Fucking trees and grass is the last stand of implicit white identity
Christcucks BTFO
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made a ghostchillie pepper pizza last night
There are many degenerate Pagans as the Jews are subverting Paganism wherever possible. One such example is this : renegadetribune.com
Pagans did not exist as a term until Christianity came along my friend. Up to that point we were all simply Europeans. Then came the Jew cult and labelled heretics who refused to convert as Pagans.
If one "modern Pagan" under Semitic influence has gone degenerate it is one idiot. But, if an entire religion and cult is based on a Book which tells you from A-Z that the point of it is Jewish Conquest of the World and the establishment of a New World Order and that you, as a follower of Christ, are now a descendant of the Jew Abraham and therefore have become a Jew in Spirit and Soul … then we are talking about an entirely different problem.
>here are many degenerate Pagans as the Jews are subverting Paganism wherever possible. One such example is this : renegadetribune.com
This. paganism is a word made up by them.
Also, jews are corrupting everthing westerners like.
Even shitty christianity. If it has a western touch, it gets corrupted. See bible pic.
But they cannot kill true paganism, not even christianity could do that, and it tried really REALLY hard.
Instead the attempt to swallow of it what christianty could, and label the rest as heretical only strenghened the appropriated parts.
Millions of "good christians" observe and celebrate yule, thinking just because they're rerouting it to a desert god means they're not actually doing pagan rituals.
So the 2000 years where Europe rose to dominance were due to Jewish control? Why did the Jewish pawns keep expelling them if they were pawns?
Is concealed carry allowed in Denmark, or are you just YOLOing?
Yeah, something like that. Still, Paris is a beautiful city, I enjoyed the time spent there.
Okay, you and you're buddies go have anal sex in the woods.
Let me know in 10 years what kind of progress you've made.
Blue eyed master race
This is some pretty retarded bait
No, it was due to paganism.
The fact that "christianity was so glorious" in Europe is because the people were already top notch because of paganism.
It made them the people intellectually and soulfully capable of creating all the wonders and artworks you have seen.
Case in point: All the other tribes that got "missionaried" didn't elevate christianity as much as Europe.
It's also a reason why pretty much all things in the sistine chapel look like they could be named Apollo and Jupiter, or Zeus or Odin.
They're not semites. They're european gods appropriated by the christ people.
Who are so alien to us that they had no choice but to incorporate paganism into the religion itself.
They had to adopt it or gotten rejected.
Because semitism is not of our kind.
maybe he has two accounts?
I have one for uploading videos and one for commenting
Yes, come on ALL Christians are based and the most Red Pilled people in the world. NO Christians are degenerates or blue pilled.
Varg get your dick out of the trees
Pagans nowadays are just edgy race mixed sand niggers. You aint better than the Christians.
Can any Pagan explain to me the point of their faith? In regards to their many god/desses: what's the point of worshiping them? Are they like imaginary friends whom you sometimes "feel" the presence of? Do you do miracles? Do they teach you lessons? What's the point aside from following tradition for the sake of it?
Christians nowadays are just tolerant, open border promoting liberals. You aint better than Muslims
Hell is forever!
Being a cuck is also forever!
I have a Jesus in my heart.
He is stronger than your moloch.
He can order you to jump off the rock and you'll obey.
No, Hell ends when Christianity has been exorcised from the European spirit like the anchor it is.
It's usually just respecting some aspect of nature.
It's not required to think that way.
It's merely required not to fall to the folly of semitism.
Nothing else matters.
You can believe in odin, you can't believe in odin.
Doesn't matter. When your mind is free from Yahweh the biggest step toward coming back to your senses has been achieved.
There is no "universal sin".
There is no christian hell.
There is no need to worship, unless you feel like it. Then it will fill you with joy, usually.
(Because you will actually be worshipping something real and physical, even if you attribute a higher being or spirit to it)
Some Christians do prayers before eating.
Think of it like that.
It can be as shallow as a gesture or as deep as the deepest belief.
You can thank the deer for giving you hide, meat, bones, sinew, and so forth.
You can tell it that you will come for these things again, and again. Food in your belly and the belly of your children.
But, in return, you promise to never harm the deer needlessly. To only take what you need and always only take the physical bits.
You elave its spirit unbound and free, you do not subdue it or imprison it.
Stuff like that.
It's not about fucking trees or something.
That would probably chafe a lot and you might get a splinter. Which is retarded. Being retarded isn't good.
Then why were they forced to convert/converted voluntarialy? You'd think all the powerful tribes of we wuz paganz n sheet would have been able to resist, right?
Anything other than esoteric kekism is LARPing.
It's completely political because they're just reacting against Christianity. Thus why they're called Larpers.
Police maybe school first but tell someone the sooner the better
No, because that wouldn't fit the narrative. You are especially not allowed to point at the government officers who sold their influence in the first place.
You can apply this to pretty much anything that fills you with awe or thanks.
If you see the world as an organism, where everything works together, live and death, a circle, all interlocked.
Then it's not hard to do things like "worship the light that shines through the gaps of the pine trees on the morning after the darkest and longest night of the year" because it signals that from now on the lifegiving sun will shine more and more again.
Warmth will return, joyfulness, etc.
(This is why people put lights on the "christmas" tree, its these very sparkles of sunlight going through the needles)
(and the star up top of the tree, which is actually a pentagram, resembles the striving toward enlightenment and growing in character and wisdom)
When you sit down on a bench on a beautiful day and you see the birds playing and hopping in some bush. You can ponder how they fly, what they see, what they might think.
Stuff like that.
Maybe they figured it was just another cult.
They had so many of them back then, and it wasn't uncommon to pick and choose what the others did, if it made sense.
(A reason why the new testament is as palatable as it is, and why it exists in the first place, it's steeped with greek philosophical principles and whatnot)
Little did they know that, over the course of some several hundred years it grew into more and more of a "gluttonous hen" …and when it reached the Germanic regions, it was already evil enough for Mr "Saint" Boniface to cut down a sacred tree, and Christians doing a lot of temple ruining and shrine defiling in general.
Why do you honor your mother and father, why do you remember the names of your family and what they did?
They're part of the soul of our race, our soul, just like our ancestors, just like every far flung kinsman.
vaticanII cucks not welcome
Well, it you're not wrong.
It's political to have a chip on your shoulder when some evil assholes go around defiling and desecrating the actual cultural heritage of your people, thousands of years old and defacing it with their semite bullshit.
Even simple things like menhirs were not spared. This one is not as crude as many, though. Often itwas just a shitty cross carved into them.
Cutting the people from their ancestral strength and replacing it with a life with the knee on the pew and the hands clasped together.
Well, trying to cut them away.
It has survived rather well, after all, and it will grow back to its old glory eventually.
Semitism simply doesn't have the same power over us.
It has everything to do with it.
They're both just extreme LARPers, one is more comfortable with it than the other.
varg is it you?
That's another thing even people like "Common Filth" fall for.
CF (one of the bigger contemporary christfools) often laments trannies for "ruining the names their parents gave them".
Which is funny, since that is another pagan tradition.
