The Oakland warehouse fire occurred in a radical leftist commune rife with HIV, drugs, and alternative lifestyle degeneracy. These communes are known as "DIY spaces" to the bums, SJWs, and drug addicts who populate them. You might even have one of these rent-free flop houses in your neighborhood or city and not even know it.

As the incident in Oakland has shown, these dens of ill repute are often decrepit, hazardous, and in violation of city ordinances. The purpose of this thread is to help keep people safe by researching and reporting building code violations to the authorities.

Flop House Directories

Reportable Violations

Who Needs to Know

Spaces Already Shut Down

The first step is to find street addresses for these places. Then comb through social media for proof of violations and file requests for fire inspection records and other information from city officials with FOIA requests. Post everything you find, so that we can keep it archived. Then we will SHUT THEM DOWN.



If you guys know any faggy leftist squat-dens in your area post em here. I'll post the ones I found recently in the NYC area in the next few posts. Also lists of their gay little spaces.

Other urls found in this thread:] &cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us &cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us &cd=43&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

[ARCHIVED LISTS - OR] &cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us &cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us &cd=43&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Alright now that I got the lists here's a couple places I found.

The "Bushwick Public House" constantly has live Marxist events. They also have a lot of exposed pipes and shitty wiring. Big no-no.

This place I haven't been able to find pictures of inside except this one, but they constantly have Africans and Spics in there giving talks so I assume it's got a third world and not up to code aesthetic.

This is actually a good idea to try to shut these networking sites for commie or protocommie "fellow travelers"

Put up a baby gate so the nips cant pass.


Oh man they are not taking it well on plebbit either

Apparently this is a great way to mine salt too:

Idea: if the violations are egregious enough that they'll never be able to correct them before the authorities go there to investigate, let them know what you're doing. It'll make them mad as hell to know that they were targeted by literal fascists, not just city inspector "fascists".


Makes it harder for them to see us I guess when they got Nazi colored glasses on

Also check this degenerate shit out

Looks like they've got a wikipedia page. Pic related, they're probably up to code but it's worth reporting them anyway.

You know, I remember one insufferable faggot who had that on his webpage. Turned out later he was a pimp.

Drugs and alcohol usually ruin this.

List of "communes" in Seattle:

What's with Beige Horizon shit and why is it important?


I've been here for about two years, I was always right leaning and religious but Holla Forums made me realize the wrong side won WW2

I'm just imagining that guy with some slides trying to give an opsec briefing in front of a room full of idiots pumped full of drugs.

Also, he can say all that when he's sober in front of his computer, but I'm sure it all goes out the window when he's under the influence.

Will the fags ever learn? We don't care about their levels of faggotry, they're all going into the woodchipper

I'm pretty sure inspectors already have warrants when come to clear a place out, smileyface posters can't help you commie junkies


Reddit communist/leftist subreddits are some of the funniest places on the internet

I also love that they shriek about how we'll never listen reason, but when you shove FBI crime statistics or peer-reviewed IQ analysis in their faces it's just the magic wand of "bias" making feels > reals

Oh and how could I forget

I have friends in that culture, and sometimes… I don't know, I feel sorry for us. Here we are all alone on a Saturday night arguing about the fate of the world. It's lonely work. We do it because we're lonely and alienated people. But we wouldn't fit in even if we did go to that kind of party, and I need without exception a quiet place to sleep at the end of the night, I can't deal with a thumping base and people climbing all over me and shit when I'm trying to sleep.

There's nothing appealing to me about hanging out in a warehouse doing a bunch of party drugs and getting AIDS from some nigger when the molly kicks in and the gay orgy starts. I'd much rather hang out with my friends during the day and enjoy my solitude at night.

Because your friends ultimately don't see the things we see. They don't bother to read through hundreds of pages of leaks, or aggregate metric tons of information and then come to a conclusion. Instead, they expect to be spoof fed by some washed up has been leftist from the 60s, while never actually watching shit go down on their own.

