Ancom meme thread, post your best ancom's

ancom meme thread, post your best ancom's

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#1 Assumptions that it will fail
#2 Selling stuff is not looked down upon, owning the means of production privatly is.
#3 As long as he is using the machine he could claim ownership without problem.
#4 Yes fuck antifa that do that.
#5 Personal property =/= private property.
Come on, it's easy to make fun of anarchists but you're just being dumb.

what a surprise


I'm not an ancap

Shall we start making tankie versions next? How about Marxist-Leninist ones? Trotskyists?

And the cycle of leftist sectarianism continues…

I liked them OP

I've been hanging around there slinging mud for a couple days this could be my fault


a meme that has to be exaggerated to work just comes off as butthurt, especially if its in response to something else
there is a facebook page called "great moments in ultra-leftism" and you can feel the clenched anuses across the distance

as we can see in this video, the ancap memes are accurate because this is what ancaps actually believe, they are also accurate enough to make people mad enough to create a response based on no inspiration other than the seminal meme

that's not to say anarchism shouldn't be criticised or there isn't potential for criticising anarchism

i'd start with augustin souchy's account of the FAI's concentration camp in "with the peasants of aragon"
reading about that is what alienated me from ancomism and proved that "make a state and don't call it one" is pretty much true
all arguments like "it was necessary" just go to prove that a state of some kind was necessary at that point in history

anarcho autismo


I'm sure



Someone do one with flag related

so you are just a plain non-ironic mautist?

Nah, I don't really follow an ism.

Not an argument


they are stupid arguments, it's like me saying that sdalin gilled 90trillion people xddd

it's pure marxist bullshit non arguments that you believe in order to think that your authoritarian ideology is "communist"

you could say the same about ancap memes

So you're saying your society WON'T allow me to buy recreational nukes and sell heroin to children?

No, in the same way in ancomistan people wont hoard resources because they're free :^)

Then you don't have a truly free market.

and you fags call urselves anarchists smh


these are the best lmao

lel these actually aren't bad to be honest, I chuckled hardest at the anarcho-greenie ones. Keep em' coming.

Das sum good shit mane

Pretty accurate



ancaps and angreens are the best because there are loads to autismos that take the NAP very seriously and greens like pick related that actually want to abolish technology while wearing glasses


must feel bad to be a vanguard cuck

made me kek good jaab tankie

im still worth more fiat shekels than all you hopeless fags combined, "still" probably being the word i should focus on




I'm on an 16 hour bus on my phone but if I was to make one of these it would read:

When you come back to your house after 5 years fucking child hookers but it's been homesteaded so you call your private police but so do does the guy in your house and the conflict between rival businesses devolves into civil war




Who would ancaps say own palestine?

When The descendant of Saladin claims winston Churchill stole his private property and gave it to the Jews but then a descendant of a tribe pre dating organised religion by 10000 years also lays a claim and kicks both Jews and Muslims out of the holy land because inheritance

hey ive always liked putin, the man is an OG, also the joos fear him because he knows how to jew


The defenders. Who else would have an interest expending resources defending a plot of land other than the person who owns it?

this is golden, please share all anarchist craps

is there more like this?

0/10 thread

What else is there to it it's self-refuting


fuckin dead

If he made it it's his unless he sells it



had a go at another



do tankies really believe this

adorno literally did, although he was a western marxist who was critical of the soviet union.

i could imagine some really hardcore hismat marxist thinking that tho.

Some do some don't. The great thing about being tankie is that anything you don't like can be bourgeois degeneracy.

Eh adorno's views on jazz are varied
He hated it early on but kind of became less hostile to it after the war.
And idd he wasn't a tankie

According to wikipedia (take with a pinch of salt I guess)

Not bad but a bit too salty for my taste :^)



Edgy Nihilist BTFO.


If my daughter gets traumatized by something silly and hilarious like that then she's not my daughter anymore.

The nose emoticon is the face of the proletariat you filthy bourgeois no-nose emoticon using filth


This tbh. I'll not raise any untermensch.

feels pretty good tbh.

psychological trauma isn't a spook though

But Jazz was developed by working class black folk

Everything is a spook to the eternally spooked.
aka the edgy unbearable nihilist cunts.


Best ones ITT


Eop's Law: you cannot satarize an Anarcho-Nihilist's beliefs in a way that they will not legitimately believe with you.


Holla Forums won't let me delete my post…

When your ex is fucking her son, but you support them because morality is a spook.

Truth is often stranger than fiction

Some famous soviet jazzman is caught illegally crossing border to Poland and gets gulaged for it (where he organizes jazzband out of prisoners and goes every week to town to manage local radio station) - and we get stories about KGB executing people on the streets for listening to jazz.

Business as usual.

Mind you, someone at some point almost certainly called jazz "bourgeois music", but it's completely different thing from something on the level of McCarthy and Hollywood nonsense.

kys tankie