Webm related is from The Young Pope, a pretty good TV show about the Vatican nominating Pius XII 2.0 in the current year and he Shoah's all the degenerates in the church, pisses off the kikes, all set to cinematography that is intended to be "scary".
WEBM/MP4 Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
nice speech. I'm interested.
Its a P good show, first 10 minutes tries to scare you off with degenerate shit, but then it gets good.
The demographics. The demographics went wrong.
Holy shit that bitch can succ, still degenerate tho
Look at the island of Palm Beach on a map…everything is "two blocks" away from each other.
Bump, fuck off furfag spammer
Here's a couple OC webms I made, they're terrible but whatever
go away nigger
If Catholicism would just stop fucking children and offering its ass for Zionism, I'd be right on that bandwagon.
Thats actually the first thing he shoah's in the show, he investigates all bishops and asks each one hes suspicious of 1-by-1 if they're a homosexual, he then has them physically removed from the church with the exception of one he uses to find all the other faggots. He also issues an official statement that it is official vatican policy that Faggotry is not welcome in the church.
He also declares that Abortion is murder, but murder that can be repented for, but not at whim.
Too bad it's only a tv show. Nothing would delight me more and drive me into church faster than a pope who lived only for God, closed off Rome to non-believers, and denounced false faiths in the name of a glorious new crusade. If only the Vatican had the faith and the military might.
Maybe he'd reunite the churches and mend the Great Schism. Everything described so far sounds good to me.
t. Orthodox
this is so hot
here's one I just put together
Thing is with that, Rome would need to concede a lot and make amends to the Orthodox church, since the schism happened mostly due to Rome's pride and power grab at the time.
t. Orthobro
Please tell me theres a long version
I hope that white skinned nigger dies a death by a thousand cuts.
Sauce for that movie? Id love to see an anti communist comedy.
name is "Capitao Falcao" and it's in Portuguese.
Which one of you sick fucks posted pics of that swamp donkey?
Literally the greatest thread ever. Is OP a God?
Major Man's original theme was lit as fuck, but the German has it BTFO.
t. person speaking a language descended from scandinavia
I believe it. Everything I've seen of Europeans tells me that they are soft sissies who are too terrified of losing social acceptance and indoor plumbing to risk war against those invading their countries.
Hell, even when they were warriors and didn't have Jews holding them down they still lost large swaths of lands to Islamic invaders. For centuries, no less.They definitely don't stand a chance now.
Sure you will.
get the fuck off the internet.
Try it
Nice user
Fuck off degenerate
I only have a couple Episodes left and it is fucking brilliant. I'm not a christcuck, but I would consider it if the Pope were as based as Pics XIII
Spoiler that shit you filthy degenerate.
These threads, as much as I love a good webm, are a cancer because you can't double post those delicious maaterials as threads themselves tend to stay for weeks.
underrated post.
why'd you lower the pitch on goslings voice?
I know it's a webm thread but have some shitty OC
I unironically think this is the best webm Holla Forums has produced.
pleased to see one of my posts make it too
A pity it's not full version, had to cut it a little for 12MB criteria. Here's fullver. for anons
https:// a.pomf.cat/ohjbow.webm
Any body got that webm that is this but with Katy Pert's Et
What's this from?
I use to watch this vid all the time it very soothing. Glad to see someone made a webm
Something small to lighten up the mood.
Kek wills it.
Are the mods a sleep or just retarded?
Just post a link.
Every time I see this interview it's like watching ballet. King was so on his god damn toes, right down to the "Greece isn't a country of immigrants" gotcha type question. Just beautiful.
You still can post them, just post a small image with them, as in under 100 kb small.
Talk about a succubus
So that's what those guys with single dot pics in posts were doing. Ya learn everyday
this has to be my favorite. i grew up with my dad listening to paul harvey and i love his voice
Very true, and what it sounds like is that he'd just anathamize the entire East because they're not the West.
Among this and that comic that the guy posted a while back, Portuguese faggots seem like they have a decent sense of humor.
classic. tippety top
also, check em
Start Pooing in the Loo, GODDAMMIT!!!
Anyone know the story behind this? pcp?
Don't do drugs, that's the story.
Looks like weed to me, dude just had a bad reaction.
Fuck, this gave me a boner.
yeeeahhh…marijuana doesn't make people go insane like that, especially in that short amount of time. Clearly, the guy and the girl were both experiencing something definately more than just a weed high.
no specific reason, I liked how it sounded. I can upload one with regular pitch.
It works pretty well like that. I was just wondering why, perhaps if it was done to obscure where it's from
What a great dub.
are you 12, or just that dumb?
Look at the map, Palmyra sits on one of the main roads connecting the Euphrates basin (isis territory) to the Homs-Damacus heartland.
How do they know so fast??
Not all men are like that, and thank god not all women are like you.
A world where all women were like you would be one where noone would have peace, love, tranquility, harmony, or fun.
Well, maybe fun, since everyone would think hurting and attacking other people and fighting like a spoiled schoolboy brat is fun.
24/7 misandric hate.
Why not just knock up some nip so you can increase Japan's birthrates and enrich their gene pool with a superior white genes and then settle for a white woman?
Not really. Fleeing from actual imminent death is different from seeking welfare. They would be more productive than the actual citizens too.
We shall once again roll the panzers to another fight.
Is EE any good?
Agree with this.
