Oyy veey meet your overlords

Ordinary german goyim just won the privileged of spending some time in the company of the chosen people.

Apprehensive at first, someone answers: "Educated."
"Money," says another, prompting a mixture of tiny gasps and uneasy laughs from the group.


dw .com/en/rent-a-jew-project-hopes-to-ward-off-anti-semitism-in-germany/a-36710940

Other urls found in this thread:


How did leftists turn the fedora meme from a liberal reddit cuck into a right wing redpilled guy? All fedora neckbeards I know are libtards

Yeah but you don't want to be a cuck and marry a degenerate who will raise your children in the propaganda

I dated actually mostly just fucked a Jewish girl freshman year of college. We didn't really have much in common, but she had big tits and red hair so I just rolled with it. Didn't find out she was Jewish until after we were over.

Years later, I found out that she ended up working at a TV news station in Portland. The stereotypes seriously create themselves.

He was on Question Time defending Donald.


there are two types of people;
those who have never spent time around jews and antisemites


I bet you created a Jewling and don't even know about it.
She stole your genes. What are you going to do about it?

Could have fooled me, the holohoax is the only reason people are sympathetic towards kikes.
Do they not see how this perfectly fits the kike stereotype? I'm just assuming it costs money considering they use the term "rent".


I also dated a Jew. I have one tip on it, for anyone who might be considering a relationship with a kikess - don't.*

Where are these red haired kikes coming from, isn't that a tiny subset of R1b like Irish/Welsh/Scots?


well, it says its a con right there in the name

Redhair is common for all genetically european peoples. Genes from the British Isles like the Irish/Welsh/Scots etc. just have the highest concentration of red hair genetics.

Contrary to popular Holla Forumslock belief, Jews are indeed genetically european. Holla Forumslocks just like to tell themselves jews arent european to try and some how make Jews look shitier than they already are. You don't need to make up shit like Ashkenazi Jews arent european when Jews are already fucking shitty people. Ashkenazic Jews are just a sickly inbred Euros originiating from eastern parts of Europe.
I view Ashkenazi Jews as genetically european but I would NEVER allow them into an ethnostate because they cant be trusted.
The ideas pushed by Holla Forumslocks that try to claim Ashkenazi Jews arent european are peddling the same lies Ashkenazic Israelis like to tell themselves to make themselves feel more at home while they LARP as semites.
To me there exists a difference between Ashkenazic kikes and historically semetic Jews.
When someone calls you an anti-semite just tell them you don't hate semites at all you just hate Ashkenazic Jews

Where does the hook nose come from then, wise guy? The Ashkenazi Jews came from the Middle East and mixed with Whites. They clearly originate from a common inbred Armenoid genetic bottleneck.


Except genetically. They'd rather inbreed than outbreed to stay genetically Jewish.

They look just like us

At least try to fit in, kike.


They rather risk genetic damage than breed out of the tribe. They are the real racists.

Tippity top kek kike-kun. Jews are Arabs in denial. Ashkenazis exist because the Jews got inbred and needed Euro blood to defuckulate themselves. Their insane cancer and mental illness rate as well obvious appearance differences betrays their non-whiteness. Who could blame them for trying to add a little obvious superiority to their disgusting genetic slurry.

All the European looking ones are a results of dominant Euro genes over shitty kike ones in a racemixed child. Why do you think Kikesses love BIG GOY COCK so much? They know subconsciously it's the only way to save their genes.

test 1 2

ok I can actually post. I just wrote out this long thing because of all the replys and it wouldnt load when I posted it it

the Ashkenazic hook nose is an inbred version of the aquiline nose. The aquiline nose is extremely common in europe. You don't have to be Jewish to have a nose that looks that way. Plenty of Germans during the 3rd reich would become insecure about having an aquiline nose because they'd feel as if people would assume they're Jewish. Also if real middle eastern Jews mixed with europeans then they'd still look at swarthy as italians when most Jews are sickly pale vampires.

Research was done by Eran Elhaik (non ashkenazi)

yeah they are probably middle eastern, sorry I was wrong.
Most of the pictures people post of non white Jews are not Ashkenazic anyways and are sephardic mexican looking people. Most Jews I've met IRL look like pic pic related (bobby fischer)
Also netanyahu is half sephardi

Jews are genetically european but no one should trust them or let them into a european nation because they don't see themselves as european.

Most Jews have interbred with Europeans.

