So I have a family member who is a nondenominational christian preacher. is there any way to uncuck him? or at least redpill him on the JQ? If I could get him to read one book, what should it be?
Is there a Holla Forums pastebin of the redpill basics out there. I bet I could get him to read it if I promised to read some of that kike garbage he calls a religious text.
Get him to watch "Marching to Zion" or Rev. Ted Pike's "The Other Israel".
Michael Morales
Good luck. Christians are extremely pro jewish, despite the jews not liking them, they're still the messianic people and whatnot.
Hudson Reed
I'm of the opinion you can't be uncucked if you're a christian. March to Zion teaches you about Jews but even Pastor Anderson denies the importance of race so what's the point? Make your nation and people your religion. He's unlikely to drop his abrahamism for that so just drop it in my opinion. He's unlikely to make that leap.
Eli Ramirez
Getting people on board with the jewish problem is a lot more important than convincing them that negroes are genetically inferior.
Colton Barnes
Depends on the denomination. Arugably the best form is the most original, aka Orthodox. Most Protestant denoms use gutted versions of the bible that are easily mistranslated or intentionally misinterpreted. shindig
Dominic Collins
No it's not. You become aware of jews pushing inferior niggers and racemixing on you. If you deny the problems of race mixing, what is the point of denouncing the jews? You have at that point become cucked / jewish yourself. No jews are necessary if you deny your own race.
Tyler Jenkins
It's im-pozzable.
Gavin Peterson
oh yeah i forgot about this. how good is it? doesn't it advocate the khazarian hypothesis, and hasn't that been disproven?
link to The Other Israel? synopsis?
i wish i could explain this to him somehow… how very very much they hate him. how they already think he's a "secret antisemite" anyway, so he might as well go full 1488
stop being a fucking purist faggot. this isn't even a good argument for what you're trying to say
is there some way of infecting him with hitlerian positive christianity? i mean, isn't "evangelical" a name give to them by jews and a codeword for le ebul nahdsee?
Isaiah Adams
Hello TRS lel
Jace Miller
Start with revelation on the synagogue of satan. The money changers. The crucifixion. Etc
John Martin
Yes and no. Yes on the basis that you could gradually give him more and more info about Positive Christianity, but no on the basis that accepting NatSoc based ideas is difficult right away. No. Evangelical Christianity has existed since the late 1700s and began in Britian as a form of Christianity dedicated to spreading the word of the Gospel. Modern EChristianity does the same thing, but the message has changed conaiderably since the 1700s, as well as the people pushing it. Evangelicals aren't seen as literally hitler moreso than just crazy people that want money, IE Joel.
Aiden Evans
untermensch pls go
Bentley Reed
Expose him to Gnostic Christianity
Jordan Sullivan
Go back to reddit man, this site isn't for you. We are explicitly WN (for nonEuros) or ethnonationalists for Euros. Not being able to acknowledge the verity of race because of your religion underscores the problem of abrahamism.
Jason Parker
Just point him towards the Church Fathers who spoke against the Jews.
Jack Cruz
That actually did it for me. The secret to curing yourself of Semitic religions is to dig deep.
Jackson Myers
Xavier Davis
"Marching to Zion" doesn't, and "The Other Israel" might, I haven't watched it in years. wouldn't say it's necessarily been debunked, it's just one of those things that's heavily debated.
Focusing on groids more than kikes is pretty TRS-tier tbh.
Owen Sanchez
the weird thing is i think he pretty much knows about this, but for some reason it just doesn't "click" with him. I'm trying to figure out what mental blockages exist that make ppl this way but idk.
For me… I was redpilled by actually spending time around jews – and reading lots and lots of history and philosophy I'm basically a career NEETstudent and even for me it basically took a mental breakdown to get it. How do you teach someone who is cloistered away in the Middle of Redpublican country and who works in a Church about this? idk
are there any books or whatnot on this to help me? i really want to infect him with Nietzschean influences – i think if i started talking more about health and vitality and whatnot he'd go for that. all he talks about now is self-loathing and humility and faggotry like that. real niggerkike shit
any good text suggestions on this? i'm not sure he'd go for it, but maybe…
your argument was already destroyed here you dumb nigger. i can tell you're from stormfront bc you automatically went full 1488 gtk-rwn, don't understand The Political in the least, and automatically started to claim oldfag status…. either that or you're a Fed.