It also looks like they're going to gut social security
Wait, what the fuck does this even mean? Women wear makeup because it makes them feel hopeful? Women don't take vitamins?
marsh pe redit cu comentul tau copy-paste de pe reddit
Do it
The CIA has a muslim commie as boss and is likely related to JFK assassination. They are dangerous as fuck
The "I voted for Trump but" trolls should be gassed.
That's all there is.
CTR, shills and leftypol aren't trolls, user. Trolls want "lulz". These cucks want self-destruction.
He is, that's why he's hiring from the private sector
Lol, too bad he'd need to deliver his press conferences via seance.
He's old as hell and lost the primary to one of the least personable candidates in recent memory.
Fresh from /a/.
fuck okay ill bite is this sam hyde guy red pilled?
is he cool should i watch his tv show
you guys wont shut up about him
It does, the country was at its most capitalist at the start point of that chart.
of been triggered much lately?
And you call ppl fags too. Yeah you're full of shit.
thanks idupes
Since all fags are irreligious degenerates, lets use the whole argument of evolution against them. The whole point of evolution is to inherit traits and characteristics that make you survive for longer and reproduce. Because degenerate faggots cannot reproduce naturally, homosexuality is not natural and it can also be seen as a mental illness because it attracts a person to the same sex which makes them unable to reproduce. It also can be seen as a physical disability because of that reason. It also goes against evolution because of the high risk of getting aids from degenerate faggot acts.
Depends on the country you live in. Historically Russia has been universally hated because of their aggressive and expansionist history. More recently Germany because of the world wars. UK has been see as the Island jew nation that only looks out for it's own interest.
also i like asian people
honor to you my friend.
I think everyone here want to kill jews and other parasites but of course they wont give out their comfortable lives
if things get too shitty white people WILL snap
We have the electoral college because it was decided that plebs cannot properly think for themselves.
Deal with it.
Show me a populist movement in the west that has concentrated on ethnicity and succeeded in getting elected.
Socialista morena?
And it was Not released by the CIA.
That's just rude and inconsiderate. Niggers are just born ugly.
watanisy @watanisy 9 min
#SAA recaptured Jabal Hayyal and things improved much / Palmyra
The elite aren't letting him be president, they're trying their best to stop him. Didn't you see the CIA claiming that the only reason trump one was because the "russian hacking" influencing the US election?
Hyper sexuality causes problems when humans are righfully hyper territorial alpha predators. Christians took "chastity" to the extreme being ideological puritans which is wrong headed but is founded in some semblances of truth.
my socks have more character than the nutso who made that poster
Somewhat, *portugalfag here* it really depends most portuguese have a nice enough humor, then you have the mainstream humor which is utter shit, and the dark humor, which is pretty great given that we in general dont fall for the PC shit and have jokes about having sex with retarded orphans and no one bats an eyelid.
Whites are a well rounded race, and have fostered the growth of modern civilization.
Asians, while intelligent, failed to reach the same capacity of Europeans.
Jews are living proof that eugenics work.
Western Europe and North America (without Mexico)
Serious question - why should I care about the Jews? Even if they do control everything or what ever else it is that the people who push this believe, I don't see why I should care.
Like, I totally get why I should care about black crimes rates or MGTOW shit about women, even if I disagree with it (because that knowledge changes how I act around these commonly occurring groups), but I've never understood why I should care about the Jews. What have I missed?
Good luck causing a tsunami with a nuke.
That's pretty much how it is for EEs, at least in America.
There is a lot of clear subversion going on. This is just you being a paranoid tard.
Even though AF-1 has an escape plane for the president, i'll bet you it doesn't have gold-plated sides.
Feminism is Jewish
Feminists by Ethnicity
Feminists by Religion
List of Jewish Feminists
Absolutely correct.
Mexican tripping weed
Look. We all knew Trump was going to cuck Romney. It's what any of us would've done.
how many men have stuck their cocks in his fat arsed hobbit
That many
fuck off
Stolen/missing nukes are stored there
Aren't there some semi-redpilled rappers that are /hisguys/ who will try and redpill him now that he's out?
Trump will never be the nominee.
Trump will never win the election.
Walmart, mcdonalds, being obese and waving the stars and stripes?
I love banner bumps.
Sounds like he would fit in well on Holla Forums
I think the second webm is from Holla Forums.
Hey, are people linking to Holla Forums now? We've got like 400 more unique ips on Holla Forums than a week ago. We're gonna be ok right?
Some folks link to Holla Forums. Some of it is VPNs. Some of it is TOR.
The longer any site stays active, the more people will show up. It's just how it goes. Calm yourself.
Not a webm, but hopefully it'll put you in the christmas mood.
r/ing a webm from maybe two years ago or so of an indie film about Hitler. It wasn't the REICH friends parody or any other tv intro parody; it was a trailer.
are you talking about TGSNT?
Just kill everyone south of the border. There's no saving them.
Made this a week or two ago. How's my heebspeech?
Holy shit, I'm dying.. 10/10 Heebspeak. Well done, dude.
Slavic subhumans with your retarded cross.
when this place gets religious, its way better than /christian/
I don't get it,,,,
Daily reminder that the abomination in the third webm has 3 kids.
Excuse me, EIGHT kids.
Not to burst your bubble user, but the cows probably came closer because that is how she calls them when she goes out to feed them.