Most Jews are also not Semitic, they're Khazars.

The two leading causes of antisemitism is 1) an honest history lesson and 2) proximity to Kikes.

Sorry I have the tendency to type out things the way they sound and the word ‘polock’ to me sounds like it's spelled with two L’s

Finally someone with an actual sense of genetics

They subverted the term because it was directed at them.

Race can only help you so far my physics professor says he's Jewish even though he has blue eyes and blond hair with a nose I'd never recognize as Jewish. He doesn't even have an accent yet speaks Hebrew and goes to Israel many times a year.

I think one of the goals with Judaism is to fuck with your ability to recognize your own. Would I consider him somewhat of my people if I just saw him? Maybe, once I learned he's Jewish and has allegiances to Israel, not anymore.

His daughter is quite the looker, but "Jewish" too.

It's not even something Holla Forums isn't aware of.
But Jews are still extremely distinct. Said Khazar genes are fairly apparent BECAUSE of the interbreeding.

Obviously you can't perfectly create a pure race when you don't have a place to inhabit and just act like parasites in other nations, but ultimately, Jews are genetically distinct enough that even were you to include them within the European racial group, they're still a threat.


My point exactly

This is the most jewish thing possible

Yeah they are threat because their allegiances are always elsewhere, even if they are racially similar they will still hold to their own and help their own, which is any Jew anywhere in the world at a higher trust level then some goyim that they've known their entire lives.

Yeah I to wonder how "Jewish" they really are but they see Israel as their homeland, and that's enough for me to declare them Juden.

Just another case in the argument that European genes become immediately dominant in anyone more than 1/2 hike. It doesn't surprise me at all the Blonde and Blue-eyes phenotype overpowers curly hair and mud colored eye phenotypes.

They'll pay for injecting their polluted mentally genes into the European pool though. We're not gonna spare and Oven-Dodger working for Mossad just because their hair is yellow.

European genes are the least dominant of any genes on the planet.
Also kikes mixing with white goyim has only been around since the late 1800s and has very rarely happened. The reason Jews are so genetically inbred and have terrible genetic diseases because of it is because they have been inbreeding for centurys. Any snipet of Jewish DNA is exactly identical to other copys of Jewish DNA

Yeah I know they're the least dominant genes out there, which is why it's hilarious that they overtake kike DNA in less than a generation the same way nigger DNA ruins white bloodlines. Their survival mechanisms are begging for any scrap of non-kike DNA.

Sephardic Jews, the Jews that ran the slave trade, aren't sickly pale. You can't mistake one of them for white but they wrote the history books and replaced sephardic Jews with white.

Uhhh do you understand how recessive genes work?

white genes are recessive and therefore immediatley lost in one generation. White genes wouldnt 'overtake' any genes (let alone in less than a generation) Because white genes are so recessive they disappear immediatley and are pretty much gone for ever unless it one is repeatedly mixed
Pic related is 1/4th black quadroon

Sephardic Jews are completey different from Ashkenazi Jews because they have different origins

Well the more you know. If I were a Jewess I'd take any DNA I could get tbh

Yeah, that's why Obama is midnight black right? Have you seen the average Africoon in america? They'll never be as pure or as dark as a real African unless they have children with them.

Takes more than 1 generation to breed out the so-called recessive genes.

yeah but they like to stay with Jews because
1) money

Also they are considered valuable to Jews because they are what is required to create more Jews. Thats where the whole "meet a nice Jewish girl" thing from the Jewish mother archetype comes from.

Inbreeding was always a habit of the wealthy. Keeps money in the family. Coupled with Kosher rules keeps money within the Jewish community by forbidding Jews from buying from gentiles.

The kikes hide behind a lot of bullshit and excuse it with "muh religion".

Obama must be an anomoloy because his father is apparently 100% and his mother is 100% white. Which means that he got luckier in his genome for lookings more mocha than what actual mulattos tend to look like. I've heard the conspiracy preported by Obamas half brother that Obama's father isnt actually the real Obama but is actually Frank Marshall Davis; black communist and race mixer.
His father actually being an American negro with the minimal 10% white admixture would make more sense than the idea that Obama just got lucky when he turned out brown instead of just a lighter shade of black.