Either way add something constructive or leave the thread. Since I know you're pathologically unable (or a paid shill) to do the former, just please leave the rest of us in peace. thanks
Dominic Bell
Show them this
Eli Foster
The reason Christians can't become redpilled, is because Christians aren't actually religious, they won't abandon the Bible if they find a better book.
So if a Christian thinks racial issues are important, he will keep using the Bible even though the Bible is simply inadequate on the issue of Race.
He won't try and replace the Bible with modern books on race for example, because he isn't looking for real religion, he just seeks to apply the cult of Christianity to non-Christian issues.
William Hughes
right, so this is supposed to be a thread where YOU POST THAT FUCKING INFO not just be a lame nigger. thanks
>>>Holla Forums derailing. filtered
i might try to have a convo with him and ask him questions to see where his beliefs are on this subject. thanks
Christian Lewis
I got "destroyed" by someone who said the JQ is more important than the race question? We hate Jews because they don't let us acknowledge our own racial identity yet you're here telling me you're """"Redpilled"""" even though you don't espouse that. I don't get it. Christcuccery I guess, mind rot.
Asher Torres
Because he's a protestant, make him read The Jews and their Lies by Martin Luther (basically the creator of protestantism) and show him the documentary Marching to Zion as some have already recommended in this thread.
Remind him every day, every afternoon, every night, that Jews killed Jesus Christ.
If he tells you that Jesus was a Jew then you can tell him that Jesus had no race because he was the son of God, thus he was above (human) races.
Make him aware of how Jews in power are destroying Christian values all over the West, promoting degenerate (or sinful) values such as homosexuality.
Agree that there are conservative Jews if he asks, but remind him that they are still as bad as Muslims with their hatred towards Christ. Compare Jews to Muslims.
You can also tell him that early church leaders thought that Negroes had no soul, but I'd recommend you to skip this until he gets redpilled on the JQ.
Adam Nguyen
Dumping what I have.
Nicholas Scott
How fucking new are you?
Aiden Sullivan
Aiden Brooks
The Nag Hammadi Library is a great place to start. It is likely the best publicly available version of "the heresies" that the kikes censored out of the Bible and suppressed in every way they possibly could.
Hermeticism isn't a bad alternative either - the Hermetic tradition represents a non-Christian lineage of Hellenistic Gnosticism. If you're thinking about this route, I'd suggest the Corpus Hermeticum.
Kayden Davis
Alright lad, calm down, just had to find some of it.
The jews hated jesus because he was a traitor to themwho tried to "fix" judaism, you retard.
Lucas Cruz
Never change
Jayden Bailey
Luther arrived at the conclusion there was something fishy going on due to his intelligence, he couldn't go any further because he was limited to ((christian)) scripture, as everyone else was back then since the church went out of its way to erase any non-christian documents or heavily "christianizing" them and later destroying the original material, as they did with much of the knowledge we had of rome. In fact, he was known for having a temper, picking fights and drinking heavily.
Juan Howard
that's not what was said. filtered for retardation
Dominic Bell
Angel Wilson
He named the Jew. You don't go much further than that.
Fedorafag-tier argument. The 'Christian Dark Ages' meme is retarded.
Liam Adams
Praise Kek
Nicholas Murphy
This is the 4th thread on "Christcucks"
What is with the D&C Today?
Grayson Ross
Probably Holla Forums in a retaliation raid.
Zachary Watson
I'm not making the threads but disliking christcuckery is not uncommon here
Leo Cooper
Gabriel Davis
There's no unpozzing it. It was pozzed to begin with. And do I need to remind you that your "Emperor" is also a Pisstian? And that his cabinet if full of Jew worshipers like Kike Pence and Ben Nigger? Your Pisstian "savior" will sell you out to the Jews. You're fucked, burgers.
