The far-right National Action group will be added to the government’s official list of banned terrorist organisations
National Action group to be banned from UK after Jo Cox's murder leads to concerns
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Looks like they decided the honeypot had attracted enough flies.
Pretty hysterical how one mentally-disturbed loon killing an MP is enough to equate a "far-right terror threat" yet nothing will ever be done about Rotherham, or to combat Islamic extremism.
NA will probably finally be useful as martyrs to point this out to people.
Cut Off One Head Two More Shall Take It's Place.
I'm writing off the UK as a lost cause. Kids in the future will see old movies about the British Empire and wonder why there are so many White people and no Muslims.
They will see the remake without white people in it. It will be considered terrorism to own those old films.
Get over yourself. The US is 58.5% white and just put an über-Zionist administration in power, and they're not a lost cause either.
How many terrorist acts are these terrorists responsible for?
Trying to link them to Breivik is a joke. The guy is neither a member nor British. Might as well say Hitler was working for the National Action too.
Why hasn't there been a thread on Joshua Bonehill-Paine or Garron Helm?
I had to delete my Twitter because I was scared I'd have my door nocked in by my local thought police.
Will the uk ever have a far right party with power?
Fuck the What
he wasn't an NA member.
Even worse.
does anything stop them from just changing their name slightly?
This doesnt even surprise me anymore
They'd get shut down within a year. This is the new normal in the UK.
It's really simple, if NA is banned they should look to create a crypto dead pool (there is a basic premise on the tor network somewhere) where people can bet on the demise of political, media, and social figures and it would not be cheating to make sure your prediction comes true.
The reason their banning is because White criminals in prisons are starting their own gangs similar to the aryan nation and they fear the prison gangs and groups like the National Action will start influencing each other.
It appears as though UKIP just grew in strength.
She's ugly af
I'm a member of NA. Being affiliated with a designated terrorist group and the threat of jail isn't going to stop me.
What fuck are talking about? The biggest gang problem in uk prisons is the Muslims. This many disinfo agents in one thread.
Americans have this weird defeatism syndrom where they can only ever be negative
They just need to get in contact with the german groups all of them are banned
At this point I wouldn't mind if the IRA came back…. with a vengence.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you just do what that fat cunt Andy Choudry did and change the name of the group? Like, what if everybody in the NA just quit all at once and joined the No-Homers Club, or whatever? Wouldn't (((they))) have to start all over again?
Also, props for being more antisemitic than the law allows. It speaks well of you, bong-user.
Were as we Brits treat everything like it's not a big deal while we get locked up and our sisters get raped.
I'm leaving this thread because I'm already to pissed off.
Whoops. Looks like my question was answered above. Sorry for the faggotry.
This is really getting fucking ridiculous man.
Once liberals gain power, they close the door behind them. They abandon their rhetoric about freedom and equality, and they brand those who disagreed with them as criminals. They begin to dismantle their own culture and seek to replace their own people. It is expected that everyone adopts the liberal doctrine, which for its followers has a replacement rate between 0.9-1.1. The only way for them to remain in power is through massive immigration. The immigrants take over eventually. Once this occurs, they create a government and pass laws that benefit their race and culture. They close the door behind them.
Remember things like these the next time some femicunt or government entiry tells you to enlist to go kill "da ebil nazees".
Article is bullshit.
Mirror is a far left tabloid,they just make stuff up.
National Action have not been designated a terrorist group.
Now they have no reason to not go full RWDS
I'm convinced that this will actually happen. No joke. It's already as close to being Airstrip One over there as anywhere on earth.
Why doesn't the IRA give you faggots arms?
The IRA is just a mob now. They don't have US senators donating money and protecting them anymore. They have to sell drugs to raise money and their weapons are second rate because they're old as shit and maintained by potato-niggers
If NA had existed in the 80s and had a real presence then maybe they would have but I doubt it even then
Literally no one gives a flying fuck that this government toad got shoahed. They seriously think people should be appalled and saddened by it. It's not like an innocent person being killed.