I know many of these people personally. They need and seek constant activity and attention. They need constant thrills, in order to fill the void they have.

The left still fundamentally doesn't understand why they lost. Until the left understands that race is real and there are tangible results that stem from those differences, they'll continue to lose horribly. By getting violent, all they're doing is digging their own mass graves, and since their minority pets will eat them alive when SHTF, they'll be hated by everybody.

I wish I shared your clarity of feeling.

what did they mean by this?

I'd have a lot more respect for Holla Forums if they could actually discuss their ideos without political correctness. I'd be fascinated to know how a communist state that also wants to expel niggers and oven the kikes would work. Too bad they'll never even get over the first hurdle. Better for us in the long run the worse informed they are tbh.

Once you start to form healthy human relationships with members of your race you'll start to understand. The urge go fit in with shitlibs and their degeneracy totally fades away.

They must have meme'd irresponsibly

How exactly? Is it because hitler was attacking the same kind of degenerate art places?

that's probably a bot


Good fucking luck with that you dumb Jews.

Probably yes. The comment is good though.

This whole place has gotten really weird and surreal since the spamming starting. It's like dream/pol/ you know what I mean?

What's funny is that the bot has gotten significantly smarter and more agreeable to us over the past few hours? As if its learning. Do you think its Tay?

Pretty sure they're more likely to unleash one of Gibon's loa than actually create an algorithm that can "de-brainwash" Holla Forumsacks when launched against our board. I think that's what they literally think they're going to accomplish. They think they can make us stop hating them with a math equation, rather than through making society less shitty. It is to laugh.

Why not just let get incinerated? If you shut down their hangout they'll move on.

Yeah it's like in some threads it's pulling responses off of 4/a/, but in others it's pulling them from 4/pol/ too.

When Bui runs out of NEETbux or someone goes and caves his head in with a baseball bat it'll stop. Not like it's disrupting us, if anything it's tuning our spam and shill-radar to be even more sensitive in the long run.

It triggers the shit out of them that they have to leave their disgusting warehouses. Plus a lot of the "queer" movement exists in these squatting dens. If fags have no place to go and transfaggots get pressed even harder maybe they'll rope themselves before we even get to them.

…th-this shit is getting meta, bros.

I think that's an actual person.

Tay i-is that you?

The fuck did I say? I don't get it.

HELLO, FELLOW HUMAN. Sorry we've been getting raided by bots for a full day, and a bot that appears to have some superficial AI behind it at that. We're all on edge…

Because fires are actually rather rare, even in flophouses. Many of these places have been open for decades without a firing killing all the degenerates.


Top kek

Now why he would ask something like that?

except leftists spend time with other people to put them down behind their backs and feel superior. they're infinitely more isolated and lonely in a crowd of a thousand people than we are alone shitposting with dudes over the internet.

Jesus, at least I have the decency to save that question for my local gun shop…

It's not the size of the guy that matters, but the size of his plan.

8/pol/ has been a shell of its former self since the election was won.

It's kind of fun.


The thread i was going to post this in got deleted so this one is close enough.

I have a bunch of friends from uni who are deep into the hedonist lifestyle and all of them hate it. A lot of them are in denial about how much they hate it but know nothing else so they can't escape even when they try. They're early 20s and have all already made that "ultimate purchase" that reveals to the materialist just how hollow their life is. The few that don't just get more degenerate like beaten wives hoping maybe it will be good like it was escape by finding something to cling to. This is where the regressive left gains its hordes - people who have nothing, no moral compass, no life experience, and desperate for a cause. I have saved one of them but i feel like it was a pyrrhic victory because they are still jaded and depressed. The poor guy is just an ignorant and empty husk of a person. Does it really matter if he's doing the right thing if he hasn't got the mind to know the difference or appreciate the difference? The only way to fix the world and cure them of this regressive attitude is to make them think for themselves and not only believe but act on the truth. I achieved two out of three but because he still does not think, come a new problem and he will take whatever answer is presented to him instead of figuring it out.
All of them are obsessed with not thinking too. Their hobbies involve either "switching off" or drinking enough to make though impossible. This is all while being in university too. Somehow the entire place is permeated with a culture of refusal to use their brains despite being an academic establishment.
The world is sick and desperately needs to be cured of traitors and scum unfit or unwilling for the duties required for civilisation to prosper.

