
Original Threads




Operation #PedoFiles


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Other urls found in this thread:
tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion/uploads/09-2016/ alefantis&t=1000&a=n On the Feasibility of Internet-Scale Author Identification.pdf
s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion/pol/preview/25427.html\[1-59258\] 3-m&q=fake news,pizzagate Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22101,[email protected]/* Columbia RD NW 602 Washington,[email protected]/*

Mods plz sticky u fagz.

Looks like the Guardian wiped their Norway coverage too.

What's a niggerfag gotta do to get a sticky round here?

Why do Germans take it up the ass from Merkel, Shlomo, and Achmed?

If you were a real Nihilist you wouldn't care what we do.

Who said I was a nihilist? Existentialism has more flexibility, you Jew fuck.


The only "wall" being built is on a street in NYC


Is there anyone who can properly translate the original article in Nowegian?

waiters/delivery drivers can legally be paid a wage less than minimum wage. the common hourly wage for a waiter is like 2-3 dollars. this is why tipping is only a thing in America

Source: Washington Post, NYTimes, ABCNews *ALL* post hoc removed the articles on Norway's dark room pedophile ring.

It could be a license thing with the AP, I don't know. I don't think they're stupid enough to think removing these articles from their websites is going to have an impact since hundreds of other news websites have covered this.

still on

Lawyers, politicians among 20 men arrested in Norwegian pedophile network probe

still on NYDailyNews, the libtard tabloid:


still on Associated Press' website, the original source:

Norwegian police arrest 20 men in pedophile network probe

still here:

still here:

By the way, can someone explain why I get better results with Bing than with Google? I got a lot more local / regional news articles with Bing when I searched the net with "Norway pedophile". I used to think Google was the top search engine even if I personally try to boycott Google except for Google Translate but it looks like Bing is the best now.

other articles:

Police crack down on Norway's largest pedophile abuse network

Police break up massive Norwegian paedophilia ring

Norway pedophile scandal: Politicians, police reportedly among 20 arrested suspects

Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men

Norwegian police arrest 20 men in pedophile network probe

Pedophile Abuse Network Operation "Darkroom" Shakes Norway

First Conviction in Pedophile Network Case in Norway

Norway Hands Elderly Man Eight-Year Sentence Amid Wave of Pedophilia Cases

futema-si pe voi de SHILLERI SOROS

Kek, will I get at least a 3.0 this semester?

Theoretically could IS Get there hands on Nuclear weaponry and would they use it

the AP article is still on Yahoo News UK*

ethnicity isn't about genetic makeup, dumbass, here from your dictionary
"the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition: "
I belong therefore it's now my ethnicity. Get rekt faggot.

Because Trump is going to make the Soviet Union great again.


I thought the bots problems was fixed

And stealing precious dubs while they're at it. The other pizzagate thread isn't quite full yet though.


isnt that like a 100 dollar jackpot?

at what point do we stop spreading fake news ???

It is anti white.

Dr. Pavel

a while ago my wall thread was deleted also
not putting hillary into prison is big warning sign for our people
the kek cult is being tricked?

Does this work for or against us? The spam bot getting dubs and trips…

Cocksucking trip stealing street shitting poos….

Technically yes but any employee who actually hits this point will be let go for poor performance.

why isn't this thread showing up on /pol - had to click link in previous thread to see it

Interesting article, isn't it? Good timing too.

Foes of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them

" CAMBRIDGE, England — His indomitable will steeled by a dozen years in the Soviet gulag, decades of sparring with the K.G.B. and a bout of near fatal heart disease, Vladimir K. Bukovsky, a tireless opponent of Soviet leaders and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, is not a man easily put off his stride.

But he got knocked sideways when British police officers banged on the front door of his home on a sedate suburban street here early one morning while he lay sick in bed and informed him that they had “received information about forbidden images” in his possession.

“It was all very bizarre and disturbing,” Mr. Bukovsky said. “This is not normally the language of a free society,” [Wake up idiot: you live in Airstrip One, you don't live in a free society.] he added, recalling how his old K.G.B. tormentors used to hound him and his friends over texts and photographs declared forbidden by the Soviet authorities.


“The whole affair is Kafkaesque,” Mr. Bukovsky said in an interview. “You not only have to prove you are not guilty but that you are innocent.” He insisted that he was the victim of a new and particularly noxious form of an old K.G.B. dirty trick known as kompromat, the fabrication and planting of compromising or illegal material.

Old-style kompromat featured doctored photographs, planted drugs, grainy videos of liaisons with prostitutes hired by the K.G.B., and a wide range of other primitive entrapment techniques. […] "

I got news for you Vlad: every intelligence or national police agency can use that trick. The FBI, the NSA, they can both try to hack into your computer to plant child pornography. As for cops planting drugs on people it's a fairly common problem in a lot of countries. As if the KGB was the only agency doing things like that. And undercover prostitutes to entrap clients? That's not a particularly soviet trick, it's done in every major city.

And of course the NYT article repeats the unproven fact-free allegation that russian hackers stole the DNC e-mails and gave them to Wikileaks.

lol - as entertaining as this is, it's not really conducive to proper level of intellectual discourse. I'm off to dinner anyway. Believe what you want to believe - it ultimately doesn't affect me.

Have a wonderful night.


stfu lib

CEOs will make America great.


I'd like to see the sickly jews without a media shield now that no one listens to the MSM try to take on the part of the population with almost all of the testosterone and guns.

The hard ones are extortionists and slippery gangsters, they'll be blackmailing themselves a new shield well before the MSM spirals away.

Explain the post truth world meme to me.
Are they referring to Trump lying? Or the media false hysteria lying?

Fucking LOL. Canadian intelligence was doing this 15 years ago.

Well, it looks like the evil Jews have unleashed their doomsday weapon on this place. What now?

What sucks the most about these bots is they're hard to tell apart from a regular Holla Forumsster at first glance. Maybe genuine posters should make a genuine point to post images to let others know they're legit.

Homogenous white society.

Have they unleashed a version of Tay on us?


The only effective weapon they can use against whites is guilt and we as a race are all slowly building a tolerance to it. A bunch of low energy AI's cannot change our destiny.

Our blade must be getting closer to the heart now.

Personally I think someone should /baph/ the living (and nonliving) shit out of whatever is running these bots. Who knows? It could be the lead we're looking for.

There's an easy way to prove a post is legit when writing it. Just use Holla Forums-specific formatting in your post, all this spam comes from cuckchan.



On the bright side, this is hitting Holla Forums just as hard. Maybe this will finally be their wake-up call to the unsleeping perfidy of the Jew.

We should keep an eye on this news story; we might be able to roll this all out as a "Literally Blood Lieibel!" [sic] to go along with PizzaGate as more information comes out. Establish an international pattern, as it were. Then there was that (Jew?) Peter Theil praising infusing himself with childrens' blood, the Palestinian organ thefts - Israelis can't seem to stop getting themselves arrested for that stuff.

They get off by hiding in plain site and laughing at the whole world by remaining hidden don't they?

Are they spamming cuckchan as well?

dunno, but that's where they're stealing all the content from

I checked their catalog and didn't see any mention of spam bots. Like you say, though, all these posts are coming from there, and their threads are usually incoherent garbage anyway, so it's hard to tell if they're being spammed as well since it all looks alike.

Yes, even worse than here. It is very suspicious that the threads there that turn out to be false leads are shill free.

he has around 8 billion of his own money in spacex, which is more than 50%.

It's an oppressive system of laws.

Even nations that follow that shit are financial messes because of the lending parts.

Also the constant rape of little boys, murdering of others, the Arab Supremacy shit, the fact that literally nothing good has ever happened in an Islamic state ever, shitty submission to a retarded god, animal sacrifice, and antifreedom ways.

It's an infection on humanity, even worse than Communism somehow.

Lurk more

How do you see this playing out?

Jews move from Israel to canada

you're posting on it.

it's a known fact RIDF hacks Holla Forums to influence posts in favor of the Kremlin.

I think they're doing copy-paste of real comments posted here (or on 4chan) so that's why some of them looks like real people at first glance.

There are no words for this stupidity

Funny though how 'conservatives' so quickly forget the moronic evangelical southern baptist when passing judgement on others though.

wtf i hate Holla Forums now

copy-paste, from the other thread:


by the way, about that Andrew Breitbart tweet, it wasn't about John Podesta's connection to Alefantis it was the O'Keefe video:

About that Podesta ‘underage sex-slaves’ Tweet from Andrew Breitbart

" In July and August 2009, Giles and O’Keefe visited ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino, San Diego, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Miami. Giles dressed as a prostitute, while O’Keefe wore white khakis with a blue dress shirt and/or tie and claimed to be her boyfriend. Giles and O’Keefe recorded the encounters using hidden cameras and pretended to be seeking advice on how to run an illegal business that included the use of underage girls in the sex trade. "

As far as I know neither O'Keefe or Breitbart looked into Tony Podesta's possible connections to pedos in D.C.


UK needs to be on god tier

Jews are a middleman distraction, "the Jews" is a euphemism for the elite, the general Jew on your street probably hates Muslims more than we do.

nigger i actually fell for it and sited an article here as a source

We haven't abandoned Trump you crackhead. Stop believing everything Reddit/etc tells you. Our plan is still 100% on track and things are going great.

Australia doesn't exist since the earth is flat. the jews invented Australia to hide all the dead people and shitpost on Holla Forums

What was the aftermath of todays bombing in Istanbul?
Any more information about it?

The Haven Institute on Gabriola Island has links to Esalen Institute and Tavistock. Look at their website they offer a bunch of new age "retreat-style" courses, standing out are the ones about trauma and sexuality as well as the many "teens alive" courses. Tantric assplay, mind kontrol and kids. Lotta coincidence. Look at the faculty list and look at all the bizarre connections and people:

This dude seems strange:
Gary Reiss
Gary has a private practice in Eugene and Portland, Oregon, has been Director of Rivers Way Community Clinic in Portland for 20 years, and teachesProcess oriented Psychology worldwide, now actively teaching in 17 countries. He is asenior faculty member at the Process Work Institute, and brings 40 plus years’ experienceto his work. His specialties include family therapy, sex therapy, working with comapatients, Worldwork in hot spots in the world, organizational development, andintegrating Process Work with different spiritual traditions.

A video on his website talks about his "vision" from a Jewish Kabbalistic Rabbi as a formative experience as a young man.

There's also a Miriam Dror Jewish youth camp on Gabriola Isl.

This lady operates the 'kids in the spotlight' program:

This guy reads like a meme:
Gary Dillon-Shaw
Gary DillonMA has studied psychology, theology, and movement therapy, with an emphasis on Esalen massage, Hawaiian shamanic bodywork, and Taoist and Western esoteric transformations of Eros.Heco-leadsFor Playand teaches internationally with his wife Elfi Dillon-Shaw.

Geoffrey CarrPhD, R.Psych, CPT-S completed his training in clinical psychology and neuroscience at McGill University in 1985. He has been a professor of psychology both at UBC and SFU, receiving high ratings from students and supervising clinical psychology students. He has been a Registered Psychologist in BC for 25 years, has been recognized as an expert in the assessment and treatment of children and adults at all levels of court in British Columbia, and has both published research and taught on psychological assessment. He is also a Certified Play Therapist.

McGill University was where MKUltra trauma based conditioning was developed by Dr. Ewan Cameron and is where this guy got his Ph.D

And don't forget hollyhock on cortes isl, favorite spot of Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and pacific marxist elites. Created by us expat billionaire Joel Solomon, a leading 'visionary' with massive influence in BC. Who the fuck knows what goes on there but a famous Italian artist on cortes was murdered a few years back when he started talking too much.

Heh. That's some pretty flowery language to describe raping kids in order to summon diabolical energies.

Way ahead of you buddy

I wish he had children

a shame to see his gene pool end

I can't follow fuck all in this thread all this nonsense jibberish doesn't make sense god damn shills fucking jews

It's like when chimps attack each other

Twist and turn this post is trying to cover up like his death

Feminism is Jewish

Feminists by Ethnicity

Feminists by Religion

List of Jewish Feminists

Absolutely correct.

could you even see anything with those helmets?

according to who? The media that a month ago said the US election could never be rigged or hacked?

you mean the same guys who claimed that Saddam had WMDs?

CTR was paid to influence voters not destabilize a mongolian pottery board of weebs and neets.

If you weren't replying to someone on facebook, plebbit, or (this is where 90% of them were) a local news comment section, you weren't fighting CTR

Their job was to sway undecided voters, luckily the smart anons went where they were instead of LARPing that they were fighting an ebin battle for their board



Yes it's true. Because the man is not a whining overgrown baby.

Because there are programs that people use to see everybodies hands.

I am. It's important to pick who you date and marry wisely.

Is anybody else enraged by this? We've been spending our time humbly digging and for it we now them trying to shut us down. They're openly coming to the defence of people using paedophilia codewords and trying to discredit and censor us.

These people need to be put to death.

Where's the ten arabs plowing her every orifice?

I hope this is all a ruse to get Romney's hopes up and then Trump Dumps him be electing someone else.

Seriously, I knew Mccain and Pailin where shit but, I think he would be worse then president Sarah P.
I voted for Obama over him. Seriously fuck this guy.

next thread needs to be named differently so bots don't catch on.

Why stop there?

Movements start here, why not continue to disrupt progress from being made here or reddit pizzagate shutdown.

That's the point.

Everyone on Holla Forums makes at least seven figures. Lurk more before you start bragging, faggot.

Hah. Did not know this. Thanks my friend. However, license is still not all, they are also supported throughout taxes.


Says "pizza" stands for an arm deal.

They do realize that by trying to cover it up and defend it, they'll give us a weapon to bludgeon them to death with for decades right? If they ever try to pull this shit again the whole world will say "oh, are you trying to defend pedos like you did in pizzagate?"

They're total fucking retards these kikes.

Jews are niggers whose snap decisions usually turn out better matey.

You'd better figure out a way to educate people and change some minds if that's the future you envision, because right now the media is winning the narrative spin for pizzagate being labeled as "conspiracy/clickbait/fakenews". The masses are inundated with the establishment media's spin, and at this rate that's all they're gonna come away with.

My thinking is that there is no rush to find the evidence and things are very strange at the moment. People need to slow down, gather and make fun items for the mass population and then we can go full storm after Jan 20th once/if Trump takes power.
The tipping point should be 1st Feb. Storm the Embassy in London. Get proof of life/death of Assange and then all out media war alt vs lame.
Time to timetable events in our own way and not get played as we are at the moment. Set it up like the old operations of the user past and Jacob Marley the fuckers.

The bot simply scrapes content from both Holla Forumss and then reposts it wholesale and in reply to itself. It'll sockpuppet nonsense to itself all day if we let it, that and there was talk from /fur/ and /baph/ about this jap horsefucker paying poo-in-loos via mechanical turk to manually flood this board with spam. They can easily solve the CAPTCHA. What a peepeepoopooclapyse.

who the fuck is that twat? Of course Jews have a long term plan… ITS TO BRING ABOUT THEIR MESSIAH! aka the anti-Christ

pizzagate is a dying thread… me thinks

Plus remember. If you hear a gun. RUN

Of course not.

Plus what is not said is to be in a crowd and use others as a shield but remember bullets can go right through people so consider your angles.
Reminds of the Tube driver who had his train blown up and the next thing he knows is a armed police officer has a gun to his head. Never recovered and had to find another job with fuck all help for TfhelL

Not enough digging in this thread, too much weird random comments and stream of consciousness bullshit.
IGNORE THAT and get back to it.

This is what a child trafficking network looks like. Not all are huge (most are not that big), not all are invested in large scale children or over a large geographic area. Think of Venn Diagrams, there is overlap between networks but still some layers between them, enough so that when one gets shut down, the others can keep operating.

And that's what we're after. A faggot who runs a pizzeria that caters to politicians is just a window. We start from both ends, as it were - the high ups, researching them, their companies (and what boards of directors they're on) and their associates. Also from the other end - sketchy aid/welfare/adoption/relief organizations, since these are used to raise money, transport people and look respectable.

These people are connected. We will find them, we will out them, we will ensure they pay.

[citation needed]

You do know the bodies were cremated?

Here is what you are asking for:

Wow I haven't seen this many shitposts in any of these threads yet. Opposition must want them filled up with as much garbage as possible to drown out the juicy slices of cheese pizza info.

