WN Baby Killer Sam Hyde Goes Off On Adult Swim, etc

dailycaller. com/2016/12/09/adult-swim-fired-me-for-supporting-donald-trump-heres-how-it-went-down/

Worth a read.

Other urls found in this thread:


Welfare is designed to stablish communities that have no more wealth to plunder, to keep the entire system stable enough long enough to plunder the wealth of the rest of the communities too.
Just think what would happen if you cut welfare away. It'd be chaos, affecting the productivity of the slaves that still have wealth left to plunder.

I know Fall River. It's the same town that Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf was from. It's a shipping town. If you want to see what a modern version of Innsmouth might look like, check out Fall River.

World Peace was the only good thing [as] produced in years. Nobody likes their fucking stoner tier shit.

Found the bot.

kikes on suicide watch

world peace kinda reminds me of a 21st century kids in the hall.

The entire left is on suicide watch. They can only double down 10 times. You can't fold after the 11th crease.

better than being a duck in a barrrel

you know what a power tripping faggot with a gun fears the most?

another faggot with a gun

His dad owns/owned the company. He's the son.

these bots are pissing me off

Then find someone who lives in Japan and have them go beat the shit out of the fucking slant whos doing it

About sums it up. Watch this thread get anchored too.

Venture bros is good.

1am is shithead dicksucker faggot mod hour

imkampfy is the only mod who unjustly bumplocks threads and it appears he's not on right now.

Nah whoever the Euro hour mod is (the same one that liked deleting and bumplocking brit/pol/) is as huge of a dick sucking Pozzed faggot as ImKampfy.

none whatsoever

imkampfy was the one who drove the brits out with mass permabans.

Isn't it 7 folds?

Fuck everyone of the countries named.

Just fuck off

No, it's 10. Try it. Get a piece of paper. You'll be able to fold it in half 10 times but not 11.

And the Saudis might as well be at war with the Yemeni public for all the good their airstrikes do.

Even Australia fucked up recently with their airstrikes.

Why is everyone becoming Russia-tier at aiming?

codemonkey better fix this sihit soon. half of the posts are fucking bots

Really makes you think become more "radicalized."



I don't agree with his support for Israel, but otherwise I like him. He's also refuses to eat meat interestingly, I don't know whether it's because of terrible slaughterhouse conditions or the usual dumb shit vegans say.

Top kek. So much for kemono being different in any way than western furs as far as cancer goes. Not that I believe that meme, but now there is no excuse.

Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf is from the same city as Sam Hyde? kek

There's a rebellion against the media going on.

A big fuck you to Tim Heidecker and Eric Andre. They're the type of cucks to claim they aren't political, then get butthurt about MDE and help shut it down. Andre is also half kike. I can almost assure that they're massively upset about the election results too. Unfortunately I can't remember who won. I've been away from the Internet for over a month, who won the election again?


Adult Swim was always retarded bullshit, and this conclusion was foregone. I'm surprised Sam Hyde didn't know this would happen.

Probably they were bothering him about it for a while, and Mr Hyde finally relented.

Jeb Bush.

hi Sam! I usually charge for consulting work but for you boys it's on the house

Million Dollar Sextreme: Historically themed pornography. Nazi concentration camp theme, British soldier in India theme, Plantation owner theme

Million Dollar Holocaust Tours: Alt-right personalities take groups on guided tours of the most infamous Holocaust locations, debunking all the incorrect information of course

I have more but that should get you your first billion

Fuck off Milo you filthy kike, nobody gives a shit about the "alt-right".

Nothing wrong with this, faggot

The racist angle is sort of besides the point in the show. It's more about alienation and the entire shitlib viewpoint than anything else. That's why even Holla Forums liked it. We can at least all agree on this point even if we think see different reasons behind the alienation. One of the best skits was the one with Charls in prison and it wasn't really racist per se (even though you could easily put a nationalist interpretation on it).

They're kikes. MDE getting shut down and blacklisted is a text book case of a Jewish plot. World Peace was shut down by Jews. It doesn't matter what they thought individually or even if they knew what was going on. They all band together when it's time to shut down something.

