NSA, FBI, CIA high level office compromised?!

Is the reason we have been seeing the latest "muh Russian" hackers stories from the MSM and the Blacked House because they have been compromised???????????????????

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Putin and friends have the equiv of prism and probably has compromised prism and is using prism or has used it. Any holes being patched already, but the cat is out of the bag so to speak.

Putin helping the USA recover from detrimental leadership would be a very interesting turn of events. And it denotes a cozy relationship of collusion.


I actually believe that the kikes fear an American Russian allience. When America went nuclear they where holding the upperhand, and then of course the information and know how to create nuclear weapons got smuggled out to Russia which ended up putting them on an equal pegging and creating the cold war. Although the cold war has been dead for a long while it has still spilled on behind the scenes, just enough so that America and Russia have never been able to trust each other. The Bush and Obama administrations have always been putting "defensive" missile bases in various countries and pissing the Russians off by doing so, probably under instruction from tptb of course, just enough action to not be too threatening yet enough to drive a wedge between them.

Now Trump on the other hand, he looks forward to smashing isis, something Obama was pretending to do but in fact didn't threaten them at all. He wants to pull troops out and get them back home. Further more Putin has stated that he likes Trump and looks forward to working with him to repair the relationship between America and Russia. The constant mindgames and posturing of the US has kept Russia and America apart and at length from each other, But with Trump I can actually see them becoming close allies, and I think the kikes shit themselves at the thought of two huge millitary powers like that coming together.

I think this latest Russia did the hacks debacle is just designed to push them both apart and spread more distrust to stop them becoming allies. I don't think Hillary would have gone to war against Russia had she got into power, she was far too busy gunning for Iran to please her kike masters.

I think that If Hillary would have won - It would be a literal new WORLD WAR..bigger than the one that is currently happening. So far The War has been contained in the middle east for the last 15 years. The place has been nothing but armed conflict with really no end in sight.

Islam has not been btfo'd by the looks of the attacks being waged daily.

We MUST have an alliance between USA, RUS, and a new RIGHT WING GERMANY.

The old houses must be rebuilt.

Trump probably knows. He has said on camera that he does not trust the CIA.

Further more to this statement, I actually believe it was the NSA that leaked the emails because they just didn't want the crazy bitch Clinton in power. At the end of the day the have had access to all her mail and you can imagine a lot of the shit she was scheming up that never got released. I think they wanted to make America great again.

Of course he dosent trust the CIA, no intelligent person does. The CIA was literaly created by gommies infiltrated in the US.

TRUMP should go after Hillary - no matter what beans she spills. The chaos that would ensue would boost the economy so much.
Just think about all the dirty corp money that could be taken.

The government of the people really could slap down those who are moving behind the scenes of all of this.

For all we know he could just keep the threat out there for years as leverage, and let her operate never knowing when the noose will tighten. I think he might have said something once about being intentionally unpredictable.

I would for him to do so but at the same time, the fact that she wants to run again means she will destroy her own party even further which helps him. As it stands now, I suspect he will tackle immigration and only come after her near the beginning of re-election time.

I think he's played it well to be fair and done the right thing. Trump is not part of the establishment, not in the clique, but Hillary on the other hand is. funded hundreds of millions from soros' and the rothchilds', the complete and utter bias for her in the media during the election was diabolical. These people have a lot power and I think if Trump had pushed for prosecution and had her locked up he would have ended up getting his fingers burnt. Best to just play it cool as he did and just keep out of the line of fire for now.

theyve never not been compromised.. atleast not in a very long time if they were ever organizations beholden to the people at all.

That being said heres how i see all of this shit.

And heres where we are now. There is a lot of shilling, concern trolling and astroturfing going on. But take a gander at the facebook pages.. the comments sections around the web.. They look much like everything else has over the course of this year. The people are NOT buying it.

Here is just one example


the comments section doesnt show up in the archive so if you dont want to give them a click pic related is a snippet of the comments section, theres 1,331 comments right now and I havent seen a single one that isnt exaclty like the ones in the pic or better.

Im not saying we dont need to oppose these filthy yids but dont let the concern trolls get to you. This narrative has already failed out of the gate, lets put it in the oven and be done with it.

2/10 not enough question marks



I KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS - it means that they have seen that we see and they are responding.

user…you had better get on this. But you will of course keep on with your pizza gate.

GATE being the operative autist word .

If they can uncuck themselves. Priority 1 should be to prevent the fall of nuclear armed nations if france or the UK go musie then nukes will be in ISIS hands. I don't think I gotta tell you how hazardous that'd be.

The future for man is a dark one. Hopefully the fire rises and warms up the place.

yea pizza gate sure does seem like the perfect tool to distract as many newfags as possible. That doesnt mean that theres nothing there… or that it is bullshit. Of course its not, we know this is what the kikes do and how they keep their minions in governments in line. But even if we found all the evidence we needed nothing would be done about it, not now. So it is at a minimum, at this point in time, a wasted effort and a distraction.

we need to focus on the facts of what we can effect, and what we can effect is the memetic war,

Our memes have already defeated their propaganda before it was even deployed, we need to continue the fight and seal (((their))) fate.

