Gookslayer BTFO anti-whites

Jim Webb Addresses America’s Elites, Donald Trump, And Foreign Policy In Keynote
>When I decided not to continue the attempt at the presidency, he sent me an email. He said, “This guy Donald Trump,” he says, “the Republicans hate him, the Democrats hate him, the media hates him, I think I found my guy.” So, I would like to salute Donald Trump for his tenacity, and for the uniqueness of his campaign.


Other urls found in this thread:

>That to be white in the law, and in so much of our misinformed debate, is to be specially advantaged, privileged as a slogan goes, while being a minority is to be in the law disadvantaged.
>Behind the veneer of diversity there is an interlocking elite that has melded business, media, and politics in a way we never could before imagine.

>That party, [descended] to the point that it made white working people their most convenient whipping posts, particularly white males. It’s clearer now than it was ten years ago, when I was trying to put this on the table.

Also, Jim Webb general. Now is the time to remind leftists that if they had only been the type of party where Jim Webb was popular, Trump would have never been necessary. He's still a leftist, but he's great for liberal tears.

Daily Caller:
Mp4 related

Thanks for sharing this.

By 'gookslayer', I assume you mean in bed?
pic related, his wife


He fought in Vietnam. I had taken to calling him the Gook Whisperer instead, though.

While his son is pretty ayy lmao, Webb is still pretty kek worthy tbh.

If Trump turns the Republican party into the workers party, I'd expect him to switch.


Nah, the Democratic Party is already the "oogabooga kill whitey" party and it's only going further down that road at this point. Their strategy is to increase the non-White population and radicalize non-Whites while disarming and faggotizing the White population. The only Whites that remain in the party will be the most self-hating, pozzed leftist degenerates to walk the Earth. Meanwhile, the percentage of Whites voting GOP will increase and Whites will shift to the right politically, radicalizing against the invasive hordes. Whether it will be enough for us to continue to have a chance democratically depends on how many Trump deports, how restrictive the immigration policy becomes, whether it stays that way, whether economic recovery increases the White birthrate, how many non-White babies get aborted, the number of non-Whites that move into Whiter more suburban/rural areas, etc.

Ffs check out some of this "art:"

Astonishingly they've doubled down on it since losing the election.

If it were Webb vs Trump shit would of been golden, hopefully Webb joins Trump in fixing the republicans into a workers party or purges the Democrats and Socialist Scum.

Tbh, assuming nothing changes, it probably still is the best long term strategy.

Millions, upon millions of hispanics are already US citizens, and nothing's preventing low quality white girls from having babies with illegals.

Not that I think nothing will happen.

But it also needs to be nationalist! And some elements of socialism wouldn't be too bad either.

Yeah, that sounds good. The National Socialist American Workers Party.

Editorial: Maybe Democrats should have listened to Jim Webb
The Roanoke Times:
>Webb was attempting to appeal to the very voters who abandoned the Democratic nominee in droves and elected Trump. In other words, white, working-class voters. Once, they were the bedrock upon which the Democratic coalition was built. This year, Trump peeled off the Rust Belt states of Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — states that had been reliably Democratic for decades. Democrats are shell-shocked, but Webb tried to warn them this was coming. They just didn’t listen.

Never interrupt your enemy and all that. Having two extremes is better than having a shit party and a less shit party as we've had for the last 50 or so years. The Democrat party should be encouraged to kick whites out. There will only be one alternative with any significance, and with Trump at the helm for the next 8 years the shape of it is looking great.

Webb should leave the Democrat party and stop shilling for it, and he will if he's smart.


I like that one, too

holy tits that is the ugliest baby i've ever seen

His son is quite the supreme gentleman. I am sure he will grow up to be mentally well-adjusted and not a virgin for life.

Yeah, seems they are banking on the demographics to still pan out over the next few decades.


That child is a fucking abomination

Holy shit, did he just name the kikes?

You'd never know it from looking at it that it's supposed to be half White.

He served under Reagan. I would not be surprised if he is waiting to see how Trump decides to move forward, and is considering switching parties if he likes what he sees.


i'd hit it. the baby is ugly as fuck, but that gal is a milf by all means.

he needs the sunglasses to fall down on his face.


