Ku Klux Kucks: KKK Disavows White Supremacists
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We are reaching levels of controlled opposition that shouldn't even be possible.
FBI compromise over KKK once again confirmed
The KKK is an arm of the FBI at this point
It was inevitable.
Skip to 2:18
Its funny. I always thought, that Moon Man was severely cucked by being KKK member. And it turns out to be truth.
After all its a "christian" sect, don't forget.
Moonman smokes pot too, so it checks out.
2016 You're Weirding Me Out.
"I dont think whites are the superior race, i just think every other race fucking sucks"
- t. KKK
The Kareful Kucks Klan
YFW the are the only group in the whole world who isn't cucked is a fraction of a knockoff of a knockoff Japanese anime forum
The KKK is irrelevant and has been for decades. Black people are still terrified of them like it's still the 1920s, but Black people also believe in ghosts and think trees are racist because White people 100 years ago used to use them to lynch rapists and child molesters.
We're also scattered all over the world.
More appropriate title.
jewlin still is somewhat kucked in that article
I'm leaving now
The kikes are down to their last golems.
Man, it's like you never paid attention to the lyrics stating he was blatantly a mixed-race Revenge seeking Mulatto, which links in with the batshit insane African creation story of the moon, in which a Nigger sends his kids to fish for the family and they keep eating all the goddamned fish, and he gets so fucking mad at his family nigging out he rises up into the sky mad as fuck and becomes the fucking moon.
An important fact to note about a mass congregation of half-breeds is that like in the French colony, they will reach a breaking point due to the inability to have an identity history, or even simply because of the horrid generic diseases they get as hybrids boggling them and ruining their development when young, (Not all the hybrids notice or link their heritage being the source of their misfortune most of the time, but the parents will eventually receive the backlash of the karmatic whip) as they are living testaments to failure on a genetic level, and they will lash out accordingly.
Back in that one french colony, the Whites made the mistake of ostracizing the half-breeds and with, the intelligence, or at least the capacity to resist nigger chemical hormone influxuation with the ability to gather knowledge into their pre-teens, teens and adulthood, the Mullatos staged a mass rebellion and massacred every single french cuck frog-eater, on the colony, as they had no other option because they could only fall back on niggertry.
Moon-Man kills off the niggers because he hates them as a whole and recognizes them as a sub-race that should be segregated and never given special treatment because this relates to his inner turmoil as a halfie, in that he has an all-consuming lust for destruction he must sate on violence, justice and all the other crap being the excuse for it, as he paves the way for White-man to walk to glory, as a living paragon to the fate that await all who do not follow the path nature sets.
Deep-down he never wishes for the tragedy that is his life to ever take form again, as he is a walking abomination that can only be pitied.
Many Mull-bulls at a very young age, grow to detest niggers if made to interact with them due to being more intelligent than them in White male/Black female families, but the ones left on the wayside are more likely to become Dangerous "hybrid-vigor" Niggers.
They're out for blood because they strongly see it as retribution and a sort of salvation for their current state of being.
Moon Man is the rightful heir of the 1920s KKK.
At this point the KKK in Flip Flappers is more serious than the real one. At least they have robots and shit.
Man, i dont remeber aj looking like that much of a high yellow nigger
Neither do I. Oh well at least there's plenty of Japanese Girls coming the WWE's Way to satiate any guy's yellow fever anywho.
And aj was pretty hot for a spic.
Even this thread has been compromised by these retards. Hitler wasn't a white supremacist and any one claiming they are gets a helicopter ride.
"Half Orcs of mixed heritage often are at odds with their more feral cousins, prefering instead to live amongst human settlements due to their higher intelligence and sophistication." D&D 4th edition.
That's why he lost.
top kek.
I'm glad they're outing themselves again, the German people did not die only to have their memories destroyed by tattooed Hillary loving degenerates.
The Klan hasn't existed as anything besides an FBI honeypot and a media boogeyman for decades now. But this statement by the "klan" shows how desperate they have become. The establishment is desperately trying to pretend their "march of progress" hasn't been shot on 5th avenue by Trump's election. If a real group changed their position like this, it would be worrying, but a controlled op group doing this is a good sign.
