Holla Forums BTFO Forever and ever
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You couldn't be more transparent even if you were a pane of glass.
Of course I'm making fun of you, duh, Trump literally just made a bunch of powerful jews even more powerful, but noooooooo, everyone that saw Trump for the buffoon he was got banned for being "d&c"
Well now look where that got us
What was your alternative
Yeah well maybe this is news to you, but Trump was never going to gas the jews. That's up to the return of Hitler, who comes after Trump.
I thought Holla Forums left
There were 15 other people running in the GOP, three of which hated illegals just as much
How do you BTFO the fact Trump just appointed Jews to run the economy?
Trump was never going to substantially cut back the Israeli influence in DC. This was evidenced by the fact that he gave the speech at AIPAC, picked one of the goodest goys possible for VP, and is apparently "proud" to have Jewish grandchildren.
It doesn't mean he can't make a positive difference in other capacities though.
I see, Hilary surely was a better option.
Try hard. Yes, so far in the Economic field, Trump has been unleashing Jews left and right, but, fucking hell, what do you want??
Many here already said that Trump is a stepping stone and not an end goal. People know about those Judaic shits and are apprehensive about Trump's direction.
For now, it's wait and see regarding him.
Our part is to support who deserves and to forever spread redpills.
You understand that due to your shit democratic system you only have two choices right?
I will take the one that can actually mention illegal immigration, globalization and Muslim assimilation over "WE NEED TO END THE WAGE GAP NAO" any day of the week.
Stay assmad, commie scum.
There were
in the GOP, but we had to pick the dunce.
Don't for get that Sam Hyde is gay, fellow alt-righto!
Do you faggots really think that making posts like this is going to have an impact on anything? Whenever I see threads like this, the only thing I feel is indifference.
Do you feel in charge? You lost. Go home.
nobody got more powerful you dipshit. have you seen how many jews are already in these positions right now???
I see this headlining on CNN right now and I'd be interested to hear what anons think. Since it's CNN I'm open to the idea that they've somehow (((misconstrued))) what he's saying but then again, maybe this is literally what he means now.
Says the board that "memed a president into power" PRAISE KEK!
nice demoalization. i didn't realize CtR was still paying you kikes to D&C here
Holla Forums? Is that you? Why aren't you dead yet?
No, it pretty much does mean he can't make a positive difference.
I wonder …
Do CTR shills still get paid? Or have they started doing it
So how much power does the National Economic COuncil have?
Hey, a foot in the door is a foot in the door.
Sides the amount of tears would have not been the same had any of the others in the GOP won.
You forget how cold the winter can be, Pansyfausts?
They're parasites man. You know they'll always be around as long as we are. Best we can hope for is for most of them to die off over time.
My thoughts are that it's possible Trump is playing nice and backpedaling on all things that were fired up on the campaign just while the transition of power is still going on. Obama's administration is still in their positions and rooted there. If Trump were to continue on his more hard-line approaches at this point, it would give the media and the Obama administration pretext for potentially stirring up major trouble and somehow making a justification to stop Trump from entering the White House.
The real test will be when Trump takes the office and all his people are in place. Then we'll see if he's legitimate or not.
As for all the kike appointments, we've always known he was a big jew-lover and zionist. We just wanted the wall and to halt immigration. Trump has always been a stepping stone.
MEGA Is the Hope and Change of 2016.
So even communist shithead admit they're weak and useless.
Seems like a solid explanation. I'll take it.
MEGA what?
He's actually my president. In fact, he's the President of the United States. No matter how hard you tried. No matter who you had backing you, from the lowliest nigger to those so powerful and rich, they overthrow entire nations with their wealth and subversion. You couldn't do it. You can't do it. You're worthless.
Just take hormones and become teh woman.
Fucking awesome.
Got any recent leftist victories to show me? Every leftist country is a shithole. Mondragon, once held up as a successful example of worker's self management has been going down the shitter since 2013.
Reminder that despite all the memes about a God-Emperor and Trumpenfuhrer; we never excepted Trump to do anything except deport illegals and build a wall.
We supported him only due to the fact that he said he was going to deport illegals and build a wall. He was never our candidate in any other area; anything that was positive elsewhere was a bonus, anything that was a negative did not matter. We supported Trump solely because he allows 'White America' to survive. Trump buys 'White America' to turn back the demographic nightmare. That was all he was for. If he does get rid of the fed and create a friendship with Russia; GREAT. But that is not why we supported him.