This stuff makes me sick to my stomach, I just watched the no-sound version and now my night is ruined
Rape is a cowards act, plain and simple People instinctively know that, too, which is why the mainstream tries to convince us that vikings were rapists (rape was illegal in medieval Norse culture)
I love this guy
Pastor Anderson is going all out huh
Hahah nope. She was high as balls, he was all up on something else….
What the fuck is this? Some liberal disinfo posting stupid shit so they can "show how fucked up 8chains is"?
Either some incredibly strong weed, or some salvia. Most likely the latter.
good goy farage
I bet people who watch The Man in the High Castle or so ridiculously confused by it. The nahtsees say honestly sensible things and are supposed to be thought of as
and they further betray the writing by shoehorning mindless violence because muh hologramcaust.
was indiana actually the first state?
First to be called, yes.
so proud
hoosiers whooped ass twice this election
What movie is that speech from?
Was looking for the second one.
Name of memesong?
Tendy shit was reddit tier from day 1
Do you realize that all 3 actors in the "Star Trek" picture are Jews?
Do you realize that Jews derive a sexual thrill from dressing in WW2 German military uniforms?
Do you realize that Star Trek's purpose was the promotion of Cultural Marxist values to a new generation?
I don't like the Asian version as much.
Nope, I knew someone who got like this from smoking that crap. It wasn't like that at the start, but it got progressively worse.
It is Salvia divinorum.
The man survived with minor injuries.
Varg please.
Don't speak about drugs when you haven't even done them.
Star Trek caused controversy in 1960s America by having a black actress in a major role, for the creators though, this made them want to take things even further, with Capt. Kirk and Lt. Uhura sharing the first interracial kiss on screen.
Think of all the Gamer Gaters who are also fans of Star Trek. The cringe is palpable. They don't understand the subversion because – until it affected their hobby – they considered Cultural Marxism a "conspiracy theory" and rejected with scorn, right wingers.
Song source?
There must be some very, very crafty and underhanded manipulation going on in The Man in the High Castle for this to have passed.
Based Cumia
Healthy and functional?
Hard to believe this is only just a "thing."
Creativity really isn't that common after all.
By the way, he should use a rail gun or convert to .22 to better handle recoil.
Imagine: what could be accomplished with a team of autists and a few million in research funding?
Don't want to blow my own trumpet but I became obsessed about making one of these around two decades ago.
At the time there weren't any quad rotors, so petrol RC helicopter was the next best thing.
Never did it, for two reasons.
No money because of NEET lifestyle.
Extreme social phobia meant that I couldn't enter the shops to buy the parts (which is the cause of the previous point.)
I have other ideas that no one has come out with publicly but still I have no money to fund them.
These ideas aren't just passing thoughts. I lie awake at night refining and designing in my head. Eventually someone will develop it and claim the glory, such is life, what to do.
I'm old already but maybe there's still time if I could only shake the black dog.
Video related: gives you hope that it isn't too late.
Some say she's still sucking him to this very day
Wew lads, we've got some sluggers on our side, don't we?
What is this from?
Raping an adult woman isn't that easy, they don't just assume a willing female position after the first punch, there is a reason niggers and muslims do it in packs.
Stop posting this embarrassing MGTOW fantasy.
Who is this semen demon this rustler of jimmies
Fuck off.
go back to halfchan degenerate.
What the hell is this?
LOL. Only a little manlet faggot would claim its too physically difficult for a grown man to rape a woman.
Does anyone have the webm of… it's basically hitler giving a speech with music but in the end he says "amen" I saw it and thought I saved it, never to see it again.
10,000 White women are raped almost every year by non-whites, that's nationally almost 30 a day
Add to that the non-white women raped by non-white men and the number is almost twice as high.
What kind of a weak manlet are you?
Go ahead then faggots, go to your nearest ghetto and punch some bitch in the face, i am sure she will imminently crumble to the ground in a submissive manner and just whimper while you fuck her.
Nobody rapes sub-human nigger guerrilla's you dumb fuck. They rape white, human beings. You know, like the kind of woman you wish you had been born to. Nobody rapes 300 lbs niggers like your mother.
It's over 30,000 White women raped by specifically niggers in the USA alone yearly. That's more than one every 20 minutes.
I have no Source.
So i went from a manlet to a fat nigger is one post ? lol.
What are you be so frustrated about anyway ?
Yeah and they they are either are mudshark junkies too high to do anything, threatened at gun point, knocked unconscious or are already dead.
Try to rape someone in the same way the actors do it in these porn rape fantasies and what you will get is a woman screaming at the top of her lungs for help, not a whimpering defeated animal secretively enjoying the dicking.
banner bumpers are mostly a >>>Holla Forums thing that's why most of the stuff showed is videogame related , you must put >>>Holla Forums related imagery in it if you want to make it Holla Forums related ; until then keep that shit on >>>Holla Forums you retards
very very tremendously tremendously fresh OC, bulieve me.
WTF? He's way too old to have that kind of reaction.
oh fug!
He's got blubber estrogen. Probably twisted one of his ankles or something.
i live in regina
It's from The Young Pope, which is a TV series. I've only seen a few episodes, but I am pleasantly surprised by the main thrust of things so far despite a few strange absurdist scenes and some ham-fisted stuff to show how unconventional the new Pope is.
I'm sure it will end up with him turning into a faggot lover who presides over tranny weddings in the Sistine Chapel, but up until this point, it has been a pleasure to see some traditionalism from a charismatic TV protagonist who is played by a leading man type actor. He's even opposed by a weaselly spiritual Semite of a liberal Cardinal and the major "conservative" Cardinal tries to pull the muh PR line on him about abortion policy only to be ignored.
