Reminder this man did more to win the election for Trump than anyone else and represents the frontline against government fuckery
Julian Assange Is Dead
Other urls found in this thread:
Why, shitpost of course!
He leaked for Hillary's sins.
This is what I'm saying. Pizzagate via the Podesta emails was the final straw for the TRUE villains behind the scenes. They did god knows what with Assange and now they're trying to shut down any and all forms of alternative media. Reciprocity needs to be swift and not postponed until this all just a distant memory to normalfags.
sage for false click bait post you post once a week
Kill yourself OP
So, if I kill the 3 people who took him first, would that be ok? What about the people who tortured him? Number goes up to 9 people. Still more? Adding in the people who gave the orders brings the grand total to 17 (top to bottom).
Where do I collect on the bounty?
Pamela Anderson has visited his corpse on Wednesday.
An elaborate ruse to throw internet detectives off the case no doubt.
IF you believe this user
Interestingly enough 3 days after that post "Julian Assange" held a Live interview out of the blue on some obscure quasi journalistic thing. People weren't allowed to record it etc, but someone was streaming it on their phone for a while before it got shut down. All they had was a still picture of Julian Assange… on a projector and an audio interview.
Fuck off silverburg, it's obvious now he's dead and they're just waiting until the bovine masses have forgotten about him.
I'll pay you 2 bitcoin and bretty sure other anons could get that figure in to triple digits.
Did she get a POL? No? Then stfu.
Sounds legit
Not suspicious at all.
Perform necromancy obviously. That's clearly the only point of this pointless thread
You are this dumb.
t. megacuck 3000
he said he thinks it was an elaborate ruse and thus doesn't believe her, you fucktard
The "lie" has no purpose you dizzy fuckhead.
It might be time that we push again form definite proof of Assanges life. Since the 16th of Octomber there hasn't been proof of him being alive or being at the embassy at all.It is time we learn the truth.
It's a "proof of life" requiring fucking ZERO proof of life. She couldn't take a selfie with him while visiting? Why not? It's just supposed to be an internet "blackout" right? As for why her I have no idea since I'm not a rich hollywood degenerate. Btw is she your most trusted rock star fuck towel source for news or is she just in your top 10?
Exactly. Waiting on the likes of Jonestein - who conveniently just happened to false flag Assange a few weeks before his disappearance - to hit the alarm is pure futility.
The CIA has him and is going to MKULTRA him into saying Russia is behind wikileaks.
And the insurgents carrying RPG-7 and AKs were just photographers, rite?
Assange would deliberately sow rumours of his own death if he thought it would benefit his objectives.
He isn't the hero you imagine.
I thought Holla Forums was red pilled to media tactics and subversion
> >>>/cuckchan/
Nobody here thinks like you or your sockpuppet you stupid fucking cunt.
Making a thread to talk to yourself in the early a.m. burgerland time just goes to prove what a grade "A" delusional asshole you are.
You make the claim he's dead? Then it's up to you to fucking prove it.
> >>>/cuckchan/
>demands proof of my claims
In a thread about Assange no less. Whatever CTR pays you it's too much. Retard.
Interesting use of italics.
There will be no definite proof of Assanges life I suppose. This is a way for them to divide us. Until further notice though Assange is kill.The one thing that I can't understand if he was alive though, are the John Kerry hashes posted on wikileaks twitter and the fact that all twitter went down after them.
We might have missed the incriminating evidence we needed to burn down the political system.That is why this narrative should be pushed again.
Why aren't mods letting me post?
I don't know whats going on with him but I expect the terms of his asylum have changed at the demands of the US.
-no computer
-no mobile phone
-no internet
-no electronic devices of any kind
-all phone calls must use embassy phones and will be monitored
-visitors limited in number and time
I think he went from guest to prisoner in the embassy. Why he cant come to the window I don't know, maybe he expects to be assassinated if he does or, maybe they moved him to a room with no windows. I think he's probably still alive but, his capacity to communicate has been so restricted he may as well be dead and, that was the point. Kill him in the only way that mattered but leave him alive.
Not enough Karma.
You get Karma by adding "Kike", "mgtow", "virgin", "man-child", "nigger" etc.
Until you have the Karma (or a gold account) you can only post single lines.
That's purely the work of your imagination. There's no evidence for any of it.
Not having proof of life is enough to push for proof of life.
Fuck off TRS.
He ain't dead till we see his corpse.
He's just been cut off or blackmailed not to appear for the elections.
How in the fuck do you blackmail a guy with Gb's of insurance?
