How To Be A Nigger On Twitter

Create infighting and panic among black twitter users

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Why don't we raid more often ?

Most nigger accounts on twitter sound like markov bots. This is because of their extreme lack of intelligence and primarily relying on reactive behavior even mid-sentence.

potential for spreading fake hate crimes is there too

That's true, you could unleash an army of guacman on it and no one would even make the difference. Remember that tweet from the guy impersonating a black guy and he was talking to a white woman and at one point started saying "mup di da doo bix nood" and she said "that's right" or something like that ?

massive LULZ


and then this


fuck black trump supporters and fuck trump. We don't even like Trump we're just using him to bring identity politics to the forefront

I'm iffy on that.
There is a fine line between smart trolling and "ironically going as authentic as possible and feeding some anti white narrative"


Is this real? Is it fake? I don't know, but it makes whites look bad.


"make whites look bad"
They want to exterminate us. We need to be subversive

also the goal is to destroy Twitter as a platform

By giving them more justification for doing so?

Is the Daily Stormer controlled opposition? Anyone know?

If the cops helped the KKK escape, who was chasing the KKK that they needed to escape?

Exactly we want blacks to chimp out and target whites. Race war is the only way to snap out people out of the ZOG induced psychosis

"everyone is controlled opposition except Holla Forums Holla Forums"

If one wanted to play Devil's Advocate, you could just claim that the cops and the Klan had worked together prior to this and agreed to make it look like the cops were chasing them out lol.

Yes, spread fake "hate"
But what if we make it about crimes of jewish people against blacks. Spread ridiculous stories, fake quotes, fake news and sprinkling verifiable truths.

We really need to make a better effort at redirecting their hate against whites and aid in pointing it at the right direction: dirty filthy lying kikes

Do you think we would have less of a chance of being banned if we were just concerned black activists spreading anti-jewish rhetoric?

The race war has been going on for decades. It's just one sided, blacks kill whites and whites don't respond or wake up.

You don't need to encourage blacks to attack whites, you just need to raise awareness about what is going on, since the schools and media work to hide the truth. The battle is for the minds of people.

Every "fuel in the fire" is justification for cucks to turn their backs toward whites and towards blacks.


Holy shit this is brilliant.
Additional step: pick random nigger accounts, post screens of their tweets here and claim it's you; when they get b&, say "fuck, they banned me!".

Sounds plausible shill, is Weev a jew while we're t it?

Bullshit. We do, we need to have them organise and attack preferrably libcucks en masse. It's not race war yet, just race skirmishes. We need a full-blown massacre.



"anybody who shows their face is a shill. Trust me goy" - JIDF

one of the goals specified in this is to create fake DM screenshots using a website that generates them. Generate screenshots of fake hate speech DMs using anti-racist white profiles and then using your nigger account to call them white supremecists

oh thank fuck, this shitty site had me blocked from posting all day for no reason

absolutely subversive

oy vey what do you mean fake i am proud of the achievements of my ancestors in human trade

This is an amazing idea. Why aren't we doing this more? Anglin alone caused pure chaos on twitter during the Mizzou campus thing.

lol we've been doing it for at least two years

oops, didn't finish my post.
this is just anglin being a retard and letting everyone in on what people have been doing for a while now. if you don't already have a nog sockpuppet twitter (assuming you are willing to put up with twitter), it's pretty much impossible to get banned on it. Unless you slip up and use proper english or logic, of course.


exactly, we should start building nigger armies on Twitter like Anglin does for the next inevitable Dindu Nuffin who gets killed by KKK police

Everyone has been doing sock puppets for the last 15 years. This is Nothing new in the least.

What doesn't add up is the part where Anglin tells his readers to link back to the dailystormer and completely telling their targeted groups that hey we are white supreeemiscistsss and we are fucking with you on twitter.

It all makes great sense up until Anglin tells everyone to self incriminate.

makes no sense AT ALL

We want racial division to escalate. When society collapses into violence, things will divide along racial lines and the multicultural experiment will end

also, our enemies are literally using fake news to push their bullshit agenda. We should help them by manipulating blacks like they do

So what ever happened to NiggaNetwork?

Violence is not the solution.

At first I was surprised somebody actually posted a daily stormer link, then I saw this comment and I knew you were a cum guzzler. This idea would be great to hold onto until the next chimpout, right now there's not enough niggers paying attention to race baiting.

How do you propose we convince non-Whites to leave then? It's impossible for the White race to survive without violent resistance eventually. We're in the redpilling/radicalization/propaganda phase right now.