So its true that all the corrupt media collude with each other and decide what they are going to tell the people. We get a massive amount of propaganda from the MSM and very little actual truth. I hate it that it has gone to this level, but we can no longer deny that we are at war with these people and they are at war with us. If we are going to beat them, it will be through forcibly exposing them to all the normies as we are doing in all these Pizzagate threads. We need to be exposing things besides Pizzagate too. The Establishment is in danger of unraveling and it knows it. It is scared and it is desperate. We can win this war if we keep working to expose the truth about what these people are doing in secret.


As for Google, it is just another part of the propaganda machine, along with the MSM. You get your information from Google and Google very carefully controls what information you get, like the MSM. I've always hated Bing for some reason (because I generally hate Microsoft, even though I use their software all the time) but apparently Bing is less controlled than Google, so you get more actual hits than the sites Google decides you get to see for your search. Google is manipulated search results. I've seen completely fake links come up in searches that I know are fake, and Google is feeding them to me, sometimes dozens or hundreds of them. Nobody should be using Google.

Its probably the U.S. Government doing it, upset about our influence on the election that led to the shocking defeat of their selected next President of the United States. If Trump doesn't do it himself, then we have to clean up the government ourselves by exposing its members.

I like the way you put that. I've been trying to put that together in my head but I've never seen in stated so eloquently. That is exactly what they are doing, and not just about the Pizzagate stuff either. The people doing the Pizzagate stuff run the entire country, so they have their rotten fingers in everything. Imagine what you could get away with in that position. Sandy Hook, 9-11, Oklahoma City Bombing, San Bernardino, the Pulse nightclub in Florida… how many more?

Is there a tl;dr version of this or do i just have to start reading links?

Here you go brother, this is the starter kit.
There is WAY more information, that's all in the OP. Spread the love.
This is bigger than we can all imagine.

the third post down on the left does not exist. please post the fixed infographic.

I'm getting through the spam, it's either Bui or some kike falseflagging as Bui. Just report it when you see it.

I have to confess that I have been questioning of you guys were on the right track with the Comet Ping Pong thing. I thought that you were making false connections and false claims that you did not know for sure. I did not understand until I listened to the first part of this video, and then I suddenly got it. You guys were right all along, but you are not doing a good enough job in making your accusations convincing enough to make people notice.

They think they actually had anything to do with trump winning, and it when to their heads

Here is the information that convinced me. You need to make sure everybody sees this particular information, because it proves they are not talking about pizza at all but are talking about something quite different. If this is true and not trolling, then this is the smoking gun that blows it all wide open. It PROVES everything you guys have been saying but I refused to accept.

make it a staging ground for some new industry like biotech

gentrification will follow

Someone who knows how should archive that site before it gets taken down. This needs to be seen by everyone.

Who is this semen demon?
judging from the photo, I'm guessing she's been dead for over half a century

How do we know this is not a hoax? I need to know this is genuine before I spread it. I don't want to spread disinformation or trolling. Can someone authenticate this? Because, if authenticated, it really is the smoking gun that blows Pizzagate wide open and proves it.

That seemed to be a reference to the We the Pizza psyop. That's what I got from reading the entire thread and not just the top few replies.

A steel foundry would also make an excellent crematorium. Too bad one burnt down the day after the election. It was even owned by people with the right connections.

Could this be from the group who supposedly social engineered access to one of the pizza place computers and stole/copied their hard drive? I haven't heard anything further about that.

pizza gate information doesn't matter…and here is why.




Not sure if this assblasted or a shill, either way we're laughing at you. Hide the fucking sticky you knuckle-dragging inbred retard.

yeah… it is not worth going down. The original post with the two fellows who got access to data and were in the process of turning over that data had red flags all over it. The dude would not release anything, and any technical questions asked he would say i dont know my friend is the tech savy one… Most probably trolling/psyop

That would be unfortunate. I so want to believe this, especially all those instructions about the App. I work in IT, and all of those things is exactly what someone would need to do to ensure very high security that nobody else would be able to access. Some of those things I had never thought of before. Its ingenious in fact when someone wants absolute security. If Trolling, its pretty smart trolling because this sounds 100% legit.

I don't understand what you are trying to say with this.

Sup. You're protecting child molesters and people who supply them with children. You will have to live with that fact.

No damnit I want…a mother fucking briefing format.
I see all these fucking threads about this fucking pizza gate…and the topic is COMPLETELY LOST IN THE MINUTIAE.

Something as important as every autist reports this to be should be LAYED out. No - its completely fucking shit.

And you accept the shit. I however will not. If this is that REAL and as REAL as everyone on here claims it to be…then
An info graph a spread sheet a doodle on a napkin.

The whole story just smells like pure bullshit.

And asshats that believe pure political bullshit stories are morons.

fuck off back to reddit, this is not for normalfags to see until every puzzle piece is in place

Media and politicians are adopting new narratives specifically to combat this particular conspiracy theory. Which means the theory has legs. Siddown, boy. It started here and now it's a global topic and a major media talking point. You don't know shit about shit.

i'm your father. I have been shit posting since 98.

You are right I don't know shit about shit..because I can't get a MOTHER FUCKING cohesive thought out of the Fuck-teenth threads that are on here.

ooohhh gall darnit I don't have enough time to research pizza gate…yeahh… thats right …cause I have been to buisy infiltrating the power structure daily for the last 13 years.

Its obvious that some posters come on here with no other intention than disrupting this thread and the information contained in it.

Is the NYT and ABC webarchive fucked for anyone else?

No, what are you seeing?

Try a different browser with a clean cache. won't even load was a bitch to keep it from throwing an error and actually stay on the story.

Practice a little agency like a white male and look through the threads posted instead of acting like a nigger.

It was/is bui doing the spamming. He did it on operate before. Admitted as much on the role-playing board, massive faggot he is.

Spiritual programming will also include: being forced to memorize rituals, THE BOOK OF ILLUMINATION, and other books which contain cult beliefs. The person will be saturated from infancy on, in classes and training sessions, with cult beliefs. They will go to rituals where the adults participate in spiritual worship, wearing robes, and giving obeisance to the group’s particular guardian deity. Moloch, Ashtaroth, Baal, Enokkim are demons who are commonly worshiped. The child may see a sacrifice, either real or a set-up, to these deities; animal sacrifices are common. The child will be forced to participate in the sacrifices, and will have to go through blood baptism.

They will be forced to take the heart, or other internal organs, out of an animal that has been sacrificed, and eat them. The adults, and leaders of the group, will place their hands on the child’s head, while it is drugged, and invoke demonic entities.

One ritual which is actually programming is the resuscitation ritual. In this ritual, the child may be heavily drugged, and shocked or tortured, to the point that his heart may stop. The head priest will then resuscitate the child, using drugs, CPR, and incantations. When the child comes back, and is awake, he or she will be told that they were brought back to life by the demonic entity that the particular group worships, and that now the child owes it their life. They are told that if they ever tell, or try to get the demon to leave, they will return to the lifeless state they were in prior to resuscitation.

That menu is fucking bull shit and if you work in it and think it looks legit you must be the janitor

you mean a network like first pic?
also, screencap is from before the ==FAKE NEWS== thing went into the stratosphere, it doesn't look like he was role playing. The number of shills is directly related to the fact that this is real.
What can we do about it? Keep researching and archiving.

its not bots.those guys are real ppl paid to shitpost.dont kid urself its a known fact.

Debunk the menu then, instead of keeping spamming the thread faggot.

What a coincidence! Breitbart's coroner dead from arsenic poisoning?
Published time: 2 May, 2012 20:41
Edited time: 3 May, 2012 00:41

another old draft of people connected to this, might be useful for people who want to start investigating now

Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia

Died 11 December 1980 (aged 88)
Hanover, West Germany

It's from those two faggots on the Pizzagate subreddit before it got shut down. They were so full of shit. Shitty explanation for obtaining the materials they claim to have, and as 'proof' they posted some actual toddler and baby rape and torture. But no proof it was connected to anything in Pizzagate. It wasn't even believable enough to be a psyop. It was just two dumbasses who couldn't come up with a believable story.

The rest of this shit has legs but I really, really think anything that came from those two is faggotry.

Yes. That was the diagram that got me started making them. and this one too. So far, these have been made:

John Podesta

US govt members convicted for possession/distribution/production of "cheese pizza"
(illustration purposes only, I'm not alleging these are in a ring directly or involved with Podestas/pizza faggot)

and there are more…

Child "help" orgs (incomplete) including Fonkoze, Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund, weird charities >>8489765
(look at the people on the boards of directors - we can cross-reference them in Wikileaks, Panama Papers and on to see more of their connections to each other & in politics)

International adoption scandals
(to illustrate that adoption scams are often used in trafficking, and also can result in abuse/death)

And Laura Silsby her Haiti smuggling operation
(newfaggot here who forgot to note the post number)

These are the tools (free) used to find this stuff out: and of course your maps were really helpful, too.

she debunks it here

Wasn't that first thing he reads the We The Pizza "menu" that's widely believed, even in here, to be fake?

Just kill me now, fam. This stuff can't be unseen and it is motherfucking everywhere.

Not sure if this will double post.

God, I think i'm in love!


It was pretty suspicious how they seemed to really want people to download and access the stuff they "took" from the place. And the thread here was full of people saying "it'll be fine, you won't get v& because you're investigating". Except, that only works for old rock stars.

you know, there was a big twitter blowout with hella CP accounts found, tons were from fucking saudi arabia. you guys have literally dicked around, talked about useless horseshit, and have found BARELY anything of use. you could of probably linked one of those saudi fuckers to the Clinton foundation, instead this thread will forever go down the rabbit hole. GG ya fucking nards

We have to try to further link Podesta to Temple of Set founder Michael Aquino. I do not believe it's simply a coincidence that he has drawings on his hands relating to the story of Osiris/Set.

serious question, italian here, why are pedophiles getting more and more visible now?

and i'm referring specifically to several cases uncovered here in italy.

are they getting bolder? or is it just the police doing its work?

You idiots realize that glp is run by Tst0ck, right? The first think that site does when you visit it is scan all of your ports for vulnerabilities.

Then man the fuck up and do it instead of bitching at other people like a lazy nigger.

don't worry, people are working hard to cover it all up, it will disappear from the media in some weeks.

someone said in an earlier thread that the 14 and fish refer to some stupid save the environment campaign in which people wrote the number on their hands and photographed it. Forgot what it was called, could have been 5 threads ago

But one question, don't the american people care about what aquino did? the raped kids, which were infected with STDs could describe the interior of his home and recognized him and his wife. Shouldn't there be a outrage and people wanting to lynch him?


at 0:50

A news Anchor asks:

its hard to play ping pong when you don't have any opposition

Breitbarts reply:
why did you change the subject to the sport of ping pong

Does any one know the name of this news anchor?

We're already on 22 fucking threads… when are we going to get solid evidence for anything?

What sort of hard evidence are you expecting to find about this well kept secret of an international conspiracy, Chaim?

Well, for example, what is inside the password protected Alefantis thing?, Victims? disappearances that can be tracked to Comet ping pong? Dunno, at this point anything of substance is enough.

"Circumstantial evidence is generally admissible in court unless the connection between the fact and the inference is too weak to be of help in deciding the case. Many convictions for various crimes have rested largely on circumstantial evidence."

who knows operation deep six claimed to have decrypt the files but have provided no proof of anything. Best bet is tying clintons/podestas to known trafficking rings I.e. norway, australia, SK, haiti etc

Come on, people! Do you really think the United States interferes with other countries' elections? Do you really think the U.S. would go so low as to frame people? And do you really believe that our government would attempt to deceive the media, or even collude with them?

Listen to yourselves! You sound like lunatics! How could you believe such bizarre, tin foil hat theories? You've truly fallen prey to the Russian propaganda. And mind you - only a country like Russia would do something so devious.

As an insider, I can tell you that America has practically forgotten how to perform espionage. Not because we're incompetent. Because we're that gosh darn honest! And here you are, besmirching innocent people at pizza restaurants. Who - really - is the villain? You or the RED, WHITE AND BLUE? My petrodollar is on you, comrade.

As if there was any way to tell the average cuck/pol/ post from botspam

More importantly, circumstantial evidence opens the door to a proper investigation. That's how you get "to the bottom of it".

It's telling that no official "authority" is investigating while the establishment is spending all its energy running interference. Dark times.


Bullshit. Just read the protocols, or some of the shit the cultural marxists spout. Yes, they have high time preference as individuals, but there is a core of highly dangerous kikes. Do not underestimate your enemy. Collapsing the market isn't a problem for them, they are just milking the fuck out of it either way. It doesn't harm the tribe. The more opportunistic of the lot will often overplay their hand, true, but that does not mean the tribe as a whole will not push its genetic interest.

Greg Gutfeld


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the global pedo trafficking school, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on small children, and I have over 9000 confirmed kills. I am trained in spirit cooking and I’m the best human trafficker in the entire undergroud pizzapedo ring. You are nothing to me but just another hole for my incredibly small jewish penis. I will wipe you the fuck out with a pizza party likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of pedospies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can eat you in over seven hundred pizza recipes, and that’s just with walnut sauce and hot dogs. Not only am I extensively trained in short order spirit cooking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIA and Mossad and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what kind of Moloch's retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit kuru infected shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Probably because Google's revenues are mostly from online advertising whereas for Bing/Microsoft online ads don't seem to be a priority at the moment so the search results in Bing are more likely to be what you're actually looking for instead of what Bing wants you to find.

But it's still surprising, I didn't expect to see a significant difference between Google and Bing. I just assumed Google was the top search engine because it has the reputation of being the top search engine.

When you're in as high level ops as me, you're not going to keep the same IP address for long. Who do you think I am? Some Holla Forums loser that draws red lines connecting random documents, calling it an investigation?

Or wait. Maybe you use Tor. Very *ahem* secure. Good thing they've got their fingerprints on every exit node.

Nobody is watching you. The media could care less about your investigations. I just come here for the lols, to enjoy a spectacle only the world's most paranoid, delusional minds can produce.

Wikileaks has no more e-mails for you. It's over. Do you think you're going to find the "truth" (which doesn't even exist, BTW) on Instagram? That's hilarious. Yes, the world's biggest pedophile ring is in hiding in plain sight on Instagram comments. Why didn't the FBI think of that?

COME ON PEOPLE! This whole pizzagate nonsense was a ruse to influence the election. Now that the election is over so is pizzagate. Why can't you move on?

Google translate does a good job. You just need a minimum of 100 IQ to understand it.

what do you say about quicksilver and roxy? i know the ceo of quicksilver, he will sue the shit out of you!

Dont know if this is important but this link was uploaded in an image on cuckchan in an image posted by an OP. Said big leak on Clinton Foundation coming up. Thread now deleted. Have no idea what is this is as I cant get on tor at the moment. Someone with good opsec please check this out and report back.


He posted other links I'll post shortly. Sorry if I'm jumping onto a larper but thread deleted pretty quick for no apparent reason.

No matter how secure your connection is, odds are high that you'll personally incriminate yourself one way or another if you go down the same avenues for too long. They don't have to know where you're connecting from. It's what you write. The only way to stay completely hidden is to act with the efficiency of a well-programmed robot. And I mean extremely well-programmed. Almost everyone gets sloppy at some point.!hgZnjbhK!JjAW3m0VGYK9kHCPV-Vg0nz9YHM-JYbddeojhuIMBMA

Some meaningless MP3 >

change date as required

has some files in there, some of which are porn pictures, others are of bud / weed + other drugs - Doods name is Daniel

Poor Russian fags site> one thing within there is a customers-2016-09-20.csv which contains numerous customer details and currier information with there email addresses most of them are &

A bit of a sloppy site if you ask me

Are these just dumps or new info?

What were these cases? Are you talking about pedo networks?

If your just here for the lols as you put it. Why encourage us "Holla Forums losers" to move on from the very thing you derive pleasure from? your a walking contradiction. Considering the amount of mind numbing shit that people can research on the internet these days, i would have thought that at least using our collective mindset towards the noble cause of reducing pain or suffering for anyone, but especially kids is about as worthwhile a cause as any. We are the purveyors of coincidence, we sift through the shit and let the important parts gain more traction in the hope that someone with the power to do something actually will. Furthermore, although this whole thing is bigger than ping pong pizza and certainly involves big names, I would say that our chance of catching someone slipping up is more likely within the brazen, brash, cocky circles of this new age trend of pedophiles with all their obvious symbols and creepy friends. The old school lot run a much tighter ship. Its the new age twats like Alefantis that get off on teetering close to the edge of making it obvious. I dont derive any pleasure from this at all. Ive cried countless times reading into this shit and i carry a sinking feeling in my stomach every day that just wont go away. I want you to be right more than ive ever wanted anything, but im not going to ignore when my heart tells me something is wrong. I would give my life just to protect just one kid thats suffered from abuse even if it was yours so dont dismiss the intentions of what we are doing here.

