"yes goy, go vegan, its good for the planet and soy and flax are totally not estrogenic!!!!!"
"yes goy, drink dairy that's been homogenized, pasturized and came from (((grain fed cows))), 3 glasses a day goy!!!!"
Is there some kind of genetic defect that makes people argue like manchildren over whether or not they should be drinking a semen-like substance which contains actual estrogen?
"yes goy, go vegan, its good for the planet and soy and flax are totally not estrogenic!!!!!"
Dairy is too good though ;_;
Eh, cheese is really the only dairy product that can't be replaced. Everything else I could live without if I really really wanted to.
There's no real consensus on the effect the phytoestrogens in soy and flax have on the body. Most of the alarmist literature and studies have been paid for by the Weston A. Price foundation, which is a lobby for the meat and dairy industry.
yeah, its the same genetic defect that causes them to be cucks to start with. 99% of people aren't going to eat enough estrogen to turn into a woman.
veganism is cancer that attracts cancerous people, but whole milk is a staple for great gains.
There are threads on freech about how they think they can D&C Holla Forums with vegan shit. Low energy.
Veganism is an underrated danger. Holla Forums should pay more attention to it. Most vegans are impossible to have a conversation with, they act like Muslim terrorists.
Go away literal nigger
Saying goy doesn't make it evil you retard
baned yet posting, fuck mods
Yes, the "Do x goy!" is a stupid meme that doesn't present an argument but thinks we'd just jump whenever someone yells jew.
Enjoying that gyno, carnicucks?
Hey you wont take away my milk, i have a right to it as an american.
It's as if you're poor and/or stupid. Step up your game, peasant! Milk is lowbrow peasant filth sustenance.
See this is what I'm fucking talking about.
Europeans developed yhe ability yo digest dairy and have been eating dairy products ever since.
There are different milk varieties and companies. Are they all jewish? Or just the most common one?
Is milk inherently jewish or are the companies jewish?
Fuck you user. Brackets are not an argument.
Haha wow, yoghurt fucking blows mate. Enjoy your low t.
Is that why that vegan faggot has such an underdeveloped chest?
I'll enjoy superior digestive health. You enjoy peasant life.
I take it you haven't heard of the speedrunner that went full retard/tranny because he ate (((soylent))).
I'm so jealous of meatheads cleavage.
Why would you embed this faggot?
Dairy farmer here.
Dairy is h'white. All agriculture from the very bottom is goy as hell.
It's once you get to distributors and food companies that there is any negative influence.
We get it. You have inferior musculature and you don't like feminine traits. That's why you're all scrawny, weak faggots.
milk isn't inherently jewish. the idea that milk is good for you is. cows are pumped with estrogen so they create more
Take it from a dairyman. You're completely full of shit in your claim.
It's only white people who can drink milk and aren't genetically lactose intolerant. You sound like a nigger to me.
I used to take any and every protein product I came across if it was cheap (I'm cheap), but one day a few years ago I very bluntly learned, in laymen's terms, that soy equals boobs on men, and I've avoided it since. Once you start looking, it's surprising how much shit has soy in it these days. And they always make soy products cheaper to appeal to you.
take it from a (((DAIRYMAN)))
you think we're stupid?
not relevant. it's estrogen liquid
(((You))) are jew. Fuck off disinfo cunt.
the idea of milk being good for you is called marketing not a fucking jewish conspiracy.
"tastes great and is good for you" has got to be the most common marketing line ever.
sodapop being refreshing must be a jewish conspiracy too if that was the fucking case.
At least give me something
Lame ass thread. Who gives a shit if you are vegan or not. Drink milk or don't.
Can't we all agree that goat milk is GOAT?
Bull fucking shit
enjoy that milk goy
Fuck off vegannigger.
i think this is my favorite, though I stopped keeping up some months ago
Never had a faux turkey formed out of a block of gelatinous soy material? I know I haven't.
Mmmm… or maybe this one. can't decide which is my fave
And it's >>>/reddit/ you dumb nigger.
You're trying to stereotype the most retarded segments of Holla Forums who shit-post, assuming those shit-posts are serious discussions. Either that or you're fucking retarded. My mistake, (((retarded)))
I got the joke. And no, I meant the actual reddit, faggot.
i've never been to reddit. what is "GOAT"?
no you're just a degenerate defending his 100% kosher habit of drinking another animal's milk like it's normal or good
Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test
FO3 a shit
You're really terrible at this.
Dairy is a part of our culture going back thousands of years. From milk to kefir to cheese. Fuck off.
(((((((((((Y0U)))))))))) die my dude
Not only is drinking (((milk))) aestrogenic, and will give you gynocomastia, but it's also rape. Would you rape your pet dog or cat? Didn't think so.
I would suggest looking up what soylent actually is, because it's not a soybean slurry.
It's essentially that goopy shit from the matrix that they ate on the Nebuchadnezzar.
Everything the body needs, except instead of it being like eating runny eggs in a bowl of snot, it's more like drinking cake batter.
Soylent doesn't actually contain soybeans despite the name. The name's a reference to Soylent Green.
Does Holla Forums have a consensus on Soylent? Not fishing for knee jerk reactions to "unnatural" food. In terms of physical health, there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of designing a nutrionally complete meal - it's the implementation that's under question. Its spiritual defects are serious but I think minimized by making a soylent-like smoothie only a portion of your daily diet (e.g. Breakfast)
i always thought riding a goat was symbolic for fucking a jewess… is this is g.o.a.t. a real thing? i don't get it
Why not go Green and eat people?
Hahahahaha double dubs confirm lets eat people
It's jewish estrogen infusion meme food for hipster faggots. It shouldn't be ingested even as a "portion".
No it's a mediocre concept from a shitty game. But I was serious when I said goat milk is great.
Hey, don't knock it till you try it. Long pig liver with fava beans is great.
Soy and flax are still up for debate, however some Chinese girls are born with developed breasts. Eat eggs instead.
Milk has about 1.2 micrograms of estrogen per 100 grams, so it's not even close to as bad as you think; unless it's American milk.
Only avoid grocery store meat in the US. US beef is swimming in the hormones oestradiol-17, trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol.
Outside US: eat whatever.
Inside US: hunt, buy from organic farms.
Only estrogen in soylent is from the soy lecithin used as emulsifier
You're not fitting in you cancerous fucking retard. Lurk 2 year or fuck off back to wherever you came from
This nigger hasn't heard of pushups or something, I'm guessing?
who cares its just food.