Pacifism is the triumph of the weak.


Cool story, bro.

dailystormer is controlled opposition

Yep, between this and the treads urging Holla Forums to start doing drugs it's clear as fuck we are being under a shitty subversion attempt.

Instead of telling the whole truth of how the kikes sold black and have manipulated them since we are supposed to fill it in with lies so that the whole thing can be discredited. Yes, sounds like a good idea fellow go guys.

The most blatant thing is unironically pushing the fake news meme as if it was ever anything we've been dealing with. Do these shills buy their own narrative so much think this is actually how people talk around here? "Hey Holla Forums, what should I do with these fake news is just wrote?"

We don't deal with fake news here and never have.

You kikes spread ridiculous stories, half truths and fake news, we don't. Fuck off, kikes.

We'll see about that.


you actually want your nation to look like Syria - cause Bois - thats exactly what will happen.
No. Violence is a last resort solution. And should be viewed as such always.

A genetic program aimed at Blacks and mezos is in order.

Rougher outcomes for the committal of violent crimes.
Rob a store = death penalty
Rape = death penalty

If you are on GIBS = no voting rights
If you are on GIBS = its sterilization land for you


Ok I made my character with a high power level

2)Black (well, mulatto)

She literally can't be banned.

Shill or newfag, or both.


More like a fat sand niggeri

This point is convince niggers to make themselves look retarded (which they are) in front of a huge audience. The more ridiculous and easily disproved the the claim, the better (as long as it is believable to niggers).

Pacifism is a cancer. If you are against a solution simply because it involves violence you are a faggot and you should kill yourself.


go away Weev

Just use the presence of the story to your advantage, getting black people kicked off Twitter. :^)

At the end of the day there's no difference between an authentic retarded LARPfag and a controlled LARPfag paid by an agency.

I, for one, support lulz.

that's why pepe is fucking dead you moron,he was carelss and got shot by the soviets

While it's good to turn the golem against the master, doint that isn't the entire battle.

We want our people to become the mainstream, right? Peole to connect being "an evil nazi" as something virtous again, right?

Becoming the enemy while doing so doesn't help.

We have them on the run, had them on the run for a few years now.
No need to become them any time soon, if ever.


>this is just anglin being a retard and letting everyone in on what people have been doing for a while now.

well he's a retard so I guess he can't help it

Is there any way I can rename my Twitter account? My Twitter account is on my old phone number and I don't want to make a new one unless I get banned


Not that I care about Matt Parrott or André but that person, 'anaannblog', doesn't present evidence. That's a red flag. It's a funny page but if you don't present evidence then why bother? Same thing here – lots of details but zero evidence, no links, no documents, not even a few screencaps, nothing:


wew way to go champ!

we need a info set to put on different pictures that shows slave ship owners.
diversity in slave ship owners when?

Anglin is a gook now? I thought they were calming he was part nigger.

What is that black thing they're holding in their hands?

Breaking News: Anonymous users on the web may actually really be Anonymous… :o


just use this nigga and create new one…

No >:^)

Nice that you know. I hope the BRman is well after the brutal assault.



kill yourself dispora

World History is the History of Violence
Government is violence
Politics is war
And believe me that ZOG is already committing violence against you white man

Brings back memories, when I first went to college. Joined a Judo club with a fat Puerto-rican weaboo, I could squirm my way out of all the holds, even from the regulars. The problem was that it was like the teacher had multiple personalities. He was super chill and then all of a sudden "You must bow to your sensei!". The fact that we learned stuff over again after anybody new joined the club made it the last straw for taking it.

Kill those who slander Anglin

Where can I find pictures of random blacks? I've been searching Facebook for blacks and they're all involved in BLM shit and if I use one of their pictures they may recognise me.

Lurking niggers on Facebook is pissing me off.

Wait, what!?!

The Holla Forumsocaust

Well said, user. Somebody needed to.

If you guys want to RP as niggers on twitter, then use that power for good. Become a "we wuz kangz"-style meme-leader for them, and direct them towards the (((real enemy))). They'd be a very easy group to co-opt in this way by the master memers around here.

I'm not a flat Earther.

Niggers and Arabs are the most inbred people BY FAR btw

I bet you're proud of yourself

try Google and look for pictures of white people?

