Do you remember this shit.
Explain me how it happened:
Do you remember this shit
Do you guys even have your own movies? Lololol
Im pretty sure 100% and I'm not making this fucking shit up
lurk moar
But you are describing the jew?
but most cucks will die even if not killed by someone intentionally
Same thing that happened to pics related, I'm afraid.
Too soon.
Story behind this????????
Ask again in a few decades bro, its to painful for me to explain it to you right now :(
No, now. I must know the truth. If it to painful for you to explain I would assume your new to pol/
too soon dude…
god damnit.
Asian men are the most undesirable men in the world (small dicks, short, ugly) so any guy who is alpha enough to woo a white girl deserves it desu.
Are you mental? The CIA played a large role in crushing communism in the third world, and actively sold crack to black ghettos.
She used to post on pol until she was killed by blacks. She was also fucking moot for a while.
thankyou user
Wasn't that hard you pussys
i see an owl. are you annunaki?
kek this stupid fucking meme
What riding does he represent?
Dude I just made that up idk who the fuck she is
Look, asshole, I was IN that fucking thread. There was never any mention of dindus, and it was never proven that moot was fucking her, he just paid rent on her apartment before it happened. In my opinion, he was friend-zoned from the beginning, just like he was with that other gal he was pretending was his girlfriend. Dude never got any beyond whatever he drank while servicing the bulls.
Hey, kid, go fuck yourself, 'kay? You weren't there, you little newfag, and if you weren't there, you don't get to talk about her, dig?
Soros son, when you will both die?
No, we do not own land east of Volga.
I don't want to date you 3 years then live together for 3 years until you maybe decide if you want to get married or not.
I understand that marriage is a big decision especially with the current custody laws but I'm not waiting ten years for you to make up your mind.
Enjoying your vacation, leaf?
Ich bin echt deutsch. Meine Antworten beweisen es.
1. Aufgeben als Faustregel.
2. Nein nur Flüchtlinge.
3. Ich fange Sperma mit dem Maul. Zählt das als Sport?
4. I don't know what that means
5. The only thing that's behindered here is you, pally.
I can't tell if you're either a shill or a newfag but you clearly have no idea what you're talking about so fuck off.
hehehee, i know how you can stay in this country…
*unzips dick*
blackmail, power
No, not a newfag, just because I wasn't there didn't mean I don't have the right to know. Many newfag come on this board and weren't around for the sandy hook threads, or holohoax threads, podesa/ wiki leak threads or any other happening or info dump threads, should they go fuck theme self and what make you get to decide who i talk about.
its ok though becuz Holla Forums tells me their muslims are tame
I don't even think modern liberals are knowing what they're saying
The elites tell top journalists what to say, not because the elites are inherently political, rather that they're trying to keep their own power. (This then trickles down into the consumers of the media.)
Almost all of their videos are great. High quality, good original fashy music, lots of sieg heiling. It's wonderful
you and your gay friends must suck one hell of a dick if you're away that long, faggot
everybody fapped to it, but then it turned out it was a dead body. but then it turned out it wasn't a dead body but some art thing
tl'dr gay old Holla Forums shit
If you ever go on r/Canada they get extremely butt-hurt about him
And the Darwin Award goes to….
Stay cozy pepe
Lurk more, also stop posting.
Wasn't she Boxxys cousins ex?
What are you in middle school. I work two jobs you little cunt, some anons have lifes outside of pol/ unlike you.
obvously you need to lurk moar
Who is this specimen?
If you think Iran isn't secretly trying to get nukes, you're an idiot.
aww just makes me wanna walk through the ghetto at 2 in the morning and hug people
I do this very often and have a chat with homeless people. Pretty much all homeless people in the UK are white British brothers and sisters. Gotta look after our own and make them feel human.
goo' luck raisin that chil' I ain't stayin' aroun
More wars and beheadings, this is what you would do if in charge.
Typical muslim mentality.
I always do, unless they are foreigners.
they don't normally even put the infographic and graphic designers in the main byline with the author! If they get a byline at all it's on the graphic itself. Which shows that the nyt actually tried to make the article seem more well researched than it actually was, hell all three they assigned to it are barely adults. They through these kids to the wolves. Nobody credible will touch it.
Parties in general are a bad idea.
The entire concept should be removed from politics in general and it would force people to stand on their own merits.
No I isn't you aussie fuck.
Goddamned right. I'm surprised that we're the only bastion of sanity in the middle of the nation.
boss move, leaf. B^)
I agree.
Sim senhor claro
You have been baited by everyone for most of the thread.
You have also called people new while not knowing one of the most famous ancient chan memes.
Just stop man. Don't make this too embarassing for yourself.
Just let it go.
You're acting like a retard.
Remember, no russian
wait, sam hyde had a tv show?
That's cool what are you talking about. Choir versions of pop songs are fun. Hope you kill yourself soon user
you lie
are culturally alien