
What ever happened to the self-betterment threads on this board? What ever happened to our sense of transcending, growing, and becoming something new and better than what we are now? We are the last sons of the West, Holla Forums. What have you done to make yourself more like your ancestors?

Other urls found in this thread: My Legionaries.pdf

Meditate. Not kidding.

Is there any religion that you do that in accordance with?

None specifically. Mainly I just sit and totally disengage from taking in anything for around 10 - 20 minutes at a time. Akin to clearing your browser history but for your mind, if that makes sense.

Inb4 bumblock/prune

that ugly kike imkampfy bumplocks all of them

The mods are against us, and turning this board into a pop politics board, instead of one that's meant about growing in all aspects. Anons have always loved the self-improvement threads, and for the past year or so, they've been pretty consistently bumplocked. It seems at this point we've lost our desire to keep going with them after so much silencing.

Was Darren also wearing his police issue white robe and hood?

I've been doing research on my family history, and found a lot of military men in my background. I've also been doing some MMA, and trying to get my T levels higher.

How do you feel afterwards?

Fuck him then


They will use WW3 as a buffer to acquire more physical assets. What those assets are depends on the person involved, however, nuclear warfare won't happen until those assets are secured. Nukes would destroy the items of interest, so WW3 will be surprisingly conventional, long, brutal, and bloody. They'll need WW3 to drag on to give them time to get what they want, then anything goes.

It's going to be a catastrophe.

Mixed martial arts, weightlifting, and reading are three activities awakened white men should be partaking in weekly.

Much calmer, as though the clarity in my life has increased.


Do you feel as though your cognitive ability has cleared at all?

I also meditate, and yes it helps in all aspects. I'd suggest to look into G.I. Gurdjieff and his practice of "self-remembrance" for some practical tips. The essence of it is this: Sit in a nice place by yourself, close your eyes, and try and center on your sense of self, your sense of 'I', behind all the coming and going of thoughts and emotions, to be totally with it and not slip away. If it helps, you can make a conscious effort to think about something, and then try to feel who is behind that thought, then drop the thought and just narrow down on the bare sense of self.

Oh fuck yes, without a doubt. Would have flunked out of college if I didn't start meditating.

Another perk is that, when I get a consistent routine going, I sleep less but feel more refreshed.

I'd add that a lot of meditation advice on the net is shallow, i.e. when they say just to abide in an empty mind and don't think about anything. You don't want to be empty; you want to be a mountain of SOMETHING, that what you are in your core and what isn't bound by what the world has defined you as, which is only the outer, worldy part of you, not the real you.


Good stuff. He brought up points I've heard in the classroom this past semester.

When I looked at my family history, I found men who served in the military in three different countries. I already knew that my dad and many of the men on his side had a family tradition of military service in the United States, and that some of his family members were even in the British military by ways of Scotland, but that we also had ancestors who fought in the German military on my mother's side. Part of what fueled me wanting to better myself is seeing how shit I've become, and how I don't want my line to end with me.

I've wanted to start lifting for a while but I never have the energy.

What purpose could anyone possibly have for meditating unless you have some stress problem

You risk your life for jewish pig? Unironically tie yourself onto The Rack.

i fall off the wagon quite frequently, but i try to read as much of the ancients as i can. i look to Epictetus' enchiridion and discourses more than any other though. Epictetus would have probably been user.
i try to study greek and latin as often as possible, so as to avoid the middleman and his biases. for the same reason as previously mentioned, i am in the process of accumulatigng a history of the western world comprised entirely of primary sources.
i exersize as much as i can, but poor health limitsme greatly in this regard

wew commiefornian/yuropoor.

aren't anglos part nordic from the vikings rollin in and rapin yer women?

To get to know yourself better, to become a master of your own mind. If you're always distracted by things, you tend not to notice how much we are pretty much slaves to our minds.

I challenge you to sit by yourself with your eyes closed for 3 minutes and see if you can stop the constant thinking processes. Let's see if your will or your mind is stronger.

That's why you meditate.

Also, get back to the gym, user! You need to get into a pattern of it, start small, and build your way up, adding a few more pounds each time. I've become totally addicted now and feel like life isn't complete if I don't make a session. It took about 5 months to get to that point.


something else that is worth looking into is kim games

I tried Canadian whiskey once.
It tastes grotesquely sweet like fermented maple syrup or some shit.