That's a nice diatribe but how comes he's whiter than Whites? Is he albino?
the 1920's Klan was an odd beast. It was set up as a franchise organization, so different locations has drastically different Klans.
Up north it was often run as like a pyramid scheme version of the Shriners or Moose Club.
Down south, they kept things like you'd expect.
Out west, they rode around attacking beaners and Catholics.
The 1920's Klan is definitely worth reading up on, there's a lot of material out there.
no one cared who he was until he put on the mask
I'm sure if they lose they will do so gracefully.
HOLY HELL. It's so obvious!
Well, if you want normies to be repelled by your message then yeah, you don't need a reason. if you purpose is to be an extremely easy strawman that can be set up and then "rationally" knocked down then yeah, you don't need a reason. Even though there are literally hundreds of valid reasons for Europeans to be pissed off, well. FBI-kun, you really are a fucking faggot, holy shit.
The fuck's a Papikana?
Niggers are fucking geniuses.
It's kind of like a cute.
But also a lesbian.
Let's keep shitposting and see what happens!
A Papikana to a Papika is kind of like a Mimi to a Cocona, but not exactly.
Fucken weebs gimmemore
kill yourself user.
Just start watching the series. It's fucking great, and I have a hard time to pinpoint why.
Is it slice of life or does it have an actual story?
The story is like crossing Evangelion with Madoka, and turning it into a cute episodic adventure story about two cute girls.
I disavow weebs!
The funniest part of that is the explosion of anime avatars on twitter after he made that comment. We are fucking untouchable.
I bet Moonman wrote this.
The weirdest part of that image is that they are actually a group of all adult all black spongebob squarepant fans.
This has got to be the only reason any of us are still alive. Who wants to go to their supervisor and explain that there's a white supremacist forum where they discuss radical politics; acts of terrorism; and TV shows for little Japanese girls.
Fuken wot?
I've actually put a lot of thought into the "why we haven't just been black bagged" question and came to almost the same conclusion. We are so ridiculous that only the truly insane would take us seriously, we are quite literally completely bullet proof due to our silliness.
It sounds like a bad joke.
The court jester has spent so much time in the court he's become immune to poison. I love it.
Someone has to have the screenshot where we are compared to a group of midgets in clown costumes regularly beating the US Special Forces in combat.
I think that just might have been a joke, bro
The KKK has been dead for decades and all of the current leaders are alphabet soups. They only exist now to catch and manipulate retards.
Due you not understand sarcasm? He was mocking people who unironically think the Klan killed tons of blacks.
That it somehow had to be anime also blows my fucking mind. You'd expect some gun enthusiast forum to become what we are, or at least cars or some other popular, traditionally manly interest. Jesus there must be a forum out there somewhere that has a total hard-on for the history of piracy. But no, it was the weebs who turned the radicalization dial up to 11 and then broke off the knob.
Anime is full of extremely traditional themes by Western standards. For example, Regalia is pretty much royalist propaganda, and the message of the show is that living on through others is better than immortality. And that is a show about lolis that can turn into gigantic robots.
hey now… leave the crescent klansmen alone. he's doing his own thing
God that second guy sounded like Alex Jones.
This thread needs moar MOONMAN.
This is my favorite,who ever made the video needs to make moar.I get the chills everytime
You can't make this shit up. Just what fucking universe am I in????
Inspired art gives us flight and rekindles the soul. This is why beauty is so important. Anime style is losing to the cancer rather quickly though. The amount of r18 and fanservice peddling vulgarity has increased exponentially over the last few years and its overtaking everything else. It's under attack, one aimed mostly at Japan but it effects us too, especially those of us that grew up with it (like myself). Vulgarity really kills one inside and I've been feeling it hard these last few months as everything I love begins to slip through my fingers. I'm trying so hard to hold on that I've got a tablet in front of me and Clip Studio Paint open to learn to draw for myself. Even if everyone else gives in I'll at least have my own pocket of reality, my own sanctuary that others may seek out.