Evan Sullivan
So are you still fighting for that regime?
IF you aren't then shut the fuck up.
Nolan Thomas
Naming the jews is a moot point if will end up doing their bidding all the same, even if you do so unkowingly. He pointed out there was some shit going on, so the kikes in the vatican and the state made sure to cook up a big war wich killed almost half the population of central europe. Christianity is not their enemy, it's their scapegoat for when "the goym knows"!. One of the main reasons why the kikes are so buttblasted about hitler is because the national socialist partie intended to eventualy sponge christianity out and replace it with a ethnocentric religion, instead of a multiracial semitic one.
Zachary Green
Christians are a special sort of stupid. Fairy tales and spirituality are for the mentally impaired.
Joseph Perry
Going to watch that thanks
Evan Brown
tbh I think religion threads are usually more about sliding than D&C. These threads are guaranteed over 9000 replies every time; you could replace the entire board with this shit and nobody would notice.
Jose Clark
Nice outlier formatting. Doesn't seem to come with coherent statements, unfortunately.
Dylan Allen
You know what else is common in these thread? The inability to have white children.
Also shitposts like these
Seriously, Pagan, Christian, whatever, who are making these threads? I'm literally seeing the same posting style as
in 2 other threads.
Justin Bell
Its about finding the truth using logic and debate, the cuckstians end up losing everytime so they call everyone who proves them wrong "le D&C". Initialy these threads were made by enemies of Holla Forums in fact trying to divide Holla Forums by mocking christians for shits and giggles, but as usual, it turned into something else when Holla Forumsacks started doing the research and finding out the shills ended up helping us, since now we are aware cuckstianity is part of the whole thing, especialy catholicism, with the vatican being a sort of "base of operations" for pedophiles and homosexuals to play priest and subvert europe in the off chance the goy succesfully start revolting against the jews.
Luke Kelly
It's only become common after intl started targeting this board in order to divide Holla Forums since there's going to be white European nationalists of many or no religions on here. They pretend to be specifically pagans or christians and manufacture shill threads in order to divide.
Jacob Long
Maybe read the Bible yourself. See how big a deal race is and how race is synonymous with nation/region in the Bible.
Notice how Babel is counter to multiculturalism and how God spread nation's borders on racial lines.
They've been traditionally "Christcucks" not "Cuckstians" even your language is wrong.
Colton Richardson
Today I will remind them.
Parker Reed
Spirituality is one thing, crazy myths the other. Looking through a telescope lights a fire in my spirit. Reading Jewish myths doesn't.
We've been against christcuckery even before the exoduses. I think the shift towards paganism is a little more recent (to my knowledge), but the distaste for abrahamic faiths has always been present though definitely not universally agreed upon. If you think all disagreement is Holla Forums then I don't know how to fix your own paranoia, m8. Just seems like a convenient excuse to deflect any legitimate criticism.
Jason Mitchell
Guaranteed replies.
The way I see it: Christianity, as a whole is pozzed, but the damage can be mitigated if a few things change. Here is my list: 1. End celibacy in the Catholic Church: the faggot and degenerate priests will be gone. Also make a religious law that doesn't let the priests' children inherit real estate of the Church. 2. Declare dual covenant theory as a heresy. What is the dual covenant? It says Jews were already chosen by God and they don't have to be baptised. This is bullshit. If you are a Christian you cannot let kikes get privileges. If they want to go to heaven they must become Christian. 3. Also teach replacement theology. This removes the Jews' chosen status. They become like atheists or pagan until they follow Christianity. 4. Dethrone Pope Francis. The last thing we need is a crypto-commie in Rome. Pope John Paul II is rolling in his grave. 5. Declare communism a sin against humanity. 6. Burn the heretics, kill the mutant, purge the unclean.
The better question is: do we need Christianity? While it gave Europe it's moral foundation and unity when Muslims attacked it in the 800's, its universalism is the antithesis of everything Holla Forums stands for. It's also followed by hundreds of millions of niggers, mutts, etc., it's no longer the white man's religion and I doubt it will ever be pro-European again. Also not sure about baptizing the kikes. Many Jews took up Christianity and escaped the Spanish Inquisition when they tried to hunt down the traitors who let sandniggers into Spain. This can be counter-productive.