Name your child after a relative, and the relative will live again through the child.
(Halloween, children, who are considered incomplete until then, dress up like the dead, because only they are allowed into the realm of the dead, go into the burial mounds, pick up the spirits of their ancestors and basically become whole that way. Then they return to their families.)
It's forever. It's Hell.
Hell is forever!
tfw no qt birch to hug and fuck
No. I'm not Varg.
Don't worry, your personal hell dies with your brain. Once that happens, you won't feel this kind of anguish any longer.
Until you either put this foolish belief away, or you die, you will remain in the hell you are experiencing right now.
The hell that turns you against what is truly part of you, and the people who truly are a part of you.
You, who has nothing but something that acts mysteriously, unless it's about punishment, then it's always hitting it's mark, all day, every day, until you let it die, or you die.
No it fucking wasn't because of paganism. How many Holla Forumsacks will make this same autistic mistake? Europe was made great because of fucking nature worship, nor was it made great because of Christianity. These are *European inventions*. Even Christianity is a European invention. As it is practiced now, it has all the trappings of a European neo-pagan syncretic cult. Worship of heroes (the saints). Veneration of an All-Father and his martyred son. You shouldn't give a shit whether it's polytheistic or not. The Redskins were polytheistic too, doesn't mean I'm gonna start worshipping the buffalo. All that matters is that Christianity has that hero-worship spirit that European paganism had. And you can stop whining about how cucked Christianity is. Of course it's cucked. Everything is. So is paganism.
Still, Christianity didn't make Europe great. Europe is great *because we're fucking Europeans*. It has piss-all to do with whatever fucking religion we practiced. We could be atheists and still be biologically great. Our strength, our intellect, our creativity, our racial superiority comes from evolution. Religion is what we invented with that mental and physical greatness.
Because the punishment is what it put into your mind.
You are punishing yourself through it.
You probably cannot wait to die so it's over and you can go "to heaven".
Thats how much it has rotted your soul away.
That you look forward to death because life on earth fills you with anguish, worry and fear the moment someone isn't the same slave to this alien deity as you are.
Even though it offers you nothing but the reprieve from the fears you blow up to that extent in your own mind.
Pitiful. Sad. Tragic.
Hell is forever!
It's Hell.
Hell is forever!
it's interesting, I live in the USA and go to a Catholic/Jesuit university. Interestingly, I've been watching these Varg videos talking about religion and spirituality, and how Christianity is a curse on our bloodlines.
I had a conversation w/ a Mexican student about how the natives of the Americas incorporated Christian/Catholic symbols into their pre-christian religions in order to shelter their original beliefs.
I just saw this video about how in Scandinavia they just call the holiday Jul, and not Christ-Mas.
I'm at a major impasse, I took a theology course, as required for the core curriculum here, on Islam, and I feel convinced of the political nature of the Abrahamic religions and as though they truly lack any real spiritual treasures.
Muhammad destroyed the Arab pagan religion. The Kabaa in Mecca existed before Islam and was considered the house of their gods, of which they had 328. Now they all pray to Allah facing it.
When he was forced out of Mecca, for agitating the locals, he went to Medina a Jewish city, during the Passover feast, and in order to gain their pity told them all they they celebrated the Passover too with the feast of Ashura.
It's just fucking bullshit when you break it down. These religious leaders are liars.
The Christian Church, Asatru, atheism, they're all cucked. Equally cucked. Asatru just seems less cucked because its hundreds of times smaller than the Christian Church. The kikes have their tendrils in everything, and everything they touch is subverted. Nothing is sacred. Fleeing the Christian Church because it's kiked and then going to paganism is like fleeing one burning building and seeking refuge in another burning building.
So instead of running away, pick one and FIX IT. This is what Europeans do: we take the shittiest structures in the world and make them beautiful. The fallen Roman Empire, in a few centuries, became the High Middle Ages. The shithole that is Africa and Asia soon became the British Empire, the French Empire, the German Empire. The savages of the Americas turned into the richest and most powerful country in human history, all because of Europeans.
The NSDAP knew this. Pagan larpers who unironically think Hitler was a neo-pagan are either shills or they're fucking illiterate. Even Rosenberg, who was actively hostile to Christianity, didn't want to do away with it. He wanted Positive Christianity, a nationalist Christianity that kept alive the Church, but reinvigorated that lost Aryan spirit. A syncretic cult, as I said before.
So stop larping. Fuck your dead religions. We always say that the Redskins got destroyed because they were inferior, and a stronger force conquered them. Well guess what? Why do you think paganism died out? It sure as hell wasn't the kikes that did it: the fact that the Catholic and Orthodox Churches (and the monarchs they consecrated) actively endorsed pogroms is proof of that. Kikes hate Christianity. And Christianity rightfully conquered paganism, Islam, and Judaism. The only reason the tide is turning and Islam and Judaism are rising again is because Whites, the race that made Christianity great, are abandoning it.
Christianity will not be great unless Whites return to it. So let's fucking return to it. It conquered the world once, thanks to us. Let's do it again.
That's heresy, user.
Drugs lmao
Why are pagans absolutely retarded? When Greeks were pagans and before Rome was Catholic, they had multiple gods and didn't do stupid degenerate pagan shit like this. I'm sure there were stupid rituals but at least it wasn't like this.
Christians are far easier to control. They follow a slave morality.
I see this misconception made every damn time. You're right about one thing, religion didn't make our peoples great, our blood did. But we're not about some universalist trash and making a jewish cult european. The religion of our ancestors sprung from our blood, not from anyone elses. Whether it's 'great', whether it's 'the best' or not is far away from the point. It's from our ancestors, our thoughts, our souls, our history.
Christians used to be cool when they used religion to enforce their own culture and didn't cuck out. For instance shitting on the kikes and removing kebab.
LARPagans are just utilitarian fedoras. Just as hedonist and nihilist, just using muh troo roots instead of muh science, in their anti-Christian quest for the Left. Neither fedoras nor LARPagans believe in anything, they are just contrarian to Christianity. They are the original Leftists, the same from the hippy movements that worshiped Eastern new age garbage. Anything but Christianity.
Of course, that's when they had more influence from their existing culture. Much of that is gone now.
Nigger are you retarded. Paganism got crushed by other europeans, not the kikes. And christianity wasn't even the first foreign religion adopted by the Romans (Mithraism, mystery cults, etc).
Moreover, there's no denying that modern paganism is degenerate, and ancient paganism was even more degenerate. This nigga running around dicking trees is probably closer to actual pagan practice that whatever larpy bullshit you're doing.
Even Christianity helped with keeping standards, dude.
If you have something you venerate and hold in high esteem about your people, then you're more prone to try and stand by these standards.
Paganism has not died out at all.
Every year christians and atheists alike keep it alive.
Every time someone uses elves and shieeeet, it is kept alive.
Every time halloween happens, it's kept alive.
Every time maypoles are erected, it's kept alive (and they do that here)
Sure, its' not "seen as pagan" but that doesn't change the fact that it's fucking pagan.
It has given us real strength and inspiration for milennia.