We need to draw the line somewhere… I refuse to hand this world or myself over to degenerates. Not again goddammit. FOR MY WAIFU.
Lel my sides…. that legitimately made me laugh out loud
At this point they're completely losing it. I mean how desperate do you have to be, to even use controlled right-wing opposition to spread liberal shit.
Ironically there's always been lots of half breeds in Holla Forums despite the popular belief, that's why the "white pride" threads are utterly useless, because a good chunk of this place is not white, but simply wants to save whites from the jewish attack, and bring them back to former glory, recognizing them as the true guardians of this world, and the only good choice if we want a future of beauty and prosperity.
East asians fall as second choice just because they are too autistic.
i wasnt gonna fap today
the kkk doesn't exist
please stop giving them attention
Albinos are abducted, mutilated, raped and killed in Africa
there's a reason why the jew fears the samurai, user
The KKK hasn't been in the KKK since the 80's (maybe early 90's) at the absolute latest.
Notice how these 100% pure caucasian places like Scandinavia are the most cuckoldest places, i heard some virologist sayin that has to do with the caucasian genoma since muds are hard to bait with guilty and shaming, i think, we must have at last one drop of sandnigger blood as a vaccine to avoid cuckoldry.
We Waz Num Kuz Kans 'n'n Shiiiiiieeeetttt
In "The Tudors" there is a fascinting scene in season 2-3 (cant remember wich one) where Henry is going mad and making all kinds of mistakes, at the very end of ther episode, there is a slow close on the jester sitting alone on the throne and laughing heartly with a grim when nobody is around after he gave counsel to fuck with henry's mind, since he's really the only person henry actualy confessed his fuckups to. It made me understand a lot of things.
have some of my shitty attempt at a moonman song
nah that comes with all kinds of other shit we don't need. just figure out the gene and only target that in the next generation.
Alex Cuckville was totally wrong. The past doesn't illuminate shit. the past is shadows that obscure possible futures while directing you to what the past has predetermined. Shackles and shadows, those are the names of the past.
We've seen that even those who 'learn' from the past repeat its failures. That or they let the past justify their present inaction. When in reality the conditions of the past are different from the conditions of the present.
You see this is why the cucks cucked so hard this election. "Oh no Trump you can't say things like that, just look at history! You'll lose. You'll never become president."
If Trump had 'learned' from the past he wouldn't be president right now.
Thanks buddy, I was staying in this thread just for this.
You're mistaken, it's not anime that created us, it's anonymous imageboards. It was just anime, and the general interest in all things Japan it tends to cause (in other words, Japanese soft power) that lead the imageboard software to be brought out of Japan and into the west, and gain a serious audience. But all the traits of the chans' uniqueness: its resilience, its eternal quest for truth, its debased nothing's safe humor and vehement ego denial, its viciousness, its state as a collective think tank, its leaderlessness and entirely horizontal structure, its unpredictableness as many individuals suddenly self organizing, etc. are all identifiably tied to the imageboard and its golden foundations of transiency & anonymity, not anime.
Though anime like SE:L and GITS have done a strong job of predicting and describing the nature of the digital collective consciousness of the Internet that imageboard a are the purest expression of.
I forgot about that show after the hiatus. Is the whole thing worth watching? I assumed the break was due to the cost of glorious 2D mecha animation.
Kek, I can't wait to see what we unleash next.
Never change Holla Forums.
We already have that, it's called a slav
t. slav
That was a pretty high level song actually top keks
Moonman is a part of the Triple K Mafia.
Different to the regular KKK, more extreme.
That's even sillier than the CIA kvetching about foreign governments interfering with elections.
It's true. Not even my own mother can guilt me and believe me she tries.
You're the KKK. Why bother, honestly?
This. A loose connection of anons with appreciation (ironically) for the most pure of liberal values, freedom of speech. Coupled with an incredibly and wildly romantic appreciation of beauty.
