Other urls found in this thread:
Top bantz.
Learn time, you nigger.
JUST check your double dubs up
Good god, imagine how bad it would be without the man at the top being against this shit meme. Even if they weren't pushing it this hard.
If anyone gets dubs, CNN is permanently kill.
They already are, the "fake news" bill was passed with about a month before the liberals lose the house, senate, white house, and supreme court.
The idiocy and evil of liberalism will literally be what kills them.
kek will destroy our enemies for the lulz
That will only happen if you pray to KEK hard enough.
I meant for justice.
And evidently,I didn't pray hard enough.
Will rectify that next time.
For the simple chaos it will cause?
Also checked but trips != dubs.
It is now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences. This is not about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk — lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days and do their jobs, contribute to their communities. It is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.
Because he can?
Trips are high-energy dubs.
Will Soros die within 2 months?
CNN is going to get fucked right?
I was trying to learn why, not make it happen. It was set to happen anyway.
Will CNN get BTFO again by the end of the year?
Watch the ash fall down and roleplay that I'm in Vvardenfell
Triumph of trips (Trump) over dubs (Nigger).
dubs of truth…
off by one
Doesn't matter, he's been cuck'd.
2017 is the year of Soros' demise?
Lets try another question
Will soros die within 1 year?
Shit it does matter.
I guess God wills it.
fuck off with your really old news
welcome to 2009
Truly the fate he deserves.
Drug the old todger you chinawoman.
Rolling for his last moments to be lucid enough to realize how much she despises him.
Rolling for his last moment to be lucid enough to realize how he was used by a woman.
Actually it was rumored that Seth Rich got a hold of podestas phone. And the nypd has everything on weiners laptop.
rolling like a high roller
Rolling for him to at least be in agony while dying.
More like CNN renamed TNN :^)
People are still triggered over him misspelling a few of his tweets…
Mi Dong needs Soros' cash to complete his 'transition' to Fanny Wu.
Kek will destroy the MSM because he can.
Prophecy via checking dubs confirmed.
Soro's death matters.
God will's Soro's death.
Soro's wife will do the deed.
Soro's will be in agony while dying.
Libshit retards triggered.
doesn't this prove that he has big hands though? if he posted this via phone and your hands are too big, chances are you'll probably be hitting the wrong keys more often.
clintons pls
I didn't know Soros had yellow fever. Guess he's not a very good zionist.
Zionists have had little headway in China, they've been trying to breed hybrids to infiltrate with for decades.
replies to trump's tweets are always a goldmine. just look at that danielle muscato faggot in op's link. every check on the list.
that or using a shit keyboard.
Cuckerberg is another who has dipped his kikecocklet in the yellow cave.
this guy likes young pussy.
why can't any femanon whore from Holla Forums do something worthwhile and seduce this worthless kike, close contact is "important"
Looks like family.
not going to send in one of our females for anything
Will you help me become the best version of myself ?
user, stop, I don't want to see his million year old, young plasma injected body.
I assumed you like going to museums to view ancient fossils though.
Speak for yourself. The only female I really care about is my waifu and she's not 3d.
Will I make it?
warm tropical beaches
I agree with Hillary – ban jews from the media. Their lies are destroying western civilization and getting innocent whites killed from mass shitskin immigration. "Fake News" is the current year version of Lugenpresse.
Do you love me as much I as love you?
Should I call her?
lel, yeah, but those are dead! Or at least they act dead.
haha faggot
Thought it only passed the house. It still has to go through the senate, right?
His punishment must be more severe.
Listen to Don.
Will you Holocaust the Jews, this time for real?
it never ends
Should I place Schlomo everywhere?
The rolling has has no contradictions at all so far.
Questions asked:
1. Will Soros die within 2 months? No.
2. CNN is going to get fucked right? Probably.
3. Will CNN get BTFO again by the end of the year? Absolutely.
4. 2017 is the year of Soros' demise? Let me check.
5. Will soros die within 1 year? Ask me later.
6. Will you help me become the best version of myself? Yes.
7. Will I make it? Never.
8. Do you love me as much as I love you? You're fired.
9. Should I call her? Never.
10. Will you holocaust the jews, this time for real? Ask me later.
11. Should I place shlomo everywhere? No.
Alright time for question 12.
Should I do it?
Also china has no ideology right now.
I can't think of a greater honor
what the fuck are you doing here you retarded nigger? This board is about ensuring the continued existance of our race, limp dicked faggots like you are of no significance.