Indeed. Even their shit is rooted in their paganism.
of course, my point being that Muhammad utilized statemanship to build a coalition of tribes and incorporating various religious myths together into something that elevated him to a spiritual leader for people basically so he could live the high life and have many wives.
Pagans celebrate imbolc, meaning "In the belly" a fucking sabbath all about life and procreation.
Something, by the way, that rebukes sodomites and trannies like nothing else.
Because it is the one thing they cannot attain.
Christianity though:
And then you have to go on a tirade about ceremonial and moral law, and other mind gymnastics trying to balance around that dumb semite shit that has nothing to do with us.
Instead of just throwing the fag into the bog while gloating how they will never be a part of the circle of life.
Also, pagans are much more likely to create actual children of their kind.
Not so much christians and their fetish for adoption or surrogate motherhood/cuckolding for blacks.
Nigger if you think people who say that are real Christians, just go ahead and hang yourself. Hopefully Odin will come and consecrate your dead body.
Meanwhile, actual Ancient Greek and Norse pagans not only practiced sodomy but believed it to be a holy ritual.
Weak, son.
Holla Forums raiding and shilling us with christianity
Like pottery.
Yeah, our European ancestors were mudniggers fucking children and were useless "Cumskins" till your Semitic death cult 'enlightened' them right? Go slit your wrists, faggots. Your veins aren't fit for carrying White Blood if you think spitting on your ancestors is acceptable.
thats not what i said.
but anyway, its really fucking unintelligent to float on either side of the spectrum with this knowlege.
Hello Varg
too many words pasta
Should have just said Muh Dik
Don't you have a queen james bible to read while kissing some refugee feet?
Also, I'm not citing those things, the faggots that hassle the mighty street preachers time and time again are the ones citing that.
Citation needed.
Well, I already know the citation, it's that homosexuals jews book, isn't it?
With Odin swallowing semen or someshit?
Yeah, guess how accurate that is.
There was some "crossdressing" though, but not for sexual purposes, but more like "mimicking the call of a horny coyotess as a modern hunter to blast a slug into that varmints skull while it stands to listen".
That asatru stuff, etc. Some spirits are androgynous, so people took on the guise of the opposite sex to be androgynous as well and therefore gain control of the spirit.
It's why wizards even today, are commonly associated with robes, a female garment.
This "fantasy" shit is very often not just a coincidence.
But everybody keeping the flame of paganism alive and well.
Nice meme. The third image shows they are shilling LARPaganism.
Alright, so it wasn't universally willing. There were many willing converts (Lief Ericsson, Miesko I, Constantine), but there was also much forced conversion. Christianity has always done forced conversion. Just look at the Phillipines, or the americas. It has always been a warriors religion (and not just warriors, but White warriors).
And yet with your dying breath you will call Christianity
By the personal union they were kinda like part of Hungarian Kingdom
Well, no shit.
He's a hawk. Trump campaigned against overthrowing dictators left and right. Why we should accept a dipshit from the Bush administration is beyond me.
Your death cult's Abrahamic sibling, Islam, is also a "Warrior religion" with conversion at the sword. That doesn't change the fact the non-Semitic Abrahamists are cucks who bow before the Jewish demon YHWH.
u mad
and u probably circumcised.
your flesh offered to a jew god.
LARPagans and fedoras are schizo on Christianity when they attack it. It's either a cucked weak slave morality system, or a strong conquering force against those kind-hearted gentle pagans that dindu nuffin. It depends on what angle they feel like pushing.
Your next line will be: I was only pretending to be retarded!
Because her mother was a crack whore with no job, if you're following along.
What the fuck is with this "death cult" meme?
Is christianity a cucked slave moral system? Or is it a murderous death cult?
I happen to think a religion willing to kill Saracens and heretics in order to keep itself alive is the opposite of slave morality.
Anyone claiming Modern Christianity isn't cucked is a nigger. But modern paganism is cucked today as well. So don't flee the former just to find the latter. And if you thought atheism was your spiritual refuge, try again. It's spiritually barren, and cucked to all hell as well.
Christianity destroyed art for a millennia. We went from Hellenistic Greek and Roman masterpieces to shit that looked no better than cave paintings. The artwork of the Renaissance was not because of Christianity, it was in spite of it. The only thing Christianity brought was the fall of the Roman Empire, a sharp decline in literacy, the loss of technological developments, decreased standards of living, and the subsequent invasion of Muslims. When a people adopt a slave morality and place it above survival, then they doom themselves to subjugation and ethnic cleansing.
muh glorious wood longhouses
muh surprisingly low number of written texts
we wuz romans n shit
It sure lost its balls during the countless reformations and shisms and blablah.
All becaus of the semitic kernel of shit that no european and their descendants feel any connection to, aside from "well I'm a contracted christian now and these are stipulations"
it's purely bureaucratic.
Although it also gives all the faggots an air of warped legitimacy because they can pontificate about it all day, soundind smart.
Like your average commie with their 40 different books that prove how smart they are (and not at all prove to be great kindling that comes prepackaged with every commie to be purged in the near future).
Waxing on and off about the most inane shit, like the trinity, or what this parable means or that parable means.
All while your life trickles away and the energy you do create from the pagan strength wrapped inside the web of lies that is christianity, is rerouted to a volcano demon instead.
Tragic. Pitiful. Sad.
Excellent post.
Say what you like about pagans.
At least they are not washing the feet of niggers or buying property for the enemy.
All the images talk about raiding pol with christian threads. Try harder.
Muh sandstone huts.
Muh wandering in the desert.
Muh plagues.
Muh high tech donkey jawbones.
Muh sand.
Muh foreskin.
Muh fragile clay tablets.
Muh advanced incendiary bushes.
Muh laying around like a lazy nigger on sabbath
Muh muh dumb desert shit until Europe made it greater than even the homeland of christianity could have ever made it.
Roman villas were built even in Britain before the fall of the empire. What replaced it was nothing more than collections of thatched roof stick huts.
Rome was built before christcuckery ever arrived. Some like to forget that, but I don't.
Nothing to say, let the facts speak for themselves.
Since when were they invalid? Just because the identity politics that SJW's espouse is wrong doesn't make the underlying discourse of identity politics wrong or meaningless.
Niggers are greedy.
No it didn't.
The Romans/Byzantines didn't stop making art after the fall of Rome. And Germanic Christians made nice art as well, look at the stuff from Sutton Hoo ya goober.
Then tell me why there is such a wealth of texts from pre-Christian Europeans? ;^)
muh dark ages
Compared to what, exactly?
Because they expanded into Europe solely because of Christianity? They definitely didn't attack non-European Pagans in Africa and Asia, no sirree. And the proud white Viking pagans sure didn't have a problem murdering and enslaving other whites + Pagans.
Everyone in your country is a massive pussy.
Why do whites need gangs?
Your spamming does nothing, Anti-Kekite.
Soon, your demon god YHWH will be destroyed with its progeny in Israel, and your fellow Christcucks will die protecting the Jews.
Except many of them are.
Religion today is kiked. The Jews are everywhere. Nothing is safe. Nothing is sacred. We need something that is by its very nature is going to remain unkiked.
