All hands on deck, kikes and dems attempting to steal election

CIA says Russia helped Trump, but provides no evidence
Leftist media pundits saying it's the FBI and Russia who teamed up to elect Trump with fake news
That's right goy, CIA mind control pedohile child-traffickers are good, FBI rank&file is bad
Treasonous Electors coming out of the wood-work saying they won't be voting for Trump
House & Senate both passed Fake News bill, goes to Obama for final say

zerohedge. com/news/2016-12-10/soft-coup-attempt-imminent-furious-trump-slams-secret-cia-report-russia-helped-him-w
zerohedge. com/news/2016-12-10/krugmans-latest-twitter-meltdown-lays-out-democrats-next-steps

We've let our guard down in the post-election period after we saw Jill Stein's recount efforts backfire. This is real. Obama is going to try to hold onto the presidency with CIA and deep-state backing. They're backed into a corner and like a dangerous animal they're going to try anything to stop Trump. The alternative for them is that Trump gives the FBI to open the books on pizzagate, these kikes all get strung up, and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

We should be afraid because if Obama ends up having the last-laugh, they're going to disappear every last one of us.

Other urls found in this thread:

hi fbi-san

Get. Your. Guns.

Relax fam, it's not going to work. They're just throwing a VERY PREDICTABLE temper tantrum.

rusholes.. who cares?
friendly sage

no benefit to relaxing

^OBAMA saying that the election is NOT RIGGED.

Obama is a lying fuckin nigger..

Are they fucking stupid? Do they not know about the Les Bains crash? Do they not know that we shitposted so much that we formed an egregore specifically designed to crash planes with no survivors, based off a scene where Bane crashes a CIA plane?

You'll live longer and enjoy life more. Savoring victory is a great feeling, but since you're such a worry-wart you're missing out on it. Sad!

I hope they try some shit. Will be funny to see how the people react?

They are so fucking desperate, they can't see the cliff.
First thing Trump should do is burning down the CIA headquarters and the FED. 90% of work done, just like that.

You need to learn to read context

Don't worry I am sure Mattis already has plans on a total assault on the CIA and their underground bases.

It never stops annoying me how a lot of people here seem to think Trump spends the day sitting around with his thumb up his ass and leaving all the legwork to the fucking internet.
Do you really fucking think the man that crushed EVERY SINGLE PERSON that stood in his way, has not considered AND prepared thoroughly for any and all trick these kikes could pull?
Trump has proven beyond all doubts that he's always on top of everyone's game

This is a good point I just checked his Twitter and he doesn't seem to give a fuck about this news in fact he said he was going to support the armed forces by attending the Army-Navy game.

They'd fall over like a house of cards in the same way niggers do to swat police.

Small guys always think they're in charge.



They are crashing and burning, even some of the most brain dead normies are waking up if just enough to glimpse beyond the asshole they lovingly eat shit from.

Mainstream media is dying, people get their news from third parties, cell phones, social media, etc. My friend works at a highschool and middleschool and the kids look at you weird if you even mention watching TV.

I only feel bad for the poor incoherent bastards who don't realize they will be collateral damage when these…things…thrash and die.

Memes are entering their golden age, the age of these people is quickly dying out.

He's got a R.T. up right now of an account for his inauguration. Too bad he's so civic, I really like his organisational ability…

You need to learn to accept victory. You've been losing too long, a born loser, so you don't even understand when you've won. It's genuinely sad.

We can savor victory after he's sworn in. Until then any attempts to get people to let their guard down should be considered shilling. The kikes and their pet nigger are absolutely not above this.

even better than the social rejection of tv is the current social rejection of facebook

most people under 50 roll their eyes at a mention of facebook now… not that snapchat is a great replacement. Maybe it's marginally better.

>>>Holla Forums

I voted for trump, your schtick is getting on my nerves, though.

But user, is this not a perfect opportunity to show the masses what hypocrites these people really are? Think of the memes! It would be good practice for when shit really is about to go down.

The prize of victory is constant vigilance, fuck off nigger

Not going to happen.

This is a planted story no doubt, but Obama using it as leverage to keep power? Stupid.

You're basically saying he's going to use a shill story with no proof that most Americans are ignoring because only about 400,000 people watch MSNBC now.. to overthrow the peaceful tradition of American handover of power.


Go back to Alex Jones.

You're a loser who can't handle winning. You're like a dog who's somehow managed to catch a car, you have no clue how to handle this. I hope, for your sake, that you snap out of it and learn to enjoy it.