How big is your family, tiger?
Even if the Russians did it, they didn't influence the elections.
The media did.
They work.
is die hard a Christmas movie?
Of considerable size in my opinion. I like anime tiddy as much as you but there is a difference – I make effort
I don't give a fuck about "tiddy" or whatever other negro-tier lust you're into that you still carry around you like dead weight. If you want to make an effort you should strive to be less of a niggerfaggot.
t. President Elect Trump
I love this universe.
Sadly, not enough
Full. Retard. You can never tell what will set them off. I've seen poor cashiers yelled at by nogs for simple fixable mistakes that never harmed anyone.
Is he subtly acknowledging pizzagate?
Will President Trump expose govt jew pedos and gas them?
will i get that swedish girl pregnant?
I'm going to assume NEVER means it won't be gas.
Ok, I'll leave Spain in that case. Consider it a gift.
Will things get better for me?
holy fucking autism
I wait for the moment when someone important makes a typo and writes "Fake Jews" in a tweet.
he cried
some one should bottle up the tears, dilute them a million times over, then force numale betas to inject them into their arteries so they can be alphas like sam
Homeopaths get out tbh.
Feeling the christmas spirit yet lads? Jesus is reborn soon tbh, I for one cannot fucking wait.
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
How do people believe in this shit?
Mine eyes have seen the glory…
Don, will we make Poland judenfrei?
More like Trump shills making another straw man thread.
What, you thought concern trolling and shilling was something only library's do?
That's precious.
All homeopaths are leftists.
gas the kikes race war now
feels good man
Better than Romney but substantially worse than Gabbard or Rohrabacher.
Given the people in his admin, I think we'll be at war with Iran within 2 years
Just call them a racist.
I've seen that face somewhere before. . .
Will there be a civil war?
So are they finally beginning to accept that Trump plays 88D chess? Also >trans
Will you put Hillary in jail?
I guess the spambots get it right sometimes
All that the libs are going is making sure that we purge them. Obama's transparent attempt to overthrow the election is treasonous, and will be treated accordingly. Instead of not holding the presidency for 4 to 8 years, Democrat leadership and many supporters are going to be facing firing squads.
No. Even if it saved all of them. Or 10,000 kiddies. Or 10,000,000
Remember that she was talking about banning news places like Brietbart before the fake news stuff they have been pushing. This is part of their original plans.
Will we be making jews as pizza in the future instead of children?
Obvious plant. This worthless "it" posted a bunch of shit talk at Trump and the media ran some sort of coordinated op using it, "Oh snap, you won't believe what one twitter user said to Trump" "This Twitter user's epic twitter rant is a must see".
What's funny is, this is the media, the filthy lugenpresse who wants us to take them seriously and can't understand why we don't, reporting the equivalent of someone's scribblings on a fucking bathroom wall. And there's so obviously some sort of GameJournoPro email list behind the coordinated promotion of this thing's Twitter account it's almost painful. For you
That's why we're developing artificial wombs and AI
Take a lethal dose of cyanide.
No, you're… precious. Now titsorgtfo.
how long until they have a civil war? Or will the frenchmen just thank their conquerors for taking over their country and offer them their mtoher and sister?
It's alright, we can shower together and i can shave you then user
follow up: can we still make jews into pizza?
What's wrong user, can't afford to eat at a place with real silverware?
Because I'm gay.
OMG me too.
dubs thing was funny until it became unironic occultism.
Thats a Nice mannequin challenge attempt.
I would if he was funny in the slightest.
but I agree that we should cut ties with Saudis and ally with Iran instead, but we also should cut ties with Israel.
Funny how you can't criticize Jews or Israel in modern American political discourse.
I'm sure it's totally a coincidence goyim!
Trump is going to outlaw fake news for real
i've seen /polgbt/ posters before
Do I need to stockpile food?
I'm not sure that's a good idea, user
Another Stupid Thread for Stupid anons. Meanwhile IMKamphy sinks a real redpill thread on TV brainwashing
Another Stupid Thread for Stupid anons. Meanwhile IMKamphy sinks a real redpill thread on TV brainwashing
Another Stupid Thread for Stupid anons. Meanwhile IMKamphy sinks a real redpill thread on TV brainwashing
Hurrr durr dubs!