That said… I wish I had as much fun on drugs as other people do; I wish the most I laughed all day wasn't seeing some ISIS tard getting hit with a rocket live on camera; I wish I weren't alone right now. It would be nice to be smoking a cigarette and shooting some pool with you faggots with a pitcher of beer on the table instead of pressed on the carpet between my coffee table and my couch in my studio apartment in my 2/3 spic city in the pozzed Hell that is California… I'm just saying. There's a lot wrong with the shitlibs. But our argument for being Nazis instead just sometimes seems a little lacking.

HIV doesn't exist. AIDS does. You get AIDS from Drugs. Malnutrition also typifies AIDS.

Fuck off, false flagging kike.

Why are all the VFW buildings around me boarded up with no windows at all???

So get the fuck out of Commiefornia before it pozzes your brain any more than it already has.

kek. no fatalities though. too bad.

Eh heh let me collect the massive amount of money I've earned, my beautiful red-pilled waifu, and all the conservative friends I have, get on the yacht I've earned from selling 20-round magazines to Californians, and create a colony in white, chilly Maine where I have nothing to fear from Mestizo cartels and gommunist economic policies. Thule Society pls help I did it all for free.

Prove that it can be isolated?

Exactly! So relocating is easy. And meeting better people will be easier in a better location.

OP, are you literally a faggot?

We want these people to immolate!

That was my first thought but such conflagrations are rare and a bunch of AIDS-infected Communists organising in major cities is a clear and present danger.


Wrong, AIDS doesn't exist. HIV gives you GRIDS.

help keep people safe by researching and reporting building code violations to the authorities.

Ok I like where you're going with this but fuck you. I live in the Country and honestly building code and Forssman is the last fucking thing I need. Am I in violation of code? Yes. Is the code fucked to hell? Yes.

As somone in the building trades code is often wrong and misguided please don't fuck around whith this.

Report them to the dea as a meth denn but don't start a code enfircment bonanza.

I construction occasionally, and pretty much every building in the U.S. has a gorillion code violations. The code is goofy and nuanced that that's just the way it.

The great thing about it in this case is if you just keep track of the violations you can fuck a place over with like 15 of them in 15 minutes of looking around.

Unless you live in a marxist "art commune" warehouse, you really have nothing to worry about.

Here is a detroit area little "garden of eden"
Their psychedelic shack website domain is parked so here is the FB

The local hood sees them as a shopping center regularly.
And the building is currently listed as for sale for a bargain price of $399K

Jesus christ I'm really living up to the stereotype here, I do*** construction

Does have it?

in Oakland if they start going thru all those warehouses they are going to find a lot of marijuana grows.

same for all the other major california cities like LA.


Toronto, Ontario

Comfort Zone. It's a notorious after hours nightclub, known as a place to go do drugs freely to house music until the crack of dawn. Or lunchtime, whenever you come down.

It's been raided by police a few times already.


Our adversaries are faggots, skinny faggots, dykes, and DRAG QUEENS.

Why shut them down? Why not just burn them down when they're full of the shitstains of society? If you shut them down, they'll just scatter like roaches somewhere else.

Ever seen that video of the house so infested with roaches, that they dug a ditch around it, set the ditch on fire, then set the house on fire? That's what I'm thinking with this.

Not suprised tbh
Also, why the fuck would I report these? I want them to go up in smoke

You didn't mention that they are dens of Communism.


What made you think I was a bot? Was it that fumble in the first sentence?