Muh PR though
So the shitlibs ask Dickie Spencie why he can't be more like the KKK.
If you are the same kind of feeling faggot as me, then yes. It's hard to connect to the characters because of a lack of development, but if you can get into the right mood, then it can give you the feels.
The weak become the tolerant.
not burger here
wasn't kkk just a vigilante group against niggers?
wtf do they even have besides that?
Holy shit, how have I never noticed this before?
I used to listen to that album a lot when it came out (I now realize how shit it is though) and also never noticed.
It was. After the South lost the Civil War, the North imposed new rules on them. One of those was the end of slavery. They basically let the niggers loose, who immediately started their revenge against the whites. So southern whites, with the help of the Democrat Party formed the KKK to stop the negro violence. If you have time, watch The Birth of a Nation. Yes, the 1913 one. It's great and got it's director blacklisted from Holowood.
A tad oversimplified.
The South lost the second American Revolution, which was the Republicans vs. the Democrats, version 1861.
For three years the South said, "Aight. Fair fight, and we lost. Niggers are free."
Niggers are free, everybody's OK with everybody. we're one country now.
Then the Radical Republicans start "waving the bloody shirt," and saying, "We ain't done with you yet!"
South is carved up into 13 Military Districts, governed by Union Army generals. Niggers are given the vote, while most Southern whites have the vote taken away from them for fighting in the war.
Much mischief ensues. Worthless bonds are floated to pay for schools and railroads, the contracts are let out to unscrupulous Northern businessmen (Carpet Baggers) who charge exorbitant fees, and kick under the table to the politicians who awarded them the contracts. In many cases the contracts were never fulfilled.
Taxes were placed on white Southerner's homes and lands to pay for these bills. Destitute, many couldn't pay, and had their ancestral lands confiscated. 4/5's of Beaufort County, SC, was taken away from Southern whites in this manner.
To make matters worse, black US soldiers were made the bulk of the troops at US stockades across the South, most were former slaves. Much mischief came of this.
White Southern veterans of the Confederate Army had enough, and decided to fight a guerrilla war against the system of oppression under which they suffered.
The Klan was founded in Tennessee in 1863 by graduates of Vanderbilt University. It spread throughout the South like a wildfire. They intimidated mostly white Yankee Republicans, but also scared the niggers back into line, to stop them from voting Republican. This resulted in the Republican president, U.S. Grant, to sign the the Ku Klux Klan Act, initiated by the Republican dominated Congress.
The original KKK was born out of an act of survival. It bears no resemblance to any version of it which came later. Hell, Jews rode with the original Klan. The father of Bernard Baruck was a surgeon in the Confederate Army, and rode with the Klan around Camden, SC. Baruck once wrote of the quiet stillness in the house as everyone waited up on their father to return home from a ride, and of how he found his father's robe after he died.
Good god
This connection is what meme soldiers needed, synchronicity can't be stopped now
This is 100% accurate. Even attacking the (((alt-right))) in general ended up backfiring in part because they made the mistake of attacking Pepe, a silly facet of it. "This smug cartoon frog is a dangerous symbol of white supremacy" sounded so facially ridiculous that the vast majority of people never believed it and it made those claiming it seem like paranoid idiots.
Imagine how much worse it would be if they tried to alert the world to the dangers of an imageboard where people post smug Japanese cartoon girls and worship an ancient egyptian frog god.
KKK is controlled opposition.
Fuck off, shitskin. What we need is to fix our culture, our genetics are fine.
Waifus were always there, user. It's an ancient archetype of perfection. The only silly thing is how japs memed their animation onto whole world. It's a fucking flood.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muse#Functions
does it get deeper? i can't find anything else
bump for truth
oh yeah?
I fully support this. This is such a wtf move, it will jolt people out of their pre-programmed thought circuits and make them think for themselves, if only for an instant. Maybe a few of them will think for themselves for the first time in a very long time, and maybe some of them will like the feeling thinking for themselves gives them. Maybe they'll do it again.
Great move by the KKK. Probably didn't even try it.