150 terabytes of child porn in Norway

You got a point.

I don't think the kind of circumstancial evidence people have gathered on 'pizzagate' would be enough to send a few of them in prison or to the gas chamber.

My main worry is that this whole thing became too big too fast and some of the investigators at the FBI or the DHS who wanted to look into this aren't happy right now because the autists who LARP as police investigators on various public forums might have ruined one of their potential investigations by alerting all the suspects and now all the evidence has been destroyed. You can't convict anyone of serious crimes with e-mails alone.

So let me get this straight. American MSM is refusing to cover this story because it hurts their campaign of discrediting Pizzagate as fake news? Does that about sum it up?

We are at war with the liberal MSM. I've already completely boycotted them on a personal level, but we as a group need to expose and destroy them.

If we want to destroy the MSM, at this point, our best bet is to get specific individuals prosecuted. start from the bottom, and remember that the charges don't have to be big, they just have to stick. People are rarely guilty of only one crime, and they usually know somebody worse. White collar criminals are prone to taking plea deals, as they die in real prison. zThey also tend to get off, due to expensive legal teams. The MSM is now primarily making money through donors (ngo's) and advertisements. As such, legal expenses can cause more damage now than before when they had real income from selling news. Further, litigation hurts their advertisement values.

So, my proposition is that we dig into low level associates and employees of the msm. Local anchormen are my suggestioned top targets, due to high visibility and low security and screening standards. It's one of the easiest ways to get on tv to be on the news team, and the people who seek that route tend to make a lot of mistakes.

True. And it's about finding patterns in association and behavior.

user in the last thread literally connected Soros' own foundation to supporting a pedophilia activist (and blatantly referring to her as such) and nobody commented on it. there's hard evidence in these threads it just gets skimmed over.

Dubs confirm. Praise Kek!

It's not too hard to write differently either. Analyze your own posts, see what you do very often, and remove those. Then add some weird grammar changes like punctuation and maybe make a few consistent errors for 2-3 posts at a time. Also, switch between american and brittish spellings from post to post to really fuck things up. Lastly, use popular affirmations from the boards that you post on. Praise Kek, Shadilay my fellow anons. Our own linguistic evolutions make us harder to distinguish from one another.

If you can spot the reddit, you already have the skills to spot your own identifiers. If you can spot them, you can change, control, and manipulate them to your own advantage.

I'm not sure anyone is claiming (seriously) that data gathered thus far is enough to put any of them in prison. And as far as your point about idiots getting mouthy on social media or showing up places is completely valid. That pisses me off to no end because, as you said, it pretty much ensures that anything that was there is gone, and anyone being watched now knows. It's just basic logic and common sense to use discretion, but there are some very immature people who have little to no impulse control and are ruled by their emotions, or who want to grab their 5 minutes of attention with their little youtube subscribers or blog without thinking of the larger picture. And on that note, half of the shit put out there by these people is sloppy and lazy - not even valid research, so it's poisoning the well also. Dumbfucks take
and just run with it, no matter how many times it's corrected.

I'd like to see a lot more quiet research on people and their associations, companies and organizations than the ooh-oooh-look-at-me fuckery going on. Just had to vent there for a moment…

Meme it user. If the hive seems to have missed something, remember, it has not, for you spotted it. You are an eye just like I am. Keep motivated, evolve, share your information. It may take several tries, but the more often you try and the more ferver, the more important the information must be. This is how things are done, do not falter, we need you to show us all whatever you find. When it is memed, it will be spread.

That was a good catch. Some user also posted about Hillary's fav homo/lesbo adoption people and I somehow missed and can't find it again.

WTF she could have taken the fucking list and shared it. She didn't. An user prob died for that list, so this cunt could make a video 'debunking' it.

Jesus Christ this is turning into gamergate 2.
I think it was a very bad move to call this pizzagate aswell. Everyone is tired of hearing about SomethingGate every other day. Be creative, have the power of memes taught you nothing ?

yes. There are a shit ton of shills like

who are trying to seed the idea that this "menu" is the cornerstone of the investigation somehow when its been disinfo from the beginning. Then MSM sweeps in and proves it fake, normies think investigation is even more ludicrous.

Just imagine how much evidence is there. Hundreds of places, perps & victims could be identified.


Bitch, debunk my ass.

Sye Phan is kill. Twitter account also no longer.
Even though at present its still indexed in Google
Edit: now been removed from google search just as I was about to get a screen shot.

Say you find something, and you're sure it's criminal. What then? Are any of the anons in this thread cops or DAs?

I'd like to see if there is any exif data or meta tags or whatever to give locations of were stuff was made. Wethepizza user advised it held gps coordinates of the images they found

Actually, it's about ethics in videogame journalism.

There are tools out there that can hide from stylometric analysis automatically. But, in reality doing what works just as well.

it's keks way of laughing at us and promoting real convo, not niggers yelling 'chekum'
I haven't lurked these threads since #4, anything I should know about that's not in OP?yeah I know, t. spoonfed nigger, but not going to scour 15 threads

Report it to the proper channels, and get the reference number for the report. Most agencies give you a number so you can see if anything was done, or collect a reward even.
Then post it on here, like this

The Temple of Set, and their parents, the Sons of Aether are suspect in pizzagate, and Hadassah (israeli zog doctors) are running support for the trafficking operations, and selling off the organs when they're done with the kids.
Hadassah was on the ground in haiti when the investigator was killed, and they have been caught in this type of shit before. Fuck, they were caught selling yemeni babies to fund the formation of israel!

You need to go back to plebbit. Now.

$0.10 have been added to your account. Thanks for correcting the record!

why is WaPO syaing Abdel Hammad owns Besta pizza?

ht tp://


wow that's a rare Pepemon you have there.


because the evidence that 'Andrew Kline' owns Besta Pizza was just a picture posted on 4chan and it seems like nobody bothered to verify if it was true and if he was indeed the same 'Andrew Kline' at the DOJ? there's 4 or 5 lawyers named 'Andrew Kline' in D.C. I remember the last time I checked the website was registered to a man with an african sounding name.

People need to be smarter. Anything posted on 4chan needs to be verified twice. Or anything posted here for that matter.

Inevitably this walnut is going to crack I can feel it

Mark Foley. Actually we should just start listing the ones we already know for a fact. The sheer number of them collected all in one place should BTFO any further talk of mere paranoia - there's obviously a culture of pedophilia in the halls of power that we damn well should investigate without allowing ourselves to fall victim to confirmation bias.

Yeah Weiner, Sandusky, Jared Fogler there's only 6 degrees of separation between the pols, the celebs and lower profile professionals , a missing piece of the puzzle. Macully Culkin and Corey Feldman are waiting for a few more victims they don't want to make the first push

One thing I have noticed is that all of these people are hubristic and self aggrandizing, while also being very unoriginal. For example, the Clintons seem to always name their shell companies things like WJC, Inc or HTC, Inc.

In this vein, I'd like to point out that J & T Packing is almost guaranteed to be a reference to John & Tony Podesta. Circumstantial, but as others are pointing out, the standard of evidence is very different in deciding to investigate, and prosecuting in criminal Court.


>As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

>from some very weird and troubling people

I ran James Alefantis through anagram creator - just for shits n' giggles - and got Fajita Salesmen. That's a perfect memename for our James.

Also got:

Just top kek. alefantis&t=1000&a=n



George Mason University School of ArtAndy Warhol Foundation Nathan Cummings Foundation (((Open Society Foundation))) (((Comet Ping Pong))) BeBerlinGerman Historical Institute

In the original research paper page 314:


testing post capability as im unable to post in my own thread somehow

Have you looked it up to verify? Speculation or assertion is not enough, and it is very easy and quick to check

You can look up any company, organization, registered agent and sometimes officers of companies for FREE. It's quick and revealing. In fact everyone should be doing this every time you have a question about it

These tools are your friend, use them!

why is WaPO syaing Abdel Hammad owns Besta pizza?
Because he DOES. You can see for yourself here:

Absolutely. There is no excuse for laziness or sloppiness when we have all the information at our autistic fingertips. The tools above are free and very quick and easy to use. Everyone should be looking this up themselves and verifying what others say/write especially if they don't provide sources and direct links.

forget it, somehow works again now

The Andy Warhol Foundation and DC Commission on Arts & Humanities also fund Alefantis' Transformer Gallery. And Micheline Klagsbrun, president of the CrossCurrents Foundation also funds the Underground Project. So there are some common relations between the two. Also, note that the DuPont Underground is part of the Parks & Passages program of Provisions Library, which describes itself as
That sounds an awful lot like The Institute for Social Research located in Frankfurt in the interwar period, also known as The Frankfurt School, also known as CULTURAL MARXISTS.

She is one the board of directors of Transformer Gallery…

Oki-doke another one.

Great catch. Great digits.

I guess I just assumed people were familiar with J & T Packing as the Arkansas company with the same principles as Clinton Foundation that was found a few days ago. The info on bizpedia is about all there is. General searches reveal nothing. Also, apparently unique in all 50 states, Arkansas SoS doesn't allow you to request more detailed information. So almost anything is speculation at this point. But I still think it's worth mentioning so it's on people's radar in case something new emerges. On the Feasibility of Internet-Scale Author Identification.pdf

linguistic stylometry

I've wanted to take this seriously as it keeps getting brought up. Anons spent quite some time digging up white rabbit references in Del Mar. With the one user supposedly going missing. I see the rabbit as a rabbit hole until it connects to something relevant that we already have networked out. This has served as nothing but a distraction and has derailed the thread quite a few times.

1. if you feel yourself getting burnt out take a break.
2. if you are new here unless you have info directly related to the investigation just lurk.
3. if you want to help either post summaries/links to social media - or try to tie in legitimate links to the network that is already drawn up. Finding a triangle symbol on a website is not relevant without some deeper level connections. Going on about the satanic shit brings context but it doesn't help link anything together. I personally like the idea of focusing on Norway or Saudi connections.

How about this triangle? Don't think anyone has pointed this out.

Been gathering and verifying as much data in threads here and elsewhere as I can be managed reasonably and trying to put it in a coherent format that shows the relationships between people, companies and activities. I have one for Alefantis but it's corrupted and I just realized the one I had for Comet (showing a lot of ties) I deleted by accident.

In the meantime, you can see some here
and here and one on the moving parts of a trafficking operation here

Anyone can do this.

I'm not sure most here are familiar with Arkansas companies, but sure it's worth mentioning and worth digging into. When companies go out of their way to be skimpy with info there is usually a reason. Do you have a direct link to their info on any of those sites? Corporationwiki and OpenCorporates also allow you to search by officer/registered agent name, so those names can yield info if searched on their own sometimes. That's where and how I found most of my info on these people and connections. Many times people on a board of directors in one place are also on a board somewhere else locally (or within the industry), or a trustee or steering committee for the local whoop de du club. And most companies have a client list so you can look into that, too. Front companies usually have bogus clients, or some legit clients and one really dodgy one. That's what we're looking for.

In states without huge populations like Arkansas there will be some overlaps and associations you can find between people/companies/orgs/fan clubs/hunting groups &c.

Good advice.

ht tps://

Seems Relevent to pizzagate and shows the type of people we are trying to expose:

Okay start there using the criteria and directions already noted. You might find something significant and save children's lives and innocence, user.

I couldn't find anything more, searched Panama Papers, nothing. I'd like to think it's not all up to me, that's why I'm sharing.

abc just redirects to their main page
so i didn't do one for them

Where is the link to Soros? I can't seem to find it.

What do you guys know about Max Spiers and what he was investigating when he died. It seems like the same people behind Pizzagare killed him because of what he was investigating and whom.

It's magick with sigils and memes help use the energy of idiots abroad en masse by fueling their intent (will) and their focus into it.

Might of ended up at a Spirit Cookout

I believe these cases are good to look at as well. I'm looking for a list of names and charges filed in these cases.

Has everyone seen this?

Bravo is cool but Callen is a fucking cuck and i've heard that he's either a abc asset or shill which is easy to believe

We really need to take a closer look at the Terry Bean situation. This guy being arrested is a big deal, he helped found the Human Rights Campaign which distributes those annoying equal signs you see plastered everywhere on people's cars. I guarantee we'd find new links to pedos if we did a careful dig into gay rights lobbying organizations. The whole gay rights institution is stacked with pedos to bottom (remember, they openly tolerated NAMBLA until the mid-90s when it finally got them some bad PR).

The topic is not directly connected to the Podestas/Comet Ping Pong/the rest of the pizzagate research, so maybe it needs its own thread, but there's just a trove of information waiting to be discovered there.

kek, I meant "top to bottom"

have the people in this attachment been ran down and linked?

anit cuck spam

back to PG

Apparently the Bizapedia entry is all fucked up - it doesn't jive with the AR secretary of state website or anywhere else… really weird. It's totally bizarre.

fucking disgusting

Learned some interesting things about Bizapedia. It uses software from Agilecraft LLC, a company whose main sales guy is LJ Alefantis
LJ just happened to celebrate his wedding at Buck's Fishing & Camping and Comet Pizza & Ping Pong. The photos are up on smugmug

old guy with pizza crust at a ping pong table

can see the BU of Buck's in the window

and this is the outside front shown in the bottom half of pics in the album. Whether brother, cousin or other relation to James, Bizapedia is truly suspicious. And there are other people angry at it, too


tbh I think we should put more focus on the pedo symbols, as far as lending credence to the normies

Besta, Terasol, Comet etc.

So many pedo symbols in such a small location is unreasonable to assume as just a coincidence

comet doesn't have any pedo symbols, does it?

previous post going in right direction and you're saying we should go back and look for random symbol matching…hahahahahsahha

Operation mocking bird:
Has that been legalised so they can impersonate the media? That's probably why there is so much fake news being reported by the media and other shit getting censored

Here's an archive of J & T Packing on bizapedia…

For those new to this, the listed principles on the site are Andrew Kessel, Bruce Lindsey, Chelsea Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Cheryl Saban, Donna Shalala, Eric Goosby, Frank Giustra, Hadeel Ibrahim, Kevin Thurm, Lisa Jackson, Ricardo Castro, Rolando Gonzalez-Bunster, Stephanie Streett, and William Clinton.

A little research will show that most of these people are the same people who are listed as principles in the Clinton Foundation. Simply going to the CF website will show you a bio of all these people.

Here's where it gets interesting… according to the reviews linked above, a lot of the complaints about bizapedia is that they frequently list out of date information. Apparently, they cull their information from various sources, and they are impossible to get a hold of. So it many cases, it acts as a de facto archive site, where old information remains.

Now, the information on the Arkansas Secretary of State site is totally different. Except in one notable respect, which is that the incorporation date is October 23, 1997, so they match.

Notice at the top of the SoS page it says, "LLC Member information is now confidential per Act 865 of 2007."

Did the "scumbags" at bizapedia just do us a huge solid, by not changing/removing out of date information that the Arkansas legislature ensured would otherwise never be found right before Hillary made her first presidential run?

Sorry, also the same filing number 100152178

Bizapedia listing for "Jarts of Arkansas" with same principles David Butler and James Teriwilliger, created same day as J & T Packing, which is also the same date for the creation of the Clinton Foundation in Arkansas.

The name listed as officer on the Arkansas SoS site, James Alan Teriwilliger, is a misspelling of an old Dutch name.

The name is Terwilliger. There is a James Alan Terwilliger, formerly registered nurse in Arkansas.

Remarkable that what looks like an official document has such an obvious misspelling.

holy fuck this shit is weird. any word on loli express/Clinton's plane archives?
last question, don't want to derail archive for David F. Butler, the lawyer that is the Registered Agent.

This is real.

why even fucking live

it's true. black girls love me. i wouldn't knock one up, though.

You wouldn't knock one up? Why not?

Don't you know what's it's like seeing a white girl get knocked up by a black person?

It's the opposite for them.

