which browser wud u fug?
Which browser wud u fug?
Pale Moon
Is this how Holla Forums does you-are-the-girl-below-your-post ?
Will install and use next browser mentioned.
I have a thing for blondes... Like, a really really hard thing... I'm Wizard bls helb.
you still have more evolution stages ahead of you
stop this
firefox since im a hardcore furry and shes the closeset to my preferences
implying literally anyone on this board wouldnt spaghetti at the mere sight of a grill as pretty as any of these
i can talk to girls just fine however i don't want to since they never have anything interesting to say
That system's too crunchy tbh.
Lynx is so cute. She has all the features I need in a small package. Truly the best browser.
Does surf hae a san?
oh wait, it does.
That little cutie needs a dick up the ass, none the less.
Reported for posting a thumbnail-sized image, a forum degradation tactic.
You realize that's the fucking original size of that picture, right?
A Firefox derivative
good choice have a new waifu. SJW firecucks make way
Please get your slurs right, you fucking Holla Forumsedditor faggot
none of those because i'm not a fucking pedophile
All those security holes just begging to be exploited.
None of them.
Chrome-tan might be fun to hang out with.
they will all cheat on you
GNU IceCat
Chromium otherwise
chrome is so qt! im gonna install her rn!
would fug
traps are gay
Isn't there anything more perfect ?
IE confirmed for being a whore.
user confirmed with cyber aids.
More like...
what WEEB browser do you use
none, they all have aids
I was really digging Links until I found out I couldn't post from it.
porn turns you into a depraved dopamine chaser. repent
which distro would you hug?
they all look the same
I can make out RH, SUSE and Ubuntu, but that's it.
doesn't work