This line reeks of controlled opposition and projection of this sort is a typical jewish tactic we experience all the time.
If it wasn't for this part (which he claims is the important part), we could be using this power to redpill the american nig on the zog overlord turning their useful idiots against them. Instead they want us to help push their "blacks vs whites" agenda and keep the negro blind to the jew.


no, this board is satirical

I can imagine blacks calling people 'kike ass niggas' on twitter tbh

But I think the anti-police retardation is too ingrained in their 'culture' to make them come over to the correct attitude

What, Trump didn;t get any Jews.

Its just commie newfag bait.

Jews are the master race that's why

Franco's Spain?


We should start giving the cabinet kikes numbers. Is this Cabinet Kike 3, or 4?

I just set up a black twitter if you want to follow each other email me at [email protected]/* */ I'll send you my twitter handle.

You faggots who aren't doing this are a waste of breath and not worthy of the redpill

How do you guys make Twitter accounts without giving them your phone number?

spread it

Well, the whole point of this is to get a bunch of real niggers banned from Twitter when they can't differentiate between real and fake niggers. This will cause a backlash against Twitter and they will lose money. So they either lighten up the censorship or we fuck their company into the ground.


what the actual fuck

Seriously, every pro-white website I've ever been on has been labeled controlled op by 8/po/…idk who's jewing who anymore.

Is this the new copypasta to make fun of pizzagate deniers?

It's pretty good pasta desu

A nigger is a nigger.
This is just habbo: Twitter edition.

Where can i find niggers?
t. retard

kek looks at you and shakes his head

This is just what was already on my bed.

regular contributor to /r/mallninjashit?

Dont forget your fingerless gloves and fedora you autist

i-i-is that a fiskars?

Is that a type of airsoft?

Dude just buy a kukri or a machete if you're going for a chopping blade, that knife looks unwieldly as fuck.

It's super light. I'm only ever gonna use it on unarmed people. The gun yeah make airsoft jokes, it an EAA witness you fags is for everyone else. I also wear body armor everywhere because I live in a diverse neighborhood with a shooting every night.
Also, yes. It's a Fiskers axe machete.

no but a quality finnish manufacturer of such accessories

Forgot pic

How heavy and long is it?
It looks like it weighs four or five kilograms 9-11 pounds, maybe it's not as thick as it seems and the guns are just compacts making it look way bigger than it is.

cool and thanks for supporting our shitty economy bro :^)

It weighs a half pound total.
My kebar weighs more.
It's so unbelievably light, it replaced my kukri for bladed gear.

It also has enough power to down a 8inch thick tree in one hit.

Thickness isnt much, and the reach is incredible.
It's some weird alloy.
Feels almost like ceramic, but it's metal.

You're right. It's the question and the answer is Yes

nerf or nothing, baby

This is my actual melee weapon though.
It's been through hell, but I will never leave it behind.

What rounds are you using? They look like steel cased shit, is your gun good enough to run with that smoothly or does it jam like a bitch?
I had to stop using steel 5.56's because my M4 just wouldn't run reliability with them. Strangely, my AKS-74U runs fine with steel 5.45x39mm rounds. I swear, I could put rounds made of dirt through her and she'd still work.

Half a fucking pound?
Is it made of steel or cardboard?

It's actually real lol
That was my thought when I bought it

Feeds just fine, but I take really good care of all my firearms.
It's some wierd metal. Idk, I was just as surprised as you.
I don't carry it though, unless I'm hiking in the woods.
No, my e-tool is all I need.

I don't give a shit if you're white. You're going to hang.

i don't think a shovel is very practical user

this is mine, i got it from my grampa who used it in vietnam

You try using the same shovel for 10 years. Using it as a weapon, a pry, a ration opener, and of course to bury shit so patrols don't find you.

It's gonna get beat up.

The standard e-tool doubles as a battle-axe user. It was one of the most popular weapons in world war one for trench fighting.

yes… yes it is. acceleration till the whole world opens it's eyes at the horror it has allowed

lol what a faggot

Carry your gun you nigger

Everything in the thumbnail made it look so wrong: I thought you were shoving something up your anus or had a weird chode.

Eat dicks.

I carry both.
My e-tool and one of my pistols.

You are actually right. That does look very funny.





Sure. I could outrun you easily, considering I just passed PTs yesterday.
I'm not very big, but I'm fast and being big=getting shot.