Exactly, it's moronic. But no plot is too far-fetched for somebody who is convinced that defeat must somehow be inevitable. They've always lost before, and they cannot conceive of that pattern being broken. These are the same people who were kvetching all year long about Obama declaring Martial Law to suspend the election. A moronic idea believed only by those with a deep commitment to being losers.

Let me guess, their evidence will be that someone using a russian IP address stole the emails, which means jack shit, nonetheless obama will executive order the election void, postpone any further election while they wage world war III on russia.

Yeah, you're a shill. You just came here to attack and disrupt, without contributing.

The only think I am disrupting is your inane hysterics.

Guess what, the election happened! There was no martial law! Obama didn't stop Trump, and he didn't stop the vote! You were all wrong, and eventually you will have to come to grips with that.

Source for the fake news bill?

Obama's already been through the grief process and made plans. He's stopped caring about the country. He's getting divorced next month. One daughter is already a massive degenerate in college. The system is preparing for Trump to the point that if the results were overturned, things would be even more fucked up.

It would also start a military coup, backed with millions of pissed off white people waiting for the ok to start shooting. Of course, liberals can't think that THEIR actions have consequences and wouldn't care that they started WW3 because they can't hold that l.


I don't think there's any validity to the Russians working to interfere with the election, but what the fuck is with the CIA? They constantly overthrow governments and meddle in elections in other countries, and when they think someone else does it they throw a bitch fit?

The CIA is in no position to judge anyone else of tampering with elections, even if their claims weren't completely fabricated and without evidence.

Yes, Donald Jr.
Sorry, Donald Jr.

You ever get the feeling that Michael gave "keepin' it real" lesson in the ballroom, twice a week?

Yeah, good luck with that. We're not all burgers, man. There's plenty of leafs, bongs, squatters, krauts, and whatever other cute national nicknames you can think of running around in here. While I believe he'd love to do unto us, he's incapable of an extinction event without stepping on some of his allies' (and enemies') dicks. Holla Forums is eternal, no matter where it lands. Even if it's five guys sitting around a fire innawoods telling number 6 how things really are, the redpill lives on.

Hey kid, you know about the jews?

What will probably happen is the electors will vote blue anyway. Most states you can get away with it for a fine

They might get publicly lynched but by that point it doesn't matter, they'll see it as a noble sacrifice or at worst get protection from the feds.

Absolute fools!

I hope you're not posting your own partial fingerprints here

Naw, mate. Cut mine off with an exacto-knife and burned them years ago.


I actually wish they would steal it, the right side would take their fucking guns and start to purge filth instead of it being a bunch of overgrown children throwing temper tantrums amounting to the perpetuation of the status quo.

Of course the know about Les Bains, they orchestrated it, you fool.

They both shapeshift

We live on, the archetype lives on. Holla Forums is always right. Always. Can't kill Holla Forums, we are eternal.

True! But also true is that Donald is relatively new to this game and everyone in the Establishment hates him (FBI and Pentagon as possible exceptions).

I remember reading about a civil war going on behind the scenes between alphabet agencies about half a year ago. guess it wasnt bullshit

Strawman after strawman



The sooner you accept victory, the sooner you can enjoy it. By choosing to wallow in self-pity and defeatism, you create your own personal hell.

Shillingest shit I ever saw

Its kind of jarring how bad he is, maybe ive grown spoiled from the professional election shills.

When will you allow yourself to enjoy victory? When Trump is sworn in, will you continue to dream up and dwell on far-fetched scenarios where something goes wrong?

It's always a bad idea to help "teens" who look like that.

The funny part is that she gets angry because they call it cumdumpster but not for actually being a cumdumpster by drinking that coffee… TOP KEK

Here is the CIA supporting the fake WMD claims in Iraq:

The nazis have brain damage about nationalities and cultures. They need a different culture to blame all the bad things.

Cities vs rural
rural disrupts supplies to cities
cities face massive civil unrest
war over within a month

Yeah because when trump decides he's going to wage war on king nigger and the cia, first he's gonna tweet so all the normies can keep up.


Spoken like a true Communist. Holla Forums, why are you still here? It's like watching a fish out of water and writhing on the floor like a mentally challenged child which, after the umpteenth time, has become rather disappointing.

Is Stalin really a rabbit?

When that different culture happens to be the elite who wants to eradicate the culture of all races into a single consumerist one, can you really blame them for feeling that way?

Yes, this is what the jews have been covering up all this time. Dont tell anyone


Niggermods pls sticky.

Its probably a bot. Did you notice how its completely out of context?