If you think that Roman Catholicism, a religion beholden to a global organization with Philosemitism deeply rooted in it, is going to save our race, you're wrong.
If you think Protestantism or paganism or atheism, all decentralized religions that have no code for enforcing spirituality or moral values and allow individuals to interpret them liberally, will save our people, you're wrong.
Rosenberg himself said that the creation of a nationalized Christianity, an ethnic Christianity, a Positive Christianity, was necessary to save the race. The Christian moral structure of kindness, charity, and obedience to traditional morals must be the foundation of a functional White society, but it cannot exist without the ethnic pride and master morality that it has been lacking.
Stop trying to resurrect dead religions. Stop trying to say that Christianity is not pagan. Christianity, in the Christianization of Europe, embraced many pagan elements.
And for the love of God, stop saying that cucked Christianity is a lost cause. EVERYTHING IS CUCKED. This country is cucked. This religion is cucked. Our race is cucked. Does that mean you're just going to fucking give up on whatever the Jews touch?
Paganism will win every time with that.
Not only do many pagan cults have those, but you're also mistaken on a completely secular level.
Life on planet earth is very difficult, it's a very hostile planet.
Anything that makes living like that more difficult is objectively bad.
Thieving, murdering, deceit, gluttony (when you are in a small tribe, this can be bad) etc.
Also, Christianity is hardly a good reference for morals.
Unless you also bring the required 46 theologians who will all squabble over meanings for days the moment someone says something like:
Well, I come to turn father against son and so forth, how is that good?
I don't think so user, that was later Rome, which gave way to the Byzantine empire, which you faggots love so much. Modern Greeks are shitskin Christians thanks to the Orthococks Church
Just nuke it instead. Twice to be sure.
Yes, it did:
"Blah blah blah, before my Sand demon 'enlightened' you "Cumskins", you were illiterate dirt savages who couldn't keep written texts, especially not those stupid Romans. If you want REAL culture & progress, just look to the Levant goy!"
Trump promised to see Clinton persecuted for her crimes against the American people. She needs to be made an example of, to show that nobody is above the law, and nobody will get away with backstabbing our nation and its citizens, now or ever. We need to hold Trump accountable to this promises, this one especially. Trump needs to be a president who acts on behalf of the American people's will and best interest.
To say we, the American people, "don't care anymore" couldn't be more wrong.
Fuck the theologians, fuck the Church hierarchy, and fuck the Pope. Nationalize the Church and make Christianity an ethnic religion.
Because if you think the millions of White Christians in America are going to give up their faith overnight just because we've vowed to save the race (something most Americans have never bothered identifying with before), then you really are larping.
Neat. I didn't know a board like that existed.
But they wouldn't be giving up their faith if they practiced paganism.
Many of them practice and observe pagan rituals every year.
They would merely shed the unecessary semitic kernel of shit that doesn't apply to them, has any relation to them, or any benefit to them.
They're not jews. It's for jews. Which they are not.
And you really expect to make them race realists when they've been taught for generations that being christian means remembering the 60 gorillion and bending over for every dindu and achmed that wants in the country? Because that sounds much more realistic.
Well you're welcome. I hope you can spread the word about it.
But what, exactly, IS the Semitic kernel? Is it fraternity? Is it obedience to traditional moral norms? Is it loving one's neighbor?
Because I swear to heaven, do NOT say "Because it's foreign." Christianity was not practiced in its hearth for centuries after it left. It didn't spread from Israel, it LEFT Israel. Just as Europeans left Europe and came to America, and in so doing became American. Your logic, followed to its conclusion, would suggest that America still belongs rightfully to the Redskins. If Europe still belongs rightfully to the pagans (a conquered people), or if Christianity still belongs to the Jews (whom it left completely).
As an agnostic outsider to this shit, it's incredibly clear to me that this anti-christcuck, anti-pagan war going on here is D&C as fuck.
You faggots need to shut the fuck up and calm down. Report D&C threads and move on.
Ban LARPagan threads and it will go away. LARPagans are the loudest, most insignificant minority man has ever known. They aren't called snowniggers for no reason.
Anything that is related to semites is the semitic kernel.
Semitic laws, rules, traditions.
If it's not european, it's not european.
And you don't say, please, "it grew up in Europe and therefore is european".
They say that about muslims and niggers, too, but they still have names like
Achmed Al Samhydeen or Obongo Ningkigga.
As long as DEUS VULT LARPers are banned too. Both are bad.
Christian threads are always made in retaliation. You're showing your bias, user.
This. Find God, whatever that means to you as we're all white and it means something similar.
We can argue semantics after we get rid of the semites. We have real, tangible issues right now.
The Kernal is its Semitic stories and legends like the false book of Exodus in the OT, its Abrahamic dominionism that demands the death of every non-Abrahamic theology including native European, and most of all, its Semitic demon god YHWH. And it would be fruitless to attempt to divorce these things from Christianity.
And people convulsing in an exorcism is made "in retaliation" to being exorcised.
It's just the struggle of a parasite wanting to stay in the host while winding its fetid tendrils around the organs (the pagan bits).
Fuck off, shill. I guarantee you're part of the problem
I agree. All of this shit is irrelevant until we remove the semitic parasite.
Mods sind Schwuchtel und können kein Deutsch.
Christianity is the semitic parasite
So there fine with self hating niggers?
Latvia is the worst Slav country.
Unfortunately the semitic parasite is being given free room and board in the mind and spirit of too many of our racial brethren.
Always the nigger that tries to claim neutrality.
Golly, I forgot they stopped writing things down once Constantine converted! But please explain why muh pagans hardly left any written texts. Go ahead, I'll wait while you just ad hom friendo.
notice how almost all the art tlinked is in Italy, Greece and Egypt! Muh pagans must've been really prolific outside the Mediterranean!
I still can't get over the constant mewling over a dead religion. In every other conceivable issue, Holla Forums is exactly on the money: the justice of conquest, the right of power, the truth of National Socialism.
But as soon as you get to religion, suddenly, we start fawning over a people and a religion that was conquered. How exactly do you think it was conquered? Because it sure as hell wasn't the kikes that did it.
Power is right. Christianity exists in Europe, paganism no longer does. Resurrecting things that were bred out or beaten is a dysgenic way of thinking and I simply do not understand why we waste our time on something so stupid.
I can't understand why Holla Forums isn't full throttle Christian, when we have the Scandinavian implosion happening right in front of our eyes. This is why our ancestors converted in the first place. When you kick Christ out of a culture, the void is filled by demons. This man is possessed, it's fucking obvious.
You mean all the Germanic runes and stuff, which are all banned in Germany, unlike Christianity.
Even though Christianity is often implied in giving Hitler power.
Something doesn't add up.
And that is the christian part.
And, again. Paganism has not died.Especially not in Europe.
As feared, "cuck" no longer has any meaning on this board.
Hey, genius: this would only be a cucking if this guy was dating all of Christianity and then decided to start fucking holes in trees on the down-low without first telling Christianity that they weren't in a monogamous relationship.
It's not dead, because we aren't dead. It won't die until the last European man is slain.
