This is big news. I can't wait to see what happens.
James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google
Dumping related pics
Nice, I honestly can't see how he'd lose. Google really has no defense, not one that would hold up in court anyhow
>inb4 its (((resolved out of court)))
Problem is the rich use settlements to prevent a ruling from setting legal precedent. Google has enough money that they can settle for far more than he would win in damages. Why wouldn't they to prevent even more of their internals from coming out to the daylight. Unless Damore has an hardon to make a moral point, $100,000,000 speaks volumes.
The gaymergays have a shitload of archived tweets and articles proving googles bias, it will have to be settled, the question is how much.
This has a good chance of going to the Supreme Court. I have a good feeling he'll get some activist leftist judges in Cali who will make some bullshit rulings.
I think he might want to settle, but at this point he has no chance of being hired by any US tech companies so if I were him I'd just burn the whole thing down and take my money from damages.
I wonder. That might be his precise motivation. He did write the memo in the first place after all.
They also have a blacklist and a 'silent alarm' for the sole purpose of alerting security to the presence of wrongthinkers and having them removed from Goolag's campus. Theodore Beale (Vox Day) and Alex Jones are two names listed on this blacklist.
snowflakes fear the infowarrior.
While Damore sperged out and sued them, one guy was having the time of his life fucking with them.
What's worse than a blacklist of wrongthinkers banned from the premises just for their opinions or political affiliations, regardless of whether or not they have business with your company or were invited? A secret blacklist of all those people that none of your employees except for (((HR))) are allowed to see or edit.
This is going to be a spectacle. I await, with popcorn.
No one talks about how google bribed judges to throw out the CCOPA trial just in 2015. CCOPA is a low-end "gotchu" method which Google is obviously in violation of, and I have personally reported multiple times to the FTC, but go-figure. The one time they actually are set to go to trial, they get thrown-out thanks to bribery.
goog slowly turning into impotent brother
I knew Google was bad, but this is worse than I had imagined.
If he has enough money saved up, he doesn't have to care about settlements. We'll see how important his/our cause is. Also, some people can't be bought no matter what, look at the unabomber for example.
This is hysteria at its finest. Wow.
Hopefully it does get that far
Have we started the fire?
What is the CCOPA?
Same here. I thought Mozilla was worse, at least.
He was on Joe Rogan's podcast awhile ago, and he mentioned wanting to make a point and not caring about the money
haven't you herd of chewbacca defense?
You just tickled my autism. It's good to know there are others like me out there. Polite sage.
Can you imagine being a judge, reading all this and thinking that it's all just a joke? Like someone is trying to troll the legal system because they have nothing better to do. And then the day of the hearing comes and both sides present their points, and you're just sitting there, waiting for the eventual "haha, I was just pretending to be retarded", but it goes on and on. And then slowly the realization kicks in that "holy fuck, they are actually serious about this".
Gay as it is, I somehow doubt delusional yiffers are the most retarded thing in his career a judge has been forced to dignify with his consideration.
Canadian Citizens on Patrol?
WTF I love Google now
I can't believe people didnt just start laughing
Guess you're happy to bend over for anything when you're getting paid a lot of money
I think he means the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA)
Dont you have to say that you're over 13 to make a google account though? I know sites make you tick that box so they can datamine you.
I believe him. He seems like a genuine sperg and someone attacking rationality and logic is an itch that's not going to go away with money.
Bullshit, 100m dollars tax free will make that itch go away real quick I bet
Congratulations on not being an autist, but just a regular stupid human.
I knew Silicon Valley was pozzed, but this is too much for me. It's so cancerous my eyes are about to fall off their sockets.
t. poorfag that never had a job in his life
how much would be realistic?
Easy tens of millions, google doesnt want to be known as the company that hosts talks by otherkins and the guy has a strong case.
Imagine having this covered by major media.
Wait arent class actions illegal in clapistan now?
And how many people can join the suit? Do they just have to sign up before the court date?
Could fagle be cucked for good?
I have a feeling that most mainstream media outlets would try to cover this as little as possible, if at all, and then quickly attempt to memory-hole it. It would take relentless, nonstop, (dare I say it?!) autistic pushing of the issue. It would take anons waging a second GamerGate styled culture war.
Who's up to the task if or when the time comes?
That's not how it works. Any mention of cringey autism will be wallpapered over by dismissing complaints about it as "incoherent reactionary fascism" at best, or completely misrepresented.
Remember all the coverage of the original story, where his essay was universally described as a "white supremacist patriarchal screed", in spite of the fact that it was nothing of the sort, but instead scrupulously evenhanded about the differing strengths and weaknesses of each group?
Unfortunately that's the sad truth. This issue can be solved only on higher level of social hierarchy - aka - the gobernment. The only thing that needs to be done right now, is to inform and force right wing politicians to back up strong, and loud case against SJW bullshit that will work as a precedence and template for future lawsuits across country and beyond. Left can be tempered and cooled down by inevitability of punishment. And they need to be punished hard no matter fucking what.
fuckoff Holla Forums
Can mods clean up this shit?
Dude get out.
No. Google Chrome has no such thing and they give incentive to schools so they buy Chromebooks, gmail accounts and shit.
That was such a shitshow. If this thing goes the same way, it will fail. Nobody wants to be associated with that.
Just go back to cuck/g/. You were already infected with hiroshima's AIDS, so it's not like it can get any worse for you.
