Redpills inside gamer-culture

Memetic right-wing offensive continues. I have an idea to make a anti-zionist meme, where we describe how they *WOLOLO the government officials, economy and media, while explaining the means how they do it. Had a morning inspiration and created.
< this

Post you OC :)

*Wololo refference is from Age of Empires 1

Not bad, but wololo implies switching opposite sides. USSR and EU are too similar for this meme to be all that effective in my opinion.

Maybe a 'before & after' meme? Or a plastic surgeon advertisement?

Do one of those dumb "Before mods and after mods" pictures, having the soviet union as before mods, and the EU after mods.

Perhaps a hijacking of the shitty overpopular game "surgeion simulator"?

You mean anti-jewish? All jews are zionists therefore the term is useless and makes it sound like there are good jews as well.

I have to agree, cowering away from using the term "Jewish" and using the term "Zionist" may cause distraction.

I see it as a version of politically correct term for "the jewish problem".

This term is better to use for public anti-jewish speech, because using term "jew" gets you dicredited in the mainstream public.

why are gamers so liberal?


this is better

vidya attracts severe autism. not always the good kind

Its actually ripe for a memetic harvest so to speak.
Skyrim is fertile nationalist meme territory with the "SKYRIM IS FOR THE NORDS" aspects, especially the civil war quests.
Warhammer 40k is also a rich source of inspiration for right wing redpillery. Its rife with fascistic images, unashamed masculinity and justified hyperviolence in keeping mankind pure and free of the taint of chaos. Analogy wise, the imperium represents us while the other hostile factions are representations of our enemies (be it niggers represented in orks, or insidious leftism represented by tzeench, degenerate hedonism and faggotry represented by Slaanesh, communist china by the Tau etc etc etc)
Japanese vidya also tends to have emphasis on traditionalism, heoism and the struggle between light and dark. Where the hero, fights against the odds and prevails over a seemingly invincible foe.
So much fertile ground in vidya tbh. The kikes know this too which is why they went out of their way to try and pozz the hobby up beyond recognition.

Granted I did kek at the pic OP.

The dragons aren't the Jews, the Thalmor are. Their plan is a fantasy version of the kaballic Tikkun Olam.

What? Fuck off with your obscure negro dialect.

True that, lad.

The redpills are there. Did you ever read the ingame book "Dunmer of Skyrim?" It read like a tim wise screed.

Oh yes, we have read your great cultural work, "Nords of Skyrim," in which you extol the many virtues of your people and province, and invite any visitors to come experience your homeland for themselves. Well come we did, Nords, and the reception was less than was promised - but exactly what we expected.

Tell me that doesnt read like something Tim Wise would write…

It's been a while since I've played Skyrim but this all holds great potential, I'm going to read more in to some of the lore today and look in to making a few memes

Wrong, that's the work of a (((Hlaalu))) shill. Dunmer are great, but this Imperial cock sucker has Colovian brandy instead of Sujamma.

I looked at it as being the same "Unit" but switching color.

When you convert a Catapult to your side in AoE, it still flings rocks, so ultimately it's the same in its function.

Though I can see how people might misinterpret this to mean the EU is the opposite of the SU. I wonder what the retards at Holla Forums would think if they saw this.

[spoiler]what ever it was it made me kek[spoiler]

Ye you don't know shit faggot.

Same reason why liberals exist in the first place - A disconnect with reality.



you need to leave

Hurr durr muh PR
fuck you kike, go big or go home!
call out the jew and release the truth.

We should make a patriotic game slogan, like Semper games.

Gamer culture made me what I am today.

I was Mario fighting against king
Koopa in his Kastle Keep

Then I recieved my firearms training
Playing Duck hunt.

NES was a system to train future resistance warriors.

Snes and the bazooka gun was to learn how to shoulder RPG7's

Is that plebbit coding? You should go back there

Or don't and just gas yourself, kike

Don't be a nigger

You can't be afraid to Name the Jew


When you look from above as the player does you realize its all just a game.

Mario is redpiled?

He is wearing red

The empire is white and based, though.

Sure sure, so based they abandoned TALOS

It's the same fucking thing. EU flag has a bunch of yellow communist stars on it. How blatant does it get?