
The cunt probably gets wet at the thought of hundreds of millions of white people dying in a nuclear war.

Other urls found in this thread:


How is this not a massive turn-off for normalfags? We should use this retarded kike as a redpill suppository

This cunt again.

believe me, we see it, and their faux patriotism that magically just comes around when they want to bomb some other country, this is why most of us broke off for Trump

these kikes and shitlibs who voted for Hillary can go fight Russia, I'm not getting involved, they antagonize wars while they sit back and do fuck all, reaping the economic benefits

That creature is truly an untermensch example.

Are we sure this isn't a Holla Forums plant?
I know that these people are insane, but causing a nuclear war that could wipe human kind from the face of the earth over nonexistent hackings of paper ballots and cardboard boxes is crazy even for them.

How? These people are trying to speciate us into a drone-class. Killing off those who are uncompliant is completely within their moral framework.

Mensch isn't a Holla Forums plant, this insane jewish cunt has been doing this forever along with the rest of the establishment media, and you'd be surprised how war hungry the average shitlib is, mostly because they assume they won't be involved since none of them are enlisted

I've never met a single democrat while doing my tours in the army, honestly

Because they too would would die SATAN's start flying?
What is the point of them achieving their "utopias" if everyone, including them, turns to dust?

once SATAN's start flying?*


Anyone you see openly advocating their goals is also slated to die.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"- Samuel Johnson

well you have to question the sanity of anyone willing to start a war over not getting their way domestically and without any facts, whether they actually know what reality is

also, at this point most of us are so divided that if their plans did come to fruition, we'd break off in a coup, leaving the forces completely gutted

Why the fuck do they hate Russia so much? China is our real enemy.

probably because russia is fucking up their oded yinion plan. Trump is basically aligned with russia, syria, and iran.

January 20th cant come soon enough. They wont get their russian war then.

Mensch is an attention whore - not significant enough to warrant the attention of anons. Conclusion: OP is Louise Mensch.

sound strategic planning

In any case, some context to as to what "act of war" from Russia she is talking about? Something from Syria?

Because the Russians respect tradional values and wish to preserve it unlike the jews who want to destroy every culture and race on earth to turn us into a mindless, degenerate brown blob.

They are claiming that Russia got Trump into office.


Let's say that's true somehow.

How is it an act of war?

Does she actually think that "precision bombing raids" on motherfucking nuclear superpower Russia won't cause a nuclear exchange that will get her killed? Does she live in the Yukon or something?

Man, the kikes are getting worried & frantic. That's a good sign.
Ironic, isn't it, that a Jew *spit* who has AIPAC interfering in U.S. policies for decades is wanting to declare a nuclear war on Russia because of rumors that Russia tried to have an effect on our elections.

Utterly disgusting.

That's assuming that usa would have air superiority/supremacy and russia wouldn't have power to fight back, let alone possess nuclear deterrence. It's like saying that "soldiers should just raid (insert prominent government member's) house and just shoot him."
I wouldn't even count myself as an armchair general but even i know that much.

By that logic we are all Russian allies.

They are claiming that the Russians hacked emails from Hillary's unhackable private server that she swears wasn't hacked, and sent those emails to Wikileaks so the American people could read them. The exposure of Hillary & company's REAL dealing then caused Americans not to vote for her…there is no hard evidence for this, by the way.

THAT'S the unforgivable "act of war" the Russians pulled…they exposed the truth.

I can already see a picture of putin with

Forgot to add; Wikileaks said the leaks came from INSIDE the DNC.

Nah, air superiority is impossible against Russia.
They are weak in attack, but there isn't a single thing in the world that's able to defeat them, while they are defending.

I really cannot comprehend the mental process behind (((Mensch))) and other liberals. Do they really just want to die but are too cowardly to off themselves?

There can be no winner in a war against Russia. Whoever "wins" everyone loses. You don't have to be a fucking genious to realize that Russia would nuke everything within reach rather than go down - and so would the US. The biosphere would be ruined. We're talking extinction event here.

