Microsoft is one company that really abuses the H-1B system. I'd really love to see Trump come down hard on them.
Youtube if you want to downvote:
Microsoft is one company that really abuses the H-1B system. I'd really love to see Trump come down hard on them.
Youtube if you want to downvote:
Other urls found in this thread:
They are promoting the "fake news" narrative.
bump for good OP
Trips, greentext quotes, spoilered direct link, archive link, and webm? Flawless fucking victory, OP. Someone take a screenshot of this post and glue it to the top of the board so every mook making a new thread follows this example.
TipTopKek for Microsoft shilling diversity in a commercial to promote Wacom Cintiq knockoffs that none of the people in the video could ever afford. Just a shame that artfags with cash will eat this up, liberal pantywaists that they tend to be.
That's what so many people keep missing, you've gotta get the OP trips.
The only white person in the commercial is a little white girl being stared at by a Muslim with rape eyes.
I like their slogan:
Fucking remove globalist
*Fucking remove jews
Fixed that for you.
There goes another company down the crapper.
What were the thinking making a person from a slum country CEO?
Indians can't resolve basic plumbing issues yet believe they should lead tech design, fucking ridiculous.
Couldn't even watch half of that video. Fuck.
Wow! I don't know about you other goyim, but all this love and peace sure changed my mind about opposing my own genocide!
nice to see other reasonable go guys on Holla Forums
I hate niggers
Google, Microsoft, Apple…
Is there any non pozzed tech options at all?
not pictured: the thousands of outsourced Pajeets
I wonder if outsourcing helps their diversity figures?
Micro$haft has become completely evil. Using their products or (especially) holding any of their stock is morally indefensible for any Holla Forums regular.
Underrated post
Apple is even worse. And Google actively censors. So what would you suggest we use? Carrier pigeon?
It's like you've.. been living in a cave or something user. Was there a part of 'Non-configurable Windows 10 built-in NSA spying' you didn't understand?
Tech wants to scale internationally so they're de facto globalists.
there's always linux, or TempleOS if ur h4rdc0r3
user, pls.
I've been using Linux erryday since I abandoned Wangblows over 3 years ago now. I would ofc recommend you do the same.
It's the other way around faggot.
Linux is just as pozzed as the rest. Look at Stallman or Pottering. Or half the projects with their anti-white "Codes of Conduct." Or the kvetching from half the FOSS "community" when Trump won and smashed their safe spaces.
it took balls to take that beach you faggot even if it was for jews.
That only means a group of castrated men would have done better.
Yes, whites had balls invading that beach to defeat other whites who were trying to prevent their kike owner for cutting off the balls of their children. A great display of bravery, sure, but intelligence and foresight? Not so much.
the swede is right
Why is the sandnigger's clip when she gives the flower played in reverse?
fucking remove ALL jews
fixed that for both of you
fucking remove all jews and all globalists
fixed that for all of you
It's time to look into whether or not RIM is anti-white. I could get behind blackberry. I posted this same WebM in the thread as it is exactly what triggered me to hate MS.
Fucking remove all Jews, Globlists, shitskins, roaches, faggots, sjw's, self hating whites and dindus.
psychopathic records. I used to have that on a black light poster and thats about the only thing I liked about them.
eminem aint nothing but a bitch was okay.
Fucking remove all Jews, Globlists, shitskins, roaches, faggots, sjw's, self hating whites and NIGGERS
i will just fix that last bit and it's truly perfect, you can also have my trumped seal
Please use logic
I think niggers were covered by
well i just kind of like the word. i believe it expresses my freedom of speech perfectly
Why do these things always have that shitty "la la la everything is love" music. I hate it. I can't stop hating this shit. When this stuff was coming out, we called it hipster music, what happened to that?
stormfags are just niggers with white skin
I shoot myself in the kneecap and walk by.
top kek m8
The NSA infiltrates everything, it's not like Windows stood a chance of not being infiltrated, even Tor is fucked.
Fuck you anti-military Kike
Head to the police or talk to the school (There is one week of school left)
Good pick?
story/source on the pic?
Asians are well-known cucks with laughable testosterone levels, if I were Asian I'd trade a little intelligence for increased manliness any day. Can't argue about the Jews though, but they use their power to subjugate everyone else so they are universally hated by the well-informed.
Hannity's pretty good, the rest are old neocons and kikes. The whole network is funded by a saudi prince. It's fucking weird, except for Hannity.
Asians aren't even that smart. They just devote themselves to practice eryday.
Wow, even the SJW's are calling them out.
Why do you cunts spoiler the http:// when only putting www. won't create a direct link in the first place
Hm that might be true tbh
90% of it is just turning up and not being a loser dropout
Agreed. Higher testosterone levels lead to higher risk taking and that guided by intelligence lead to bucking in the box style thinking.