Hello virgin
They really need to fight this stuff now. Brexit and Trump are setting the precedent. Immigration has broken the ceiling for the normalfags and bluepilled. They need as many boogeymen as they can muster and create to shut down and clamp down on.
They're still there and so are their bunkers full of weapons.
If there was a race war in the British Isles the IRA would side with the non-whites.
Yep, it's already begun.
Hello street shitter.
to be fair the pakis have yet to do as much damage the british have to ireland
Britain's treatment of Ireland was like beating your child into a medical degree.
The IRA are basically Marxists.
They have no white loyalty whatsoever.
back to cuckchan
Yeah at Celtic games in Glasgow they fly Irish flags with Che imposed over them. It's disheartening.
IRA is basically Potate-Isis
Lets what happens in a few years after unchecked Muslim immigration.
Don't hold your breath.
What does this even have to do with the thread topic? Fuck you and your low effort shitposts.
Fucking United Cuckdom. Absolutely suicidal.
Should've kept it local tbh.
Since when is pissing on kids and getting into fistfights and seig heiling politics? What have they achived will all of this? what power have they attained? anyone in government from their actions? No. They are a bunch of retarded dafties larping as ubermensch when in fact they're nothing more than a bunch of autists with no political ideology and they're heading to nowhere.
You understand which group of people the IRA have historically targeted, yes?
This tbh. no one outside hysterical virtue signalling libshits gives a fuck about joes cock. They are just using her corpse as a tool to try and attack and neuter the ascendant right.
There we go, /brit/pol anti-NA LOCAL Harris posting shills arrived, took a fucking while.
Whenever a NA topic comes out, they are there. No matter how much of a honeypot NA could've been, this should be scary news to White nationalism, but got to keep it LOCAL eh pozzed fucks?
its not brit/pol/ that does that any more, its >>>/brit/.
Brit/pol/ is loyalist to Holla Forums. Get with the times lad
For shame.
If /brit/pol is proper National Socialism now then fine, i will blame the >>>/brit/ for it, get back to your own containment board you fat fucks.
Eat shit and die, potato-fucker.
If you think walking around getting into fights with people and seig heiling will get you into power in this day and age then you're quite clearly a fucking retarded cunt.
Just look at what UKIP did, they achieved more nationalistic and populist goals than any other rightwing party in history, do you think they did that by seig heiling and pissing on kiddies? no.
God/pol/ has really dropped in quality these past few months, bunch of LARPing jerrycucks. Not even joking, you're and embarrassment to the movement.
TL;DR You are a faggot if you think having no political ideologies and values and just walking around beating people up will get you anywhere
Why would they ban agents?
The government can go ahead and fuck itself with it's "official list of banned terrorist organizations"
Your infatuation with an unsavoury scouse whos stuck in the past does you no favours you know lad.
Dafty tbh.
Reminder that this is a good thing and NA only served to make 'nationalism' a dirty word in the minds of British people.
Also, it's very bizarre to see a bit of IRA apologism in this thread considering that they're literal communists.
Stop messing around and get off the fucking internet. This is not scary news. This is the due earned by saddos and dafties stuck on the dead end roads of the intellectual playpen. All of which is probably pushed by the spies (Gerry Gable, Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Searchlight Magazine).
Get outside knocking on doors, learn about the local issues which effect the daily lives of ordinary working people. Get out of the intellectual playpen where the spies (Gerry Gable, Nick Lowes, Hope not Hate, Searchlight Magazine). Keep it Local.
also Ireland was a stinking nig-tier bog before the ascendancy tbh,
Checking those double dubs as Tarl Warwick channels the spirit of the only rhodesian Holla Forums doesnt love
Pfft. That shows your a spy tbh lad. Joe frequently bashes Greedy Nick for his dafty ways. Joe knows that Plato is a friend, but the truth is a greater friend. And Nick's no Plato.
