What do you guys think of the stimulator ?

what do you guys think of the stimulator ?

whoops forgot to take off the shitposting flag

i really hope we can save him

pretty cool guy, my only real criticism is that he fallen for the id-pol trap of being too amenable to minority opinions. I'm so damn tired of critical theory wankers devoting so much time to talking about why BLM could be right, and not whether they are right.

He drank the Identity politics Kool aid

I can't wait for him to come here, see how shitty this place is, and do a video destroying Holla Forums

He is pretty cool. Sometimes he delves a little bit into identity politics, buts its not too bad.

He is however, a prime anarchist with a massive hardon for riot porn. Not that I blame him for that.

no one is making you come here fam

It's the only somewhat tolerable board on Holla Forums that isn't a Nazi circlejerk, but I expect more from so-called "leftists" than these shallow, knee-jerk reactions to shit they've never even read. But I'll take superficial communists over obnoxious Nazis.

I don't Stimulator because he pretty much makes Anarchist look like edgy teenagers and gives a bad image to Anarchist. I'm sorry Stimulator if you are reading this, but you aren't helping the Anarchist cause.


"Leftism" is an extremely vague and useless label to give yourself honsetly.

That's not what I said, Nihilist friend. do you care to actually engage?

I do dislike the kneejerk reaction people have to anything that isn't strictly class related being "idpol", but it's not like the flip side of that, lefties that like to pretend that other forms of oppression exist in some kind of bubble and you don't need to consider the class character and economic causes of other inequities, are any better.

It isn't vague so much a broad term, describing the ideologies that spawned and developed from the Jacobins and other French radicals.

But that's pretty much what it sums up to. Leftypol also gets triggered when anyone defends feminism from stupid arguments.

If you're the first one I prob shouldn't have quoted you with the other guy to be fair.

I agree, shit's all fucked everywhere. Why do you think I'm a nihilist my dude? :^)

You're not wrong but it's used around here in a manner that is really vague, is the problem I have with it which is what happens when you don't read enough to form a well-defined set of views

No feminism is useless ideology for me

In post capitalists society women will be free from both cultural pre written narrative "no state to force that narrative over them" and from material conditions
And pic is my philloifu

Well that's not me. I am a feminist. My problem is people who ought to know better letting people off the hook when they practice lazy theory and ideology, just because of the color of their skin, or some other "axis of oppression". Feminism says we always biased, egocentric, or uninformed, it doesn't say Black Lives Matter will always be know the appropriate theory, tactic, or strategy to use, and no one else will ever know better.

It seems to me that being an Islamic communist would be a perfect exampe of a Beauvorian serious man.

tbh this is why we should drop the "idpol" meme. It's turned into a fucking buzzword to substitute for any actual conversation - on par with "J.IDF" or "shill" or other stupid Holla Forums memes.

There is serious critique of actual identity politics coming out of the contemporary left and contemporary anarchism especially post-left anarchy, but what Holla Forums is doing is not it.

>contributing anything of value, ever

Wew. Can't believe that you guys didn't come out on top in the worst shitposter competition.


autistic tankies who can't tolerate mention of anything tangential to class truggle

Seeming awful rustled for a "nihilist", friend.

you retarded faggot. this has nothing to do with mentioning. you can mention it all you want, lets have the discussion and stop pretending to be a victim, not even allowed to express an opinion because ravenous, dogmatic braindead tankies won't listen to you. the critical matter at hand though isn't whether the ideas get mentioned, it's whether they're correct.

fam I never get tired of these retarded assumptions about what a """""nihilist""""" is :'DDDD

I'm not an anarchist but I like to watch his videos. I find them entertaining and informative. Overall pretty cool guy.

You smell of leddit and you are not my fam tbqf.


I don't take the Islamig part of the flag that seriously
I am a radical freedom fag

Stop this IDpol shit for the love you

for the love of you *

From the little I've seen, he gets it. Now, I haven't watched enough, and he might have already dived into the US IdPol BS that divides the proletariat to promote the bourgies, but I think he's ok.

Still if there is a vid proving he's been infected by reddit, I'll reconsider.

Stim is great, I enjoy his tacos but i havent watched in awhile

I doubt it will all lead to anything however, these methods have turned into a tired old dance, the state and the police run the whole game, and as invigorating as a small victory here and there may be, you are playing a house game and the house always has an edge. People are gonna have to rethink how they go about…resisting if they want to be effective

that being said I think he does a good service for a certain crowd, and I think he tries to keep up morale which is good

remember who you are talking to

fuck off

i wouldn't say completely

he hasn't gone full /r/fullcommunism yet


I don't know why you call him idPol. Sometimes the interviewed person can be pretty bad but stim always has his eyes on class war.

gooooood morning slaves