There was no morality before the jews, eh?
gee i wonder why
To be honest their are a few passages that we would have to remove before considering it as a state religion
Are you retarded? Do you even know what demons are to Pagans?
Personally all I care about is fixing our countries.
If "Might is Right", then why aren't you a Communist when the USSR obviously had more might than Nazi Germany?
Are you implying pre-Christian Rome wasn't, by definition, "pagan"? Are you also implying that the burning of "pagan" texts did not happen?
Behold, something "dead".
Only, it's very much alive.
Granted, it also got sucked into christianity again, but if you paint a brick like cake and eat that brick, you're still eating brick, not cake.
You can praise the lord all day every day, but if you're doing pagan shit, you're doing pagan shit.
No matter how many angels you anally impale on the yule tree instead of the star.
they have fat nigger lips and fat nigger noses sorry but,
You'll get a fight soon with Catholic/Orthodox vs Protestant.
Just get a good study bible from a good bookstore and go.
Get some background info on each book as it makes it better to read.
NIV study bible or something similar, inb4 KJV only faggots.
Each popular denomination in Protestantism has it's liberal branch and conservative branch really. And there is a ton of non-denominational churches.
Study the reformation to see where you come down and go from there.
Yeah, paganism in Europe sure is thriving. What with your festivals of a few dozen people and the constant "No Racism in Asatru" campaigns.
Stop peddling this "Christianity alone is the Semitic influence on Europe" fallacy. You want to know who the Semitic influence on Europe is? It's the fucking Semites. And guess who the Semites hate? Actual traditional Christians. They fear them and their rituals pathologically, and seek to destroy them. The kikes don't mind the Catholic Church anymore, of course, since they've already defeated it. But the grassroots practice of Christianity itself? They campaign against it with their every breath.
Jews fear real Nature religions more:
Honest question here, you Euros are aware that America was fucking founded on Christianity right?
Do you honestly think you can convince them to abandon that religion for one most of them aren't familiar with in the slightest? One their ancestors likely weren't familiar with in the slightest? And if you do for whatever fucking bizarre reason do you not see how similar that is to the semitic religious conquest you're complaining about? It legitimately does not fucking matter right now. You're focusing too much on irrelevant details for some god instead of the ideals they stand for.
We might be able to take the cuck out of christcuck, but I guaran-fucking-tee you no matter how hard you try you will not take christianity out of USA in you or your children's children's lifetime and there are a whole hell of a lot of whites across the pond over here who are absolutely pissed off right now.
Do you not see how all of this squabbling is totally irrelevant right now? Its pure fucking D+C bullshit and you are taking the bait hook line and sinker.
Yeah, because it's full of paganism.
The sun wheel does six million damage when hitting a semite.
Christianity though? They loathe it because of the pagan influences, but they don't fear it as much.
They know how easy they can corrupt it since it's about them, jesus or not.
But the moment you take the things away that connect them with christianity, and only leave them with an equally alien foe, full on paganism, they have nothing as a defense.
White christians also observe a myriad of pagan traditions and festivals.
You see the mask of the semite and think the semite did something for you.
Just like how israelis think they're hot shit when it was goyim giving them aid all the time.
They will always choose their abrahamic faith over their racial brethren. I don't want to believe that, but at this point I don't see any other conclusion to draw.
Let me let you in on a little secret. Christianity was the original vector of the semitic virus into Europe. We endured, and we made ourselves great. The reason your bookbuddies are trying to subvert you now too is you're now useless to them. Christianity was their attempt to tame European man. It failed. Now they figured out we all have to die and be replaced.
Sorry Christian, your candidate Ted Cruz lost. Also, Merkel is the leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.
Because worshiping a foreigner leads to enslavement to that foreign race. The 'void' left by removing Yeshua would not exist without the Semitic cultural hegemony in the West caused by Yeshua. The Abrahamic tradition is garbage tier as far as religions, proto-Marxist filth meant for subverting European nations from its very inception.
All Christcucks are race traitors.
Christianity conquered your pagan shit and we made it all celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Again, you're wrong.
If christianity did not adopt paganism, it would have been rejected.
Otherwise ALL pagan things would be considered heretical.
But that's not the case now, is it?
No, it's not.
So easy to tell there's a shill making this post.
and weep, you obfuscating nigger.
Heh. "Might is Right" indeed.
Also, no self-respecting Christian believes nature is not sacred. God communes to us through nature. But as for your so-called "nature religions," in which nature is the only expression of God, you're essentially a redskin at that point. You can't perceive or understand God at any level beyond the physical, i.e. you only see Him in nature and in plants and animals, and thus that's the only form of God you choose to believe in.
Also, christians were fed to lions.
Hofer lost the FPÖ.
Patton got fucked by Eisenhower.
Homosexuality conquered the Bible (Queen James Bible)
Et cetera.
"Donald Trump & the Christian Vote":
Yes, you race traitors murdered your own kin over the worship of a Semite. You destroyed the traditional cultures of Europe which were legacies of the pre-Younger Dryas super-culture rather than Semitic filth like Abrahamic culture which has no truth to it. You put your countrymen under the yoke of Semites so that you could all worship a Semite. A thousand years of stagnation followed, and only now are our peoples awakening to the truth which you race traitors still try to hide.
A hundred years from now, Cuckstianity will be rightfully labelled as the source of liberalism and degeneracy in the West.
Why does it have to be one or the other? Why the fuck can ethnic Christianity or nationalized Christianity not exist?
reminds me of this
Also why Ethiopia is such a paradise. It's Christianity that matters, not blood doncha know.
Because in the end you're still giving jewish ideals, jewish stories, jewish ancestors reverence. It will always manifest itself eventually.
Also, the jew never had civiliation, it always gets rejected in the end.
Even with all the patches they did for west, propping it up with actual ancient power of our people.
It's falling apart.
It made it take longer, but jew inventions simply can not survive in western civilization.
The christians on here wax on and off about people waking up regarding the jew, how people are not going to be duped by them any further, but then they completely miss the ginormous beam in their sleepy eyes.
It's sad.
But they cannot stop this.
"Fedoras and LARPagans love nigger dick"
Great board, user.
No, fuck those faggots.
Wrong. You venomous Abrahamists always talk about Nature as "Wicked" and a "Fallen Creation". Lying is a Jewish trait.
Once again, who the fuck is saying this? Point me to the Christian National Socialist or the Christian Holla Forumsack who says blood doesn't matter. I've said over and over again in the last twenty fucking minutes, we need ethnic Christianity. Did you just read that and go "Nope, not good enough."
You're basically doing the same thing. "Nope, blood's not good enough for our ethnostate. We also can't be Christian. An all white christian society just isn't good enough."
If you consider the efforts of liberals for the last 50 years as anything other than this you insult them.
Urban planning, affirmative action, busing/starburst, and all other forms of social engineering imaginable.
Are you really going to sit there and deny their struggles and sacrifices to force integration?
Christians destroyed countless libraries, ampitheatres, paintings and sculptures.
You celibrate the saints who were smashers of "pagan idols".
Your entire church belives the torah (old testament) when they say the earth is flat.
