This art looks amazing.
Venom #150
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Is anyone else excited for this?
Is it by the guy who did the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider artwork?
Yeah, and Luther Strode.
Looks like Eddie is gonna face up against Mac Gargan.
Looks neat. Course we can't be optimistic about a Marvel book anymore. So far it has been solid. Then again, so was Carnage till the end.
It sure does
I wouldn't say amazing, but it looks much cleaner than what we've been seeing from marvel lately.
it's comfy as heck, m8
This is the only marvel IP that makes me look on in envy, except for that time I fapped to Ms Marvel
What's the best DC comic currently being published?
Please refrain from using vidya memes. The mongrels of Holla Forums should not be allowed to pollute Holla Forums even more than they already have.
triple dubs and single dubs confirm!
Nice and clean. And dynamic.
This shit is one of the many many things that ruined 4/co/.
Thanks for reminding me how fucking awful most western artists are at conveying action effectively.
fuck off, /a/ sperg.
No. I'll probably read the scans, but im not enough of a faggot to give them money
Eastern art focuses on the buildup/windup/ motion of the action. Western art focuses on just showing the action. Personally prefer the windup method but it can take up needed space on a page and just slows the artist down. Regardless, this example here isn't bad. Fuck off, cuckbunny.
It's not a choreographed one on one fight or anything but this is a good way to depict someone fighting a bunch of mooks.
I'm really pumped for this comic, I just wish Marvel didn't charge so much for their issues.
It's a shame that Trad Moore is only doing this one issue as far as I know. He's one of the best artists currently working on American comics.
In anticipation for Venom #150, I give you:
The Last Temptation of Eddie Brock
End of Part 1
I've read some of marvel's other stuff. This is significantly better.
Part 2
There are a lot of gems hidden in Eddie Brock's history.
Any requests for Brock stories to storytime while we wait for the big number #150 to arrive?
Just throw something out there user
Alright, I'll be back in a moment.
So much for a moment, eh? lol
I can't figure out what I should post.
If you are a faggot that likes wacky comics like me, it's probably Doom Patrol. Other than that, I have heard a lot of good things about Supersons and Deathstroke.
You kind of have a point. Moore handled action much better in Ghost Rider and Luther Strode.
What's wrong with the action here?
It is just a little bit disjointed and harder to follow that Moore's past work. It's good overall, especially compared to what you can find in other Marvel books.
That drop effect just looks weird . Moore should add one more panel, after the third one, that would clearly let us know that Venom has landed, but is still holding the soldier up in the air.
Motion lines from Venom's claws or including more of an arm in the panel would make it clear that he slashed prodding rod to pieces. Right now it looks like it kind of fell apart on its own, unless you pay attention to venom's arm, which is mostly off panel.
EEEEE sound background should not be constrained, to that 'background panel.' It is too obscured by everything that is going on. If it would be made into an "boundry-less" panel, it would be harder to miss and have bigger impact.
Now that you mention it I see what you mean with the third page and the sonic sounds, I'm no artist so I guess all this stuff goes over my head. To me it just looks so much more aesthetically pleasing than all the other Marvel stuff.
It's probably because the linework and coloring aren't in some disgusting co-dependent situation like most other Big Two art. You know, where the art is really sloppy on everything except maybe close ups so you need tons of shitty gradients just to make things out properly.
AntiVenom stuff, those were the best post-venom Brock stories tbhq
When is Marvel going to do another swimsuit special?
They won't, because swimsuit special would be objectifying and demeaning to women. "Beefacke covers" once in a blue moon is as close as you will get to it.
Some of the variant covers for 150.
Damn, Venom looks like *THAT*?
Nobody innocent died. After all, that horrible nurse was down right torturing poor Eddie. She had it coming, tbh.
Does anyone know the exact number of people Eddie has killed over the years? On panel that is.
He is currently working on a Alien comic for darkhorse so It will never ever come out
fuck you, that nurse looked like a qt patootie, she probably just got out of med school, young and full of hope, she just wanted to help sick people.
and Eddie fucking gutted her
Eddie once crushed a cleaning lady to death. It was a bit sad, she was just sitting in the bosses' chair while he was out pretending to fire everybody, and Eddie snuck in behind her, having been listening to some burnt-out old hippie whining about "evil corporate bosses ruining the planet have to die", and Eddie being high on mercury sewer virus (don't ask) and about as coherent as a pit bull in a spin dryer, took everyone literally, and crushed her like a bug. Like a Xenomorph Amelia Bedelia.