So the KKK hates all nonwhites but somehow doesn't buy into white supremacy? How the fuck does that makes sense? Do they think whites suck too?
Italian-American, can confirm.
Don'tcha know, the KKK wasn't racist, it was just a vigilantly group that hanged all rapists and murderers they got their hands on, black or white.
That's what KKK apologists I've never met a KKK member, only a southerners who like to make excuses for the KKK will tell you anyway. There's some truth to it as far as I can tell. Who knows.
Italy - Europe's Africa.
Italians really were kangs at one point though. When the empire went into decline, so did the race.
Kucks rhymes with Klux so maybe call them the Ku Kucks Klan
Someone never watched the old YTMND Moon Man vids. Sun Man fulfills the role you're talking about; he's the self-hating nigger who tries to hide his race from Moon Man and help him out as much as possible.
Can anybody explain this to me, whats up with this building? Its was created by a jew, and it just so happens to be the biggest place for anymee.
A Jew did that? Fuck me, that actually looks pretty cool. I guess every rule is proved by its exceptions.
It always just looked like a techno water tower to me, doesn't surprise me that a Jew did it.
What a bunch of fucking cucks.
We're all getting high on the memetics pill of Cyberia. PRAISE KEK.
well, the engineers are probably more responsible for it than he but I'll give the jew a little credit.
This is the funniest false flag in awhile.
Holla Forums - Too Extreme For KKK
APPARENTLY hillary's goons did, therefore her "alt right and nazi pepe" "controversies" she spouted in public like a senile crazy cat lady, and yet despite her impressive assassination record
Not weeb-y enough.
I guess even soulless golems can be inspired from things they love like well poisoning.
A Jew from AP says he met 3 guys literally on the side of the road and you believe this shit? Fuck are YOU cucked.
The people left here have become such, shit tier losers. Every fucking Jew lie on tv and twitter you eat up.
The MONGOL pedophile race traitor at the daily bullshit makes some comments and now we have three threads here.
British and it's the same. It's just upbringing.
need to get Hitler's brain now
Sometimes I wonder how many of us died during the Battle of Berlin.
If the egg theory of the nature of the universe is to be believed, every last one of us died there.
Can you elaborate? I can only think of the Herman Hesse line; “The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.”
The defense of Berlin was not supposed to be a victory.
It's similar to the Battle of Aquae Sextiae after Tobod was captured, it was to become a feat of heroism that would be passed down throughout the centuries to rally those who still lived.
It's a bastardization of buddhist reincarnation posted on /x/ as a greentext story.
Forgive me for not getting all the details right but here it goes.
It's hippy dippy bullshit that really just boils down to "We are one, like dude wow" but it gives me comfort.
I think you might be referring to this short story.
Spooks the fuck outta me. My life is bad enough and it's not even all that bad. I really, really disprefer having my face cut off by Mexican cartels like all those gore videos that get posted here when appropriate, no matter what justification there might be at the end. God can keep his universalism. I just wanted to have a good time, for fuck's sake.
Proof that Oldenburg is a jew? You realize all sorts of non-kike Scandinavians have Burg in their name, right?
That's the one, it's a total fiction but it has merit in itself.
Aye. I'm a big fan of Swedenborg, and other channeling texts. One nice thing about Buddhism is that it suggests that right here, right now, is a fulcrum of history. They believe a human life to be a rare, strange, and precious thing. Hundreds of millions of years of living awaits us once we die, but it's here and now that we will chose how and where we live it. That makes me feel good. It makes me feel like all my tears and sacrifices have not been performed in vain.
Every step counts, nothing is in vain.
Technically he never said that he was a part of the Klu Klux Klan, just the Triple K Mafia. Totally different Klan.
Since there was no discussion of OP's content, i'll attempt it without reading the article. Assumption number one, lately people have floated the idea around that the word white supremacy within white nationalist groups needs to be correctly defined and explained to people that it isn't what public groups strive for.
White supremacy: to dominate other races into submission and dictate if the undesirables get life/liberty/happiness.
