John Titor Thread


We've got a few threads that gently touch on the possibility of civil war, but we haven't had a good 'dedicated' red state planner type thread in some time. So let's have one.

Oldfags know the score. John Titor predicted a lot of shit that seemed implausible or highly unlikely when he wrote it. Only, a lot of it doesn't look so implausible now…

Titor said that there would be a civil war in the US. He said that it wouldn't appear to be a civil war to those living in it at first but, with hindsight, it could be said to have begun long before open hostilities broke out.

In the midst of this, there would be a brief third world war, with Russia nuking the coastals as well as China. (The latter might seem like an unlikely target for Russia, but wargames have consistently demonstrated that, once a nuclear exchange occurs between two of these three parties, the third inevitably becomes involved.)

The Russians provide support to the rurals, to the extent that Titor considered Russia to be his ally…'the enemy of my enemy'.

The US continued to be the US, with more or less the same system of government…consitutional republic etc…as before. He said that the major change that had been brought about in society in terms of governance was a strong cultural awareness of the importance of understanding and upholding the constitution, and a general expectation that members of the community pull their own weight in the hostile post-war environment.

He said that, in the build-up to the civil war, we could expect to see more Waco/Ruby Ridge type incidents, on a larger scale. (Do the Bundy escapades qualify, and how likely are we to see more of these?)

It's been suggested by anons in the past that Alzheimer's is what Titor was referring to when discussing BSE, or 'Mad Cow Disease' - that a link will likely be made in the future. Fuck if I know.

Let's assume, for a moment, that the current soft-coup attempts at overturning Trump's election are successful. Step-by-step, what could (not necessarily 'will') happen to bridge our present timeline with Titor's alternative (but closely related) timeline? See what I did there?

I'm not asking anons to suggest what they think will be the most plausible outcome of Trump's voters being disenfranchized. I'm asking anons to LARP/wargame a potential chain-of-events that could cause our timeline to merge with that of John Titor…

Other urls found in this thread:]

data mining thread. lets just say kikes and traitors will swing.

He was Trump.

Fuck off user.

inb4 kike mods bumplock delete this because it's not politics smug anime girls


People need to start looking into sovereign citizens. You need to start unplugging yourself from the system. They will not help you. Only your brothers in your shotgun brigade can do that m8.

Who has the time machine that Titor uses? Is it in some underground military base? A university? How does he travel back in time?

Over the next 25 years, the transition to cyborgs will become a reality. Further, I see no real technological impediments for cybernetic bodies and brains by the later half of this century, in fact it will be a necessity for prolonged space habitation and travel.

The only hickup to this plan would be a unsuccessful merger of the deep state military companies which do the weapons hardware and r&d with the tech giants which control global intelligence networks in the anglo-american sphere. Exxon and Lockheed see the writing on the wall.

You have to be a real idiot to think we will ever regress to some global war / collapse scenario. The major reason it won't ever happen is because the US keeps a massive military edge. As long as no country can Alpha Strike the US and obliterate all offensive capabilities, it can safely guide the rest of the world towards the future. It did it with trains, phones, cars, computers, it will do it with robotics, simulated worlds, smart pharmaceuticals, fusion.

All you really need to do to retire well off is to invest as much as you can afford to put aside in the big companies. Amazon and Microsoft especially will be much larger in the future as they expand their services (Windows 10 desktop on surface phone and Amazon Go) worldwide, reaching billions of customers who want cheaper prices and especially don't have to amortise decades of infrastructure, they'll skip the intermediary upgrades and go straight into the new tech. There's no reason a healthy young adult today with 1 million USD in savings by the time he or she reaches their 70s couldn't live forever in some capacity inside a computer that simulated their old dead brain.

… in 2004.

Can you explain more about this concept please? I keep hearing about it and from what I've read it honestly sounds like LARPing. Like crazy people who actually think that signing a document will make the government leave you alone instead of target you for even further harassment. I strangely have more respect for what Holla Forums says than just some nutjob with a website.

Legally it's nonsense, they are also infiltrated by agents from all the 3 letters because guys arming and living in communes makes the federal government sweat bullets. In a real Oh Shit moment they are organised enough to survive the first few months, but will probably cannibalise each other over leadership squabbles and revert into roaming gangs of murderers and mercenaries soon after that.

Your only chance to survive long term without any structure is a big strong family, tie 15-20 people by blood and they will be resourceful enough to defend and provide for each other if given enough land and some basics (well, solar panels, animals, tools). You could try to marry into one, or start one of your own. The latter requires a lifetime of dedication (and a woman who is 100% on board), raising at least 6 kids, teaching them how to be responsible, owning enough land to make hunting, fishing and farming possible, being able to strip and repair machinery that will break down, having veterinary and husbandry skills. This is the type of shit that takes 20 years to learn so yeah, if you didn't grow up on a farm, chances are you will make a lot of mistakes doing it all on your own, and mistakes = money wasted.