Gotta have one or two representatives from the majority catholic shitskin countries, eyy?
Holla Forums told me Christianity is racialist and only allow whites though.
Every Christian world-wide is white and natsoc, the others are pretend-christians and everyone everywhere agrees on this.
Is there anywhere to watch colbert's entire election night charade? I can't find it anywhere.
Holla Forumsacks will also tell you Paganism is white. which is wrong
Where have you been?
Does anyone have the Russian guy singing in a bomber hat with all kinds of military stuff in the song and he breaths fire and stuff?
These are just Christian apostates, just like the atheists, they create a bogus identity that just revolve around the fact they are not Christian anymore.
It's a little pozzed but My Dinner With Andre is such a next level movie.
Thanks for posting pretty profound. Never knew it was on such a scale.
Mien nigger! Bill Hicks fucking rules!
hmm? What's his name? I think the music is really catchy.
Anyone got the source?
Webm unrelated
Cows graze, dumbass. You don't need to feed them.
Excellent video. This needs to be in every webm thread.
I wanted to watch the mike pence webm with the electronic music where it lists all the electro shock therapy nicknames. Problem is I forgot what thread it was in. Can someone post it or link it?
God bless this white race
just found out that both the Cimbri and the Teutons were from Jutland.
Pretty cool. That's where I live.
This year some amateur archeologists found around 1 Kg of gold treasures from the viking age in a very small field here in Jutland. It could be the biggest treasure found in the whole of scandinavia.
These muhfuckers were so rich that it's unbelievable.
Ok, now this is my little theory:
They were master merchants, the people of Jutland and Denmark in general. This is why I think it is called Jutland. If you pronounce it in german it is Jewland and in danish Jylland.
The people of Jylland is called Jyder in danish, which is very very closely pronounced to the word Jøder which mean Jews.
Denmark or Danmark as we call it means land/field of Dan.
Could be decendants of "Dan" one of the lost tribes of israel who traveled north.
The lost tribes were nothing like the jews that we know today if I understand it correctly.
I stumbled upon this info and connected some dots together. I have not done any research into it.
If anyone got more info on the subject, or if you can debunk it, please let me know.
Fantastic, I love him. What a great man. I think I'm going to re-watch his videos.
thas very sad man, very morbid thing to save
the nazi party
The fuck, is this real?
Lost danegeld maybe?
Rudyard Kipling
It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation To call upon a neighbour and to say: --"We invaded you last night--we are quite prepared to fight, Unless you pay us cash to go away."And that is called asking for Dane-geld, And the people who ask it explainThat you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld And then you'll get rid of the Dane!It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation, To puff and look important and to say: --"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you. We will therefore pay you cash to go away."And that is called paying the Dane-geld; But we've proved it again and again,That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld You never get rid of the Dane.It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation, For fear they should succumb and go astray;So when you are requested to pay up or be molested, You will find it better policy to say: --"We never pay any-one Dane-geld, No matter how trifling the cost;For the end of that game is oppression and shame, And the nation that pays it is lost!"
Didn't they, more so, rise to power by concentrating on fixing the terrible economic problems of the time and a bright future?
yes, by coming together as a people bound by blood instead of separated by class
wasn't the previous pope pretty based then? he seemed more like a hardliner but i guess they forced him to step down to be replaced with the current marxist pos
Yes. They also make fun of sonic autists.
raw audio version
FYI try playing this on your headphones when jogging/exercising.
Just want to showcase what leftists have been up to since Trump has been president. Their failed attempts at replicating our memes is disgraceful.
Absolute gold, Sonic cartoons have finally become self aware.
He appointed exactly zero donors from his campaign unless you count Mrs Linda, who has been his friend since Wrestlemania 10
Reminder that the guy from Ghetto Gaggers is a jew
I generally stay away from any newer media output but Pius XII looks pretty interesting. Will have to keep it in mind.
The meanieporn webm pisses me off. Call it white knighting, but seeing those chicks getting treated like that and breaking down makes me feel sick, and angry.
Holy shit.
last 3 seconds right side over the trees ???
what the fuck happened to this pathetic Island, they don't even have anywhere near as many jews as the US and yet they are more cucked than 8 years of Hillary
I can't tell if they are playing this straight, or trying to make fun of people on the right.
Son of a whore
Basically Trad-porn tbh
Are you really crying
what the fuck dude, non-ironically kill yourself
(((they))) don't realize how apt that is
Here you go.
AKA "The Nigger Special"
the internet
fucking lurk moar
kek, those Slavic-esque, Moors-Roman Noses are similar to kike nose, but the hook is patently absent.
i've thought about converting from Catholicism to Orthrodox, how different are they? I just know minor ones
kek pot is not the same thing as drugs that induce schizophrenic episodes like salvia
Pretty much a Mongol mate; en.wikipedia.org
literal cuckold
that's pretty cool
Because all of those things are exacerbated or partially caused by the chosen. Also, your being stolen from and your country is being flooded with more of the problem.
Your post is like saying
hnnng source
double supermegacuck
what comic?
only comic I recall being mentioned on Holla Forums recently is this:
it's a fucking fly flying near the camera
have you never been around farm animals before?
who is that semen demon and why is the arab looking guy the smart one in that piece of liberal propaganda?
