Rex Tillerson is going to be SoS and Romney suffers like the bitch he is. Discuss thoughts on Rex.

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Cenk will be butthurt again.

I don't trust Rex.







He's Christian.


Really weird choice. Guess it's not Romney though, so I guess it could be worse.

SecState doesn't really dip his beak into any of those issues as far as I understand it. As long as he's pro-Russia and anti-WW3 I'm okay.

I'm cool with this

We're gonna ream the Saudis assholes.

He's pro Russia no doubt.


get rex'd

The carbon tax stuff and the negotiations involved would probably cross State's desk at some point.

This really doesn't surprise me, when Trump said he was going to find the smartest business people in the US to negotiate our deals he wasn't kidding.

Yeah but it would have to go through Congress and not be vetoed. Sec State doesn't apply legislation.

He supports the Alt-Right:


Obvious concern shill is obvious.


The only things that sound bad about him are the carbon tax and common core, two things of which he won't touch as SoS.

You're making a big leap with the gay marriage thing. Not being a dick to gays doesn't necessarily mean supporting gay marriage.

I'd be surprised if it was vetoed or had trouble making it through Congress.

I didn't say it was bad. It's actually fucking good. A SoS who's pro Russia is great.

If Trump supports it instead of vetoing it, then there is no sense kvetching about what the SoS thinks.

No, the other user's concern is warranted. Autarky is to be valued above all other economic concerns – it is right, appropriate, and necessary to be suspicious, or even hostile, to anyone who would suggest otherwise no matter their motivations.

It is detrimental to Exxon-Mobile [and Shell, Total, Hess, whoever] for the US to achieve energy security and self-sufficiency. Then there is less motivation for the US military to act as the personal militia of the oil companies when some pesky country halfway around the world wants to nationalize their oil or price it in something other than dollars.

I didn't say it was bad, you fucking moron.

At least it's not Romney

You're presentation certainly seemed that way.

This. 1000x.

This, so much.

we oil oligarchy now?


He proposed Romney so that his actual choice would be more readily accepted by the base.

We sometimes forget that one of Trump's nicknames is the Nimble Navigator.


Anybody who honestly thought Truml would choose Romney as his SoS didn't understand that Trump was simply talking to the GOP's equivalent of John Kerry and trying to broker a deal about how to get shit done in Congress.


(((Exxon))) is property of the (((Morgan))) bankster family, one of the main shareholders of the FED along with Rockefeller and Rothschild.

Where did the centipede meme start exactly? I never knew tbh.
inb4 leddit

Like I said, anyone suggesting that autarky isn't the primary economic model on which all nationalist states must be based is to be suspected of being subversive.

This is the part where I filter you.


Can you even find extremely capable people like Rex that aren't connected to those fuckers in some way?

The "Can't stump the Trump" videos. They use a track called "Centipede".

Actually, I think its first use was in volume three.

No you can't.

thx anons


Sleazy, but could be much worse. We dont have any good diplomats left anyway

The Romney play was always set up just to fuck with him for his treachery. In a 'this is what you could have had' manner, as well as forcing him to publicly bend the knee.

Career loliticians live in a bubble where it's normal practice to betray your friends, throw shit at someone one day then come back next month and pretend it never happened. Trump doesn't operate like that.

This and this
Fucking masterful.

Not with any relevant experience. If you've worked in the upper echelons of the energy industry, you'll have been dealing with kikes the entire time. There's no way around it.


im a hitler purist, i dont even know what your talking about, but if hitler didnt say it in mein kampf or its sequel, then i dont care.

"Go be a cuckservative somewhere else!"

Justin Raimondo seems alright with the pick, this gives me some hope it was a good one.


"Don't let the door hit your ass on your way back to mommy, faggot!"


Romney is an ARCH traitor, the worst "ally" you can have. Anyone who is not Romney is good news.

Remember the never ending barrage of shills saying that Trump has betrayed us?

Looks like they've been cucked again as well. They never learn.

Is it true that Holla Forums defended Romney in 2012 after Paul lost? I arrived here after the Exodus.

Trump truly is the avatar of Kek.

But what about Steven Mnuchin?

I don't think anybody was excited for that guy, we just didn't want another 4 years of steady decline.


Weak minded fools can't stay the course.

No they don't. Their new demoralization "tactic" is "Trump is only a stepping stone and won't actually fix anything." But they're too stupid to realize that even if Trump truly is lukewarm, which I never believe, he would have no choice but to go full Double Hitler when the Left in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world inevitably try to physically stop MAGA.

I'm still going to be triggered if Kris "Papers Please, beaner" Kobach doesn't get a fairly high level DHS appointment.



The fact that jews and cucks are kvetching over this means that Trump is making the right choice.

You have source on the sahreholders of the FED?

Implying trump was ever going to pick Romney

"Go be a cuck somewhere else!"

This picture is fucking golden. I never get tired of seeing it.