Germans marching down the street in crusader outfits threatening a new crusade
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was any Church group involved (SSPX et al.) or were these literal LARPers?
They look like literal LARPers…. sadly..
Enjoy that crusade, LARPers.
Of course not. The churches are letting in the invaders.
That's what happens when religion teaches you to be a doormat.
Christcucks gonna Christcuck.
Explain yourself!
That's a Teutonic knight you faget.
traditionalist Catholics are pretty based
(but let's not get into religion D&C; there's already a thread up for that )
Guns ripped power from man and put it in the hands of wealth.
Holy shit, the autism is real.
reminder that if not for the crusades, you would still be living in shitty mudhuts like your gene pool brethrens niggers from africa.
this is a ceremony, you fucking retard, of course they will not wear ancient armor during battle.
I think his point was that you had to have physical prowess in order to use the sword properly, while any old kike can use a gun. Pretty weirdly worded though, since wealth has always been able to buy power.
even English teachers can't speak English.
How can we be fluent English speakers?
just hire native English speakers as English teacher, Fuck
Oh I forgot they're gaijins
gaijin go away reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fuck this shithole
also, ban katakana
that's the most retarded shit
Except rifles typically weigh 13~20+ lbs. How the fuck is a noodle armed sperg supposed to hold that steady?
no i agree with him.
for the vast majority of human history if you had and ax or a spear and a leather jerkin, you just about as good as the next man. Your victory in battle was determined much more by your strength, your courage and your training than how good your weapons were, unless it was like sticks and bones vs steel. And so the best survived battles, they went on to become chieftains and spread their seed while the cowards and asthmatics lay dead on the field.
Now with modern weaponry any fool can press a trigger and kill a hero, you can print money to build ships and rockets, and the heroics of the battlefield that have always been sacred are nearly a memory now.
also swords were super cheap after the plague in the 13th century. alot of dead peoples swords lying around
His post was in reference to Brazil. Move there.
Except a sweeping majority of kills in war are still attributed to to the top few % of men. What you really need to be worried about are the coming literal aimbots irl.
I believe in the all encompassing energy. It is the only right believe.
Bet you they are actually poles.
if you would have said the vast majority of men killed by small arms fire you would be right.
far more men die from ordinance, artillery, IEDs, and the like
The very definition of hubris.
this, they want illegals and refugees and say it's beneficial because it's low cost labor. and they think the global economy is great because it has the word global in it.
i told you something like this will happen
the weeks before christmas and new year can be very emotional for depressed people
the time will soon be here 2017 is going to be a fun year 2018 with be a literal blast :^)****
Yes. This comment chain was started by a sperg-out about guns vs swords not swords vs artillery, IEDs, and the like.
I also want to say
Mods you should make it so when people connect to Holla Forums that automatically starts playing just for the memetic
What? That Christians would LARP in the streets waving plastic swords?
But how about them LARPagans, amirite? :^)
expect violent clashes in the coming weeks
germans are pissed
i know the originator was a sperg, but i was agreeing with what i thought he was trying to say through his autism, that modern warfare has stolen the glory of individualistic combat from man, and turned from the ultimate proving ground for men of honor into an arena for rich interests to duke it out with the lives of the common man
Yes, in fact I wish and pray for the end of the world daily. I'm in public safety and I lost my empathy years ago when I saw someone's corpse explode in front of me as I tried to save him from suicide by train.
Fuck off, I've been waiting for something like this for years
BTW here's the Mecca crane carnage that pertains to the Arc of Gabriel
Don't doubt that. I just hope they bring more than plastic swords to RaHoWa.
if an act like that emboldens people and wakes some up then moar power to those guys. i would assume they have guns at home stashed somewhere hopefully. it isn't exactly hard to get illegal firearms in europe. i like it and want to see moar of it.
a while ago my wall thread was deleted also
not putting hillary into prison is big warning sign for our people
the kek cult is being tricked?
Yeah, you're a fucking faggot. Get out.
Because clearly they're going to literally fight with fucking swords.
It's a gesture, user.
I can sympathize with that. Heavy ordinance and WMD has definitely hampered the eugenic effects of war on an individual level.