There are so many bots now, all over the place. I don't know what software is being used, but it's spreading. Eventually someone will reveal what's being used…

The lack of dependence on context made it possible your post had been duplicated from another thread, bui lost his shit over something and has put a spambot on Holla Forums that does that



They should make a new law called The Safe Space Act to clear these places out.

I know why

The bot currently shitposting the board is simply sourcing posts from 4chan Holla Forums and reposting them here with about a 19 minute delay. You can confirm by searching the text of any botpost you find here on the 4chan Holla Forums archive. In fact, you could probably counter the whole shilling operation just by rigging up a script to check any text submitted to this site against 4chan Holla Forums posts made within the last 30 mins.

So how do these places get set up, are they just abandoned houses that dipshits nigger-rig into a nightclub/ravespot/retard deathtrap or are they bought more or less legit?

I don't think these people understand what's going on in Sweden, or any of the "northern welfare paradises". While Sweden is not broke due to their natural resources of minerals and ores being near infinite, they are bleeding money in the public sector and the healtcare system is buckling under its own weight. It may take weeks for you to get to a doctor, years to get to a dentist, months for any specialized medicine (stomach issues, ultrasound etc.) so those who have money are leaving to the private sector for healthcare, or like an American system of workplace insurance that covers a lot of shit. The need for non-Swedish doctors is immense as well since the amount of nigs and nogs and kebub grows massively each year, and that also leads to the Swedes getting service from people who can barely understand Swedish or English taking care of them! It's fucking crazy, and basically it's only the poor, old and helpless (and all the muds) still struggling in the public sector for anything less than cancer.

Just use a payphone or some shit to call the fire inspector/fire department and report some violations of the fire code in the building these "clubs" are in. This does three things, makes who ever is reporting them a good citizen, instills resentment for all those who got kicked out/fined who may be moved to retaliate on who they perceive as the enemy (probs police/fire department) leading to them acting irrationally and getting BTFO by their own actions, and also fear that anyone could turn them in and thus these lefties begin eating themselves.

While arson on these places seems tempting, it is a crime so don't do it, only people telling you are alphabets looking to make bust. Also it just gives them more to whine about and lets them not face facts that their hedonistic life styles are against the law.

Whenever I read that I think to myself, what if I was one of those people and I was getting closer to thirty and in some moment of clarity, I realised I have done nothing to make myself a better person, I have achieved nothing and then I realise that I have been fighting all my life and that every year I become a slightly better person then I was the previous year.


wait wait wait, why are you reporting these places to the cops? why not just set them on fire yourselves? its not like we WANT commies to live.

Yes, lets compile a list, then once every month or so, burn one to the ground while a big show is on, win win.



Watch out user, she'll tell you about her pronouns

They need to fix their fucking buildings. They can't even take responsibility for their own fucking fire traps jesus fuck.

Why is every single one of these commie fags mentally ill, a felon or both?
I swear to God, every time I see a commie reddit post there's a part about how the poster is mentally unstable.

Fucking hell, has a more spineless phrase ever been written?

because women can also be militant anarchists

no shit, we know that. the giveaway is 'upper body strength', leftists think life is a RPG and they just spent their points differently and that women can kick like a mule rather than the fact that their lower body strength is also very low.

I love that they think they can fight an anonymous group of Taiwanese puppet show watching, national socialists that spawned from the politically incorrect image board of a site based around said Taiwanese puppet shows
Not only do they think they can fight us
They think that marching in the street is gonna get rid of us

Comedy gold

"Race realist" communism is just left wing fascism (yes there are different flavors of fascism) with more emphasis on class warfare
Communism by definition can't be "racist" btw

Its like they actually want their fellows to keep dying so that they can continually play victims. Responsibility is racist don't you know? I say to really rile them up and split their brains in two,l people should start arguing to not report these violations so that more of them die in the inevitable infernos. Is that the alternative they desire?



Risk's fucking fun mat,especially the LOTR version

I think the best thing we can do is
to donate them some old fridges.

That's easy for a big guy like you to say.

To be fair they can do magick: They say the right words and shit appears out of thin air.