How is it that this site has been able to thwart all attacks from leftists over gamergate or Holla Forums or whatever, but it can't handle a horsefucking nip?

Goldman Sachs, apparently.

Commies and jews are one thing, but a jap manlet that wants to get his todger in a critter analogue is filled with the sort of motivation and creativity unknown to most of mankind.

The depth of Japanese perversion knows no bounds. Grorious Nippon

MDE Presents: World War, when?

Sam Hyde literally did nothing wrong.

new hydewars youtube.com/watch?v=Qi59NJn9Vr0


Judo is all grappling and no striking and works great for defense

people rush at you thinking you'll swing at them and miss or something. To someone who's got even minor Judo knowledge an idiot in loose fitting apparel running at you is a dream come true.

When his book is released will somebody upload the PDF?
I wanna read it but I'm broke

Try not being a greedy piece of waste and buy it, he put a lot of hard work on it.

its sold out now

hopefully will get another printing maybe in color?


That (((Bernstein))) faggot who got BTFO nuclear style by Sam "holocauster" Hyde even threatened to shut WP down. Guess that faggot kike made good on his promise.

I wonder now that he's gotten his foot in the door if other places (like streaming services) will pick it up? It's a stretch probably, but maybe.

hopefully. mde has proven that there's an audience for what they do.



Come to ireland please

It kind of breaks my heart. You can tell how much this has hurt him but he is trying hard to push on.

He almost starts crying at one point in: youtube.com/watch?v=Qi59NJn9Vr0

I don't realy know what to do to help. I'm thinking I'll send a short email just saying how much I love their work, how it's one of the only unpozzed comedies around.

Another thread about another alt-right Jew.

Still better than this crap:

If it's you Sam, I love you m8.

in to the oven, both of you

amy schumer won the election via write in

Why the fuck don't they just do a kickstarter for new episodes? It's the best of both worlds, they can continue the show and be as raw with is as they want to. Or maybe they could work out some sort of deal with Netflix or another streaming service.

Andre wasn't really involved at all. Tim was kind of involved. Despite him telling his audience that they can email Adult Swim about World Peace being hateful or not, he retweeted a hitpiece about World Peace.

You're forgetting that its basically little Portugal. Same with New Bedford. Also a lot of Pakis down there. Cheap living for a reason.

Tim is a piece of shit, he constantly made fun of and exploited literal retards on his show.



gas yourself

nice. thanks user.

I avoid Fall river and other infested areas like Brockton aka brown town, Tauton, New Bedford ect etc

You're the light in the Darkness Sam. MDE never dies.

Sad. The same thing happened with hipsters when they invaded Brooklyn. Also, I am a Jew and I love Sam Hyde. Best content on Adult Swim since Aqua Teen.


Notice me, Sampai

The first one is actually a thing btw, apparently in 50s Israel there was a large amount of nazi sex role play where jewesses got dominated by big powerful waffen ss ubermensch.

This is also why they force cuck porn on whites, they're so ashamed that they're the original cucks and hope no one finds out

japan can fold steel 1000 times

What makes homosexuals an authority on Holocaust revisionism?


Cartman's whole schtick the whole season about women are funny, was to keep them "happy" and not find out they need men for jokes. Just an elaborate joke on feminists the whole season and they baited the Tumblr-retards during it.


They have no children to target.

Hyde guilty of 'normalization', eh?

The Left is guilty of the 'normalization' of homosexuality, transsexuality, miscegenation, pedophilia and single motherhood.

If you're going to start eliminating outlets due to their affiliation with jews, you won't have much left to choose from.

What about the children they molest?


I'm loving Hyde Wars, man. Keep it up.

the mods are beyond compromised.
all they should be doing is removing spam, CP, off-topic threads, obnoxious derailment trolls.

that's it.

Any chance of your book shipping to the UK for prices that aren't insane? Love your stuff, man.

(((Adult Swim Execs))) having second thoughts

Put some pressure on em Holla Forums.


[email protected]/* */