This was my thinking until the Pam Andersen shit was reported as real news. Think of it: first ask yourself who a feminist, animal rights loving stronk independent womyn like her would want as president, Hillary or Trump. Then ask yourself how easy the pitch would be (after they failed to find a genuinely relevant celeb willing to do it)
For all we know her and Tommy Lee pimp out their kids to pedos too.
You mean the ones that were over a month ago? Those elections?
I never claimed it wasn't. It's conjecture based on the kind of shit I know we've done before. If we killed him for real people would find out but, all the stuff I mentioned is within the ability of the Ecuadorians to demand in exchange for asylum and, we know the US demanded something be done about him. Kill him and make him a martyr or, isolate him and let him become irrelevant in the embassy.
Where do you draw the line?
You want "proof" after a few weeks, then why not after 1 week, or 3 days, or should he appear in person every 24 hours?
Why does it even matter? Assange isn't any friend of the right.
Assange is already a martyr to those who support him.
Because we might have missed a huge amount of podesta e-mails.Stop the fucking jew-jitsu. Proof of life after the 16th of October is essential just for that purpose.
The podesta stuff amounted to nothing.
If wikileaks censored what they released, doesn't that make you stop and think in itself?
Assange lied in Collateral murder and the credulous legion of followers believed him.
It still terrifies me to think that despite weapons being visible right there in the video, the viewers prefer to put their faith in Assange's overlays saying "look, no weapons here!" rather than their own eyes.
Fucking terrifying.
In fact, perhaps that was itself an experiment in psyops. Testing the gullibility of the new generation and whether or not what they see can be determined by a charismatic man and a text overlay.
Yes but the average person would only care if they assassinated him. Cutting off his communications is the modern equivalent of sending him to Alaska or Siberia to be forgotten.
Ok you are a confirmed kike by now but I will bite
Why do you need a citation? Don't you know what an RPG-7 and AK-47 look like?
Confirmed by the official US investigation.
That's fine, since the evidence is right there in the video and no citation is required. Unless you don't know what those weapons look like, in which case you should familiarize yourself and watch it again, watching the actual video instead of the overlays added by Wikileaks.
Here is the section of video you need.
No, this is not a citation, it is an example to show you where to look.
Wew, right out of the gate. This shill has moxie!
The logo is an hourglass slowly dripping info you kike mope. Dumping material gradually over time has nothing to do with fucking censorship.
Then you can show me where the camera crew was carrying weapons. If you're not still too terrorized that is.
$20 says Israeli.
So what did it amount to? Who has been prosecuted? Who has been officially investigated? Who is on the run? Which businesses have been closed while an official investigation concludes?
Oh yeah, no one and nothing.
They hold back information because of their logo.
This is the most ridiculous explanation I've heard thus far.
The photographer wasn't carrying a weapon, others of the group he was attached to were.
Wikileaks claim is that the entire group was unarmed.
That is going to need another citation buddy.
nigga its not just the insurgents with weapons who were shot; 2 war corespondents, and a couple random men who drove by and helped the wounded, were also killed.
Plus a couple kids were in the van.
Hence why the US didn't want to release the video, never officially verified/denied it, and the controversy
Which video are you talking about?
By the way you're pulling the logo symbolism out of your asshole.
It actually represents the gradual dissolution of the old order and formation of a new world order, with wikileaks being the causative agent in the change.
I think Assange might be inside a bubble where he thinks he is on the netr but it is all simulated by US. basically I think US has made a fork of the net and is using it to see where Assange goes.
just an idea.
I know how to archive but I'm not wasting my time when it's a fools' errand to begin with. You people aren't interested in the truth so archive it yourself.
Hmm, let's see: Pizzagate has scared the entirety of MSM into circling wagons, launching at least one media hoax to shut it down and declared through the EU that any outlets investigating it should be shuttered. You're right rabbi, nothing to see here.
No shekelstein, it's their logo because that's the way they've always disseminated information. Keep up the half assed wordplay though, I can see why you flunked out of tel aviv law school.
"Drip by drip" was my entire point. Dead Sea user suggested this was because "censorship".
No, you implied that the logo is a representation of their policy of holding back information. It isn't.
Watch the video, they add something like "some of the men initially appeared to be armed" as a way of plausible deniability, then for the rest of the video they misrepresent the footage and use deceptive overlays.
Look at the worldwide reaction, the impression which the viewer came away with was that an "unarmed group of men" was destroyed. In fact it was a terror cell which the cameraman was attached to and they were about to launch an RPG attack on a humvee.
The group was armed, tough shit.
Dangerous job. Don't attach yourself to an insurgent group if you want to avoid the risk of being collateral damage.
