How about a thread on
Bobby Fisher?
I have a friend who I am sharing links with. Anyone know some good infographics or media about Bobby Fisher? Was he really just a shizo? 180 IQ right?
How about a thread on
Bobby Fisher?
I have a friend who I am sharing links with. Anyone know some good infographics or media about Bobby Fisher? Was he really just a shizo? 180 IQ right?
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t. less than 180 IQ
a truly based jew
Whites should ally with anti-Semitic Jews.
It would make our victory so much quicker.
To add to this. Just make it clear that Jews can't be politicians, businessmen in the financial industry, nor pornography (which will be banned), nor any social, psychological or social sciences, nor in media, and they actually become a net benefit (Holla Forums will disagree, but Jews really are useful in theoretical physics, chemistry, and mathematics)
Fischer and Brother Nathaniel are the only self hating jews I know of. Are there any other ones out there?
neo-shitskin ran Holla Forums in a nutshell
Some Jews say Finkelstein is. Also David Cole received death threats from Irv Rubin for his studies in delousing chambers and internment camps.
you don't belong here, faggot
David Cole isn't self hating, he's just a revisionist. He's pretty zionist.
I heard some woman rattled his cage pretty bad. I know he is not a self hating Jew, I believe that statement. But he has been referred by other Jews as being self hating.
We've had hundreds of Bobby threads, and JIDF shills always try to slander him with this accusation only to get shut down every time. When are you going to try something new?
I read his memoir "Republican Party Animal" (not really that useful in terms of redpilling, but it's an interesting read on its own. He summarises his views on the Holocaust in an appendix at the end), and yeah he was in some seriously messed-up relationships with crazy women. He comes off as a bit neurotic himself, but I guess that's what he gets for being a Jew.
bobby believed that jews were a religion not a race so of course he'd deny it.
Except that's false you retard
"Hitler was right about almost everything." -Stanley Kubrick
Ah, so now you're peddling long debunked jewish media propaganda, that comes from an old jewish documentary about what a crazy "self hating jew" Bobby Fischer is, as proof that "we swear goy, his birth certificate is wrong!"
Nice touch using as an authority on the matter as well.
mild chessfag from similar family. His name is on high to all of the chess section of my family. They are also as blue as a smurf. Never knew or would have even believed if said in passing. How am I just now finding out about this!?
captcha contained kys, so inb4 I guess
I don't see why they'd claim his birth certificate is wrong if it lists two Jewish parents.
he wasnt schizo
most high iq go (((insane))) because they can easily see the world for what it is:
a jewish prison
gilad atzmon
finkelstein still thinks the holocaust happened
Where are you getting this information that Hans-Gerhardt was anything but a goy? Even your source,, denies it.
Some have carved out a lovely corner for themselves. Roll of the dice really.
really nigger?
Even your source,, confirms it. Have some Jew sources, they disavow but still claim him as one of their own.
What of his mother? I've seen that she is a Jew.
The mother is more certain than the father.
Gerard Menuhin, Gilad shilled his book. Haven't read it but looking at the reviews, it's a Hitler/Kikes redpill.
No redpills allowed anymore
Reminder to lurk in the sticky at the bunker for where to bail to when it's up.
Why was this anchored. This isnt even e celeb shit. Meanwhile Holla Forums has 300 unique users than normal and gheyre Ll bots.
*Theyre all