Because I actually was trained how to use a machete when I was stationed in the congo.
You try to hard.
Maybe go back to you squats and oats?

it's probably the best quality shit you can buy in the whole world retard

I wouldn't go that far. It was pretty cheap.
69 dollars for a full tang machete is pretty good.

well yeah i meant from the bulk stuff shelf

Imageboard faggot claims shit, been in business since… oh

"The Fiskars Corporation (Fiskars Oyj Abp) is a metal and consumer brands company founded in 1649 at Fiskars Bruk "

I suggest you do some yardwork as part of your training to become a full nigger.

wew lad

Or I could keep practicing failure drills, and consuming range time like you all should be.


tch get on my level
this is just what was already on my bed.



brb [sporting goods store]
Making stuff that's useful to children is a great way to build brand loyalty, by the way. Just thinking of the name brings back memories of cutting construction paper and spending time exclusively in the company of other white kids.


Quick question; do you even shoot?

I have too many guns. And unlike you some of them are automatic, and I don't have to have a permit.
What was that about burger guns rights?
How they are superior?

Yes, I'm actually one of the captains on my Univerity's steel shooting team. I also do some USPSA but that is a new avenue for me.

I have the same floor as you. It buckles every time the humidity changes but it's okay.

What do you use for targets?
I shoot ar500.

Go meme to cuckchan.

Literally everyone does it's the cheapest pistol resistant
But we host different themed shoots throughout the year, recently did a pumpkin shoot last month with a bonfire afterwards.

Forgot to specify for long term use, my bad.

The only thing I really do nowadays is go a practical range (pop-up and around targets) and run it once a week.
That and practice with my 7.62×54mmR alot.

The goal is to get chimps to chimp, don't blow your cover.

Eat shit nigger.


Don't let the wok hit you on the way out stinky chink.

Such a gun does exist user.

It's great to clean up, I really love being able to just pour a little oil on the floor and spread it around easy. Agreed though it gets wrecked easy with humidity.

this is brilliant though. no one even has to do anything. by just making the article, it spreads fear and paranoi in the other camp.



Epicanthic folds are not common in Finns nor are they exclusive to Orientals.

It exists, but honestly the price makes it extremely difficult to obtain.

Also you're paying for the optic system, the rifle it's on is not what I would expect for paying that much.

trips of evil :)

I know that, the point was to not use the blue eyes blonde hair argument to say a group is or is not white.
Also it's fun to trigger finiggers.

Excellent observation satan.

You're a retard. Go to cuckchan faggot.


I just want the .303 larupa one.
Although It would kind of damage your skill with a conventional rifle over time.

fuck off divide and conquer shill. "Are ____ white?" is 4cuck tier shit

Fucking hell MacGyver, you could do a season finale with that shit!

Have some sahti and relax my mongoloid friend.

This, also if the optic decides to malfunction you have a $10k+ weight on top of your gun.

Dude, the D&C is the hair and eyes meme, which oh so smart suomi sama decided to fling out.
Also, it's just a prank.

Stop playing into kike D&C
Get the niggas to target jews, show them the infographs we all know on how to spot the jew visually and verbally online.
Names, argument tactics, faces etc

Best way I've found to do that is through the whole welfare makes a voting block argument. Then focus on who keeps proposing welfare and "guaranteed income" or a fucking NIT.
Once you say enough Jewish last names it will either stick or you have to lead them a little further with the whole info graph on the owners of the slave trading lines in the 16th-18th centuries and of what religious persuasion they were.

I've fashioned a spoon-launching (Scoped) with custom decor and a built in microphone for optimal espionage.



Very simple to use, takes seconds to make. Simply:

Personally I believe every Holla Forumsack should brandish this in the upcoming meme wars.

Fuck off goon faggot

ok Holla Forums

BBQ dune coon

Wew lad
And the first one is a Sami, different race than Finns.

Not only did you fall for a fucking meme, out of currently existing whites Finns are the closest to Cro-Magnons, the ancestor race of all whites. So basically we are the purest whites.

But blue eyes and blonde hair ARE exclusive to whites you fucking retarded faggot.

You see this is why I don't like finns, can't take a joke. Can only make benis memes.

Then a bunch of ashkenazi jews are white.

except that Smoloko website is retarded and it contains disinfo. you need to choose something better

I'm sorry but I'd fuck the one holding the Coke. Also, Mongolian girls are hot. Friendlier then Chinese too, and better bodies.

How do you deal with the vampires user

I used to use TextNow, but I just tried to a few minutes ago and Twitter rejected my number. Anyone know of another free text service?

yea, everyone is controlled opposition unless you fap to anime all day on a shit tier sherpa meetup forum trust me i know what i'm talking about, im a real white nationalist defending the white race.

niggers on social media are hilarious.
They have no concept of anonymity.

They are always mentally behind whites.