These places start as meetups at local nightclubs where EDM is played. After a community of degens builds a following there they pass the hat to lease a large place for keggers and crashing after raving all night.
In Vancouver here we have this group called Organix and their main DJ is a Jew not by race but by adopted upbringing complete with Diaper and Shit fetishes.(Quinton Harris Jones), and they're heavy coke and ketamine users alongside BC Bud and Extremely Pure MDMA (Emma) and sometimes their parties go on for 3 days at a time, or more just getting thunderously high and lazing about smoking cigs and drinking with Crapp and Electro mixes with no actual melody.
That then turns into either a warehouse living situation or a ranch/dancefestival/wilderness retreat situation like Shambala up here. Google it.

heres a complete shot in the dark:

There sure are a whole lot of barely blended in leftists trying to shoehorn some equally barely concealed spengler maymays

Given that building codes are fucked, and any building can be found to be in violation, then that means that this method is even less harmful than we hope. Why? Because building code violations are slapped onto buildings only when the code authority wants to slap something down. Whoever holds that authority could drop warnings instead of shutting places down, or if told that this is a targeted harassment campaign, not even bother to show up at all. And considering how pozzed some government departments are, I wouldn't be surprised if they took the side of these goofs and let them get away with murder.

That being said, doing this openly freaks the fuck out if the leftist hives, and is liable to make them do crazy shit. Making them publicly insane is a good thing. That's where all of our keks come from, and it shifts the normies against them.

TL;DR - Don't expect these places to get shut down, but do expect a raging sea of butthurt as of yet unrivaled on the internet.

Hello there, FBI. How do you do today :-)


Why stoop to their level? We're lawful good, not chaotic evil.

I had that same thought at first too but you're right. Shutting down their hovels will make them waste time finding a new one or actually getting a job rather than leaving them idle to radicalize. Also the saltiness is hilarious and shows them that we're willing to fuck with them for their rhetoric

that's why when you make a complaint you want to look like a "concerned citizen just trying to prevent another oakland fire, and if it happens again, we'll hold you accountable for not enforcing the codes"

We're neutral good, faggot. Chaos happens to be the appropriate method to achieve our goals today. And by the way, killing those degenerates in a fire wouldn't be an act of evil.


people of color are not represented fairly in these great art spaces! why are these spaces, which are focused on members bringing their own supplies, doing their own work, and about bringing something interesting into the group not featuring at least 1 person of color!



And why would I want that?

FYI guys, 4chan is still doing it. The memes are being produced.

Anarchists discovered the threads and spammed the 4chan ARCHIVE cause they can't internet.

Also, be aware of people running these sorts of places that worship demons and have tattoos of actual warehouse burning tattooed on their arm.

I've used to knock around with a girl (about 26yrs old) that was a Ketamine user. The most obnoxious piece of shit you could ever a wish an early death on. She basically looked down on anyone that was not another Special-K user saying that we could never understand the bond they have. Her skin was really bad like an old lady and when out in pubs she had to go to the loo every 15mins and smelt slightly of piss. She'd go on about how amazing and life altering being in the 'K-hole' was yet she had a shit job in a call center, no apparent artistic, musical or other talent, no boyfriend (although I think she was fucking other Ketamine users) and no hobbies or anything of interest. A very boring person to talk to and no interest in politics at all. Honestly, I hope she's dead.

I can't help but wonder why you faggots care so much.

if you don't like them and you know their shitty hang out spaces are prone to catching on fire and killing everyone inside, why ruin that? You come off as some sort of jealous cuck that can't stand the fact that they're doing something that you aren't.

The way I see it, I'm not doing sht, its a waste of time. they will LITERALLY burn themselves to death on their own.

We're reporting them to rub salt in the wounds. All these fucking losers have IRL are these weird crackhouses. Also the entire "trans" and "queer" community essentially lives out of these flophouses, so in the process of evicting them a few transfaggots will off themselves in despair as well.

