English the most primitive language

How come anglophone countries are so successful despite the fact that their language is so poor grammar-wise? I mean just look at your word order, it is so rigid compared to Russian or any other Indo-European language, diminutive adjectives don't even exist and what's even more, no general rules for spelling.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mongrel race with mongrel speak make good pawns for the Jewish clique.

stay mad

I'm not.

Perhaps it's because English is based on context. It's also perhaps because other peoples were so retarded they needed to be told explicitly what to do or they'd fuck up.

Read a book, OP

The English language succeeded by being the biggest linguistic whore out there. It's a pigdin taken to the extreme.


Pidgin, I mean. Stupid English.

If you hate english so much why did you make OP in english and not some sort of moonspeak or them crazy dwarven runes that Rooskies use?

This is an English board. Unlike with dogs, you need to speak their language for Anglos to understand.

It certainly is

If I made the thread in an intelligent language like Russian, you wouldn't be able to understand it on account of your ignorance, stinky amerifat.

No accents so a higher Shannon limit.

Can you even give any exsmples of the "superiority" of your language. Right now this just seems like you're funposting, or attempting some weird halfcocked D/C.

Terrible OP and slide thread. Sage and reported.

Oh, wasn't I nice enough to you?



Yea, let's all speak Spanish.

It seems a lot more flexible though

Get back on Putin's cock- you're slacking bro.

Yea, you feel me latinx?

So instead of describing an aspect of sentence structure or a specific example, you link me to a sight to learn Russian. You're not just a lazy fuck, you don't actually speak Russian do you?

so pathetic

Pretty sure these twits aren't actually Rooskies, I bet they can't even actually speak Russian.

I can! Ceka blyad pidor idi nahui sosi moy hui mamu tvoy ebal

That's a good thing nigger

If that's Russian then where are some of those crazy letters that don't exist in english?

Петух, отсоси у своего бати член.

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet anyhow? Do some of the ones exclusive to it fulfill the roles that CH, and TH fulfill in english?

Linguist here

So? Do you honestly think word order flexibility in language is a significant factor in the success of a country?

That's wrongish. English has suffixes for this.

I'd say much more important is that English uses a writing system which is easy to enter and display on a computer.

Just popping in to say fuck tonal languages, especially chink. That is all.

it may be considered a diminutive form in English for whatever reason, but it clearly isn't. We too have -ish forms in Russian but that's different.

Former chink learner here

In a sense English is a tonal language too. To sound natural, words and sentences definitely follow a set tonal pattern. The accents and tones for word syllables have to be in the right places.

The difference is that if you have different tones in English you just sound like a foreigner, in tonal languages you're saying something different entirely.

Icelandic is the only white language left.


No, it isn't. To your knowledge it's even more primitive and rigid.

the only white language left is Cantonese chinese
Prove the Imperium wrong

Bingo. English, as a composite of useful words appropriated from other languages and integrated into the vernacular to the point that most native speakers believe them to be originally english and have no clue as to their original etymology, is metaphor in language form. The evolution of the language to integrate these foreign words completely required a great deal of mental flexibility and context-based comprehension which (stretch here) may have had an epigenetic impact on the populations which evolved along with it. One thing which is clearly illustrated by a longitudinal analysis of English literature versus the literature of other languages is that English writers, as a whole, make the most successful use of complex metaphors (often referencing or alluding to concepts or even un-integrated words outside of the language's collection of word-idea pairings). Think of the word "sun" as the finger being pointed at the sun to attempt to convey the concept. The overwhelmingly context-based nature of English communication essentially refines the finger-pointing ability of clauses to point at concepts which are not yet tied to a word, leading to a greater ability for the English-speaking population to convey concepts seemingly outside the range of the language smoothly and effectively. The whole of the language is greater than the sum of its parts
English can do this with hypens between nouns, and typically handles the conveyance of this sort of meaning in a more elegant, context-based way.
Two words: Cultural revolution. Additionally, I've heard the difference between Mandarin and English best explained as the difference between a square and a circle. Once again, English avoids the need for an overly complex tonal system or written script through a fluid, context-based system for conveying meanings combined with a solid system of suffixes and prefixes for modifying meaning without altering tone.

Sprichst du denn andere Sprachen au

ausser Russisch und Englisch, Dima?

Съебали нахуй с моей доски, хуешлоты штопаные.


What a ridiculous thread.

Doesn't English have one of the richest vocabularies on the planet? Whenever I'm learning another language, I always find myself disappointed to find where there is one word for something in another language, there are 10 in English with different nuances.