>"When I call a guy a guy!"
Even your common variety manlet significantly trumps your average lady cop for strength. Do you have brittle bone disease or something?
Why don't these fucking morons EVER learn from all the other women out there?
Of course.
does anyone know what kind of material this is? Been looking for something similar for knivethrowing
That set is from facial abuse. They only pick the clapped out bottom of the barrel by design, these women are worthless used goods and trash genetics, fit only to be used up and tossed aside like a spent torch.
It is the world you live in.
Wow thats pretty good who did that?
Yes, probably lost Dane-geld.
They think it was dug down in the 900's.
No, fuck off with that "Europeans are Jews!" bullshit.
Awesome animation
Thank you.
Yeah, the "lost tribes" myth and freemasonry are the two biggest ways they get shabbos.
This is some nigger-tier animal harassment right here.
Not to be the RIDF, but holy shit that Putin clip, that's like the opposite of American politics.
I really hope whoever gets power after Putin is as based as him. He seems to have near-absolute power, and though I've yet to really see it from him, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The dilemma of the despot:
do you relinquish control for a more democratic form of government or do you keep control out of fear that another despot will wreck your nation?
Baffometi, it's a group on vk, russian facebook, where you share gore videos with catchy music.
Is there a name for that second video? I know there's more but I forgot where they're located.
If you lived only for God as Pius XIII would want, you would be able to endure any papacy.
Just consider it penance.
The brits got wrecked with a 50cal barrel
Ben "Kill niggers in droves of ten" Garrison
Jonna Jinton on yudentube
fucking lel
Insulation foam. The sell the stuff in giant sheets at hardware stores.
What movie?
unsere mutter, unsere vater perhaps?
I remember before donald trump won I would watch this and think "Yeah, I'm probably gonna be watching this on my laptop and be like "internet, Holla Forums, good times :,(" after society collapsed".
according to ynglinga saga danes are descended from an exiled svear king called Dan the arrogant who founded the nordid tribe of Dans lands
I usually love these but the text for vader is going way too fast, its impossible to understand what hes saying
fucking koreans
She died with her body shielding her child from death. She fulfilled her purpose in life more fully than most people ever will.
Fucking love his character
He's right about blogs being shit though
He is Romanian.
So, basically Arab.
oh boy…
Why didn't he just crouch and press the action button?
Don't watch this.
That is fucked up.
It's sloppy for sure, I usually slow his voice about 1% but in that one I just left it at the original speed. Piecing together sentences certainly doesn't help it's clarity either and I've got him just saying too much shit in too short of a time.
I will never not enjoy the second webm
My uncontrollable laughter is valid? Thanks fag, already knew that.
Pretty neat, saved.
Context here? What is this a rejection of?
Women don't agree with you which is why they are helping rapist get in eurape.
straight from wiki
sounds like my kind of nigga
Anyone know where I can watch this show? I don't have netflix
wew lad
It's a tv series called Generation war.
fuck the Maltese accent is an odd one
its like a boneless Greek one with a sliver of turk/arab hidden in the accentuates
well I learned what the German for 'Dear' is today
I got you user.
Does anyone have some quality German marsh music? Doesn't matter if it's old classics or remade deathsquad style.
Does anyone have some quality German march music? Doesn't matter if it's old classics or remade deathsquad style.
I miss Mike "putting the amp in straight camp" Pence
What I loe is the fact that…after they started, a few other men join in, and the beauty of it grows. What a better image for how men create community, society, harmony through a common focus, a song and faith? Indeed, this is haunting and exalts that something we cannot see in us, be it called the soul or with other terms.
I had the displeasue to see them in London…
No surprise there
Thanks user
He is actually saying "Very Honourable"
Jews infiltrated our government and general power structure in the early 1800's so we had a head start on you in that regard. But yeah, things are absolutely fucked here.
that second video is CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED>>8495203
i think it's from a movie named "riot" but i'm not sure
I knew someone like that too that went from straight to blowjobs to diapers to pissing in diapers to other people pissing and shitting in his diaper as he wore it to me shitting down his throat baked to hell on dabs while he licked out my shitring. Fuck the herbal jew, and that's from an experienced psychonaut.
Kek I could listen to that accent all day long.
Every time he spoke I imagined a goofy pipe smoking wizard a la sword in the stone Merlin
what the fuck man
Thank you
I love you user
Tried cutting the filesize by lowering the audio bitrate and converting to mono.
Fresh out the oven!
New sam hyde stand up calling for neo-kkk and bombing Germans.
Any good ISIS webms to share?
song sauce?
That handgun looks like a KelTec PMR30, so pretty much already a .22mag.
thanks for webming that 2nd vid, its one of mister-tiredeyes' best exposes
Top kek.
I can't wait for the Ben Garrison anime.
You'd better not be my brother.. You have mouths to feed nigger, get back to work.
Thao Nguyen Xanh
According to siri
So that's what JonTron is like behind the scenes.
I kek'd hard, mate.
Riot (2012)
These Motherfuckers
Also, pretty sure those cows do not belong to her.
She described them in the original youtube as "the village cows".
Here's another one.
src: youtube.com/watch?v=6fglBL7eQIA
This girl in nature = top-tier nordic aesthetics.
Ok, one more. Don't tell Jonna but she is making fantastic propaganda.
I'm so fucking sick of these kinds of videos. What tripe. Who the hell do these people think they are?