Crusade in Iran for the glory of christ and ((god emperor))
Fuck, i hope i'm wrong
Ignoring modern American hyper-usury, how much do you earn in a day? Do you think you could afford any of these firearms on your gross income for 2 days?
It's not that hard lad, 12.50 an hour
Do you need to give a urine sample before you can download? Even then, we still have several femanons who will certainly help troll the shit out of this.
Just don't be a neet, you faggot. And learn to read.
You've got shit reading comprehension.
no u
What are you a rasist?! :^)
What is Nugget? Getting sick of these nofunz Swordfag LARPers on Holla Forums. Swords were replaced for a reason, guns are better.
nuggets are trash and arent cheap anymore
Why are CTR shills out in force again? You were quiet for weeks after you lost.
No excuse.
So? I'm basically a skeleton, and I can hold a rifle steady. Rifles are easy as fuck, handguns are hard to aim.
Where are you getting that info? No AR is over 10lbs normally. Looks like we have yet more Nofunz faggots in this thread.
So where is the crusade target, are they going to fight the muslims in germany destroying society or are they gonna "deus bult" against some far-away mudslime nation while jamal and tyrone stay in germany to impregnate their daughters?
Legit question, did this movement have any actual goals and objectives?
Faggot, get out.
Give her a big hammer and some plate armor. She must go and defend Ironforge.
They're now planting their own story within the story, the basement thing was all them, creating a message they could refute. That's the distraction, plant a fake story in the real story, ignore the real parts, call it professional journalism, call anons whackos that need controlled. They think they're so smart, but it's always grade school shit.
Stay cozy Pepe
Nothing wrong with this, it's just another business. If you don't like it, just don't use their services.
wrong thread or just a bot?
get necked faggot
we could play the sounds of a rape victim being stoned
you know so the "refugees" dont get home sick
It's….strange? It must be hard to be a smart individual who belongs to a helpless race.
Numbskull, not every Euro or Brit lived in a castle, mansion, or the fucking Colosseum.
Most of them lived in huts inferior to Scandinavian longhouses.
The Norse had no mansions for their leaders and only one majestic temple, because they had no resources to waste on such nonsense.
And what are you magnificent churches now except havens for shitskin invaders?
dubs confirm
What kind of weapons are easily available in Germany, for a night-long shitskin-slaughter-fest?
Sausages. Lots of sausages.
It's not rigged, you just lost
However "hard" it might be to hold a firearm, it is magnitudes harder to effectively hold your own in close quarters combat. There is also the issue of the melee combatant having to be aware of their own surroundings to prevent stumbling and friendly/foe recognition, compared to the point-forward-and-fire tactics of gunpowder weapons.
Also, you seem to be under the impression that the people who first used gunpowder weapons were "noodle armed spergs", which is a blatant understatement of the physiques of the men of the era.
So that's why the bike wheel is dangerous. Sprocket axes…
of the era.
Polite sage for correction
They were legally married in whatever shithole they lived in.
How long until
Hi /monster/
Even now, you have to be a already useless Tranny or comically weak not to be able to shoulder an old Nugget. AR's and AK's are super light.
…like for sex? Or taxes? To use as a lawyer maybe? What do you do with your jew after you rent it?
Holla Forums thread literally turned into /DAT/ thread from /o/
We're not. They're fat and stupid.
This is literally how anti-white and how ignorant of history the average Christian is. Utter betrayal!
Europeans never lived in mud huts, you must be thinking of the Middle East, where Christianity originated from… and where the first Christians, who were JEWS, literally lived in mud huts back when Christianity was born.
They have always been the tallest race on the planet, still are
Are you even trying anymore? They are the most pure whites left in the world. You know which Europeans DO share genes with Africans? Greeks, Sicilians and Spaniards.
He did appoint Ben Carson to be in charge of some housing projects n sheeiiit (because Carson believes that white and black neighborhoods should be segregated from each other).
Nate's a good guy, but his manner of speech and body language weird me out.
Go away goldstien
This is pasta, he was stabbed to death, please leave pol and go to b you fucktards.
It is mathematically impossible to win a football match but have less yards
You retards completely fail at history.