And I guess he murdered a few Vault guards every time he broke out, didn't he?
Really sad to see Flash go. Grew on me quite a bit, and his generic "heroic" death was kind of lame.
I'm quite interested to know as to why Marvel is bringing back Eddie if they realize Sony is putting a lot eggs in the Venom basket.
Which comic, I think I'd like to storytime that. I like the idea of Venom killing Porky scum.
Because comics with Eddie in them consistently sell well. Look at the sales for the new Venom series, it was going to shit until they brought him back. Same thing with the Flash series, anytime Brock appeared as either Anti-Venom or Toxin, sells sky-rocketed. But no significant amount of Venom fans gave a shit about Flash and Mania.
Venom Volume 2 is Agent Venom btw. Venom volume three is the current series. Issue six, the green bar, is when Eddie showed up.
Venom: The Madness limited series.
Does that mean straight up murders or kills that are justifiable? Because murdering the Vault guards and ripping unrepentant wetback heroin dealers in half are on different levels of badness imo
Once he killed a cop patrolling a church I think? He justified it because the cop was standing between him and his revenge on Parker.
Venom killing innocent people is seriously rustling my jimmies. And I always figured the symbiote to be female and not male. Thanks, Aguirre-Sacasa.
I kinda want the Venom movie to happen because that would be a reason for the copyright holder of the Marvel Comics license in my country to re-publish classic stories like Dark Protector.
Exactly, that's what the Venom haters don't get. Idiots like Bendis who think it's all about the alien, and that you can turn it into a green lantern or something. Eddie Brock is Venom, the WE is what makes Venom, Eddie and the Symbiote together. And when you separate them, Eddie is the more interesting character.
what, that makes like 3 innocent people?
he's still killed less than your average edgy anime protagonist
Of the top of my head, he's killed a vault guard, which led to The Jury being formed, he killed a cop, he killed a Jewish Journalist, and he killed a few others I can't remember. Personally I have no problem with Eddie taking out zogbots.
When are we going to get a good old-fashioned Venom vs Carnage fight?
I liked the Conway series for what it was, but the last issue robbed us of a real battle between Eddie and Cletus.
How did they get away with having Venom kill (((Sly Fenster)))?
I bet this is why Bendis hates Eddie Brock.
What issue is that?
I can't get enough of Cassidy's face in the second panel.
this one
Those are two separate issues.
Okay, I'll post some of the old Venom stuff in anticipation for 150, since David Micchlinie is returning to write a story for 150. Those three comics I posted from are all written by him.
Why Exactly?
Bendis is Jewish, Brock is a tall attractive Aryan Catholic who has killed Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, and Zog Bot cops. Every time Bendis writes Brock he shits all over his character and deliberately gets him wrong.
they know what they're getting into
need I say anything
it's the nurse and the cleaning lady that were really tragic
How did he even kill her? I don't see any lethal wounds. They just kinda threw blood everywhere.
As I recall the first image is Amazing Spider-Man #344 and the second is Amazing Spider-Man #345
Where will you be when Eddie Brock Deus Vults the ever living shit out of Kamala Khan and purges 616 of the (((Legacy))) character untermensch
The cop and the vault guard I can forgive because Venom was a new character at the time and the creators were maybe trying to find out how far they could go with him and how the audience would react.
But an unarmed nurse who just goes about her daily life and job killed by a character who hold up ideals and sentiments like Eddie Brock does? Mmmmnope.
But he was also going through a massive psychotic breakdown, possibly induced by a leftover piece of a malignant alien life form. Of all his kills the nurse is definetely the most tragic and I'd reckon the one he feels the worst about when he talks about redemption. But on that note, the fact that the hospital didn't keep his ass locked down from day one with his violent history is kinda thier own fault.
Every time I see this page I read THIS IS NOT A TRICK as THIS IS NOT A TRUCK.
Brock and Venom are the saviors of the Marvel Universe that we need.
what are the best eddie brock/venom books?
Best Eddie Books
Birth of Venom TPB
Vengeance of Venom TPB
Lethal Protector
Temptation of Eddie Brock
All appearances as AntiVenom
Toxin with a Vengance TPB from Flash's Venom run
Conways Carnage run
All his objectively best appearances, other minis and guest appearances are subject to personal preference
Yep, in my case that would be Maximum Carnage because 90s edge isn't everyone's cup of tea. Personally, I like it because I like stories in which two mortal enemies unite to combat an even greater threat.