Trump was never the God Emperor. All those memes were just for fun and for convincing mindless sheep to help us get rid of some illegal immigrants. Those who talk about a Trump dynasty with Barron as the King in the future are a bunch of roleplaying faggots. Trump was only 'our man' because he was getting rid of immigrants and building a wall, and thus moving the overton window to the right. That is all.
nice le comic
jej. Holla Forums is so full of faggot subhumans that they're trying to sweep in on the back of a One Autist Army that actually accomplished something. kys dweebs. Nazis will always be better than you.
if you fags haven't figured out this guy just lurks Holla Forums and "trolls". he calls himself the le trollmaster.
he goes to Holla Forums a lot to bitch about Holla Forums.
What's triggering you? I it that workplace democracy failed? Did you also find out that labor does not create value?
Considering how Trump is positioning himself, he will likely win his second term. Ask yourself. Is it wise to fight a war on multiple fronts? For the second term, Trump and Pence will no longer be restricted from receiving donations and support from many financial institutions. The markets have reacted favorably to Trump's win. Trump is going to want to continue that trend, and he is building alliances in order to make that happen for the next 4 years. I would not be surprised if you see an economic boom that mimics Germany in the 1930s.
If a population enjoys a good standard of living, then they will support that way of living even if it violates some of their principles. If Trump is successful in creating an environment that creates an economic boom and also uplifts much of the working class that has suffered from depressed wages, then he will be able to glide through the next election. I would recommend that anons work towards owning properties, investments, being in leadership positions, or owning stakes in private businesses. Trump has to deliver on this so put yourself in a position where you will benefit. We already have a path to power. Now it is a matter of getting someone in a similar position.
Why are you s-s-stuttering? Are you having a stroke?
They absolutely despise the military there (stationed at k-bay for 4 years)
Still waiting for a commie to acknowledge that workplace democracy doesn't work.
Use your guns already, Americans! ffs you cowards
You know how I know you faggots will never accomplish any of your goals? Because you place your faith absolutely in leaders who pander to you, instead of organizing and doing things yourselves. Out of your own cucky weakness, you sincerely dream about having a savior. You have all the agency of a nigger who sacrifices children to please the scary shaman.
If the Clintons think Trump is going after them then he's dead, period. Even this much cucking mightn't be enough, there's nothing to say The Cunt won't just kill him anyway just to be safe.
nazis and blackmale
She'll set in motion far bigger forces than she can control if she does that.
Not an argument, lefty. Maybe a bullet to the head will help you formulate a better one.
He needs to play nice until he is actually in office otherwise he gets JFK'd
I'll wait until then to pass judgement on him.
Ok name them then
I'm starting to get a little worried here, what the hell is Trump doing?
Also acknowledge that workplace democracy does not work.
who cares? He's not doing anything hillary wouldn't have done. and if hillary won, we wouldn't have sweet sweet liberal tears
Fine a woman, wife her up, if she's a good one.
Start doing bodybuilding.
Start learning more things, preferebly useful.
Stop thinking too much over your existence.
Stop obessesing over wasted time, ironically you are wasting more time thinking about it
we want jews to betray Trump
it will make him go full Hitler
Anytime now.
there's nothing wrong on experimenting on degenerates that frequent brothels
Heya Holla Forums, I've been gone from 8ch and Internet in general for the past 2 weeks. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the main events that happened in that time?
As far as I'm concerned, the poo in loo who invented the number 0 was the greatest mathematician for he gave us an accurate value of the value of poo in loo civilization.
msm is still saying russia hacked the election, with no evidence
good work anons
I am proud of your vigilance
lmao you better have a phd or something
You're right, we should have stayed home and let Hillary win. That way next time around we'll have no guns and even more beaners.
I bow to your political genius OP.
Since when was Trump expected to be the Messiah? Since jump street he was a stepping stone.
they don't have much money any more
Having Trump go first may be beneficial if there are no major problems with his presidency. Calling other candidates literally Hitler will have a greatly diminished effect.
That's what they said about Trump and he made America great again. Israel utilizes interment camps to great effect. I think they would find your comments insensitive. We need to build places outgoing migrants can stay while they make the transition back to their countries of origins. We are going to do a fantastic job taking care of these people. Four star internment camps. They won't want to leave.
Coffee is for faggots. Enjoy drinking the brewed jew you fucking cuckcold.
This thread again. These shitty picks are supposed to show Trump can be a 'professional politician' and restore confidence which is at an all time low because the mainstream media is on full propaganda mode.
If the picks he makes don't work out, he'll fire them. Remember a dopey nigger working for Obama named Eric Holt? He got canned for Loretta Lynch. He isn't married to any of these people.
And even if he does turn out to be another Ronnie Raygun, who cares? If he does nothing else at least he preserved the United States for another 8 years to keep it from being a giant ISIS rape center like Europe is. It would be a shame if that's all he did with almost a decade but better than Killary opening the southern border for 100 days.