I'll save a American, conservative,patriotic black man over a white European anyday.
(((they)) make satan look like an amateur
o i laffin
Even /new/ was racist
I think they should be worried about Jews, after all it's jews like Martin Schulz and Anetta Kahane that are opening the gates for the muslims.
The only ones in that category are Europeans and Arabs.
You're black & not a nigger, so most of non-stormfag Holla Forums has no problem with you
Yes, to anything alive.
Since fetuses are alive, they count.
Maybe being able to have sex with fetuses will make people understand that abortion is wrong
He is a shill
no news articles
no location
can anyone see comments? my adblockers are giving me shit
i'm thinking it might be
but i can't find footage or photos of the fans doing it
cbb'd webming it
also, inb4 404
book yes reading expands the mind
Tv no it fries your brains
He wouldn't have started implementing the iconography if he wasn't at least somewhat interested in it.
You are retarded, leather was not used as armor, now go wash your eyes out with soap.
but that's wrong
Cool blog post opinion tard
Are you fucking retarded boy?
Together with the lobster-tailed pot helmet and cuirass it formed the basis of the equipment of the harquebusier, the typical type of cavalryman of the English Civil War and other European conflicts of the 17th century. Buff coats were issued to a minority of musketeers in the pike and shot formations to give them some protection during hand-to-hand combat. The buff coat was also worn by civilians requiring a protective and durable garment, such as huntsmen and men travelling on horseback.
are you?
God bless these lads.
You can't even read you stupid nigger.
tl;dr its protection was practically nil. How exactly any retard figures leather is good as armor is beyond me, especially when we're referring to pre-renaissance times, as it was not only expensive, but even the hard and thick (And much less flexible) leather is pretty easy to hack or stab through compared to maille.
no disagreements here, but its not as if leather was never used as armor. Just not during the time period its depicted in.
most of the confusion comes from
Fucking fedoras, they cant support people stopping muslim rapists because they are christians… fucking autistic assburgers, you are worse than ctr shills.
the pagan larpers on here are almost as bad as niggers
we wuz thor n sheeiittt
You get thick enough leather and it will perform well against edged weapons. I mean, we're talking something akin to elephant or rhinoceros hide, but it's possible.
Probably a masonic larp. INB4 Christmas eve attacks. Sorry just a gut feeling with all these ISIS prep videos. Not only that but it would change the worlds thoughts about Christmas. Thinking out loud.
That is true, but it would be incredibly expensive and inferior to other types; Hence, it's lack of use, except as pointed out. Even then, it was more of an officer's wear than the average soldiers, and something of a status symbol.
But Thor is a white god. Are you retarded?
I hope you realize that training in how to use a weapon in combat is not something just any fuck could do in their lord's wheat field. Chances are they wouldn't even be allowed to own a sword let alone afford an instructor or be able to take the time off work to put in the necessary time to train if he could even travel reliably to where a sword instructor was located.
The retaliatory "Ram'Er'Down" Ramadan drinking and pig meat festival should be interesting. Baby steps towards the DotR at least.
Damn it feels good to be a Burger.
Good ol' JIDF, Mudslimes or autists?
Does not compute.
What a time to be alive
Autistics (aka, pagans) are a defective dead end.
He has autism, blame mods for allowing them.
i was in germany for new years a couple years ago, and I was pretty sure I heard gunshots when people were shooting off fireworks, but my germans were telling me it was just fireworks
next morning walking to store with girlfriend
find pile of expended blanks on sidewalk
lol no
other than looking like a Mexican in a spaghetti western
ikr. Now we find out that chainmail is practical when dealing with the peasants. Previously it was thought to be useless.
In Germany you can't shoot anywhere except on the range (and in defense of your home). However, when fireworks are going off who can tell for sure? A great time for a bit of cheap practice with the firearm.
Filtered for high energy degeneracy.
Comments are pretty redpilled
One guy posted this as "OC"
i'm saying paganfaggots like you sound like "we wuz" niggers
Yugoslavia is the model which shows us how "the race war / day of the rope" will go. Makes these pagans seem like either an irrelevant group or a suspicious group.
at least last time you drove them back out, still didn't identify the root of your problem though.