If white guys knock up their women, they'll get really sad. =3

Aussie Luke, I know you're going to read this: A word of advice, dial your insufferable autism down if you intend on having a conversation with someone on a podcast. I understand this stuff triggers the fuck out of you, it triggers anyone who's been involved in digging into these subjects. It's unimaginably horrendous shit. That's not an excuse to go on a show and spill your fucking spaghetti the entire time. Have a shred self-discipline when engaging. It will serve you in the long run, and enable you to spread your message further instead of just making people wish you would shut your goddamn mouth already. I know you are pure of heart and passionate about fighting the kikes and pedos, but for fuck's sake man please control the obnoxious ranting. WWS deserves a medal for being so patient with you. I would have hung up after the 2nd time you interrupted.

Maybe because he doesn't want to create a bastard child with his DNA mixed with a subhuman.

And then be forced by the state to pay half their salary to raising a future thug.


Do you really want to create children from your own DNA who are going to be pieces of shit kike???.

It seems like the messed up coding by AgileCraft LLC (see here and WHO and apparently this isn't the first fuck up of Bizapedia in this way) crossed Clinton Foundation address and officers/principals with this packing company. there is nothing else anywhere, in any archive or database that jives with Bizapedia's entry.

There are only 3 (we're the 4th) place on the entire internet discussing this and it all centers around that, and the long and winding roads people went down to make this conclusion.

plenty shills on twitter insisting pizzagate is fake
i wonder if they are CTR, trolls or just fucking stupid

Times they are not-a-changing

Posted in the last thread, but it got shoah'd from the archive.

It attempts to show the broader agenda of the Satanist's plan and encompasses cannibalism, illegal human testing, genetics, ritual child abuse and fastfood restaurants.

Man, I haven't listened to Rogan in a long time but this reminds me that we should all start sending him all this evidence, there are so many fucking articles with recent pedo busts, those terabytes of CP found on Norwegian politicians computers, Franklin cover up, pizzagate, etc.

Does Joe Rogan even know David Seaman is talking about pizzagate? He had him on his podcast years ago multiple times, and there are so many people who don't give a fuck about conspiracy theories that are hardcore into figuring out all this pizzagate shit, and Rogans podcast is a platform that reaches millions, we need to redpill Rogan on this shit.


What does it mean?

Sometimes they rename the article or re-write it. Did you search for the same story under different titles on Washington Post? Just curious if they totally deleted it, or it just moved to a different url.

Hello Holla Forums

I have a question to those who believe things like Pizzagate and the likes.

If I would actually believe these things, I would constantly be angry, frustrated and pessimistic, because of how fucked up 'the system' is.
So is that what you guys are all the time?

Or are you somehow positive and optimistic that with your combined efforts you are close to 'awakening' the public and exposing the governments etc?

Actually, it's about ethics in Italian cuisine.

It doesn't matter who we are
What matters is our plan

I don't care who you are.
I just wonder how your 'knowledge' affects you emotionally.

Ignorance is not bliss. It's just… ignorance.

You're still not answering the question.

How do you feel about the idea that most people are ignorant, blind to the reality that you see?
Does it frustrate you? Anger you? Do you feel superior?

As I said, if I believed for example that 9/11 was an inside job by the government, I would be fucking furious and paranoid.

No. Finding and spreading truth is its own reward.
Do you feel superior?
No. I don't posses the ultimate truth. We're all learning from each-other.

Don't place your faith in man and you won't feel as disappointed when they fail you.

Emotions are not the majority of living or experience, though that is what we're all taught and encouraged to perceive.

nigger loving bitch ill dox her my self. not taking the info. wants to play re`porter on jewtube and dosent have the ball to take the evidence.

i mean in the sense of lending credibility to this whole thing

visual stimuli works very well

Callen listens to too many audio books.

Greg Gutfeld is red pilled as fuck doe. There is nothing here.

Why is everyone here so freaked out about pedos? This website is basically pedo central.

Literally everyone I know who has expressed outright dismissal of this issue is either really stupid, or has been involved in questionable 'projects'.

I'm a different poster than the one you were previously speaking/debating/arguing with so I'll give answering your questions a go.

I really don't believe thats the case…ok maybe faggot millenials ARE ignorant to the Jew controlled government's evil and lies ie not acknowledging the clear extraterrestrial presence in our world, poisoning of the Tuskegee niggers with syphillis, MKULTRA, Gulf of Tonkin incident, no WMD's in Iraq, the Jew government's murder of Kennedy and the Jew government's committing of the 9/11 false flag to get oil and wars for Israel's benefit etc, etc if I were to try and list all the JewSA government's crimes I'd probably be here for years not days.

However that said I don't believe the rest of the populace IS ignorant to all of this.

I'm sure they know whats going on but pretend otherwise out of the same kind of fear and cowardice that has kept white nationalism/race realism a fringe type of movement all these years the last moderately successful boots on the ground variant of which was headed up by the late Dr. William Pierce.

So yeah I feel people of the generations before the rise of MOST millenials know whats REALLY going on and what the Jews/government have done but they don't want to "rock the boat" or "upset the apple cart" as it were ie they naturally don't want war and revolution and to go without electricity and running water and have to fight in the freezing cold and risk starving and lose all their toys and creature comforts ie flat screen HDTV's, luxurious queen and king size beds, magnificent couches and refrigerators and fast food and all that good stuff.

So they grumble and groan and go along with the Jew's bullshit and lie to themselves and pretend that voting for yet another one of the Jew's puppets this time the fucking bozo the clown Donald Trump will actually change things for the better or at least "do some good" and then people just try and forget about all this shit ie the evil this Jew'd government has done and continues to do and quietly hope it won't ever effect them or the ones that they love and care about…but with each act of cowardice and dereliction of duty ie American's refusal to stand up and confront this monstrous Jewish evil openly the average American (white) whether they like it or not continues to gradually up the tally of the proverbial bill we're going to end up owing ie this bill for our collective cowardice is going to have to be paid for eventually in one manner or another.

Either we rise up SOMEHOW and SOMEWAY and FIGHT these Jews and pay the bill that way or the bill will be paid the other way and that is by our racial annihilation and Jews eventually destroying all life on this planet including themselves since as Hitler pointed out they are not fit to rule (others much less themselves) and any intelligent person knows that when a sociopath/psychopath (which the Jews are) runs out of prey all they then have left to prey upon will be eachother and that will eventually lead to them killing eachother off as well which is probably where Hitler got the idea that should Bolshevism ie Jewry triumph this planet "will go on as it has for ages past floating in the ether devoid of all life" or however the exact Hitler quote went.

Part 2

I think even the most deluded dumb fuck 13 year old Andrew Anglin (shabbos goyim agent) fan and raging Holla Forums tard here knows that Donald Trump is just another Jew controlled sack of shit but in the meantime its simply more comfortable to believe in the illusion of HOPE that he represents and that he'll somehow prove to be different and "sneak up on those Jews" and defeat them all for us by himself along with his yarmulke wearing buddy Rabbi Putin.

Its a nice thought but its never going to happen.

The bill has to be paid and the longer we put it off as a race the greater cost that proverbial bill will be for us.

All of the above at times but its utterly unproductive to engage in too much of that edgelord teen angsty type of feeling of superiority. If one is at all an individual of conscience the only thing one really wants is to wake others up to the Jewish threat or get them to abandon their cowardice, band together and confront the Jews openly with a brand new race based all white political party that excludes Jews 100% no exceptions which will keep agents like Milo out and help to keep the new party from becoming subverted.

We must ultimately polarize the masses between being on the side of the white race or the Jewish race and make it clear that control of the world rests in the hands of either group and that the issue is not at all as complex and confusing as the Jews continually try to make it seem so as to confuse the goyim.

I suppose this is a highly understandable reaction for the average person to have.

It means you're not truly safe anywhere on American soil since your own government is willing to cynically dispose of you at any time for political or other nefarious ends.

I suppose at times I myself have been the "furious" part of this equation in relation to Jewish + shabbos goyim false flags on our soil but not so much the paranoid part of the spectrum.

Reason being is I fully believe the false flags they carry out are almost all going to be surrounding high value targets or mostly in major cities/city centers and since I live out in the sticks well I just don't see the Jew government getting much mileage out of false flagging the sticks…but I suppose if they ever do go with a planned nuclear false flag then someone like me could in theory become a casualty/victim of the direct nuclear fire false flagging should it come to pass or at the very least the radioactive fallout but I just don't see ZOG poisoning their own livingspace…at least not until the civil war/race war is already well under way and they have jumped on over to China their new "chosen" base of parasitic operations when they finally feel they have sucked America's lifeblood as dry as they can.

Clinton is the best and Trump is bad DDos me if you dare you're memes are stank. [email protected]/* */ is my email if you want to discuss things with me

Trips for dumbfuckery. If everyone was complicit we'd be already living a nightmare NWO version you couldn't even imagine.

Ok proffesor Cameron, u think we are that fuckin stupid?

Fk off out of here u disgruntled colleague kid

We're under complete Jewish control and domination right at this moment.

You Holla Forums cucks and Daily Stormer morons want to pretend otherwise because you can't face the harsh reality that the Jew has got his boot on our necks and this will be the case until we actually resist instead of continuing to "masturbate" by "voting" and pretending one of their tools/puppets like Trump is actually going to accomplish something for us.

Continue being a delusional faggot if you like.

I can't stop you or any other moron here but I will tell you sorry assholes the truth at every opportunity I am able.

What's your game? Did rabbi professor steal your foreskin?

Did you guys ever find out who the retard "shooter" was?

James Alefantis caught lying again.
@7:22 in this video: he claims the murals were removed "5-6 years ago".
This makes no sense cause pic related.

Degenerate "art" never ceases to disturb me.

They're afraid


What exactly do you mean? You're saying that you don't want to be "redpilled" because you'd be depressed and angry all the time? Then no, not really. You can think the world is fucked up and still have a happy personal life. It sounds like you're trying not to believe these things because it makes you upset that they're happening, but it doesn't work that way. If you're actually convinced by something and but insist on saying it isn't true, then you're just lying to yourself. You can't choose what's true and what isn't.

It's mostly just frustrating when people keep falling for bullshit. I don't feel superior to other people for not believing certain things unless they act like a total retard/asshole over it.

Also this.

so the pizzaman was right after - oh fuck it's even in his name

kys and go watch SNL

anyone got the twittergate archive?

nice dubdubs

But, you know, this kind of thing is just a right-wing conspiracy started by the Russians a few weeks ago. You people are going down, big time.

new podesta tweet

Hes doing a personal army request

Oh I love how people have opened they're eyes *grabs more popcorn*

I tried to post and hit the Posting 100% bug, so I'm going to split this into separate little sections.

some more info on Judith Levine, author of Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex associated with the Soros' Open Society Foundation.

this is her bio from her Associated Professor position at Temple University College of Liberal Arts. mysteriously no mention of her book Harmful to Minors, just (((gender studies))) shit, wonder why?

here's her wikipedia page showing some more depth about her background. gives a bit more flavor about subjects in her book.

here's the wikipedia for her book. more interesting tidbits here.

one of the organizations she has ties to is the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, based in Washington, DC and founded by the medical director of Planned Parenthood in the '60s. heres its wikipedia.

another one of her ties is with the National Center for Reason and Justice, heres the wikipedia page for that.

this is Judith Levine's twitter account where she posts about "end[ing] the sex offender registry", marxist trash, and NotMyPresident and that lame safety pin meme.

her author page on The Boston Review

PLEASE NOTE that this clarifies that the first link I posted in this dig about temple university is a separate woman, along with the pictures that I've now seen. so ignore that one link. it's unrelated.

Checked. She's definitely pushing all the suspect agendas.

The bean thing was TWO YEARS AGO.

Fucks next news, acting like it's new shit to get clicks based on pizzagate.

Sad that the dumb fucks among us get swindled ALMOST as easily as the dumb fucks on the left.

Has anyone else seen this old article on how the CIA gets the kids for worldwide distribution? It almost feels like it reached out of the depths of history.

Ok, someone tell me what this Pizzagate is. I assume its just a continuation of the pedo accusations from the election?

It's a collection of accusations, some legit, some not legit, most somwhere inb between. There's not much of a link between the different allegations.

It's been pinned nonstop since before the election and has largely served to benefit people asking for a crackdown on "fake news" and also toughen libel laws (which, tbh, is something Trump always wanted done)

just some ammo

GTFO, chimp. It has served to open people's eyes to another "elite" homicidal, pedo network. The "fake news" crackdown is their response.

Hey, I have my own beliefs about the whole thing. If you think organizing/digging fully in the open, with no restriction as to who gets to read or write is useful. Then enjoy what is to come

This. Breaking this news isn't fitting the MSM narrative, so they openly attack it, bring more people to actually look at the evidence, which is enough to convince and outrage any rational person.

PIDF pls go

That is some crazy shit. Worth looking into, though the article seems a bit speculative.

IA here, holy shit

Cynthia McKinney, in 2006 hearing recorded by C-Span Dyncorp major Defense contractor for
SEX TRADE practices,


Sign me up for the "cleaning" squad

Well I mean in some states you have to get registered for urinating in public, regardless of anyone actually seeing your genitals sooo it kind of does need updated at least.

yes but that's not what she's saying at all, especially in the context of her books and the rest of her history. urinating in public is pretty degenerate too but that's neither here nor there.



Cynthia McKinney seems to be fairly red pilled and doesn't afraid to blame israel.

tweet image

lol is this quoted from anywhere?

found this

Ignorance is bliss faggot

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!

No. Believe it or not, its actually refreshing to learn what the truth is, even a bad truth like this. Seeking the truth and seeking Justice is its own reward that you have to experience to understand. As for awakening the public, we are closer than ever before but still many miles away from where we should be. Its one reason I am on Holla Forums trying to help with this investigation. We are already threatening the establishment and its only going to get worse for them from here as we find out and expose more and more. I am optimistic that we are on the side of right and that good things will come of this. Good things have already come from this: Trump won. Now we need to #DraintheSwamp.

Nah, the caption isn't a real quote …I just figured I'd rework a decades old 'toon of mine to make it apply to our latest headline snatching scandal with a kiddie diddling theme.

I knew about this for a long time. I just shows you that we are not talking about just a few corrupt apples in an otherwise honest, non-corrupt barrel. This proves the corruption is system-wide. The Sandy Hook Elementary fake shooting should have alerted everyone who was fully red-pilled just how corrupt the system is from top to bottom. They are in the Police Departments, the FBI, the CIA, the Courts, State Government, Federal Government, in the military. It goes on and on. The deeper you look the more you realize that the entire system is corrupt. I am not saying they are all pedos but they certainly cover up for pedos, if they themselves are not pedos. This is the struggle we face trying to expose something like this. This is much bigger than most people here realize. You are talking about outing some very powerful people.

Nice work!

Sure is a fishy poast

I want to cum inside rabbi-dash

What's going to happen in Norway will be similar to what has happened in Belgium and Netherlands in the past. In the Zandvoort Netherlands case only 1 guy who had tons of pedo CD's got arrested. The group that was investigating (it was a citizen group) claimed many more were involved besides just a very old man named Ulrich who had all the CDs but also stumbled upon connections to politicians and even the Dutch royal family. Of course nothing really was done to further research those connections by interpol or the Dutch police.

In the Dutroux case only Dutroux got arrested and 2 of his henchmen of which both are free. This man was actively torturing kids and making torture pron, sometimes this was fatal. It took 2 years before he even got arrested and there were many connections from him to politicians and police teams that were covering up. This means that he was actively destroying evidence during the time he didn't get arrested between him and politicians.

In all of these cases when there are people from higher societal positions involved (politicians, rich businessmen, higher ups in church) there seems to be a cover up taking place so that these people don't get arrested. Only the guy mass spreading the pron or making it himself.

The spreading of internet and tor made these people insanely hard to catch as well. Often rich people pay people who are residing in poor countries to make vids involved with kids (like how you would commission an artist). Skully, the guy who made daisy's destruction is an example of such a person. Though usually vids like this remain in the hands of very few people and never see public eye.

Btw start using shit other than (or in addition to) since they've already deleted Holla Forums posts in the past so we know they will censor shit

Some enterprising user with a boat has got to go snoop around Little St. James Island and do some snooping around. Any PizzaGate investigators from Puerto Rico?

Better take a gun with you in case things turn ugly. Worst case scenario, it's not enough and you get Arkancided. Best case scenario, you don't run into anyone at all, and someone just left some smoking gun documents lying around.

One person can definitely investigate the entirety of Little St. James Island in a day. It's less than a thousand paces across in its widest direction.

