According to H.R.347 (which king nigger himself enacted in 2011) which made it felony to peacefully protest in areas where the President or Secret Service may be, as well as at events deemed to be of national significance.
"Women's March on Washington" is a federal crime! link to the relevant statute or fuck off
Think of the narrative
This needs to get out there. Lol.
The salt will be glorious that their token nigger enacted the very policy that is going to have a fashy knock down on their inauguration day whining
And as a shitty bonus:
Bad Goys! Trumps gonna use the same tactics we did to push through 'Bammycare back in 2010. NOW we gotta call for (((trasparency)))
Second shitty bonus
Kikes, every fucking time!
so you're not totally making it up, you just don't know how to read statutes.
it's only a felony if you have a weapon or inflict serious bodily harm, which is not "peacefully protesting" unless maybe you're an open carry advocate
Trump probably knows, but send it to him anyways
I read that URL as "Goy Track Us."
Naturally the Jewess is stoking paranoia to get shekels. It's like they're in love with the stereotype.
french fashy tryharders, not bad
I always thought metal was for edgy nerds but this sounds quite based for a cuck nation like sweden
Obligatory Hell March, this cures depression
Trump made history, someone made this. A crappy song was impregnated with a feeling of victory. MAGA
Let me fucking post!
Here's what it was based off of
There goes away 1st amendment. Trump should repeal this.
no because its cold
The one on the right has a great rack
What's next, soda dispensers?
You're living a deluded fantasy!
I lived in Utah and I really liked it, people were friendly, had standards. The government provided homes for the homeless, countless shelters and aid programs. Never crowded on a Sunday, people cared about their bodies. All in all, besides the brainwashing, it was perfect! 10/10
Last I heard he was still alive but in critical condition at the hospital.
did you step on snek?
How do you read statutes?