ANYONE with any idea on how to fix Oral allergy?
About 3 months ago I started becoming allergic to things like watermelon and carrots, now its all raw fruits and veggies. Its shit. I cant eat a fucking bite of salad without my throat swelling and my asthma starting up.

Also, my anxiety has flared up to the point where getting up in the morning is hell.

Brah WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Get in the gym today, no excuses. Do starting strength. It's not even hard, doesn't take long, feels great.

how do you mean? In the way the we are always thinking? I don't see how that could be a negative

but for what?

yeah, I'm just a weak willed faggot I guess. At the end of the day I don't feel like doing anything. Would be great to get into the habit though

you're right of course but that doesn't stop me from being a lazy piece of shit. nothing to it but to do it though I guess

Is working out feeling good something that takes time to kick in or is it just a meme? When I've lifted in the past it didn't feel particularly good or bad

go on an all-meat diet for 30 days

I can get down with this. lol
I'm already starting paleo today.

But how will that help allergies?

No one has said that. And there's nothing to suggest that anyone will say that. Just because Russians try to screw over democrats, doesn't mean they have any influence over republicans. This is called maskirovka. They've been doing this for a very long time and they are very good at it.

Italy…..but why?

Turn off ur vpn plz

gym,running, learning a martial art ( krav maga myself can definitely recommend)
reading books that ive seen recommended by Holla Forums
trying to learn more about western occult, having to sift through all the kabbalah shit is tedious

Mods delete anything not Trump or maymay related


Stopped being an autistic NEET, got a job that I like and started getting back in shape

which pilled is this?


After the Collapse: The Beast Within | Canadian Prepper



Probably went there.

Of all fighting styles you pick the jewish one?


Can someone recommend a good meditation book?

Christian faith, do not want the "eastern religion" tied in. Most interested in the metaphysical side of meditation.

Kill yourself, degenerate.

The Cloud of Unknowing

Anything by Meister Eckhart

For advanced Thomistic studies: Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross

rec me some books. I have been reading a lot of leftist literature lately, mostly out of curiosity, and while at the beginning I was sort of agreeing with the core socialist principles(worker controlled factories, etc) I can't help but see how they have invariably failed when put into practice. Since then I have been drifting more and more towards free market capitalism, in the Ron Paul, Austrian sort of way. I know Ronny is Holla Forums approved, but I would like some redpill reading on free market capitalism, and why America had been so successful and good until the cuckservatives took over.

Meditate on Christ in you, the hope of glory. Everything else is sinking sand user.

pros: you get to kick a jew
cons: you still pay the jew

also, why would they want to share to the goyim their speshul martial arts?

Doesn't focus on the subject you want but a wonderful book regardless. My Legionaries.pdf

For My Legionaries is the best. Personal favorite of mine

bumplocked by ImKampfy. Just like this thread now:

Ron Paul, free-market capitalism and the Austrian school are good entry points, but I can't suggest staying there. When I started my political development as a wee lad I started out as an old school Marxist-Leninist and went on to become a libertarian. After that I flirted with neoreaction and finally ended up becoming a fascist. I imagine that you are following a similar trajectory, so try to keep an open and critical mind while reading these books.

I suggest starting with Henry Hazlitt's Economics in one lesson. You can supplement this work with The conquest of poverty and with Man vs the welfare state. Move on to The use of knowledge in society and Antifragile. Finish up with Epistemological problems of economics and Democracy: the God that failed. For some libertarian American history you got: Conceived in Liberty, The myth of the robber barons and America's great depression.

Their main economic books aren't particularly great, unless you want to go full lolberg, so I wouldn't bother with them.

The most important thing you can take away from libertarian thought is that inequality, redundancy and competition aren't necessarily bad for society, that there are limits to the value of empiricism in the social sciences, that incentives matter a lot, including non-financial ones, and that our financial sector is broken.

What happened is the kike mods started bumplocking them for no fucking reason

fuck you imkikey

I had children.

Good for you user, treat them well and don't let them get poisoned. And spend time with them.

t. someone with a dead parent who missed out on everything

I feel as though I'll probably never have children, and have no business doing so. I'm pretty irresponsible and I can't imagine anyone actually loving me, let alone the trash of today.