Now is the time to point out the cults. We have had the Temple of set. There is a Sons of aether, The golden Dawn. We have seen this with the OTO. With Jewish people going back to the beginning of recorded history. There obviously is a bias with this Jesuit pope making a shit eating pun with this extravaganza of darkness,. The Mormons are breeding kids. That daycare was in Salt lake for a reason. There is that mormon church in Missouri that has 666 on the top of it. That has a tunnel underneath in which magneto leviton rail-cars travel near mach speed into a subterranean child sorting facility in Canada. I remember Donald Marshal the lunatic that railed on about the cloning centers. He said the place they tortured him in his dreams was out in the woods in Canada no less.
Could be connected to the Royal Family;s the Bloodlines My god The Queen! They like to taze feral children in split second random jolts incessantly like a satanist. I understand in like a 2nd amendment kind of way that you at least electrocute the nip. Let the fucking bloated disgrace convulse a bit to get some immediate gratification. Smother the chink and get back to stripping sugar cane. No they chip away at the nip. Nippin away until there is nothing left. They will even get on of their gook buddies to taunt the person showcasing this pathetic display, My god those people exist as.Cambodian oto predators festering in Asia

A constant satanic theming with culture. They dictate fashion and have our young ladies wearing ski tight yoga pants for no reason but to spicify our society. No its not all culo. Stop letting these fucking freemasons see no evil and aggrivate the public with the constant fake race war they are baiting with the fraternally kanged blacks in society like black lives matters. The prince hall niggers have an elitist religion. They are fed the kangs lie and are shown the dress express out of the projects. you want to know just how much masonry seperates the people from consenting on anything or agreement of any kind.The entire pollitical realm is more or less a verification that there is nothing you can do directly. No option to stop the luciferian umbrella organization that is freemasonry and the Jewish masonic faction. Niggers kill each other while both running gangs that act as foot soldiers in every city. These satanists literally have corrupted the black man to the point its no longer Super fly. Its kanfz or die. Be a fam nigga or be imprisoned or murdered. I would think of white folks the same way I look at jews. Even black culture is a joke. They alll have this facade of being real but when it comes down to it they will just let the house nigger mason them into submission. The inner city is weakened to strengthen the black markets that peddle the drugs they pass around like basketballs.

We need to take out the legitimacy of anyone who intimidates people based on resorting to defiling children. Resorting to allowing these satanist serial killers that masquerade as homosexual thespians. They slit throats and throw the knives in your lawn.
No Freemason can go to their windowless buildings that are in every single township they are now reminders of the filth and its placement. They are not gonna feel safe being a mason in this fucking country. They are not gonna kill people left and right and call it suicide in a way that makes you feel like you are gonna be murdered just for knowing the cultist in some mutual way. These are already the dangerous people. The stern police man that guards the rituals. They dont tell you about that. The Fraternal order of police makes sure they keep that out of the awareness even online. We all know suicided is a word but this people think killing someone is an increase of some occult energy feild shit they where brainwashed into thinking like a caveman. You know. Death-torture is big with these people. That is when you bring a child or a lhimanbeing of any age to the brink of death and medically revive them for up to a week or 2 nonstop in the filthy underbelly. Pagers going off and people rotate into these dungeons on shifts. all the time.They have people that wipe up the blood from their hands and always have lots of duplicate outfits on hand. Thou they bled a baby to death with a scalpel.they have a lambskin apron that is masonically defined as the badge of the freemason. The little woman apron they wear, IT is the badge of innocence. That is an oxymoron because a badge should be a standard you hold yourself to in the protection of others. Not some stipulation where you hurt the integrity of the systems of trust that the world depends on to mutilate people like a fucking moody child. That is saying there is no reprecussion to be had because whatever they do against you or the millions of souls they sent to heaven they are innocent as that is their badge. They did not reveal the secrets of some satanic cult that is using masonry. You did not reveal the secrets of a mason and are nobel and free from sin. They need to be afraid to go to the fucking kill rooms. Because its no longer something everyone has to pretend they do not see, The media does not have to lose the hope of the millions of lay people for the threats of cult people. No more cult people.

Introspection is not what we need right now.

Yup. NDAA amendment HR-5736 expanded Mockingbird and made spreading fake news legal, just in time for sandyhoax. Trump needs to hit a reset button, at least back to 2011, though I doubt he will.

No shit sherlock. Stop spamming this in every thread.

How can you not? When people argue on the basis of evidence and then suddenly switch to appeals to emotion and authority when their "facts" are debunked, how can any intellectually honest person not feel superior to them?
So is that why you ignore the overwhelming evidence that it was indeed an inside job?

anyone know who owns this truck/logo? pic related

Wow kek speaks. Fuggin chickedy checked my fellow user.


thanks user


i guess the freemasons are pedos meme is true

btw Holla Forums freemason here. i won't tell you of our secrets and shit like how we are the ones behind the holohoax but it's not like you can't infiltrate us, we allow literally anyone fitting our easily achievable conditions

new board just for Holla Forumsaccs




So easy that old money could have set up a protection racket and literally all masons do is try and manipulate the community and dedicate people as human sacrifices,.

Meant for

Which is why all of the real masons come out of the highly exclusive and aristocratic Greek system these days. Free and accepted masons are just good goy cover. Congrats on being a useful idiot. How does it feel knowing they'll let you hang first, even before the Mormon pederasts?

My evidence: Ron Paul is a Mason, but he isn't a "Freemason". He can say that with a straight face since he was initiated through the Greek system. His wife is OES.

The girls in this pic need to be researched, find people on deepweb and ask if any of them they are familiar looking. Ask in req sections, this could be a smoking gun.

Someone was looking into the Salamander Resort in the last thread. I had a look myself and saw some strange things. The circular wine tasting place has a very pagan/ritual feel to it. Pictures with child and their mouths open.

Bryan Callens dad is CFR.

That person was a shill who got caught mixing up their proxies and replying to themselves with the same ID

Yes. Most of the lower ranks don't know but they're still indoctrinated to cover up evil. And that logo is not accidental. Symbols are important for them.

These pedo spirals are six six six spiraling inward. The first six in the center. The second six between the lines. The last six on the outside.

Feels evil man.

It does more than just "feel" evil. After all, what could be more evil than fucking little kids?


People here should try to relax more. Take a nice bubble bath.

YES! Anonfag here.. looks like it could be used as some kind of weird sacrificial place. Keep going, I am burnt out at the moment

Here's something creepy I found. This is a piece of public art that appears down by the docks on Sir John Rogerson's Quay Co. Dublin. At first glance it looks like some kind of storage depot, possibly used for grain long ago, or something like that. But as you look more closely you see references to child abuse and cannibalism. The first image is taken off of Google maps and is a composite image of two differently timestamped images; upper and lower. Parts of the image have unfortunately been obscured by Google's automatic face recognition software, but enough remains to inferr context.

1) In the first enlarged section we see a grown man hold a boy over clouds of hot steam; evidentally he is trying to cook him. The clouds of steam are coming from a steam driven motorised vehicle, which is blurred out. We can inferr this because of the other modes of transport like the steam driven boat, which buck the scale used in the image and the horse drawn carts with grain sacks. If you notice in the carts there are grain sacks and if you look closely at these (difficult in this image I know) you will see that they all look like human cadavers with their arms and legs chopped off.

2) In the next enlargement we see frying pans with food arranged in the shape of human faces, also a reference to cannablism. This is similar to what we see occurring in the spirit cooking cakes and elsewhere and might be something to look into in future.

3) Next to this we have a woman in a bathrobe looking into a mirror. The steam from the bathtub shows the map of Europe. What is the significance of this from a geopolitical point of view? I will offer my own opinions later on.

4) Below this we also have a bizarre reference to crippled old people and a clock. Why crippled old people specifically. It doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the narrative, have they been injured by the steam as well and partially cannabalised? Perhaps it is suggesting that old people are strickly off the menu.

The implication here might be that docklands are used to transport children for cannibalistic rituals or it might be a nod to high society people who frequent this area and may dabble in this sort of thing. Or it may simply be an artist's interpretation of Irish History and Culture; cannabalism was rumoured to have taken place during the famine in Ireland and their is a scene in James Joyce in which Bloom refers to his breakfast in cannabalistic terms (IIRC) and he is also in a bathtub later on.

What are the odds that this post just randomly pops up while I'm writing this?

Notice the three people in the centre of the circle? This is also Masonic/Pagan in nature.

Did you check out these?

found it on this blog:

What if Alefantis has the goods on not just his ex bf, David Brock, but others high up. And that's why you have such a massive coverup and lack of investigation?

Another tangential thought, what would (mass-culturally-speaking) happen if Pizzagate were proven legit? What would be the consequences of such a happening?

If you speak Norwegian keep us updated

If you look on this website you will be able to see what I mean about the sacks of grain looking like human cadavers with their limbs chopped off. I was wrong about the steam engine however. looks more like a coal fire or something of the sort.

Trip Advisor has an owl logo symbolising Minerva, or possibly Moloch and therefore linked to human sacrifice. I wonder what this box contains?

but that's the problem with 'pizzagate' there's no hard evidence and so far no victims either, nothing that could lead to a trial

That's because your side's bots are shilling the page. Your faggot kike bots are shilling the page because PizzaGate is obviously real. If it weren't real, they wouldn't be sending so many bots and shills here. You faggots can't and won't stop us. You might try for a while because you're butthurt, but it would be easier if you just an heroed instead. Not all of us are little softy civs that you can put a hit on or whatever, and there are plenty of us without any dirt you can use, and there are plenty of us that are so paranoid you have no real hope of entrapping.
We are the kryptonite to your faggot kike bullshit, and we cannot be stopped. You can try though. I have all kinds of info on the types of intelligence groups that try to shill here. You faggots aren't as fucking smart as you think you are. Your spies get caught all the time. Your plans fail all the time. You're losers. Get the fuck off my board.

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */yci

and it's more complicated than you think:

and technically this isn't pedophilia because we're talking about teenagers, not pre-pubescent children.

Nothing you've posted is worth a fuck. Either you have critical thinking problems or it takes you longer to come up with false leads than you have.

go back to Ropeculture

This shill is trying to establish a psych profile on users so you can be shilled more effectively. Don't give it accurate info. Don't forget to post from different viewpoints/attitudes, etc. Keep ourselves unstoppable.


Lets hope he will investigate their degeneracy.

I think it is simply the case that as an investigation nears the end, new leads are more difficult to come by. I am interested in drawing out the context into wider geographical areas of research is all. If you have any more leads re comet ping pong post them, if not stfu. Also fuck you mods, you giant cocksucking cockflaps.

Wait Megyn Kelly interviewing Alefantis. Just what the fuck is going on?

No you massive faggot, they shouldn't. This kind of idiocy ruins actual investigations, is illegal and is fucking retarded bullshit.

Only kikes and provocateurs encourage others to go on the deepweb to find photo proof or go scout locations in meatspace.

Fuck off.

All homos are pedos

What makes you think there is no investigation? What better way to investigate him than by pretending to work with him, patronizing his victimhood complex?

Anons need to start thinking things through from multiple viewpoints of multiple players. There's so much more that goes on that we don't see. The only times an investigation is publicly noted is when either a) there's enough evidence to get the subject of the investigation or b) it's a signal to others.

Did Norway and Interpol announce they were investigating a cheese pizza ring either in advance or during the investigation?

He will be characteristically nice, polite and gracious. He will also be creeped the fuck out, but he's too nice, and now he's in the position of VP-elect, it would be totally inappropriate for him to either decline the invitation or to discuss how disgusted he is with them once he's been there and seen it.

Just the fact that they invited him is really telling tho

Disinfo, been seeing that alot in this pizzagate stuff.


There is some truth in everything you'll find online related to Pizzagate. However, the online shill army of spammers has been dispatched and they are injecting bullshit into truth then spreading it as a package deal. So you see the true part and want to believe the rest, which is a mistake.

Good advice from my dadOne of the smartest and hardest working white men ever to live

this investigation needs a reboot.

the first 10 threads were good. since then, there has been disinfo after disinfo posted, with retards lapping it up

protip: if it focuses more on satanism than the actual evidence, its fucking disinfo you retards

Hey go- guys, I mean fellow skinheads.

You, I mean we should go down to this hive of Satanism with guns and bombs fellow neo-nazis, I will supply you if you contact my email. Trust me, I'm a fellow racist alt-righter.

causing violence is stupid and "they" control the media so the perpetrators of violence against the controllers of the media always get demonized

look at how fake news narrative was pushed with pizzagate "shooter" and guy running pizza place was made to look like victim, thats what will happen but far worse but you know that because you're a fucking troll

word up! Also the memes was strong. Helped people keep morale up!! Onward faggots and autists! Down with these faggots!

And to anyone disregarding this shit. You must live under a rock. There are bad people in this world capable of doing pretty much every vile act imaginable. And they are also not afraid to do it in groups.

What got me personally was #twittergate. I witnessed the most vile form of child pornography. ON TWITTER. All of this had much more momentum a couple weeks ago. But we mustn't lose track of that!

Did you get temp banned for posting about Salamander before? I did.. I kept getting this weird Nard% instead of 100% for a while after I mentioned it.. first and only time that has ever happened to me

lookie here

google finishes the title. ;)


The entity they worship is Moloch, not Satan
Ctrl+F "Moloch"

← Newspaper from 2030

Please rub in deniers nose

I cannot be more disgusted than I have been today.

I could entertain Pizzagate. Sure, maybe it's not true. Maybe this is just a pizza place. Maybe these codes aren't about kids.

But that doesn't mean it's not happening elsewhere.

How does he keep getting away with it?

How do they keep getting away with it?

How the fuck haven't they been found and had their trials delayed for death by firing squad to be legally brought back?

There are no new e-mails. The e-mails provided like 95% of the substance to this so-called investigation. Now there's literally nothing but Instagram and Twitter stalking left. What do you expect?

IMO all the e-mails even "revealed" is that some important people in the Democratic party may be irreligious sex freaks (and no, not pedophiles… that takes a few logical jumps). And that's why the Democrats don't want to address the e-mails to "disprove" the claims here on the chans. Because getting outed as not really Christian (such as participating in BDSM and artsy occult performances) would destroy their party in the eyes of religious voters. It's better for them to just let you guys look like paranoid freaks that are completely missing the plot.

I really think you folks got played. Which isn't hard to believe, because trolling this place is as easy as pie.

Yeah right mister fucking pizza. Fuck you, we know what we've seen. Go do your fucking research if you don't see it yet.

We're going live

Well, the creepy Alefantis German baby photo makes perfect sense now…

Linda Tripp literally has a German Christmas shop in Middleburg, VA where Alefantis was… He seriously just took a photo of a creep baby Linda Tripp was selling out of her German Christmas store. Why has no one else figured this out? F***

At least we know now mhollamby was with him that day..

Yeah I was looking for when he got arrested, thinking it was just this week or something. Next news is just click bait jonestown-tier bullshit most of the time.

What the fuck is happening to this board? Thanks for the video though I never heard about this.

I'm done fags. I don't trust this crap anymore. Couldn't have been more wrong about the "creepy baby"

It's obvious Jim wants this place turned into /newsplus/, there's no other explanation for letting a lefty goon like imkikefy ban anons for posting like Holla Forumsacks. Hoped it would get better after the election but it's only getting worse.

WTF is that? Low quality information combined pasted on a low quality JPEG.

Symbolic sage for a crappy picture.


He has a creepy interest in little babies which the pic confirms, along with all the other pics.

It is frustrating, of course. I also feel anger. I don't feel superior. I try to wake others up whenever I can. How can I wake you up?

The most significant issue with the #Pizzagate investigation and scandal is not the lack of evidence, (because there is already enough grounds for a thorough investigation) but instead it is the huge problem of finding an agency/organisation that will conduct an official investigation without any bias or censorship. #Pizzagate is actually a huge international syndicate which is nothing new in the elite circles and so you will find governments across the globe having some affilation/involvemtn. So now, how can one expect justice to be brought? There is no one (officially) who can bring justice because the overwhelmeing majority have huge stakes in the scandal and any investigative/justice body will be somehow connected to the scandal. No one investigates themselves.

P.S Please prove me wrong. Anyone know any agencies that can actually be put to the task of actually properly investigating pizzagate.. i read here someone mentioned there was a civil investigation group in Norway which led to the arrest of 1 man (apparently many linked politicians got away - proving what i have mentioned above).