Suck my dick. I already did vote my conscience. Even after they lose they're so unbearably self righteous.
Everyone loves a democratic system until they lose.
I wonder who's behind that post…
pick two
Thanks to a kind soul on Holla Forums I was able to get this webm
I see nothing wrong with the sinead girl?
Nevermind: imdb.com
And here is the whole thing:
Not webm but whatever
She's a jew.
That's shit. No Farage, no Assad.
Not that I can tell from the videos.
I made this webm but it's too big to upload to 8ch.
Remember the world trade center art project?
Filthy Frank has good moments but he is a fucking degenerate.
The subtitles are a lie. He says:
There are two Jews in my closet. They're both dead.
this ends way to fucking soon.
We could do way better, but we don't.
Ubermensch af.
/r/ing that Russian music video where a man who died in Checnya walks around current year Moscow, looking dejected AF, only to find his daughter smoking with shitskin degenerates
Full video link please.
This is one of my favorites, reminds me of my childhood
Not even sure what to check, kek is with us truly.
thats so adorable. he's a great dad too.
Well I guess I was pretty excited when Trump won the election but I still wasn't shaking.
that's what blows my mind. I wonder how many of these are violent forced actual rapes. There is no way I could beat a woman into submission and still have a hard dick to fuck with. The amount of black on white rapes (with almost no white on black rapes) proves beyond a reasonable doubt that they are another species.
I guess old timers knew segregation was only a temporary solution to niggers…if only they had figured out a way for an incentive for niggers to willingly go back to Africa, everyone would be happy (except the starving decedents of said niggers of course) and America would still be amazing.
I think there is still a way. I think George Lincoln Rockwell was right, there is STILL a way to get niggers to remove themselves, most of them anyway.
The line at the beginning of the Colbert video is ripped right off from Transmetropolitan.
What's the name of the bald fuck?
Would drink strong coffee with/10
tried to look up that artist.
top kek, jewogle's algorithms are such shit. and almost everything turns up porn (even with safe search on)
fuck off jew
Ever since I learned about Father Coughlin in high school I've been under the impression that National Socialism would really only bear fruit in America as a sort of Coughlinism.
Is that a 20mm AT rifle? Was expecting a lot more kick.
actually got a few minor keks out of that one
Jews are wildly dysgenic.
no, I believe it's an old russian 12.7mm AT rifle. PTRS-41. Meme gun in WWII video games but actually wildly ineffective at its intended role.
story behind this one?
Got sauce on that tune?
before any other faggots ask for the sauce on the song I will. sauce plz
Unfortunately, /christian/ has a lot of kiddies, like nu/pol/ here.
I think he killed the chechen terrorists in hideout post.
How can this nigga dan carlin not see what was about to happen in this election. REALLY? I would of thought someone with his grasp of history had known all along.
If you can't see the diference between the video you posted and the clip from the movie posted before i don't know what to tell you.
The Young Pope is a TV show of great scenes, does anyone else have any more?
A nice song about Bobby Fischer
fucking juden press, playing that goofy music to try and make him sound crazy. These people are so predictable and obvious
Let's run down the list, shall we?
>jew who hasn't been a thing since ER
>Oh my sweet baby corn…is that Loretta fucking Swit? What the hell's with the M*A*S*H zombies?!
Holy fuck. That was damned inspirational, lads. I mean, if I was an electoral voter, I'd certainly be praying to my velvet oil painting of a decrepit Alan Alda for guidance.
inb4 jews get kicked out of israel too.
I watched it looking at every faggot individually.
his grandchildren are jews, he's rich in america, he definitely loves jews
fucking bigots
Right on, my fellow white nationalist! Let's sit around and wait for Magic Hitler!
Good shit
Fuckin' saved.
there's also a bite za dusto remix.
It's fake, you fucking nigger.
Fresh webm comin' through!
Values are just feelings you think are right, so you just end up back where you were
Who is this paleo-shitposter?
As if gook men weren't effeminate enough. Who the fuck is the target audience for this shit?
Too bad. They were so close to having a good demographic representation of future extermination camp inmates.
wife material
Virtue Signaling Hipsters, it's not hard to imagine some effimate Hipster talking about some "awesome great all female [Enter generic worhtless art performance]" he's seen, it's all a game of "more progressiv than thou!"
Top Kek
When will you guys learn?
Not the previous one, but John Paul II was super based. Go read his wikipedia page or something. He arose from the fires of Nazi/Soviet controlled Poland, and greatly modernized the faith while maintaining old values. It's cucks like Benedict and Francis who fucked the Catholics over
t. A devote Protestant who recognizes the significant objective good in the church - if only they'd seize it
You didn't need to say you were Protestant.
mitch murder - hollywood heights
High quality
best part of that whole webm
mfw the siege of minas tirith was literally based on the siege of Vienna
Muh first Webm. Bernie is my comdae
Twenty years if it's a private conference, shooting squad if it's a public conference. Next degenerate, please.
Fuck off back to leftypol
This type of video is what redpills normalfags. It doesn't throw around buzzwords, it doesn't talk itself into loops. It just presents cold hard facts, quickly, concisely, cogently.
Learn from this, my friends.
lol be aware that loosing your job because antifa tells your boss that you are an "ebil nasi" is kinda a bummer for people who arent neets
That's white supremacist and known school shooter Sam Hyde.