Fucking retards.

Yeah, that's what i was getting at. It's incredibly simple minded and not at all based in reality. The concept of "just precision bomb the fucker" is ultimately retarded.


Step 1 - Locate and overtake the underground kikebunkers.

Step 2 - Meme for nuclear end of days.

Step 3 - Shitpost in the bunkers for a century or two hoping that our kids' kids might someday emerge and thrive in the Thunderdome wasteland.

The amount of salt and delusion present with these imbecilic cunts is astonishing. It's really quite remarkable. TBH, I feel somewhat sorry for them. They are living in some sort of bizarro, bitter fantasy world.

I think you're on to something here tbh. Liberals are like Jews - they hate everything good and beautiful; they hate the entire world; they hate themselves. They are motivated by unsleeping, uninterrupted revulsion at themselves, which they then project outwards at the best and most beautiful.

all you need to know about Louise Mensch:

Wikileaks: ‘Anti-SJW’ Heat Street Founder Louise Mensch Pitched Ad Script to Hillary Clinton Campaign


Ad for Hillary Clinton secretly written by Heat Street 'journalist' Louise Mensch



She's pretty fucking relaxed about getting my son killed in a war. "Precision bombing raids. . ." What a fucking joke. If there's a quicker way to tell people you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, I can't imagine what it would be.

I think one of the best things about the coming Trump Era is that, for the first time in my lifetime, I really feel like we have a president who can tell ignorant traitors like this kikess to go get fucked. War with Russia is in the interest of exactly one (((country))) on Earth, and no other.

And if Obama pulls some Jew-tier shit to get us into a war in his last five minutes in office, he'll swing at Nuremberg for it. I can just see the Don coming to power, ordering a halt to hostilities, and then tossing Obama, Kerry, and this Mensch wench over the fence for a quick war crimes trial.

I just had a thought –

In a state of emergency, the President has the authority to conscript any citizen into any branch of the military at whatever rank he pleases. How about declaring an emergency over this and drafting Louise as a USMC private? Giver her training (have a real Marine help her over the obstacles) and an M4, and then ship her the fuck off to defend America from Russians by herself. The Russians can even be in on the joke, so they won't misunderstand when the out of shape bitch comes over a hill in Crimea and their snipers take her apart one kneecap at a time.

Who wants to start the Change.org petition?

Look at the #2 tweet:

To her, war is like a FB game where you get likes for appropriate posturing. Something that happens on the screen to make you feel strong and important. Something that can be switched off easily.

Subconsciously, as a kike, she's also fundamentally evil and suicidal.

NATO couldn't even achieve air supremacy against Serbia in 1999.
Just looking at a map of the Russian AA network makes anyone roll their eyes every-time someone say we should bomb them.

They have nearly as much active long range mobile SAM launchers than UK has tanks…

Just around Moscow there is like 150 S-400/S-350/S-300 deployed.

8 was enough to make Obama back down from Syria.

inb4 she gets suicided by a spetsnaz assasination squad


Im noticing a pattern right before a huge shitstorm

Mensch isn't a Jew. She (re)married one, and proudly wears a Jew name in hopes that she'll be mistaken for one. I mean, she still gets a free train ride, but facts are facts.

Because Putin doesn't want Russia to become the pozzed shithole Europe and the USA have become

Yeah, she's a Britbong who got passed around as a groupie cumdumpster for musicians and roadies and afterwards managed to marry some betafag Jew manager (his biggest customers was a pedo btw). She also has a history of hard drug use.

Because in essence Putin isn't allowing Jewish oligarchs to run roughshod over the country and because they're still butthurt about progroms and the Pale of Settlement. Mensch however is just some LARPing neocon bitch.

You know, I'm also starting to think liberals don't actually know how gigantic Russia is.