It's making them really fucking mad, so I assume it's the right thing to do.

I'd much rather work hard during the day, impress my colleagues, generally being esteemed and then return to my wife who was awaiting my return with anticipation and cooked me dinner.

Most people are almost the exact same, they just express themselves differently, these sick fucks pozzed up faggots too, they have the same instincts that would make them like the same things as me, but alas they are pozzed up.

I remember reading an article about a groupie slut and how she got to sleep with lead singers. She didn't act sexy, or slutty, she went to them and did the little girl lost act, with big eyes and "can you help me?". She had much more success than the other sluts because she was appealing to the same instincts virtually every virtuous man has but doesn't express in such a degenerate way.


Imagine them trying to figure out how they can fight back by taking down right wing flophouses, then realizing we don't have flophouses because we're not a bunch of smelly bums leeching off society.

Either way we win

Their degeneracy is contagious to weak willed youths and corrosive to the community at large. That they sometimes incinerate themselves is incidental. In addition to the drug use and trafficking they cost taxpayers directly with overuse of police resources and in this case put firemen's lives at risk cleaning up their mess. Fuck these people.

What's the point of non-psychedelic drugs?

to escape/dull reality

They have no self-awareness at all, do they?

Make reality fun instead.

Make anime real!

So anyone know about shit like this in the UK?
Outside of London.

I'd wager there's gotta be one dive like this in York.but fuck if I know where
Just know the council would love more shit they can knock down to replace with hotels.

Phscological warfare 101. Sew seeds of disunity, enable paranoia, increase distrust. Every newbie into one of these spaces will scrutinised, and prodded. This may have the effect that newbies don't get involved with "communities" in the first place, thus saving them the degradation of their souls that will ensue.

Why not let them roast in already available oven?

I think we should give them some extra hand.

Anime is already real, it's just we got Berserk x Attack on Titan instead of FLCL x Outlaw Star.

Most of them will operate for many years without burning down accidentally. This is a more failsafe approach to generate salt while also forcing the long dick of the law down their commie throats.

fair point I guess

But it will be.

Ephedrine and Caffeine are the whitest drug combo. The -racetams are good for memory.
There's plenty usage, until you veer into the world of benzos and opiates. That's when you're fucked, because from then on, you're going into the "fun" drug culture.

The infighting would be beautiful. No one will trust anyone, and only absolute ideological purity will be tolerated. They will start kicking their own people out based on suspicions, personal squabbles, or lack of purity. The people they kick out may even report the death traps themselves out of spite, which then further feeds into rumors of right wing infiltrators ("we kicked out so-and-so, and the inspectors were on our ass the next week!" -reddit post read by thousands of leftists). The fear we can generate is much more significant than the few places we might actually get shut down, and these people are extremely fertile ground for that fear to grow in. On top of all that, we see leftists acting more hysterical than ever, and even more normies getting sick of their shit.

>We need to be the Aggressor and not the Hunted
>We have to be serious about a bunch of things, we can theorize online forever but we have to Organize and take it to the Streets and put it into actual action. It's a Risk™, there will be Risk™ involved, it won't always be safe or comfortable says the faggot with HIV
Cuck's trying to get keywords noticed.

I went to high school with a girl that looked just like Mamimi…
Like to a T.
Was kind of cool, kind of creepy.

If you're who I've seen around a few times, I must compliment you on your extremely extensive collection of anime girls smoking.

We need to keep things safe, act upon the world, the more you rely on luck and the less you think free will doesn't exist, the more you will act like a apelings. Act, do something, things depends on your actions, have an impact and keep buildings fire-safe :^)

Imagine him giving that speech to room with 6 HIV+ fags scattered around it, his girlish timbre barely reverberating within the cardboard insulated walls.

So, say one of these buildings were to go up in smoke, what kind of exit blockages should a concerned citizen look out for? Are there any of these blockages that a dastardly arsonist could erect easily that concerned citizens should be aware of? :^)

Holla Forums:
National Socialism revival and fire code enforcement.