Goddamnit I would love to sit with those faggots and BTFO out of them. You can usually throw them off with a simple "Why?". This makes them have to back up their claim with facts, but obviously the only things they have going for them are emotional non-arguments "oy vey Trump winning the presidency is just as bad as the Civil War and 9/11! Oy gevalt!", abused trust "They have what's best for us at heart", and social pressuring "fit in, goy" I even want to go to college just to prove all the teachers wrong and show the students how fucked everything is and how faggy and dependent on other people's opinions they are. Great Teacher Onizuka style. I'd join the debate team and BTFO the debaters too. Under a Trump presidency, if they tried to expel me I could probably sue if they tried to expel me for having a different viewpoint and violating the 1st amendment. Too bad I'm too broke to afford college. Is there any way around this? I want to fight the poz first-hand.
Convert to Judaism and declare yourself trans. Boom, instant scholarship. It would also help if you are a woman or a nigger or a spic.
could someone edit the last 10 seconds of the first webm for a "this kills the Holla Forums" style webm?
Stop being such a lazy faggot and acquire a skill. Contribute to the cause or lurk this is not a request board. kek helps those who help themselves.
good god, he was completely caught off guard, I'd feel bad for him if I didn't also want to see him swinging from a lamppost.
How come one guy got a tiny little hole in his head, while the other dude's head exploded? different rounds? was the first one a slug and the third buckshot?
the only way this could be more slav is if any of them squatted
I have plenty of skills and trades, video editing is beyond my purview
also, nice job ignoring my dubs nigger, kek shall not be pleased
Railguns need a shitload of electricity so you cant really put them on a drone.
Webm of why "cc" faggots need to die.
Absolutely pozzed, mudrace Frenchman takes a German sounding name and sound, plays the whites are evil conquerors card while looking like an arab and works on a Kanye West song "Black Skinhead".
Sweet Lord user, do you have a source on that video or the name of the dark haired girl. She is absolutely perfect.
There is no way this shit actually happened.
Yeah, those centuries of colonialism where we controlled almost the entire earth, including most of the Muslim world never happened.
Hot. Would only be hotter if she was sucking a white guy.
pretty great, but using a spanish sub opening seems weird for Trump no kimyou na bouken, when his stand is "the wall". It should be eng sub or no sub tbh.
oops wrong one
Can someone ban the people posting all this gore, porn and animal torture?
Dog fags are the same as cat ladies, stop being retarded.
Welcome to reality and redpills buddy
I'm sure seeing gore toughens you up for the real deal, yep, truly a redpill savage day of the rope when.
I don't like seeing Gore, Porn and Animal torture either but as far as I remember these things have always been a part of the chanculture. But not just because it's allowed, it's more or less a crucial part, it's an immune system to keep unfit normies of the board. Regardless of your aversion to gore, if a short glimpse of it triggers you so hard that you cry for hotpockets you probably don't belong here.
The first step is to accept that the world is not all rainbows and sunshine. Once you have accepted that you are able to look at and process other information in a different way.
Any French-speaking anons know the name of this song?
Chumlee has reached a new low
Yep, those are the people who've been pouring into the United States by the millions for the past 25 years. Pretty ugly shit isn't it? That clip should be running at the top of the hour on every network.
What happened to his head?
Alizée - Ce Qui Tue L'amour
Not sure how to webm.
Could be useful archive material, and its subtle enough to be casually presented to leftists.
I liked this vid a lot for some reason. Basically the Holla Forums pill summarized in 6 minutes.
Does it mean I am dead inside if I can watch this and not have any level of emotional response other than disgust for all arabs? I can't stand to watch any animal gore at all. I assume it is because I am White but how do other anons feel?
If lefties were good at maymays they could turn "nipples protruding" and turn it into a badge of honor.
that fucking filename. my sides are gone
They might as well not have since you weak willed faggots just let all of those places go to hell because you wanted to be progressive.
Who is this semen demon?
I got this great qt whispering Sieg Heil, but the file did not capture sound for some reason. Now the tweet I got from is deleted. How do find the original?
What is that from?
sieg heil
Post webms you faggots
ayy TRS
Are you ready for it to be Christmas all the time?
yo what the fuck
kek'd hard
Pretty fake, can tell the knife doesn't actually go in.
what the hell is this thing? at 1:09
Where's the old fart from? I'm a burger but his accent is kinda like the one some people have in my area.
checked. It's good to not be totally immune, but make sure you can at least handle animals dying and stuff. It's surprising how similar animals act to humans and you don't want to be too weak for the RWDS, they won't all be visibly subhuman. You should at least be able to kill and butcher animals without any disgust.
a tad bit gay there lad but good laughs
nigger nigs a bus, female cop incompetent as fuck, male cop unloads on his face point blank.
he dindu nuffin
I'm in love…
Did that dumb cunt shoot the driver?
stupid cunt pulled her gun before necessary, before she was willing to use it, put herself in a compromising situation, then had to be saved by her male partner. what a dumb fuckin bitch
Jesus Christ Mendax, that's for growing, not Faraday protection.
Dabs make me horny as fuck. I nearly picked up someone wife last week. Watch that shit and never mix.
Lads give me the webm that shows TRS to be a bunch of sodomites and trannies.
user, you have to be executed for the good of humanity. You know that, right?
Yeah, sorry, I don't trust a word that kikepedia says. You'll want to find a different source if it's really fake.