Did we literally meme crusaders into reality?
lol, it wasnt practice, they were just shooting up in the air on the sidewalk and not picking up their shells
hold up goys, check out the shield
all humorless teens, and fanatic troglodytes are unintentionally funny & cringe, we should bully more
See this
Their target is christianity, they will die with a smile in their rotten corpses if they can kill christianity, their faith is really big.
i'm not a pagan, you dullard. gods are for the feeble-minded. the fact is ever since europe adopted chistcuckoldry we've been getting fucked in the ass by it. handed over the economy to the jews "becuz money be ebil muh dead kike on a stick said so", then cucking the everloving fuck out of europeans with this love thy neighbor crap, etc, etc.
I'd rather have some football hooligans with handguns. No offense.
Wasn't this video posted here earlier of some spanish crusades festival and not germany?
Are we being tricked?
Oh here it is.
Deus Vult
Not sure if b8 or colossal faggot.
Hopefully this crusade will go like the other.
They have been kept alive until this day, albeit watered down with desert bullshit.
But the point stands.
Based Boticelli, for example. Sneaking it a lot of it.
Dat nature and female worship.
Including burning and destroying pagan artifacts, temples (on which they built churches, to deny the places of worship to be taken back) along with books and so forth.
The same records the mudslimes kept "as copies" so to speak.
Because the arabs actually were kind of sciency and progressive for a while.
This is fucking garbage, most of the knowledge that lead to the rennaisance, which started in italy, was from byzantine scholars and nobles fleeing the turkish hordes that sacked antioch, first, and constantinople later. Dont but that kike brown washing of history.
Makes me wonder if inbreeding via cousin marriage led them to their current state. Seems like throughout most of history they were more intelligent then they are now.
Yeah. It's pure coincidence and all that.
They just thought, hey, you know all that heathen nature shit with puttos and stuff that we suppressed when we took over?
Why not being that back?
Why not have people thousand years in the future put up trees with lights on them that symbolize the twinkling of sunrays shining through the cracks of the pine needles on solstice.
Celebrating the fact that the sun will, from now on, shine longer and longer again, warming the soil and giving life.
Yeah, dude, that's so christian, oh my gosh! Let's do it!
Bravo! Bravissimo! It's so fun to do this on a whim! Because we are insane! Hooray!
Sure, but if we fight the Jews again the slave races will nuke us. We only got out of that fate by accepting the war guilt last time around, so for now we must target the symptoms until the West awakes for good.
Why are you making shit up?
This is a celebration in SPAIN on the anniversary of the reconquista.
….what the fuck are you carrying a goddamn fully loaded BAR or M60?
So, to you, the occultism in the modern elites is something worthy of emulation?
You mean their greek and syriac dhimmis. Islam is a nigger religion for nigger tier people. It is not a coincidence the Islam golden age ended abruptly when the non-muslim populations in the levant went from majority to minority.
To even drawn a 120-140 lbs long bow or recurve requires months, if not years, of conditioning. Then to acquire sufficient loading speed and accuracy takes a lifetime to master. You ever wonder why all free english men were required to train weekly wih their long bow and most other armies relied on crossbows?
If i had a gun and went against an green barret i'd have a chance to kill him
It's be unfair, infuriating, disshonorable but the point is that it's not very difficult to kill strong people.
they bleed and die like everything else
The best part is DNA tests can make sure every last jew is dead for creating this mess.
thread theme
Akbed please. It's just symbolic
These obviously aren't German protesters, the streets don't look German, there wouldn't be shitskins standing besides the road looking on if this was a right-wing protest in germany and those suits are too elaborate for a protest outfit.
nah, it's british people going to a soccer game. They do this all the time when they go across sea to nations as a way of fun and good times.
Those crosses are more the british cross of the british crusaders.
Fag and gay
They don't actually. It's most likely a parade celebrating the Spanish reconquista.
Check id, i call you fedora, but your autism wouldnt let you see that.
Autism isnt a superpower, is legit retardation for all dsms.