Joe punches right less than most of Holla Forums in having the tactical good sense to back civic parties like UKIP which nonetheless help shift the discourse right,
Your levity about the spies (Gerry Gable, Nick Lowes, Hope not Hate, Searchlight Magazine) is telling.
Shill detected
>>>/brit/ raid since NA gets mentioned, typical.
They never show up in other threads but it's always NA threads, after checking not even /brit/pol uncucked has this much shit.
Its not a raid, just participating in the top bantz lad
And stop with this nonsense about that fake board >>>/brit/
We local lads are from brit/pol/ as ever.
Compare the ugliest white you know with that.
You get to choose, pick one of the two.
She is pretty, you shouldn't mix of course, but she is.
I only go on brit/pol/ "uncucked" when I want to read last month's news
Solid bantz/10
Read the thread before you LOCAL fucks started posting, it was slow and then all of a sudden a shitload of Joe/LOCAL spam.
last month? The place is a fucking museum tbh.
Yeah nah, Holla Forums is a LARP-fest now.
Of course it doesn't lad, it gets a reply maybe every two weeks or so. Floating up and sinking back down the catalog like the corpse that it is.
When Local issues are raised the response must be swift and immediate. DAFTIES LEARN.
Thread made 4 hours ago
As swift as your country taking itself back from the kikes fingers.
Does joe know about /brit/s unhealthy infatuation with him? Hed probably find it a bit weird and distasteful that a bunch of a dozen or so dedicated autists are immitating his mannerisms and making image macros of him on an obscure fillipino image board. I think he'd be weirded out by it and think it was mockery tbh. Hed probably think /brit/ was an effort by the secret state and gerry gables, along with hope not soap and searchlight magazine, to mock and discredit him. Either that or he;d think you were a bunch of DAFTIES tbh and would look on is disdain.
Explain right now how faggots all in black, going around beating up people will take the country back?
Are you actually that dim?
A darn sight better than writing MUH EVROPA over and over.
Atleast they are doing something, fuck Joe is doing something, the only thing you are doing is shitposting and spamming in a fucking singapore imageboard about being better than the rest.
Just stay inside and wait until your wife gets raped, oh wait, you don't even focus on repopulating. LOW ENERGY ARGUMENT
By beating enaugh peoples who have power? Just like every other revolution in history.
Yes. We have his email. He's a decent lad.
And why do you LARPers here refuse to accept good advice. And why can't you into banter?
I feel sorry for you.
Yeah beating up the occasional scrawny antifa twat or paki shopkeeper, that's really showing those in power that they mean business!
Yeah, like disabled children and antifa twinks.
Perfect example of faggots even for a meme making fun of Holla Forums
Holla Forums works and actually is willing to fight what he believes in, /brit/pol just goes for bantz and is not working.
getting proved right again, you /brit/ cucks are a bunch of fags
Hitting yourself in the dick with a hammer would be doing something.
Pot kettle black.
Yes britcuck, just vote for muh UKIP
The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear. - Heinrich Himmler
You niggers need SIEGE
You sure showed us!
Yes I will vote for them.
Enjoy being stuck in your LARP'ing reality where beating up random people is somehow politics, and somehow makes a difference.
I hope you don't support Trump in that case either, lad.
What is wrong with beating antifa twinks? Everyone starts from something.
Like bar fights in Munich.
Where does it lead you daft CUNT.
It leads nowhere.
But NA doesn't go anywhere or try to improve, they stick to shouting sieg heil in town centres and hitting random people.
What does it actually accomplish?
Hitler went nowhere until he started talking about local issues.
