
Why do many socialists want the US to reduce its military presence abroad, or even relinquish control of Hawaii and Puerto Rico?

Literally the best way to build a communist society is for a socialist US to use its military apparatus to spread socialism. Doesn't reducing the US military presence just play into the hands of other reactionaries?

Because right now the military is defending the status quo and not socialism.

Because the US as it stands is a capitalist empire and has brought down socialist regimes *all the time*

Guatemala is a good example. If it was a socialist nation, great, but it isn't a socialist nation

Besides taking over another nation for socialism usually turns revolution into occupation which is the opposite of equal

But why should a socialist US abandon its military hegemony, rather than using this hegemony to build socialism?

Gloria la Riva would close all US military bases. I don't understand.

unfortunately invasion is the most effective way to build socialism

it's unethical, but it needs to be done

No idea, but they are expensive.

Is this what tankies actually believe?

Whatever causes the US to turn socialist would destabilize and fracture the military.

How independent is the american military from its government? I know the CIA and shit all trade drugs to fund themselves, and militaries in africa and south america often follow generals, but how does that work in the USA?

But they would do more good than harm, surely.

The problem with US hegemony isn't that it's American, but that it's not socialist.

even an election?

The US military is controlled by the executive branch, meaning the president can send the army anywhere for any reason at any time.

However, after 30 days he or she needs congressional approval to continue an operation.


How else do you spread socialism in societies which are unreceptive to leftism?

The Middle East sure won't become socialist spontaneously. Blood and treasure must be spent to liberate that region from Wahhabism and the Oil sheiks.

The United States is probably the least likely nation on earth to accept socialism.

Not at all true, the way things are going

The rule of law is so enshrined here that we're probably the only country in which capitalism -can- be voted away.

We just need to radicalize the military as a failsafe.


that's a meme

The most reactionary countries are all in the developing world

An election would not turn the US socialist.

I absolutely agree OP, not so much on spreading socialism, but using the US military as a socialist production body, for full employment and ending homelessness and poverty

Why not?

It's a Maoist taint.

Third-worldists often believe brown capitalism is ethically superior to white socialism.


we should oppose all imperialism

I pressed post accidentally before I was done typing the sentence, and now I don't have the right password to delete. I'll now slink away in shame and not make any more contributions to the thread.

Shouldn't we support the US military if the US was somehow socialist?

Unless the Military has other plans and establishes a military junta after the government is some how overthrown.

The only way to support the Military is if the President is also Socialist in whatever god knows turn of events that allow this. At least in the US the President is the Commander in Chief, so the Military will most likely support the president.If that is the cause then all means support the Military. Otherwise be weary of what will happen.

Honestly? Because they fail to understand the consequences of that particular power vacuum because the intricacies of international politics are lost on them.

They US military is trained to disobey illegal orders and its culture is reactionary to the core, it's not just a puppet of the president. The military needs to be completely purged and replaced along with the CIA, FBI, NSA… Really the whole US government.

Ah I was unaware that they could disobey illegal orders, I guess we are going to have to do a Stalin Style purge which is unfortunate but necessary for a revolutionary cause.

Though I have no clue how we can even get a revolution going without it being crushed by the Capitalists and their multiple ways. Militarized police force, spying through the internet, as I read somewhere that a Liberal could easily worm their way inside and have the revolution activities shut down, etc.

We have a deck stacked against us, and this isn't 1917 Russia where the Soldiers were refusing to fight and going home. So any military support is most likely not going to happen.

It could if both the legislative and executive branch became run by socialists. Ignoring the possibility of election fraud of course, which is likely. Even then a civil war would probably be started.

Exactly. As bad as the US is, do we really want to find out what imperialism with Chinese characteristics looks like?


I believe it could, but only if a critical mass of the populace supported socialism


I'm stealing this