Then you have been duped by the feminist machine. You don't need a big house and a fat wallet to have children. They do not care how rich you are or how fit you are. They care only how much love and time you have for them.

All of the time you spend in reading, meditation, exercise, and education all means nothing if you have no legacy, no person with whom to share your experience and pass down your wisdom. All you end up doing is leaving a fit corpse.

Men have been poisoned to believe that they must fit into a specific standard before they father children; but that is so far from the truth that it's laughable. Poor, borderline retarded niggers have children all the time. Surely a relatively educated, self-aware White man can do the same. But, they don't want us to breed.

They poison our self-confidence with unrealistic images of fatherhood and poison our minds with the idea that white women only want wealth and big black cock. You have to rid yourself of that poison. I met a nice young white woman through a friend and we hit it off and are now married and have 3 children (and, yes, they are my children). They are raised in love and affection and are taught everything that we can teach them. Plus, my wife and I are not wealthy, so they learn the very valuable lesson that life isn't going to hand them everything they desire.

All it takes is the ability to love and the willingness to spend time with them. Everything else is gravy.

It's not really about propaganda or my idea of what fatherhood should be. I just think I wouldn't make a good parent, I have a lot of issues and I'm afraid of taking things out on my future kids.

But the main thing for me is my almost MRA-like hopelessness about women. I've never had a good relationship that didn't end in a bad way and fuck my life up, and I don't think it's possible that I could be "loved" for longer than a few months.

You need to keep your mind on why you're working out. Print out images of fit people, of men you would like to imitate and of women you would like to have a chance with. Think positive, you CAN be like them, you CAN be stronger, faster and healthier.
Start with cardio. It gets the blood flowing, and after the first couple of times you will notice you feel full of energy for the rest of the day. After a week or two incorporate strength training into your weekly schedule. Focus on the feeling of your muscles bulging and aching, and recognize that feeling as the sign of a job well done. Try not to do cardio and strength training on the same day, it wears you out and isn't really better.

Most of all, realize than becoming fit is a lifestyle change. You have to commit to it. That doesn't mean you need to stop doing the things you like.

Everything you just said is true. Not rich, work hard, married, 2 babies. Don't believe the lie feminist lie, user!

does anyone know a good book or PDF to improve my math skills i suck and i want to be better

self betterment is so annoying to think about. Here is what I have been thinking about

because learning more may be beneficial somehow
went to a large book store and mostly saw some pretty vile, anti white history books there, not sure where I can find a proper version on european history
Mostly has been through sports, and even through weird things like SAD lights, lots of supplements. But I dont want to learn the faggotry memory castle technique, it feels so faggy. And I am not sure if actual meditation will yield beneficial things to me, as it seems like meditation does not make sense when put in an evolutionary perspective
I read one recently about how surveillance tracks targets and it was pretty neat.

There are also these classic books, lore tied to fantasy or whatever. But my feeling towards them is fairly negative. Because why should I learn foreign words, and foreign concepts if the population does not learn about them? Watching some normie culture is great for being still able to influence them.


I probably poured as much time into right wing ideology as I have into anime (probably over 3000 hours in both categories now, kek)

So perhaps I should already feel satisfied. I was even able to understand a hard to digest topic like this

We have it pretty good here on the internet I guess. So much information already we went through without even realizing it…

but the programming bit, ugh. fug I hate tis.


This Kentuckian is disappointed in your shit taste in bourbon.

Remember to have a stacy villain, all the tumblr dykes envy/hate hot popular girls like you wouldnt believe

the ones in central russia, the Turkic tatars and such are.

The chechens are scum

Not an argument.


IF your allergies are caused by candida overgrowth sudden allergies usually are then going low carb will help. Prescription strength probiotics will help more though.

oh fug, been trying to battle this monstrosity for several years now.

Its nearly impossible to defeat. No sugar doesnt work. Heavy doses of probiotics dont work.

Recently it even got worse, as the oral truth lead to dry mouth in the night, and me not being able to sleep because of that. Have to drink oral hydration sachets because of that.

tried taking dangerous doses of clove oil, tried the whole coconut oil as well. Tried taking some form of specific herb pills against candida. This disease is truly hell.

What are some good haircuts to get? I've had the Hitler youth for a while, want to change it up.

