Political Debate

Are there any videos of political debate that essentially amounts to Holla Forums ideology vs Holla Forums ideology?

I would be especially interested in debates that actually happened between actual members of the respective boards, rather than just well-known debates about political ideology.

There are qualities I like and dislike about both sides, I'm on the fence about my political stance, basically. Rather than being "le centrist man", I'd like to see if I can really take a firm stance.

Other urls found in this thread:


Communism vs National Socialism?

Well, what do you want? Can't make up your own mind? Lurk moar, faggot.

The main reason I posted was to find out if anyone knew about debates that have happened between the two boards.

There was one where the TRS goys debated Holla Forums, where the leftypol guys got all edgy about killing the bourgeois and the TRS guys said "what if the bourgeois was 6 million jews" which made them all oy vey you can't do dat.


What episode was that?

Not really. It isn't possible to debate the two because they begin with different premises. Communism and liberalism can debate pretty well because they agree on a lot of things, but national socialism cannot debate either because it is opposed to the bourgeois premises underlying both (and yes, communism is a bourgeois ideology- deal with it Holla Forums).

I don't think it was an episode

Found it


Next time –→


holy fuck I'm dying, my dude

Let me walk you through this.

Do you believe in Darwinian evolution?
People in different areas evolved different traits in order to increase survival

You either haven't studied it enough or have some cognitive dissonance.

Do you believe that all humans are equal?
Congratulations. This is one of the areas in which you are cognitively dissonant if you do believe in Darwinian evolution.
Cool. Your beliefs correspond to reality

Do you believe that certain groups of people are favored due to natural selection to function in certain environments?
So do we
Would you expect a monkey and a lion to gather food the same way?

Do you believe that man has a higher purpose? Either subjectively or objectively?
Fantastic, so do we. We believe that our purpose is to increase our group's (white people) survival and encourage people through a system of meritocracy and honor.
Nihilism is nothing but suicidal hedonism. You don't belong here.

Do you believe in rewarding people based on merit but also helping people who legitimately need it while minimizing those who leech off of the generosity of others?
That's what we believe in as well.

We believe in cultural racial pride, we believe in helping eachother. We do not however, seek to make all men equal, as equality is unnatural and an attempt to force man to conform to something other than his nature inevitably leads to conflict.

Also, if you believe communism is correct in any capacity you are either a teenager or legitimately stupid.

It's 'goyim' you newfag shitters; actually scratch that: keep saying it wrong, it lets everyone else know you're outliers.

Goys is shorthand for it, it works all ways. Like you can say Moose, Mooses, and Meece and have it all be correct.

Truly a worthless post.


You are unworthy even of them, traitor.

What did he mean by this?

I like sihks. Good people

wheres the good part? i aint got 2 hours to kill, im busy.

Its like you fags dont ever learn your fucking lesson, horsefuckers are the most stubborn persistent shitbags ever, raiding them is asking for a raid back X4.

Which is why Trump is building a wall.

Deal with it faggot. Get rid of the rape beaners and towelheads already

Once the republican party wipes out social security and health care, at least you won't have to worry about all these pro Trump NEET cucks on Holla Forums

Based Hitchens the Younger.

this is a fucking holocaust

Nope, it's a money sink beyond belief.
If you want to do /tg/ stuff, board games are your best bet.

Cooking, firearms, learn an instrument.