It started in 2004 in Titor's timeline. Our timeline is close to Titor's, but there's always some divergence. Also, Titor said that the beginning of the civil war wasn't present in the public consciousness at the time. It only became clear later that certain events were preludes to later larger events and were an expression of civil conflict (the world wars didn't start out as world wars on day 1 of conflict).

Besides, your point's irrelevant anyway. The question was, what chain-of-events could lead our timeline to 'converge' with Titor's fantasy(((?))) timeline? Don't complicate things more than necessary. You'll only confuse yourself.

The "Sovereign Citizens" thing is complete nonsense. The only thing identifying as such is good for is getting yourself on government lists. It won't stop the tax man from coming after you. It won't stop cops from arresting you. It won't stop judges from convicting you or jailers from imprisoning you.

If you want to be self-sufficient and live off the grid, then by all means do so. But associating with the "Sovereign Citizen" meme will not help you. It will only hinder you.



Meming is fun and all, but don't let it blur the lines of your reality.

>reddit spacing

That's what I thought, it's not as though the govt gives a shit about the constitution so why would a different piece of paper hold water?

Exactly. The powers that be are not automatons bound to strict rules than can be circumvented if you cleverly subvert them. Sovereign Citizens seem to think that they're in an Asimov novel and the government is running off a positronic brain. It just doesn't work like that in reality.

What do you even know about reality, son?

Reality is as I define it.

If you get gud at astral travel you can jump timelines. If you get really gud you can re-manifest a body from astral. Basically if you're interested in time travel then start training.

What if I told you I already experienced a timeline shift in the past ~month?

It may take until next election cycle for anything to actually line up. Without a controllable figure head in the oval office, it would be foolish for anyone to keep making their moves.

Would be more plausible to focus on the liberals who are currently in the federal government and sneak into Trump's presidency. I doubt they'd be able to do anything major but little things do add up over time.

Amazon and Microsoft are already filled to the brim with SJWs. Somebody will replace them within 20 years if not sooner.

Purging their ranks of visa foreigners would be a good first step. A lot of the white Americans at those companies become SJWs because they are oversocialized with non-Americans.

I worked at a very large west coast tech company for several years. By the time I quit half my team was Chinese nationals. Chinese nationals loyal to China above all else, willing to defend every Chinese practice including the Great Firewall. Most of the rest were Canadians or Australians. A few Russians sprinkled around too. In that sort of environment it is political suicide to not toe the social justice progressive line.

Even if you disagree with it, pretending to agree with it will influence you over time. If they aren't aware of brainwashing techniques, they'll find themselves eventually agreeing with what they say. There is a strong psychological drive for consistency in every human, so if you make somebody say something you drive them closer to believing that they actually believe it.

[Would you like to know more?]

You too?

A very select group of users on pol experienced it I think. Tell me if you see anything that looks wrong with this map. Nothing like continents missing or out of place. But still something very distinctly wrong. (Also ignore the missing land at both poles, they were just omited on these images)

Was greenland always that fucking huge?

Its just perspective, I think

Actually, now that I think about it, it was never that big. Holy fuck, just add another thing to the list.

War got avoided because John Titor managed to become President

because that is a Mercator projection map. anytime you try to draw a 3d surface on 2d there are distortions.

Israel exists?

Greenland isn't that big it's just making the map into a flat plane stretches it out
IIRC it's pretty small
What surprises me me is when did this Eritrea become a nation

My bad on the relative size, here is what's changed with the timeline shift that happened to me. I'm sure that these areas are wrong. In high school I had an awful teacher that hated me because I was a FUCKING WHITE MALE. She tought world geo, so I had to bust my balls to do well on exams. Trust me when I say these areas are wrong.

He predicted nothing right ya fgts

I can assure you the Hudson Bay has always been there.

What do you mean
Donald Trump predicted many things right


This is my mobile, I can continue discussing my findings so far over dinner if anyone is still interested.

Nothing out of order in Canada and that bit above Norway only looks weird because the north pole ice isn't shown, its always been there. user aren't there enough interesting things going on in the world to focus on rather than some faggots erp.

If you haven't experienced the shift, then this is a normal reaction. It is my current belief that only GATE anons, or anons who are similar to GATE anons in type experienced this shift.

Let me check one more thing with you then, most anons here remember shifting timelines a fairly long time ago, with the Bern-stain/Bern-stein shift. Since the first time could just be attributed to a mis-remembering, it is largely dismissed. However, I implore you and others like you to google "Children's bear book" and see what it looks like now.