Bentley Cox
So basically you rebuttal is: Please educate yourself on the origins of Christianity - Jesus was a Judean, not a 'Jew' in the modern context. Ans the fact that the Jews hated Him from the start tells you something.
Thomas Adams
It's time to reclaim the true Christianity from the philo-Semite cucks.
Hudson Garcia
You can pretend it's just D&C to hurt your fee fees all you want, the fact is, /po/ found out cuckstianity is cancer and the national socialist party knew that too. It is actively and historicaly been hurting european nations.
cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug
Alexander Foster
Like clockwork. No wonder they needed the inquisition, their arguments and memes are shit.
Evan Carter
Just stop. You are europeans, not "the lost good jews". This is retarded and is giving you braindamage.
Jeremiah Perez
You're leaving out tons of historical info, while there has always been small pockets of subversion at its onset, christian held pogroms and exile of Jews into either ghettos or complete banishment were common. Catholicism was finally majority subverted at the start of Vatican II which amended their policies on Jews and states that they needed to foster better relations. Fast forward to the 1960s and the nearly complete subversion of the various Protestant churches was complete thanks to the Jews and shabbos goy in government that were having bills passed to fund Israel and which helped them start AIPAC. Prior to that, among niggers were also Jews and white-traitors both despised and sometimes hung by Southrons.
Christfag was the original term actually, before Holla Forums even discovered the usage of cuck for labeling neocon "conservatives"
Liam Lopez
Where did I say anything like that? Judaism is a rejection of Christ, thus Christianity is inherently anti-Semitic.
Josiah Lewis
Leo Turner
Cyka Blyat, we've been found out. Anyone know about any cheap flights back to Moscow?
Jose Perez
European martial virtues did that, martial virtues christian scripture opposes. As pointed out many times before, christianity is a scapegoat that allows the jews to crawl back in later if the native culture kicks them out. It's the reason they keep coming back. Hitler and Himmler already realized that decades ago. Holla Forumsacks should drop the bible for a second and read more esoteric national socialist material. I'am tired of debating with idiots who simply call you D&C when they are proven wrong. The national socialist party already did all the work and had plans to supplant christianity on the upcoming reich. The material and documentation is all there, we just need to find a way to make these stupid stuck-up christians read it.
Colton Roberts
Nowhere did I say all disagreement is intl, this is a board made for disagreement but it's highly ingenious for you to ignore that both intl and leftycucks have made threads in the past (with screencap proof) saying they need to use these tactics in order to hinder Holla Forums. You simply trying to wipe all that away with "muh paranoia" is just like the shills back in the old days making fun of the "paranoid" people on Holla Forums that said JIDF shills here constantly (which they do with picture evidence again) and that the government was monitoring everything we do (which they do after PRISM was revealed to the normalfag masses)
Easton Bennett
Christians held pogroms, yes, because they realized they were being tricked, since europeans are intelligent, unlike the christian ethiopians and such. Christianity for the goy, judaism for the elites. It is a cycle that will keep repeating itself until we get rid of SEMITISM, as the fuhrer intended. We will make it so, and no christian, jew or muslim will stop us this time. Atheism ended up being a blessing in disguise on the long run, since as atheists grow old, desperate for spirituality and answers, we can show them an ethnocentric response to their spiritual emptiness. Before you know it, all these misguided people will become ideal national socialists provided we present them with a non-semitic alternative to desperation and spiritual misery. They already rejected christianity, and the upcoming generations have no interest in it either. We will win, it's only a matter of time.
Europeans will be free once again.
Jaxon Richardson
Why? We already have a superior religion for white people. PRAISE KEK
Carter Kelly
Anti-christian debates existed as far as cuckchan, here, as Holla Forums became more popular, others (Holla Forums, SRS, etc) who also didint understand cuckstianity started raiding us with D&C with the intent to destroy our community, as they usualy do. An then, again as usual, their stupidity made us stronger and wiser to the ways of the jews, as i explained here
Jack Turner
We ain't one at a timin here, we're mass communicatin. I'm lucky enough to have one fully redpilled family member and one who is at least a very conservative guy who gets the JQ. You'll spend a disproportionate amount of time doing it, because you care about family. Or they will do it on their own because they are smart.
