Leftypol and Religion

Webm related is based British NEET philosopher Alexander Gordon Jahans on the persisting scourge of Christianity in the modern world. I wonder what Holla Forums's views on religion are. Do you agree Christianity is the worst?

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He's the greatest left wing philosopher since Noam Chomsky.

He seems like a decent lad tbqh, give him a chance

He's not too bad honestly

He clearly has autism, which OP is bullying him for. OP is probably a right wing bigot, but honestly this.

This Gordon has a point. It's only Christian oppression that's likely ever touched him. You focus your efforts more on what is touching you and your family than what goes on in far off lands. Christianity needs to be destroyed in the USA and UK and the middle east can deal with it's own religious problems.

M8 Chomsky literally gets off on being very anti-intellectual.

my shitposting aside, where do I start?

Those eternal Anglo inbred genetics are really merciless aren't they?

You would think all that Saxon and Norman dicking would be enriching them, but they still have that retarded Basque-like look on them.

Liberalism, not even once.

Don't be a racist lad

how could you not detect the sarcasm?

He looks like a tranny version of John Belushi's Granmama tbh famalam.

Maybe I could tell you if you posted a webm of him explaining why he thinks what he thinks.

Which dogma?

Also, the worst is Budhism.

are you lost, redditor?

How did you know I just came from reddit? Are you the hacker known as 4chan? I must warn you, what you're doing is illegal, and one day your luck will run out.

Why is Buddhism worst?

Budhism is the bourgie relegion of the future.

tbh I don't agree and he seems autistic but the clip cuts off where he presumably explains himself

at least give the link to the full video so I can laugh

he never explains himself, just screeches eternally kamareden.

You'll never finish a full Gordon video, and it'll make you more depressed than amuse you. They average about an hour and he rambles about mundane shit, his health problems, his family, his failure to keep a job, and then there's the odd minute or so here and there of actual politics, and it's usually as retarded as the OP webm or this.

Just look up his channel if you're still interested.

He did an AMA recently.


He's a fucking moron, know nothing cunt. He knows he needs to die. If he would only realise that he has a place in this world as Seithberendr wicce.

atheism without Marxism-Leninism is cringeworthy idealistic faggotry

What about Marxism-Leninism without atheism?

This actually sounds interesting…

does not exist

There is no big dog but Akbark, and Farshnuke is his messenger. TAKNEETS!



Ancient Egypt did it right tbh
Otherwise religion is just spooked bullshit, it also only did it right because people where so primitive they called everything magic

I think religion is too powerfull to be destroyed and we need to adapt it to socialism, if we do otherwise we will keep being the bad guys that slaughter innocent religious people.

you sound like a twelve year old