The future for man is a dark one. Hopefully the fire rises and warms up the place.>>8498370

If we don't get an army of the memes out there now on this fake news shit…we are fucked…trust me.

They are going to "investigate" the election and conveniently find that in addition to the hacking….they will find fake news running rampant and lock everyone down under the guise of outlawing fake news.

ht tp://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-russian-election-tampering-cia-fbi-20161210-story.html


You have only just now come to this conclusion?

The CIA is pure evil

He damn well better go after her and her foundation, people voted for him to drain the fucking swamp not to " Let her heal" because "she has had enough". If he chooses to let that satanic sow walk, then that most likely means her or her masters have some dirt on him he wants to stay hidden and/or we have been duped and he is just the other side of the kike coin.
We will see what he does once Backdoor Barry is out and he is sworn in. He can either be the best president ever or the greatest traitor, time will tell.

Don't kid yourself. A Shillary presidency would absolutely have guaranteed war with Russia.

This guy gets it. But you're still thinking too small. Not just USA, Russia and Germany… ALL white nations. And WW3 is already unavoidable and underway; we are at war with islam. The only question is when the West will wake up and accept this, and take the appropriate action.
That time is coming soon.

You completely avoid any mention of those who have instigated and profited of this whole situation, the KIKES. If it were not for nation wrecking kikes we would not be getting flooded with goat fucker arabs and niggers. Gyorgy Scwartz and his Open Societies Foundation, Barbara Specter and her group, Israel and its NGOs, etc. These are the people flooding our countries with million's of shitskins who would not be here otherwise.But no in your opinion lets ignore the jews trying to genocide all Whites, and go start WW3 for kikes against muslims, fucking brilliant.

Look up the Couedenhove Kalergi Plan, Hooten Plan, we will never solve this problem unless JEWS are dealt with, we can easily resolve the rest, by force if necessary.
Otherwise we will go extinct burning up our numbers and resources in perpetual war against billions of muds, but you already know that, thats the point right?


The CIA wanted Hillary to win because she's the "stable" candidate, meaning the most corrupt one and the one most likely to do what they want her to do. Trump might be too independent for their taste and even put the CIA under military rule so they're trying to discredit him with bogus stories of HACKERS!!! RUSSIA!!! PUTIN!!!

I guess they must have fired most of the CTR employees the day after they lost.

here's a better pedofiles infograph

Ugh, cant post anything longer than a few paragraphs lately, just gets stuck at "posting (100%)" and does nothing, hooray… anyway

Make no mistake, she would have. Theres a LONG explanation BUT I CANT FUCKING POST IT. Short answer: legacy. Shes built her power over decades at home. War with Russia would enable her to ignore border security, let more illegals in helping vote rigging in the future, let more "refugees" in giving them excuses to roll out gun control and censorship against "extremists" which would be targeted entirely at anyone not sucking her taint, and ensure the Clinton Party continues to hold the balls of the DNC in her purse and the DNC wins all elections for generations to come, ensuring Chelsea a seat of power if not president herself one day, thus continuing the clinton "legacy"

War with Russia is but a stepping stone to domestic crack downs

This is the level of this board now.

(((powers))) have tried to do this slowly over decades, avoiding a flat out war to enable crackdowns. But Hillary (and Soros) are selfish, egocentric, and more importantly, DYING. They want to see all of this finished before they kick off. So rather than take the slow game and let it play out beyond their lives, they were, and are, willing to risk everything to ensure their legacies and power they've built are continued for generations to come.

We likely have not seen the end of this CIA "muh russia" shit, nor the end of the war to overthrow Trump as president before he even gets sworn in. Hillary and Soros are not willing to go silently into the night. They may HAVE to, but they arent willing to just concede before then. Hell they may even go full retard and try to incite a full on revolution/rebellion before they just give up, as a last ditch play to accomplish their goals (see: Hillary's sudden obsession with the color purple and the links to that color and soros funded "revolutions" in the past)

Catholics invented Islam, user. Christianity is our original enemy and destroyed our roots and history. Jews are the parasite on Christianity's viral infection

Reported, Shlomo.


It needs to be stressed that this stupid narrative requires people to confuse the DNC leak with the Podesta leak.

The Podesta leak helped Trump, but this was done with an unsophisticated phishing trick which would never be used by professional intelligence. Such methods are rarely effective and risk motivating the intended victim to improve their security habits.

The argument that Podesta's emails were provided by Russian hackers is absurd.

The argument that the DNC emails came from Russian hackers is -not- absurd, but while they were released for the purpose of harming Hillary Clinton's campaign, the timing of the release - and Assange's own words - make it clear that the goal was to deny her the Democratic nomination.