This is in reference to her "precision bombing" thing.

Also isn't it pretty amazing how liberals accused and accuse the right wing for being violent and whatnot while it is in fact them who indulge in everything ranging from street violence to advocating war? I always found this kinda funny.

There's definitely something pathological underneath this.

Pattern is worse.

"Hello Teutonic knights brother, we pretty much rule the whole eastern Europe and are blasting the filthy pagan into kingdom come. Only guys left are the Orthodox Russians. Let's attack those weak ass heretics."
Nobody heard of Teutonic knights after that.
"Hello Empereur, we pretty much rule the whole Europe and have bitch-slapped everyone else on the continent. Only guys left are the Russians. Russians are weak let's invade them."
Nobody heard of the French Empire after that.
"Hello Mein Furher we pretty much rule the whole Europe and have bitch-slapped everyone else on the continent. Only guys left are the Russians. Russians are weak let's invade them."
Nobody heard of the German Reich after that.

"Hello Mr President we pretty much rule the whole Europe and have bitch-slapped everyone else. Only guys left are the Russians. Russians are weak let's bomb them."

Russia is where superpowers go to die.

Not really. The germans beat them in ww1, the english and french beat them in the crimea war when they tried to re take constantintinople the finns beat them in the winter war. The burgers were able to starve them out and they took horrible cassulties in checyan and afganistan. Russia isnt that great of a military power but starting a war with them would be a world war.

No, Hitler was betrayed on Barbarossa.

Retarded cunt has never heard of mutually assured destruction has she?

Russia doesn't even believe in MAD but has nukes in their continuum of force plan. Hence them threatning Saudi Arabia with tactical nukes when they were massing on the Jordanian border to cross over into Syria.

Some uppity cunt wants millions to die in a false war with Russia because Hillary lost.

These democrats have to try and kill trump because if they don't they will become extinct and they know it.

Mensch isn't a liberal but a Murdoch-financed cuckservative.


Maybe the kike should stay out of American affairs. If we need an oven technician we'll call.



What difference does it make at this point? They all seem to want the same thing.

Yeah by creating communism and collapsing the country from the inside.
Not in warfare. In warfare Russia despite fighting with everyone (Remember Austro-Hungarian Empire? Add it to the list), they still kept the Germans at bay and the last military action on their part is a complete Russian victory (Brusilov Offensive) that broke definitely the Austrian Army which never came back from it (and spread even more the German forces as a result, which lead to the entente winning the war).

In fact had the German not supported the communist 5th columnists, they would have likely add the Ottoman Empire to the list (which was saved by the French and Brits previously by their, short lasted, invasion of Crimea).

Russia, as any long lived country, has lost a number of petty conflict, but the fact remain that nobody that tried to subjugate them walk out from it.

The MSM is strong in this one, they had like 60k casualties in Afghanistan in 10 years… most of it being diseased related. They could have continued at that loss rate forever (exactly like NATO is doing), they left because of internal politics in Russia, not because of the events in Afghanistan. It's about as stupid as saying the USA were defeated in Iraq under Obongo.

BTW 60k it's A DAY of fighting in ONE strategic point at Stalingrad, that's what horrible losses looks like.

Russia is full of white people and they want our race destroyed

ya know what I would love? sum public shaming of trollish proportion. for example have someone like this idiot invited to the white house, have her filmed ans asked "you want me to go to war with Russia? to kill people and get americans killed?
Okay sing this pledge here where you officially claim responsability for the consequences of that war.

A) she refuse to sign
B) She signs

I know this fantasy is flawed but wouldn't that be a sight, show everyone even sum no name schmuck on twitter can get thrown into the spotlight

Remember Tannenberg

They are really getting desperate arn't they?
I wonder where that cunt will run off to when the bombs start to fall?
Her pretentious little safe spaces are not enough when the "paper bear cub" kicks in her door.