I spent 2 years and a ton of money on every anti-fungal and alternative remedy I could find. Nothing worked.
Fixed everything.

I even got my bloodwork tested a while ago, no strange anomalies in there. So I have no idea why this is acting up as it is acting up right now. Its very annoying.

and what are prescription strength probiotics by the way?

now that I think about it, I do have a dead tooth that has been bothering my gums for some time. Perhaps that thing is bothering my immune system a bit…will replace it in a month though, perhaps then it will go away.

Hey Imkikey, why the fuck is this thread being spammed?

Missed one

I forgot to mention, but forming the habit of showering or working out (or working a job, whatever else) right when you wake up is fantastic to develop, along with saving something like shitposting and bantering with others at the end of the day so as not to lose too much time.

Bump for Romney.

Don't waste our time without an offering of some sort.

Stop being a retard.

"He's not draining the swamp, he's giving it power just like he said he would"

I wish blacks took jokes as good as they take bullets

women are easily influenced, we're no more a threat than any other man is.



Sure you are buddy.


It's Merkel's alliance of free states against Russia.

I call it Merkelreich


Why do you think it failed? It achieved all the goals of it`s superiors on downing street and on wall street.

Any guy fucking any of those things in that picture will be very unlucky.

Nah, it's like 500

For one, I would love to live in a world with no Jews, and a radioactive Israel.

what failed? Why are you talking out of context?

8pol and some other boards are being spammed with only slightly coherent posts. I usually just wait a few days with a couple of Holla Forums books until they get bored.

The day a Brit and a German are friends is the day hell freezes over. Fuck you, Britbongs. I am not kidding. I hate Britbongs more than Turkroaches and Arabs - the latter may be raping, arrogant fucktards, but they are not like Britbongs.


Lefties here think that after allying ourselves with Germany we became half nazis by binding ourselves with their intentions.

is this one of these incoherent posts?>>8491524

Seems to be fairly personal as I live in this region, kek, is it somekind of deep mind jew algorithm or something?

lol, shiggy

We know you did Pawel

I don't know if you're still around, but…

You yourself admit to being a "weak willed faggot." That's one of the main points of meditation, to unlock your potential for true willpower. It's to stop being a slave to your lower tendencies.

And it's negative in the sense that your thoughts control you instead of you controlling your thoughts. It's backwards. This is why Gurdjieff called humans "man-machines," since they aren't really in control of themselves, which you can obviously see in most normalfag NPCs. People on Holla Forums have, in general, mustered more individuality, more will, than the average lemming. And that's why I suggested the experiment, to see who's really in charge: your mind or YOU.

Also, about the gym. Yes, it took a while for it to feel really good for me. It wasn't until I started deadlifting that I became an addict, because you're almost using all you've got in the deadlift, and it's a master test of your strength. Just feels awesome, especially when you start adding more and more.

I have no clue what you mean.

God bless you, user.

In fact, the story of England and Germany is one of the most tragic in history. The older brother Germany entered the world first and took the full brunt on its own, and the little brother England was blessed well enough to not fall down the hole Germany did. When Germany finally carved his own life out of the muck, England grew proud of his success which was begot from avoiding Germanys mistakes. And England grew possessive of his wealth, and refused to allow Germany to hurt it by pursuing his own. Thus, the brotherly bonds were forever torn.

And have you experienced this? Do you feel your willpower and self discipline to be noticeably greater?

What the fuck is going on?

You're not beyond hope. We're flexible and capable of healing even deeply rooted wounds. The right relationship of love with a good woman can really shatter lots of accumulated bull shit. I'd check into Barry Long if I were you, on a healthy way to view women and love in general.

I never really subscribed to the void thing some people bring up either. A place of quiet is nice but that's more like the idyllic kind not an empty void. A place filled with warmth and beauty where I can rest my head to sweet music: my waifu's embrace as she gives me her special drink from a grail for example. There's no greater joy and peace to me. My problem lately is that my mind has been erratic, hostile even; I think I've seen too much of this world. Thankfully it's getting better. For a month or so I was reluctant to close my eyes.

Without a doubt. I have been meditating for around 8 years now. It's almost like I'm a different person with no connection to what came before after I started down that path, because I feel like I've evolved so much as an individual since that time.