Mock sacrifice is all the jazz now faggot.
Was he doing anything worthy of being shot? All I can tell is that he's dicking with the fire extinguisher and grappled the lady cop.
He was trying to take her gun, they were wrestling over it
Is this the based nigger TRS talks about?
That was a situation that didn't need to end that way. That woman badly mishandled the situation.
go back to your uzbek-lead shithole of a forum and cry about muh trs with other muslims there
I know it's a nigger but that was horrific just to watch a mother do to herself.
That pregnant belly was becoming less round nearer to the end.
That part fucking with you is you caring about another human being no matter the race. That is what makes this horrible. The trash did it in a painful way to the unborn child instead of giving it up for adoption or raising the child into being something other than a drain on our economy.
gas yourself trs kike
source on the audio?
Thanks for making the webm completely useless.
my older brother has autism and is worse than this it is actually really sad. i would not wish a retarded child on anyone it is a tragedy.
I know PETA is a shameful group with many horrible practices, but damn if that isn't some powerful images. Man's best friend isn't and wasn't made for that.
In the end it did some good. No living specimen that wishes this sort of malice on itself or its own unborn child deserves to further exist.
I hope some mod get tired of your faggotry and your lot get mass banned just like it happened in TRS.
Metal Gear Solid V.
Russians do it too.
The whole PETA kills animals thing was started by the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, and cattle ranchers.
Euthanizing dogs and cats that can't get a home is a last resort and there's nothing wrong with it.
It's not just about that. I want to own a dog, they don't want that. I want to drink milk, they think its a racist drink. They use tits to promote their ads like FEMEN. They are basically socialists and green party activists with no restraint. I get you are into blood, soil, and stewardship, but PETA is the wrong horse to back.
Barney "Bitchtits" Frank
this is precious
Once a U.S. cop pulls their gun and you get physical with them that is what happens.
Nice pest control, except for the woman who shouldn't have been in uniform.
Colbert looks like he aged 15 years in the matter of a couple months
Days late but you're looking for Mitchel Royce
>>>Holla Forums
Part of it is likely intentional, he looked younger to appeal to fags in HS and college for his fake news show, now he looks older to appeal to baby boomers who STILL watch the Late show, because of Letterman.
I guess it helps if beating a defenseless woman is one of your turn-ons.
Very nice, my grandmother (b. 1905) told me stories of calling cows home and the farm life. I don't think she sang like that though.
Fair enough though I do like to think that Trump keeping them up ages them
That's a good huntin' buddy right there
They really didn't hold back on showing that last part, did they? I get that she wasn't completely nude, but still seems a bit over the top for a news station.
Do you have the other episodes
Well the most likely person to be drowning is a shitskin so would you rather save your dog or Ahmed
A very tiny portion. The current uniform crime reporting (UCR) definition used by the FBI is "Any unwanted penetration, no matter how slight."
State laws often do differentiate between forced rape and things like drunk sex (which is technically rape) its going to be around a 99 to 1 ratio.
The shit you see on TV where a random woman is dragging into an ally basically never happens (pic related)… well it's started happening in EU now that they have muzzies.
Even the 1000 "rapes" on New years in Cologne was actually only dozen real rapes.
Kill yourself. Niggers rape. A nigger raped a young BOY in broad fucking daylight, in a suburban area, not far from where I grew up in the usa. Literally ran up, grabbed the kid, tossed him into the drainage ditch, and jump
sovereign kikeizen pls go
song name? That was pretty relaxing
Lol, outing a single organization doesn't make what they did go away. It's like 1 out of 7 witnesses is a liar therefore the crime is fabricated or whatever. Which has nothing to do with what you linked.
Also why the fuck does the title says that when they say they euthanize them or even admitted that they do. Using euphemisms does not change meaning of the word at all. Like saying he did not die but he passed away. Effectively they didn't even debunk anything. All dat doublespeak tho.
Anyways for those who want practice this is a good article. Learn to speak like Jew.
Save and rewatch whenever you get that "they are just like us" feeling.
This webm pretty much sums up why we have to kill shitskins.
Nigger go be a faggot somewhere else
You're the faggot, dogs are our friends. Cows are walking bags of milk, meat and leather.
fresh OC.
New thread:
That's it, I'm renouncing my modern ways and going to live with them. Technology isn't fucking worth it. They go out into the world to be surrounded by temptations, useless distractions and niggers, and they keep it together and don't give a shit, all they can think of is how terrible our world is compared to their rural one. The worst part is that they're completely right.
I personally prefer the rural life, but that show is fake. Amish having never seen violence or theft is just as believable as the well-behaved niggers telling 'scared straight' stories.
Checked and Keked! Nice filename aswell!
Fuck you wimpy ass nigger, grow a fucking pair dogs are just animals
Bet you are a furfag
was I wrong to assume that when they said British boy, that I would see a white kid instead of a nigger?
I kek'd hard at this one, saved.
sadly, that is the full video
Thanks for the recommendation, after seeing that 'snack' scene I might just take a look.
here you go my man
/r/ maskettasong.webm.
Back to the oven with you
It's the fact that Chinese are savages, we don't beat the cows to death.
This isn't even bad. They are taking homeless dogs off the street - they do this in literally every country but in a more humane way, and they don't steal their skin.
I see no problem doing it to homeless dogs.
I see no problem with shooting a homeless person in the head who is not willing to work. (And has the ability to work)
reupload pls