But a cucked egalitarian pro-israel guy who lies to women for a living? Don't be retarded.
Jace Clark
I post in several threads, but that doesn't make anything I say less true.
Do you know the quip: The best way of becoming an atheist is by actually reading the bible?
Guess how many pagans turn atheists by reading into paganism?
Pretty much zero.
Bible: semitic bullshit from the desert, cruel, evil, paranormal out the ass
Paganism: Rooted in nature, sun exists, warms, gives life. Strength and respect toward nature without going full naive and hateful cuck/angry fuck. Etc.
The fact that the only denominations that carry on things like yule and co are the most popular and long living is only testament to that.
The fact that everybody loves fantasy is testament to that, because it's in our blood and just plain cool for all others, except abrahamics, of course.
They have no fun, no strength, no nothing. Only servitude and destruction of other religions and cultures while alive, and then go on some party in the skies after they have died.
Etc. I don't even really have to say all this much because the natural world and reality reflects my words in actions.
All these pagan threads weren't as numerous in peace times, but now that people, just like they are waking up toward the jew, are waking up toward "I'm acting mysteriously" Yahweh, just shows how fucking removed christianity is from our hearts at the core.
Why even hardcore atheists celebrate christmas, even without the commercialism aspect but because it's in their blood to love it.
Unlike desert shit that turns most people away who read, really read into it, and prioritize it over an European lifestyle, especially if it's the semitic and non pagan appropriated things.
Cameron Cook
Fuck Nicusor Dan, his autistic face makes me cringe every single god damn time I'm looking at him. Also, fuck USR's electorate, they are literally Romania's version of SJW/LGBTBBQ idiots.
Si-ar scoate ochii Bratianu daca ar vedea unde a ajuns partidul lui. O clica de corupti care merita pusi la zid si impuscati, in frunte cu Alina *inghit sperma de la un PSDist* Gorghiu.
PRU - PSD satellite 3.0, are you fucking retarded or what? Their leader was a former PSD secretary, Ghita and Ponta are shilling for them and they are literally in talks to form a coalition with ALDE and PSD.
Kill yourself, please.
Samuel Bell
Gabriel Lopez
guess they all died in the Ballercaust
Jayden Murphy
Nah. All Christianity did was change Judaism from only the jews can be the "chosen" to everyone can be the "chosen". Christians are wannabe jews.
Christian Taylor
Seconded. I was full cuckstian bluepilled retard, then became a dumbass atheist when i realized the bible was a bunch of bs to control people, then became racially aware, but still empty spiritualy, then started reading into germanic pre-christian religions and it started making sense. Then i read about how the national socialists actualy had plans to supplant cuckstianity and that was it.
Now 100% redpilled. Racially, philosophycaly, spiritualy and economicaly. There is no better feeling in the world than the one of realizing you are now totaly in tune with yourself, your soul, your purpose and your origins. Well maybe the feeling of gutting a jew in the upcoming war, but that is a discussion for later
Gabriel Rivera
No shit, the best response they can come up with here on Holla Forums is "hurr durr no dude we are the REAL jews".Lel
Christians should read Spengler for a start, its a pity he shunned the nazi party due to fear he would be persecute in case they lost the war.
Jacob Adams
Which spengler work? I would like to read an academic view of 'lol christcuccs'
Andrew Walker
Incredibly poor understanding of theology. I understand why you are disillusioned with Christianity if your only experience with it is with Americans, but please read the teachings of the Church Fathers.
You need to break free of the mindset that Christianity is a form of Judaism - it is not. There was the original religion of the Hebrews, which the Jews of the time blatantly disregarded, turning to Talmudism (Judaism). Jesus came along and called the Jews out for being Jews, fulfilled the law of the OT, and established a new covenant, and thus a new religion. Judaism/Talmudism is the continued rejection of Christianity and God, and harks back to a time when the Jews converted to (ironically) paganism.