Theyre pretty good at cheating too
Isn't… isn't that racist in itself?
But heck if I know, gas the kikes, 1488, race war now!
1) rename it to "Islamism"
2) make "Islamism" defined as a political ideology like nazism
3) use existing anti-nazism laws to suppress it
if people complain, compare them to nazis
muslims can keep their cucked postmodern Islam just like christians have their cucked postmodern christianity
Pajeet bot or shill? Cant tell anymore.
You sound a lot like a $hill now, tbh.
MicroSoft has been absolutely blatant in their abuse of their own customers. They've literally deluded themselves into believing they are un-topple-able is that even a word lel. I hope the market gets redpilled and proves otherwise, and the majority of consumers don't have your mindset tbh.
delete the one that says hispanic is a race
it's not
funny , considering they the whole culture of samurai and ninja guys in jap history
lol, what are you even on about? but if you're suggesting these things are bad except for promoting immigration, then I'm all in with disagreeing with wholeheartedly my little friend.
This is one of the reasons I have a hard time finding work in (((Seattle)))
lmao tbqh
I volunteer for the local nigger lynching crew, but past that I really can't be bothered to help out
Is linux gaming good yet?
self bump
You guys are hypocritical and equally retarded as the people you despise
Unless you don't believe any of them, then you're just retarded
Spotted the stormfag
Please signal your virtues a little harder
Microkike has been fucked since day one.
Depends on what you want to play.
I wanna buy a boat, go around the Mediterranean and fucking sink the coon rafts.
What are those niggers gonna do? Swim?
Daily reminder to install linux. or at least remove windows
1) rename it to "Islamism"
2) make "Islamism" defined as a political ideology like nazism
3) use existing anti-nazism laws to suppress it
if people complain, compare them to nazis
muslims can keep their cucked postmodern Islam just like christians have their cucked postmodern christianity
Yea if your not on Linux by now you need your head checked.MS should be gassed immediately.
you can handle this 1 of 3 ways.
1. go to the principal/school master/whoever is in charge and say you are being targeted for your political beliefs.
2. start working out and learn how to fight
3. learn the guys' movements. when do they come, when do they go. where do they go? where do they live? etc. then yo can single them out and jump them with a weapon. i recommend something like two handfuls of coins inside of 2 socks. smash them on the head and put them in the hospital.
or being a swede you can just make an African boyfriend, then get him to beat them up
What if there are people working at Goldman Sachs that hate their employer and how they operate?
What if they have enough inside information now to help reduce their influence over politics?
Ban Huffpo when?
wtf is this sht I comment about Linux and you ask me about GS,kinda obtuse and everyone already knows what (((they))) are up to now fk off spamfag.
Its one of bui's indian bots.
Ok thanks user kinda thought so.Won't even reply to that fucking stupid sht anymore.
What was their motive?
/fa/ here wondering w2c those t i m e l e s s Warby Parkers
Yeah, and the respectable country of Saudi Arabia DONATED to Clinton through back channels (proven). Why is this more acceptable to you, faggot?
Everyone thought Hillary was going to win. Even Trump die hards didn't expect to win
they wouldnt dream of helping out the local homeless though, fuck cunts.
What a conundrum
I think it's not even ideology, just different sets of symbols, and it's only difference.
And now Microsoft have removed the comments from their youtube video. Guess this little bit of propaganda didn't work too well for them.
Way ahead of you buddy
They've filled Redmond, WA with Pajeets.
Wonder how long we'll have to wait to get the real body count
If you aren't running BSD you should be gassed tbqh.
what diseases? are they easily prevented by other means, such as good hygiene? you can prevent tooth cavities by having your teeth removed and replaced with dentures, but people don't typically do this
how so? you're removing a lot of the most sensitive nerves
that's subjective
Microsoft has been involved in shady shit for a long ass time now, both with EEE and with security compromises.
If you haven't installed Linux already, you're likely being spied on (or are easily open to being spied on).
yes, fucking protestants didn't even start until 1520 or so. orthodox split in 1054.
fucking hell, google is that way—→
Real differences, but fucking read OP
It might be helpful to define what a Christian is.
its not an image board?
I never actually used it, I just know about it
everyone here seems to condemn it
fuck off you fucking loser
That's a possibility, but what if another war happens? Or another one? What if power goes out? What if the program doesn't get enough funding? What if it doesn't work?
I mean sure, by 80 years old it might sound good to take the gamble, but it seems there are too many negative outcomes to make it worth while when my grandchildren could use the money for a new car or something.
Socialista morena?
No. They worship crackers, statues, and Dah Ah Holy Ah Faddah who thinks fags and mooslims go to heaven. They also dont believe in the bible or Christ.
We have nukes you idiot. I don't mind ending the earth but do you seriously think anything else would happen?
No surprise there.