Anybody seen this?

I think its name is Remphan, Chuin, or Saturn, or at least not a title like Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Moloch. Only the goddamn jews could make a living off of usury, propaganda, slavery, organ harvesting, abortion, genociding people ,and raping and eating human children.

No doubt the Podestas are into really dark stuff, no way of exonerating that.

If it wasn't for the camera turning before the shooter at Comet, I might have totally switched my opinion right now on whether this is all real or not with James.. but honestly, I am just over it after putting that together with the german baby thing.

Found a quote from Hunter Thompson, 2000.

hm, photo didn't attach

Damn, that shit cuts deep. I wonder how much Hunter knew, and if he was in the know, why he wouldn't have exposed the shit out of it. It's possible he liked it, or that they threatened people he cared about.

At this point it's obvious these sick fucks have no lines they won't cross. I just hope there are still people in positions of power who will not stop until justice is achieved. Not for fame, or more power, but simply for those who suffered at the hands of these people.

I'm more than certain that history books will view this time period in a dark shade of shame, though it will be recognized nonetheless. After all it's the victors who write the history books, and I have faith we will be victorious.

tk wtf kind of paper is that?
It's to late now, you can pick out most by jewglee translate, even though it sucks dick.

That this shit isn't proper ML by now is beyond ridiculous and just shows how incompetent and lazy the kikes are. Old outdated tech and code.

Here anyways, also some other, I haven't followed up on recent busts but there is at least 100 now

I'm to sleepy to go check up on em, if the assholes aren't stepping up, we're gonna put some real pressure on them.

The cucks found some creepy ass comet almost style weirdo shit in the middle of oslonistan earlier today got 404 damn fast… none of the pedo symbols but this creepy ass art
(maxi taxi is/was a big cab for many people, dunno if they still exist never take cab)

Had to take a break from this sick shit, I get to angry.. things can seriously go wrong, but that place also got a facebook and insta full of creepy ass shit, dunno if pedo or just degenerate shit, creeps the fuck out of me and should be firebombed just to be sure, gonna stalk it and look for the surroundings there, should be cameras in the area to hijack

Jesus fucking Christ. He would know, wouldn't he? And here I got Fear and Loathing in 72 sitting on my bookshelf. Fucking hell. No wonder he offed himself. Pretty sure I'll be an heroing on my way out, too.

But not for another 15-20 years or so, so if you do hear of me offing myself anytime soon, go battle stations. Pizzagate fucking confirmed.

5500 it says there, in case you wondered…….

Not all, but most of the users are here…

hehe nice try kikes we got you, and we're gonna get you all.

They police are in a rush on this, because we will start acting on it

yeah, if those guys found up what he was up to….
not stating anything more

I don't dare to watch this now
I will kill my neighbor

Go on guys! just popped in, I'll try checking out
this creepy place in oslo that was reported

their fb and shit is so fucking creepy, started in 2013 unknown fagplace at least but it reeks of just this shit, same kind of art - these symbols as far I could tell, downloaded it all and haven't harvested and doxed them all

Before I do, I want to share this small bit I found tonight.

Cross-referenced the myspace dump with a few pizzagate suspects and found three potential leads: emails and hashed passwords for Marina Abramovic's account, comet ping pong pizza's account, and another account that may or may not be related to comet ping pong pizza.

Cracked the SHA1 hashes for Marina and Official CPP.

Not sure what you should do with this information. This is as far as I'm willing to go.

Stay frosty my friend.


It's just like fucking this one here….

"only me" my ass also

Quite oposite of what we see here, it's something that have devestated me the most. That article up there is speaking against it self.

It's many women in on this, I dunno why they do this. If it is to like not completely destroy "morale" of people. A woman should care and take care of kids, it's so fucking disgusting, during the doxing of comet and so there were so many women, cheering for all of this shit in on it, in fact mostly women in many case like with that creepy chef.

They aren't being honest the police there
That's it! If you are watching and I bet you are. You better straighten up! And get these assholes or we will, and we won't be nice
Protected the police, and yeah… I won't type more…

This was the last one, I got a big network ready to handle this. I must go now before things get out of hand

Holy shit, is this some cruel fever dream?

I hope he brings the bread…
And the Lightning





This whole interview is ridiculous. Apparently it's everyone's fault except David Brock That Clinton lost. Now he thinks they need funding to continue to make sure that Trump is hated.
Also, Brock claims that "Michael Flynn's son was involved in Pizzagate." I would argue that Brock is involved in Pizzagate, and Flynn is involved in exposing it.

Got abramovich's email and comet ping pongs email hacked.

15,000 new podesta emails.

Credible? You decide.

nvm its here too.


You want someone else to release it?

I thought it was only on there that is why I linked it here. Did not see it was already in this thread.

Passwords didn't work for me. seemed to think that account name was available

I am sure it will lead to something. Maybe the @jimmycommet instagram

as i stated before there are 59258 valid mail ids on with 59099 unique ones as given by FSlint

downloadable via

curl\[1-59258\] -o "#1.eml"

officialy there should be 58660 mails after batch 36.

the single mails on are missing:

an interesting bit i just stumbled upon is that the server is hosted by dynadot, a US firm that complies with US law, while is hosted by "mir telematiki" that seems to be residing in the kreml but has no official page as it is part of hostkey:

u can look up the hosters at any whois service

Why the discordan image and the jewy filename?

the pic: cause im discordian. no one is like the other

pls explain what a jewy filename is, lol

on a related note u can view the single mails on with higher ids by just changing the mailid in the browser bar

Only kikes say chaos like chao. It is their kike order ab chao. Order out of chaos. You stupid fucking kike.

if i shall explain to u what discordianism is as far as i understand it, open a new thread and ill answer ur questions there, dont derail here pls

You forgot to type "niggerfag". Don't let it happen again. Sage.

Think there's anything more we can learn from Kim Noble's stuff? There's Hebrew on some of the works she made as "Key". I tried entering some of it into Jewgle Translate with Anyone have experience with Hebrew? Note that there was a picture on Alefantis' Instagram of somebody holding one of her paintings that had sharpie on the side saying "DESERVES A BIG DICK"

Reminds me of masons trying to steal the youth of children, but it could just be a joke about him reminiscing about his acting career.

stop it applebaum, that tickles!

last sha1 hash has been cracked… "4greenwood"

Ok now I'm rly done

Just realized that the password itself is fucking confirmation that myspace account is linked to CPP.

"Invalid password. Please try again."

I know. It looks like they've all changed passwords since the myspace breach.

dat jpeg…

im sure ull like that example of what im talking about

"> Hey John, > > We know you're a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years … > > But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty?"

wait a fucking second doeskin israel have a large kidnapping ring that works with the saudi's? tons of women from the Baltic areas get scammed and are forced into prostitution in israel.

Jesus christ just nuke the fucking place already.

">>> I have to be at cap at 3 though for that crazy Lade De Rothschild person


It's the "sacred chao". Get the joke?

im neither responsible for others opinions nor im obliged to care about them

Here's a protest our friend Jimmy led. Appears he was/is the Transformer Board President (some weird art club it looks like) protesting the Smithsonian over a satanic video back in 2010. Scroll down to December 2nd for video. Maybe some more leads via that angle. Souls Grown Deep foundation seems to be based out of American South. archive:

Dunno if this leads anywhere or not but figured I'd would add it here.

The artist, David Wojnarowicz, was a prostitute from a young age and died of AIDS. You can tell from art such as this that he came from a damaged background.

Yeah 3 criminal complaints this year indicate ejaculation pic recently in the bathroom at CPPP. Alefantis lies easily like a narcicist sociopath.

I can't believe that's a doll with misshapen eyes and open mouth. Unless it's a Pedo ping pong doll.

Marina Abramović in Brazil: The Space in Between

The witch has a new "movie" coming out.

Was the whole spirit cooking thing a ruse for promotions????

Can we have a thread for pizzagate skeptics and refutation? I don't really think it's false but (there are too many weird connections - like the haiti child trafficing woman who did 0 times in jail) but I'm not really convinced it's literally true, many of the connections are extremely tenuous (just a picture of sameone eating pizza, weird symbols being circled in 7 different diagrams. Some is very good some is very weak) - and the whole thing feels kind of forced. Like they want us, voat etc. to go wild over it to distance us further from normies and encourage more censorship. I'm not saying they are suceeding but I believe this is their plan.

Someone who just read 6 threads in a row here, you guys gotta do away with the symbolism save for the besta pizza place and even then people will just say "maybe they changed it because you guys made them look suspicious!" or something like that. Don't touch the moloch connections either since fringe shit is cooky territory.

I'll be honest I was looking at most of the connections with a grant of salt but I was really imrpessed at the Arun Rao dirt. THAT is solid. The bit about that infant massage therapist too.

By the way when reading about that Boum Boum Bath room thing I was reminded to a documentation I saw years ago on TV, where they were asking child prostitution victims what Boom Boom means and they said it's code for sex. Just a two cent.

Yes. Many of us are carrying the burden now. We know. We accept. I saw the 13 minute 'torture' of the Cambodian 2 year old. I listened to the audio. Someone has to care.

With the amount of shills posting here and Voat it shows there is something involved with this investigation or they wouldn't bother, never seen this level of discussion tampering.

Holy shit why won't you faggots learn the proper use of language on a board before shilling it? You insult our intelligence. Have some fucking respect.

It's 2015+1?

This is what we need to work on.

Hollywood Sex Clubs. It's all the same ring.

Clubs like this.

It has a graphic video preview if you like nice tits and a guy delivering the goods in minotaur mask.


I just googled Snctm comma Pedo Snctm,Pedo and got overt Satanism links in Latin or whatever language.

Very strange my other files included with this post. 3 files from CPPP but couldn't seem to publish the 3rd one earlier.


Someone or some bot took part of this post and put it on half chan. Proof of the trolls cut and paste or a bot.


Discovering this shit and self-confirming that it's legitimate has instilled in me a sense of duty and pride for my people.

I've seen horrible things in my life and I'll always be emotionally burdened by those things, this is something I'm surprised by but I can take this in stride.

I'm happier now that I have a motive, something to work toward other than making a living and having children.

I've noticed that some of the masonic aprons I've seen look nearly identical to the g mail logo. Quite spooky.

Weird how I had that pic.

From a voat thread:

Edgar Maddison Welch is an F list actor lol

Cleaner version here. I included more guides to help you follow the gist of the graphic. Protip this one requires actual thought and some lateral thinking.

I have complete support for any kind of research that gets us nearer to the goal of genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership.


He will if you make a stink and spread the stink.


This has to be a piece of the puzzle, right? Much symbolism.. Black/white checkers, spiritcoo king, baby/pig, drugs to lure/trap, etc
I used to enjoy Tom Petty's music..

There is also this child torture rape cover-up in the Netherlands from Cambodia:

They are covering up Stefan Struik's involvement with the baby torturer, Nguyen Thanh Dung. The 2 are obviously lovers, the video was shot with Struik's phone, uploaded to his facebook, and the stun gun that was used on the toddler was found in Struik's bedroom.
Dutch media is covering all this up. Stefan Struik hosts a furry rennesance festival called Elfia at a Rothschild mansion there, and runs a cacao farm in Cambodia.
One of the torture videos is still up on youtube. Warning: It is graphic. I could only watch 10 seconds of it before blood boiling, seeing red etc:



Ill never eat another big mac again.

So whose golem do they think he is?

The takeaway from Kim Noble's artwork by "Key" is that they used the Kabala to program her, and with the concentric rectangles and what is on each level, outer to inner, you can see their process of breaking her and programming her.

Good explanation of Kim's artwork from a general occult perspective, emphasis on networks, mental programming for use inside the network(s)

Came across this logo for NIH while I was researching Erratus. It definitely has similarities to the pedo logo. According to the Traditional Values Coalition, the NIH gave nearly 18 million to Chinese Universities and researchers to investigate STDs in child prostitutes in China. Clearly not all of this went to research. The question is what did it go on?

Liberals (Marxists/parasites) would flip if they saw this kind of waste in a Conservative (Host) Government. But they justify similar abuses of office with the lame excuse that it is 'for the children'.

Almost all white human trafficking goes thru Isreal. Eastern Europe -> Israel < Middle East -Elsewhere
They didn't even have a law against human trafficking until recent

Also organ harvesting - Israel is at the center with tentacles everywhere for it. They use disasters as cover to get people for organs, trafficking.

This is likely what Neera Tanden was referencing


Saying that a logo that isn't even marginally close to the pedo logo is similar to it does not help our cause. I have seen many posts here that say the same thing. If we want to have any credibility to others, we cannot be saying things like this. We need to focus on facts and connections, not vague BS like this. Things like this discredit the entire Pizzagate movement, so be careful what you say.

No, it isn't. A news site with a gmail address and a phone number, nothing more? The "Now 8 News" makes it sound like it's attached to some broadcast channel 8, and if it was, there'd be location information for the main studio and office. There aren't, so that site is bullshit.

there is.
3 minutes at a time, slipping in and out of children

if someone could be caught red-handed and then extorted of everyone they know involved, all this networking would be easily solvable.


Requested content not found. on both pics.

It would actually be the opposite since they aren't interested in pubescent or postpubescent kids.


Right, and those links address the Catholic church.

PriestsPedowoodNorway bustComet pizzaAir Fuck One, Epstein, SaudisHaiti, Silsby, Clinton FoundationBush FoundationBuddy Webb, Midlandthe resort where they killed Scaliaall in the same circle

It's good to recognize symbols, but you're right. The next step is to actually research the business/facility/org and the people involved. If they have ties, great, if not, drop it and move on. Accuracy is important.

No hard evidence in the public domain, if you discount the gruesome videos posted on Reddit allegedly depicting pizza, snuff and dismemberment

As some who has seen the logo, I can tell you that it does share many similarities in shape and aspect.

If international pedo rings use their logo on pizza joints (Besta pizza) and as logos for multinationals like Unilever then I don't see why a liberal infested group like NIH couldn't betray itself like this also.

I see lots of you fucks who just gossip and make judgements without contributing anything. You are effectively saging continuously, which leads me to suspect your all shills. Either contribute or gtfo, your advice and time is nowhere near as valuable as you think it is.


More likely/"Possible":
(((ISIS))) rings (((in the US and Europe))) instigate nuclear war with the Saudis, mutual devastation ensues and Israel is left untouched.

But this is unlikely in the present, with the US and EU taking the Saudi money, operating tools of Saudia Arabia and the Jew Empire.

The hyperfocus on the besta logo is an effort to throw out all the other evidence

from the court of public opinion (the only court that can have an effect on this. Without public opinion, every institution of the establishment will continue to ignore this and defend themselves.

imho clintons golem as there is evidence of hillary pushing trump to make the other republicans look bad. plan was other republicans would have to be more left to be different to trump and hitlary would be like "vote for the original". then trump won. will be fun watching the golem no matter who took part creating it

I made a stupid thread because I thought it was a good idea and got flamed for a reason.

So I'll try here, which is the right place, I agree,

Why don't we "spam" a simple question: "Where are all the missing kids"?

cause its suggesting without any evidence and leads to nowhere

I understand the myspace and email accounts have changed passwords since the MySpace dump in 2012.

However, this is still valuable as we know what passwords these fuckers we're using at this time. Let's find some old accounts that they forgot to change and go from there.

Is anyone working on this?


Found this by accident, may be useful?

Has anyone dug into many of the CPP followers on Instagram ? Some pretty sick folks if ya ask me

Man, they hide in plain sight by being so outrageous you can't even believe it's real.

pastor anderson Christ dubs

Yeah, and you really don't want to think about some of it

Kek approves

It is very sad that there are people who will rape and murder and torture little kids for their own sick pleasure.

Our keeping the pressure on these sick fucks makes it more difficult for them to get away with their unspeakable crimes. We're at least making them look over their shoulder more often and think twice before they try to get away with it again. Cry some more pedo tears, David Brock!

I believe we will help catch some of them, especially when Trump appoints new people into the FBI.

can someone make a clip?

it's an a5 envelope

not sure if this has been mentioned but there's a basement under Buck's Camping and Fishing, the youtuber "Lift the veil" did a video on it. Not sure if this is relevant, but thought i'd mention it.

Relevant? You post that link in another thread.

Anyone familiar with any of these titles?
I'm about half afraid to look em up

Isn't the top left a Green Day album?

A quick Google search showed that Wayward Girls is just one of those weird non-sequitur webcomics.