That argument is entirely false. I explained why earlier, yet I still see you recycling the same BTFO'd argument over and over.
Parker White
When presented with a large range of religious options, I simply see no reason to prefer Christianity to (certain forms) of Islam, let alone Mahayana Buddhism. The theology of Mahayana was telling us that the universe is vastly huge, unbelievably old, and inhabited by millions of species of sentient beings while Christians were still arguing about how literally to take "four corners of the Earth." You have it, it's part of your internal traditions, and I sort of get that. But once you've broken religious conditioning enough to have a free choice - I don't see any reason to choose Christianity over alternatives.
Noah Wright
Well let's tackle them one at a time.
Created a warmongering Arab paedophile. It's clear that it just rips off elements of the OT and the NT. Also pic related. Friendlier to the Jews than they would seem. I know some sects are better than others, but they ultimately have the same source.
Your argument here is that its superior to Christianity was inferior with regards to understanding of the world. Christians were far more philosophically and scientifically advanced than you would think back then.
Buddhism in contrast is essentially just the ramblings of a hypocritical prince. He had some good things to say, but on the whole, Buddha cannot be trusted as the progenitor of a religion. You may say Jesus is the same, but Jesus held true to his teachings, and performed miracles, unlike Buddha.
Isaac Nelson
Buddha performed all kinds of miracles, including a virgin birth, depending on whom you ask. Actually what appeals to me more about Mahayana is its vaster cosmos and deeper menagerie. Christianity divides the afterlife between Heaven and Hell, sometimes including Limbo depending on sect. Buddhists disagree on exactly how to slice the spiritual world, but you start at 6 planes and I've seen divisions all the way up to 38. And each one of those planes is an entire universe as vast as the one we inhabit. There's just more room for stuff. There's more room for ambiguity. There's more space to put living things. And as we've continually seen through our examinations of the natural world, every hundred or two hundred years, we discover that the universe is orders of magnitude more huge than we ever dreamed it could be. I see no reason to expect that process to suddenly stop.
Christianity also has a very peculiar perception of time, which AFAIK is solely the property of Semitic faiths. In Christianity the universe has a well defined beginning, which passes through the present, and it's headed to a conclusion which will be static and unchanging - Judgment will sort the damned from the saved and that's where history ends as definitively as anything written by Fukuyama. Buddhism views time differently. It's a cycle, a feedback loop, a topography. I think that's a more sensible way to view things. I also think there's some pretty compelling evidence for reincarnation. It seems to me there's a lot more kinds of things that can happen to you once you're dead than Christianity posits, and I don't think I'd like to live in a cosmos without history. There are never any Happenings in Heaven, while the lower classes of Deva have their wars with the Asura, and the higher Deva have dramas that only their class of being can experience.
William Ramirez
>reddit spacing
Ethan Russell
I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on Buddhism, and I will make a note to read into it further. But the impression I get is that while it has some redpilled teachings, Buddhism is lacking in the type of philosophy you find in Christianity. Christian is more practical, and even 2000 years, can be applied today with no fault - read the Fathers and you'll be astounded how true it is. It is, quite frankly, undeniable that Christian philosophy holds true even today.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Buddhism smacks of LARPing to me. I'm sure the same can be said of the 'Deus Vult' Crusaderfags but Buddhism seems like it's been picked because of some Aryan meme.
Kayden Powell
Urgh. Test?
James Russell
Get him to understand the differences between the Jews and the priests of Zadek. John, the baptist knew what was up, they were in rebellion against the Jewish Orthodoxy. It's long but worth him listening to it all, especially toward the middle/end in terms of priesthood, lineage. What the jews feared most and how, in accordance to their law gave up priesthood when Christ was made full.
Another interesting thing to show him the reality of judaism. - skip to 43 min. This is what they believe.
John Mitchell
Jews killed Jesus so there is no point for the Christians to accept the jews but too many Christians are cucks so it is problematic. Long time ago they used to be very suspicious against the jews and expelled them from the countries many times or executed them.