A gun is not a bow and arrow. Also who the fuck goes small game hunting with a bow? Bows are for big game, requiring big draw weights and decent accuracy. I never one doubted a yeoman cant kill a knight, it happened, it was called the 100 years war. But for those british yeomen to devistate France's men at arms took years of practice. Now modern compound bows are different, a few weekz you can draw over 150 lbs and hit the bullseye from about 20 feet away with ease. But even then, hitting a 50 yard shot take practice and a thorough familiarity with your bow. Average bow hunter shoots on a white tail at about 20-50 feet. God help you if the shot isnt true, that deer will run, maybe a football field, maybe a mile depending on when it bleeds out.
Hell yeah, God bless these lads and protect The Fatherland.
Op's a fag, Holla Forums srsly? Germany > Spain.
I noticed it to, lad.
Yes they did, at the fucking Battle of Tunisia.
Why do we have a thread for every group of cringy LARPers making a fart?
what cucknews is this?
They must be well paid by soros (TM) and other faggots.
Ahahaha, of course not.
Im pretty sure the tallest people are from the former Yugoslavia
PS. Im from the former Yugoslavia and im a manlet
you are not of dinarian heritage
deus vult larper faggots are as bad if not worse than larpagans.
When was the last time a "christian crusader" gang beat the shit out of a muslim?
Oh nevermind it was a german woman who got kicked down a flight of stairs by an invader.
Swords were never royally expensive, that's a "meme" as they say
The foot soldier has always been meaningless cannonfodder to cavalry and then to artillery.
Guess what? Horses and cannons are both expensive as fuck.
fuck off ahmed
Why would people not fight crusades with body armor and high powered rifles? This is kinda dumb. It's not like the Crusaders marched through the streets in old Saxon garb to rally support. An actual crusader event with men willing to fight would be extremely inspiring, except the globalist powers would never let people interfere with their affairs and any upstart "peasant" Crusades would be punished under every international law they could find.
I'm as fed up with cristcuckery as any of them, but this is just an autistic Schlomo.
Let the krauts have this one. Defending your land against foreign invaders is as authentic pagan value as they come .
T-thanks Christianity. It's not like Germans like being alive.
Semitic religions are our greatest allies.
This is adjusted for population, of course.
Nice thread meme.
Pretty funny considering that Christians are dropping their 'LARPagan' meme at every chance they get. At least we now know who the real LARPers are.
That being said, I really hope this march achieves something of value for the German peoples.
But "Christmas" trees are a part of Yule user. It was originally a Yew tree though.
Euroupe suffered so badly, so many killings, torture, but our ancestors considered our own religion so important that it's still alive.
And christians think that just because they dont believe in pagan holidays, like yule, that it doesn't nurture paganism.
But that's not true, because I know, pagans know.
This knowledge.
Seeing millions of "christians" celebrating "yulemas" reroutes the energy back to us.
It's no different that compelling someone to do a task for you under a guise.
Yahweh gets nothing from it.
Yahweh, if he exists, was around before christianity reached Europe, he knows what 's up.
He knows christmas is not his tradition. It achieves nothing.
Oh, never mind, I thought you were implying that Yule trees are a Christian thing.
An M4 carbine with loaded 30-rnd magazine weighs 7.5lb. The FN FAL, which is noted for being heavy, weighs 8.6lb with a loaded 20-rnd magazine.
Going back in time to WW2, an M1 Garand weighed 9.5lb, and a Mauser K98 weighed 9.2lb. Considering how many 18 year olds (or Hitler Youth) got drafted and carried both those rifles just fine, I'm pretty sure even a stick-armed nerd like you can carry an AR-15 without problems.
Just use your inhaler when you get wheezy and you'll be fine.
Yes and we used to be a bunch of retards for it. Guns put the power in the better planner's hands. The sword societies were all based on physical coercion and lead to stagnation.
Guns were cheap and allowed for many uprisings and slave revolts that wouldn't have happened in the sword/spear age.
to be fair, many posts are botspam. Also,
Half the catalog is stickies. Bumping threads don't have an effect anymore newfag
I'm not a newfag I've been here since January
Get rid of your computer, you're too retarded to use it.
1 more year lurking, newag.
Good luck smiling crusader
i mourn your lack of dubs
choose one, bernd