HARRIS/CIVIC/jerrycuck/LOCAL/IMPERIUMtbh/muhginnie/MUMMY etc etc etc do not constitute banter but rather a distilled autism that just pisses everybody off. Some of us actually like haing a friendly relationship with the rest of the board and enjoy discussing things with our international bretheren without fuckers like you spraying shit everywhere then proudly planting our nations flag in said shit while the rest of us are tarred with the same brush. Fuck you made the pre UNUCKED brit/pol/ boards fucking intolerable for me, god knows what our foreign compatriots here must have though of it. And now thanks to the efforts of /brit/ morons, every time anything british is bought up on the board, there is always shit for us brits who want to get on with the burgers and euros because of you cunts poisoning the waters.
And STILL you cant leave. You swarm back to Holla Forums despite having your own board where you proudly procalim "SPLENDID ISOLATION"
You are troublemakers tbh and Holla Forums and brit/pol/ UNCUCKED can do without you. You are goon tier divisive and cancer.
pick one lad.
I want to like this statue, but that Tavor rifle prevents me from liking it.
Only the 3 of you that stayed were pissed off, and the yanks for whom you cuck.
Stay salty, lad.
It pisses off the few people that still post on the Brit general on this board, i.e. two guys with over 100 posts each and a handful of Americans switching between VPNs.
These kike niggers think giving people information and spreading dank memes is sophisticated. They don't realize that the reason it just werks is because most people are subconsciously ==extremely tired of their shit== and are just looking for a match to light the powder keg. LOL.
And that image is exactly why your empire fell and you guys are a joke now. You got your ass handed to you by Hitler and his Army and you also got your ass handed to you by the germans during WWI.
You couldn't do fuckall without jerrycucks and that is why NOONE will take you faggots seriously. A lot of Holla Forums might be LARPers but you guys are Holla Forums level larping shills
We won , lad. Not our fault the jerries are autists.
I think we can get by fine without the likes of National Luggage.
What the fuck is that frog doing holding a Tavor?
confirmed shills for jewish agenda, reported
The jerries shouldn't have been autistic enough to start the war in the first place. I wouldn't have wanted war with Hitler, but he never should've touched Poland, especially after he promised to do no more invading.
This is false.
No one even mentions hitler in the UNCUCKED threads. If anything its you lot that have some pathology where you have an autistic need to counter signal anything natsoc that you literally flock back to a board that you fucking exiled yourselves from and proclaim to hate, whenever someone mentions it.
Thats fine. Iv no particular love for them either but im not going to attack them. I dont see what it achieves. Just let them do their thing and you do yours. You /brit/ lot spend more time and energy sperging out about NA than you do attacking valid targets like finding and doxing open border activists, antifa or that blog thats trying to dox millenial haggisnigger or whatever - actual valid targets - but instead you spend all your time punching to the right.
They're a fucking honeypot, we don't want to let young nationalists be drawn down dead end roads and get arrested. They hurt our cause, that's why we attack them.
all activities should be geared towards the winning of actual power, lad.
have you got solid proof they are a honeypot?
this pepe made me happy
Joe knows what he's talking about. Regardless, they as well be a honeypot for all the good they do.
not him, but the sexual assault conviction makes them very suspect imo
Me too lad
Good one
civvie faggots will be happy
This memi is still shit.
What is the (((official narrative))) on how Mair planned this "assassination"?
It's not like Jo Cox was scheduled to be at that location, so how could it have possibly been targetted? How do the jews explain this?
At a constituency surgery?
Yes, she was scheduled to be there.
Is it safe to store my collection of Tommy pics on Google drive?
International tommy is better than anything /brit/ has come up with since its exile. You are just bitter because its an UNCUCKED MEME and if it had come from your ranks you would be praising it to the heavens.
You know im right lad
מוות לבוגד. חופש לבריטניה
It's just not funny, lad. It speaks to an extreme lack of creativity, and a desperation to prove that you can still hold your own in the memi game.
Morte ai traditori. Libertà per la Gran Bretagna
Whatever lad. I dont see any fresh memes coming from /brit/ these days
Didn't it happen in the middle of the street? She had a political event scheduled in the middle of the street?