We need to bring back press-ganging and apply it to the stupidest and most war-hungry libs. A few years in the Navy would straighten this bitch right out.

Its not shocking that leftists want war with Russia.

We have 2 choices.

What the Left wants.
War With Russia = destruction of the USA and Canada and alot of other nations. The death bell for everyone.

What The Right wants
Internal Civil unrest large enough to be able to reform the current demographic and provide a space for all ethnic peoples their own place to live and prosper…or to shit up to their liking.

The time for Gibs to people that you don't want to GIB to is OVER.

The way I see it is, we can get this right - RIGHT - Now…with Trump or this nation will cease to be and it will devolve into the 3rd option.

The 3rd option is an all out civil war/race war….and thats something WE DON'T WANT. If you like grocery stores and the ability to feed your family…the 3rd option is NOT the way.

Except for the part where you got conquered by Jews and had to live under Communism for eighty years.


Russians are shit fighters RIDF

The poles subjugated the Russians and conquered moscow

D&C, we are on to (((you))) shill, there is no need for a war with Russia or to antagonize them.

The real enemy is China and many countries in the middle east.

you know what to do

change "russia" to "israel" and repost these treats under a fake louise account

People calling for war should be forced to fight in them. The only reason why they call for war is because they don't think they or their family has to fight in it. Force them to put their money where their mouth it.

Not wanting war with Russia is diffrent then RUSSIA STRONK


FUCK the navy, its as pozzed as ever, they fuck around like cats in heat.
Not that its any less pozzed but force her into the marines.

These jews truly are mentally insane.

she's not a jew. she's a goy who married a jew. it's not much better, i know but…

Kikes are so self centered they dont even see how they create their own demise.

They are convinced they come out on top no matter what.

They're not after utopias. They never were. Marxism, at its core, is about one thing and one thing only: the death and destruction of the West. This means European men, Christianity, and our Greco-Roman heritage. The Left's claim to fight for a "unified world free of inequality" was always just a flowery excuse to cover up this base, hateful, singular goal.
This hate even supersedes the Leftists' own survival instincts. That's why you'll see shitlibs protecting and defending the very shitskins who rape them and their chilren, or why Jews keep pushing and provoking their host nations until a pogrom inevitably explodes in their hooknosed faces. Hell, Marxism was spawned by the Jewish hatred for Christendom.

this is the only logical explanation for liberals and jew behavior

Is there any other kind of insane?
Be not redundant while saying the same thing twice…

Forgot to tell you, I work in the Department of Redundancy Department…

excuse me while I laugh some more

Again, short lasted, and during internal conflict in Russia.
Then Russia proceeded in a century of Raping Poland, then raped them so hard the country disappeared for over 100 years…
In fact raped them so hard most of Poland is still raped, they just raped the Germans at the same time and give poles Germans lands so they won't ever have to give back their original territory…

She's not even a kike, she's just a groupie

Is she legitimately retarded? These are Cher-tier tweets.

This is some serious delusion. In the past 200 years the russians have won about as much as they have lost and the brains behind the partiotion of poland was Prussia. The Russians got stomped so bad in 2 world wars there are barely any real russians left and thier dwindling pop isnt going to survive the century. 20 million cassulties in ww2 alone. Russia has never been good at fighting ever having a country that is 1 sixth the world surface constantly getting fucked up by states not even a quarter its size is not impressive.


Give the Kike a gun and let her go fight all she wants to with Russia.

Run Menschwhore over with a car. Lying neocuck hag.

The oven would be too kind.

Run her over with a car.

Well a fair amount are in New Zealand

I feel the same way about the jews tbqh

Nigga, please.

Isn't that too far? Do we know the US locations?

And ofcourse a jew would rather start a global thermonuclear war than to admit defeat and suck it up.


t. liberals

New Zealand

Everything is clear now

Soooo…how much oil have they found in Russia that the Russians don't know about?