Another Stupid Thread for Stupid anons. Meanwhile IMKamphy sinks a real redpill thread on TV brainwashing
boipucci is aryan tbh
Will I ever regain my passion for my old hobby?
Hell is forever!
Will Amy Shumer, through idiocy, remove herself either from the country or the gene pool?
Such an attractive woman ruined by piercings and tattoos.
Will Trump be assassinated by the CIA?
don't forget the fake tits, user
oh please, white whores take our dick far more than you "bleach" black women. like i said, black girls want real men, not numales or conservadads.
Neither. In 2020 she'll threaten to move to Canada if Trump is re-elected, and we'll all be disappointed when he is re-elected and her fat ass stays in America anyway.
CIA Doesn't Realize that the FBI is the master of honeypots
i myself transitioned from pills to heroin, clean again, its a battle…been on and off. Currently working construction. I would seriously love to meet one of these bitch boys on this website. you people know nothing about substance abuse…it has nothing to do with morals, do your homework you niggers. You dont know shit about the stuggle
Called it, this was shit memetics on the MSM's part. They should have gone with 'social hysteria' or something, not something that on the face of it associates the 'news' (them) with being 'fake'. Especially not now when their credibility is already in the toilet. What idiots. Should have just bought out an user and had him run their shit, they can't do anything on their own. Now that Trump himself has signaled that he intends to hijack their narrative it's all ogre for them.
anyone telling you there's a "pill" you can take need their meds refilled
anyone telling you there's a possibility of conversion are heretics
Will we win?
Should I ask out that individual on my mind?
then we just have to bend space and time until we do
You got dubs, idiot
i am truly an idiot my friend
All heretics must burn, death to Israel
Of course.Do the impossible, see the invisible, row row fight the powah!!!
They are the one.
Praise KEK!
Shadilay brothers!
Have some OC.
Should I marry her?
We all have a hand in victory, user. Your dubs mean that we must all use our will to power. Never slacken, never tire, never lose faith. WE WILL WIN AND WIN SO HARD YOU MAY EVEN GET TIRED OF WINNING
indeed my friend, we will win.
duh asshole, not like you need a working crystal ball to see that one coming unless your a fking pleb …carry on.Mods kissing your faggot ass when ppl like me can deny you life by hand in less than 30 seconds were you kid rock shaded boys I got night vision to knock off fags like you straddling the fence .
Will I become a successful Billionaire, also will I get a cute Wife?
Will I become successful, and help to MAGA?
you talk about memetics yet your blah blah trying to suck ppl into your faggotry as if you never been wrong is complete bullsht learn some humility and quit pretending you know everything then back peddle when you are wrong with your pagan wtfe you call it facade faggot.
lol the asian-jew elite meme is real
Will I pass my chem final?
keep fighting?
Will I ever escape the tfw no gf dimension?
fug :-(((((((((
I'm so sorry user
Are you now the president elect of the united states of america?
close enough
Well, at least I got some nice digits. Retry, Mr. Trump?
nope not a bot only a pissed off natSOC now run along and gp fuck yourself good and hard with your gf dildo that replaced your whining crying bs instead of being a real man and grabbing some pussy.
How 'bout me?
Any more of these (((philanthropists))) who are secretly rice cookers?
is there a higher res? I wanna see what books he reads
I noticed "farewell to bosnia" which is pretty funny given how he was involved in selling arms to all sides
nm i found it
he sure has a lot of appreciation for the culture he's hell bent on destroying.
Id would by the fucker a beer but soon as he started talking that shit liberal crap about how he don't give a fuck would mentally put him in race traitor tier and be looking to drag his long haired faggot ass outside for a curb stomp .Need to recognize where your intelligence comes from wizard looking nigger
will I marry a girl of my ethnicity?
epic politics thread
Beautiful dubs user.
Will I ever have land of my own.
Have some comfy music lads
nat soc fashy ? oh an fuck niggers and chinks and any non Aryan they want war only us can show them what it is.
no mercy no morals just elimination of enemies GROW UP WHITE MEN!!
I've been saying this for weeks.
We should just call all Anti-Trump media "Fake news". Turn the label against them. They don't have the memetic potential that we have.
Why aren't we doing that?
Correct, he also seems to not realize that Recucklicans already control the House and Senate. They're helping to push this shit, we need to shoah these fuckers in the next primary.