Back to your containment board Anglo, you are not welcome here >>>/brit/
LITERALLY EVERYTHING is a fucking honeypot according to joe.
So why bother with that shameful effort?
Pic related
kek, olden but golden.
It was outside the town hall that she was doing it in.
I think it was initially a fight between Mair and some other guy, and St Joe got stabbed in the middle.
The whole thing is really shady tbh and there are conflicting accounts. Some say theres was a fight like you said and joes cock tried to break it up, other sources said that he set out with the intent of assassinating st cock. Witness statements were conflicting too and some of the shit the paper showed later to 'prove he was a nazi' were fucking weird.
Pic related is apparently from his video collection and was actually used in evidence of his far tight leaning tendencies, I mean wft? No self respecting natonalist is going to watch swindlers list or a fucking auschwitcz docu made by the bbc - all bluepilled nonsense. Its all very fishy. Yet the papers jumped on this.
Sounds like a genuine coincidence to me, not a planned out plot. Certainly not planned out by a right-wing nut with a pipe gun…
Enjoy your loads of diversity pozz from Shin Taig you Fenian fucker.
If you aren't a Plastic Paddy, that is
Holla Forums was actually doing amazing when Brit/pol/ fucked off.
I don't think the shitposters can handle the fact that everybody quickly forgot them and moved on.
Have you noticed any Islamic DVD or book collections getting photographed and released to the media after any of the Muslim terrorist attacks?
No lad, only interest in ww2 germany is note worthy apparently.
Tommy's taste in reading here. Tfw I probably have half those books tbh. I have insignia and some daggers too. Press would have a field day with me kek.
It not illegal to own 3rd reich material though so I dont get why they get so flustered over it. You can but it legally in any bookshop or militaria fair. Fucking silly tbh lad. Are they going to confiscate the miniature SS marching band figurines iv got? Or my Airfix wehrmacht?
Fuck this witchhunting lugenpresse
All look to be in mint condition too, except for the spine of that case closed book.
I had their threads filtered for about a year so I didn't notice for some time. It's pretty much Holla Forums larping as britfags.
They hoax stuff like this all the time. Police training exercises reported as real events. This Jo Cox character even looks like a Tranny!
First, you ban National Action.
Second, you complain that Norsefire was memed into existence.
Third, you complain that they takeover and make Jolly Old England Great Again.
Leftists never learn, now do they?
If you're asking yourself where the BASED LOCAL posters, the TRShills, and muh anglo masterrace posters are coming from, the ones that honor a former criminal and a QT tranny, you'll find them here or on their discord.
Quite hilarious really coming from a board composed of obese NEETs and pakis. Notice how they never refute an argument but rather deflect or misdirect. It's also important to note that a majority of them are /politics/ posters, the ex-neocons that couldn't handle 'le stormweenie' presence on Holla Forums. I'll have a mega-thread soon if they continue to raid the board with their non-sense, as they dox each other on the regular allowing the few 'spies' to gather intel on their tripfags. Enjoy.
That's funny because I've had the exact opposite impression. Holla Forums has been complete garbage since around June, which is coincidentally around the same time the threads were banned.
Anybody in a sound state of mind would have waited until after the referendum.
Moot point though, I genuinely believe they pulled an MK-Ultra on Mair.
That's because election fever took over the board for a while.
When all the spastics from brit/pol/ got banned and then ran off to some shitty boards Holla Forums continued as usual with less britcucks.
Nah, just looks British.
Jesus Christ. I'll only listen to somebody if they can actually speak intelligible English instead of sounding like a fucking braindead retard.
We banned them lad. Your ignorance is why you're rotting with your corpse thread here.
So what are they going to rebrand as
just say fuck it and call yourselves
national socialist english workers party
Joe is a paranoid fuck, I'll give you that, but everything about NA screams honeypot to me. Look at how much shit the EDL have been given for doing far less. Look at how organised NA are, how much of their membership are police-level of fitness, and look at how the cops will always protect them (even when they're blatantly starting shit) when these same departments would actively go out of their way to leave other nationalist groups vulnerable to attack.