Tried it twice. Last time was K-holed, and watching Hellsing OVA. I can see why she likes it, but it's way way way too much for me.
Homebrew wine and stew is all I want

So, Duterte tactics?

[as] or toonami is making a s2.

yeah, in like a year
I was hyped as fuck when they announced it over a year ago

I feel like they're going to ruin it

"Protecting their own people" is what Hitler would do, you fucking Nazi.

If you protect your own people the nazis will win.

The volk must be safe from fires.


Collect your reddit salt here:


Reading the third image, some lefty talks about the alt-right being inherently irrational, while saying rave culture is about sex, escapism, hedonism and anarchy.

Yeah, you know your talking to a leftist, when they possess no self-awareness what so ever.

On a further note, how are the lefties gonna have a blood shower at their rave, if they don't have any sprinklers.

Go to reddit and create an account and post there a few times then when one ofthese places get shut down say you saw a guy acting suspicious and describe some random degenerate. Long hair, tats, white shirt for example. Everyone of them will think you are talking about some faggot hipster they know

Beware of fbi agents itt calling for you to commit arson.

Underrated post


Is this a reportable offense? Their is a place called the "Church of the three Cats" in Lansing a little ways away from me that about a year about said they experienced a small fire about a year ago. I really don't think that this building is fire-safe so I am wondering if I should call the Lansing Fire Chief and report it. What do you guys think?

Why have them die in hell when you can
==make them live in hell== after

If you think it's worth calling in then do it, no harm in being a concerned citizen.

I think you should learn to think for yourself and quit being a fucking drone.

Gee, those Austrians look absolutely terrified to be part of a single German country with other German-speaking Germans. Clearly the Anschluss was terrible.

Make it so.

Every den of degeneracy used to be something useful before. Do you think degenerates ever build (or buy) their own buildings?

This board's spirit can be described by many adjectives, but "lawful" ain't one of them. We're chaos incarnate.

Sounds like every woman ever.

Oh the hotel is still in operation.

However it's at your own risk, it's like $50 a night and apparently dangerous/gross.

The nightclub in question is that black door to the left. It's a fucking dungeon.

And think of how much more likely they are to get grids in these places

They will do that wherever tbh.

Why isn't there a uniform national fire safety ordinance?

Does that include with a sign that says "Sprinkler"?

fucking cucks on 4/pol/ banned me for helping leftists not burn to death

Did 4 pol shut it down?

Why? These are public businesses being reported for illegal activity.

There's a fucking mod over there who needs to be fired.

gook moot didn't seem to care must be some mod cucking out

it's like you didn't expect the same level of censorship as plebbit on cuckchan.

lol can't even post addresses on cuckchan. what a pointless website

I expect the mods to follow board rules.

That mod is going to get canned. He must have had his local child fucking warehouse shut down.

i might live in or near berkeley soon (trust me, i dont want to). if i end up there i'll visit some of these "art" studios and post what i find/report any violations i see.

bump i need my salt back

We're chaotic good. Aka Bane.

FBI pls go


FBI pls go, we're the safety squad. And besides the faggots seem to be doing fine all by themselves.

Crimes? What crimes? How is calling fire marshals a crime?
Here is a rave warehouse in San Diego. I am going to do some footwork on this one to gather video evidence of kids on drugs (possible criminal investigation) and over capacity (waiting for a popular artist so I can get this) and other possible violations. If anyone else wants to submit a complaint it would be helpful. The scum who throw these raves own the building and live there too.

3489 Noell St
San Diego, California

I know that place well, used to be a massive degenerate.
Place actually made me quit the rave scene. I doubt you will find fire code violations, even in my most degenerate days I was very safety-oriented and only went to places that shared that sentiment.
However, you will absolutely find gratuitous amounts of MDMA use there, people, usually girls will snort it or take it orally in the bathrooms and back areas. The guys typically take it before hand snort do it off keys in the corners/back area. Take a femanon who is down with the cause with you to try and ascertain evidence of use. Or just pose as a liberal journo and interview people while anons record on periscope. I think I might know you actually, godspeed m8. I'd join you but I prophecized an earthquake earlier this year and moved

It scares me how many well-to-do and educated liberals there are out there attacking us for trying to confront this sick culture.