The interesting thing is that for America to Nuke Moscow or somewhere else in Russia with a decent Population they either have to fly a nuke over thousands of miles of which the nuke could easily be stopped in time or fly it past Europe which would alarm people ahead of time
While Russia could just fire a Nuke from Siberia into the US/Canada West coast

Russia probably has more Oil than any other nation on Earth

I literally don't understand why weekly pogroms of these people isn't a socially-acceptable, police-sanctioned activity.

Is post is RIDF as fuck. Most US nuclear arms that would be used in Russia are in nation surrounded Russia. The time it would take a nuke to get from siberia to california is longer then from poland to moscow

So when is that bitch going to sign up to fight?

How about just offshore Catalina to California?

So why do we deal with the kiddie-fiddling hooker-shitting camel jockeys?

Please stop listening to women and slap them in the face.

Nice Grammar there, and sure Nukes would come from Ukraine but keep in mind that it's not like Russia is the same as Iran, a war against Russia would be a war with the most lives lost in any war for both sides
Unless if Russia has super secret anti-nuke tech that they signal they might have (Probably a bluff), then the whole situation would be fucking scary to be the guy who fired the nuke against them
Also how much do you get paid

Well I don't know if you know this but the whole thing in the Middle East has nothing to do with Oil


looks like the spambot is back.

if there's one of michelle obama exercising I think my monitor will crack

You know right Mensch is "British"


What's wrong with you Potatofags? You are being groomed to be one of the first sacrifices in the coming kikewar against Russia/China. People in the US and Europe are waking up and resisting but you guys seem to be proud of your disposable role in the Tribe's plans. Crazy.

well this explains the bunkers i've been hearing about. better gas 'em soon gents, or we'll lose it all.

It's the excuse they use to create chaos for Israel to take advantage of.

/brit/ hates her, as well

It's quite natural for a person to be proud of their work, even if they are a slave.

Why do the Yids want to irradiate half the world?
aren't there jews in Russia?

Or is this a whole "How dare those vodka soaked cossacks expose our attempt to rig the election to get hillary elected! WE MUST NUKE THEM NOW!"

They just want white men to kill eachother.

we should raid this kike's twitter and make her kill herself.

They have skeletons that must remain buried at all costs. And by "at all costs" I mean they are willing to go to nuclear war to keep these skeletons buried. That's how serious they are about skeletons. Also they have cities underground to live in anyhow, they will be disappointed if they don't get to use them, so many trillions siphoned off tax dollars on this shit and you expect them to go to waste?


Is this true? How risky would it be for actual kiwis to go lurking around those areas?

She's a drug addled whore. Why does anyone listen to anything she says?

Because, bunkers

They wouldnt be dying in the conflict, they'd be sitting pretty in their bunkers and out of the way havens they've built for themselves (lots of these fucks have "homes" in places like new zeland that wouldnt be involved or targeted). Sure, the fallout would effect the whole planet, but again, bunkers and places to hide that would see minimal effect until the halflife of the shit passes and its relatively safe again

Meanwhile every major white city in the world would be wiped out, leaving niggers in africa, street shitters in india, chinks whose economies would have long since collapses and they'd have regressed to the feudal era from mass uprisings and destruction of cities and governments

The only people NOT destroyed or not suddenly living 500 years in the past tech wise, would be the kikes in their bunkers. Who would crawl out like roaches to easily enslave the world at that point. Think niggers, chinks, or poo-in-the-loos are going to put up a fight when suddenly magical space jews show up with tech they havent seen in two generations start parading around their cities?

nah, they'll welcome their technologically advanced overlords because they'll dish out very tiny amounts of it to people to make their lives a little better and they'll all worship them. Meanwhile they'll keep the people ignorant of how the shit works or how to learn, as if dindus or poos were capable of it anyway, and just have them farming and mining for the jews to sit on thrones of skulls and blood while the world rots

Thats, after all, all they really care about. Rather rule over a pile of ashes than be just some person in a civilization thats colonizing other worlds

Yeah the guys in power have no problem raping and killing children on industrial scale, so we should probably expect that they have no problem nuking the earth just for the hell of it.