Your entire religion is based around jewish teachings of morals and dogma and not science and understanding.
In fact, the christians who burnt roman libraries were also the ones who championed not bathing and no painting or singing ever.
/christian/ go home
Well, whose feet would they lick if the niggers died out, after all?
Cuckstianity is ethnically Semitic, it will always serve Semitic interests and its adherents will always serve Semites.
Impossible outside of a Semitic ethnostate for the above reason.
Europeans survivors of the Younger Dryas handed them civilization along with the rest of the Canaanites, Egyptians, Chinks, Amerindians, etc. This is part of the history which Cuckstians are helping to suppress. They are tacit in the coverup of the truth of our race, just another example of how all Christcucks are race traitors.
Im posting on Holla Forums. does that answer your question?
well, actually I was shitposting a bit. there are so many of them that they will form ghettos either way, and we will have lots of crime, yes.
but I'd say we're still fairing better than france, and I think part of it is being more tolerant.
basically if you want to be intolerant you should go full genocide, otherwise you're just gonna fuel violent crime like in burgerland
No we dont. We never need anything christian and christianity is responsible for destroying european culture as a whole.
Christianity never unified us against anyone. Charlemangne was busy murdering germans and wouldnt help the spainiards who were invaded by muslims.
The crusades were an utter joke, you captured the capital and killed its civilians when they surrendered. None of them even were barring christians from jerusalem.
Christian priests used galeleos own books to write down "scripture" that had the basics of calculus on it.
omg look at all the fake news
I'm gonna need a sauce for that please.
I meant historically. Obviously it isn't the whitest faith now, that's the whole fucking problem. Whites are fleeing it and the Judaized Church is constantly seeking out colored converts. Which is exactly why, as I said many times already, we need an ETHNIC and nationalized state Christian Church.
To think that the peace symbol is an inverted life rune, too.
Malevolence of anti europeans know no bounds.
But we still have the original powers.
So smug.
how do you get half delegates
Oh, it's Pagan chan.
Eyes as blue as the sky, cloak tinted like the evergreen forest.
And it's christcuck man in the front, A warped white man with the semitic demon in his eyes.
Look how worn out he is.
Post more Pagan chan.
Cuckstianity is ethnically Semitic. It is non-white, anti-white. A nationalized state Cuckstianity will be the form of a Semitic ethnostate in which any non-Semites are slaves. Oh wait, that describes exactly what Cuckstianity has done to Europe and most of the world at this point.
All Christcucks are race traitors, and the end of this Kali Yuga is the eradication of Semites and Semitic ideologies.
Fourth browser result:
It's like you WANT to help the kikes.
We have to erase all signs of European religion and history including the runes and replace them with Jewish scriptures.
It always confused and amazed me how societal pressure can get people to worship and share Jewish stories. I grew up with no direct exposure to Christianity. To me, it seems perverse to worship other cultures. I suppose if you are able to paint a picture and make the person look like them, then that is good enough to fool a person into feeling connected to it.
White christians in the USA have sent 38billions in aid toward israel.
Again, point me to the Christian on Holla Forums who actually believes this.
It's ironic that I don't have to show you the degeneracy in Christianity or Atheism, you already know about it all. But you find much joy if you can find one degenerate within our ranks.
I actually will thank you though because your are actually trying to help build strength in us by pointing out the degenerate.
All in order to build a more perfect Realm is how I see it.
Obviously not a real pagan since they used to bury faggots like him alive back before Christianity took over and forced Aryans to stop killing homos and other sexual deviants.
Yes, LARPagans are this hilariously stupid. LARPaganism is like the Talmud for snowniggers. You'll notice they aren't content with white nationalism, but always want to wipe the other races off the face of the planet. Truly the saviors of the white race.
Also, all the needless genital mutilation in the name of Christ.
Even though it's not even necessary.
But many, many christians know nothing about their faith.
And why should they? It's bureaucratic, alien desert shit they believe they need to go to heaven to be free from the jew steeped world of anguish.
Pretty good, nice inverted cross hand gesture.
Heh that's a rebuttal, I were a bit hasty.
Have another:
The thing is, there's so many more than just a few. Your religion is simply several hundred times smaller than Christianity.
You have NO moral superstructure. You have nothing to ensure people behave morally other than trusting them to do so. There is no enforcement arm. There are no legal texts, no established religious doctrine, and minimal rituals. That is nothing to build a society on.
Which they, themselves propagate all the time.
It literally says so in the bible, friend. No other gods but Yaweh.
Perhaps you should read the bible, i guarantee you will stop being a pretend christian real fast.
Christians don't have either.
Go ask the WBC and co.
wtf i hate white people
now i'm a #jewsmissile
A country full of white pagans? We've converted those before, and we'd love to do it again. Beats the shit out of converting those other countries – just ask the Nestorians.
Actually we do, it's called the 9 virtues. If you bothered to read anything non-semitic perhaps you would've known that.
What, did you think these missionaries brought their Christianized pet niggers back to civilization with them?
Also, that feel when pagans always have the superior reactionimages.
Ignorance is something you're proud of, I see.
Confirmed for illiteracy.
You do realize that the ultimate joke is that "LARPagan" is a much better description of truth and spiritual reality than ANYTHING ever to exist in the Abrahamic tradition, right? Cuckstianity is an out of control UFO contactee cult. It fits the same patterns right down to Yeshua being abandoned on the cross (the ultimate betrayal of the trickster spirit whispering to him) and Saul having his eyes swell shut after the radiation exposure of the entity he encountered. Cuckstians have swallowed bigger lies than the holohoax itself, and yet try to argue as if their very arguments are not signs of their own ignorance, invalidity, and lack of respectability.
All Christcucks are race traitors. They have accepted a foreigner into their soul, foreign ideals into their heart, and foreign ritual into their myths. All those shrouded in the blessing of Europa know that this is the combination which is most unacceptable, the greatest danger to the ethnostate.
Christianity became useless to them mostly becuse of how much more effective mass media was at controlling people. Now cuckstianity is mostly used just to suck dry of shekels the rest of the adherents of their dying desert cult. Cuckstianity is also a big thing in some parts of africa where they are robbing the populace blind, it's quite funny to watch.
its ok though becuz Holla Forums tells me their muslims are tame
"pagan" is to Christianity what "goyim" is to Judaism. It's an insult.
Christcucks can't compete.
And, as you faggot have stated, "in recent times, christianity "conquered" paganism"
Which means "recent times" is what matters.
Ergo, I am right, you are wrong. A trend that has been continous ever since you had the foolish compulsion to try and partake in anything "combative" here.
Good argument, i will be christian from now on, long live Yaweh and his chosen people the jews.
Very good post.
Hel is the daughter of Loki.
Those who find themselves there will not last long.
"A land not pierced by thought the region of the dead where all things are forgot."
If you speak of Inferno then you should use the proper wording. Or its Hebrew cognate if you mean that instead.
But it's not uncommon to refer to ourselves as goyim when taking the piss out of someone.