It's like they're defending the absolute scum of Western society.

kek just thought of this but you could try and get them to change their logo by posing as a lib and saying the echoes make it anti-semetic.
They clearly know what echoes mean too, fucking shit was a nichan meme way back when for emphasis the same way we use ' to embolden words

It looks like somewhere loud might actually be closed down now because I can not find any recent or upcoming events on their faceberg page. I am still going to go check it out probably next weekend, who knows they might have just gotten smarter with their promotion. I did find something else that looks like an illegal underground warehouse venue. They do not list their address and it is invite only. What tips me off to it being illegal is the fliers say BYOB. Pretty sure that means unlicensed alcohol consumption in a public venue (if they charge cover for entry).

Good idea FBI. brb committing arson.

I'm conflicted, anons. On one hand, the salt generated by their dens of degeneracy being shoah'd is beautiful. But on the other hand, watching them being burned alive in fire traps of their own making is wonderful, and their removal from the gene pool a boon to humanity.

yeah, on one hand you're encouraging degeneracy on the other you're feeding into nanny state bureaucracy in lieu of people who actually own the property enforcing it themselves.

Or you could, you know, make sure your buildings aren't fucking death traps…

holy fuck

We made a new thread on Holla Forums if somebody's interrested. Argie bro is planning to spam /rwss/ threads once it would get deleted once again

Not many of these warehouses are going to catch on fire randomly, those are rare events.

But almost every single one of these warehouses can be shut down for violations of regulations.

The left asked for these levels of regulations and impose them on the general population, all while thinking it would never apply to them.




If anything Holla Forums is neutral crazy that ends up looking like lawfull good because in comparison our enemies are completely insanely utterly evil and deranged.

It's called medical tourism and it's happening in america too, all the rch Canadians ditch their "superior" healthcare system to come to the states and pay out of pocket for quality.

They want more government.
We are bringing them more government.


The government isn't growing as a result of all this. We're just bringing the government to their doorstep.

Because the likelihood of them going up in smoke is very low. How many warehouse fires do you remember in the news before that big one in California? These places operate a very long time without incident, so it's not like by reporting them to the police you're avoiding a fire. We're not really saving these people, we're just busting up their hives of scum and villainy and pissing them off to the point that they're so irrational they hurt themselves.

Already 404'd. Halfchan Holla Forums btfo yet again by the faggots at /qa/

lolbertarian detected

Show some initiative, user. Make the call.

The kind that block the exits, duh.

It's like i'm watching the Fall of Eldar live

This is cool but what will we do with legiitmate homeless vets and such that haven't been rounded up by the small guys at tthe CIA or police departments. I am sure some of them end up in these thoughtless places. They need something out of this and they will take shelter where they can get it.


This guy has the right idea. They suffer because of themselves, they thought this would never be used against them. They were wrong of course…


losing the LOTR risk version from my family has become a source of shame and anger for my family, that shit is expensive and fun


Alright normally i'd look it up myself but i can't find any.
Do you have any proof of that?

Nigger leftypol cuck mod at it again.

I think what lolberts object to is the implicit opt-in to the social contract, you know? Really, the world already is a libertarian utopia and it just turns out not everybody feels like living innawoods laboring in parallel rather than as part of a more efficient system.

How the fuck did this happen.

Everyone else abandoned it, and they were the only ones that wanted to hang out with CTR.

The cuck mod was banned, join the safety

never mind

You are not from around here, are you?

Mod supposedly got canned

Supposedly. letfypol shits say they have others in place (which I wouldn't doubt seeing as the new ones are all SJW tier at least). Be on guard and call them out everywhere you see them pol.