Bots and lefties both have the same level of sentience though, so maybe it isn't, idk

They have no argument when the Russian Government is legally allowed to vote in the presidential election…

The fucking Soe poster is worse than the cummy in mummy guy. Stop demonizing this poor woman who just likes some DotA

seasonal depression is a real thing. the places with the highest suicide rates are countries with long dark winters.

They love you. And so does everyone else, leaf. We would fuck you in the ass, gently. No homo.

not nearly as bad as the Trumpfag in OP's pic

Woah meta

When the dump comes the Jews will be made gone.

just think of it Holla Forums
all of this stuff
all of these draconian laws

on January 20th, Trump will be able to make use of them all


For better or for worse, I guess we shall see.


1939-1945 we made a mistake.

Butthurt niggers itt. Face it, America is the whitest country.

Good pick?

You dont want to be a muslim trust me i have been to muslim countries

a while ago my wall thread was deleted also
not putting hillary into prison is big warning sign for our people
the kek cult is being tricked?

Honorary Anglos

Teacher should ask them to bring him their passports and then point at the gender graph.

well to be fair I had a broken arm fixed up once and it was completely free, including the 3 different kinds of drugs and follow-ups

Yeah I think we tried those already. Those just make you end up looking like hitler

They control the media and the narrative therefore the history as well.

Why are you racist?

cmon faggot.

No leaves during Winter to rake

do not reply to bot posters


Wait, is the bot actually quoting posts now?

0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of that happening
you need 37 electors to switch their vote – these people were chosen BY TRUMP AND THE RNC
It's fucking impossible, also theres fines to voting differently in some states anyway
Only 1 or 2 might do it.

Also stop fucking worrying

I didn't vote. You're all idiots if you think Fox News is your friend. Bill O'Reilly was even shilling for amnesty a couple days ago. ""Moral obligation to legalize illegals after the wall is built."" You're a fool if you don't think Tucker is just as bad.

What's funny is that if Nike wasn't there, those kids would starving in a barn made of bamboo somewhere because their crops didn't make it through winter

It's the industrial revolution all over again. People don't go to the city to work in factories to be exploited. They go there because it's better

mostly nigger and sjw problem


Friendly reminder that the election isn't over yet. There's still two months left before the president is decided.

Yes. It's probably going to get worse before it gets better. I just hope it doesn't actually start replying in a way that's almost on topic but still derails.

Get fucked snow nigger.

he would have made germany great again if he'd just slowed his actions down a little and consolidated his power and hold over the lands he won.

Even more than that user, I think he's been gaming this for at least a decade in terms of specific players and tactical moves, and probably longer in terms of generalities of how to win on the political stage. Probably been vetting people for at least that long.

all correct answers

One is a Vatican-Roman "Catholic" and the other is a Christian. Besides, Mr Carlson runs the Daily Caller, and that's the one that had the recent article from Sam Hyde as well as a lot of other good pieces.

im from a village sulking over arcadian traditionalist royalist world gone and never coming back
and since i have no desire to live in a corrupt degenerate bourgois shithole im just gonna stay and shitpost on 8chins


I don't think this is what she wanted with the video but I suddenly got this odd urge to be personally responsible for the barrel bomb that kills her.


Probably should. Don't want the backfill to start pouring in.


This isn't botspam which is surprising.

The cryptkeeper will be long dead by then

Why the hell do I show up in Turkey, way to go auto-vpn, shortest ping is on the other side of the world?

I'm a women, but a Swede is still a bigger pussy.

Make news fake again

When he made Reince Priebus bend the knee, and shut down the Cruz/GOPe plot to rob him of the delegates, I learned to never doubt the man's preparedness. If the CIA continues down this path, they'll probably face the wrath of the Military.

Speaking of which, would any of you mind if Trump disbanded that banker run spy agency? I've always thought it should be part of the Military.

This is what Europe is right now, a place where you can get arrested for making threats on the internet.

I can go to my city center right now an threaten to kill people to their face and I will get fined for intimidation.

In Europe you get imprisoned


those tits like fake-ism

Why do you hate white people, that's racist

then why didn't they develop defensive technology to keep the evil (((white man))) from taking them into the slave trade.
I agree with you but I felt compelled to make a point



Another vote for Albania.

I see a lot of people talking like the military vs alphabet agencies wont be a contest. Im not surprised as it was memory holed very successfully but theres a very good chance the american military was conquered by the NSA/CIA in 2007/8. I know that sounds insane but hear me out.