On a different note I always wonder how Eddie perceives his environment when he is Venom. Are his senses heightened? Does he have some kind of night vision? Does the symbiote simply wrap around him or does the symbiosis take place on a cellular level?
This post makes me really want to see Eddie lead a crusade against the Inhumans.
It wouldn't be so bad if they had him feel remorse for it, but no he just lazily says that she wasn't as "innocent" as Aunt May
Hey, why don'cha storytime this arc?
Probably more or less same as normal persion, but with spider-sense and being more sensitive to high frequency noises and heat.
In comics it is usually shown as alien engulfing the host, and he or others can rip or "peel" symbiote layer off. There definitely is very direct cell to cell interaction, but it doesn't look like barrier between host and suit disappears.
guest-starring Captain Marvel, Ironheart, The Astounding Hulk, and Wolverine!
How many babies has Brock saved? I know it's at least 3.
Peter David was the first to correctly point out that there's no way Eddie's mouth could stretch so large, when he gave Venom 2099 an extra power of liquid transformation. So yeah, we can assume the symbiote is more than a skin and muscles, it stretches the host's jaw.
Also there's the "dimensional pocket" in the white spider on the chest, which Peter used to stash his clothes in. Nobody remembers that one.
But Venom's mouth isn't Eddie's mouth. The large mouth belongs to the symbiote suit and Eddie's face is underneath
Not the way a lot of artists draw Venom. Usually there's no way Eddie's head could fit inside Venom's, unless it's morphing.
Strictly speaking, if Eddie was under Venom's face, you would be able to see him when Venom opens his mouth, but I've never seen an artist pull that off.
I know a lot of brockfags consider Bagley's Venom in to one of the most definitive looks for him, up there with the classic Mcfarlene design. That's the way I've always seen it with his mouth: it actually is a part of the suit and the alien just creates a false throat that leads to his own.
Maybe it's both?
First, the symbiote wraps around Eddie and then makes contact on a cellular level - like said - and transforms him.
That's why Venom as a character is so fascinating to me. An extraterrestrial, sentient, intelligent creature which is able to form a symbiotic relationship with any other being. It's mind-blowing.
Actually, the Suit is known to literally mutilate and dislocate joints to re-model a hosts body.
The host, does not feel any pain from this, and it feels fucking grade A orgasmic, per the Toxin comic which showed us this in action.
Like, if you tally up what a symbiote is capable of, it's the best fucking thing ever, every pore in your skin clean, no blemishes, shapeshifting, fixing posture, joints, curing cancer, assisting your GAINZ, optimizing your hormone levels to function as a proper uncucked individual (erratic behaviour change Peter was so fucking freaked about, fucking loser has low test his entire life DESPITE spider powers, so when the suit fixed him he cucked out thinking it was exterting too much control over him)
Of course high Test master race are gonna be Chadlords.
Then why is Cletus still such a lanky bitch?
It's a choice thing. Kletus didn't fucking work muscle, and he's completely merged with his symbiote, they're of one mind, opposed to the Symbiote being from spess with phenominal cosmic Lovecraftian knowledge from prior hosts to assist with Bondign setup. Everything Kleutus does is from his spawn usually, he's got that whole Infect/invasion mechanic going on.
That, and his understandign of chaos is Chaotic Stupid Evil levels of silly.
Maximum carnage was basiclaly like, the 3rd Horror movie in a horror movie series where the rock is playing and it's all like Return of the living dead or when films like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, decided to stop being horror and became funhouse splatterfests, like Jason in New York, and Freddy in his last movie before FVJ.
I've seen at least one artist do this. I can't remember which one. It might have been either Erik Larsen or Mark Bagley
I thought symbiotes were sexless given that they reproduce asexually.
When marvel learns how to draw and write carnage properly.
That's a good way of putting it.
Me too. But I also think that as soon as a symbiote merges with a host which reproduces sexually the symbiote will gain an understanding of sex (as in 'gender'), relationship, family and so on. And in the course of time it could accept a sexual identity. How more intimate could a relationship between a sentient symbiote and a sentient host be?