Reagan and Trump are both former Democrats who switched sides when the Democrats moved too far to the left for them to tolerate it anymore. I fully expect the few remaining Blue Dog Democrats to join the GOP now that the Democrats have decided to become the anti-White shitskin coalition.


fuck off. if you killed as many gooks as him, you'd be fucked in the head, too. at least he doesn't jerk it to anime on an obscure cambodian basketweaving forum

I'd hit it, too. That baby is ugly as fuck, and an abomination that needs to be destroyed.

everytime he talked about "interlocking elites" in teh "media politics and finance" was anyone else just waiting for someone to scream "JUDEN" like in that Hitler speech?

Fuck yeah when do we get to manifest destiny. Starting with the United States


Honestly if the Democrats reform themselves around Jim Webb/JFK style democrats I'd be happy. I'd be healthy for the country if one of the major political parties wasn't filled with traitors and lunatics.

so not only does he kill gooks, he cucks them as well by fucking their women.

alpha as fuck


See that smile on her face? That smile says "I always have a banh mi and sucky sucky for my big dick man husband. Two dollar."

Webb chose wisely.

I figured they would take it that direction so they don't become the Green Party Lite when their base screams at them to activate islamic gommunism. The DNC scoffed at Webb when he ran this year but they'd be remiss to ignore him in 2020.


dropped, fuck you jimmy

Nice to see someone not cucked in government. Proud to be from the same state as him.



Killing their men and stealing their men.



Based Jim Webb, the original Holla Forums candidate, just named the jew. The absolute madman.


Just finished listening to this. Jim Webb is a very smart man, thank you for posting.

Shit, looks like a future Elliot. Please don't produce more supreme gentlemen folks.

Jim Spoils of War Webb

hey, but wait, I thought we were all Cock-Asians (is that an adjective, verb or noun?)

Plain ugly. Cruel to do that do one's children.

Jim Webb is the only one who answered that question without naming a fellow American as an enemy.

came here to point this out, Jim Webb confirmed for only tolerable Democrat.

Mr. Webb is one of the few politicians really worth a damn. I hope he can be given opportunities to kick some ass in the next eight years under Trump.



He's a leftist but he's an old school leftist, not the neoleftist like we know now. lt wouldn't shock me that he's a Blue Dog dem.

I want that whole basket.


David Duke's hood is removable



Now I want it more. Perfect christmas gift for the kids.

Thank you. If I ever think about fucking a gook, I'll remember that. Surefire bonerkill.

Nigger, Pelosi got reelected again after losing dozens of senate seats and the election, and Keith "Kangz" Ellison is a serious contender for the next DNC chair. Dems haven't learned a goddamn thing from this election, and 8 years of Trump is certain at this point.

Miscegenation is wrong, but its only miscegenation if you make a baby, I would still hit it tbh fam.

More like basket of ADORABLES

Dems need to go more extreme antiwhite. We need to consolidate within a single party, that being the party of Trump, for whites. We don't need two parties splitting us up.

I bet 1k he will switch to repubicans and go full hitler anti-gommie if trump fucks up.Just watch.

He's an egalitarian, but I can at least understand the utopian views that led him to his ideology. He's not insane like a lot of his colleagues.

Did Ron ban VPNs with the Bui bullshit that's happening?



Jim Webb being based as fuck.

He's touched on it before, for example, in ''Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege" (Located here:

He also caught some flak for a campaign flyer of his that some felt was anti-semitic

Ha, I love that. It really should be a meme. If I were into video editing, I'd have done it myself.

That's adorable; where did you get it?

at least he also had white children

KEK such is the life of half breeds.


I am honestly now convinced that we live in a parallel universe where Holla Forums subconsciously writes the script that our enemies follow, because nothing the Democrats are doing right now makes ANY fucking sense at all. They're acting like the Nadir in fucking Legend.

It's fucking magical. Makes for a great story. In a thousand years they will write about this the same way we write about the events leading up to Caesar's coup.

We should be like Caesar, and write about it ourselves. Number one source about Caesar's Gaelic Wars and civil war are the books he wrote, Commentarii de Bello Gallico and Commentarii de Bello Civili.

Caesar literally wrote his own history.

Also, make welfare dependant on (temporary) sterilization. i.e. birth control.

Yes, my fellow nazi, what a hero

Spoils of War faggot.

Isn't the VA position still open?

Jim Webb just scored big in the eyes lf the Trump administration.