This would NOT have helped Donald Trump win the election. Donald Trump would have lost to Bernie Sanders. This is almost a certainty if you consider that Trump won in large part because moderate voters distrusted Hillary Clinton, many on the left outright hated her, and Trump won the votes of far more white women and black men than he could have with Bernie Sanders opposing him.

Trump won the election because the DNC leak failed.

I'll add that it makes no sense whatsoever for someone with access to the Podesta emails to render them worthless by denying Clinton the nomination. If the aim was to make Trump president, the sensible move would have been to withhold the DNC emails until after Clinton had secured the nomination.

While you're correct that phishing is a very unsophisticated attack, the idea isn't just that you use it on its own. You combine it with something more powerful like social engineering. On top of that, never under-estimate the stupidity of criminals user. Think back to the child fucker who thought a swirl filter on a photo was a good idea. You have to be insanely stupid to not understand how swirls work.

You had me till then friend. Well played.

No. The MSM is trying to meme a war with Russian into being through citogenesis.


Who I am doesn't matter…what matters is our plan

I could see the Ukraine being engulfed in a full on conflict and then a flash in moscow as nato elements squeeze a high yield nuke in.

Shit Its my Guess that a device is already there somewhere in the basement encased in a lead cask near the kremlin.

you and I are not a part of any plan
it is all already planned out and it doesn't involve us
just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show
ps. to all others in the thread, sorry to spoil it for you but there wont be any wars with russia, that's just retarded and if you ever hear anyone bring that up you can automatically label them as clueless

Meh, as much as you guys are looking into this fake news shit I think you guys are digging way too deep looking for an exact reason for it that just isn't really there. Here's what I mean by that:

We all know that even before the election that the MSM was barely being kept afloat, nobody really watched or trusted them so most of their revenue came from government and private funding on top of TV just becoming unpopular now in favor of the Internet and streaming services. The kikes going full nuclear with the MSM to try to stop Trump and cause international panic over nawtsees and klansmen toads brought their credibility down to zero with most people. They don't really have any viewers left or nothing, before their slow but steady encroachment onto the Internet was to redraw the goyim and the ad dollars they'd get from clicks but now it's for survival.

Think about it, in all the previous elections where the (((Democrats))) lost, they never really pushed muh fake news or Russian hackers or nothing except for here and there to keep the normalfags away from any media that isn't part of the MSM to keep the views and money rolling. Now, after the last few years where they've been very steadily and quickly declining and after this election where most people just sigh in disgust on hearing these media corporations names they've been pushing this shit. Pushing for every media outlet that's not theirs to be banned and outlawed. Look at the lists they've pushed to Congress and lawmakers on what sites to ban, notice anything? They're fucking huge, literally every fucking site and business that has any sort of substantial traffic are on those lists and are being pushed to be made illegal.

It's classic corporate kikery. What does corporations like Walmart and Starbucks do when they enter a new area? Immediately decimate every similar business in the area and put up a million of their stores. And then afterwards they buy property and bribe city and town officials to make sure no other stores pop up and that even the tiny mom and pop stores get shut down. It's the same shit the MSM kikes are doing with this, obliterate the competition and make it illegal for any to even exist. And there you go, everybody will have no choice but to go back to them for (((news))). And considering the (((MSM))) is almost literally a branch of the government at this point the federal kikes have a lot to gain from this as well to keep the goyim cattle in line and under their fist

Not really saying there isn't anything more to it, rarely in life is anything straightforward and in politics there's factions within factions within factiona vying for domination. But honestly this just seems to me that the media kikes are just trying to save their power and wallets by attrition and extermination of any opposition

the game is not about money at those levels
the owners of those companies are not who you think they are

An artificial memosphere…?

Explain how Trump would have beat Bernie Sanders without somehow sullying his reputation with women. Explain to us how Hillary Clinton's low energy campaigning, evident poor health, and low favorable ratings played no part in Trump's success. Please also touch on how the Podesta emails had no effect on the election.

Oh, but there was a picture of Bernie driving a sports car. How will CTR ever recover?

Muh free everthang, gibs, gibs, gibs

He gone done it again pol

druidia has stolen the air again on its 3rd edit

princess vespa wants a can of air

All of these were literally created by Rothschilds, a lot of it transplanted from their British empire. There is nothing to compromise because they have been globalist kike tools all along.

This doesn't make sense. The NSA helped Clinton cover-up her email server scandal. If they wanted to they could have sunk her, but instead they destroyed and/or withheld evidence. NSA is kikes.

He would have destroyed Sanders pretty easily. Americans aren't on board with full blown Jewish communism.

Pizzagate's our tank, the obnoxious giant elephant in the room they can't ignore. It's important to keep it alive as long as possible so we can do as much real damage as we can while they're busy allocating resources trying to mitigate it.

This. /thread


do you have any proof to back that up?