With Cletus it seems like they're trying to make him reach his full potential. I mean if the guy wasn't apeshit off the wall crazy he'd be a potentially world endangering threat that would always require avengers level response. His symbiote gives him greater strength than Venom, but since he refuses to get Brock levels of swole to supplement the suit, he won't reach his optimal strength. His power set is so deadly but he prefers to use it to do basic slasher movie shit. If he bothered to learn a martial art hed be even more deadly close range. But Cletus is so fucking nuts he generally won't be all he can. It's something that limits an otherwise bonkers powerful character.
Lately with Carnage USA, Minimum Carnage and Conways book, it seems like they're trying to make him more like some lovecraftian monster. Which in reality of course he is with the symbiote. but his mental state should limit him to only seeing himself as Michael Myers on steroids.
The Spider-man 3 movie clearly implied that the symbiote really transformed the user's face
It's kinda disturbing, especially with the deleted skeleton ending
Spider-Man 3 was trash.
What is this noise I've been hearing recently about SM3s deleted/altered scenes? I can't find them anywhere. I know it's a decade old but I'd be interested to see them and see if they improve the dumpster fire in anyway
The novelization has all of them
The actual scenes were never properly released, I can't even remember if the blu ray had ANY deleted scenes. You can only find promo shots.
I think that Cletus would say that there's other ways to look at who is the deadliest killer and how you go about improving yourself if your goal is the get the highest body count and create the most suffering.
On paper, Bane outmatches the Joker on every level. Bane is smarter, stronger, has better trained minions, and higher grade weapons. Bane is the deadlier foe for Batman… but which of the two of them is going to be around when Batman reaches his DKR bitter old man phase?
I see Venom and Carnage as having a similar parallel to that. Venom makes the most out of his symbiote, and he's a more effective fighter as a result. But from Canrage's perspective, Eddie's morals are always going to be an invisible weight around Venom's limbs that slow him down and keep him from achieving the purity of purpose that Carnage enjoys. By being as bonkers as he can be, Carnage is unfettered and can achieve (horrific) feats that Venom never could. And he's not completely wrong in that assessment.
Which one's getting hotglued?
Not really a merch guy, myself, but the one on the far left looks cool.
If they ever make a figure of Katie Venom
Lettered preview is out
Ho-Lee Fuck they really are ignoring the last ten years of eddies stories aren't they? I was really excited for this and hopeful they could pull it off but shit man. Retcons are one thing but just straight up not addressing this massive change in his character? Bullshit
It's good old monkey paw once again. They might also be committing to the whole "Venom awakens the worst in Eddie" and make Brock relapse and bounce back over and over again, like struggling addict. He will make progress when away from symbiote and will even reject it at times, but ultimately he will succumb to it and be back to his old ways sooner or later.
DC would be improved greatly if the Joker was dead and stayed dead without any shenanigans.
Same for Carnage.
That's a trick question. You know they're all getting hotglued
Maybe it's just because I haven't read ever Venom story but this doesn't seem so bad so far. Maybe they are really going for an idea that Venom is the drug he can't kick. The lover he always thinks about and needs to feel stable. But also that it wears him thin thinking about the fact that he knows this is a bad idea.
That's a very nice apartment for someone who's currently on the run from the FBI after stealing a biohazard from them
What? Time and again we realized the Venom symbiote was Eddie's one true love. And what does it say on the first page? It's a love story.
And while the popular mainstream understands love as something good, beneficiary and positive you cannot decide love also has a lot of negative aspects.
Just go read Ovid's poem in which love enslaves all kinds of people.
This looks incredible. I'm actually going to buy it.
Dumping the rest
Backup story #1
I love little things like that.
Backup story #1
Sorry I got pozzed on that second page so I have to redo that backup
Cover gallery
Backup story #2
End of issue
Well shit. Poor priest.
I really liked how he mentioned Galactus and the effect alien/cosmic stuff like that has had on people. Makes the world feel more fleshed out than it is.
Didn't the symbiote leave the last guy because he was a murderer? This doesn't make any sense.
Spider-Man betrayed the symbiote again in the last issue in order to separate it from Lee. It got mad.
No, I don't think it's enough to turn the spess paladin symbiote into a killing machine again.
The backup story, and the main story, are both great. The Flash one sucked, but who cares?
Modman, would it be cool to make a totally new thread just for this issue, so we can actually storytime it? Or should I make a thread for all 7 issues of Costa's Venom?
This comic should have more replies, tbh.
