Anarchists stink

Although Terence Powderly, the head of the Knights of Labor, denounced the anarchist movement, the Knights were tainted by association in the public mind and the number of its members shrank to 95,000 in 1892 and none in 1901.

Jesus Christ. For how long, exactly, have anarchists been poisoning and sabotaging the Left?


See? They even stink at internet lingo. Worthless.

Jesus Christ. For how long, exactly, have police been poisoning and sabotaging the state?


Stalinists are worse than anarchists.


Yes, it's bad unless there is a wider strategic goal behind that cop bashing. Random attacks on state officials provide the state with an excuse to implement increasingly stringent security measures "for public safety". Look at the IRA or numerous other proper insurgency examples if you want to do this: build your organization first, then attack the dibble.

Only slightly worse

Since we're discussing the US, it's entirely impractical to form an organization first. You'd get raided before you could even get a plan together. The IRA didn't have anything near the scope of the NSA to contend with. Not to mention any liberal within a mile of your organization would worm their way in and call the authorities when they hear what's going on.

The idea that the state only increases its power when individuals are attacking them is silly. They increase their power all the time, despite what's going on. Do you honestly think they wouldn't try to increase their power when pitted up against an actual organization? It's specifically what happened between the US and radical jihadists.

The jihadists are autistic virgins but they succeed far more often when they act solely on their own as evidenced by their last few attacks within the US. It seems like the only westerners doing individual attacks are reactionaries and almost always end up lashing out towards other people in general.

The guy who plotted to kill Trump for a year was such a let-down. I thought "finally a leftist who isn't a fucking dumbass killing random people and realizes the beneficial-potential behind attacking actual figureheads" and he didn't even fucking REALLY have a plan and just sperged around a cop until they arrested him.

inb4 anarkiddy - lifestylist anarchists are silly liberals, and I'm not defending them.

t #MakeInsurrectionismGreatAgain


You do know that they never caught who threw the bomb, right?

So Stalin did not sabotage the left by turning people off with violence and neither have soc dems?

Whatever you are, fuck you

This is a pretty edgy post but I'll go with it.

What is the endgame? Will attacking individuals who represent state oppression achieve it?

its the anarkiddies fault, don't you know that you must enslave an entire population under a "communist" state to end capitalism?

attacking bourgeois figureheads that have power is an excellent form of disruption considering they act without meaningful consequences their entire lives.

Yeah, yeah. Victims of Communism.

It is irrelevant if you can't take over the state and redundant if you can.

top-tier shitposting fam

I'm not one to fling gorrillions but really of the leftist factions Anarchists are empirically the least violent.

1917. October Revolution. Petrograd.

How many people have died/been killed while storming Winter Palace?

this isn't a contest, you know?

This is your brain on Marxism.

Tell me the endgame is more than disruption.

I mean you don't think the state is going to grind to a halt and disband cause of a few minor disruptions? Syria has been in a brutal civil war for 5 years plus and the state maintains.


Obviously not, but it's going to slow down a bit. Insurrectionism isn't going to single-handedly dismantle the state. However, this doesn't mean it can't be used to assist in dismantling the state. It's a little silly to think that we should all follow one specific mode of attack when fighting them. A revolution without assassination, sabotage, and other similar acts is a gimped revolution. I'm not saying that an organized front wouldn't be capable of doing these acts, but in countries like the US where it'd be extremely difficult to get a radical militant leftist organization up and running, supporting individuals carrying out these acts and not crying about "cops who dindu nuffin" would be preferable.

A side note: 5 years is not very much time considering most of the recent civil wars around the world have waged for an average of 10+ years.

Another side-note: illegalism is ``okay`` in some situations but it tends to lean towards lifestylist anarchism and occasionally agorism and worse. ``Technically`` stealing from walmart (or whatever) hurts them, but it's such a miniscule amount that it's ineffectual. Stealing a lot of stuff is very unlikely to do much other than get you put in jail and the stuff returned.

i can't seem to do italics right. whatever.


how do I into italics

If you're not afraid of a little illegalism and insurrection, why not just organise and shoot in the fucking face any suspected infiltrators?

Why the compulsive need to centralize organization? I don't see a clear advantage to having a single point of failure.

yeah, fair enough. I just don't see how killing individuals, without a clear political statement will get you anywhere.

poison and sabotage to the left indeed.

Thanks based mutualist-fag.

Thanks for increasing the board quallity with the recent influx of the ML cancer, they should all be banned tbh.

You're an idiot. They were innocent and if an insurrection occurs with any socialist group, you can expect the same slander by the media and state to occur.
Anarchists did a lot to push for reforms back in the late 1800's.

happy to be of service.


Using "stink" as an insult is counter-revolutionary. Deodorant is a manufactured need based on shaming the normal state of the human body. Also the origin of saying someone stinks is both racist and classify, because it's based on both the varying scents of different ethnicities and poor people's inability to buy soaps.

i wonder how many fbi are in this thread

The normal state of the human body is pretty repulsive tbh.

The flesh is weak.

Only because you were socialized to see it that way.

If that's true, then I'm glad I was.

More incentive to try and create something better.

Im an M-L and I would fucking fight you for this bullshit, those guys were heroes.

doing gods work right there

Hypothetically, what would be the consequences for the broader leftist movement if a bunch of anarchists published an anti-capitalist manifesto calling for insurrection and revolution against the state, then went out and blew up Wall Street or a hedge fund and killed a couple bankers?