Thanks… At least one is self explanatory of sorts

I looked and saw nothing like that one


GETball failure tbh

CometPingPong Instagram Follower RomusGobson

Please archive the rest. Looks like more Child Cannibalism Art, some even pizza themed.

Lots of young children, meat, worms, and suspicious burial places.

Makes me want to hurt someone

I'm not pessimistic nor optimistic. I just feel more educated and equipped to handle many potential things you refuse to believe could even be real.

These themes seem to be recurring…

Naked kids again. I guess we need to keep going through these accounts and grabbing everything.

Yeah, there are several that don't amount to much, but some are gold

Like this

This type of stuff makes me livid. There is no excuse. This isn't art. This is disgusting.

drop here


If ya had to guess how old would you think this guy would be?

He would have a god damn tumblr page

Of course…. Seems they all do.

And they call that crap art?

Has anyone made any further links or investigations into /elephant/ and the use of encrypted Nintendo DS messages?

I felt this was a lead that got buried.

And here we are…. Lots of 9/11 references I notice.

I'm out of this rabbit hole.

Here's my conclusion: We stumbled upon a community of perverted homosexuals and pedophiles. They aren't trafficking children, they're just simply pedophiles who share the same interests and most likely exchange child porn with each other, and occasionally make perverted jokes about getting turned on by each other's children. I doubt they actually take action.

Meme magic is too powerful. Trump is probably the luckiest man on the planet.

+48 600 878 878

Hello, Sarah Nyberg. Trolling other boards now that #Gamergate dumped you, I see.

Here's the thing. We'll know tomorrow. Not worried.

You know the people to tweet pizzagate me message to. Normalize their world with daily reminders.

Dis prsn?

I saw that, but it didn't work out that way did it? There were a lot of things (((they))) didn't take into consideration, and had no idea that they had fallen into many traps set for them.


is there a way of seeing which instagram/twitter accounts unfollowed the pizzerias after pizzagate blew up?


Metaphor for this thread. 3-m&q=fake news,pizzagate

why india has regional interest for fake news but not pizzagate?

thread is ded.

long live lel


You're not fooling anyone.

Or are god tier Machiavellians.

Citation provided.


Whoa wait a second, wasn't Glencore the company that nearly imploded but was saved by a (((mysterious))) sudden appearance of an enormous amount of circulated currency back in September, 2015?

In the future, archive and link to archived version!

Yeah, if that's not a clue nothing is

Not that I know of … That would be pretty interesting

They devour my people as though eating bread;
they never call on the Lord.
But there they are, overwhelmed with dread,
for God is present in the company of the righteous.

here's what i perceive the biggest hole in satanic baby fuckers narrative of pizza gate

Virginia Roberts, pictured here with Prince Andrew, and Epstein, testified in court that she had been raped in multiple orgies with numerous members of the establishment on Jeffrey Epstein's private Island.

Presumably she was in the heart of the beast but she never mentioned satanic ritual baby sacrificing or killing? Why is that? You think she would have witnessed the worst of the worst?

Maybe Epstein is comparatively mild compared to the Podestas? Idk.

Did nobody archive the deleted washington post article?

The World is sicker than you think Viewer Discretion Advised

15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse

Don't use bing either you fucking retards, use qwant, startpage, ixquick, duckduckgo, even fucking ecosia, but don't subject yourself to (((international corporations)))

So all of those other search engines are free of international corporate fingerprints? Fucking doubt it.

lol'd at the title

I'd be happy to call them Honorary Blacks and maybe make them the kings of a new African continent.

How about we find a historically redpilled african society that we could use for culture war against the jew-nig culture currently prevalent in the usa today. It may be a tough find, but they have to have at east one society in the history of african black societies, that would be acceptable to exist.
The idea I am proposing is to subvert judeo-islamic nignog society with some kind of jolly tribal fascist puppets who will take their people back to africa, and clean up the place for us. This would solve the problems at home, and in africa at least enough to stop the invasions.


Once I read there were ruins of "castles" in the sub-Saharan jungle to show them black-washing Egypt should be below their dignity. It turns out they had a state of sorts in the woods which exceptionally wasn't made with Muslim advisors or admixture of Whites.

Although, I forgot the name.

Does that refute the youtube vid?

Lel grow up you basement dwelling 4 channers we debunk you with cherrypicked articles and if you keep digging we're throwing your president under the bus with cherrypicked lines from a private conversation!

The clip comes from here. Who else thinks the Rabbi is just being pro-troll?

Child trafficking for sex is very believable if you understand the elite mindset.
Monetary bribes can only get you so far. Imagine someone like Soros or Bill Gates; they have more money than they can possibly spend in an entire lifetime.
When you have that sheer amount of money, it begins to lose its value.
You can have literally anything in the world, that is, almost anything.
When monetary bribes become meaningless to people who already have all the money they need, a child sex slave becomes the next level of currency. Since the risk of getting caught and getting your reputation ruined is so high, the value of a child sex slave is extremely high as well.

The solutions:

Just thinking out loud here. Tell me what you think.

Wake the fuck up. Some people are evil. Women are statistically more violent to children than men.

Personally I think there is a pretty big difference between being attracted to teenage girls and raping and murdering cannibalizing little kids. The Anthony Weiner stuff like sexting a 16 year old just shows poor impulse control, but the pizzagate stuff is a whole new level of sickness and depravity. It could also be a matter of what kind of stuff the people are into. So yes, on the surface, it seems to be a different sort of thing.

There's a documentary "chickenhawk - men who love boys 1994" and they call pedos "bucks" and one pedophile talks about taking kids camping to have sex with them. BUCKS FISHING AND CAMPING

skip to 52min

Are those teeth filed down? If so, because of dental records?

this is why we have bullets

You know I was wondering about the teeth… At first considered just a bunch of baby teeth from maybe having many kids around… Then I thought just like you.. Dental records … But these teeth didn't just fall out, they were pulled roots and all… So that removes the baby teeth thing… So that leaves dental records …or…. What would you do if you had a younger unwilling partner and was worried about biting during oral sex? Pull them suckers?

Then think about the complete dental chair set up found on epstiens pedo island….perhaps???

I don't know, but it's sure not normal to have that many pulled teeth laying around

Well imagine that

Just a quick reminder of what these people do.
I assume you've all seen these paintings before, it was drawn by a woman who was actually raped as a child and held in a dungeon, she's kind of dissociated from reality and apparently doesn't even remember what happened most of the time, but some of her personalities painted these.
Take note of the writing on the walls, it's almost always backwards and usually says "help me" or "kill us"




And finally, here's the woman herself.
Not all of her paintings are of the rapes, most of them are just abstract. I think only her more dissociated personalities paint the truly horrifying things.

I will second that..

Podesta's bedroom wall art

Actually, I'll have this be the last one.
The personality that draws the really fucked shit's name is Ria Pratt
I recommend taking this image and flipping it to read what the text says.

Hey shill look at this

Where is that image from user?

some guy named named Michael Podesta from australia likes to take creepy pictures and pawn it off as art

2nd page of a article in the Washington post (article was scrubbed but archived) gives the artist name and description of it… Simple search of the name found it

Damn, there is some really odd photos even with a simple jewgle search, your right. Not defending the artist but gotta say that censored image is pretty misleading though user, considering it is a fake tit and all. Still fucked up though. The pictures with boys are pretty telling of the shit he is up to.


Look, I think we may be onto something Epic huge.

The Hill School

Google streetview in middleburg will not go near this street that runs past the accountants and the police station.

Behind it is this massive and I mean massive school area called "The Hill School."

I just found this. Look into it.

Well I don't see anything strange about the school. I hope there is nothing.


Well.. I found something odd on the donor list.

Me too.

How could I not check out "African temptations."

Check out the symbol on the bottom.

Could be a false positive.. but how many damn logos are almost exact spirals just like the original… I don't think very many.

So far my recap is:

Alefantis sighting next to an elite school, 4 minute walk from Accountant office with spot on Pedo symbol, which street is not google street viewed.

Look @ Hill School, Donor list "African Temptations," can't resist googling.

Website also has Dead spot on pedo symbol just like accountant, same one except flipped upside down.

One on site looks much more innocent than event banner with owner… Dead on pedo symbol doesn't even look right.

Anyways, keep googling, these guys run fundraisers for African adoption… wow

Lots here.

Even now while writing this.. zooming out on the symbol gives a pedo symbol and the illuminati eye… the guys torso is the eye and he is under an eyebrow..

fine dining.

Some weird ass connections to German.. and cannibalistic tendencies.. inside jokes.

Who signs anonymously for a school fundraiser as Hansel and Gretel..

look at this auction list, the amount of crazy expensive things on it… 125 entires wow

from /news/

A 12-year-old gymnast molested by an Olympic coach during therapy sessions.

Children as young as 6 secretly photographed nude by coaches.

Coaches who slipped a finger inside girls leotards.

A coach having almost daily sex with a 14-year-old at one of the countrys most prestigious gyms.

No one knows exactly how many children have been sexually exploited in Americas gyms over the past 20 years. But an IndyStar-USA TODAY Network review of hundreds of police files and court cases across the country provides for the first time a measure of just how pervasive the problem is.

At least 368 gymnasts have alleged some form of sexual abuse at the hands of their coaches gym owners and other adults working in gymnastics. Thats a rate of one every 20 days. And its likely an undercount.

A nine-month investigation found that predatory coaches were allowed to move from gym to gym undetected by a lax system of oversight or dangerously passed on by USA Gymnastics-certified gyms.

Some coaches are fired at gym after gym without being tracked or flagged by USA Gymnastics or losing their membership with the organization. USA Gymnastics often has no idea when a coach is fired by a gym and no systematic way to keep track. Ray Adams was fired or forced to resign from six gyms in four states. Yet some gym owners hired Adams believing his record was clean.

I just didn't want to have anything close so I censored it

Look who else is on the donation list.. Linda Tripp's store where Alefantis went.. Christmas Sleigh

diaper? people are seriously retarded it's a paper towel, open the dam image

where are you getting fake tit from? She's circling her nipple with the string in her hand. Not fake….


nvm I see what u mean but still iffy

There is a difference. Despite age of consent laws and our cultural mores, it is biologically natural for adult men to be attracted to post-pubescent females because they are fertile. We are attracted to beauty because it is a biological signal to us that healthy offspring would result from a union with that person. I'm not saying it's okay for 45 year old men to grab a 15 year old or excusing the activities of these pedo rings or Epstein. But the reality is that adult men have to consciously think for a moment whether that smoking hot chick is jailbait or 19.

Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.

This is different than pedophilia which is exclusive attraction to prepubescent children.

Epstein's entire operation was a Mossad honeypot. Not every honeypot operation includes occult sacrifices and so on. Most don't. Most trafficking rings and even people involved in it don't encounter that aspect. If you think about it - the percentage of times that occult stuff is relatively small. And the people who see it/experience/participate in it is far smaller. So the fact that Epstein's op didn't feature that doesn't change the fact that it does happen.


Too much like communism

Castration, or if that fails, execution. PUBLIC execution.

The most obvious solution to a lot of this is to force all Jews in the world to Israel and ZERO traffic out. Everything going in is inspected.

Also, public executions for those who play or who have played a part in trafficking, pimping or sexually abusing children.

Let's employ some logic here.

They aren't human teeth.

Dude I'm paraphrasing Colbert, the MSM is in maximum damage control, I believe he also said that the generals son was fired from a job for being politically incorrect, and that he should also be fired for "fake news". Theres a whole thread on tv on this just wanted you guys to watch it.

You're thinking of masterchan which looks like a honeypot.

Joyce Koons (no relation to Jeff it appears) Honda Buick are on that list of auction donors. Here is an ad for their company with a lot of (pedo) bears. Probably not related I just find all the coincidences amusing.

How to embed video? No clue.

Could be an adult tbh. Definitely a teen.

I made a fake news info graphic

And forgot to attach it

That was my bad, tho scale is hard to tell, I am so used to all the sick stuff these folks are into that I never considered that… Lesson learned




At least when we kill them, we can say it's to curb pretentious hipster bullshit if not worse.

This is the only solution.

My theory is Podesta Brothers might be part of a boylover cult of Osiris/Antinous. Set is probably a cover/obfuscation for much darker vampiric activities by his wife Lillith. Which is probably the cult/coven that Mira Abramovic, Lady Gaga, and Hillary are likely a part of.


You know, for the most part I love Holla Forums, but when Holla Forums anons start raving about Masons it's just fucking sad.

Indeed. It's the kikes, stupid.

I was just watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and Comet Ping Pong was featured on there. Embed related. The episode was shot in 2010, but still it's a weird coincidence that it was replaying the episode just now.

That doesn't look like a diaper. It looks like a paper towel that he blew his coke nose into.

I hope it's not some kind of hippie diaper

It's a pizza related map like the realtor found


I can't seem to post the text in pic related for some reason. Delete this post if what I found is just bs.









100 BUCKS MOTHAFUCKA. nice work user. Lets jizz these satanic whores in their mouths.

Keep on keking untill the break of dawn.

"My terror at hands of Northern Quarter sex beast: Brave victim speaks out as attacker is jailed."


"Abdoulaye Diallo brought terror to the streets of the Northern Quarter over Christmas and the New Year in a series of violent attacks targeting lone women.
The 28-year-old pizza chef badly beat and threatened to kill his screaming victims after following them in darkness and dragging them to the ground."


From health report:

nspector Comments:
Person-in-Charge (Signature) (Print) Date

This is pretty crazy. Where's the article that describes him as a pizza chef? That would erase any chance of it just being somebody with the same name.

How would he be jailed for violent sexual assault/rape in 2012 in the UK and already be out and allowed into the US by 2014? Isn't that fucked?

here it is

Hopefully someone sees this. Just gonna leave this here.

Aww, that's a bummer, her other personalities' art is actually pretty neat. The fact that somebody would fuck somebody up like that is so disturbingly awful and wicked. It's certainly why it's so hard to convince the normies.

I…ahem…enjoyed the work of Colonel Kink vis-a-vis Disney bitches for a number of years awhile back. That's…disturbing, if true.

Holy shit good find

The solutions:

au revoir, copper

Jesus Christ, how is it possible to be this basic and still breathe unassisted? "If I just talk incredulously and long enough, it means I'm right!" Shut the fuck UP.

Pizzgate: A Window Into a Darker World

Clinton’s State Department Cover-up of Pedophilia in Belgium revealed by FOIA Clinton emails posted yesterday.

Suspicious website found that is possibly involved in selling children

Oh my fucking god, Callan is such a fucking cuck. Can Bravo please fucking choke slam that cocksucker? Please!

So he may not be the same guy or he may be, the question here is this:

Voat shills are saying he isnt the same guy.

1. His facebook says D.C. Besta Pizza 2001. Manta says opened in 2010.

2. The account that links up to the facebook gave comet ping pong 5 stars years ago.

3. Someone found a d.c. court case, where he was arrested for sex solicitation in D.C. of 2015. Abdoulaye k. Diallo. (K is in the last image)

Fuck sorry I gave you the wrong case, I am damn tired. This is the case heading.

The anti-Jew shit is fucking dumb. Trump got the highest Jewish voting percentage of any Republican since the 80s. If you're pro-Trump, respect those who helped elect him.

It would be quite some odds for it to be different people considering the article from the UK even mentions he makes pizza for a living.

How common is the first and last names in western nations? I've never encountered either name before

Somebody make a new one of these. We're gonna need it. Actual breakthrough:

Common but I am not done digging.

Here he is out of prison in less than 2 years, after raping 3 women and smashing their heads into the pavement?

here he is in the USA in Georgia in 2014… getting arrested.

Debunked huh? Funny he was in Georgia in 2014.. you'd think he was in jail in Britain.

[Georgia Mugshot](

So now we know he made it over here.

.. mugshot isn't him fuck. I am going to bed too tired.

My question is is every high ranking U.S. official and diplomat a sexual pervert? Because that is the picture one gets when stepping back and looking at the totality of the information being exposed. Two themes are evident, actually three:

Cover Up.

That is the M.O. of these people no matter where they are at.

Abdoulaye evidence doesn't all line up.

If someone can prove he is no longer in prison and has come over here, please follow up. Otherwise just assume that this guy is not the one from besta pizza. thanks

They already did that with Rotherham.

4chan is complicit in the coverup, but I'm sure you all knew this

They censor pizzagate urls. Banned text.
They permabanned people for posting fire safety threads
and hit anyone posting resources with a 15 day ban.

