switch to Trump? Did Putin run around each voting booth punching the Trump button 99 times? Putin wanted to deal with Trump and not Baby-Eater because he's not a fucking moron. Having a preference means he tampered with things?
I wonder how many Pizza Partiers™ they've managed to place in positions of power in the CIA, NSA, and FBI?
Good God the liberal salt has been my favorite part of the election outcome.
I love it.
They think that any non-MSM news source is controlled by Putin. It's the most retarded idea that I have ever heard. They actually think that people can't possibly think anything contrary to what they believe, and if they do then they're a Russian agent that wants to subvert the US. They're the kind of people that would believe that Holla Forums is actually a Russian website full of Russians pretending to be from other parts of the world to influence foreign elections if they ever came across us. It's laughable.
There was so much idiocy on Zuckerbook after Trump won, I just decided to stay off it entirely so I wouldn't have to read any ill-informed asshurt from my left-leaning relatives or acquaintances. Now it's been a couple of weeks and I honestly feel like I just really don't care about going back to Facebook at all. Out of all the people I'm connected with on it, only maybe 10% of them are that important in my life, and they know how to get a hold of me without FB.
Good user. Faceberg is an awful platform run by a money-grubbing kike and we should cheer on its death.
I don't follow.