As a public white nationalist group, the PR side would probably show that they do not support such people or their ideas because it would come into direct conflict with the host nation and its laws. After defining white supremacy, they will then say that the group simply wishes to promote the idea of voluntary segregation thus by supporting true diversity. Then they can explain that integration destroys diversity, race, etc.
This is simple logical reasoning and I'm guessing they applied this method. It wasn't necessary to be done in the past, but with today's sensitivity it seems to be a right step.
Hop in a fucking gas chamber, you faggots.
I started to take notice after delving into Holla Forums then thee occult. What made me look deeper was when I notice the buildings pyramid shape, while looking at degenerate cosplay pics. I brushed it off. Its not until I'm watching some shitty fucking anymee when I see pic related. I was like holy shit! Then decided I looked up who created the building.
I wish someone could make a thread on Jewish symbolism hidden in plain site. Maybe i'll do it later, but none the less I found it interesting. So much so I looked up who did Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? (Silver Link.)
Silver Link. also did Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya. That also has some Jewish imagery. But then again Fate series has something to do with historical hero's & shit. Could all just be coincidence.
Fucking (((Burg)))! but yeah your're right user.
please don't post coalburners on this board.
It sucks because they created one of the only harem animes I enjoy. Think I might rewatch it just to see if it has any Jewish symbolism.
This thread is gayer than ricky martin
Hitler dubs of truth.
TBH this surprises me not at all.
The 'white knights of West Virginia' voted Obama in 2012 because, "he has stirred racial tensions unseen since the 60's"
It was a wtf moment for those there. no source, just live near and have gud memory for quotes
(sage for Controlled-Op and blatant slide thread)
This low IQ cuck is as bad as the Black Hebrew Israelites. The KKK is full of utter imbeciles and FBI agents.
Hey there Schlomo.
Probably explains why the Greeks and the Roman were the first to achieve greatness. Hellenes have existed in the Balkans for at least two millennia before the events of Iliad happened so it should have taken that long to intermix with the swarthy autochthones before they were capable to kickstart their history with a genocide.
Some old lesbian hag that got cucked by a man, so she reverted to her teenage body to try to fuck her love interest's daughter.
I hate to be that guy, but I really only showed up for the 14/88 shitlordery, lack of censorship, and constant hilarious edge. I don't like anime at all, but I would definitely pull some smug shit out of my hatechan folder in a heartbeat to trigger some faggot cuck like Wilson.
commonfilth or sjw? who can tell.
is there any difference?
I actually started watching anime and mango because it triggered SA shills so much.
Richard Spencer is the new KKK (KIKE)
Im really fucking depressed thinking how these fucking retarded kikes actually control the world when they cant even fuckin shill properly.
well im pretty sure we are on a bunch of alphabet and stazi lists so that is always an issue
That all but confirms their honeypot status because it makes absolutely no sense.
thats some good shit you are gettin there bruh, sauce for moonman being a mulatto?
That's all the effort they really need to put in at this point.
Their target audience is already to the point where they think what they're told to think and they feel what they're told to feel. This shit might not have worked to get them where they are today, but it works now because they made it that way.
well we let them rule the news and the education for decades so we are partly to blame
holy shit dubbed . /puke
I didn't want to make a new thread just for this:
A&E’s Upcoming KKK Reality Show Draws Controversy
" In a year in which racial divisions in the United States have taken higher precedence than in decades, A&E’s Generation KKK reality show seems a good choice for a documentary. The series will follow KKK families, all of whom agreed to be filmed, and, concurrently, activists with the One People’s Project anti-racism civil liberties group. "
Generation KKK is set to premiere January 20, 2017.
They're not even trying to be subtle anymore. This crap might be worth watching just to see how much anti-Trump propaganda they're going to insert in it.
How many of the 'KKK families' who agreed to be filmed are actually FBI informant families?
And in case you thought this was a russian fake news article here's the Jew York Times article:
ITT: faggots complaining
This is a good thing. We're poisoning the lugenpresse.