I remember when celeb cunt Alyssa Milano did some weird sex prank to try and convince the US to go to war with syria.

Not a gif, but you'll be buying a new monitor nonetheless.

what weight are those even? 10lbs each? FFS I'm out of shape as hell and I could lift better than that fruit. Not to mention his "form" is all wrong. Theres no control in any of it, hes just flailing the weights around rather than lifting, holding, then letting them down gently to the starting position and repeating. You wear yourself out just as fast either way, but "his" way you risk injury more from the sudden acceleration and deceleration, and you arent strengthening your muscles properly to be able to actually hold the weight

FFS hes the god damn president, can he not hire a trainer thats worth a fuck?

women convincing men to go to war and die for no valid reason has been a recurring event since the dawn of time

Clinton: Treat cyberattacks 'like any other attack'


Not if we have anything to say about it.

6 million hours in mspaint

You're being way too optimistic, user.

This is how delusional RIDF is.

There's a reason she was fired from heatstreet. And it was because she was absolutely batshit insane, and went as far as editing articles to paint particular ideological narratives.

(((they))) all do
they must be purged

she isnt all bad actually
she did a great piece debunking the attacks on Tim Hunt, the nobel prize guy who did _not_ make a misogynist speech
medium .[email protected]/* *//the-tim-hunt-debacle-c914395d5e01#.t2uocmajj

so she is effective against SJWs

They can still realize their utopia even if they die. No matter what they say about bringing equality to niggers they only want us dead, and they were a death cult to begin with. Just like how the West which they lead, but that's besides the point took out gaddafi and brought a wave of chaos and immigrants who hate their hosts, the jews will try to take out the white man and bring in a wave of unchecked chaos and shitty brown people that hate them. They won't be able to tame them either. The only reason that niggers in the west remain semi-nonviolent is that we give them gibs. For gibs to be given someone must create them, and jews make nothing. They've only ever been able to steal the white man's productivity by seizing the means of currency production. Additionally, their European descended puppets are trained to destroy themselves and their families just to be told they're good little dogs, and the black horde seeks to destroy the most productive and generous race. None of our adversaries are thinking about their long term survival here. We're up against suicidal forces that want to live just long enough to take us with them and we would be foolish to forget this.

Not today! This bitch is a fucking idiot.

I don't think I've ever seen so many contradictions in one picture
Holy shit I've never seen such a ridiculous kike.

Seriously, imagine if Shillary had got elected. WWIII would very realistically have happened. We literally saved the world lads.

There's truth in this. I used to think that the goyim misery was just a consequence of the hebrew greed. But it isn't. Their corruption runs much deeper.

The cunt was set to do it. No doubt.

What is this wrench on?

class-A drugs, by her own admission

She probably overdid it on the breakfast mimosas yesterday too.

She's a patriot, yet converted to Judaism, her people's ancestral enemy, then moved from her native land to NYC. Very strange definition of "patriot."

She is a SJW herself you dumb faggot.

Because Putin is mean to queers

That pic never fails to make my fists itch.

"They can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are But they're never the ones to fight or to die"

if you say so moishe


Brit cuckservative politician


Courting controversy for attention, and click-bux.

8/8 m8

Of course they do, they want to get their K-selected, Trump voting competition killed off in some foreign country so they don't lose another election.

Liberals are the product of ignorance, circumscision, feelings and entire lives of shaming via every where from every direction, like us, except we hardened up, and they failed, falling into self destructive urges to deal with that shame by transmuting it into something else.

I'm pretty sure he's lifting ironically.

Is she still not commited to a mental asylum?
Does her family give jackshit about here at all?

He has never worked out his entire life

alpha kek

fuck i luv this pic

just another dumb kike nazi slut. who cares.