Correct, the word pagan was primarily used to describe rural folk in medieval europe who were seen as "ignorant rednecks" for not following christianity. Kinda like leftists consider anyone racially aware an "ignorant redneck", without a single sign of self-awareness, like christians.
In recent times, edgy contrarian nihilists such as yourself have also taken pride in ignorance. Congratulations on having such peers as middle school teenagers and jewish media personalities.
Here is some actual "enlightening" information that LARPagans hate to see:
Oh, yes. You converted them really good.
Embed couldn't ahve more pagan symbolism if it tried.
All those lights, stars, evergreens, snow men, it's almost TOO pagan.
What you need to understand is that European traditions and religions NEED to be destroyed. Look what happened with the Nazi's. They started worshipping the old European Gods and the symbology of their ancient forefathers. They had to be destroyed for going against Yahweh.
Never again can we let Europeans have their native religions, their souls back. They MUST serve only Jewish religions and Jewish God. I gave my soul to Rabbi Jesus, he is my saviour. I denounced my European blood, it is filth. I serve the book of Jews now. And I WILL kill every white man who refuses to bow down to Jewish doctrine.
Just serve the chosen people. They will lead us into the promise land. Be humble lambs and be guided by Rabbi Christ for he is our shepard and lord.
There is, read Tacitus.
There is a reason why Protestantism exists and the Saxon in Angloland turned away from the Pope at an early date, the conversation was never as complete as the Christians like to point too.
Link is where screenshot was taken, find some time to read it. You might find you think in a similar way.
Of course the only ones being able to fight back where the uncucked pagan infused christians of Europe.
I'm not surprised.
Because chasing lust will lead you to eat baby brains one day.
But, user, Spaniards aren't white. Right?
i dont see how those are mutually exclusive
France is on that list at least five times, but the problem in France today is that there are Semite barbarians on the streets and Semite schemers behind the institutions. France was renowned as the most Christian of all Christendom, and at the same time for the most filthy and hopeless conditions of its serfs.
Why do you even keep reposting that list? It simply shows how dishonest and ineffectual Cuckstians have been. You've accepted Semites back into the country after every expulsion, and that effort is always done in the name of the Semite you worship. So where is the Cuckstian nation from which Semites are forbidden today? The Cuckstian state of the Vatican shills for them.
The second main unbiblical belief held by Christian Identity followers is that the end times and the return of Christ must be “ushered in” by a genocidal war. Interestingly, this belief fits more closely with the TEACHINGS OF ISLAM than of Christianity. The Bible teaches that Christ will return to set up His kingdom without the aid of mankind. The aforementioned passage in Zechariah makes this clear, and it is supported in numerous other passages. Revelation 1:7 says that “all tribes” will witness His coming. Titus 2:13 was written by a Jewish man (Paul) to a Jewish church, as they were all joyfully anticipating Jesus’ appearance. There is mention that “wars and rumors of wars” would occur before the end (Matthew 24:6), but there is no indication in Scripture that the Jewish nation would have to first migrate to northern Europe.
Furthermore, there is no biblical reason to believe that non-white races will ever be eliminated by the hand of God or by His true followers. In fact, the New Jerusalem in heaven will house all nations, and the kings of the earth will bring the glory and honor of the nations into it (Revelation 21:22-27).
The Lord has always protected the sojourner and the foreigner (Deuteronomy 27:19; Isaiah 56:1-8) and though He commanded Israel not to marry the daughters of foreigners, and so be tempted to worship their idols, He has always drawn, and will continue to draw, converts from other nations, tribes and tongues (Ruth 1:16-17; Revelation 7:9). What distinguishes these converts from those who reject God is not their skin color, but their acceptance of His offer of forgiveness through the shed blood of Christ on the cross. Favor with God is a matter of the heart, not a matter of race or nationality (Galatians 3:28-29).
France was described as the most christian nation in europe at the same time that it allied with the ottoman empire to help it invade europe. Look it up, i'am not joking.
Napoleon also emancipated the jews, just like a certain Briton.
At least Napoleon later on realized how retarded that was.
A fate that will elude
Probably forever.
I should add, he cucked out and said "all children".
Kill yourself, omega degenerate
Gas the kikes race war now
dank meme bro! stupid fucking traditionalists BTFO LOL.
I fucking hate European tradition. SO glad christians destroyed nearly all of it and erased their culture. We are the lambs of Christ. We exist to serve the chosen people of Israel.
All those who refuse the book of Jews need to be executed just like in the dark ages when we erased our entire culture only to replace it with what our Jewish masters imported into Europe. I havent washed all year. Water is evil. Christian tradition is true tradition. We have to be filthy like Jews.
The history of nativism in Europe for the past thousand years has been people rebelling against the horrors which Semites permitted to be unleashed against them, only to have their very victory turn over control to those Semites once more so that the cycle of leveling can begin anew. Reclaiming country for the volk only to have the parasitic institution of the Semitic church revive the trends which led to destabilization in the first place. Most people can't see the patterns behind the machinations, and so never understand the Semitic problem until it is too late.
Who preserved what little tree worshiping writings were around?
I tought it was: Eat the Rice Pay the Price
Christians should roll with Gnosticism at the very least. Christianity is just a dead weight around their necks.
Nature is evil. Never trust it. Only trust the bible, it is the word of God.
Nature worshippers serve the devil. They worship strength and cleanliness. We have to burn them to death in the street. Everything they learned from nature is satanic. Go against natural law. Turn the other cheek, tearful meek. Serve your rabbi Jesew and you will surely go to heaven!
Do you actually wonder why people laugh at LARPagans?
You laugh because you're entirely disconnected from nature, your ancestors and ancestral land?
thats a brazilian not a Poo
Afskaf licens.
The problem with gnosticism which will make it forever heretical is that it eventually leads to the invalidation of Christianity itself. Yeshua's entire saga is a bloke getting pulled along by a trickster spirit, fed a sliver of truth and tons of nonsense until it collapses around him. Saul gets the ol' "mindraped into a conversion by a searingly luminous entity". The NT is really a fascinating record of superspectrum activity, but the entire point is that every folk tradition views such things as misleading manifestations of the greater truth.
I mean, FFS people were ASKING for an uncucked Christianity, and they reject Gnosticism as soon as you bring it up.
A few simple questions here for any Christians: when will you guys return to doing what you did before? Why did you stop burning "heretics" and fighting mudslimes? Why is there so much focus on Jesus' love when it is apparent he did not come to make peace, but rather to divide, bring death and war? Why is love a good thing?
That must be why things have been getting so much better since 1900 with Christianity diminishing in importance.
Just look at Europe: Sweden has tons of atheists is building walls and not a single rapefugee, the east block countries are relgious and are swarmed with them.
Is this what you actually believe?
What is gnosticism?
Not saying they aint you dumb fuck. But your forest role play or sitting in a church wont save your asses. What happened with crushing skulls, living off the land and kicking out sand niggers.
Both sides are retarded nowadays, none is better than the other and only a big fucking crash will filter out the retards.
As said in my first post these contrarian niggers will choose literally anything besides Biblical Christianity. Hitler was right about them, and I'm not even a natsoc fag.