I do user what are you a 400 pound hacker I am mid 30s been lifting since the 90s I literally can squezze you head off with a twitch and have and pray to guns.Wish you liberals could understand I will protect you too if foreign powers try top get some but you mis informed spoon fed crap is kinda a let down when we will go completely HAM to protect you …….learn faggots
or he doesn't know how to fucking spell. on the other hand, it's the most petty criticism you can make of someone. i can spell and use a big vocabulary, yet it hasn't helped me accomplish shit in life.
It come to a point where you say fuk all non whites to preserve you master race genes yet the jews have briain washed you Aryan ppl to intermix with niggers and pollute your divine bloodline with monkey blood because they know they are total sht mud fuks mixed with yelloeew slanty eyes Not the Aryan path to mix with fking shit stains we ait hence the hate better than all races and they know it and are butt hurt like jews are butt hurt
we are better than them when look better than them jewess always got somthing wrong and any jew male is a disgusting piece of work yet they try to breed with us knowing they are shit along with any genes they pass on to a Aryan.
I saw that Trump supposedly working on the Apprentice even in Fairfax media
And Funny enough the story below that in the paper was Hillary Clinton crying about Fake News
Trump is playing the media in ways that confuse even Tzeentch
Just say no to repugnant jew genes or you are a race traitor and should be gassed
Who are you talking to
I agree I just want to know who you're talking to
I am talking to every GD rat that race mixes and further degrades where they came from and I see no fking excuse for not having a beautiful White baby.Why is that a problem and asking you ……Beyond pissed off and young enough and in shape to to something about it how bout you?
fuck you jew your ugly your genetics are inbred dog shit.Hate to see any to see any white woman breed with a hook nose.
but thats how you rats play it see power latch of like a parasite sucking blood
we know you and are getting tired of your parasite relationship GO BACK TO ISRAEL!!!RATS
4th Reich?
stay out of our media your are less than a nigger % LEAVE!!! go to Israel white man gave you that country so go their and get the fucking out of our affairs
shoulda put you rats in madagascar
we see you now jew and it won't be long until your kind are completely cast out for your the way you behave you fking rats
No more trick the white man with your schemes we see you and your fking whores sucking up to white dick trying to get preg NO NO NO fuk you!!!!
you are not royalty never have been just a parasite that latches onto greatness like the low life parasites you always been.
The white race has always been royalty as even their dregs think better than any fking shtskin
Should I leave my current gf?
why aren't you having several children with her?
if you are a white and your gf is a form of mud KYS if you are a dam paki rat or nigger kill your gf then kys.mmk thanks faggot
will you end the fed?
jews not having control of currency sounds good to a white man.
Will I have a Merry Christmas?
yet unless us AMERICANS buck your pretty much stuck yet we are pissed and ready to buck these faggots thinking htey run shit ;)
we not like you other country we are armed to the teeth and stay readying for war and to get really nasty to any country tries us
matter of fact after every blade o9f grass will a bullet over here
the fuck?
your military is 20 years behind us even russia so far behind but they are catching up ENTER TRUMP we aint going out all the lib crying means nothing string loved men NOT WOMEN made this country and they will continue to get STRONGER with out a womans help …Woman are here to be loved and make babies not make decisions about men might hate it femi but you be much happier in the kitchen you just don't know it yet by jew brainwash.
You are ruled by a man end of story you twist nature your a fking abomination
spam bot. Just report and filter.
Praise Kek.
Will we ever stop winning?
Will Israel be wiped off the face of the earth?
Come home, Guacman.
how about you blow me good and hard and btch later if Trump fks up so far he is doing awesome shit and not even Pres yet but leave it up you all the butt hurts about to loose their jobs because they was false paid for hill shills the whole time now the salt fl0wing out of their freshly spread assholes is un imaginable.
you lose whore and we are going to file charges to see you in a jail cell you fking rat…..
all the boys dies for your lies deserve you in a cell you bitch you keep thinking its about Trump no its about hillary meeting justice and getting hung if that don't happen ppl will only be appeased to see her in jail forever if not no matter president we aren't getting justice so she can keep playing with stein when fact is Americans want to see her hang this isn't a fking political party this is real LIFE LIVE SPENT LIVES LOST you are not getting a pass from that you self enriching POS hillary you are the worst pos every in gov and should die.
I died years ago, didn't I?
fall on the sword hillary should have along time ago honor yourself faggot
can't expect any liberal to actually have honor yet Trump wins and they still bitch and make rally like coward have to go serial killer on them just so the can know they are fking nothing now or ever will be.
they are fking idiots and Alaska rocks js
Uncle Donald does my waifu love me?