Yes, mods should clean you from this board
It was probably faggot Moot's idea.
Why is google doing things like this? To what end?
Because HR is so cucked, and in turn the employee base is as well, that they want to promote their marxist agendas in every sphere possible.
Oh fugg
Can't wait for the media smear against him
Why are people so offended by Moldbug? He's a penetrating moral thinker.
I think they're afraid of him because he's an articulate, revolutionary conservative.
Also he's in tech and they want to expel him from the Bay Area as soon as possible.
He's a bluepill, though.
t. butthurt revoltard
What the fuck? This is even worse than I had imagined.
I know it probably stands for 'Google Security Operation Center' or something like that, but goddamn, what an unfortunate phrase.
Noticed a mistake.
Last one. Minor shit bothers me to no end.
I don't even
Pick one niggerbrain.
Found the leftist faggot.
this is beautiful. Thank you.
Thanks. You might like this.
I see that you haven't done your homework.
Maybe you should read the official papers and not the news who can be afraid of angering a ==SIX HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR== company.
See the document that this
user posted
You have to go back, faggot
Lurk two years before posting, especially when Holla Forumsposting outside of Holla Forums.
Fucking newfags, I swear.
>>>Holla Forums
shoo shoo faggot you are not welcome here, well you are not welcome anywhere (maybe google)
I think they meant the yellow scaled wingless dragonkin guy. At this point I'm not entirely sure he was fucking with them though.
And as a bonus pretty much all female speakers are guaranteed to be worse than their male counterparts since the only reason they're there is they have knockers. So if there's a talk by a girl odds are it is among the worst talks there, you might as well skip it. And thanks to feminism she may not even be good looking and may not even be a she.
These people are alive parodies
You're fucking full of contradictions and yet you still expect to be taken seriously.
These people are not real engineers. I have never met a white female engineer before.
This. How are these western leftists so stupid?
Literally, actually, really glorifying mental illness.
Aww, thought this was gonna be an actually meaningful class-action lawsuit, like say how Google is attempting to censor lefty news websites. Why would one guy need a class action lawsuit when he's the only person who got screwed over?
There were many people who were discriminated against. Google is not a small company.
umm sweetie...
I wonder.
This is gonna reach all the way to the Supreme Court in order to finally write down the exact ways in which a corporation can discriminate against employees, an possibly customers. The Supreme Court will say "the Constituion says jack shit about it, so tough luck". Federal law, specifically the Civil Rights Act, specifically protects employees from discrimination only in the cases of "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin", so tought luck. But that's moot anyway because the California constitution has similar limitations: only forbids discimination on the basis of "sex, race, creed, color, or national or ethnic origin", so tough luck.
This sets the antecedent that corporations have the right at federal to discriminate against political affiliations, so that's it for Damore. So we'll see altists have apopletic fits over being discriminated against just because they're advocating ethnic cleansing and a fascist overthrow of our democracy which are perfectly normal and totally sane opinions. On the other hand, this also lets them discriminate against sexual orientation and, most importantly, gender. So we'll see SJWs, who have spent the last 3 years begging their Silicon Valley idols to "moderate online speech" because of Gamergate, have apopletic fits over said idols' newfound right to deny employment to snowflakes simply for being snowflakes.
Cap this post.
This lawsuit is going to affect more than white people you my topic faggot
Is this bait?
top heh
Google considers itself a startup? What the fuck is this shit?
It's obvious that, say, a woman writing the same manifesto but defending women wouldn't have been fired, but I wonder what would have happened if that woman had written it defending Caucasian males like Damore did.
He'll lose very easily Holla Forumstard. Their policies are not discriminatory against white males, they are inclusive of others. Inclusiveness is not discrimination.
You bigots need to grow a thicker skin. Or not because you will hopefully soon be expelled from society.
not only that, but if he goes the "point" route, the Google's Jew-lawyers will string the case out as long as possible, filling for dismissals requests, to make it so the guy the runs out of money before a legal precedent can be set.
I don't see how what he said makes him a Holla Forumstard. Seems like something a naive libertarian would say. A Holla Forumstard would know that "discrimination" and "inclusiveness" are Jew euphemisms for "favouring white interests" and "favouring against white interests", respectively.
also, bait harder
nah, they're saying they want their culture to be the same as startups.
for whatever fucking reason..
Found the bigot.
She would have been excluded from the group and probably fired too.
That's a lot of dandruff
This is amazing. Big news. No matter the result of this case, people are going to be exposed to the effects of marxist infiltration into companies.
lawsuits are just about as cancerous as google. i hope they _both_ lose
t. actual leftyposter
Found the jew.
Why would (((major media))) want to cover it?
t. tel aviv faggot gerring paid per post
just send the nigger to the >>>/bog/
His ideologigal GRID will complement the other poz pigs well.
He's written one of the founding pieces of the NRx movement, pretty hard to call it bluepill, although be careful, reasons below.
Moldbug is a race traitor, he is a right wing(not neocon) Jew, minorities that go rouge get ignored because their usual tactic of screaming racist fails.
I hope this actually goes somewhere, could be the end of the identity politics. Google just lost against Getty images so it is possible to actually win a court case against them.
It would take something more than that, GG has quickly surrendered and castrated itself after the initial push, nothing they did after that brought any results. The whole thing is based on pointing fingers at retards on twitter in an attempt to feel superior and having this autistic internet war against themselves.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.