
Ok effort for a newfag, but apply yourself next time.

Cut the webm to the relevant part of the clip and have that as the attached file, not a pixely mp4.

Also, tell me where in the clip (((rubin))) celebrates the demise of white America. Don't force me and others to sit through 5 minutes of bullshit.

Evil kike bitch deserves the rope.

OP is a faggot. A new faggot.

Isn't that the kike bitch who got btfo by O'reilly?

As much as I hate main stream media, I love watching this news anchor tearing libholes.

Already a thread, faggot.



Always remember, whites are not welcome in the new world they are trying to create.

What do self-hating whites and kikes think is going to happen to them once either niggers or muslims take control over their nations?

Peace and love! The wonderful sharia law will ensure that all men are created equal, not the evil white man's constitution and Christian values.

Roller Derby needs to be updated to Suicide Squad.

Well, yeah obviously. The NWO is literally the world without whites and white culture.

Self-hating Whites think much like Communists: when the Glorious People (of Crime)'s Revolution comes, evil Whitey will be lined up against a wall and shot, but not me! I'll be an Official Ally (Commissar) because I'm anti-racist! They'll never shoot me, just those "other" mean racist rednecks in the South!

Jews think they'll be able to change forms, like Hitler's metaphorical ball of slime, from "White" to "Middle Eastern Religious Minority" without anyone noticing, and rule their filthy new world of Islamic Afro-Hispanic-Arabs from the board rooms of banks and movie studios.

Our numbers are not declining; it's percentages. It just means we are being flooded by millions of mexicans and others. Always be aware of the fact that % can change even if our population stays the same or goes up or down. Of course, the real problem is that we are not having enough white children. If we keep doing that we will at least continue as a people regardless of what the traitorous government does in the future.

After we dump 30 to 40 million illegals in Mexico, those percentages will change, and Trump will be assured of another win.
It is imperative we keep Trump to his word & not let him falter.

I know even entertaining the thought that the God-emperor might not keep his vows is ultimate heresy, but I worry about the degenerative effect of Washington on the soul of even the strongest…I think he needs our support more than ever, we must not fail him.

The enemy is looking desperately for even the smallest chink in our armor, they must find NONE.

Our entire race depends on what we do in the next 4 years.

trip dubs confirms

Communism. They want to give control to non-whites because they vote absurdly far-left compared to whites. Non-whites don't value the same rights we do (guns, free speech, etc) because their cultures never went through the enlightenment that leads to those ideals that white cultures did. Non-whites only care about ever bigger government taking money from whites and giving it to them, because they're leeches who only care about handouts.

The self-loathing whites who support this understand that the non-whites are far-left government dependents. These self-loathing whites are also overwhelmingly socialist/communist and see non-whites as the tool to bring about this one party system. Of course, with Muslims, they'll support socialism to drain the system up until they have the numbers to outvote all other groups in the country and then they'll start establishing a caliphate and beheadings will begin.

The self-loathing white socialists who fought tooth and nail for this will refuse to learn a lesson from it and will instead fall back on the "muh communism would've worked if it had just gone the way I wanted it to! My special form of communism will work! Just let me do it again!" that they always do.

White Cucktians 'mericans will never wake up. They've replaced the worship of God with the worship of Jews and Israel.

what is a leaf

It's anti-semitic to ask for evidence.

er…no we are declining the majority of whites are no longer having children

tuck better tone it down. BTFO'ing scum this hard will get his show shoah'd

it was always that way since the puritans

No, since the jews got control of printing all the money in America.

I know about the kikes wanting to destroy whites because of this idea that non-whites are easier to control but most niggers would want to slaughter them because some of them look white enough for them while muslims would do the same thing because of historical and religious reasons. If their plans succeed they will have to endure a very different future than what they are expecting right now, don't forget that most kikes in the middle-east had to flee to either the west or Israel itself after the creaton of Israel.

Evil Merchant:

Cucker Cuckson:

Low energy debate.

Just wait until Trump mass imports white refugees and gives white US citizens incentives to reproduce.

I can't wait to hear those cucks whine and cry about muh raycis muh naughtsay and muh current year. If the democucks were allowed to mass import groups that would vote for them, its fair game for Trump to do the same. And deport the illegals.

If only, we need the reinforcements.

Trump will put an end to the flood of shitskins that are causing these demographic shifts and the (((left's))) hope of population replacement will be smashed.

The leftist idea that instead of the people replacing the government, that the government will replace the people, will fail.


Even if all 40 million illegals are deported, all anchor babies stripped of citizenship and the 1965 immigration law is rescinded, whites will still become a minority in the U.S. within a few decades. There is no peaceful democratic solution to this problem, Trump cannot reverse our decline without stepping outside of his constitutional constraints, I'm not even sure that Trump recognizes our fundamental demographic crisis.

Where do you think we will find tens of millions of spare whites lying around? Every European country is suffering from demographic decline. You must accept that the only way to reestablish a claim to your land will be to do as your forefathers did and exterminate your non-white competitors.

idk something they want obviously.

like pottery

Cubans in Kentucky? Really? I've never met any Cubans here.