When regular fascism is just not enough.
Is it me or this a copy pasta in almost any NA thread I see? Seems so familiar.
Please leave /brit/pol alone, lad…
Like ETA, how funny.
Nah, I typed it out, but I wouldn't be surprised if similar stuff got said a lot. NA are a blatant honeypot, Joe cheapens his accusations by accusing everyone else of also being a honeypot. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff.
It saddens me to see other Celts get fucked by (((propaganda))). It's disgusting.
One nice thing about the Irish is that we're angry and temperamental as fuck. Push an Irishman too far and he'll go full potato stew on your ass.
Yank here, what the fuck are you island autists talking about? Daftyism? Local Politics? I don't speak limey, m8s
So you're saying Holla Forums has always been shit then?
this is bs
getting a paper trail that keeps you from getting into politics and govt. administration doesn't gain you anything but a job that's going to get replaced by robots anyway.
All of the 'Nationalist' parties in the UK (SNP, Plaid Cymru) advocate mass third-world immigration. Truly perplexing.
Lol…hate to say it but it's hard to disagree
Interesting factoid….
MPs will vote on whether to ban them today. If they do it will be enforced Friday 16th December. That is also the same day that the Jo Cox charity single gets released.
Kill yourself, paddy.
Thought they were already banned? Reddit was celebrating…
It's a foregone conclusion to be realistic. But they can't just ban it by diktat. It has to go before parliament.
based IRA
they're nationalists and socialists like uncle adolf
this might be ok
Maybe if you're a communist you'd believe that.
Was losing South Thanet a part of your plan?
The law banning National Action also bans splinter groups with the same purpose. We could see a national crackdown on anything further right than UKIP.
Have you forgotten what they made the conservatives do? No force in the last couple decades has helped nationalism in Britain more than UKIP
It's just shills
Hail Hydra
This is a good thing. It will embolden them. They will go full fash.
it sounds like dogshit but who's that affected blonde milf?
get your act back together, pol
fucking gross no thanks I suffer from having standardsitis
Turns out it passed, NA is officially banned an categorized as a terrorist organization
And so it started, Europeans who fight for the interests of their people are being branded as terrorists in their own countries. We're not far from the breaking point I think.
Marxists who sell their own people drugs and prostitute their own women.
Fuck the IRA, they could have instilled national pride in their people but instead they chose to revel in the gutter. Cowards.
Pretty much this. All the other brits who do not see this as a big deal or "it's good for nationalism" are the ones who do not see the slippery slope.
I wasn't going to join NA but this annoyed me, what are some other groups I could join?
UKIP. Local politics is the way forwards lad. LARPing will do nothing.
I'm currently getting in shape for the army, I am going into politics after I have more life experience.
the best you can do is donate to UKIP in election season and give them a hand now and again when they need help but that's about it. there are no actual right wing parties. UKIP is slightly right centrist at best
Decent path tbh. I'd join UKIP and try and get elected as a councillor first, then you can work your up if need be and turn it proper nationalist. Otherwise you can jump ship to a proper nationalist party when we get one.
Can we just fucking permaban anyone who uses the word "lad"?
No shit Mr. Atkins, want a medal? Civic nationalists have no place on Holla Forums.
Reminder that Joe's Cocks died for nothing
Just saying, yid-made guns can still be fired at yids with the added bonus of plenty of ammo to be found in enemy territory.
It is still a high quality firearm, the kikes are known to be cheap and shotty craftsmen but never on weaponry they intend to use on the goyim, or sell to them.
Hell I own an SKS and a Mosin both are commie guns but still extremely reliable.
And the other thing is that they aren't even "faaaaaar right," whatever the fuck that even means. What are they, like the only somewhat sane party available? What a fucking joke.
Then why are you here, you dumb nigger?