Bui's spambots are kinda funny now that he's improved them
t. gook with a mere 10 cm erect
I agree that Russians hacked the election.
It explains Hillary winning the popular vote.
If you're asking if there is any…"evidence"…
Well, a Democrat politician and a blogger at the Washington Post said they heard from a guy who heard from a guy whose dad works at nintendo that it's true.
I'm almost not making that up - "unnamed, unverified, secret sources heard from unnamed, unverified, secret sources about a secret, unpublished report that indicates the Russians knew about the men hacking the DNC and supplying the information to Assange"
That's the extent of their evidence of a "hack of the election".
Liberal media and DNC are having a very public and embarrassing meltdown.
False. Please at least make an attempt at a basic high school understanding of economic theory before outing yourselves as brainlet pseudointelectuals
Please do something about the bots somebody
Those people died in vain. They died over kikes being asshurt of Germany's anti-zionism. Such a shame really, all those brave men dying for nothing.
I am, remember why we are here, the first rule and the second
fuck i have to go hide my power level at a christmas party with a buch of rich successful people
get out
Afaik they located in Savushkina 55, Saint Petersburg. Formely known as Internet Research they were renamed to GlavSet and now again to Teka. There is also Nevskie Novosti newspaper located in this building so they could be connected
Adding nonsequitars don't change the fact that abortion is murder. If it has a heartbeat, it is it's own person.
Do we not have incubators for premature babies? Or are they not babies and we should discard and kill premature babies in incubators too?
Murdoch murdoch is just pure autism
Have you ever been raped? I'm a single white female, raped by a football player in university. I wasn't going to be forced to have some niggers bastard child, so I took care of it and haven't looked back since
Actually, corporations do have a responsibility to their people: the stock holder.
Corporations are actually democratic institutions. Arguably moreso than even labor unions.
Labor unions are also democratic, but many of the "elections" are very undemocratic and full of corruptions.
With corporations, there is very hands on oversight by the stockholder, because money is at stake. Granted it isn't perfect: look at Enron, for example.
Totally believable, you make it sound like it's a casual thing. I think I want to rape you too now. How do you look like?
If real (ha!) then just remember its your kid too.
You have murdered your own child.
Its a sad thing, and I have no glee in telling you that. But you need to recognise your actions for what they were.
Abortion is murder. Sometimes murder is called for.
that's not what leanbulking is you stupid bitch. i gained 40lb. that's not a cut you retarded nigger. learn to read.
And who put the nigglet in danger in the first place?
abortion is murder though. the difference between an unborn life and a clump of cells is entirely dependent on the mother. its is however unfortunately a necessary evil. without it there would be more spics & nigs in this country.
Hope to see you guys around some time.
Those sacks of bolts are driving me up the fucking wall. It takes until I'm halfway through the first sentence to realize it has nothing to do with the thread context when I'm tired because it's scraped from other posts on the same board.
To be fair, I'm actually kind of impressed, because he's done more damage to conversation on these boards in three days than CTR accomplished in a fucking year. That's a special kind of high-power autism.
All former Axis powers are capable of the greatest things.
Well, they kinda chickened out, but even Italy is pretty based overall.
i clicked the downvote button so hard my mouse broke.
I can't believe how retarded these people are
Fixed that for both of you
Diversity (in asset porfolios) is our greatest strength, goy.
oh, you have no assets? Sorry, no refunds :^)
Imagine a self-driving car hitting this mob at 70mph while the SWPL behind the "wheel" furiously hammers the nonfunctioning estop button.
That kind of purity is dumb. If you think their stock is going up, buy it. In fact Dilbert man advises buying the most evil company you can see - they usually go up. But I don't think poz counts as evil today. It's dumb because there are too few of us to have direct impact.
Instead we should look for weaknesses where we are strong, like Tay. Nobody cares if you are using MS Windows, but lots of people care if Tay is a Nazi.
Also, get better at Alinsky tactics. Identify and target the individuals hiding behind the corporate facade. Look how upset Alefantis is from some internet attention.
You are thinking about this wrong. The commercials don't reflect a deep philosophy of the company. All big companies could run poz ads because they think it's the zeitgeist and they see no downside.
You are looking for "good" and "bad" companies and there are neither. The left-wing shit has entered the air they breathe, and they've never heard from you.
Forget about good and bad companies. Figure out how to contact decision makers, like CEOs and CMOs. Figure out how to pressure them.
The corporate texture is the same everywhere. If we can make one CMO fold, we can make them all fold.
Intel has donated several hundred million dollars to feminist, anti-racist and SJW NGOs. Target lost more than 1.5 million customers over bathrooms for the sexually deranged even though tranimals do not even make up 0.1% of their customer base. It makes absolutely no sense from a business perspective.