(You will find that the 'bern' at the start of the name has changed to 'beren' meaning our current worldline is that which is known as the 'Berenstain' timeline instead of the 'Bernstein' I remember first inhabiting.

There is one, and only one, reason I don't dismiss you as a shit-stirring plant for this kind of talk. And it's because I'm very interested in Near Death Experiences, and I've done a lot of research on the topic. Every so often, you'll come across a story where something happens like a person gets in a car accident. They feel the impact, hear the shattering glass, the whole thing. Just as quickly they'll find themselves back on the road driving ahead normally with the truck that hit them in the rear view mirror and everything is fine. I've seen quite a few stories like this. They're submitted more-or-less anonymously, there's literally nothing in the world to gain from lying about it. Sure every so often a fedora might make up a story to HURR FUCK WITH THE STUPIDS but I've seen a few too many at this point to think that's a sensible explanation.

I don't know what the Hell is going on, but there's clearly a little more to this world than we know about. When Hubble aimed his telescope on Mt Wilson at Orion's Belt and discovered the concept of galaxies, the universe instantly grew a dozen orders of magnitude bigger than the best scientific projections to his day. I don't think we know what we're dealing with at all, and we certainly don't have a language or memetic complex for describing it. We've got some very thin evidence to work with.

That said, I think all this "Greenland never existed!" shit is fucking silly. You know that there are different kinds of map projections, right?

Well I wouldn't know since the first time I heard about these books was from this time shift meme, what does a time shift feel like anyway?

If you're not just ironically shitposting about this timeline nonsense, then you're almost certainly mentally ill.


Quite the angry response. Did I discover something I shouldn't have?

You won't feel anything physical from my experience, but you should be able to find something that's changed, or is out of place in some way.

The greenland thing was an error on my part, but I'm not claiming it never existed. The islands BETWEEN Canada and Greenland on the other hand…

underrated post. too bad the thread is anchored now

In 1993


Civil War March 21 2017

Its a matter of projection and perspective. Only the central part of a flat representation of any sphere is going to 'feel' right.

You're having trouble reading emotion through text. I'm not angry, only mildly concerned for you. If you genuinely think that Greenland's geography has dramatically changed between earlier in your life and now, then I am concerned for your mental health.

i don't know what it is but old lithograph maps but they are so aesthetically pleasing to look at

Im not pointing out size, Im pointing out that in the Bernstain universe, Svalbard, and the chain of islands between Greenland and Canada did not exist. This is a major change, as opposed to the first shift, which did not effect geography.

Also, mods anchor the thread as soon as I start posting. Holla Forums is starting to look more and more like it really is compromised nowadays.

I don't blame them.

this thread bad been going into the ground well before spoke up

not that user, but you sound just like a liberal with that line. It's 100% not insane to consider things out of the ordinary. Insanity would be doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result

I wanted to reply to you once more to get my main thought across. I am sorry for fucking up the Greenland thing, but I can prove to you very easily that I am not a shill/plant by doing the one thing they would never do: encourage you to continue digging.
I have tried to point out a few symptoms of a new 'shift' much like the one many GATE anons experienced after their NDE, but I am by no means an expert. I have no clue what could have been the cause of this shift.
I am pretty god awful at putting my thoughts into words, but if anything in this post gets across to you, let it be this: Keep digging. I haven't gone through all the GATE threads I have in my archive folder, but I am sure that 5 threads are not enough to uncover this mystery. If Holla Forums can quit reposting articles like it is /n/, and start digging into GATE once more, then I am sure something big will be uncovered.

Remember that skepticism is a healthy thing. I am well aware how LARPy my posts come across, mostly because of their subject matter. I have no proof to give except mental proof, which is the least believable and most error prone proof their is. Sadly, this is about all I can do besides pointing anons towards clues that something triggered the Mandela Effect again, and hope enough care to start digging into it. I am not bothered by petty insults in this thread, I welcome them, but when someone tells you to "take your meds" they are either a gaslighting shill, or just a newfag normie who doesn't want their worldview threatened.

Don't fuck with psychedelics or dissociatives if you want to retain your current worldview.

Assume, for the sake of argument, that John Titor wasn't a LARP.

Titor's presence has altered our timeline. Put simply, our timeline cannot merge to Titor's home timeline. Something else will happen, since we are close, but Titor's history is not our future.

I hope you're right, but everyone around me is getting chronic illnesses or killing themselves and nothing I or anybody else does about it seems to help. This is happening to people at younger and younger ages too. I don't his out much how for the future but will fight until my last breath.