Lies, they were part of the terror team, spotted earlier in the day ferrying combatants from the battle zone.
Nice try though.
First of all, why is Holla Forums concerned about shitskin children all of a sudden?
Secondly, they were being used as human shields, google the term "human shield" if you don't know the concept. The air crew didn't see them, tough luck. Collateral damage.
"Collateral Murder", Wikileaks' magnum opus propaganda piece.
So Firestarter media is behind these Assange threads.
Plausible deniabilty means being 100% objective .
What you are saying is that wikileaks said that the citizens who were killed were unarmed. Which is a lie. You are using the exact same reasoning you are blaming them of using.
Kikery at it's finest
What the fuck is wrong with their faces? They look like computer renders.
My bad I missed the Collateral Murder video being posted somehow.
It honestly did look like at least two of the people there were armed. The one with the RPG and the guy to his left appeared to be carrying a rifle. I'm not sure if the engagement of the van was necessary unless it was confirmed earlier that it was hostile. Honestly seems like the crew either misjudged the situation or just didn't care.
Trump's family is not degenerate. He's not a pedophile
The most possible scenario is that they were armed. And I believe that too. What wikileaks critisized is the way the soldiers viewed their victims as killcounts.
Kyle Hunt, Sinead Mccarthy, Evalion and other "friends" of Holla Forums disagree.
If they're "100% objective" then why did everyone who watched the "100% objective" video come away with the impression that the group was unarmed?
Because they are fucking lefties.
So you agree with Yosef Matzahball that wikileaks "censors" their material?
Well, at least you know that much.
Are you implying that something is wrong if a Jew also happens to believe it?
If a Jew believes the earth is round then it's actually flat?
You make this so easy.
By the way I already replied to this. You used "rabbit, Kike, shekelstein" diversion to pretend I hadn't. Now you're going back and repeating what you wrote before I answered, round and round in circles.
As was noted in Mein Kampf, when the Jew loses an argument, it simply comes back and pretends it never happened, starting at the beginning again. Tying up your time and energy.
Also nice samefagging. Not an obvious shit tier attempt at derailment at all.
Wew lad. Just, wew.
Where are muh proofs, faggot.
A heavily edited interview which proved nothing fucking newfag.
Now you're trying to establish the idea that "Trump = pedo" is a widely held Holla Forums belief, by tarring anyone who disagrees as being "samefag" and threatening them with being banned (outgrouping tactic - Renegade tactic.)
Projection and attempt to draw the attention of mods, to silence those who counter your disgusting anti-Trump propaganda and D&C threads.
It looks like Renegade is behind this meme.
What do they hope to achieve by pushing it?
You literally love cock.
Show me a fucking interview which is edited so badly and I will agree with you.
The 2nd, 4th and 6th looks like elves
especialy second one which looks like ayy
sage for off topic
Yeah you did, here I'll even greentext it for the lurkers
Oh yeah, no one and nothing.
While ignoring everything I said about MSM coverup not to mention little kids in hot tubs. Then you samefagged, now you're spamming pics of a completely irrelevant skank. Don't think I ever saw a more obvious jew shill in 2 years on this board.
Morph cut is supposed to smooth the transition, not destroy it.
Or the interview was taken before the 16th of october. You are deliberately pretending to be retarted.
Fuck off back to reddit and stay there this time
Looked smooth enough to me, considering most didn't notice.
Nice evidence you have there. You go from it being a 'fake' interview somehow because 'it was edited' (like every single interview ever), then go and claim this is evidence of him being dead (how the fuck did you make that leap) because was taken before October 16th? Even the holohoax has a more consistent narrative. Why the fuck would RT even fake in the first place when it's yet another oportunity to shit on the West (the one thing Putin fucking pays them to do)?
You are deliberately being retarded.
No, but it seems quite effective for triggering cuckchan newfaggots like you. Go back and never return.
The entire twitter noticed. And the fun fact is that after comments on the youtube video were made about this morphs, the comments were disabled.
Because fucking agents with weapons were spoted outside the embassy during those times.Fucking shill.
Oh jew
What's a Sinead?
You lost the argument, schlomo.
Food of the Gods II
Something we all know, News at 11.
IMHO they got to him after the first release of Obama emails. They released something like 8-12 Obama emails and the tweet said that it was the "first batch" of Obama emails. We never got another batch. I think that was the last straw for Obama and Obama ordered Julian silenced (dead or alive).
From that moment on everything got fishy. Their twitter account took on an entirely different tone. The podesta emails kept coming out but everything from there on out was for the most part nothingburgers when we would have expected the most damaging stuff to come out.