Careful, lads, or he'll complain and wag his finger about how he'll have to use the dirty Anglo language to prove his superiority and intelligence again.


It has its advantages and its faults, buts it's the lingua franca for a reason. You can be as elegant and pompous as the French with a pitance of Italic origin, or you can be rough and craggy and make one think of a tavern bard by the English channel.
It takes what it pleases from others, it orders itself as it wants, its senllipg oderr i'nst all taht iormaptnt, and it while it isn't terribly compact in words per space you get get a very clear message out with little vagueness. The Japanese might beat us for legible words per a page, but we'll never have to explain to the reader what the new symbol means because the reader can see the components right there. I.e. maps may be illegible to Japs, full of unique place name symbols. English? You could even guess who settled the area by the kind of word used.

Synonyms, synonyms, synonyms. That is the power of English.

Also LMAO at Russian bydlos proclaiming linguistic superiority.

Please give me the bread.

Informal: Donne moi le pain s'il te plait.
Polite: Donnez moi le pain s'il vous plait.
Super polite: S'il vous plait, veuillez-vous me donner le pain?

Dani pazhalsta khleb.
Literally give please bread LMAO

Yea that's because there's a bunch of words implied and not actually spelled out. Russian is extremely verbose and rich in nuances and quirks, people get by though omitting most of it.


I will at least concede that the Russian race is hilarious on an ontological level.

Have you even seen russian buerauspeak? Shit's ridiculous and it can get completely fucking nuts very quickly and without even giving it much effort.

Tbh, that's not very much different from bureauspeak in any language. Insurance and indemnity forms or user manuals, for example.

Nah it takes special effort to make pants on the head retarded level of phrasing convolution in english, in russian it comes natural.

That reason is mostly the 2nd world war.

I can't read that, but I bet it's something like this.


Most languages are that way. But if you're tone-deaf, good fucking luck saying a single sentence in chink and gook.

I'll give (you) what you want user. I've always felt that in learning other languages, that I never had the flexibility of expression that English has. But I suppose that may be because English is my native language.

No one is tone deaf in language. Even in English we naturally raise the tone of our voice when asking questions, for example. It's just something that has to be practiced.

My opinion is that chink tonal langauges are perfectly fine when spoken like a proper human. Some chinks especially mainlanders around Beijing area speak it with such a loud obnoxious nasal voice that it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. But that's just chinks chinking and not the language itself imo.

Definitely possible, but probably worthy of a doctoral thesis level research project in lingustics. I don't crave the (You)s, I crave engagement with my ideas.

Not true, it sounds horrible when white people speak it too

I bet that guy just pulled a Sam Hyde.

A rather intelligent way of explaining the language. I would also add that while English is rather difficult for people to learn it can be a rather forgiving language. Even a jumble of a sentence can be understood if the context is there. Other languages that I am learning like Greek are less forgiving.

It was legit Mandarin

tbh it sounded fine, not at all like the annoying mainlander chinks I was forced to work with. Could be bias since I practiced it myself though.

Isn't english perfect as a world language in that you can communicate nearly perfectly with only a 5th grade education? Asian languages have to be studied for decades, even for the native speakers. Seems like you would want an easy language to be the lingua franca.

Yes, IIRC English has around as many words as the next two largest languages combined. Part of that is because of how easy it is to produce new words in English. Part of that is because English was the language of the British empire, which took over a good chunk of the world and borrowed lots of words from the languages it encountered.

there's a very applicable quote from the Elder Etta:
Word from word gave words to me; deed from deed gave deeds to me.

The current incarnation of English as the language with the largest vocabulary is a direct result of the co-evolution of our words and our deeds, each paving the way for yet more deeds and words. Additionally, the amount of cognates and parallel grammatical structures found in romance languages give English speakers a head start on learning the other Continental languages.

Translation: my language is a mongrel with an opaque pile of loanwords, and Mom told me it makes me clever.

Translation: The utter inability of my retarded pidgin language to express what I'm trying to say is actually its greatest asset, because I'm a retard and it makes me feel proud.

It's called non-transparency, moron.

This language must instill some kind of delusion on its native speakers, that makes them believe this base gibberish is actually a lingua franca based on its "merits".
It's literally the native tongue of the shabbos goy.

English has no system to produce new words. The bloated and chaotic vocabulary is in fact a hindrance of communication, and the reason it exists is because the language is simply unable to convey meaning without introducing new words, typically from somewhere else.