Ben Fischbain was censored
When we discovered CTR, the information was suppressed, and widespread bans were passed out.

Just what is the nature of this fight and how do we win? We don't even have a home any more. Is this it? It's slow…

If every other place has gone to shit, and this place has kept pizzagate pinned since before the election, non-stop, what do you think? Better figure out how to get the others here, right?

Even outside of pizzagate in general, and pedo stuff, I want answers as to how this guy ended up in the US after his conviction. That shouldn't happen unless he's a US citizen or something

That's quite a coincidence that the one in the UK is cited as a pizza baker. It needs more investigation for sure, but cmon now

No. How long until they do the same to Holla Forums? I won't stand meekly by as I'm forced to escape from a labyrinth of control.

I don't know what to say, you were saying there aren't places to organize.

Frankly from my experiences digging on other stories, it's not even a good idea to organize in the open. Five people operating on a closed secured site can get a lot more done. No people popping in to drop bad leads, the enemy isn't following your every move as you try to work on a good lead. Etc etc

The entire zeitgeist operates in the shadows! Why can't we have channels of our own? We are losing a war on our minds. Radio is lost. Television is lost. Have you ever thought about starting a Television station? You can't!

I'm not going to correct the record any more. Thousands of bots on proxies spreading lies on the internet for us to clean up. It's a cruel joke!

I'm going to end it.

Two sides of the same Semitic shekel.
1040 corpses found on land owned by cult

I am with you guys. We just have to be extra vigilant to make sure we only research individuals guilty of these things. keep looking, all this research is fucking me up. I haven't slept in a week and spent 40 hours on it.

Dec. 16th 2016… odd timing that this place was just cleared of squatters today..

Apparently this location closed down.

Someone notes that in an old documentary there is an abandoned "Pizza Express" under the D.C. tunnels where it is thought that could connect up with Besta. Kind of interesting.

Not sure if I left this here… but kind of odd he 5 stared competitors…

And yes I looked into square form.. no longer exists.. but when you trace the phone number.. you find another business that no longer exists…See image.

help if you can

I hope the quality is good. This might be helpful in identifying the beliefs and motives of this group. Protip; it is not paedophilia, these people don't really care about that. They care about ritual murder and stopping the degenerative diseases that are decimating their kind.

So it seems I was right that pizzagate is a government psyop to make us into tinfoil nutters again.

Stop making giant charts with 3 million arrows, dumbasses

Make something that makes sense sequentially

Why does this shit get a constant sticky while worthwhile threads get bumplocked.

One post by this person

One post by this person

One post by this person

Why don't you contribute or fuck off?

LMAO! Pizzagate is fucking retarded bullshit! You should all be ashamed of yourselves for believing in such ridiculous nonsense. Do you REALLY think a pizza shop in DC is a front for a worldwide Satanic child sex trafficking ring involving John Podesta? LOL!!! Ha, ha, ha! You people are crazy! You have NO proof whatever Just lunatic conspiracy theories. Get out of your mom's basement and do something with your lives. Stop investigating Pizzagate.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Concern troll promoting Illuminati Eye

The proper assumption is that the Besta Pizza pizza man is the same guy until proven false. Same name, same occupation, same approximate age etc.

International pedo ring with Hatian trafficking ties, it's not surprising that he turns up in capital cities like London and DC with same "Pizza" day job.

After all this is Pizzagate.

Don't discard the clues prematurely, operating assumption should be that they're connected until we find out for sure that they are unrelated.

did they scrub their logo? I don't see it anywhere

So this is about to get freaky…

David Brock and James Alefantis sold a house to Scott & Luz Driscoll for 2.25 million back in 2013: (link dead already, anyone got an archive please) - further proof: (full original article:

Through a google search, we find Luz and Scott Driscoll are linked to this address: (page doesn't load for me)

Which is the same address David Brock and James Alefantis purchased back in 2007: - "In Kalorama, 2310 California Street, N.W, now belongs to bestselling author David Brock and his partner, restaurateur James Alefantis."

With database searches of James Alefantis, it confirms this property as his as well as other properties listed under that name:

1. 6513 Brawner ST Mc Lean, VA 22101

2. 2310 California ST NW Washington, DC 20008-1637

3. 1536 Swann ST NW Washington, DC 20009

4. 1352 Bradley DR Harrisonburg, VA 22801

5. 5037 Connecticut AVE NW Washington, DC 20008

6. PO Box 7703 Mc Lean, VA 22106-7703

7. Dearborn ST Mc Lean, VA 22106

8. 148 W Wolfe ST Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3815

9. 1404 P ST NW WASHINGTON DC Washington, DC 20005

10. 1117 Randolph RD Mc Lean, VA 22101-2930

11. 3334 N ST NW Washington, DC 20007-2807

12. 455 Massachusetts AVE NW Washington, DC 20001

13. 749 Chain Bridge RD Mc Lean, VA 22101-1813

14. 2022 Columbia RD NW #602 Washington, DC 20009-1303

15. 145 E 48th ST #29F New York, NY 10017-1255

UPDATED WITH ALL 15 LISTED PROPERTIES & LISTED COMPANY: PING PONG PRODUCTIONS Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22101,[email protected]/* */,-77.132461,96m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89b7ca761db2fa7b:0x3921c7d35a0f6c4e!2s749+Chain+Bridge+Rd,+McLean,+VA+22101,+USA!3b1!8m2!3d38.937755!4d-77.132211!3m4!1s0x89b7ca761db2fa7b:0x3921c7d35a0f6c4e!8m2!3d38.937755!4d-77.132211

two places that just looked sus to me ^^^

THEN I SEARCHED NO.14…………………… Columbia RD NW 602 Washington,[email protected]/* */,-77.0459304,3a,75y,101.9h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sequoFtYvgYjnr0KCqRZaeg!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xd97ed9b50f8a6769?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5y8jLv_LQAhVbd1AKHZb9CWwQxB0IGjAA

"2022 Columbia Road, NW #602, Washington, DC 20009 - AppFolio Two bedroom, two bath and a den near DuPont Circle, Adams Morgan and the U street corridor. Unit has a washer and dryer, wine fridge, parking space …"""


Have fun. We're less interested in Trump and more interested in creating a better reality and getting rid of these sick fucks in the child rape/trafficking trade. You really think you are going to save yourselves by threatening Trump? That's only gonna excite some losers on cuckchan and plebbit.

too much too soon, user. Lillith is one of the keys. So is astrology in general, but not that 12 sign bullshit.

We don't die until we win, user. Kek makes sure of this. Amazing find. You may have found one of the most convincing pieces connecting rape to DC pizza. What are the fucking chances?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Look I broke this info.. there are inconsistencies with the facebook like the fact that it says he has been working at Besta in D.C. since 2001, but Manta says they opened in 2010. From what I see though this is a family guy
I am with you, Kek wills it. It feels great and terrifying

.. the other thing is that the guy who looks like he works at Besta, he looks like a guy who would never be caught soliciting for sex.

So are there 3 Abdoulaye K Diallo? That just seems like too much of a stretch.

Someone please contact interpol who is in UK or in the EU and find out if this guy is still in prison.

pizza is blood splatter. If you did not have a dupe to wipe you clean you say you where eating pizza. That or say you had spaghetti.

look guys a real expert here

shills are pushing the anti-jew hard in order for the next news headline to contain something about anti-semitism and this is the new force against the jews. Dirty Tricks
three shill bots that forgot to change their names each with their own wording for the same evil-jews post.

Where do I find a copy of the original of this before it was deleted?

How have these worthless well-poisoners not been permabanned yet? Notice how the thread makes a lot more sense and isn't total fucking tin foil without their "contributions"?

is also a big nothing shill post. This has everything to do with child sacrifice and pedophilia. They are interested in biotech because they want to automate the process. They believe it gives them powers and longer life.

Why is there controversy over stem cell research?
The excitement was due to the huge potential these cells have in curing human disease. The controversy centered on the moral implications of destroying human embryos. Political leaders began to debate over how to regulate and fund research involving human embryonic stem (hES) cells.

You're talking to me?

Fuck, not you, I got the IDs mixed up pretty much immediately. Just a02a57. You should start the next thread.

Alefantis on Instagram you have NOT SEEN.



Also 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 fuck you 10


I am stupid. can someone explain this for me?

These pedo fucks deserve to burn.

Alefantis ties to Vault Maker / "Home Funeral" coffin manufacturer. #Creepy #Sick

The child coffin #Killroom guy Cummings seems to have been working with Alefantis to design the secret rooms for Comet Ping Pong.

So he's friends with a Pig Farm where they starve the pigs to dispose of child bodies, a child coffin "eco funeral" guy who makes kill rooms, etc.

The case is firming up with more solid leads.

Also ties to the UK sex criminal Hatian trafficking ring Besta Pizza man.

There you go user, Link to said article

Is this recent stuff?

Seals the deal for me. She was a victim herself.

I'm a fuckin machine today.

Here's another Unexplored weird as SHIT thing.

Each pizza place ties to this Squareform.

&and Pizza and Little Fox.. next to comet.

Both places tattoo their employees.. more than 50 at &pizza. It's really weird and my guess is this is how they let the bad people know they are on the inside at the restaurants.

Check it out.

This is pretty spooky. it should be on /x/

Every time I think "this shit can't get any weirder", shit gets weirder. Notice the location of the &-tattoo. Easy to conceal and easy to "accidentally" show. Btw, is that cum on the black gloves?

Who in their right fucking mind gets a fucking tattoo for a job at fucking pizza place? Surely normalfags can't think this isn't strange?


Mark of the beast.
Pic is a pizza related map.

Fucking hell, I think you're right about the cum on the glove.

he must have been doing some gay shit right before he got the tattoo

initiation cums to mind

Why the fuck are the adverts over the captchas pain in the Arse to post



Does this mean if one of us gets this tattoo, we'll be allowed in back room at Comet Ping Pong where the adults "eat their pizza" in private?

No. It is kind of a looked down upon thing actually. Unless they get it on their ass or somewhere private.

Might be a good idea to save these threads with

as well as with If you click on the images it saves them too.

jews and their shabbos goyim minions have been doing this thing for thousands of years. This is one major reason besides Usury that they have historically been hated by all people.

And they use freemasonry as a blackmail factory to not only get away with this. But make it a prerequisite to be allowed a life of luxury.

Jews are doing this through freemasonry and also through the bnai brith.The highest degree of the elysian mysteries was literally called jew. The highest echelons of masonry are completely dominated by jews and it is a jewish organization.

You have got to hit these kikes where it hurts. Their minion cult freemasonry. give them both barrels destroy the problem

I think people are starting to get the message that this is happening, but they have not yet identified the people behind it as Jews/Zionists/whatever you want to call them. We need evidence that proves conclusively that these people are behind it and then spread it everywhere. I hate these people much as anyone for what they are doing.

Strange. In Norway, the newspapers wrote about it just about every day, then all of a sudden everything went silent.

Likely, they outed a bunch of little people to take the heat while more important people, like those involved higher up in government gets out free.

Here's my problem with the whole "it's the jews" argument. Obama went against the Jews, campaigned against their prime minister, and did everything he could to strengthen the Arabs in the region.

Arguing for or against, splits our base up, and is a divisive issue.

I am not going to say yes or no, only let's focus on the details here and not get so lost in the forest.


by giving them $40bn of tax payer money as "military aid". That's fucking interesting.

I agree. We need to be unified if we are to be successful. We are in a war with the MSM right now, and we should focus on that, even though we know that behind the MSM, ultimately, are JEWS, but it is enough for me now if we successfully attack their organizations instead of them directly. They will be exposed as their organizations are exposed, so I am not worried about that.

What the fuck.
Didn't that one cunt with the baby travel to portland recently as well?

Ok, I am making the new thread now. I don't want to run the risk that someone else will try to frame #23 in a way that gets us away from REVIVAL.

Can we lock this?

Need to step away from this bot shilled post, let's get some revival going.


Scott Cummings' website. (He helped renovate comet ping pong and is almost always seen liking jimmycomet's instagram pics (@scummings)

Commercial Interiors: Comet

Company No. W15784234
Status: Active
Incorp Date: 27 March 2014
Jurisdiction MD
Registered Address
5624 Lafayette Place
Edmonston, MD 20781
Business clarification text: Other
AGENT Scott Cummings
Directors/Officers: Scott Cummings, Agent
Recent Filings:
27 March 2014 Articles of Organization
27 March 2014 Articles of Conversion

Company No. EXTUID_4107797
Native Company No. L0000054612
Status: Domesticated
Incorp Date: 29 July 2011
Dissolution Date: 9 April 2014
Company Type: LLC
Jurisdiction: DC
Registered Address
4834 Sedwich St. NW
Washington, DC 20016
AGENT Robert A. Harris
4834 Sedwich St. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Inactive Directors/Officers:
Robert A. Harrism Agent

I don't understand what Scott Cummings has to do with the African guy and Besta?

Let's move to the next thread asap.

Feels like nitpicking.

Why does he have to?

The African guy reviewed Besta Pizza, Comet Ping Pong, and Square Form Design around 5 years ago. He gave them all 5 stars.

It feels like a dummy account they used to pump up rating and then later a found new a use for it by covering up their tracks.

How was Besta Pizza and Comet ever related?

They're literally next door.

Are you a bot wtf.

You have Scott Cummings confused with another of Alefantis' instagram friends: werkinonmahnightcheese (Joseph Corbin Wills)
creator of the child-sized coffin coffee table
(possibly married to or related to)

scummings (Scott Cummings)
ccwoolman (woolmings.fam) Corey Woolman, wife of Scott
children are Caris and Mae

Another bot.


Bot bot bot

Asking for clarification and providing business info on him?

re: African guy and Scott Cummings
You had them on the same infograph, which implies they are connected. If the African isn't connected to Cummings, why put them on the same graphic? It's confusing.

We're all aware of that, and that wasn't my question.

Do bots reply to you directly? Do bots do research you haven't done and post it? No. Why the fuck are so sensitive? If something is unclear, clarify it.

It's pretty simple bro. Take a couple deep breaths.

Could be a bot program that spams, and then when responded to with the word bot, you get a little pop up screen and presto, instant I am not a bot.


You're irrelevant and on the wrong side of history. Jesus rebuke you.

Are you literally fucking retarded? I think you might be if you can't tell the difference. That seems to be the case…


Sure because BOTS do research and post it. Okay bro. Have fun.

Here's an archive of the pizza gate #23 thread that got locked.


That's fun. Any excuse to derail us and silence us. I wonder where everyone went.. they left 8ch because of this bs I am sure.

If you diverted half the energy you spend bitching and complaining into making quality OPs, you wouldn't get banned.

That OP is super high quality, got me 4000 views off voat in 12 hours.

I only think that there is a silent majority of smart people who actually have a faith.. and get tired of all the nazi and jew stuff every day. Who may see some differences in races, but don't think of others as subhumans.

I am pretty sure that is a huge shill effort.

But they don't get banned do they. The media would have no way to reduce us to racist nothings otherwise.

We both know why I got banned. and it's not because I was being too religious.

The information is too damning


Exactly whom do you think you're fooling?
You have to go back.

Somebody please make a new fucking thread before this hits capacity.

Preferably one that isn't predicated on a religion or being politically correct. That would be nice.

I did. I spent two hours on it putting all my research together. :)

Banned and deleted thread. Not sure where everyone went, but 8ch is officially dead to me. Godspeed guys.

It was worded carefully for liability purposes and preventing fallback. But hey, mah free speech about nazis is a much better angle.

And you needlessly injected religion into it. I agree with the sentiments. Keep your anti-theist bullshit out of this. It's as annoying as anti-semitism.

You purposefully destroyed the thread with irrelevant religious bullshit. Kill yourself.

New thread

You're right though, I can't be used here if you can't divorce your own beliefs from my desire to help us get through the spiritual battle that this puts us all in. I have been an atheist myself for years, good reason to. If you won't stick up for me being banned because I posted in my style, after I had 2 anons tell me to start the next thread because of the research we were putting together…

Then God bless you and your endeavors. This is not where I am supposed to spend my time on this. I am off 8ch for good.

If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Praise Kek and pass the ammunition.

Is it a common name in Morocco or Algeria? If he's the same guy then how come he was allowed to immigrate to the US? The news article says he admitted to "three counts of attempted rape" in Manchester. WTF?

is it the same guy?