Did anyone follow up on the misspelled tweets? Don't want to derail, but i was not here at the time and are just curious (also missing one archive).
I was at one point laughing at my own confirmation bias when i "found something in them" and i have come to question reality this year.
Life is stranger then fiction..
Shalom, OP
Nice clickbait + no new info
Based fucking Diogenes of Senope.
An hour long phone call on October 26 at a conference in Argentina:
a short summary is posted here at comment #7997855:
An interview with reporter John Pilger recorded on October 30th. (Yes it has morph cuts and you can thank Adobe Premiere for that)
A photo taken with the ecuadorian lawyer posted on Twitter around November 14, the source is an ecuadorian newspaper or news website (I don't speak spanish)
And the phone call at that conference in Lebanon.
Pamela Anderson is a friend of the fashion designer Vivienne Westwood who has been seen at the embassy and says she's a friend of Julian Assange. I think she said that's how she was introduced to him.
You're a funny guy for a minimum wage CTR employee
Massive evidence of media collusion with the Clinton clan, almost 60 journalists secretly meeting with Podesta and Benenson right before the presidential campaign began, journalists e-mailing Podesta and Palmieri during the election, etc. What people suspected was confirmed thanks to Wikileaks. It was worse than I thought. If you don't consider the media to be the main enemy then you're either a complete idiot or you're working for the JIDF.
it's called morph cuts:
morph cuts, Adobe Premiere
it wasn't 'H-E-L-P HIM' because it doesn't even start with H
It's a miracle they didn't astroturf a "rebellion" in Ecuador already, all just to get to Assange. Apparently so far they didn't deem it necessary, didn't think it would be worth the risks involved. Then Trump started to rek Hillary in the (real) polls and they had to do… something.
Thanks, but i already had those.
Mostly interested in later ones (Gavins lastname) since i only printed when i should have archived instead (at the time i was not thinking like that, and it was 4 in the morning).
Pic related is what i could gather but it does not prove anything. Watching all those anagram tv shows as a kid (call in and make money) and some confirmation bias are definitely in play.
All of these can be made up very easily.
None of these are definite proof he is in the embassy.Reminder that we are dealing with americas establishement.
Even if these are morph cuts(which they obviously aren't CIA shill, I have already done my research) you don't use morph cuts on a video of a man you want to prove he is alive(especially bad morphs). It's like asking for people to question his well being.
First off the RT interview is titled "FULL INTERVIEW" implying there are no alterations, but we can just ignore that for now.
Most interviews are edited for formatting and length but this is never done to obscure the fact that something is cut out. Usually there would be a pretty obvious transition between scenes so as not to confuse the viewer, NOT fucking morph cut mid-sentence to fool people into thinking Assange was answering the question that we think he is. Obviously the footage is real and the interview was from some pre-disappearance date, but the questions he is responding to are new and they sloppily edited old footage to give the impression he's talking to the new interviewer. Notice how there's no reference shot like every interview ever to establish that they're in the same room together.
Looks like their noses were pinched in a photo editing program to make them look less arabic/semitic.
See look, same sort of thing. Easy, low-effort shit.
This is another retarded conspiracy that doesn`t die.
That last conference had a FUCKING VIDEO FOOTAGE of him ANSWERING questions about this very thing. They took it down cause it wasn`t allowed.
Blow yourself OP.
IF any1 thought he would be alive, they would be DELUSIONAL.
And Exactly your question. The Fuck is Holla Forums gonna do about.
Heres your answerr, post useless memes, otherwise NOTHING. Don't kid yourself, pol had nothing to do with Trump's winning either. YOu only delude yourself.
Interesting theory. I just thought the interview was recorded before the embassy abduction / whatever happened, and released as damage control / distraction under the pretense that it was current. I don't remember it too well. Is there any question that only makes sense assuming he's already locked in / has no internet?
All these shills ITT
Take note new friends
oMG! you are so rite! thx for posting, CIA
we mememagic Assange back to live!
He's a big guy
I have the audio of this convo somewhere, and it really doesn't sound like him. The voice is too deep and his style of speaking is a little different.
I was going to post that I have the audio still, but everywhere I uploaded it to 404s now wtf
Thats what you sound like
He's (1) because stepping into to shame your newfag ass, just like I am. Lurk 2 years before posting, cancerous faggot.
you should delete that picture it's just misleading bs from 4chan, it doesn't even start with H it starts with 'Navel Intelligence' which is the tweet before 'wopper'
I have no idea if it's a secret code or a secret message. If you go here someone posted a link to other tweets with spelling errors, more than 40 apparently
Really? You're talking from experience?