I know what you mean, user. I'm glad to hear it's getting better. Most people would find they're simply too afraid of themselves, because they're just empty, if they were to try and confront their own existence in contemplation. Excellent music, btw!

Meditation is for metaphysical evolution, for the evolution of an individual soul. The ultimate society would combine this with improving the genetic stock the collective's well-being. I honestly believe Germany would have moved in that direction over the decades had it been allowed to be free. You'd create heaven on earth in comparison to what we have now.

Interesting, I might try it again. I tried meditation a couple years ago and just ending up bored. How often do you meditate?

The only thing I'm worried about is choosing a good woman. Should I not settle for anything short of blonde hair/blue eyes? I don't even have that myself. Although I have the genes for it.

500billion CFUs per dose or more

Cause 8 of them share an apartment doh

She was the one who wrote the first nyt pizzagate article calling pizzagate fake news.

Did you even read the article? They do mention that pizza map email and much more. This is a pretty detailed one. Some normies might actually get red pilled reading this article.

Right in the morning after breakfast and before the gym, and then again right before sleeping are the best times. So I do it twice a day.

have any anons played 'find the kikes' with those companies yet?
would make a nice infographic for normalfags.
WW3 started in the 90s with white genocide as its ultimate goal.

Also, the boredom thing is common, especially in the beginning. You need to narrow in on the desire to know yourself better, to get to your root-self, sense of me. Only the mind is getting bored. True meditation is one of the most alive activities you can partake in.


It's….strange? It must be hard to be a smart individual who belongs to a helpless race.

Butthurt whiteys can't stop living in the past ayyyyyyyy

we'd need to sink hollywood

wow these people sure make you think huh

After the primaries and Trump was having 10 sold out rallys every day while questions about her health and small events started surfacing.

I was never given amalgam fillings. My mother thought they were poison.
However, I work with electronics a lot and shoot guns a lot. So lead might have kiked its way into me.

Imkampfy and therealmoonman keep deleting/anchoring them. They are trying to prevent newfags from being redpilled so that the board is subverted into an alt-right shitposting memefest.


I have no idea. I had heard that someone from /erp/ ended up getting banned from a Discord group and going ballistic. I'm not entirely sure if it is actually him behind these bots, but it's definitely obnoxious.

Hunker down for now, and question every post you see. It almost seems like they've been replies scraped from other boards and endlessly reposted.

I'm not sure how to stop it.

Way ahead of you buddy

So basically a huge difference is the size of the city, and that is something people don't realize.

Basically in Coimbra if you want to go somewhere, you can walk or take a bus if it's really that bad. You can go to What's Up Doc or Ce Velha, get super wasted, and walk back home.

In the states it is basically necessary to own a car to get to bars, which means you have to plan on getting home (designated driver, taxi, stuff like that) if you plan on getting wasted.

This doesn't just affect getting fucked up though, it's seriously hard to go somewhere with your day, even just the library.

All of our cities are designed with the idea that the everyone owns a car, and honestly it's super shitty. You won't have 20 friends within walking distance. Some of our cities have metros but it only partially solves the problem.

Our cities are also more spread out because of this fact, it's not possible to decide to take a weekend trip to Lisbon or Porto, so you are kind of stuck in your city. It kind of blows.

Also you guys have a more relaxed way of life, sitting in cafes all day long and then going out to drink at night. I really learned how to relax and spend time with people from you guys.

The upsides, however, is you will make a shit-ton of cash. If you are smart and dedicated, the system will reward you. Another upside honestly is the amount of immigrants that we have, if you want vietnamese food or italian food or any food ever you just put it in google and bam 5 minutes away. We truly are the land of opportunity, you will meet so many interesting people from all over the world and have a really great blend of cultures, if you find the right crowd.

LIfe is just faster here in general. Also more materialistic. It's fine, but not to my taste.

It was the imperialists fault!

Cool larp bro

those attributes don't mean anything. If you can be sure that she's white, there's no point in limiting yourself like that

0, putin owes me bigly


Is that why they call themselves African-Americans? Never heard a white guy call himself a European-American.


its ok though becuz Holla Forums tells me their muslims are tame

Parties in general are a bad idea.

The entire concept should be removed from politics in general and it would force people to stand on their own merits.