They have a cultural marxist agenda and don't care if they lose billions, because their goal is not to make as much money as possible, but domesticate and dominate humanity. Money is just another control tool in their toolbox.
Vulkan api can't come soon enough. No one but casuals will even use Windows once we don't need DX to play vidya.
TempleOS has no networking. If you want a seriously hardcore OS with internet capability, use MenuetOS. It's entirely written in assembly.
Then you need to lurk moar, because you clearly haven't been here long enough.
Why can AMD processors not suck?
I know they make some good budget processors, but their higher end stuff doesn't compare to Intel
Actually, much like America, it started out as white and normal but gradually morphed into a multicultural shithole that most sensible hate.
Depends what you're using it for. If you're all about muh gaymen, then stick with Intel.
If you want to encode a fuckload of video, the AMD octacore CPUs shit on i7's for that.
Provided you use a multithreaded encoder
Thus weeding out the script kiddies who can't figure out making it themselves
Linus Torvald is better than Stallman. Regardless Linux isn't filled with backdoor like Windows is.
>not wanting whites to kill other whites is being an anti-military Kike.
Fellate a gun, nigger.
Not saying you're wrong, but you have the wrong focus. Intel and Target are just generic Western institutions that are pozzed up. Focus on specific people. Decisions are made by individuals. Agendas are pushed by individuals. The left is good at this - targeting and attacking the individual. That's how cucks were created - a generation of conservatives afraid to oppose leftism, for fear of Alinsky tactics. Holla Forums is good at targeting and attacking blue-hair SJWs on twitter, so why can't we target corporate poztards? However, with respect, your comment shows you are fooled by the corporate facade. If you shine a spotlight on the key people, who may be CEOs, CMOs, chief diversity officers, whatever - they will scream bloody murder. They are less equipped for this fight than SJWs. They like to hide behind the corporate facade. A lot of them are active on Twitter and have no experience with trolling.
Who we should target: Enemies, who plan anti-white ads - to make them whine to the media about internet Nazis, etc. We can't change them. Decision makers, like CEOs - to make them feel the SJWs are becoming a liability. Major shareholders, activist shareholders - especially those looking to oust the CEO - give them ammo.
Your very first thought on seeing such an ad should be "who's behind it?" Who is the CMO? Who is the ad agency? Who is crowing in Adweek about their new diversity messaging?
You think AMD is any more armored against poz than Intel? You think there is some publicly traded company standing up against the poz?
I've been putting off switching to Linux for a while now, I guess it's time. Can anyone recommend a good starter distro that's hard to fuck up the installation of? Mint, maybe?
Open source is getting just as pozzed. There have been so many great projects derailed because of deranged trannies getting involved and fucking everything up over drama.
As long as it's not spying on me so they can't sell my data, and I'm not paying for it, then I don't think it really matters since they won't benefit from it. I use the Pale Moon browser even though some furfag made it because it's a good browser.
Anyway, what's a good starter Linux distro, with minimum poz if possible?
Yea, Mint is perfect for Windows survivors user. After a couple of years you'll probably move on to another distro that's closer to the metal.
Fugg the bot is self-aware now :DDD benis
Your linux distribution should be chosen based on the experience you hope to get from it.
Con confirm this. I live there and they're fucking everywhere.
whats your favorite ice cream flavour? mine's snowboarding vanilla, you don't know shit about anything
Thanks anons, I'll look more into these and get it done. Windows 10 is a shitshow and I'm done with it, and this SJW Microsoft shit is just the icing on the shitcake.
Mint does a good Debian fork now.
It's like Debian. But fully functional out of the gate.
Mint is ubuntu, the main difference is that it ships with non-free drivers/codecs, and adobe flash plugin.
It also makes really poor packaging decisions. It overrides names for pre-existing packages with its own homegrown packages and it completely blocks some security updates.
I don't know what's worse, this shitty Microsoft ad, or this retarded Amazon one.
if you're not posting from a linux distro kys my man
That man should probably kill himself. I could never subject a woman I loved to that.
Pretty sure she left him and he probably kill kill himself.
I can't say I've ever found Debian to be unusable out of the gate…. it's not exactly Gentoo is it?
Good for her. Shameful situation all around, but I'm glad she's not stuck with that abomination of a man. Imagine waking up every morning for the rest of your life and seeing that? Nobody deserves that.
Debian doesn't ship firmware blobs or proprietary codecs on install. Usually means graphics, wifi and ethernet (rarely) are broken on install.
He died from overdose on heroin and alcohol.
Try to show a little respect user.
Lol. Meanwhile mass-murderer Bill Aids tours the 3rd world selling niggers autism in a needle. You can't make this shit up.
(((They))) are all on the team.
It would be so easy. Stop using their whit and toss it in the garbage and they would be gone tomorrow. They will.
Thanks to JewOS 10 aka Windows 10
No. still too many neocons. We need to go deeper.