So you think the video was recorded before October 15th (or 16th) by John Pilger and his crew and that for some reason he did it on purpose, he wanted autists like you to notice the "bad" morph cuts – or was it CGI? – and therefore contribute to the rumor that Julian Assange must be dead already and the interview wasn't recorded on October 30th like he says but it must have instead been recorded before October 15th before the internet was cut off (supposedly, maybe it's also a CIA trick and the internet was never cut off), which means that John Pilger lied and he's part of the conspiracy to make everyone belive that Julian Assange is still in the embassy, which can only mean one thing: Julian Assange is no longer in the embassy and/or he must be dead. And if John Pilger lied then he must be on the CIA's payroll too. And the government of Ecuador, their lawyers, the embassy employees, they must all be on the CIA's payroll too, there's obviously no other rational conclusion. Everyone is on the CIA's payroll. Except you of course.
No, it was a still photo, he was talking through a phone line not Skype or Facetime or something like that
>it really doesn't sound like him
>his style of speaking is a little different
How to contradict yourself in two sentences. Maybe he was just tired?
There is a website on tor for such proposals, just name he names
The cocks in your mouth.
I dunno if he's dead but sure as fuck something is up with him and the official story is bullshit. Maybe he's in custody, and who knows what they'd do to him after he's pissed off so many powerful people.
Are you stupid or just a shill? That interview was edited very strangely and a lot of the questions and answers didn't totally match up, like they were using old footage of Assange. It was very strange.
Why should we care about Assange now? Seriously.
Op has a point. You have a sage.
If you're asking that, you probably shouldn't. Like, seriously.
Something tells me in order to get a grasp on this we need to know a little more about the shills , like: are they one guy using a shitload of IPs? or more people being coordinated?
More people, ofc.
Look at the shithole 4chan Holla Forums has become, it's entirely their fault. Every second post is either a shill or a r/the donald degenerate.
So what do we do? Try to meme him into Trump Tower?
Ok , lets presume there are more people shilling, and the fact that they come out when there is a thread that has more importance or has touchy material leads to the hypotheses that they are somewhat controlled/coordinated.
Question is by who and from where? (names and addresses etc.)
4pol still attracts wandering eyes, as such it's still worth dragging plebs to suppressed info by posting there occasionally.
we jews now
these threads are almost certainly a psyop trying to desensitize Holla Forums to the idea of assange being dead, for when then really kill him at a later date
go home cia ur drunk
Julian Assange Has Been Taken & Wikileaks Compromised By The CIA
yes, 100%
Kikeyleaks has 3500 documents from Israel, about Israel's treatment of Palestine.
Guess who made a deal and agreed not to release them?
Search the category "Israel and occupied territories"
You will find a total of 5 documents, none of which are damaging to Israel.
seems legit
And STAY Dead!
Assange here, I'm not dead yet.
Proof mate? If you are alive its an honour to post with you at 2:34 am on a muggy aussie morning. When we finally get a non cucked PM I am nominating you for the order of australia. But without proof I am going to assume you are a shill and the real Assange is dead/in gitmo
Thoughts on:
If you're going to call any appearances/interviews from him since then fake, then yeah with your twisted logic I guess he's dead.
I think he should be Pardoned… i'm not sure he has been charged with a crime in the US though, although the Obama administration is DEFINATELY pressuring Britain to nab him. (last I heard)
Pretty sure he is still alive though, the Fake news thing about assange is pretty constant.
Follow their fucking Twitter Assange got unjustly detained without a explanation for
Sorry shills, he is alive much to your dissapointment
Forgot to add a useful link for lurking newfags and shills sage out of spite
Future reminder: never hide in an embassy.
Snowden was smarter.
The most likely situation is king negro ordered him to be incapacitated after seeing the damage he was doing to the Clinton/CNN/SJW/LGBT/Banker alliance.
Thus the timing.
Did anyone else hear this? Notice how edited it sounds. Assange who usually pauses before he answers questions and normally speaks…very…slowly. No video makes it even more obvious something is fucky.
Snowden was hiding in a Hong Kong hotel. Assange's aid Sarah was the one who helped him escape.
Maybe he got an Adderall prescription from an Ecuadorian doctor? Or he drank a can of Red Bull. I don't know. So let's say it was edited by the producers of Sean Hannity's show then that's supposed to mean what exactly? That he's no longer in the embassy? Where do you think Sean Hannity's producers called to get him on the line? You think there's a Julian Assange impersonator living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London?
Or maybe you're just a half-baked shill.