Once a white person miscegenates with a shitskin, you just get another lighter shade of brown. All of the blonde/red hair and blue/green eyes genes are essentially wiped away for many, many generations. I know you can go on google images and find the exceptionally rare scenario of a nigger with blue eyes, but by and large race-mixing renders most of our white European genes completely obsolete and unrecoverable no matter how many times the mongrel breeds with subsequent whites.

True. But I think even the more poorer slumlord Jews will inbreed because they believe goyim are pretty much cattle. And the only way to produce more Jews is to breed with other Jews (which tends to be their cousins)
I think its more of an excuse now than in the past. I think a lot of medival Jews viewed it more religiously but modern Jews view it as a way to sustain their ingroup.

smdh tbh

I know. Negro blood is a curse.

no, this is.

Jesus, is that Larry King?

though, i have seen rare cases where a quadroon looks more white than black, in skin tone and in facial features.

the guy in pic related is a quad


yeah sometimes genetics are just random but he still doesnt look even close to white. Most quadroons still very much look black in hair and nose.

I remember watching a sam hyde sketch where sam hyde plays a quadroon.

lel, no

Wait a minute there
You know right the Egyptians had the genes for Red hair too

It's Ben Shapiro actually

Ashkenazic Israeli scientists who feel as they have no reason to live if they arent actually Jewish control the science when it comes to trying to 'prove' they're semetic.

Your only willing to believe Jewish science when it comes to them trying to manipulate science into trying to prove they are actually semetic when they are really just manipulating to their advantage like they do with every other science they are involved in.

pic related. this Jew would kill himself if he actually knew he wasnt semetic

I'm talking about the speaker in the beggining

Ah, never mind me then

The original egyptians who created egypt actually have been shown to have had western european DNA. Over time I assume though that mixing with the local nonwhites muddied the gene pool up though.

Get a fuck out of here. Khazarian theory is jewish hoax to make jews just a religious group.
Jews are fucking neanderthal semites, nothin more, nothing less.
now back to the oven, and close the fucking door behind you

Google the khazar theory and you'll see a whole load of angry Jews saying that the Khazar theory was made up by anti-semites and anti-zionists. Jews hate the khazar theory because it delegitamitzes any claim they have to israel

This article is essentially about how anyone who says the khazar theory is true is an antisemite.


Just look at the lower lip nest time. If long and rat like>jew.

what does a rat's lip supposed to look like?

this thread is heawy kike infested

His mother Ann Durham was 1/2 kike.

Heres the problem, you only are willing to believe Jewish science when its Jews trying to prove they are actually semetic, which is a problem because your accepting the evidence that Jews have an actual claim to israel.

There only been rumors that Ann Dunham was Jewish, though the proof of that rumor tends to be vague and fuzzy, they pretty much said that she "acted" Jewish and is thus Jewish. Which isnt really proof at all. I think Obama probably said that to try and get cozy with Jews despite there existing no evidence.

Geneticaly jews are same as other semites fom Near, Middle East and North Africa. They have no genetic conections with Caucasus people. Look embed video i posted before.
Again. Koestler's and Shlomo Sand's propaganda have agenda to desemitize jews and make impression, jews are only "religious group". Propaganda for goyim, they know exactly, what they are neanderthals

Nose knows. Look at her father.
Btw, user. Did you know, Bob Marley was half jewish? If not> lurk moar

Jews are more concerened with trying to make themselves seem actually semetic then they are to try and make themselves look like only a 'religeon'.

Ashkenazis manipulate science to try and show that "look goyim we really are semites now let us have israel already!"

Ive heard this said as a joke but some people actually believe it. I study anthropology and we know Jews arent neanderthals and if you've ever actually seen pics of skeletally recreated neanderthals aswell as neanderthal skulls then you'd see that Jews arent even close to being neanderthals.

Hell no.
I am just looking at the noses.
If it duck like a jew, if it quack like a jew
then it is fucking jew

lol ok. So if anyone looks kinda jewey but isnt theyre still jews. does that mean goebbles get the oven? Goebbles looks jewey and was a great speaker, if he wasnt a nazi then I'd guess he would be a jew

Nuff said. Better to study gender BS than anthropology nowadays. Say hello to Boas.
I am out of here

I know most of modern anthropology is BS but neanderthal skulls are neanderthal skulls and the idea Jews are neanderthals is funny but not true.


He looks like Kelto Nordid, altered vith West Baltid CM to me.
you dont have a clue about anthro

I'm just using your own standard of judging who is a Jew
then it is fucking jew


Kill yourself kike.