So yeah. Mozilla finally released Pocket as free software under the MIT license.
No datamining going on, at least on the browser extension. You can take a look here:
Pocket has been released as free software
that's just the extension/client, the actual server it connects to is proprietary.
they can go fuck themselves
So far, yes. They claim that they will release more in the future.
Pocket is a way of datamining their user's browsing habits since bookmarks are stored in plaintext.
Call me when they add client-side AES or ellyptic curve encryption or some shit to support multiple clients.
Pro-tip: they never will.
And this is the state of mozilla not even licensing in their own MLPv2 license.
No it isn't. You just add the license to the project and files and then upload it to anywhere on the internet. This takes like three commands total. Any professional dev that's not a webdev should be able to do this in less that an hour for everything.
Optionally, you can make sure that idiots didn't commit secrets so you can edit those out.
For the extension, the repository has no previous commit history suggesting that they did not use version control or they are too stupid to clean up their mistakes so they nuked the old repo.
Or they wanted to hide their mistakes
i disabled that shit in about:config. fuck pocket, that shit is nothing but a hat on another fucking hat
Feels good man
Pocket has been a part of Firefox since 38.
At least use ESR you retard.
Pocket = revenge of the gaytards 2.0
AGPL is a pointless license at best; you can't tell whether the server runs the same software the source compiles into.
If you do find out (through a hax) that they are running your AGPL'd code, you can legally rape them hard (in court). Using AGPL covered code on your server, but not releasing sauce can come back to haunt you. While the probability that you will be caught is low, it's not non-existent, so the prudent thing is just to put up a link at the bottom of each page to where you can get the version running on your server.
>(((pocket))) recommends leftist shit all the time on new tab screen
If you want a sane and non cucked alternative, check wallabag. Dogs at mozilla made wallabag change its name in the pas because it was called "librepocket"
Even if they're running the same code they publish, you have no say over how others operate their services. They could be doing shady stuff behind your back. Switching to the AGPL over GPL is a moot point; you still need to trust the operator not to mess with their users.
It's a fucking stupid application to begin with; it serves no goddamn purpose.
Nice. But is there a tool to save web pages like does locally and optionally convert them to readable articles with images.
It's shittier than wget and does not parse javascripts that sometimes are used to render page.
Sure, but you'll get a decade in jail for unauthorized access to a computer system. If you go the legal route it's better to kidnap one of their devs and force him to prove they're cheating.
Save page as saves it as html, which is horrible to distribute. Just print to pdf.
Save as mhtml.
>(((pocket))) recommends leftist shit all the time on new tab screen
can confirm
it's a hat on a dildo telling you how gay you are
free shit is still shit.
Save as markdnown when?