Facebook adds a 'fake news' reporting option


You goys know what to do. Vote bomb cnn and other msm news sites, claiming they are fake news

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This won't backfire, at all…

They are just as satisfied that no news be reported on Facebook than that only MSM news does.


exploit the site for our gains.

You cannot ..stop this…this…is what the US constitution looks like in action.

When you make verbal discourse illegal

Out come the teeth fuckers

This. Report every article by the NYT's and WaPo that appear on Kikebook.

Bookface would just whitelist those sites. Waste of effort.

lel way to go zuckerjew

chances are this is less about censoring news and more about finding out what news people consider to be fake and administering bans for wrongthink instead.

So, are there any alternatives to facebook? I know gab.ai is the alternative for twitter. Seems we should start getting normalfags moving to those new sites.

What now?

Holla Forums adds a block on certain comments so that you cannot respond to them even if they're not shills.

I found this out trying to respond

Are opinions fake news?


Fake news is a codeword for non-corporate press.

Reported for porn and lies.



You'll find out.

Try harder.

When will they incentivize our reports of fake news and friends and family who read it with a chance to win?

Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons

I would, if I hadn't ditched Farcebook back in 2010 when I realized what an evil cunt Fuckerberg is.

Seriously? I've had problems replying to certain comments lately, but I just figured it was some sort of downtime fuckup.


It may be a waste of effort for sites like CNN but less well known cancer like TYT could be fucked this way.

Joe Bernstein will NEVER work for the New York Times.

there are, but nobody uses them

facebook should be reclassified as a public utility, and taken over by the goverment, since you can't really compete with it

this except Holla Forums should be more coordinated like the JIDF

only if they are conservative

Organization gives (((them))) something to subvert. The way we operate right now is better.

It happened to me on other boards.


The same was said of Myspace. The feds were probably behind the migration from Myspace to FB though. It was inorganic as hell.

That being said, the feds pushed FB for a reason, and that reason wasn't to create a public utility required to respect free speech.

I've noticed this popping up on articles here and there as well. I don't know how long it's been happening but it seems completely random.

Have an archive, my man: archive.is/joMvC

You'll live to see Facebook die
Remember. MySpace only died after becoming political. Irony is MySpace helped Obama got elected and gotten nothing out of it.

The only argument I've seen for "fake news" is that the sites being accused of it are spreading "unfactual information which has no evidence to back it up" AKA a mix of "oy vey don't go against the narrative" and media projection. And they say with typical lefty acumen "ITS THE GOVERNMENT'S RIGHT TO protect my feelings EDUCATE THE MASSES ON WHAT'S PROPER NEWS" like they love a constant 24/7 stream of bullshit and kike propaganda. Which they do, but that's besides the other point. They claim they are for the masses, but when the masses do something (((they))) don't like, the leftist drone goes on an on to try to force their "enlightened" view upon the dissenters.

They are parasites on the level of those post WWI commies who after seeing that the workers mostly didn't buy the bullshit except when in a horribad situation and backed by so many strong (((countries))) in Russia. Especially in usual safe spaces like social media and political forums. I'm glad the nation is finally going on the path to killing these traitors and their masters.

…be replaced by (((something worse))).

Even more disillusioned and disgruntled kikebook employees.


I don't use kikebook

But that wouldn't be in accordance with G*d's will

These are the only options it gives me when I try to report.

Nah, myspace died when Facebook become the cool kids site for college students and then allowed anyone to join.

It created a divide where Facebook was seen as the premium site versus Myspace being the lowly plebeian site.

Good luck my friend

Of course, CNN is a confirmed (((authentic))) news source according to facebook!


Tired of getting butt-fucked by Schlomo, but you're still a raging narcissist that needs to scream into the void? Give these platforms a try:

GNU Social -> shitposter.club
Diaspora* -> (Not sure of which pod is the best. I use socializer.cc)
Minds -> minds.com (Created by youtuber called Computing Forever, who got pissed at youtube/google's censorship)

LOL it has built-in protection for their preferred fake news.

Just another nail in Kikebook's coffin.

you were reported because you're a degenerate, titties is not a problem if its physically in front of you, whipping your dick out to jack off to shitty porn makes you a failure in life. nobody wants the same type of cancer that you have obtained, people want to stay healthy and leave shitty habbits that makes them socially awkward and retarded, this is called "leaving the echochamber and being productive" if you don't like being reported, then fuck off and kill yourself.

The jews are going all out.

Facebook is only used to influence normies. Every side is in on the game now.

we should make a social media network


my suggestions suck…

…but we've 8ch for funposting, and the only point of faceberg/twatter accounts is propagandizing normies. What do these accomplish?

We all know over 90% of news is fake news, but jewbook is going to hold onto shit like CNN. We're all seeing it a mountain away.

Nah, they won't do shit about MSM news. You need to report random normalfags who are waking up and asking questions as "spreading fake news". They will get b& for dissent, leading them towards the redpill.

They probably put all the Jewish owned alphabet networks on an exception list.

Sandy Hook woke a lot of people up to the fact that the media outright fake the news, using Crisis Actors. This has been going on for decades. The Media has always lied, but Television gave them a platform to hammer people with their lies 24/7. A whole bunch of stuff people think happened was just scripted propaganda presented as real. The purpose of 'Fake News' is to cut down on stories about that reaching Normies on Faceberg.

This tbh

I'd think that a normie being silenced for simply asking a question pushes them hard to become redpilled. Several of my former left wing friends went staunchly right winged after being called racist for asking why securing our borders is a bad thing, I can see that censoring working for a lot of normies.

Kikebook is perhaps the single biggest driving force of degeneracy on the internet.

It's been completely flipped around by the same people responsible for SHE. Now if you doubt the official story, that's clearly defined as "fake news".

I subscribe to EverytownForGunSafety emails, and Mom's Against, Mayors Against etc. It's become more than clear (biggest sign was how it was used in the debates and also timestamps on emails from the Lochsprungs or Laffertys in DNC wikileaks showing the emails being vetted before (timestamps) being sent to everybody on the public mailing list. I used to think SHE was maybe something bigger than a democrat OP, but recent events showed it to be only that

And shame on everybody else for not exposing it as a partisan operation.

CarpetBaggers in the late 1860-70's US.




I wish normies weren't so fucking stupid, and that the CIA would bumble its way into revealing more truth about its own operations in spreading propaganda.

I liked them user

Better yet, we should invade a fairly unknown pre existing one because it will have everything set up already.