In 2007/8 there were 2000 people at the pentagon who were found to be downloading child porn at work. This is almost 1 in every 25 people there, the numbers were unreal, both literally and figuratively. These are people who have very serious jobs and even the most spastic person who works on a computer should know someone in the office might have the ability to look at their shit whenever they want to. The only way this report could come to be is if it was a set up. The only entity on earth that would have the access and ability to do this would be the NSA/CIA. We already know how easy it is to put child porn on peoples computers and stitch them up for it.

If you ask me this happened for this exact sort of scenario. The only entity on earth that could take on the NSA/CIA in any sort of open way would be the US military. The idea of threat mitigation could extend as far as this given the shady as fuck past of these alphabet agencies. If it came down to a fight of some sort the military would win without much trouble. So if you are the NSA/CIA what do you do? Well, the only way to win is to destroy your enemies will to fight, which can be done by threatening the commanders with destruction of their life. These are not men to take threats lightly but they are also family men, the idea of their wife and (grand)children never talking to them again regardless of the truth.

I wish i still had the screencaps of this being reported but my computer died. If any user has them please post them.

We're not lax. It's just that none of this shit has any traction, and even if it did all the politicians would be dead. They're rats, but rats want to live just like everything else.

He's the guy responsible for your civil war by shitting on the South.

Thank you. I think I saw a few libtards on Twitter today defending the CIA and saying they had nothing to do with George Bush's WMD lies. COME ON WE ALL KNOW THE CIA DOESN'T LIE!

No u

Shillary had similar pay-to-play ties and you autistic faggots sperg'd out over it during the election.

You watch, you're going to see a lot of liberals defend the CIA. They already started in reply to Trump's transition team saying those who claim Russia "hacked" the election are the same who claimed Iraq had WMDs. I wish I had saved the links but on Twitter I saw either CTR employees or real libtard idiots post comments like TRUMP IS LYING! THE CIA HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WMD LIES! IT WAS ALL BUSH!

Yes. I saw the same thing on twitter. The new CTR narrative is the CIA dindu nuffin.

The shape is impossible. Look at the triangle, the base of the triangle has length 6

Wow user, as much detail as you put into that post….are you …..fantasizing about doing that to the OP?
I honestly don't think you could of responded any gayer if you were cast member on Glee

English kids are tested extremely more than americans especially with the gcse

How can the white man ever compete

I thought the flat earth explanation was density, is it now gravity?

I'd say your situation number 2 is closer to the center-axis while number 1 is far left/communism

Hello, my name is David Rhodes. In 1988 I lost my job, my house was foreclosed on, and the bill collectors were hounding you like you wouldn't believe!

I mean the guys fucking name is James Achilles and James Achilles Alefantis runs comet. Richard/Robert Harris is/are the agent for the companies. Isn't that a weird fucking coincidence?


You are one they they could all have been redpilled. Now they are dead.

Look who is leading the investigation

I was never bluepilled. I (((Googled))) "Federal Reserve" & ran into a conspiracy article talking about all sorts of redpilled JBS shit that I'd never heard before. This was in 2003, back when (((Google))) wasn't actively shilling for the gov. I've believed in conspiracies since late 2004, & only a decade later did a weeb friend recommend the Chan because "you'd like the lulz, especially on Holla Forums XDDD!"

I didn't get the point when I first started browsing at the start of 2015. It was only when I run into a thread about ideal gf's, & an user boasting about how his girl hated niggers & racemixers & didn't talk back, that I was hooked

Is that why niggers always travel in packs?

check the video at 1:34:00 Nigel.

AA has allowed Afrocentric nonsense to be taught to blacks since the mid 80s.


I'm going to lynch you with your entrails.

Time to crash the CIA with no survivors

How soon until we see a full attack of the Left Hand VS the RIght Hand? The FBI and the CIA have always had a rivalry, it would only be prudent if the FBI went FULL TRUMP if they weren't already if their great opponents for Budget are full on Shilldogs.

Afterall this will be a total bust, if the Michigan recount is anything to go by it's all a fucking scam in FAVOR of Clinton, they can try and warp it any way you want but it's gonna be a fucking slam dunk for the Don and all these people are doing is putting a great big PURGE ME HERE sign on their fucking collective asses once he takes the reign.
It's gonna be the Rains of Castamere in real life at this point.

I dont think their goal is to steal the election, because they would lose a civil war. Their goal must be trying their everything to discredit Trump in general so that the people won't like him.

I hope this happens, the FBI vs the Big Goys would be interesting. The CIA has always been on Israel's side more than ours anyway. They need removed and rebranded into a new agency.

They think we're all basement NEETs with no stamina or boldness. They believe their own lies