Are Jews a Race or Ethnicity?

"Understanding thy Enemy", and so forth.

I was in a discussion earlier on whether Jews were a Race or an Ethnicity, and wanted to bring the topic here for further input.

Image spoilered for it being a grotesque kikess.
Sorry if my thread quality is not up to par, I don't usually make threads.

Other urls found in this thread:

They are a race when it's convenient, a religion when it's convenient, and whatever else when it's convenient. All they ever do is lie anyways.



Ethnicity. The only races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, Capoid, and Congoid. The last three are the nigger races.

Technically, whites are the same race as ethnic Jews. They are Caucasoid, and we are Caucasoid, but they are not white. White is a blanket term that encompasses several different ethnic groups; aryans, celts, anglos, slavs, what have you, but not Jews. For that reason, whites share the same race as Jews, but Jews are a different ethnicity.

jews are semites. is semitic a race?

How does that make him a billionaire though? Did he alone usurp the wealth of a country

raid cyan and spill into yellow

can anyone explain the difference between a jewish person and a kabbalist. and their relationship. thank you

It doesn't fucking matter. Even the most blue-pilled, bottom-rung jews instinctively defend their fellow kikes. It's just standard protocol for them, they circle the wagons just like any other criminal group who knows they're wrong and they double down.

The only difference is the kabbalists see these shitty jews like pawns and cattle to use. The jews who died in the holocaust from typhus were these loser jews , and their sacrifice was used to form Israel. When you see those pictures of starving jews when they aren't using starving Palestinians it is loser jews and the money all goes to the rich kikes in Israel.

And you're forgetting about Orthodox jews , who are just parasites in human clothing, living in close-knit communities that fester like toxic cysts, slowly expanding outward and devouring nearby towns, taking parcels of land at a time for religious dormitories.

I like em. only smoke about 3 sticks a week

Remember: they have the powers of kaballah magic.


Here's a hotline pepe for you, OP - super rare

Also, >>>Holla Forums

They've inbreded among themselves for so long that there are dozens of genetic diseases that only they have. They're a mongrel race


john "nichiren buhhdist" podesta

It was very progressive to elect islamist halfbreed.


Anyone who tries to tell you what to do with your own body is a faggot and a retard.

because the failed Western economics

esp. caused by baby boomers and previous generations

The average person doesn't have the dedication to this. How will they discover truth? Even then, software will evolve.

Nice disinfo campaign CTR started after Trump won.

Doubt it.

Shouldn't be allowed except for exceptional circumstances

but if you need to know: he's a career politician and the leader of the socialdemocrats, who are pursuing Bernie Sanders-style policies.

The boots are a nice touch

It's a composite of multiple smaller images where the clouds have drifted between them. Only plausible explanation as to why they are doing it like this is that they don't have any camera at a distance to take single shot images of the earth.

I miss Tedposting

At least they're being honest this time. You have to give them that.

superfluous animals. They are already overpopulating because of our gibs.

Lol OP got rekt

Well you are free to join the Amish if that's your end game. My end game is sorta innawoods but close enough to town for the amenities but far away from Amish and other cults.

Pick one, faggot.

Yeah, something is funny about this. Half of Russian population is still using outhouses, Russia can't beat a bunch of alcoholic farmers in Ukraine but somehow they can rig elections in USA and plant pedo porn. If these vodkaniggers were half as competent as Democraps say, then Russia would be #1 superpower.

Franco's Spain?

Goddamn, wish that were me.
So hot

mostly nigger and sjw problem


Forgot to include this.. but yeah, messed up story.

Even at nearly 90 he would rip any Holla Forums poster to pieces in a debate, they would revert to ad hom and straw man and yelling quicker than you could say Noam Avram Chomsky


Machinima has sucked since 2010 when they ripped off and fired all of their actual machinima content creators and they've stopped being relevant since 2011. Why the fuck are you still watching them?

Please no dead mother. Also, please no reborn in shithole.

this, right wing nationalists don't like globalism and really dindu nuffins. Remember was asked how we'd keep our manufacturing jobs and he replied with "there's nothing we can do." I don't care if tariffs on foreign goods drive up prices. America needs to be seen as an example of protectionism.

This is getting embarrassing now. Just deal with the fact that your old corrupt crone lost and stop with those crackpot conspiracy theories.

The fullstop should NOT go inside quotations.

Is there anyone else starting in america?