Well Flashfags I'd imagine. Not for anything but Brockfags know why it's like to have thier boy get shafted like this so I have to feel for them a little. That was a terrible end to Flash's what was it like 7 year run as Venom? If I was a flash kinda guy my almonds would be activated.
But this issue was meh. They are straight up ignoring the fact that he's hated the symbiote for years. They don't even try to address that at all. But they are showing that Eddie isn't down with killing and wants to be better, so I'll take the good with the bad. He shouldn't drop his religion though. The best Brock quote in recent years was the speech from the end of Conways carnage book about praying for forgiveness everyday.
Micheline and Lim story was everything I wanted, it was perfect, if a little falsely advertised. They said it took place during lethal protector, but it was obviously in NYC. It's whatever, still a good little adventure back to some 90's fun.
shit, that's good. I love monsters that know they're monsters. The art in the back-up is pretty damn good.
Actually it's funny you should mention that user. I was thinking maybe that IS the reason the symbiote is so schizophrenic. What if the symbiote is so distraught over Parker's betrayal that it is basically behaving like a jilted ex-lover. That might be why the symbiote seems obsessed with Brock being a heroe, the symbiote is using Brock to try, and make Peter jealous.
The story is clearly about love, about relationships. If you've ever had a crazy girlfriend, one who does horrible things to you, but that you absolutely love, this comic really resonates. I'm guessing Costa is going with the angle that Brock was essentially hating the symbiote so much, because he was suppressing his love for it and was shameful of his love, remember in Venom:The Hunger? That whole relationship thing was played up there as well.
I have had that kind of relationship as a matter of fact. She broke up with me and I stupidly broke the heart of a wife material, Catholic, pure virgin girl my freshman year of college to get back together with her when she called. But that's beside the point. They don't even have Eddie say something like "I was in denial about it for years" any throw away line like that would have me satisfied. The way it is one the par makes me think that he just lost the symbiote and has been trying to be Venom again ever since. But I own almost all of eddies stories in one form or another, and that's not the case. I get the angle they're going for with this book, but they just can't ignore the virulent powerful outward disdain eddies shown for the thing for over a decade. At least retcon it as his denial but this issue doesn't address it at all.
I'll give you that there's a little sweeping stuff under the rug, but I bet you Costa will come up with a clever way to make it work. So far I've loved every issue of his Venom run. Hell, I'm someone who hates Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur, but I'm actually looking forward to seeing Eddie interact with them in the Stegron arc. The way Costa world builds is top notch. The FBI agents talking about mutants, the priest talking about Galactus, he makes the universe feel real.
This comic deserves to be purchased.
It's decent, but it's a shame that they seem to have undone some of Eddies development. Although they can always incorporate it in future issues. I'm also not a fan of how easily Scorpion went down and symbiote taking priest down so soon.
Sorry, although art is good and story isn't bad, buying it is still putting money in Marvel's pocket. The more money Marvel has the more damage it can do to the American comic industry. Buying writers' and artists' self-published work would be a better option.
this is a pose nobody wants to die in fucking hilarious man we love it
I get that you love Venom and Brock but you really need to stop shilling.
Moongirl is going to be in an upcoming issue. I knew not to trust this series.
See I knew you'd start shilling again you just can't help yourself can you. Just use your money to commision some brock porn off deviantart
Considering the villain is Stegron, it fits that the character with a Dinosaur friend would show up in that arc.
If only Reptil was still alive.
Son of a bitch.
Holy crap, they just keep shilling this cunt. Where the fuck did she come from anyway, it seems that she only popped up a few months ago and is suddenly popular enough to warrant a crossover?
Fucking Marvel ruins everything.
Hey, maybe Venom will eat her. Who knows.
And become racist for attacking the little nigger?
mmm little chocolate
it's the opposite, she needs to crossover because she's not popular enough
Sadly, it's true. Look at Edge of the Venomverse, it's got Gwenpool, Robbie Reyes, and Chink Hulk in it. They're desperate to make those characters popular by rubbing that Eddie magic on them. Ain't gonna happen, though.
Sounds pretty autistic tbh
Of course, Marvel desperately tries to ruin everything good. And Venomverse is their attempt to oversaturate the character and kill Costa's series with distractions.
This is the man who created Eddie Brock and Venom.
Stop shilling
What are you doing?
Why? We have a new thread.
What the hell is with all this venom shilling these past few days?
Theres a marvel marketer whose been here for some time. We call him "brockfag".
You're one guy, nigger.
And you're a faggot we call "brockfag"