They really are Leftists, whether they be Holla Forums shills or actual /asatru/ snowniggers.
we nuked the wrong people
Because it's about undermining him. It's the faithless electors thing. And faithless public. They will never think he is legitimate.
We need to fight this
Ask a Gnostic. I just brought it up because it allows Christians to keep reverence of Jesus while at the same time completely rejecting all the Semitic elements of Christianity. Yet they are still unsatisfied for some reason that I can't understand. Is the corruption of YHWH too deep in their hearts?
I don't hate America though.
tl;dr jews were literally created by satan and are his followers
I'm surprised it took this long to be honest.
Listen goys, hebrew books are for Jews.
because it came from the CIA
They have embraced Semitism in their hearts. If they truly love Jesus and his Truth, Gnosticism can save them. The Bible can not.
That's in the Bible. Gnostics believe Lucifer is the savior of the Garden of Eden, that eating forbidden fruit was good, and that the Creator God is actually evil. Gnostics were wiped out for extreme heresy and blasphemy. LARPagans love being contrarians, though, so let's take up old defeated religion, because it's against Christianity.
Already addressed that in my first post, niggerlips. Try reading.
Christians have always been traitors to Europe. Only from the inside can such a great civilization crumble. The christians are plague bearers.
Are you saying the eastern block countries aren't still corrupt pits where money makes borders more permeable due to Semitic control of political and financial institutions? Remember, Semitic control is a direct result of Cuckstians murdering traditionalists opposed to conversion and allowing Jews into court. Unless you're saying Semites aren't responsible for the state of the rapefugee invasion. Semites and race traitors who enable them. Guess who the largest group of race traitors are, and the most vocal enablers of the degeneracy which has been plaguing are countries? Christcucks.
Found the shitskin shill
the implication of jews being created by satan means that their creations (such as the old testament) are also of satan, and that the old testament's meanings and lessons are inverted
As are dumb fucks living in the past.
If you ever go on r/Canada they get extremely butt-hurt about him
Judaism was created by Satan. The Talmud. What the Pharisees preached. It was counter to God and the Old Testament.
So I guess someone needs to make one where the Christcucks kill all those refusing to convert, outright genociding the priestly caste, destroying cultural institutions and traditions, then turning the lower classes into miserable slaves for the benefit of foreign parasites. This would then be contrasted with the Muzzie doing the exact same thing.
Every nigger in this thread should On the jews and Their Lies.
His meme is Truth, yours is not. I thought you were the one who placed importance on Truth but I see hypocrisy is the Christian way.
They were forced to move their products at a loss (and to great gain for the Southerners). The Northern factory owners started crying and throwing fits. "But Mr. Congressman! Those dirty stupid Southerners want to buy spades and shovels for $4 from England instead of paying me $8 for the same one! make it stop!"
So, Congress says "Hey, let's pass a ridiculous tariff and support our local sucky factories. Forget the South. They have money." The South doesn't like this. they would much rather that the North put out good products than have to pay more. Too bad. Due to the bigger population in the North this ridiculous tariff passes in the House of Represenetives. So now, the Southern farmers have to pay $8 for a Northern spade or $12 for a British one. At this point, they feel like they're being taxed unfairly, so they say "Look. States should be able to decide this kind of stuff, not the federal government." The federal government says "Screw you, give me money." The South then tthreatens to secede. Elections happen. One candidate is sympathetic to the South, the other isn't. You know who wins.
Therefore the South says "Forget this, we're out." At this point, the North is screwed and they know it. They can't survive without the South. That's where all the money is coming from (Southerners are the only buyers of their bad spades, since Britain is still selling theirs for $4 a pop to get rid of their excess). They know that if the South leaves the Union, they can't force them to buy their goods, and then the economy is going to flip.
The Confederacy is formed and the Civil War begins.
I reckon the answer is rather simple. The Priests knew that it was weak, and lied so that the populace wouldn't open their gates to the ravenous hordes of shitskins. When the peasants started to learn to read and the middle class was established, the Priests decided to preach the true gospel, the one where Christ didn't come with a sword and a legion of angels. I'd really like to hear what a Christian has to say about this though. It is pretty evident that the best of Christian-era artwork wasn't made by Christians, but by utter heretics and those that God will cast to the fire.
You can't possibly be this fucking deluded.
"Satan" means "Opposer" in Hebrew, therefore the Satan of the OT is the Opposer of the Jews. It's simple to comprehend the fact that your Pharisees were no more Jewey than the original Tribes of Israel if one simply reads the false Book of Exodus that shows your precious Hebrews to be the Semitic swine they really are, and always have been.
Satan is the Opposer of God.
What does Yeshua have to say about things like 20,000 year old megalithic structures or European mummies found all over the world? Well, the Semites who represent him to you say that such things cannot exist.
Christians are brainwashed by semitism and won't read any material that contradicts cuckstianity. If they did, they would have already abandoned it altogether. Most of them dont even realize "Satan" and "the devil" are not real, they are just concepts.
Not even close. You have no idea what AF1 has to be capable of.
at least post a link so us uninformed get what you're on about
Your God is the Semitic YHWH of Abraham; The God of the Jews - Who Satan opposed. Therefore, Satan opposed the Jews.
God is the Creator of everything. Satan was called the father of kikes, because like you, they opposed Christ, who is the Son of God. You hate when gentiles are saved, and you seek a racial religion, like kikes. LARPaganism is the Talmud for snowniggers.
That is not the point. All things branching from those are semitic in nature and origin. We are Europeans, descended from europeans, not semites, descended from semites. Cuckstianity, Judaism, Islam and even Satanism are foreign concepts. These religions and all their branches are semitic, they are as foreign to our souls as muslims to our streets.
Why is it so hard to understand?
That statement is what I mean when I say the semitic ideals coming out. Yes we have a racial religion, we have OUR religion. Not a jewish religion, not an indian religion, not chinese, but something that flows out of our own racial soul. You oppose that, you prefer to glut yourself from another race's well because in the end you think all that matters, all that differentiates you from a jew or an african is whether or not you read from the same book and sit in the same pew.
I know these things, but the guy I was replying to was promoting his Christian Identity bullshit that said the Pharisees were not real Hebrews/Israelites which then implies that real Hebrews/Israelites are not the evil rats their "Creator God" YHWH made them, and that it's Satan who made the Pharisees even though the Talmudists call Satan "Opposer". It's all a ploy to support the idea that the Tribes of Israel were White.
Exactly. Talmudism for snowniggers.
There's no need for such an obvious shitskin shill to continue posting. You have no sort of disguise left.
I'm whiter than your wife's son will ever be.
I am not Christian Identity, you illiterate nigger. How is that not obvious?
No Christian, you don't have a monopoly on Legitimate Faith.
Yes you certainly are, or you're a useful idiot who promotes their bullshit claim that the Pharisees were somehow distinct from the Israelites.
No white man uses the term 'snownigger', you outed yourself.
Makes a lot of sense.
newfag get out
Snownigger is an apt word for white trash. I like it. It's been in use since well before the exodus. Would you prefer simply "white cuck"?
Have fun in hell, I guess.