Newfies are so nice.
Had one as a kid.
Fuck I wish I wasn't poor.




is that why I've been seeing so many weird retarded posts lately? How have the gotten bots to be able to post?

Thanks you

Who gives a shit? Thousands of them are killed by sharks every year. We don't eat seals.


I like how they pick obvious homosexuals for this SJW (((Comedy))) routines.

It looks like imkikey/rach is unleashing bots since banning people isn't working well

how bad are your hands shaking right now shill?

Apparently some Japanese furry got mad at some other board for shitting on his degeneracy, so he hired a bunch of street shitters to fill out captchas for his bots to spam the top 10 boards on Holla Forums. They copy posts from 4chan and repost them here.

He must have hired an army of them, because there's around 600 more posters than usual today, from 2700 to 3300.

I have yet to see a homeless old woman at all. I only see homeless middle aged men looking for gibmedats at intersections.

It's really not. If I refuse to give up my wealth you either take it forcibly violating my personal rights or let me have it and now I'm richer than everyone else

You need economic freedom to have personal freedom

Encyclopedia Britannica: "Ural-Altaic languages, hypothetical language grouping that includes all the languages of the Uralic and Altaic language families. Most of the evidence for including the Uralic and Altaic languages in one language family is based on similarities of language structure rather than on a common core of inherited vocabulary. Common Ural-Altaic linguistic features present in most of the languages include vowel harmony (i.e., vowels in the same word must harmonize in method of articulation); grammatical traits typical of languages with a basic subject–object–verb sentence word order—e.g., the complete absence of prefixes; the use of suffixes and postpositions to express the grammatical modifications that are expressed in English by prepositions; lack of adjectival declension and of grammatical gender; and similarity in form of nouns and verbs. These types of similarities frequently arise through language contact and are not considered a valid basis for establishing genetic relationship."
University of Vienna: "The answer is simple: there is not enough material for reconstruction. For Uralic, we can reconstruct an important part of the basic vocabulary, including low numerals, body part nouns, relatedness terms etc., and also many central grammatical items. Between Finno-Ugric and Turkic, there are too few similarities of that kind."

Absolutely. Plenty of good honest hard working black men in the military that are worth five times as much as any ungrateful white liberal slob.

Now I'm triggered by these fucking bots

Eh, I post on political boards for almost 20 years now. You learn to ignore everything short of a death threat sent directly to your home adress.
And that would take quite a bit of effort in my case.

And other peoples opinion? If neccesary this can be manipulated, in 8chans case you'll just need a US proxy if you feel that a German flag is detrimental to your message.

so there are poos posting among us right now? That's pretty funny if it's true

सड़क के बजाय शौचालय में गंदगी के लिए सीखना तुम कमबख्त असभ्य

Checks out

Anyone know if this is happening to 2ch?

Most people are redpilled to a certain slightly minimal degree, they just deny it (or bury it deep down in their subconscious) because they are taught to in school/media.

The difference is that people on Holla Forums have had enough real life experiences and/or learned enough damning stats that they no longer deny the voice inside their head. They let it out and welcome it.

plz halp

Religion is just a coping mechanism to mask the only truth in this world which is that life is meaningless

Death is meaningful then.

Is anyone here interested in hardcore meditations that can potentially get you killed but if you succeed you gain a lot of power?

If so I might start writing them out in here. I'm not talking basic shit at all but if you haven't got the basics I can tell you what meditations you have to do in order to get to what I'm talking about.

It used to be funny but now it's boring.

As long as you are white, and she is white, you'll have lots of eye colors in a mate to choose from. Just stay away from brown/black eyes.

Remember, the brown hordes are all the same: black/brown hair and black/brown eyes. Whites have actual color diversity for hair and eyes.

oh wait

Fucking britbongs are a pox, PJW especially.

it's a lot more sympathetic to the japanese than to the nazis, honestly

if you're smart i'm sure you can figure everything out though

My only friend is a bitchy 19-year old intern who hates pretty much everyone. I don't know if she's redpilled because we don't talk politics.

Fuck you I want to be friends and shoot things with Cleetus.

Cleetus is a cool guy.

found some faggots livestreaming Hyde standup
dub dub dub

Lifting is a form of meditation. But it must be done without distractions which are not limited to but include talking with other lifters, listening to music, and looking at your phone.



At least that's what Shillary supporters think.

baka desu senpai