230 pound white muscle no fat tall Arayan try to fuck white my woman I will fucking you you mud Come a take it you hajis this is the US we will exterminate you.
When will this loneliness finally end?
Should I have a burger tomorrow?
did good cross translate yayaa!!!! come get some you think we the free society for now reason I dealt with death in the streets before you ever dreamed of coming here you aint special will be just another victim till a pump the drugs in them you are just another nigger proly dumber than a nigger COME AND TAKE IT push jew agenda that will back fire on them ………KEK bitch!!
either way your pwned
Can't help but feel that he starts rumours, let's them spread and go unchecked for a week or so just so he can blast CNN the fuck out repeatedly. What a legend.
This Danielle Muscato guy in the comments sure is triggered.
nothing but air and open space and Trump will be your president so quitcher bitching fking faggots.
will the mods be dethroned and shills banned
most people think 'homeopathic' means 'all-natural' or some shit so they buy it.
the ones who know 'homeopathic' literally means 'placebo only, no ingredients included' are zombies, but they're the minority.
Am I the new boss?
Will I get the job I want
Will I be cool enough to die a virgin before some whore seduces me?
Glorious, with a single tweet he catches their meme in his teeth and spits it right back.
If they try to counter it he will probably drop something like "My favorite Fake News piece? 'WMDs in Iraq".
I just realized I can never help propagate the white race and help stem the tide of miscegenation and the nigger/spic infestation.
Will Andy pick me?
are you really on our side?
Then are you just in it for lulz?
will i get my good health back?
th-th-thanks don
Mfw Trump shoahs CNN on day 1 for being a "fake news" site.
Quick edit lads.
Did I do good Mr. President?
Is Julian Assange alive?
Hoping for dubs.
that should be fine
I still fear he might not be…
whoops I'm fucking stupid
Should I die?
Have you ever fapped to anime?
Holla Forumsand approves these posts.
now quit shitposting and get over here
Anyway this thread is mostly retarded. I love the fact that the CNN is getting the "Fake News" label though.
Will VR + simulated touch become good enough to fug your waifu in less than 5 years?
Give me HED.
Does he even have to try seriously against these kiddie pool kikes?
He disarms their carefully cosntructed, long studied MSM narrative with a couple of shitpost tweets during his morning shit time, right before a stroll through the hallways
I keked heartily thinking about Trump's morning shit time. This man gets up early and spends the time defecating all over the MSM for the fun of it. I love this timeline.
thanks, kek
He's taking their Fake Meme and making it real - on them!
The absolute madman!
will I solve my relationship problems Donald?
Will i get my shit together Donald?
CNN is CIA, nigger
not going down that easily
all mainstream media is more or less under CIA control, but CNN is the most total, blatant one
Good job derailing the thread, shill
should i kill myself, donald?
The fucking libs having a meltdown in the comments is gold.
dude that's rothschild tier plebbity you're talking about
if anyone is protected against divorce rape, it' soros and his ilk
it works
skepdicks and "medical" (IG Farben chemical cartel) industry shills btfo
Yeah, it totally happened.
Oy vey I feel so holocausted right now
Can we stop winning.
Will I get a qt natsoc gf by the end of next year?
Is George Soros immortal?
Accidentally on purpose :^)
Gotta give them something to kavetch about. He's way too good to do this stuff accidentally.
Will I get a decent paying job?
Can you help me survive the upcoming civil war?
will we retake Constantinople?
Most millennial pseudoSketpics think that homeopathic means herbal.
They watch Randi lecture on homeopathy then take to Reddit screaming that "herbal remedies do nothing, what idiot believes in homeopathy?"
you're the new boss, boss.
When will we retake Byzantion?
thanks for bumping a 4 day unresponsive thread to 'check dubs'
find a high platform and dive head first off it
is OTC a good idea?
Odds Trump revokes the press pool passes of most of the MSM?
It's just the next step of their master plan, once they have eliminated the white race, asians are the last obstacle for the jewish world domination.
This is the third time I've seen a thread with a post saying nearly the same damned thing. And all of them had dubs.
Can we get Trump to retweet this?
Enjoy a vintage based shitlord.
Am I getting what I want next year?
Should I buy a Sturmgewehr 44 in 7.62x39, Donald?
emperor, will i find true love?